
Decoction of apples. apples useful properties


Useful properties of apples

Good day, dear guests and readers of the blog " Traditional medicine recipes". Today's article is devoted to apples - their beneficial properties.

What are the benefits of apples. Chemical composition

● An apple is the most valuable and affordable fruit for all residents of Russia. 100 grams of apples contains:

  1. - 86 grams of water;
  2. - 0.4 gr. squirrel;
  3. - 0.4 gr. fats;
  4. - 9.8 gr. carbohydrates.

● In addition, the apple has a lot of dietary fiber that improves bowel function, organic acids, pectin, various vitamins, minerals and trace elements.

More precisely, an apple contains almost all the vitamins necessary for human life: A, C, B-1, B-9, E, H, K, PP (nicotinic acid),.

● There is a lot of chlorine, sulfur, phosphorus, sodium, calcium and potassium in apples, chromium, selenium, fluorine, manganese, iodine, cobalt, copper, zinc, iron. Truly they say the truth: « If you eat two apples every day, you will be saved from a hundred diseases!» .

● Apples strengthen the immune system, protect us from colds and infectious diseases. Vitamin A and carotene contained in this healthy fruit improve eyesight, vitamin P and iodine stabilize and lower blood pressure.

“According to legend, in the cherished garden of the goddess Hera, among the ancient Greeks, the nymphs of the Hesperides closely guard the golden apples that provide the gods with immortality and eternity. In the fairy tales of the peoples of Russia, positive heroes find rejuvenating apples that give them youth and health. It is not for nothing that since ancient times in legends, fairy tales, parables, legends and myths, the beneficial properties of an apple have been associated with beauty, health and immortality.

● An apple is an excellent storehouse of the most powerful antioxidants that help slow down the aging process of the body and protect against the development of malignant tumors. The juicy apple fruit contains pectin, which can cleanse the body of radioactive elements and salts of heavy metals.

The use of apples in traditional medicine

● In addition, pectin prevents the occurrence of and. Apples improve metabolism and. Everything is useful in apples!

● If you suffer from anemia or beriberi, drink in the morning before breakfast a mixture of apple juice (one glass), lemon and tomato (⅓ cup each). Set up a solid barrier - eat 2-3 apples daily, a medium onion and 4 cups of green tea.

● You can use apples to solve problems with and . And when heartburn torments you, eat one peeled apple instead.

Take care of yourself and be healthy, may the Lord God help you in this!!!

In diseases of the stomach, it is recommended to include apples in the diet. Treatment with such a fruit has a beneficial effect on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. For treatment, you will need fresh, carefully peeled fruits. Refuse to consume apple seeds (they contain an element that can affect the functioning of the nervous system).

Beneficial features

Green fruits contain useful vitamins and minerals that can help the body fight infection:

  • pectin;
  • fructose;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • iron;
  • carotene;
  • biotin and other vitamins.

The elements presented above have a beneficial effect on the state of immunity, mucous membranes of organs, help the body cope with infection more quickly, and improve the functioning of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

fresh apples

Depending on the variety, the properties of apples may differ.

Benefits of regular consumption of fresh apples:

  • improvement of the process of splitting organic acids;
  • faster absorption of iron;
  • stabilization of food and metabolic processes;
  • normalization of intestinal motility;
  • preventing constipation;
  • decrease in the total level of cholesterol;
  • stimulation of peripheral circulation;
  • improvement of the general condition of the body during illness;
  • improvement of vision, providing a cosmetic effect on the skin.

Consumers should remember that the properties of this product can vary depending on the variety, storage conditions, the use of various fertilizers, and so on. Purchase quality fruits from certified outlets to avoid substandard products.

The use of a certain variety of apples depends on the existing pathology of the gastrointestinal tract. If the patient is diagnosed with gastritis, it is recommended to eat sweet fruits, for diseases with low acidity - sour green fruits. There are several basic rules for consuming fresh apples:

  • do not eat rotten fruits;
  • rinse the fruit thoroughly (using a special brush is acceptable);
  • refuse to consume seeds (the maximum allowable amount is 3 grains);
  • at the stage of exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, heat treatment of food products is recommended - the consumption of baked fruits, puree from them.

