
Lime-raspberry honey.

» Honey

Linden honey occupies a worthy place among all varieties of this product. It is distributed throughout Russia. It is used with pleasure because has high taste and has useful properties.

Once you have tried natural linden honey, you cannot confuse it with others. Therefore, you can easily identify a fake.

Along with it is considered a high-grade honey which ensures its popularity among all age categories. It is consumed with tea, water, milk and just in pure form.

Linden honey has a delicate minty flavor. The taste is pleasant, sometimes with bitterness, but this does not spoil its quality. After its use, a slight astringency and enveloping pleasant aftertaste remain in the mouth. Its light color does not interfere with having a bouquet of rich aromas.

It is pale yellow in color. Therefore, it is sometimes called white honey. Crystallizes four to six months after pumping, depending on storage conditions. After sugaring, its structure is coarse-grained, the color becomes almost white.

Ingredients: vitamins and minerals

Linden honey contains less fructose than honeydew honey. That's why diabetics can only take it after consulting a doctor. In its composition, it is similar to buckwheat:

Contains linden honey there are about three hundred minerals and trace elements.

The main micronutrients are:

  • Fluorine;
  • Manganese;
  • Zinc;
  • Nickel;
  • Chromium;
  • Copper and others.

Minerals are represented by salts:

  • Gland,
  • sodium;
  • Yoda;
  • Phosphorus;
  • calcium;

Availability essential amino acids(arginine, lysine, histidine, leucine and others) give this type of honey more value.

In its composition contains ascorbic acid(vitamin C), B vitamins, vitamin K and E, others.

Honey is high-calorie. 100 g of the product contains 300 kilocalories.

Useful properties and use for medicinal purposes

Linden honey is successfully used in diets, as well as at the entrance to therapeutic starvation and exit from it. To do this, it is diluted in warm, but not hot water. This variety it is useful to use after heavy loads, because its calorie content helps in as soon as possible restore strength. It is also recommended to eat it after injuries. and transferred operations.

Linden honey is also useful for a growing organism. It is eaten with pleasure and benefit with tea. In this case, it is recommended to first take a teaspoon of this sweetness, slowly swallow it, and after a while drink it with a portion of tea. It cannot be diluted in boiling water, since the physico-chemical structure of the product is violated. Because of this, they are lost beneficial features.

He helps against fatigue due to brain activity. The bee product calms the body, so it is useful to use it at night. More than 85% of this product goes directly into the blood, without the use of insulin for food processing.

Known for its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Recommended per day eat for an adult 100-110 g lime honey, children- 25-35 g. Honey, eaten on an empty stomach after drinking a glass of water, is especially useful.

Contraindications and harm

Like any other linden honey is recommended to be consumed in limited quantities. Those suffering from intolerance to bee products should not eat it. After analyzing the cause of the allergy, identifying its root and correcting the situation under the supervision of an experienced doctor, it is taken as food in small doses. For external use, the reaction of the skin is checked by applying honey to the back of the hand.

Contraindications : Do not give linden honey to children under three years old. In addition, diabetics can use it in moderate amount, determining the dose for yourself individually after consultation with the doctor. Relatively healthy person you can eat it, considering high calorie content of this variety.

About honey plant, useful properties of linden

Linden is the honey plant. This deciduous tree blooms profusely in June-July, depending on the natural and climatic conditions of growth. On my own linden blossom is useful for brewing and drinking tea from it. This indicates the content in the flowers a large number needed by the body substances. One can only imagine how much the utility multiplies bee product from this honey plant.

The weather for bees during the collection of nectar is preferable not hot, but not rainy either. In calm weather, we observe an amazingly beautiful picture of how hundreds of bees work around a linden tree, creating the music of a bee swarm.

Bees collect nectar from one honey plant to produce up to 15 kg of honey. From 1 hectare of plantings - about one ton.

Storage conditions

Why is honey stored under certain conditions? The answer to this question is simple: in order to preserve its useful properties longer. Indeed, at temperatures above 40 degrees and below 35 with a minus sign, they are lost.

