
Organization of the preparation of complex cold dishes from whole boiled fish. Meat rolls with cheese and lavash ham

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Ministry of Education and Youth Policy of the Stavropol Territory of the Russian Federation

GBPOU "State Agrotechnical College"

Course work

By discipline: "Technology of preparation of complex cold culinary products"

On the topic: "Organization of the preparation of complex cold dishes from whole boiled fish"

Completed by: 3rd year student, group 31

Tarasova Natalya Vladimirovna

Head: teacher

Deshevykh Alla Aleksandrovna

With. Moscow, 2017


1. Theoretical part

1.1 Classification of complex cold dishes

1.2 Technological process preparation of complex cold dishes, features of their preparation

1.3 Commodity characteristics of raw materials and their preparation for production, according to the technical and technological map

1.4 Preparation of raw materials for the preparation of complex cold dishes

1.5 Ways to design and serve complex cold dishes

1.6 Organization of the work of the workshop for the production of complex cold dishes

1.7 Labor protection

1.8 Personal hygiene of workers in the preparation of complex cold dishes

1.9 Basic utensils for serving cold fish dishes

1.10 Quality requirements. Shelf life of prepared meals

1.11 Characteristics of equipment for the preparation of raw materials and semi-finished products for the preparation and serving of specified dishes

2. Practical part

2.1 Complex cold dishes from whole boiled fish

2.2 Development of TTK for a complex cold dish


List of used literature


Public catering should be considered as a branch of the national economy, the most important function of which is to organize the consumption of food by the population outside the home.

Public catering plays a significant role in the turnover food products. In developed countries, up to 25% of food consumed is sold through the public catering system. Catering is included as the most important component in the tourism industry - one of the most profitable sectors of the national economy. At the same time, the functions of public catering enterprises have expanded significantly in recent years, primarily due to the production of semi-finished products and culinary products sold through retail.

The development of the public catering system largely saves labor and production resources, creates significant convenience for consumers, frees members of society, especially women, from household chores of cooking, and contributes to more efficient organization of leisure.

IN Lately there have been positive trends in the development of public catering, in particular, the network of enterprises of the highest category is expanding, and the system of school meals is being improved.

1. Theoretical part

1.1 Classification of complex cold dishes

Fish is classified according to species characteristics, as well as technological, size-packaging and varietal assortments.

According to the species (breed) classification, commercial fish are divided into the following nine groups: herring and anchovy; cod; salmon, harnus, smelt, eels and lampreys; tuna and other skmbroids; flounder; scorpionfish and other marine fish; sturgeons; cyprinid, perch, catfish, tukovy, snakehead, goatfish; fish - "trifle" of the 1st and 2nd groups of all families.

According to the type of processing (technological classification), fish is divided into live, chilled, frozen, salted, salty-spicy, pickled, dried, dried and smoked.

The size and packaging range provides for the division of fish by length (asp, carp, catfish, pike perch, bream, pike, etc.) or by weight (sturgeon, stellate sturgeon, pond curry, chum salmon, salmon, sea bass, cod, etc.) into large , medium and small, as well as by types and methods of packaging.

Fish of different families differ in chemical composition, which changes under the influence of age, sex, season, spawning proximity, etc. Especially large fluctuations are observed in the moisture and fat content. The content of proteins and minerals is more stable.

The composition of the nitrogenous substances of fish with a bone skeleton is as follows: 85% protein and 15% non-protein (extractive) substances; fish with a cartilaginous skeleton - 55--65% and 35--45%, respectively.

The proteins of the muscle tissue of fish are represented by myosin, actin, actomnosine, tropomyosnny (in myofibrils), myogen, globulin X, myoalbumin (in sarcoplasm). In addition, nucleo-, phospho-, glyco- and lipoproteins are present in the muscle tissue of fish. Muscle proteins contain all essential amino acids in a ratio close to optimal.

Chilled fish (temperature in the thickness of the meat near the spine is -1°, +5°C) comes in barrels or wooden boxes. According to the types of cutting, it can be: uncut (“uncut block”); with gills and partly viscera removed; gutted with a head and gutted without a head.

Frozen fish (temperature in the body of the carcass -6°, -8°C) is produced in the same types of cutting as chilled, and, in addition, gutted without a head with a removed tail fin and cut into pieces weighing at least 0.5 kg.

Fish are frozen individually, in bulk or in blocks, using dry artificial or natural freezing. Available glazed or unglazed.

In frozen form, they also produce fish fillets - muscle tissue cut off on both sides of the carcass, peeled and gutted. In some fish (catfish, etc.), the skin is removed before filleting.

1.2 The technological process of preparing complex cold dishes, the features of their preparation

Cold dishes and snacks should be beautifully presented.

For decoration, the products included in the dish are mainly used.

The temperature of the dish during the holiday should be no higher than 12 C. Fish and seafood should be cut obliquely across the fibers with wide ribbons. Color and taste are characteristic of the type of product. The consistency is elastic. The preparation, presentation, storage and sale of these dishes must be carried out in strict accordance with sanitary rules.

1.3 Commodity characteristics of raw materials and their preparation for production, according to the technical and technological map

By thermal state fish can be chilled, frozen,

cooled down. Fish, due to its excellent taste and high nutritional value, has long occupied a very important place in our diet. Its meat has a delicate structure and is easily amenable to various cooking. This determines the great importance of fish dishes and their widespread use not only in daily diet but also in dietary and baby food.

Sturgeons have an elongated fusiform body, covered with five rows of bone formations-scutes: two abdominal, two lateral and one dorsal between which small bone plates are scattered. The snout is elongated, conical or spatulate. The mouth is transverse, lower, on the lower side of the snout there are four antennae. The caudal fin is unequal, the skeleton is cartilaginous.

Sturgeon meat is white with layers of intermuscular fat, characterized by excellent taste and nutritional properties. Sturgeon caviar is an exceptionally valuable food raw material. The dorsal chord is used to produce a screech. The yield of the edible part is about 85%. As a rule, sturgeon fish are sold in frozen form - gutted.

Sturgeon fish (namely representatives of the genus sturgeon - Acipenser) are of great commercial importance, they were originally called red fish - for their special value. Their meat is highly valued, an even more valuable product is the famous black caviar; in addition, the swim bladder provides valuable glue, the dorsal string is eaten under the name vyazigi.

Chilled - a fish is considered to have a temperature in the thickness of the meat near the spine from - 1 to +5 ° C. Timely lowering the temperature inside the muscle tissue and maintaining it at a level close to the cryoscopic point of tissue juice, a decrease in enzymatic activity makes it possible to delay the onset of spoilage of the fish, and keep it fresh for some time. Currently, several methods of cooling fish are used: crushed ice, special types of ice, chilled sea water and common salt solution, ice-salt mixture, cold air.

An important distinguishing feature of fish fats is the predominance of unsaturated fatty acids in their composition. fatty acids, which, as established in recent years, has a special role in human nutrition. Fish and seafood contain such essential compounds for humans as essential amino acids, including lysine and leucine. A special place among unsaturated fatty acids belongs to eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids, the most important of the omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids have a great influence on the course and treatment of cardiovascular diseases and their prevention. Experts believe that fish oil may also have a preventive value in the treatment of certain oncological diseases especially in breast cancer; this is evidenced by studies of American scientists conducted on animals.

It is known that fish fats reduce blood cholesterol and prevent the formation of blood clots.

Adding to the diet products containing fish oil, rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, significantly reduces the possibility of cardiovascular disease.

Studies conducted in Denmark have established that the dominance of fish and other seafood in the diets of Eskimos is the main reason for the absence of diseases associated with the formation of blood clots in the blood vessels. It turned out that such diseases as heart attack, stroke, psoriasis, diabetes mellitus, sclerosis, etc., are not common in them, which is apparently due to the high consumption of fish and marine mammals fat.

Of the water-soluble vitamins in fish, a complex of B vitamins, as well as biotin, nicotinic acid, was found. Of the fat-soluble vitamins, fish contain vitamins A, D, E. The content of vitamin A in fish is many times higher than in the body of other animals, so fish is the most important natural source of obtaining it.

Based on the above, we can conclude that the high nutritional and taste qualities of fish determined their great importance in human nutrition.

The variety of chemical composition and structural features of fish tissues make it a dietary product. After heat treatment, fish meat becomes loose, easily saturated with digestive juices, and therefore it is easily digested and absorbed faster. Due to the content of a significant amount of nitrogenous extractives that stimulate gastric secretion, fish broths are recommended in therapeutic nutrition for gastritis with insufficient acidity of gastric juice, with reduced appetite, as well as in the postoperative period. Nitrogen metabolism in the human body is more favorable when replacing animal meat with fish, since it does not contribute to the formation of uric acid kidney stones. Many species of commercial fish due to high content in them, iron and copper are used in clinical nutrition for anemia; others - due to the high calorie content and the content of fat-soluble vitamins - for rickets and for enhanced nutrition.

Marine fish contains many trace elements necessary for humans. Fatty fish, fish oil are effective as a means of lowering blood cholesterol levels, which prevents diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Proteins of fish meat favorably differ in their composition from the proteins of meat of terrestrial animals with a high content of myofibrillar proteins and a low content of stromal proteins. Fish meat is a rich source of valuable myofibrillar protein. But the meat of many marine and oceanic fish is heterogeneous in composition and is divided in color into light (white) and dark, which differ markedly in chemical composition. Light fish meat contains slightly more protein and significantly less (2-4 times) fat than dark meat. Dark and light meat differ markedly in the composition of proteins.

Fish with exceptionally high nutritional qualities plays an important role in our diet. Fish products are widely used in the daily diet, in dietary and baby food, and fish products, which are distinguished by a spicy or salty taste and a pleasant specific aroma, serve as an excellent snack.

Fish meat proteins contain all the essential amino acids, which explains the special value of fish as one of the most important sources of high-quality proteins in the diet.

Fish is rich in potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, chlorine, sulfur. The content of phosphorus in fish meat is on average 0.20-0.25%. especially big physiological significance have elements such as iron, copper, iodine, bromine, fluorine, etc. contained in fish in very small quantities. With the help of fish, you can satisfy the body's need for iron by 25%, phosphorus - by 50-70, magnesium - by 20%. Seafood is a rich source of iodine. On average, freshwater fish contain 6.6 μg of iodine per 100 g of dry matter, in anadromous fish - 69.1 μg, in semi-anadromous - 26 μg, in marine - 245 μg.

