
Vegetable stew - recipe with photo. How to deliciously cook vegetable stew in a slow cooker, oven or pan

Salads - light, tasty and nutritious dish. On fasting days, salads can become the basis of nutrition and help to adequately withstand this test. Salads containing essential products food (fresh, canned or pickled vegetables), are good for breakfast and dinner, as well as as an addition to lunch.

For salads, you can use both fresh and boiled vegetables. On days not strict fast fish (boiled, salted, smoked or canned) can be added to salads. If fasting prohibits dressing salad with sour cream or mayonnaise, other dressings can be used for this purpose, such as vegetable oil, horseradish or mustard. You can flavor salads and all sorts of combined dressings.

If you decide to fast, try to use as much as possible of all kinds, carrots, beets, turnips, radishes, as well as onions, garlic and herbs. These vegetables, like pumpkin and zucchini, are available to each of us on winter days and will help diversify our diet at our own expense.

Fresh cabbage salads you can cook by modifying the composition of vegetables. I offer several options for such a salad (all salads are designed for 4-5 servings).

Required: 200 g of cabbage, 1 apple, 1 carrot, 1 onion, 150 g of sour cream (on days of strict fasting, it can be replaced with vegetable oil or salad dressing), pepper, vinegar, sugar and salt to taste.

Chop the cabbage, salt, add vinegar and heat, stirring, until it settles to the bottom. Drain the juice, add finely chopped or chopped carrots, onions and apples to the cabbage. Season with sugar, salt and pepper. Fill with sour cream.

Required: 200 g cabbage, 1-2 pickles, cucumber pickle, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil, sugar and salt to taste.

Shred cabbage and salt. Peel and grate the cucumber coarse grater. Mix, season with brine and vegetable oil, add sugar and salt to taste.

Required: 200 g of cabbage, 1 boiled beets, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vegetable oil, sugar, citric acid, salt to taste.

Salt finely chopped cabbage, squeeze and mix with chopped boiled beets. Add sugar diluted in water citric acid, fill with vegetable oil.

These are just a few salad options. Similarly, you can prepare salads with red cabbage or cauliflower, mixing it with beans, pumpkin or zucchini. Optionally, you can add to the salad and garlic.

Salads from sauerkraut in the days of fasting - a real find. By extinguishing the feeling of hunger, they will also allow the body to make up for the lack of other useful substances.

Sauerkraut salad with onions

This is the easiest salad to serve. boiled potatoes or rice, and to any lean porridge.

Required: 350 g cabbage, 1 onion, 2-3 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil, parsley, sugar to taste.

Finely chop the cabbage, add sugar, mix with chopped onion and vegetable oil. Sprinkle with parsley and decorate with rings onion.

Salad of sauerkraut and pumpkin

Required: 200 g cabbage and pumpkin, 3-4 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil, sugar, parsley.

Peel and grate the pumpkin on a coarse grater, mix with finely chopped cabbage, add sugar to taste. Dress the salad with vegetable oil. Decorate with herbs and pumpkin.

Sauerkraut salad with honey

Required: 500 g cabbage, 2 apples, 2 tbsp. spoons of honey, 100 g of sour cream or salad dressing.

Crumble cabbage, add sliced ​​apples, season with honey and sour cream.

To prepare sauerkraut salads, it can be mixed with apples and carrots, beets and cucumbers, turnips, radishes or tomatoes. It all depends on your taste and desire.

But not only salads can be prepared with cabbage. Both fresh and sauerkraut are delicious stewed, they are added to vegetable stew, fragrant cabbage soup and borscht are cooked with it, which are also good in lean form.

Well, we will consider another salad recipe, which, despite the name, can be prepared at any time of the year, including fasting.

Salad "Autumn"

Required: 500 g potatoes, 1 onion, 3 large tomatoes, 3 sweet peppers, 2 pickled or pickled cucumbers, salt, pepper, vinegar, vegetable oil.

Boil potatoes, peel, cut into slices. Also chop the onion, tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers into circles. Put everything in layers in a salad bowl, salt and pepper. Pour in oil and vinegar. If desired, you can add 1-2 teaspoons of prepared mustard to the oil and vinegar dressing.