Fresh, unsweetened honey is always better. Lime in this regard is "average". By six months after pumping, it crystallizes, even when ideal conditions storage. But this does not mean that candied honey is just sweet product on the table. It continues to contain nutrients. best temperature for storage in the first half of the year - in the mode of 14-18 degrees of heat, and after crystallization - 5-6 degrees with a plus sign.

Air humidity it is preferable to keep around 60%. Direct Sun rays negatively affect the structure of honey. Under such storage conditions, it retains its useful properties for one and a half to two years. During this time, you can enjoy plenty of its taste, and get a fresh delicacy.

If after six months the honey is not candied, then you have not purchased natural linden honey.

What are the main diseases treated?

Like all varieties of honey, linden helps with cough, bronchitis, other diseases of the pulmonary tract. For those who suffer from diseases gastrointestinal tract it will also be useful, since honey restores the intestinal microflora and heals wounds and sores. Therefore, with gastritis, it is also taken orally.

Normalization of metabolism, help with eye diseases, neurosis, diseased kidneys, heart and liver- for these cases, the use of linden honey will not be superfluous.

Linden honey has long been famous for its aroma, taste and beneficial properties. This is one of the favorite varieties of bee products lovers.

Colds always come at the wrong time. And everyone wants to get rid of unpleasant symptoms as soon as possible and return to normal life. In addition to traditional treatment, you can use methods to speed up recovery. traditional medicine, for example, honey with raspberries is very useful.

The healing properties of honey have been known for a long time. This product is popular for relieving the symptoms of respiratory illnesses.

What properties does honey have?

  • Immunostimulatory action. Thanks to its rich composition, it nourishes the body and helps fight infection.
  • Antiseptic action. Honey is a natural antibiotic and can have a detrimental effect on pathogens.
  • Anti-inflammatory action. Helps relieve unpleasant symptoms in the throat and nasopharynx.
  • Healing and regenerative action. Promotes the fastest recovery of damaged mucous membranes.
  • sedative action. Helps to soothe at high temperatures nervous system and relax.

This is far from full list amazing properties this product. But it is worth remembering that the treatment of a cold will be effective only with an integrated approach, using traditional medicine.


This juicy berry has not only pleasant taste, but is also a storehouse of vitamins and useful substances. Very often, raspberries are used to treat respiratory diseases. And this is well justified. After all, the berry contains a lot of vitamin C, which increases defensive forces body and helps it fight disease.

In addition, raspberry is a natural antipyretic. Possessing a diaphoretic effect, products from this berry effectively and gently relieve fever.

Raspberries can be used raw, the berries can be dried or made into jam, jam or jelly. In any form, a treat will be very useful for treating colds and flu.

Raspberry and honey

The very first remedy for a respiratory infection is tea with raspberries and honey. This tool has been tested for years and is really effective.

But in order to get the desired result from the treatment and not harm, you need to know how to properly prepare tea and when it can be consumed.


First of all, you need to know the contraindications for taking such a drink:

  • Allergic reaction to bee products or raspberries.
  • Children under 3 years old. Babies very often react with allergies to the above products. Therefore, if earlier child was not familiar with these products, it is not worth giving them during an illness.
  • Pregnancy and lactation. Despite the naturalness of the drink, there is still a risk of developing an allergy in a mother or baby. If you still decide on such a treatment, you need to start drinking a drink. in small portions and closely monitor the well-being and rashes on the skin.
  • Diabetes. Honey contains a large amount of simple carbohydrates, which can cause an increase in blood glucose.

Even if there has not been an allergic reaction to raspberries and honey before, during an illness it may occur due to weakened immunity and increased sensitivity of the body as a result of microbial exposure.


Delicious medicine can be prepared in several ways. And it can be used not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of infections, to strengthen the immune system.