Of particular importance is methionine, which belongs to klipotropic anti-sclerotic substances. According to the content of methionine, fish occupies one of the first places among protein products of animal origin. Due to the presence of arginine and histidine, as well as a high coefficient of protein efficiency (for fish meat it is 1.88-1.90, and for beef - 1.64), fish products are very useful for a growing organism.

1.4 Preparation of raw materials for the preparation of complex cold dishes

The technological process of processing fish consists of the following operations: thawing (frozen fish), cleaning, gutting, cutting and preparing semi-finished products.

Defrosting. frozen fish thaw before cutting. Navaga is not thawed, since it is easy to process it in frozen form, in addition, there is less waste.

Fish with a bone, skeleton is placed in a bath, poured with cold water (10-12 ° C). During thawing in water, the fish loses some of the mineral salts and organic substances contained in it. To reduce these losses, salt is added to the water in the amount of 7 g per 1 liter of water for freshwater and up to 13 g for marine fish.

When thawed in water, the tissues of the fish partially swell, its weight increases by 5-10%. So that the fish does not freeze, it is mixed during thawing. Small fish weighing up to 1 kg thaw in 1.5-2 hours, large - in 3-4 hours. Cod and haddock are thawed slightly to make them easier to handle.

Properly defrosted fish differs little in quality from chilled fish.

Fish with a cartilaginous skeleton are thawed in air at room temperature within 6-10 hours, it is laid in one row on tables or racks.

Cod and perch fillets are thawed in air in a cold room to avoid rapid moisture and loss of nutrients.

Cutting fish with a bone skeleton.

Fish, depending on its further use and size, can be cut:

For use with the whole head (small);

To obtain large fillets with skin and bone not cut along the back, followed by cutting into portioned pieces (rounds);

To obtain two large fillets cut along the back, one fillet with skin, costal and vertebral bones, and the other with skin and costal bones;

To obtain two fillets cut along the back with skin and costal bones without a vertebral bone;

To obtain two fillets cut along the back with skin without costal and vertebral bones;

To obtain two fillets without skin, costal and vertebral bones cut along the back;

For stuffing whole.

Cutting fish used whole. After cleaning the scales and removing the dorsal fin, the remaining fins are cut off with a knife, the abdomen of the fish is cut from the anus to the gills with a medium chef's knife, the films are cut and the insides are removed. Then the gills are removed from the head, and the fish is thoroughly washed.

1.5 Ways to design and serve complex cold dishes

When serving cold fish dishes and snacks, various sauces, dressings and marinades are widely used, which makes it possible to obtain dishes with a variety of flavor combinations from the same fish. In addition, they perfectly flavor dishes, give them an attractive taste. appearance. Sauces, dressings and marinades should be prepared only in the amounts required for a single use, as their taste will deteriorate rapidly during storage. .

Cold dishes are served on oval china, faience and cupronickel dishes.

TO banquet dishes there are special requirements. They should be distinguished not only by high quality, but also by artistic design and serve as a table decoration. These dishes are served on large porcelain and cupronickel dishes for 8--12--16 or more servings with a variety of arranged bouquets of complex side dishes from vegetables and citrus fruits of various types and colors. The garnish is also placed in baskets of rich or puff pastry, cups cut from orange and tangerine peels. The larger the product, the more varied and colorful the garnishes should be and stacked in larger bouquets.

Banquet dishes are also decorated with flowers - live or cut from fresh vegetables: beets, turnips, radishes, carrots, potatoes, etc. Usually roses, dahlias, chamomiles, tulips, lilies, small wild flowers, etc. are cut out of them. Dishes are also decorated with herbs (sprigs of parsley, celery, lettuce), lemon slices. For some dishes, cupronickel skewers are used as an element of decoration, on which figures and flowers are put on.

All these decorations should be in harmony with the prepared product, not clutter up or cover it. In order to better highlight the product, it is sometimes placed on a stand made from bread, dough, rice, potatoes. Fish gastronomy is cut and de-stoned without removing the skin; cut as needed.

1.6 Organization of the work of the workshop for the production of complex cold dishes

Cold shops are organized at enterprises with a shop structure of production (in restaurants, canteens, cafes, etc.).

At specialized enterprises and small-capacity farms that sell a small assortment of cold appetizers with a workshopless structure, a separate workplace is allocated for the preparation of cold dishes in a common production room. Cold shops are designed for preparing, portioning and decorating cold dishes and snacks. The range of cold dishes depends on the type of enterprise, its class. So, in a 1st class restaurant, the assortment of cold dishes should include at least 10 dishes daily, upper class- 15 dishes. The range of products of the cold shop includes cold appetizers, gastronomic products (meat, fish), cold dishes (boiled, fried, stuffed, aspic, etc.), lactic acid

products, as well as cold sweet dishes (jelly, mousses, sambuca, kissels, compotes, etc.), cold drinks, cold soups. The production program of the cold shop is compiled on the basis of the range of dishes sold through the trading floor, culinary shops, as well as sent to buffets and other branches. The cold shop is located, as a rule, in one of the brightest rooms with windows facing north or northwest. When planning the workshop, it is necessary to provide for a convenient connection with the hot workshop, where the heat treatment of the products necessary for the preparation of cold dishes is carried out, as well as with the distribution of washing tableware. difficult cold dish cooking

When organizing a cold shop, it is necessary to take into account its features: the products of the shop after manufacturing and portioning are not subjected to secondary heat treatment, therefore, it is necessary to strictly observe sanitary rules when organizing production process, and for cooks - the rules of personal hygiene; cold dishes should be produced in such quantities that can be sold in short term. Salads and vinaigrettes in unseasoned form are stored in refrigerators at a temperature of 2-6 ° C for no more than 6 hours. Salads and vinaigrettes should be refilled immediately before the holiday, products left over from the previous day are not allowed to be sold: salads, vinaigrettes, jellies, aspic dishes and other especially perishable cold dishes, as well as compotes and drinks of our own production.

Cold dishes are released after cooling in refrigerated cabinets and should have a temperature of 10-14 ° C, therefore, a sufficient number of refrigeration equipment is provided in the workshop.

Given that the cold shop produces products from products that have undergone heat treatment and from products without additional processing, it is necessary to clearly distinguish between the production of dishes from raw and boiled vegetables, from fish and meat. Small businesses organize

universal workplaces where cold dishes are consistently prepared in accordance with the production program; specialized workplaces are organized in large cold shops.

Mechanical equipment is used in cold shops: universal drives П-П, ПХ-06 with interchangeable mechanisms (for cutting raw, boiled vegetables; for mixing salads and vinaigrettes; for whipping mousses, sambuca, cream, sour cream; for squeezing juices from fruits); machine for cutting boiled vegetables MROV. These machines perform all sorts of operations: cut raw and boiled vegetables, mix salads and vinaigrettes (when they are cooked in large quantities), whip, rub, squeeze juices. In small workshops, these operations are mainly performed manually.

In addition, in the workshop with a large assortment of gastronomic products, sandwiches, small-scale mechanization tools are used: a machine for cutting gastronomic products MRGU-370 (for cutting and stacking ham, sausage, cheese in trays); bread slicer MRH; manual oil divider RDM.

The cold shop must be equipped enough cold equipment. For storage of products and finished products, refrigerated cabinets (SHKh-0.4, ShKh-0.8, ShKh-1.2), production tables SOESM-2 with a refrigerated cabinet, SOESM-3 with a refrigerated cabinet, a slide and a container for salad are installed , low temperature ice cream storage and dispensing counter. Ice makers are used in restaurants and bars to produce ice, which is used in the preparation of cocktails and cold drinks. The selection of refrigeration equipment depends on the capacity of the cold shop, the number of products and finished products to be stored.

The selection of production tables depends on the number of workers simultaneously working in the workshop, on the basis that the front of work for each employee should be at least 1.5 m. Washing vegetables, herbs, fruits

it is produced in stationary or mobile baths, or for this purpose a sectional modulated table with a built-in washing bath CMVM is used. In the cold shops of large canteens, mobile racks are used for short-term storage of dishes before sending them for sale. In restaurants, the cold shop has a dispensing counter.

1.7 Labor protection

TO self-cooking food is allowed for specially trained persons over 18 years of age. They need to undergo a medical examination and repeat it every six months. An initial safety briefing is conducted, then repeated every 3 months.

The cook is given special sanitary clothing, hair must be removed during cooking. Pins, badges are not allowed on clothes, sleeve length is up to the elbow. Be sure to use special gloves or tacks to protect against burns.

It is necessary to wash hands at the beginning of work, after contamination, when changing operations, after visiting the toilet room.

Labor protection rules during work.

The workplace and all equipment must be carefully inspected each time work is started. If you find any problems, you need to report this to the manager and wait for them to be eliminated. Electrical appliances must be grounded and properly wired. All protective devices must be in place. Ventilation and exhaust must be in place.

1.8 Personal hygiene of workers in the preparation of complex cold dishes

Personal hygiene is one of the most important sections of general hygiene, developing issues of improving human health by observing

hygiene rules and norms, not only in personal life, but also in work.

Good personal hygiene is essential in preventing food contamination with germs that can cause contagious diseases and food poisoning.

Personal hygiene enhances customer service culture and serves as an important indicator of overall culture.

In production, take a shower every day before starting work and put on clean sanitary clothes.

Hands require especially careful care. They should be washed before starting work, when moving from one operation to another, before and after going to the toilet, after every break.

Hair must be hidden under a cap, shoes with rubber soles without heels.

Earrings, rings, bracelets, chains and other items are not allowed.

Special requirements are imposed on sanitary clothing, which should protect products from possible contamination by the worker's clothing. Sanitary clothes - a dressing gown (jacket), a cap (kerchief), an apron - are usually sewn from white cotton fabric, which is easy to wash.

Work shoes should fit the foot, be non-slip and light.