True believers know that vegetarian and lean food- not the same thing. only meat is excluded from their diet, the rest is eaten. Lenten food, according to strict religious rules, includes only vegetable dishes. Neither milk, nor eggs, nor meat are included in it.

From vegetables you can cook not only salads, but also others. vegetable dishes e.g. stew. The more diverse the set of vegetables, the tastier stew. And the stew cooked in a pot is especially tasty.

Vegetable stew lean

The number of products is arbitrary.

Spasser on vegetable oil onion cut into half rings and carrots grated on a coarse grater. Lay in a pot in layers: potatoes cut into cubes, shredded carrots (it can be added both fresh and stewed), zucchini or pumpkin, cut into slices. Transfer each layer with browned onions and carrots (you can add chopped tomatoes or tomato paste). If the number of products allows, repeat the layers.

Add to a pot of water or vegetable broth so that the liquid reaches half of the laid products (during cooking, the vegetables will release their juice), salt and pepper to taste, close the pot with a lid (can be made from dough) and put it in a heated oven to languish. Simmer until vegetables are cooked. Ready meal sprinkle with chopped herbs. Between the vegetables, you can add layers of cereals (rice or millet).

Legumes (beans, beans, peas and lentils) are also good for cooking meatless dishes.

White bean ragout

Required: 400 g white beans, 200 g carrots, 400 g tomatoes, 100 g sweet peppers, 120 g onions, 75 g vegetable oil, 10 g garlic, 5 g starch, parsley, salt to taste.

Soak overnight in cold boiled water (or in beer), then boil until almost cooked, salt. Add carrots, grated on a coarse grater, diced tomatoes, pepper strips, onion rings fried in oil, crushed garlic and cook for another 30 minutes. Season the finished dish with diluted in cold water starch, bring to a boil and sprinkle with finely chopped herbs.

Beans in Greek

Required: 150 g dry beans, 400 g onions, 120 g vegetable oil, 500 g water, black and red ground pepper, salt to taste.

Soak the beans overnight, boil the next day and drain the liquid into a separate bowl. Cut the onion into rings and lightly fry in a bit of oil, then salt and pepper well with black and red pepper. Beans and fried onion lay, alternating layers, in a refractory dish (there should be a layer of beans on top), pour over the remaining oil and pour in the water in which the beans were cooked. Bake in the oven at medium temperature for 20 minutes and serve in the same bowl.

Bulgarian beans

Required: 100 g beans, tomato puree, herbs, vegetable oil, onion, salt.

Sort the beans, rinse and cook until tender, salt, season with sautéed onion and tomato and mix. When serving, drizzle with oil and garnish with herbs.

Lentils with fruits

Required: 500 g lentils, 80 g vegetable oil, 60 g onions, 150 g prunes, or apples, or pears, 0.5 l of water, lemon peel, salt to taste.

Soak prunes, then boil in the same water, seasoning it with zest. Boil lentils with onions and half the norm of vegetable oil until cooked, then mix with prunes, salt. Season the finished dish with the remaining oil. You can also cook white beans.

A large number of lenten dishes are prepared with, which, thanks to their useful properties, ennoble even the simplest dish. mushroom dishes allow fasting sufficient saturate the body and fully indulge in spiritual purification.

With mushrooms (fresh and dried, salted and pickled) boiled lean soups and borscht, hodgepodge, cook very delicious salads and second courses.

mushroom stew

For 4 servings you will need: 300 g mushrooms, 3 potatoes, 1 carrot, 1 onion, 2 tbsp. spoons of canned green peas, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of tomato puree green onion, greenery.

Mushrooms (you can champignons or oyster mushrooms) clean, rinse and chop coarsely. Cut the onion into half rings and stew with mushrooms in vegetable oil for 10 minutes. Salt, pour diluted 3 cups hot water tomato puree and bring to a boil. Add diced potatoes and carrots green pea and heat over low heat for 20 minutes. Sprinkle the stew with finely chopped green onions before serving.

Sauerkraut stewed with mushrooms

Required: 50 g white dried mushrooms, 800 g of sauerkraut, vegetable oil, 1 onion, 2 teaspoons of flour.

According to the recipe, another ½ cup of sour cream is required, but I assure you that the dish turns out great even without sour cream.