  1. Fresh raspberries with honey. You can stock up on such a medicine for the future in the summer. To do this, 1 kg of berries must be carefully washed and thrown into a sieve. After that, grind the berries with 500 grams fresh honey. This mixture can be stored in the refrigerator for several months. The more honey you add, the longer the medicine will last. Use 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day after meals.
  2. Tea. take warm boiled water 200 ml and add 1 tsp. honey and 2 tbsp. l. mashed fresh raspberries or 1 tsp. raspberry jam. Drink a drink 5 times a day, 200 ml. If desired, water can be replaced with weak black, green or Herb tea and add a slice of lemon.
  3. Morse. Take 500 grams of fresh raspberries, you can quick freezing, or 100 grams dried berries and pour 1 liter of water. Bring to a boil and boil for 5 minutes. Cover with a lid for 30 minutes to cool. Drain the liquid and grind the berries on a sieve, mix the resulting puree with the broth. Add 3-4 tbsp. l. honey to taste. Ready honey juice to drink 200 ml 4 times a day.
  4. Vitamin blend. This tool is used to strengthen immunity in the autumn. Pass 1 large lemon through a meat grinder, grate 1 small ginger root on fine grater, 400 grams of raspberries beat in a blender with 300 milliliters of fresh honey. Mix everything and store in the refrigerator. Use in the morning for 1 tbsp. l.
  5. Spiced herbal tea. Take dry raspberries, linden leaves, raspberries and currants, mint, lemon peel, a little ginger and pour over hot water. Infuse for 30 minutes, strain, add honey to taste and drink 150 ml 3 times a day.
  6. Milk with honey and raspberries. This drink is good for soothing sore throat and relieves inflammation. For 1 glass of warm milk 1 tsp. Honey and 1 tsp. raspberry jam. Mix and drink 1 glass 2 times a day.

Using such simple and delicious remedies, you can get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of a cold as soon as possible.

Features of preparation and use

When preparing such simple, at first glance, recipes, mistakes are often made that affect the effectiveness of the prepared product:

  • Honey must be added to warm water and in no case in hot, especially not to boil. Under the influence high temperatures all useful properties are lost.
  • Honey must be good quality and fresh. Fake with the addition of sugar will not bring benefits and may even be harmful to health.
  • Under no circumstances should you drink hot tea or mors at elevated temperature. Such drinks will increase the fever. If you have a sore throat, you should also refuse burning drinks. The mucosa is already inflamed and will be even more damaged by a hot drink.
  • When you have a cold, you need to drink as much liquid as possible. Thus, intoxication will be removed, and the condition will improve faster. The drink must be warm. When using a large number of teas and fruit drinks, it is desirable to make them weakly concentrated.
  • To keep the drink warm for a long time, you can prepare it in a thermos.
  • It is very useful to freeze raspberries in the summer, you can even grind them with honey. Thus, vitamins will be preserved in the winter fresh berry for treatment.

Knowing the basic rules for the preparation and use of a natural drug, you can effectively and safely be treated at home.

Raspberry is a well-known berry in itself is very tasty, fragrant, has a rich vitamin composition and benefits human health. Harvested from the flowers of the forest or garden raspberry nectar, converted into honey, acquires many of the beneficial properties of the berry.

Raspberry flowers are preferred by bees to the detriment of many other honey plants. Insects can collect nectar from raspberry flowers even in rainy weather, as the structure of the flower allows it. The time for collecting nectar from raspberries falls on the first and second months of summer.

Raspberry honey is very nutritious, and this is explained by the fact that it contains two main types of sugars: levulose and glucose. It is estimated that from forest raspberries, on an area of ​​one hectare, bees can collect 70-100 kg of honey, and from garden raspberries - 50 kg.

Appearance of linden and raspberry honey

IN fresh lime-raspberry honey is pumped out of a light color with a golden hue. Its aroma is similar to that of a raspberry flower. The taste of raspberry honey is mild, without bitterness. Gradually, raspberry honey is subject to crystallization, while only the color and structure of the product will change. The color of honey after crystallization becomes cream. Taste properties and the quality will remain the same.

Immediately after pumping raspberry honey, you can notice its very soft structure - the honey just melts in your mouth. And it is very useful to use such honey if there are wounds in the mouth or symptoms of stomatitis.

Useful and healing properties of linden-raspberry honey

Most of the recipes of traditional medicine can not do without the presence of honey in them. So raspberry honey is in special demand. Drinking it in tandem with warm milk will ease the condition in the treatment of colds and respiratory organs, to calm the nerves. This drink can also be used as a prophylactic. Everyone knows that raspberries contain great content vitamin C, A, B, and therefore raspberry honey has a strengthening effect on human immunity.