Baked apples

The main difference between baked and raw apples is digestibility. Baked fruits are absorbed and digested much faster. In addition, it is permissible to introduce such food into complementary foods for babies, which once again confirms their quality and safety. The use of baked apples is allowed for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (regardless of the stage of the pathology and the form of its manifestation). Cooking rules:

  • cut the core of the fruit;
  • completely remove the stones from the fruit;
  • put cottage cheese, honey, any additive to taste inside the fruit;
  • pour some water on the bottom of the baking sheet (this will help make the fruit peel softer and more tender);
  • put the baking sheet in the preheated oven until done.

The number of consumption of baked apples is unlimited.

Apple juice

Freshly squeezed apple juice should be drunk no later than 2 hours after preparation.

It is permissible to consume only freshly squeezed juice within 1-2 hours after preparation. After this time, the beneficial properties of the drink disappear. Indications for consumption:

  • anemia;
  • kidney failure;
  • liver disease;
  • cholecystitis;
  • malfunctions in metabolic processes;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • violation of the normal functioning of the joints;
  • infectious diseases of the body.

The tool has a choleretic and diuretic effect. The recommended norm is 2-3 glasses of freshly squeezed juice per day.

Impact on the stomach

Apples are considered “heavy” foods for the stomach due to their high fiber content (it is for this reason that they are digested and absorbed in the body for a long time - about 3 hours). Due to long-term digestibility, fruits can cause colic, flatulence, and in some cases have a pathogenic effect on the digestive tract.

Opinions about eating apples on an empty stomach are ambivalent. Some doctors believe that malic acid stimulates digestion and helps the body digest food faster. Others argue that eating apple fruits can complicate the metabolic process, cause discomfort and heaviness in the stomach.


  • Individual intolerance to the fruit.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, which are at the stage of exacerbation (with the exception of baked fruits).
  • Eating rotten fruits that have been spoiled naturally or due to improper care / storage / transportation.

Stomach acidity level

Apples affect the acidity of the stomach

Apple consumption can affect stomach acid levels in different ways. This indicator depends on the individual characteristics of the patient, the presence of an ulcer, the general characteristics of the digestive tract and other things. Different varieties of fruits (sweet / sour) affect the acidity index in different ways.

Patients who suffer from increased acidity of the stomach should consume sweeter and more ripe fruits, otherwise an exacerbation of the current disease is possible, a disruption in the functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract. Patients with low stomach acidity do not have to worry about choosing a fruit variety.

It should be noted that the level of acidity depends on the use of apple peel.

The peel contains many substances useful for the body, but this complicates its digestion and absorption. Experts say that the rough peel can damage the mucous membranes of the internal organs, so its consumption should be discarded. it is recommended to carry out heat treatment of fruits before their consumption. This will help to avoid a sharp change in the level of acidity of the body, violations of the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract.

Few people don't like apples. This is not only a delicious fruit, but also extremely healthy. As doctors say, whoever eats 2 apples daily will be able to protect themselves from 100 diseases. Moreover, apples should be eaten not only by people who are full of health, but also by those who have problems with it. In this article, our conversation will be about the benefits and harms of apples, as well as the treatment of these wonderful fruits.

Apples contain vitamin C, which is an excellent support for the immune system. Vitamin C protects us from colds and infections, helps to recover faster if you are already sick.

In order to prevent colds, your task is to eat a couple of apples a day.

Apples have, as well as components that are involved in hematopoiesis.

Vitamin P is necessary for the prevention of hypertension, it is necessary to maintain the elasticity of blood vessels.

Antioxidants such as beta-carotene, selenium, tocopherol and quercetin can protect us from cancer and slow down aging.

Pectins in apples cleanse the body, are involved in the excretion of radioactive elements and salts of heavy metals.

The use of these fruits improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, normalizes cholesterol, restores metabolism and gives us many other useful properties.

Apples also contain phytoncides - substances that can actively counteract the pathogens of Staphylococcus aureus, influenza A viruses, dysentery, and Proteus.

If a person has had a heart attack, he is also advised to eat apples.

Apple juice also has many benefits. It improves the condition of the heart and blood vessels, is useful for those who are engaged in mental work. Apple juice also contains substances necessary for hematopoiesis.

There is a strong opinion that green apples contain more vitamins than red ones.

With such incredible benefits of apples, can they harm us?

When can apples be harmful?

When diagnosed with gastritis or an ulcer, do not eat sour apples, choose sweet varieties, and for those who have problems with the heart and blood vessels, on the contrary, it is very undesirable to use sweet apples.