White dried mushrooms rinse, soak and boil in the same water until tender. Strain the broth and chop the mushrooms. Finely chop the onion and fry in oil. Brown the flour in butter, boil with a glass of mushroom broth. Stew shredded sauerkraut in your juice with the addition of mushroom broth. IN cooked cabbage add fried onions, mushrooms, sour cream, mushroom broth with flour. Boil everything until done.

To be continued…

Wash the potatoes well, place whole in the skin in a saucepan and cover with water. Boil after boiling water for 20 minutes. Pierce potatoes with a fork before turning off. Potato varieties vary, so cooking times may vary. If the potatoes are already soft, you can remove the pan from the stove. You should not digest, then you will not get beautiful potato cubes. Drain the water and leave the vegetable to cool.

Let's make a roast. To do this, peel the onion, wash it, and chop it into cubes.

Peel the carrots as well, rinse well running water and grate on a coarse grater.

Pour into a small pan sunflower oil. Fry the onion until just golden color, then add carrots. Stir, add vegetable oil as needed and simmer the carrots and onions until soft.

Now let's take a look at the cabbage. Chop it into strips or squares 2x2 cm in size. Both options will be delicious. But here it's up to you. The finer the cabbage is cut, the faster it will cook. Accordingly, if there are large squares, the cabbage will be juicier, but it will take more time to cook it.

Transfer the chopped cabbage to a deep frying pan or stewpan. Add 70 ml of vegetable oil, tomato paste, salt, pepper, sugar. Stir. Fill the cabbage with water, so that the water is at the level of the cabbage. Cover and simmer for 20 minutes over low heat.

Put Bay leaf, mix and leave the cabbage to stew further, but without a lid, so that the excess liquid boils away.

Peel the cooled potatoes and chop them into small cubes, then the stew will be tender.

Now in one bowl mix potatoes, cabbage and fry. Carefully remove the last from the pan so that the oil does not spill into the bowl. But, if you want the stew to be fatter, then you can not separate the onions and carrots from the oil, but pour them all together into a common bowl.

The advantage of this dish is that it remains delicious both hot and cold. When serving, you can sprinkle vegetable stew with green onions or any other herbs. Bon appetit!

Calories: 291.4
Cooking time: 70
Proteins/100g: 2.29
Carbs/100g: 7.46

Beautiful useful ingredient, allowing you to make lean vegetable stew more satisfying - this is beans. The only drawback is that the beans take a long time to cook. But there is also a plus - useful decoction beans can be used in other dishes. The same broth will allow you to cook lean stew without adding oil at all - vegetables can be stewed in bean broth. It turns out no less tasty and, which is also easy to cook.

- 1 glass of beans,
- 2 carrots,
- half an eggplant
- 1 Bell pepper,
- a quarter of an onion
- 1 clove of garlic,
- bunch of parsley
- 3 tablespoons tomatoes in own juice,
- salt to taste,
- 0.5 tsp paprika,
- 0.5 tsp curry,
- a pinch of red pepper,
- 4 sage leaves.

How to cook at home

To make the beans cook faster, it is better to soak them in water overnight or at least a couple of hours at least. After soaking, you need to change the water and boil the beans for an hour, adding salt at the very end.

When the beans are almost ready, we will take care of the vegetable part of the stew. In a frying pan, stew finely chopped onions and garlic, as well as carrots, cut into circles. You can stew vegetables without oil by adding a couple of tablespoons of bean broth.

After stewing the carrots for five minutes, add the tomatoes in their own juice (or fresh tomatoes skinless, or tomato paste). Season the tomatoes with spices and salt, bring to a boil.

While stewing tomato sauce, cut the eggplant and sweet pepper into medium-sized pieces.

We spread the chopped vegetables in a boiling tomato sauce. Cover with a lid and simmer for five minutes.
If necessary, add a little more bean broth.

When the beans become soft, transfer them to the pan, mix with vegetables and tomato sauce. Stew vegetables with beans for another 7-10 minutes together. During this time, the vegetables will become soft, and the beans will be saturated with the aroma of the sauce.

Finely chop the parsley and add at the very end of cooking. Better even after the pan is removed from the heat. So parsley will retain more vitamins. Mix vegetable stew with parsley.