Helps to cope with fatigue

Recovery of energy costs can be achieved by consuming raspberry honey regularly. The indication for this may be chronic fatigue, the effects of prolonged physical and mental stress. In addition, its mild effect on the nerve endings contributes to a sedative effect in case of nervousness.

Treats women's diseases

Raspberry honey has its own characteristics among monofloral varieties. It is considered to be a female variety, since raspberry look honey is one of the ingredients of traditional medicine recipes for women's ailments.

In the treatment of ulcers on the cervix, ovarian cysts, stomatitis and other inflammations of the mucous membranes, raspberry honey was used.

Raspberry honey cannot be called a common variety. Despite the fact that raspberry bushes grow in many regions, it rarely reaches consumers in its pure form. Therefore, if a person has such an opportunity to buy it, you need to do it without hesitation. Pleasure and great benefit from the use of raspberry honey will be noticeable.

In places where raspberries grow, modern beekeepers collect one of the most valuable varieties bee nectar- raspberry honey This variety is valued for its incredible aroma, texture and taste qualities. In addition, honey takes over many unique properties for which the berries of this useful plant and therefore deserves a more detailed discussion.

As you might guess, bees extract this honey nectar from garden and wild raspberry flowers. Moreover, cultivated plant varieties produce about 50 kg of product (due to the predominantly small size of plantings), and wild raspberries - up to 100 kg.

Blooming raspberry bushes sometimes attract winged workers more than other honey plants. Raspberries are valued by bees not only for their aroma, but also for the ability to “work” in any weather, including rainy ones. Raspberry flowers always “look” down, so in bad weather, pollen is not washed off by rain. In addition, the flower nectar secreted by raspberries to attract insects is formed at a low temperature, which also contributes to a good honey flow.

Raspberry honey has some differences from other monofloral honey varieties. It is characterized by a golden hue, liquid consistency, incredible aroma with raspberry notes. After about a month, the product may crystallize, changing color to cream.

This is a completely normal reaction, so there is no need to heat it. Cream honey with raspberries can also be consumed in crystallized form, since the product does not lose its unique properties. healing qualities. In liquid or thickened form, this fragrant nectar is stored for almost five years.

Raspberry honey: useful properties

Raspberry nectar contains optimal amount easily digestible carbohydrates, enzymes, mineral and vitamin ingredients, fruit acids, hormones, essential oils. The complex of trace elements allows you to compensate for the deficiency of calcium, silver, silicon and other elements.

Read also: Stone honey: features and useful properties

The healing qualities of this variety of honey are largely determined by the plant itself. Many probably remember how mother in childhood watered with a cold delicious tea With fragrant jam. Raspberries and honey from its flower nectar are equally excellent medicine with respiratory diseases and viral infections.

So, raspberry honey is used for ARVI, tonsillitis, inflammation of the larynx and pharynx. In this case, honey is dissolved in warm milk or add to slightly cooled herbal infusions specially designed for the treatment of infections of the nasopharynx.

In addition, raspberry honey is also used for other health problems:

  • Raspberry nectar is considered the "female" variety of the beekeeping variety, as it fights well with ulcers on the cervix, ovarian cysts, and thrush. In the latter case, it is even recommended to moisten the swab liquid honey and insert into the vagina.
  • With reduced immunity and a tendency to frequent colds, honey from raspberry flowers is used as a prophylactic. The immunostimulating effect is due to high content This bee product contains vitamins C, A and B.
  • Raspberry nectar has a sedative (soothing) effect, so a glass warm milk with a spoonful of honey relieves stress, depression, neurotic reactions, difficulty falling asleep.
  • Antiseptic qualities allow the use of raspberry honey for infectious lesions of the skin and mucous membranes. For example, with inflammation of the conjunctiva, it is recommended to make lotions from dissolved in distilled water raspberry honey.
  • There are also good reviews about the treatment of stomatitis with raspberry nectar dissolved in a decoction of chamomile flowers. To do this, pour 20 g of chamomile with boiling water, insist, let cool slightly and add 25 g of raspberry honey. The resulting "medicine" must be rinsed oral cavity 3-4 times a day.

Of course, raspberry honey is not a panacea for health problems. The product of beekeeping is best used as additional funds as part of a complex therapy developed by a qualified specialist.