I once wrote about, however, you need to feel the measure in everything, you should not “sit” on apples alone for a long time, otherwise inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract may begin, its work will worsen due to the rich in these fruits.

Fruit acids, which are also abundant in apples, can cause damage by causing inflammation in the gallbladder. And tooth enamel is destroyed under the influence of these fruit acids and apple sugar. Therefore, rinse your mouth with water every time you eat an apple.

Don't eat apples before bed as it can cause gas.

Harm of apple seeds

I recently published an article about the impact on our health, and casually mentioned apple pips. But I didn’t write there that they contain hydrocyanic acid - poison, using them in unlimited quantities, you can get poisoned. 5 apple seeds will not cause such harm, you will only benefit, because in addition to hydrocyanic acid they also contain iodine.

  • If a worm was found in an apple or there used to be, do not be afraid to use such an apple, it will not harm, but, on the contrary, it will be useful - worms, most often, choose the most delicious fruits.
  • In small fruits, the concentration of useful components is greater.
  • Most vitamins contain the peel of an apple and the pulp right under it. However, if you buy these fruits from the store and they look shiny and sticky to the touch, then they have been waxed. In this case, the skin of the apples will have to be removed.

From this video you will learn some more amazing facts about the benefits of apples, as well as recipes on how to cook healthy and delicious dishes from these fruits:

  • If you suffer from overweight, anemia or beriberi, prepare the following mixture: 100 ml of apple juice, 50 ml of melon juice, 25 ml of lemon and 5 ml of tomato juice, mix and drink every day.
  • If you suffer from atherosclerosis, hypertension, gallbladder problems, obesity, drink 100 grams of apple juice before meals for a quarter of an hour.
  • If you are tormented by coughing and hoarseness, in this case, apples will also be useful. Use this popular recipe: take the peel of apples (1 tbsp), pour boiling water over it (250 ml) and let it infuse, like tea. Drink this drink before meals five to six times a day for 100g.
  • Or pour two or three apples with a peel in a liter of water, boil for a quarter of an hour and drink a drink before meals, 250 ml three times a day.
  • Warm apple compote is another remedy for coughs and hoarseness.
  • If you have a cold, prepare an infusion of dried apple tree leaves (100g leaves per liter of water), add some sugar and drink 100g warm every two hours.

  • When coughing, gruel with onions and apples will benefit: on a coarse grater, you need to grate onions (200g) and the same amount of apples, mix everything well, add 20g of honey, mix again. Use between meals three times a day for 15g.
  • Apples for cracked lips, on the hands: grate 100 g of apples, mix with any animal fat (pork, goose) or butter in a ratio of 1x1. Apply the mixture at night on damaged skin that has been previously cleansed with soap. If you have formed jams in the corners of the lips, then a completely different treatment is needed here. You can read more about this.
  • For burns, pureed apples are also used to reduce inflammation and alleviate pain.
  • Warts, inflammation on the skin of the face - for this, masks from apples are used.
  • For eczema, you can make an infusion of apple peel: make tea from viburnum flowers (for 250 ml of boiling water 1 tsp flowers), chop the peel, take it 1 tbsp. and pour over the prepared tea. For an hour, the drink is infused, then you can drink 100 ml before meals and at night for a month.
  • Anemia (). If you have been diagnosed with this disease, you will definitely be recommended to eat half a kilogram of apples per day for a month, preferably green ones. There is also advice for anemia to use freshly squeezed apple juice (80%) and beet juice (20%). This juice should be taken for 2 weeks in a glass twice a day.

  • With heartburn, a peeled apple often helps.
  • If you have been diagnosed, apples will also be useful for you. Try this recipe: take green apples, peel them from the core with stones, and grate them together with the peel on a fine grater. The resulting gruel should be eaten on an empty stomach in the morning, do not eat anything from food and drinks after that for 4-5 hours. This type of treatment with apples is carried out daily for the first 30 days, every other day or two for the next 30 days, and once a week for the next 30 days.
  • From, you should not refuse. Do not drink milk and strong coffee or tea, do not eat spicy and spicy, fatty and salty foods, as well as freshly baked bread.
  • Another recipe for gastritis, but already apples with honey: take 300 grams of green apples, peel from the core, grate everything that remains on a fine grater, add honey (20 grams) there. Do not eat or drink anything for 4-5 hours after using this mixture. Use this gruel in the same sequence by months as above in the recipe for apples without honey for gastritis.
  • If you have colitis or enterocolitis, eat 1.5 kg of apples per day for two days in a row for five to six meals.
  • For bad breath, use 250 ml of apple compote at the end of lunch and dinner.
  • With constipation, 2 apples boiled for 5-7 minutes in a mixture of 250 ml of milk and 100 ml of water help many people. Try eating them on an empty stomach in the morning.
  • Sour varieties of apples will benefit from constipation and stomach problems that occur due to low acidity.
  • If you have urolithiasis, you can try this decoction: take 3 medium-sized apples, wash and cut them completely, not peeled. Pour boiling water over a liter and cook for 10 minutes over low heat, then add sugar to your liking.