Serve vegetable stew

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Is in German cuisine Very tasty dish with the funny name "shukrut". The principle of cooking resembles both roast and stew at the same time, and appearance is also very similar. Mandatory components in German schukrute are meat, potatoes, tomatoes and cabbage, and then each housewife has her own additives and additions. So, a lean stew with mushrooms, cabbage and potatoes is most likely a shukrut, only in a lightweight one, lean version. Vegetables are fried in oil and then brought to readiness by stewing, with the addition of water or broth. Of course, there is also a tomato for brightness and taste, and mushrooms are added instead of meat. This delicious and hearty meal simple, no cost and effort from you is not required. If you fast or prefer to weekdays cook simple and available recipes- This recipe is just for you.
As for the tomato, in winter you can add twisted tomatoes, tomatoes in their own juice, frozen tomatoes in pieces, tomato juice or tomato sauce. Even homemade adjika OK if not too spicy. And in the summer, cook with fresh tomatoes.

- white cabbage - half a small fork;
- potatoes - 2-3 medium tubers;
- fresh champignons - 8-10 pcs. medium size;
- carrots - 2 pcs;
- onion - 1 large onion;
- chopped tomatoes - 0.5 cups;
- salt - to taste;
- vegetable oil - 50 ml;
- ground black pepper - half a teaspoon (to taste);
- garlic - 2 cloves (optional);
- any fresh herbs- a big bunch.

Recipe with photo step by step:

Cut the carrots and onions quite large: cut the onion in half, then into three parts and cut into strips across, about 1 cm thick. Cut the carrots into large cubes or segments.

Shinkuem white cabbage large straws, larger than for borscht or cabbage soup.

Pour the onion into the pan, preheating the vegetable oil in it. Stirring, sauté the onion until soft, but do not fry it, leave it light.

Add carrot cubes. Saute together with onions for several minutes until the carrots absorb the oil.

In portions, add cabbage to the pan, mixing it with vegetables and oil so that it loses volume and settles faster. When all the cabbage is added, cover the pan with a lid, simmer for 15 minutes until half cooked. During the stewing, the cabbage will soften, the juice will evaporate, and so that the vegetables do not burn, you need to mix everything once or twice.

Add chopped tomatoes or tomato puree, juice. If you use a thick tomato sauce, then you need to fry it and then add water, if you use tomato paste, then immediately dilute it with water. Fry vegetables with tomatoes for about five minutes.

At this time, peel the potatoes, cut them into pieces not very large. The form is arbitrary - cubes, circles, slices. We spread to the fried vegetables, mix and continue to fry for several minutes. When the potatoes are saturated with tomato and oil, pour in a little water (half a glass), salt to taste. Simmer covered over low heat for 20 minutes until fully prepared potatoes and cabbage. If the water has evaporated and the potatoes are still hard, add water and bring the potatoes to softness.

Cut the mushrooms into quarters. Pour a tablespoon of oil into the pan, spread the mushrooms and fry over low heat. First, the mushrooms will be stewed in the released juice, it will gradually evaporate, and the mushrooms will begin to fry. During frying, do not forget to salt the mushrooms. We fry until almost done.

Transfer mushrooms to stewed vegetables season with black pepper or other spices of your choice. Simmer for five minutes on low heat. According to the recipe, the stew turns out to be thick, almost without gravy. If you like when there is sauce, then after adding the mushrooms, pour in a little water or broth. Simmer until mushrooms are cooked. Add finely chopped garlic when everything is ready, a minute or two before turning off the heat.

Serve mushroom stew with cabbage and potatoes it is better hot, but not immediately, but let it brew for 10-15 minutes. The best supplement there will be fresh greens, vegetable salad or glass

Lean stew- a light, healthy and tasty dish that can be prepared not only during fasting.

There are many recipes for making lean stew, depending on the ingredients that make up the dish.

Basically, you can come up with your own recipe using only the vegetables you like.

Lean stew - the basic principles of cooking

If you want to cook light dish, and at the same time get the most out of it, lean stew is what you need. This is the case when healthy food also incredibly delicious.

For a lean stew, you can use absolutely any vegetables that you have at home. To make the dish also hearty, mushrooms and legumes are added to it.

Vegetables are peeled, washed well and chopped. Ragout is best cooked in cast iron cauldron, thick-walled saucepan, frying pan or slow cooker.

Pour a little oil into a suitable dish and heat it well. Then lay the vegetables, starting with those that take longer to cook. If you are cooking in a slow cooker, you can lay vegetables all at once.