Employees of catering establishments who have direct contact with food products, ready meals and desserts must strictly observe the requirements of personal hygiene, pay special attention to body hygiene and the cleanliness of work clothes, and timely treat inflammatory diseases of the skin, throat or other organs from which the infection can be ingested.

1.9 Basic utensils for serving cold fish dishes

The temperature of cold dishes, snacks should not exceed 10-14 0 C. Some snacks (butter, granular and chum caviar) are served chilled with food ice.

Serving cold meals and snacks. Dishes for cold dishes and snacks must correspond to the shape of the product, not have crevices and cracks. The dimensions of the dishes should be such that the products that make up the dish do not cover its sides.

Cold dishes and snacks are brought into the hall in porcelain dishes on a tray, put on a utility table. In each of the dishes brought, they put devices for layout, you can use a table fork and spoon for this purpose. You can also serve takeout meals. At the request of the customer, snacks can be placed on the table in advance.

Salad bowls, caviar bowls, gravy boats are placed on pie or snack plates before serving, depending on the number of servings with the handle to the left. In front of the salad bowl and gravy boat, tea or dessert spoons are placed on the same plate with the handle to the right, in front of the caviar bowl - a special spatula or teaspoon for unfolding. If the salad is served in a porcelain vase, then a salad or a tablespoon is placed on the salad with a recess down.

You can not put a salad bowl in front of the visitor, this place on the table is intended for a plate into which an appetizer is transferred from common dish. It is also not allowed to serve snacks across the table or directly into the hands of guests.

When serving cold fish dishes and appetizers, a snack device (knife and fork) is used, but not a fish one, which is used only when serving hot fish dishes. After fish snack it is necessary to replace the snack plate and the snack device.

1.10 Quality requirements. Shelf life of prepared meals

Requirements for the quality of boiled fish dishes. Boiled fish in the form whole carcass or portioned pieces, laid out skin up, retains its shape, boil completely, poured with broth or sauce.

Taste and smell for a particular type of fish with the aroma of spices, spices combined with sauce. The color of the fish on the cut is white or light gray, the texture is soft. The garnish is neatly enclosed on the side, poured with melted butter, sprinkled with chopped herbs.

Quality requirements for powdered fish dishes. Approved stuffed fish and fish in the form of portioned pieces or whole carcasses retain their shape well. Clots of coagulated proteins are allowed on the surface of the fish, therefore, to improve the appearance of the dish, the fish is poured with sauce, decorated with lemon, mushrooms, cancer necks or crabs.

The taste and smell characteristic of this type of fish in combination with spices and sauce. The cut color is white or light grey. The consistency is soft. The garnish is poured with oil, sprinkled with herbs.

Requirements for the quality of stewed fish dishes. Stews have a taste and smell characteristic of a certain type of fish, with the aroma of vegetables and spices. The texture is soft and juicy. The color of the fish in the cut is gray or brown. Vegetables that were stewed with fish are brown or brown.

Requirements for the quality of baked fish dishes. Baked fish dishes are served in portioned pans, with a well-fried crust. Bones are not allowed, except for baked dishes. whole fish. The sauce is thick but shows no signs of drying out. The dish is juicy, it is not allowed to burn fish and garnish.

Requirements for the quality of fried fish dishes. Fried fish is served in one piece with skin and bones, with skin without bones, small fish - whole, sturgeon - without cartilage, with or without skin. Fish and fish products should retain their shape, have a uniformly well-fried crust - from golden to light brown. The taste of dishes is specific, characteristic of a certain type of fish, without foreign taste, with the smell of fish, stuffing and fat.

Fish in the dough is served in 6-8 pieces per serving. Pieces of fish should be well-done and juicy. The dough is porous and loose. Color - light golden. For deep fried fish, the taste and smell of overcooked deep fat, the dark color of the fried crust are unacceptable. The texture is soft and juicy. In fish and deep-fried products, the surface crust is slightly crispy, but not dry, without trailing the breading.

Color on a section - from white to gray. The fish is covered in oil. The garnish is neatly enclosed. The dish is decorated with parsley fries, a slice of lemon. Hake, cod and other low-fat fish are best fried in a dough that will protect them from drying out, the fish flesh becomes tender and tasty. Sprinkle sea fish with lemon juice before frying - it will be tastier.

Requirements for the quality of dishes from chopped natural fish and cutlet mass. Dishes from chopped natural and cutlet mass must retain their shape. The surface of fried products should be with a golden crust, without cracks. Breading lag is not allowed. Color on a section - from white to gray.

Products are juicy, loose, without the taste of sour bread. The mass is homogeneous, without pieces of bread and fish pulp.

The quality of ready-made fish dishes and dishes from non-fish seafood products is evaluated according to the following criteria:

Correspondence of the type of fish with the name of the dish;

Compliance with the recipe;

The correctness of the development of fish;

The correctness of cutting portioned pieces;

Breading condition;

Compliance with the rules of heat treatment and bringing the fish to readiness;


Taste and smell of finished fish, consistency;

Appropriate garnish and sauce for specific food.

Conditions and terms of storage of finished fish products

Name of dishes

shelf life

Temperature, °C

from fish and fish products

Boiled and stewed fish

Fried and stewed fish

Fried fish dishes and

Prepare for implementation


from non-fish aquatic raw materials

Boiled and poached

In decoction 40 ... 60 min.

Fried and baked

Prepare for implementation

1.11 Characteristics of equipment for the preparation of raw materials and semi-finished products for the preparation and serving of specified dishes

Centralized production of semi-finished products from fish is carried out in specialized shops of procurement enterprises.

In large workshops, the processing of fish with a bone skeleton and the further preparation of semi-finished products are carried out on production mechanized lines.

Frozen partial fish for defrosting are placed in baths with 3-5% sodium chloride solution at a water temperature not higher than 12 ° C for 2-3 hours. After defrosting, the fish is unloaded into mobile baths and sent to the processing conveyor line.

With the help of a scale-cleaning machine, the fish are cleaned of scales, the fins are cut off with a fin cutter, and the heads are removed with the help of a head-cutting machine.

Removing the entrails and washing the fish is done manually. Each workplace consists of a production table with built-in wash basins. Workplaces are equipped with cutting boards, chef's three knives. Next, the fish is subjected to fixation (cooling) in an 18% sodium chloride solution at a temperature of -4 to -6 ° C for 5-10 minutes. To reduce losses during storage, transportation, to preserve nutritional value, the shelf life (from the end of the technological process to the sale of semi-finished products) should not exceed 24 hours, including at the manufacturing plant - no more than 8 hours.

For the production of semi-finished products from fish, production tables are installed on which marked cutting boards, table scales, and containers for semi-finished products are placed. The cutting of semi-finished products is carried out with a large knife of the chef's troika. For the preparation of minced products, a universal drive (meat grinder), a bath for soaking bread, meat mixers, cutlet molding machines are used.

At medium-sized enterprises, mechanization is used to a lesser extent in the processing of fish and the manufacture of semi-finished products. For processing fish, scrapers and knives of the chef's troika are used. At small enterprises, the heads and tails of fish are chopped off by hand with a large or medium knife of the chef's troika. Wash the fish in bathtubs. On the production table, where semi-finished products are prepared, there should be: a set of knives, marked cutting boards, a set of spices and table scales. Containers for semi-finished products are baking sheets, trays, which are placed on racks and in a refrigerator for storage.

2. Practical part

2.1 Complex cold dishes from whole boiled fish

All types of fish are suitable for cooking fish. However, fish such as silver hake, herring, crucian carp, omul, navaga, bream, vobla are less tasty when boiled than when fried.

Fish is cooked in whole carcasses, links (fish of the sturgeon family), in the form of large pieces (beluga) and portioned pieces.

Prepared fish (small specimens) is cut into portioned pieces without plaiting, together with the backbone; fish weighing 1.0-1.5 kg should be pre-plated along the backbone.

The fish is boiled in fish boilers equipped with grates. The broth obtained by boiling fish is used to make soups and sauces.

When cooking trout and salmon, table vinegar (10 g per 1 liter of water) is added to the water to preserve their color.

Oceanic and sea fish, which has a specific smell and taste, are boiled with the addition of cucumber pickle, dill or fresh sweet pepper.

On vacation, the fish is placed on a portioned dish or plate, garnished, the sauce is served separately or poured over the fish.

Fish (fillet) boiled

Cut fish (captain fish, sea bass, pike, cod, whiting) from semi-finished products (captain fish cod, pike or mackerel of the Indian Ocean) into fillets with skin and costal bones. Then cut into portions and make two or three cuts on the surface of each piece. Lay the pieces in one row in a bowl, skin side up, pour hot boiled water. Peel the onions and carrots, rinse the parsley root and add to the fish. After the liquid boils, remove the foam and cook until tender over low heat for 5-7 minutes. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, add bay leaf, black peppercorns and salt. As a side dish for boiled fish, you can serve boiled potatoes, mashed potatoes, vegetable stew. Sauces - tomato, sour cream, Polish.

Fish (unpacked in pieces) boiled

Processed non-plastered fish (pink salmon, chum salmon, chinook salmon, pike perch, spotted catfish, Azov-Black Sea mackerel, black halibut, oceanic horse mackerel, oceanic eelpout) from semi-finished products (markurus, Far Eastern mackerel) cut into pieces one per serving. Lay the pieces in one row in a dish with the skin up, pour hot boiled water. Peel the onions and carrots, rinse the parsley root and add to the fish. After the liquid boils, remove the foam and cook until tender over low heat for 5-7 minutes. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, add bay leaf, black peppercorns and salt. As a side dish for boiled fish, you can serve boiled potatoes, mashed potatoes, vegetable stew. Sauces - tomato, sour cream, Polish.

Fish (whole head) boiled

Fish (a trifle of the 1st group or Mexican and Moroccan sardines), clean, then gut and remove the gills. Put the fish in a bowl and pour hot boiled water over it. Peel the onions and carrots, rinse the parsley root and add to the fish. Boil for 15 minutes. 5 minutes before the end of cooking, add bay leaf, black peppercorns and salt. As a side dish for boiled fish, you can serve boiled potatoes, mashed potatoes, vegetable stew.