  • If you have an acute attack of gout, put a compress of soaked apple pieces on the affected joint at night.
  • If you have hypertension, pour dried apple peel (1 tbsp) with a glass of boiling water and let it stand for 10 minutes, after which you can add sugar and drink 100 g before meals up to 6 times a day.
  • With atherosclerosis, it is worth drinking half a glass of freshly squeezed apple juice 15-30 minutes before eating food. By eating two or three fresh apples daily, you will do the prevention of atherosclerosis.
  • For chronic bronchitis, make a decoction of wild apples and drink it hot for 15-20 days.
  • Cough can be cured with a mixture of grated apples, honey and onions (in equal proportions). The mixture is drunk three times during the day, 1 tbsp.
  • If tormented by pleurisy, bake a few apples in the oven and eat them warm throughout the day.

Nature has created for us many wonderful fruits that can bring extraordinary benefits to our health. Apples are among them. Despite the harm described above, their benefits to us are incredible. Enrich your diet with these wonderful fruits and

An apple can be called the most popular fruit in Russia. Many legends and traditions are associated with it, it is mentioned in folk tales and songs. And this is not accidental - even our ancestors knew that apples are not only tasty, but also very healthy.

The pulp and peel of apples contain many minerals that our body needs - soluble salts of potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, calcium, iron), as well as carotene, pectins, vitamins C, E, B1, B2, B6, PP, folic acid. It is in apples that the combination of vitamins and minerals is optimal!

Raw and oven-baked apples are recommended for indigestion, constipation, diseases of the gallbladder and biliary tract. Useful fruits act as a natural laxative, diuretic and choleretic drug. Doctors advise eating apples to alleviate the patient's condition with acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections, colitis, and gastrointestinal infections.

Since the pulp of fresh apples grown without the use of pesticides and excessive amounts of fertilizers has antiseptic properties, pulp from ripe fruits is used in the treatment of frostbite, ulcers, and uncomplicated burns. Of course, all therapeutic procedures should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist.

If you eat at least one large apple a day, the level of cholesterol in your blood will decrease markedly, and the risk of developing atherosclerosis will decrease. In addition, your blood pressure will stabilize, and your well-being will improve.

Apple varieties rich in pectins should be eaten by people working in high-risk conditions (for example, in hazardous industries). The pulp of useful fruits prevents the absorption of certain toxins, bacterial poisons, mercury vapors, cobalt, lead, strontium into the blood.

If you are overweight, nutritionists recommend regularly arranging fasting days, during which you can only eat fresh apples. Such a diet has not hurt anyone yet - fiber and substances useful for the body will help you avoid digestive problems and prevent the accumulation of fat reserves in problem areas of your figure.

But it must be remembered that not all apples can be called healthy! Remember what fruits you saw on store shelves. Russian fruits usually do not look very attractive - medium-sized, slightly crushed, with darkish barrels. Against their background, imported apples clearly win - large, smooth, even, brightly colored. Unfortunately, appearances are often deceiving. If you're buying imported apples and aren't deterred by their high price, think about what might be in the flesh and skin of the beautiful fruit. For example, most well-known firms that export fruits to many countries of the world use paraffin compounds to increase the shelf life of apples. These drugs are applied to the skin. It is almost impossible to wash them off, since paraffins do not dissolve in water. A person who has eaten such an apple along with the peel will feel bad after a while. Paraffin compounds are not absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, and the aromatic hydrocarbons present in their composition act as toxins on living cells. Therefore, for personal safety, apples should be peeled before eating.

The small brown seeds found in the core of an apple contain many iodine compounds. Experts believe that if you eat at least 6 apple seeds per day, iodine deficiency and thyroid dysfunction will not threaten you.