Vegetables will be stewed in their own juice. So that the stew does not turn out dry, they add fresh tomatoes or tomato sauce.

For spice, you can add hot pepper or crushed garlic. And, of course, where without fresh greens. Here you can not limit yourself. Add any greens you prefer.

Recipe 1. Lean vegetable stew with asparagus beans


Bay leaf;

400 g of asparagus beans;

vegetable oil;

black pepper;

six tomatoes;

kitchen salt;





Cooking method

1. Boil water in a saucepan and lightly salt it. Drop into boiling water asparagus beans, put the bay leaf and cook the beans for about seven minutes. We recline it in a colander and cool slightly. We cut off the ends, and cut the pods into three parts, while removing the hard parts.

2. My zucchini and cut into medium pieces.

3. Wash and chop the eggplant in the same way as the zucchini. We spread the vegetable in a deep bowl, sprinkle with salt and leave for half an hour. Then we shift the eggplant into a colander and rinse under running water. We press well.

4. We clean and wash the onion and carrot. Finely chop the onion. Three large carrots. In a frying pan, heat up two tablespoons of oil and fry in it, stirring, vegetables until golden brown.

5. My tomatoes and cut into rings. Add them to the vegetable fry, mix and fry for another three minutes.

6. Put chopped zucchini, asparagus beans and eggplant in a cauldron. We spread the frying, pepper, salt and simmer over low heat, stirring, until the vegetables are soft. Serve the stew sprinkled with herbs.

Recipe 2. Lean vegetable stew of bell pepper and broccoli


450 g of broccoli;

sea ​​salt;

a pod of red bell pepper;

two pods of dried red pepper;

50 ml of olive oil;

two cloves of garlic;

half a cup of walnuts.

Cooking method

1. Rinse broccoli under running water and dry on a napkin. We disassemble the cabbage into inflorescences, cutting off the dense parts.

2. Cut out the stalk from the bell pepper, cut the pod in half and clean out the seeds. Shred the vegetable into thin strips.

3. Boil water in a saucepan, salt it lightly and boil it in it bell pepper from broccoli to al dente. Three minutes is enough. Then we throw the vegetables into a colander.

4. Warm up in a pan olive oil. Walnuts finely chop and pour into the pan. We clean the garlic and finely chop. dried pepper grind in a mortar. Add garlic and pepper to the nuts, mix and cook for half a minute. Then add the blanched vegetables and simmer over the fire, stirring, for a couple more minutes. Salt, mix and serve.

Recipe 3. Lenten stew with mushrooms


vegetable oil;

large head of onion;

large carrot;

oyster mushrooms or champignons - 300 g;

garlic - two cloves;

potatoes - 300 g;

thick tomato puree - half a glass;

Beijing cabbage - 200 g.

Cooking method

1. Peel the onion and carrot and sauté the vegetables in vegetable oil in a saucepan.

2. If you are using oyster mushrooms, cut them in small pieces and lightly fry together with carrots and onions. Add mushrooms last, they cook quickly enough.

3. Peeled potato tubers cut into arbitrary pieces and send to a saucepan. Pour in a little drinking water cover and simmer for 15 minutes until soft.

4. Chinese cabbage finely chop, add it to the rest of the vegetables and simmer everything together until soft. Now pour in the tomato, season everything with spices and salt. Stir and simmer for five minutes. If the stew is sour, add some sugar.

5. At the end, add finely chopped garlic, mix and keep on fire for another minute. Remove from heat and serve with greens.

Recipe 4. Lean stew with mushrooms and beans


fresh champignons- 350 g;

sea ​​salt;

shallots - 300 g;

black pepper;

red beans - 200 g;

olive oil - 60 ml;

cherry tomatoes - 7 pcs.;

thyme - two branches;

dried porcini mushrooms - 2 pcs.

Cooking method

1. It is advisable to soak the beans overnight, but if there is no time, it can be for several hours. Then boil the beans, following the instructions on the package. Then we recline the legumes in a colander and let the broth drain.

2. Peel and finely chop shallots. We wipe the mushrooms with a damp towel and chop coarsely. Remove the cherry tomatoes from the stem, rinse and cut each tomato in half.