Fish (sturgeon family) boiled

Fish (sturgeon, stellate sturgeon or beluga) are layered into links, scalded, bugs removed and cleaned. Rinse the links, bandage them and lay skin side down on the fish cauldron insert and cover with cold water. Peel the onions and carrots, rinse the parsley root and add to the fish. Boil for 30-45 minutes at a temperature of 85-90 ° C. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, add black peppercorns, salt and bay leaf. Ready fish taken out of the broth, cartilage, protein clots are removed, cut into portions and stored until holiday in a small amount of broth at a temperature of 50-60 about C for no more than 30-40 minutes. As a side dish for boiled fish, you can serve boiled potatoes, mashed potatoes.

Salted boiled fish

Place salted fish (spotted catfish, sea bass or cod) from semi-finished products (spotted catfish) in cold water for 30-50 minutes to swell muscle tissue. Then remove the scales, fins, head and entrails. Rinse the gutted fish, cut into portions and pour cold water (with a temperature of 12 ° C). Continue soaking for 12 hours. Change the water every 1, 2, 3 and 6 hours after the start of soaking. At the end of the soaking, put the fish in a bowl and pour hot boiled water over it. Peel the onions and carrots, rinse the parsley root and add to the fish. After the liquid boils, remove the foam and cook until tender over low heat for 5-7 minutes. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, add bay leaf, black peppercorns and salt. As a side dish for boiled fish, you can serve boiled potatoes, mashed potatoes.

2.2 Development of TTK for a complex cold dish

Technical and technological map

Name of the dish: Boiled fish

Type of processing: Cooking

Recipe (layout of products) per 100 grams of net dish:

Nutritional value, calories and chemical composition meals (vitamins, trace elements):

Technological map of preparation:

Cooking technology

The carcass of the fish is placed in a saucepan, poured with water 3-5 cm above the surface of the carcass, onions and carrots are added, when the liquid boils, the foam is removed and cooked until tender. Released with boiled butter or sour cream sauce.

Side dishes - potatoes in milk, mashed potatoes, boiled vegetables, stewed cabbage.

quality requirements

Appearance: fish is placed on a plate, garnish on the side Consistency: soft, easy delamination of fish pulp is allowed Color: fish in the cut - white or light gray

Taste: fish combined with sauce or oil, pleasant, moderately salty Odour: fish with sauce or oil aroma

Microbiological indicators:

the number of mesophilic aerobic and facultative aerobic microorganisms, CFU in 1 g of the product, not more than 1x10;

bacteria of the Escherichia coli group, not allowed in the mass of the product, g 0.1

caugulase-positive staphylococci, not allowed in food mass, g 1.0

Proteus are not allowed in the mass of the product, g 0.1.


Fish is an essential food item. In terms of its chemical composition, it is slightly inferior to the meat of domestic animals, and in terms of the content of minerals, vitamins and the degree of digestibility of proteins, it surpasses meat. The fish contains (in%): proteins - from 13 to 23, fat - from 0.1 to 33, minerals - from 1 to 2, water - from 50 to 80, vitamins A, D, E, B2, B12, PP, C, extractives. The composition of fish proteins includes essential amino acids necessary for the body to build new cells and tissues, therefore fish proteins are called complete. These include albumins, globulins, nucleoproteins, etc. The connective tissue protein - collagen - is defective, under the influence of heat treatment it is easily modified, turning into a sticky substance - glutin. Due to its structure, fish is very easy to digest by the human body.

Muscle, together with adipose and connective tissue, is the main edible part of the fish, which makes up approximately half of the total mass. According to the fat content, fish are conditionally divided into three categories: lean - up to 2% fat, medium fat - from 2 to 5, fatty - from 5 to 15%. Fish with a fat content of 5 to 15%. Fish with a fat content of 15 to 33% is classified as especially oily. The amount of fat in fish depends on its type, age, location and time of year. Fat content affects taste qualities fish and her culinary use. Fish fat is easily melted and absorbed by the human body, and the presence of vitamins D and A significantly increases its value. The largest amount of fat contains such fish as eel, lamprey, sturgeon, salmon, herring, coal fish, etc. Skinny fish include cod, pike, zander, perch, smelt. Sea fish is rich minerals- phosphorus, sodium, calcium, potassium, as well as microelements iodine, copper, cobalt, manganese, etc. Due to the presence of a larger amount of iodine, fish is classified as a dietary product and is recommended to be included in the diet of the elderly. Extractive substances in the process of heat treatment pass into the broth. They consist of creatine, creatinine, which stimulate appetite and secretory activity of the stomach. The specific smell, especially sharp in marine fish, is due to the presence of nitrogenous substances - amines in it. People suffering from excess weight, river fish is just perfect, which contains 2.5 grams of fat per 100 grams of weight.

And suffering diabetes you can eat it without any restrictions, because the amount of carbohydrates in it is negligible - only 0.1%. Fish, which competes with chicken in this regard, is an excellent source of high quality protein, which contains all the amino acids necessary for normal life. It also compares favorably with meat protein the presence of methionine. Due to the fact that the collagen that makes up the connective tissue has the ability to quickly turn into a soluble form, the fish is easily boiled soft, and its tissues become loose, due to which there is a maximum and rapid absorption of all nutrients. The richest fish in protein content include salmon, trout, salmon, beluga, it is easier to say that all representatives of the sturgeon and salmon orders. The great importance of fish dishes in human nutrition is also supported by a large indicator of nutritional value due to the increased content of fatty acids. Most of all, this applies to fatty marine varieties of fish - salmon, mackerel, herring, trout, salmon and others. Polyunsaturated acids are the owners of great physiological activity, have a beneficial effect on intercellular processes, have anti-inflammatory properties, reduce the level of fat in the blood and help in reducing body weight.

List of used literature

1) GOST 20414-93, GOST 30314-95.

2) SanPiN 42-123-4117-86 of 03/25/98 (as amended on 01/21/99). Conditions, terms of storage of especially perishable products.

3) Baranov, V.S. Production technology of public catering products / V.S. Baranov, A.I. Mglinets, L.M. Aleshina and others - M.: Economics, 2015.

4) Buteykis, N.G. Organization of production of public catering establishments. / N.G. Buteykis - M .: Publishing House "Higher School", 2012 .

5) Efimov, A.E., Kovalev, V.A., Sharova, T.A. Fish and Seafood: Chef's Library / Ed. A.E. Efimova. - M.: Publishing house "Restaurant sheets". 2011.

6) Karpenko, T.I. 1000 classic recipes. Cooking for everyone / T.I. Karpenko - M .: Publishing house ACT. 2012.

7) Kasparek-Turkkan, Erika. Seafood Delicacies: Family Cooking. Publishing house "Niola 21st century". 2012

8) Kovalev, N.I. Cooking technology / N.I. Kovalev, M.N. Kutkina, V.A. Kravtsova-M.: Publishing House "Business Literature", 2013.

9) Korchagina, T.L. Organization of production and service at catering establishments: Lecture notes. Part 2 / T.L. Korchagin, V. A. Volkov. - Kemerovo: Kemerovo Technological Institute of Food Industry, 2013.

10) W. Mglinets, A.I. Public Technologist's Handbook

11) Nutrition / A.I. Mglinets, G.N. Lovachev, L.M. Aleshina and others - M.: Kolos, 2013.

12) GOST 20414-93, GOST 30314-95.

13) SanPiN 42-123-4117-86 of 03/25/98 (as amended on 01/21/99). Conditions, terms of storage of especially perishable products.

14) Baranov, V.S. Production technology of public catering products / V.S. Baranov, A.I. Mglinets, L.M. Aleshina and others - M.: Economics, 2015.

15) Buteykis, N.G. Organization of production of public catering establishments. / N.G. Buteykis - M .: Publishing House "Higher School", 2012 .

16) Efimov, A.E., Kovalev, V.A., Sharova, T.A. Fish and Seafood: Chef's Library / Ed. A.E. Efimova. - M.: Publishing house "Restaurant sheets". 2011.

17) Karpenko, T.I. 1000 classic recipes. Cooking for everyone / T.I. Karpenko - M .: Publishing house ACT. 2012.

18) Kasparek-Turkkan, Erika. Seafood Delicacies: Family Cooking. Publishing house "Niola 21st century". 2012

19) Kovalev, N.I. Cooking technology / N.I. Kovalev, M.N. Kutkina, V.A. Kravtsova-M.: Publishing House "Business Literature", 2013.

20) Korchagina, T.L. Organization of production and service at catering establishments: Lecture notes. Part 2 / T.L. Korchagin, V. A. Volkova. - Kemerovo: Kemerovo Technological Institute of Food Industry, 2013.

21) W. Mglinets, A.I. Directory of catering technologist / A.I. Mglinets, G.N. Lovachev, L.M. Aleshina and others - M.: Kolos, 2013.

22) Nikulenkova, T.T., Margelov, V.N. Design of public catering enterprises / T.T.Nikulenkova, V.N.Margelov - M., Economics, 2012.

23) Pavlova, L.V. Practical classes on cooking technology / L.V. Pavlova, V.A. Smirnova. - M.: Economics, 2014.

24) Poskrebysheva, G.I. Dishes from fish and seafood / G.I. Poskrebysheva. - M. Publishing house "Labyrinth", 2015.

25) Poskrebysheva, G.I. Cooking from seafood / G.I. Poskrebysheva. - M. Publishing house "Labyrinth", 2015.

26) Prostakova, T.M. Food preparation technology / T.M. Prostakova - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2013.

27) Handbook of catering technologist / Ed. O.I. Ovsyannikova. - M.: Food industry, 2012.

28) Tyurina, A.A., Fokina, K.V. Recipes of the best chefs in Moscow. Fish and seafood / A.A. Tyurina, K.V. Fokina - M .: CHERNOVIK Publishing House. 2014.

29) Filippova, V.A. Seafood dishes / V.A. Filipova - M .: Publishing house "Labyrinth", 2014.

30) Fominykh, I.L. Technology of restaurant products / I.L. Fominykh, E.V. Shemetova, M.A. Kasatkin. - M.: Publishing house "Niola 21st century". 2012.

31) Handbook of catering technologist. - M.: Kolos, 2011.