Doctors advise including fresh apples in the daily diet for anemia, iron deficiency anemia, beriberi, rheumatism, gout. You can cook compotes, desserts, and other tasty and healthy dishes from ripe fruits. And in some countries it is customary to add a finely chopped fresh apple to hot tea - an unusual and very pleasant drink is obtained.

The peel of quality apples contains the natural antioxidant quercetin. In combination with vitamin C, this compound prevents the negative effect of free radicals on living cells and thus prevents early aging.

For obese people, a mixture of natural juices will help. Mix freshly squeezed apple, melon, tomato and lemon juices in equal proportions, add a little spice if necessary. Drink 1 incomplete glass 2 times a day - and with an adequate diet, your weight will begin to decrease very soon.

For a protracted cold, try brewing fresh apple peel with a small amount of boiling water and insisting under the lid for half an hour. Of course, the peel should belong to Russian, not imported fruits! You can also cook a light compote of 3 - 4 medium-sized apples. Pour chopped fruit with 2 liters of water, boil over medium heat for 15 minutes, strain, add a little honey or fructose to the broth. Tasty and healthy drinks can be drunk 3-4 glasses a day, warm or cool.

The lack of vitamins in the body can be eliminated if you regularly drink a mixture of fresh apple juices, other fruits and vegetables. Apple juice goes well with carrot, lingonberry, beetroot, currant, blueberry. Proportions are chosen depending on personal preferences.

(Photo: K13 ART, Yuri Arcurs, shutterstock.com)

Let's talk about the benefits of apples, about the most necessary and favorite fruits, without which we cannot do either in winter or in summer. How useful are apples?

The apple tree is the most important type of woody fruit crops around the world. And the apple is the most common and valuable of all fruits grown in the middle lane. It is no coincidence that they say that an apple among fruits is like a potato among vegetables: it occupies a leading position.

The apple tree has served man since time immemorial and has long been considered by the people as a healing plant. The homeland of the apple tree is considered to be the Caucasus, Central Asia and China, at present there are more than 20 species of wild apple trees. In Europe and Asia Minor, large-fruited varieties of apple trees have been grown for several millennia.

In Kievan Rus, under Yaroslav the Wise, an apple orchard was laid on the territory of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. And in the XII century, by order of Yuri Dolgoruky, the first gardens near Moscow were laid. Subsequently, apple trees spread widely in monastic and landowner gardens, and starting from the 20th century, the apple tree became a used crop throughout central Russia, as well as in the Crimea and the Caucasus.

Apple tree home (garden) is a tree from the Rosaceae family, a deciduous tree with a height of 3 - 6, rarely up to 14 meters. The trunk of old trees with a diameter of up to 90 cm. The flowering of the apple tree begins in April - May. The flowers are large, pale pink, rarely white or purple, very fragrant. An apple tree is an excellent honey plant; bees can collect up to 6 kg of honey from a tree.

The fruits of the apple tree are juicy apples of various colors and flavors. The apple tree begins to bear fruit at 4-12 years, for 40-50 years. The plant lives up to 100 years, wild species - up to 300 years.

For a person, the use of fresh or dried apple fruits is a source of strength and longevity, helps cleanse the body and gives light sleep. Two juicy apples a day will help prevent the development of atherosclerosis and heart attack, as the pectin contained in these fruits lowers blood cholesterol levels. Due to the high content of mineral salts, apples are very useful for rheumatism, kidney and liver diseases, and help with insomnia.

Apples contain malic, citric, tartaric acids, glucose, fructose, sucrose, vitamins A, B, provitamin A - carotene, tannins, essential oil, pectin substances, as well as mineral salts of calcium, iron, phosphorus and calcium, which are very important in human nutrition. others. It has been established that apples contain 28 trace elements, including copper, zinc, nickel, molybdenum, manganese, cobalt, etc.

Apples in any form are useful and necessary for anemia, during pregnancy, after radiation therapy and simply in winter with a lack of light, especially in the Far North, as they contain such a trace element as iron. They are used for beriberi, headaches, as a dietary and tonic for the prevention of influenza, heart and endocrine diseases.

Apples are taken as a diuretic for dropsy, edema and jaundice, for diseases of the heart, kidneys, and hypertension. With gout and obesity - it is useful to do apple fasting days. Apples improve digestion. A large amount of fiber in fruits contributes to increased intestinal motility. Therefore, for chronic constipation, it is recommended to take raw or baked apples on an empty stomach. Apples have a beneficial effect in dysentery, acute intestinal colic. Pureed raw sweet apples are used to treat gastritis, acute colitis.