3. Put the onion in a cauldron with heated olive oil and fry until soft.

4. Now add champignons to the onion and sting, stirring, for about three minutes. I put a sprig of thyme. Grind porcini mushrooms into powder using a blender and add them to the cauldron. Stirring, simmer everything together for another three minutes.

5. Then put boiled beans and half tomatoes in a cauldron. Stir gently and simmer for about two minutes. At the end, salt and pepper. Remove the thyme branch, stir and serve.

Recipe 5. Lean stew in a slow cooker with peas


large bulbs;

kitchen salt;

potatoes - 700 g;

soy sauce– 5 ml;

frozen green peas - 300 g;

hops-suneli - 5 g;

canned pickled tomatoes - 5 pcs.;

sunflower oil - 80 ml.

Cooking method

1. We turn on the multicooker in the “Frying” mode. Pour into the bowl vegetable oil and warm it up for five minutes.

2. We clean the onion and wash it, chop it small pieces or feathers. Put the onion in a bowl and fry, stirring constantly, for ten minutes, until golden brown.

3. Peel the potatoes, wash the tubers under running water and cut large pieces. Add the potatoes to the onion, mix and cook for another ten minutes, stirring occasionally.

4. Remove the thin skin from the pickled tomatoes, and coarsely cut the pulp. Add tomatoes, frozen peas and soy sauce to the bowl. We season all the hops-suneli and salt. We fill drinking water. Half a glass is enough. Turn on the "Extinguishing" mode for an hour.

Recipe 6. Lean stew in a slow cooker with green beans


kitchen salt;

two young zucchini;

three potato tubers;

black pepper;

large carrots;

sweet pepper - 3 pcs.;

100 g of green beans;

vegetable oil;

large onion;

tomato paste - 30 ml;

greens of dill, cilantro and parsley - a bunch;

multiglass boiled water;

four cloves of garlic.

Cooking method

1. Peel and wash all vegetables thoroughly.

2. Chop the sweet pepper into strips, chop the zucchini and onion into large pieces, cut the carrot into not too thin circles. Wash the bean pods, cut off the tails and cut each into three parts. Cut potatoes into medium sized pieces. Finely chop the garlic with a knife.

3. Turn on the "Frying" mode and heat the oil in the multicooker bowl. Place carrots and onions in it. Fry vegetables, stirring, until golden brown.

4. Then put the remaining vegetables and crushed garlic into the bowl. Mix everything, salt and pepper.

5. tomato paste dilute with water and pour the resulting mixture into a bowl. Close the lid tightly. Activate the "Extinguishing" mode. Set the timer to 60 minutes.

Recipe 7. Lean vegetable stew "Ratatouille"


kg of small eggplants;

olive oil;

three zucchini;

coarse kitchen salt;

kg ripe tomatoes;

black pepper;

two sweet peppers;

two large onions;

fresh basil;

six cloves of garlic;

10 g of sugar;

150 g of pitted olives;


30 g capers.

Cooking method

1. My eggplant and cut into cubes. Put them in a colander and sprinkle coarse salt, cover with a plate, and set oppression on top. We leave for half an hour. Then rinse and squeeze well.

2. We pierce the tomatoes in several places with a fork, pour over with boiling water and remove the thin skin. Cut the pulp into cubes. Heat the olive oil in a deep frying pan and fry the chopped onion in it. Add tomatoes, squeeze garlic and put thyme leaves. Pepper and salt to taste. Mix and simmer for half an hour.

3. In two separate frying pans heat up the olive oil. First, lay out the sweet pepper cut into small pieces. Put the eggplant in the second pan. Fry vegetables until soft. Then transfer them to a colander to get rid of excess oil. Fry finely chopped zucchini in the same way.

4. In stewed tomatoes add capers, pour in wine vinegar and simmer for another five minutes.

5. We shift the stewed tomatoes and fried vegetables into a cauldron and simmer over low heat for a quarter of an hour. The dish is served both hot and cold.

    Fry the vegetables separately, then the taste of the dish will be even richer.

    Before adding tomatoes to the stew, pour boiling water over them and remove the thin skin.

    Do not cut the vegetables too finely so that you do not end up with porridge.

    Be sure to sprinkle the eggplants with salt to rid them of bitterness, and only then add to the stew.

    Lean stew can be served as independent dish and also as a side dish or appetizer.