32) http://restorator.name/personal/podgotovka-ofitsianta/l 18-lichnaya-gigiena.html

33) http://infourok.ru/razrabotka_zanyatiya_na_temu_lichnaya_gigiena_rabotni

34) 23.kov_predpriyatiy_obschestvennogo_pitaniya-180672.htm

35) 24.http://www.studfiles.ru/preview/398455/

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Section 1. Organization of the cooking process and preparation of complex cold desserts.

Topic 1.1. General rules preparation of hot and cold desserts.

1. The value of desserts in nutrition, their classification.

2. Preliminary preparation of raw materials for desserts.

3. Technology of preparation and release of cold desserts.

4. Technology of preparation and release of hot desserts.

5. Design and decoration technique complex desserts.

6. Sauces for hot and cold desserts.

7. Requirements for the quality of sweet dishes.

8. Serving and serving sweet hot and cold desserts.

DESSERT (from French Desserrer - to make relaxed, uninhibited, light). This French term is used all over the world to call the final dishes of the table, regardless of what they are in the order of serving - third or fifth. The term has entered all European languages ​​since the 16th century. In Russian, “dessert” as a term has been known since 1652. Prior to that, it was replaced by the Russian word “snacks”, which became especially inconvenient in the 18th century due to the emergence of the concept of “snacks”. It became difficult to distinguish snacks from snacks, and therefore, from the middle of the 18th century, the word "snack" finally disappears from Russian culinary terminology and from that time only the word "dessert" is used. A similar process took place in other European languages ​​- English and German, where the word "after-table" (nachtisch) - is replaced by the more accurate French culinary concept of "dessert".

The meaning of dessert - do not add satiety, but, on the contrary, remove the feeling of after-dinner heaviness, do not make a person want to fall asleep. That's why dessert in its precise French culinary sense is not just a sweet dish for a snack or at the end of the whole dinner, but a light, refreshing dish.

As for hot drinks, desserts still include tea and coffee, which not only “push through” food, but also tone up the general condition, speed up the digestion process and relieve heaviness after dinner.

Dessert This is the dish that ends the meal. And even if this meal was ordinary, a successful dessert will make it memorable thanks to a pleasant sweet aftertaste. Therefore, it is recommended to pay no less attention to dessert than to all other dishes on your menu. Desserts can be different in texture, ingredients, taste, portion size.

1. Classification of sweet foods.

The assortment of sweet dishes is very diverse. The composition of sweet dishes includes fresh and frozen fruits and berries, compotes, kissels, jelly, mousses, sambuca, creams, soufflés, puddings, croutons, Gurievskaya porridge, apple dishes, etc.

Sweet dishes are usually divided into two main groups:

Cold (supply temperature should be 12-150C);

Hot (supply temperature should be 70-750C).

Cold dishes, in turn, are divided into:

Fresh and frozen fruits and berries;



Whipped cream and sour cream;

Ice cream.

Hot ones include:


Dishes from apples;

Flour sweet dishes and others.

However, many sweet dishes are served both hot and cold ( baked apples, pancakes with minced fruit, etc.).

For their preparation, sugar, fruits, berries, nuts, various fruit and berry juices, extracts, syrups, as well as eggs, milk, cream, flour and cereal products are used. Flavoring and flavoring substances of sweet dishes are vanillin, cinnamon, citrus peel, citric acid, coffee, cocoa, wine, etc.

As gelling agents, you can use products of animal and vegetable origin - gelatin, regular and modified starch, agaroid, furcellaran, as well as sodium alginate and pectin substances.

Types of desserts

Dessert is usually sweet (such as cake or ice cream), but there are also savory desserts made from fruits, nuts, cheeses, unsweetened confectionery. In addition, not all sweet dishes are desserts, for example, in Chinese cuisine there are sweet meat dishes that are not desserts. In China, there are also sweets with pepper and ginger instead of sugar. Native Americans, before the arrival of Europeans, made chocolate with pepper and spices instead of sugar. Even in Russian cuisine there are unsweetened desserts - for example, black caviar. Cheese is considered a classic French dessert.

Confectionery can be served as a dessert:

cakes, cookies, waffles, muffins, pies;

various types of sweets, marshmallows, whipped cream dishes;

· sweet fruit and berry mixtures (the so-called fruit salads);

· juices, soda water, compotes, jelly;

· sweet milk, chocolate and fruit and berry mousses, creams, jellies;

ice cream and ice cream desserts;

Dessert can be tea, cocoa, coffee, coffee with ice cream (café glacé);

special dessert wines- in a word, everything that can be applied to the "third".

Desserts are served in different ways: they can be portioned, cold or hot; desserts can be served as for a buffet table, which pleases with variety: for example, some of the desserts are hot, some are cold or even frozen, all kinds sweet pastries, mousses, cakes, and also big choice fruit and chocolate.

Bakery. This type of dessert includes cakes, cookies, rolls, muffins, pastries, buns, pies, waffles.

Dairy desserts many sweet tooths love it. As you can see from the name, this dessert includes milk. As a rule, dairy desserts are not very high in calories, after which there is no feeling of heaviness in the stomach. Such desserts include ice cream, various milk mousses and jellies, yogurts, sweet curd cheeses and masses. Dairy desserts are popular in many countries, especially in France.

Chocolate desserts contain cocoa in their composition. These include chocolates, chocolates.

fruit desserts came to us from warm countries. Such as India, China, Italy, Egypt, etc. In Russia, with its climate, grow Exotic fruits unreal. Fruit dessert today can be served at any time of the year. A very common fruit dessert is split. This banana dessert. The banana is peeled, cut and placed on vanilla ice cream. This dish is topped with sweet syrup and garnished with cherries.

Jelly can also be attributed to fruit desserts. This dessert was invented by French chefs. It is made from fresh or frozen fruits, from syrups or juices, to which gelatin is added during cooking. When the jelly hardens, it takes on a gelatinous consistency. The most important thing when making jelly is to achieve rich color and transparency. If pieces of fruit are added to the jelly, then all of them should be clearly visible - the jelly should be so transparent.

The dessert can be "parfait" or dairy: today, thanks to high-quality milk substitutes, confectioners prepare excellent "parfait" desserts.

sorbet is a delicious airy frozen dessert, which is characterized by a variety of color combinations and amazing tastes, including the taste fresh fruit. Sometimes even alcohol is introduced into its composition. Sorbet, with its very delicate texture and dominant taste, is especially good after a hearty meal.

Desserts that require baking require experience and patience. Making confectionery is a special art, so in the kitchen, in addition to the usual cook, there is also a confectioner. The confectionery is a separate area in the kitchen.

It is very important how the dessert looks. It should be aesthetic and delight in colors. It is known that at first we "eat" with our eyes, and only after that there is a desire to try the dish.

Ice cream- this is very popular dessert. It can be milky, “parfait”, fruit, with additives (with pieces of biscuits, dried fruits). Ice cream is recommended to be taken out of the freezer a few minutes before serving so that it softens slightly. This improves the flavor and texture of the ice cream. Also, it will be easier to divide it into portions.

Cookie- This is also a dessert or a great treat. It is ideal for coffee - cookies can be dipped in a cup of hot drink to soften and "share" their taste with coffee or chocolate.

If you decide to make a dough-based dessert, it's best to bake it just before serving, and then your dessert will be fresh and flawless.

mixed desserts .This group includes pudding, soufflé, mousse.

Pudding- a very unusual dessert. It is based on rice and white bread. Sometimes the filling can be not only fruit, but also meat. This dish was originally made from leftovers. various dishes, which were combined into one. This "association" became known as pudding. To prevent the pudding from falling apart, it had to be fastened with something. To do this, they prepared a mixture of eggs with milk or alcohol (cognac, rum).

Souffle This is a light and airy dessert. Eggs are the basis. Moreover, the squirrels are whipped separately, it is they who give airiness to this dessert. And the yolks are combined with other ingredients: cottage cheese, fruits, vegetables and even cereals. You should get a mass that resembles sour cream in consistency. The finished souffle can be decorated with fresh fruits, berries, a slice of lemon or orange, cream, you can sprinkle with chopped nuts or grated chocolate.

Mousse- chilled jelly, which is whipped until foam is formed. As a rule, the basis of mousses is some aromatic base - juice, fruit puree, chocolate, grape wine, etc. To this are added egg whites(to form foam) and gelatin (to fix the foam).

Oriental sweets

These sweets are very different from the usual Russian desserts. The whole secret is in the technology of preparation and the ingredients used. It is clear that the basis of oriental sweets are exotic fruits and nuts. It is known that earlier oriental sweets were equal in value to gold. The Arabs endowed their desserts with magical powers. As a rule, honey and natural fruit juices, which do not grow in the middle lane, gave sweetness to oriental desserts.

Even in the recent past, public catering existed strictly according to regulatory rules. And in which institution we would not go, the range of products offered was absolutely almost the same. Everything that was included in the menu was in one collection of recipes and those dishes that are part of it. Nowadays, as a rule, the vast majority of restaurants develop complex specialty cold dishes and poultry snacks. A signature dish is a dish prepared according to original recipe and technology and reflecting the specifics of the catering company. A signature dish differs, as a rule, in organoleptic characteristics from the dishes provided for by the current officially published collections of recipes for dishes. The specifics of the enterprise include national, regional and other features. A new dish is a dish prepared from a new type of raw material and using a new, improved technology. For such dishes, enterprises must develop Technical and Technological Maps (TTK). From January 1, 2015, the form and content of the TTK is regulated by GOST 31987-2012 and the requirements technical regulation Customs Union TR TS 021-2011.

The technical and technological map is a regulatory document. The thesis presents TTK for complex specialty cold dishes and snacks from meat and poultry. Such as: " chicken soufflé with cheese and Provence herbs”, “Italian poultry roll”, “Chicken pate with pumpkin”, “Jellied chicken fillet with apricots”, “Boiled chicken rolls with spicy omelet”. All technical and technological cards are developed for dishes produced and sold only at a certain public catering enterprise, and these cards do not apply to products supplied to other enterprises. Along with the technology for preparing products and the norms for laying products, it includes requirements for the safety of the raw materials used and the technological process, the results of laboratory studies of products in terms of safety indicators.

Each technical and technological map is assigned a serial number. The card is signed by a process engineer, responsible developer, approved by the head of the enterprise or his deputy. The period of validity of technical and technological maps is determined by the enterprise.