The Russian generic name "apple tree" goes back to the Latin Abella - the name of a city in Campania in southern Italy, famous for its apples. Countless varieties of apple trees, bred by breeders over the course of a number of centuries, make it possible to grow and store these useful fruits for six months or even longer.

Apple treatment at home

With colds, coughing, hoarseness, swelling of the vocal cords,

as a laxative and diuretic, to improve digestion,

for gastrointestinal disorders:

Decoction of fresh apples:

- boil a few unpeeled fresh apples in 1 liter of water for 10-15 minutes, then insist for 4 hours. Drink the decoction warm several times a day. Particularly good results can be achieved with prolonged use of this remedy. This decoction is also useful for sclerosis, gout, bleeding gums, with attacks of kidney stone disease.

The benefits of dried apples

For colds, coughs, indigestion,

with kidney stones, bleeding gums:

- apples, dried for the winter in slices or circles, cook for 5 minutes after boiling, and then leave for 30-40 minutes under the lid - this is how vitamin C is best preserved in them. Drink a decoction several times a day.

For rheumatic diseases of the joints:

- take a decoction of dried fruit peel powder - 1 tbsp. a spoonful of raw materials for 1 cup of boiling water, boil for 15 minutes, strain, drink for a long time.

The benefits of baked apples

For diseases of the digestive system, it is good to use baked apples - they do not irritate the stomach and act laxatively. Baked apples are recommended for chronic constipation.

With inflammatory processes on the skin, with burns and frostbite: apply gruel from fresh apples to sore spots.

Tea from the leaves and petals of the apple tree is brewed and drunk for colds, it alleviates coughs.

Apple seeds contain a lot of iodine. It is useful to eat 5 - 6 apple seeds - this will provide the body's daily need for iodine.

Apple juice benefits and harms

Apple juice is a storehouse of valuable substances that help in the fight against many diseases of the nervous, cardiovascular and digestive systems. The healing properties of apple juice are also due to the high content of pectins, enzymes, sugars, organic acids, dietary fiber, starch and carbohydrates, as well as a whole complex of minerals and vitamins in this drink.

Treatment with apple juice helps with a post-infarction condition, anemia and beriberi.

Regular consumption of apple juice helps to stabilize cholesterol levels and heart function. In addition, this drink protects against radiation and improves sleep.

Freshly squeezed apple juice is useful, as well as prepared at home, which does not contain a large amount of sugars, substitutes, additives, preservatives and retains all the healing properties of this drink.

Freshly squeezed apple juice quenches thirst well, tones and strengthens the immune system. It is useful to drink juice 1/2 cup 20 minutes before meals.


Sour apples and juice from them - do not use for gastritis with high acidity, duodenal ulcer, in this case it is advisable to use sweet varieties of apples.

With exacerbation of gastritis, it is good to use baked apples in the oven.

Red apples may be contraindicated for allergies.

With low acidity of the stomach, you can eat sour apples.

Apples useful properties in cosmetics

  • grate a fresh apple, mix with whipped protein;
  • mash the baked apple, mix with the egg;
  • boil an apple in a small amount of milk, knead well,

Apply the prepared mass on the face for 15 minutes, rinse with cool water. Such masks nourish, refresh and rejuvenate the skin of the face.

Gruel from fresh apples is used for the rapid healing of wounds, abrasions, ulcers, cracks in the skin, especially on the lips - it stops the inflammatory processes of the skin, promotes rapid healing.

The sour juice of forest apples or garden apples - Antonov and others is used to remove warts: you need to rub the formation on the skin with a fresh cut of an sour apple several times a day.

To strengthen hair - rinse your head after washing with a decoction of fresh apple leaves.

Apples can be consumed in any form: fresh, dried, baked, soaked, canned.

Watch a short video about the beneficial properties of apples:

What happens if you eat three apples every day

Apples are widely used in the food industry, they are used to make jam, marmalade, jam, juice, marmalade, marshmallow, jelly, canned food, they are widely used in the confectionery industry.

Apples useful properties are used for the preparation of compotes, jelly, apple cider vinegar, sauces, various wines, drinks, both purely apple and with other fruits and berries.

Eat apples in any form and be healthy!