"I approve"

Enterprise manager


Technical and technological map No. 1.

"Chicken Soufflé with Cheese and Provence Herbs"

1 area of ​​use

This technical and technological map has been developed in accordance with GOST 31987-2012 and applies to specialty of the house"Chicken soufflé with cheese and Provence herbs", produced and sold in the restaurant ______________.

2. Requirements for raw materials

food raw materials, food products and semi-finished products used to prepare the dish "Chicken soufflé with cheese and Provence herbs" must comply with the requirements of current regulatory and technical documents, have accompanying documents confirming their safety and quality (certificate of conformity, sanitary and epidemiological conclusion, certificate of safety and quality, etc. .).

3. Recipe

Name of raw materials and products

Bookmark rate for 1 serving

Net bookmark rate for 10 servings, kg

Gross weight, g

Net weight, g

Boiled chicken fillet

Wheat flour 1 grade



Mascarpone cheese

parmesan cheese


5. Technological process

Pass the pulp of boiled poultry through a meat grinder with a fine grate 2 times, then gradually introduce into the minced meat milk sauce. To prepare it, heat the butter in a frying pan and add the flour there and fry it a little. Then add cream and simmer for five minutes, stirring constantly. In a blender, beat the grated parmesan, marscarpone and egg yolks until smooth. Whisk the protein into thick foam, carefully introduce into the mass, kneading from the bottom up. Put the mass on a baking sheet with a layer of 3 cm and bake at a temperature of 180-200 ° C for 15-20 minutes.

Before releasing, lower the form with the soufflé for a few seconds in warm water by 2/3 of the volume, then remove the form from the water, shake and put the soufflé on portion plate. According to the requirements of SanPin, the temperature of the dish during serving should not exceed 14°C. The allowable shelf life of the dish "Chicken soufflé with cheese and Provence herbs" before sale, according to SanPiN, is 2-3 hours.

Organoleptic indicators of the dish "Chicken soufflé with cheese and Provence herbs" must meet the following requirements:

The nutritional value

Nutritional value of the dish "Chicken soufflé with cheese and Provence herbs" for the output of 150 g and 100 g of the product:

"I approve"

Enterprise manager


Technical and technological map No. 2.

"Italian poultry roll"

1 area of ​​use

This technical and technological map has been developed in accordance with GOST 31987-2012 and applies to the signature dish “Italian poultry roll”, produced and sold at the ______________ restaurant.

Raw material requirements

Food raw materials, food products and semi-finished products used for the preparation of the “Italian poultry roll” dish must comply with the requirements of current regulatory and technical documents, have accompanying documents confirming their safety and quality (certificate of conformity, sanitary and epidemiological conclusion, safety certificate and quality, etc.).

Processing of all products used must be carried out in strict accordance with established sanitary norms and rules.


Technological process

The preparation of raw materials for the production of a dish is carried out in accordance with the "Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products for public catering establishments (2009)".

Cut the cheese and mix with crushed nutmeg and garlic. Fry mushrooms with onions in vegetable oil until golden brown. Wash chicken breasts, dry and beat off. Add salt and pepper to taste. Put mushrooms with onions in the middle of each breast, wrap it with a roll, fasten the edges with toothpicks or tie with a thread. Pour into water, bring to a boil and remove. Transfer to a baking sheet greased with butter, sprinkle with cheese and nuts and bake in the oven at 200 0 C for 20 minutes.

Requirements for registration, implementation and storage

Cool the finished roll, cut into slices (3-4 per serving) and decorate. According to the requirements of SanPin, the temperature of the dish during serving should not exceed 14°C. The allowable shelf life of the dish “Italian poultry roll” before sale, according to SanPiN, is 2-3 hours.

Quality and safety indicators

The organoleptic characteristics of the "Italian Poultry Roll" dish must meet the following requirements:

Microbiological indicators of the quality of the dish must comply with the requirements of the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union "On food safety" TR TS 021/2011.

The nutritional value

Nutritional value of the dish "Italian poultry roll" for the output of 180 g and 100 g of the product

Technical and technological map No. 3

"Chicken pate with pumpkin"

1 area of ​​use

This technical and technological map has been developed in accordance with GOST 31987-2012 and applies to the signature dish "Chicken Pate with Pumpkin", produced and sold at the ______________ restaurant.

Raw material requirements

Food raw materials, food products and semi-finished products used for the preparation of the “Chicken Pate with Pumpkin” dish must comply with the requirements of the current regulatory and technical documents, have accompanying documents confirming their safety and quality (certificate of conformity, sanitary and epidemiological conclusion, certificate of safety and quality etc.).

Processing of all products used must be carried out in strict accordance with established sanitary norms and rules.


Technological process

The preparation of raw materials for the production of a dish is carried out in accordance with the "Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products for public catering establishments (2009)". Boiled fillet is passed through a meat grinder with a frequent grate, mashed boiled pumpkin and peeled boiled hot potatoes are added, again passed through a meat grinder, melted butter, salt are added and mixed. On a sheet, smeared with a thin layer of oil and sprinkled with flour, spread a mass of 3-4 cm thick, level it. The surface is smeared with a thin layer of sour cream and baked in an oven for 10 minutes at a temperature of 230-250°C. The temperature inside the product should be 85°C. The baked pate is cooled to a temperature of 20-25°C and cut into one piece per serving.

Requirements for registration, implementation and storage

The pate is served on a patty plate, one piece per serving. The pate is displayed in portioned form in a refrigerated display case and sold within 1 hour from the date of manufacture. According to the requirements of SanPin, the temperature of the dish during serving should not exceed 14°C. The allowable shelf life of the dish "Chicken pate with pumpkin" before sale, according to SanPiN, is 24 hours at a temperature of 2-60C. The organoleptic indicators of the dish "Chicken pate with pumpkin" must meet the following requirements:

Microbiological indicators of the quality of the dish must comply with the requirements of the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union "On food safety" TR TS 021/2011.

The nutritional value

Nutritional value of the dish "Chicken pate with pumpkin" for the output of 100 g of the product:

"I approve"

Enterprise manager


Technical and technological map No. 4.

"Chicken Fillet with Apricots"

1 area of ​​use

This technical and technological map has been developed in accordance with GOST 31987-2012 and applies to the specialty dish "Aspic of chicken fillet with apricots", produced and sold in the ______________ restaurant.

Raw material requirements

Food raw materials, foodstuffs and semi-finished products used for the preparation of the dish "Jellied chicken fillet with apricots" must comply with the requirements of current regulatory and technical documents, have accompanying documents confirming their safety and quality (certificate of conformity, sanitary and epidemiological conclusion, safety certificate and quality, etc.). Processing of all products used must be carried out in strict accordance with established sanitary norms and rules.


Technological process

The preparation of raw materials for the production of a dish is carried out in accordance with the "Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products for public catering establishments (2009)".

Chicken fillet is cleaned from films, tendons, fat residues. Separate the large fillet from the small. A large fillet is cut along not to the end, so that it opens like a book, salt, sprinkle with ground nutmeg. Spread in the middle of the fillet canned apricots, sprinkled with grated cheese, molded, placed in a saucepan, poured hot water, allow 20 minutes with the lid closed. Then cool and pour the jelly with a layer of 1-2 mm (from a steep broth and gelatin), serve 1-2 pieces per serving.

Requirements for registration, implementation and storage

The dish "Aspic of chicken fillet with apricots" is served on a plate of the euro standard. According to the requirements of SanPin, the temperature of the dish during serving should not exceed 14°C. Permissible shelf life of the dish " Chicken fillet with apricots" before implementation, according to SanPiN, is 2-3 hours.

Quality and safety indicators

The organoleptic indicators of the dish "Aspic of chicken fillet with apricots" must meet the following requirements:

Microbiological indicators of the quality of the dish must comply with the requirements of the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union "On food safety" TR TS 021/2011.

The nutritional value

Nutritional value of the dish "Aspic of chicken fillet with apricots" for the output of 150 g and 100 g of the product:

"I approve"

Enterprise manager


Technical and technological map No. 5.

"Boiled chicken rolls with spicy omelet"

1 area of ​​use

This technical and technological map has been developed in accordance with GOST 31987-2012 and applies to the signature dish Boiled Chicken Rolls with Spicy Omelet, produced and sold at the ______________ restaurant.

Raw material requirements

Food raw materials, food products and semi-finished products used for the preparation of the "Chicken Fillet with Apricots" dish must comply with the requirements of current regulatory and technical documents, have accompanying documents confirming their safety and quality (certificate of conformity, sanitary and epidemiological conclusion, certificate of safety and quality etc.).

Processing of all products used must be carried out in strict accordance with established sanitary norms and rules.


Technological process

The preparation of raw materials for the production of a dish is carried out in accordance with the "Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products for public catering establishments (2009)".

Finely chop the cilantro. Fry cumin in a dry frying pan, then grind. Carefully free the chicken meat from the bones, being careful not to damage the skin. Pour the bones with the remnants of meat with cold water and cook a little broth - about half a liter. Break the eggs into a bowl, pour in the milk and add the salt. Whisk the mixture with a whisk or fork. Then add spices to the egg mass and mix again. Bake three omelette pancakes. Put the chicken meat skin side down on a sheet of cellophane for baking, salt, pepper, lay the omelette and carefully and tightly roll the roll. Tuck the edges of the cellophane and tie with a thread. Gently load the resulting rolls into the boiling broth and cook for an hour. Cool in the broth, then transfer to a dish under oppression and cool.

Requirements for registration, implementation and storage

The dish "Boiled chicken rolls with spicy omelet" is served on a plate of the European standard. According to the requirements of SanPin, the temperature of the dish during serving should not exceed 14°C. The allowable shelf life of the dish "Boiled chicken rolls with spicy omelet" before sale, according to SanPiN, is 2-3 hours.

Quality and safety indicators

The organoleptic indicators of the dish "Boiled chicken rolls with spicy omelet" must meet the following requirements:

Microbiological indicators of the quality of the dish must comply with the requirements of the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union "On food safety" TR TS 021/2011.

Nutritional value of the dish "Boiled chicken rolls with spicy omelet" for the output of 150 g and 100 g of the product:

The nutritional value

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  • classification of mushrooms. The technological process of preparing complex hot dishes from mushrooms
    Truffles. Mushrooms that grow underground. They are considered the most expensive in the world. Ripening in winter, they exude a heady aroma, and specially trained dogs and pigs find them on it. There are two types - French black truffle from Perigord and white truffle from Piedmont ( Northern Italy). By...
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    The technological process for the production of desserts must be carried out according to the technological instructions in compliance with " Sanitary regulations for enterprises producing desserts. All constructive solutions of the premises must provide for the sequence and flow of the technological process, the absence of ...
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    For the preparation of desserts, various main and auxiliary types of raw materials are used, which, depending on their type, structure, and purpose, are subjected to preliminary preparation and processing. In the production of desserts, more than 200 types of raw materials are used, which have different chemical composition, physical ...
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    Desserts can be classified by supply temperature for cold and hot according to the technology of preparation- for creams, pastries, frozen desserts, mousses, soufflés, puddings, by main raw material- for fruit, dairy, curd, chocolate, egg whites, combined. Bakery....
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  • Rules for cooling and freezing bases for preparing complex cold and hot desserts
    Cold sweet dishes are stored up to 24 hours. Non-oxidizing dishes should be used for their storage. Fresh fruits and berries for the preparation of complex desserts are stored washed and dried, laid out in a low layer in the refrigerator, at a temperature of 0 to 6 ° C and a relative humidity of 75-80%...
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    (Preparation, decoration and preparation for the sale of cold and hot desserts)
  • Fish dishes and snacks


    At balyk products

    Hot smoked fish

    Assorted fish



    Caviar granular

    Herring with garnish.

    Chopped herring with garnish..

    Fish with mayonnaise.

    Filled fish.

    First way.

    Jellied pike perch (whole).

    Prepared pike perch is boiled, cooled in broth, taken out on a wire rack, dried well, transferred to a dish and decorated on the sides and back with various vegetables, herbs, lemon, crayfish necks. All decorations are glued with jelly. After that, the fish is poured with semi-hardened jelly completely imli in the form of a mesh, using a pastry bag with a tube with a diameter of 1-2 mm. A vegetable garnish, jelly cut into cubes are placed around the bami pike perch. Horseradish sauce with vinegar is served separately.

    Whole fill fish

    For cooking, most often pike perch in whole carcasses and stretched, small sturgeon or stellate sturgeon of medium size are used. The fish, cut crosswise into pieces, is served on a large porcelain dish. With the help of a pastry bag, it is covered with a thin layer of semi-hardened fish jelly, then laid along the ridge various decorations: half circles of oranges and fresh cucumbers, olives, strips of red sweet pepper, vegetables. The sides of the stellate sturgeon are also decorated with carved lemon slices. Jewelry is again covered with a thin layer of semi-hardened jelly. A skewer, beautifully decorated with various vegetables, is sometimes put on the fish. Garni-

    they cut fish with vegetables (green peas, circles of fresh cucumbers, gherkins, etc.). Parsley and celery are placed along the edges of the dish.

    Other banquet dishes are often prepared with sturgeon, stellate sturgeon, aspic beluga with horseradish, pikeperch stuffed with aspic and stretched, fish cutlets with mayonnaise sauce with jelly, whole fish with mayonnaise, etc.

    Sauce is always served separately for banquet fish dishes.

    Stuffed fish (perch, pike). Fish prepared for stuffing is filled with minced fish pulp, bread, milk, browned onions, fat, garlic. The fish is given the appearance of a whole carcass, wrapped in gauze, tied with twine at the head and tail, placed on the grate of a fish boiler and stewed with spices and seasonings until tender (30-40 minutes). The boiled fish is cooled, cut across into pieces and served.

    The fish can be laid on a dish in the form of a whole carcass, a vegetable side dish is placed around it in bouquets. Horseradish sauce with vinegar is served separately.

    Fish marinated in white. Peeled whole smelt, small navaga or pieces of pike-perch fillet, perch are breaded in flour, fried in vegetable oil, placed in a non-oxidizing dish and poured with marinade. After 3-4 hours, the fish is transferred to a salad bowl, the marinade is finally seasoned with salt, sugar, vinegar and the fish is poured, the roots are evenly distributed on the surface of the fish. Sprinkle the fish with herbs.

    Fish in a tomato (red) marinade. fillet pieces fish fried in vegetable oil, slightly tinting and not drying, laid out in a deep non-oxidizing dish, behind pour warm marinade with tomato and cool. Sprinkle the fish with herbs before serving.

    Sea crabs

    The dish is prepared in a form into which a little jelly is poured and cooled (prepare a shirt). Then the form is filled with large pieces of crabs, freed from bone plates, fresh tomatoes, green peas, boiled carbovanized carrots, small pieces of crabs are placed in the middle, the jelly is poured into the form and cooled. Before serving, the form is lowered for a few seconds in hot water and spread on a stand made of dough, set on a round dish. Lay around fresh cucumbers, tomatoes, boiled vegetables, triangles of jelly. The dish is decorated with lettuce leaves.

    Oysters. Shells with molluscs are washed in cold water, the shells are separated with a special knife, the upper shell is removed, washed again in salted water, the flesh of the mollusk is cut at the point of attachment to the shell and served in it on a napkin with pieces of food ice.

    Squids. Squid fillets are cooked in the same way as for cooking hot dishes. Boiled squid shredded with straw. After that, they can be served with mustard dressing, under a red marinade, added to vinaigrettes and salads, or made into aspic.

    Lobsters and lobsters. These large marine crustaceans are boiled, the flesh of the necks, claws (in lobsters) is taken out. You can serve them with mayonnaise. At a banquet serving, the shell of a boiled lobster is placed on a dish, the neck, cut into slices, is placed on it, and the split claws with pulp are placed nearby. Mayonnaise is served separately. Lobsters are processed, cooked and served in the same way as lobsters.

    Seaweed. Dried sea ​​kale sorted and soaked in cold water for 10-12 hours (7-8 liters of water per 1 kg of cabbage), then washed thoroughly. Frozen cabbage is thawed in cold water and washed.

    Cabbage is prepared as follows: pour cold water, quickly bring to a boil and cook for 15-20 minutes; after that, the broth is drained, the cabbage is again poured with warm water and boiled for another 15-20 minutes. From it you can prepare various salads.

    Whole jellied pig

    The boiled pig is cooled, cut into pieces along, and then across. Each piece is smeared with jelly and placed on a dish, giving it the appearance of a whole carcass. Instead of eyes, you can insert olives. Decorate with vegetables, sliced ​​karbovochnyh knives, slices of red tomatoes, circles of fresh cucumbers, celery leaves, circles of boiled eggs, olives, lingonberries. The dish is then covered with a net of light jelly.

    Horseradish sauce with sour cream is served in a gravy boat.

    Beef tartare

    · The place of origin of this dish is the north of France, which is quite right.
    Many French restaurants serve minced meat separately and everything else separately. And then they either mix it in the presence of the client, or leave it to you to do it yourself.
    There is also the so-called "royal tartare", which differs from the usual one with a small slide of black caviar on top.
    1. Remove from beef tenderloin all veins and films. First, finely chop the meat (the colder the meat, the easier it is to do this), then chop it with a heavy knife or two is better. You should get a coarse minced meat.
    2. Very finely chop the onion and parsley, chop the capers. Mix onion with egg yolk. Add capers, mustard, Worcestershire sauce and Tabasco.
    3. Pour in olive oil and beat the dressing a little. Put the meat in the dressing, add the parsley.
    4. Salt and pepper. Then knead well, preferably dipped in warm water hands.
    5. Put the tartare in the refrigerator for 10 minutes. and serve.
    If you have established tartare not as an appetizer, but as a main dish, then the best side dish it will be accompanied by deep-fried potatoes, and for those who are carefully watching their weight, a green salad.
    It makes no sense to say that you need to drink tartare with French red Beaujolais.

    Game cheese (fromage).

    Compose an algorithm for preparing game cheese dishes.

    Poultry is fried or boiled (grouse, partridge, partridge, capercaillie, black grouse, pheasant), cool it, remove the meat from the bones, chop it finely and pass it through a meat grinder 2-3 times with a frequent grate, add strongly softened butter, grated cheese, beat well with a mixer. Salt, red pepper, Madeira, nutmeg are added to the mass, mix well.

    In the form, a “shirt” is made of meat jelly, on which products of bright color are laid out in the form of a pattern and fixed with semi-hardened jelly, then the form is filled with a pastry bag with cheese, so that it does not reach the edge of the shirt by 4-5 mm. The surface is poured with semi-hardened jelly and cooled.

    Before serving, the form is dipped in hot water, held for 3-7 seconds, quickly removed, turned upside down, but at an angle of 45 °, shaken and spread the cheese (fromage) on a dish. Pieces of jelly, cut or cut into beautiful shapes, and parsley sprigs are placed around the cheese. Mayonnaise sauce is served separately in a gravy boat.

    Piglet stuffed

    In the treated pig, cut along the body (along the abdomen), the bones are removed. The incision is partially sutured, the pig is stuffed with minced meat through the remaining hole, after which the hole is sutured. Minced meat is prepared in the same way as for stuffed chicken, but instead of chicken pulp, piglet pulp is used. The prepared pig is wrapped in a napkin or parchment and tied up. The piglet is boiled together with the bones removed for 1.5-2 hours at a low boil. Salt is added at the end of cooking. In order not to rebuff delicate taste, do not put any roots, or spices, or vinegar, do not rub it with salt, as it makes the pig blush. The finished piglet is cooled along with the broth and then cooked and released like stuffed chicken.

    Recipe step by step photos


    Leg of lamb weight ~ 2.5kg

    chili pepper

    · OK. 100g pork fat or brisket (fresh)

    salt, pepper, dry rosemary

    Cooking method

    In principle, everything is very simple and tasty, it is almost a classic version of cooking a leg of lamb.

    Wash lamb, clean it from films and fat, they give the very unpleasant smell ...

    We cut the chile, remove the seeds and partitions, cut the fat into small sticks.

    We make deep incisions in the leg, sharp knife, almost to the bone, and stuffed with bacon and chili pepper. We try to ensure that the entire pulp of the leg is stuffed evenly, the cuts should be approximately at an equal distance from each other.

    Rub the meat well with salt and pepper, season with rosemary.

    Then tightly wrap in foil, bake in an oven heated to 180 * 1h30m, after this time, open the foil and brown the meat, about 30 minutes.

    Bon appetit!

    Stuffed chicken or game fillet (chauffroy). The cleaned game fillet is beaten off with a chopper, minced meat is placed on it, prepared, as for pate, from the liver and bacon with vegetables and spices, molded into a cutlet with both pointed ends and stewed. The finished fillet is cooled and poured with red fat-free sauce with wine (Madeira) and gelatin, decorate with boiled egg white and again pour meat dark jelly with a layer of 1 - 2 mm, prepared from fried poultry bones (except for the backbone) with the addition of gelatin. They lay 1-2 pcs. per serving.

    Foie gras appetizer

    In pursuit of creating a new standard of luxury, the French inventors succeeded again. After all, for many centuries they were haunted by the glory of traditional Russian red caviar, which, by and large, is now a symbol of success and wealth. However, the French introduced the fashion for foie gras, which has become a new symbol of luxury and chic. Foie gras is a pâté made from very fatty goose liver. Geese or ducks for the preparation of this delicacy are fattened in a special way, so that in the short time that they live, their liver gains a lot of mass and fat content. The fact is that the French are not only good cooks, but also economists, so after calculating the cost of raising each individual, they came to the conclusion that ducks are a more economical fattening option and began to make foie gras from their liver. Certainly, goose liver has higher taste characteristics than duck. But such a liver is worth a lot ...

    Foie Gras Recipe #1
    for this, the goose liver is stuffed (filled) with goose fat and good stuffing from beef, plus a delicacy mushroom - truffle is added inside the liver, all this is fried in the most accurate way, stewed in goose fat, cooled, languidly cut and served to the table as a separate dish or in the form of sandwiches on white, tender bread.
    Foie Gras Recipe No. 2
    Frozen foie gras can be prepared quite quickly and tasty simply by laying it out on a clean towel and sprinkling well with coarse salt and ground pepper. A towel with foie gras is wrapped and placed for a day in the lower, warmest compartment of the refrigerator with vegetables. Then the salt is scraped off and the foie gras is eaten with onion, raspberry or fig jam. Heat treatment is not required in this case!!!
    Foie Gras Recipe No. 3
    A personally verified recipe for making foie gras is as follows. We take absolutely fresh foie gras, that is, goose fatty liver, 500-600 grams, 30-50 grams of port, a little salt, white pepper, baking foil. First, carefully remove all nerves, bile ducts from foie gras, coat the result with salt and pepper, pour port wine and determine in the refrigerator for 30-60 minutes.
    Then we wrap the foie gras soaked in port wine and spices in foil, pierce it in several places and place it in a preheated oven (170-190 degrees). It is very important to calculate the time correctly and not to overexpose the liver in the oven. Fat will flow out through the pierced slots into the bowl in which the foil with foie gras lies, and at the above degrees of 500-600 grams, foie gras will cook for about 30 minutes. If possible, focus on the foie gras baking time indicated on product label.
    You can look forward to the next time. First, before placing the foie gras in the oven, it must be heated for 5 minutes at 160 degrees. Cooking in the oven 500-700 grams of foie gras at 160 degrees will take 30 or 40 minutes, depending on what degree of doneness, readiness of foie gras you need.
    It is impossible to taste foie gras during cooking, because it is useless: cold and hot foie gras are two different differences. And once you've taken the foie gras out of the oven, there's no going back. If goose fat gets into the foil or into the form with foie gras, it must be carefully drained. Next, the foie gras should cool down (do not open the foil!) And it is placed in the refrigerator, where, according to the recipe, it needs to “lie down” for 2 days (or you can do without “bedding”), and then it can already be used in all forms and with any side dishes and sauces.
    5. Egg snacks

    Eggs with mayonnaise and garnish. The eggs are hard boiled, cooled and peeled. Cucumbers, fresh tomatoes, boiled potatoes and carrots are cut into thin slices. Half of the vegetables are seasoned with mayonnaise and "Southern" sauces according to the norm. Mayonnaise sauce is also taken for this half of the indicated V quantity recipe. Seasoned vegetables are placed on a plate, halves of boiled dried eggs are placed on top and poured with the remaining mayonnaise sauce. The dish is decorated around with lettuce, jelly and vegetables. let go of the dish

    it is possible without a side dish of vegetables and jelly. In this case, the norm of vegetables is reduced by half.

    Eggs stuffed with herring. Eggs are hard boiled and shelled. Then the eggs are cut a little off sides squirrels and cut them in half lengthwise. You can cut off a little the ends and cut the eggs across into two parts or cut Not a lot of blunt end, put the egg on the cut part and at the top on both sides cut two slices at a right angle, without touching a strip of protein 7-8 mm wide. egg in it case will resemble a basket with a handle. The yolk is carefully removed from all eggs.

    Peeled and finely chopped herring fillet is mixed with yolk, rubbed through a sieve ( a large number of passed through a meat grinder), transferred to a saucepan with softened and well-beaten butter (or mayonnaise) and everything is thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous puree-like mass is obtained, which is seasoned with salt to taste. Prepared eggs are filled with minced meat using a paper tube, a mayonnaise net is made on top, and a bunch of parsley is placed in the center of the plate or dish.

    Minced meat for eggs can be prepared from kilka fillets and anchovies. In addition, the egg is stuffed with granular or chum caviar (in this case, only part of the yolk is taken out), as well as meat or fish salad. To prepare a salad, pickled or fresh cucumbers, tomatoes, boiled potatoes are cut into small cubes (3-4 mm), green peas, boiled or fried meat, poultry, sausage, fish, also finely chopped, are added, and seasoned with mayonnaise or South sauce.

    Complicated cold dishes and snacks from fish, meat, poultry

    Cold meals and snacks are usually served at the beginning of the meal. In the menu of breakfasts and dinners, they can be the main dish. Cold dishes differ from appetizers in that they are usually served with a side dish, they are more satisfying (cold fried roast beef, galantine chicken, stuffed fish, etc.). Cold appetizers have a smaller yield, they are served either with a side dish (caviar, salmon, chum salmon, sprats, etc.), or with a very small amount of it (sprat and herring with onions).

    Snacks can also be served hot (hot appetizers). According to the cooking technology, hot appetizers are similar to hot main courses (from meat, poultry, fish, offal, etc.), but differ from them, as a rule, in a spicier taste and in that they are served without a side dish in portioned pans, small saucepans (capacity 50-100 g) - cocotte makers. Hot snacks are included in the menu after cold ones.

    New theme

    Recording the plan in a notebook:

    Issues under study Student activities
    1. Dishes and snacks from fish - snacks from gastronomy, from herring, boiled fish with horseradish, with mayonnaise, aspic (in portions, whole), stuffed, with marinade. Quality requirements, implementation deadlines. Drawing up a table "Defects, causes, preventive measures": Dishes "fish aspic in portions."
    2. Snacks from non-fish aquatic raw materials. Student presentation. They answer questions.
    3. Dishes and snacks from meat and poultry. Appetizers from meat gastronomy, assorted meat, fried poultry, aspic meat, aspic pig, chicken and game with mayonnaise, game cheese, chicken galantine, meat jelly, game pate, liver pate, chauffroy. Quality requirements, implementation deadlines. Record the range. Listen. Compose an algorithm for preparing game cheese dishes.
    4. Snacks from eggs. The technological process of preparing dishes, the rules of registration, serving. Quality requirements, storage and implementation modes. Defects, causes, methods of prevention. They're watching. Listen.

    Fish dishes and snacks

    Compilation of the table "Defects, causes, prevention measures":

    Dishes "fish jellied in portions".

    Sturgeon, stellate sturgeon are boiled in links, beluga - in large pieces 40-60 cm long, 10-12 cm wide, sterlet - most often in portioned pieces. Partial fish is cooked in portions, except for the court ka and pike, intended for stuffing as a whole, or pike perch, trout, smelt, used as a whole for jellied dishes.

    Fish served under mayonnaise, or for salads masked with mayonnaise, are sometimes stewed. Marinated fish is lightly fried. Peeled herring fillets are soaked and stored in tea broth or milk.

    Lightly salted fish (salmon, salmon, chum salmon, etc.) are washed and layered along the spine, the ribs are removed bones, cut the skin and, starting from the tail, cut into portions, holding the knife at an angle of 30-45 °. Portioned pieces are placed on snack plates and garnished with a slice of lemon and herbs.

    With multi-portion serving, lightly salted fish is placed on an oval dish or herring, the portions are given a beautiful shape (rolled up with a rose or laid with a ladder). Lemon slices are placed at the ends of the dish (for stability, the skin is bent at the slices), and sprigs of greens are laid on the sides.

    At balyk products cut the skin, remove cartilage and cut the flesh from the skin in thin wide pieces, holding the knife at an angle of 30-45 °. So that the pulp, which remains uncut, does not wind, it is covered with skin or wrapped in parchment. Balyk products are released in the same way as salted fish, garnished with lemon and herbs.

    Hot smoked fish(stellate sturgeon, sturgeon, sea ​​bass, cod, omul, etc.) are cleaned from skin and bones, and sturgeon - from cartilage and portioned. Sturgeon are cut into portions of the established mass, holding the knife at a right angle

    Portions are placed on snack plates or in multi-portion dishes (oval dish, herring), garnished with lettuce, fresh cucumbers and tomatoes, you can also serve complicated side dish from boiled vegetables, green peas, potatoes with mayonnaise sauce.

    Horseradish sauce with vinegar or mayonnaise is served separately with fish

    Several, but at least three types of fish gastronomy are used for assorted dishes: salmon, salmon, cold or hot smoked fish, they also include cold boiled, caviar (chum, pressed, granular), canned crabs, sprats, sprats. Nicely cut pieces various types fish gastronomy is placed on an oval dish or herring, alternating in color. The assortment often includes caviar, which can be arranged in baskets or sizzling puff pastry vol-au-vents.

    Assorted fish

    Served on a large oval porcelain dish in the form of pieces (25-30 g each) of salted salmon, hot-smoked sturgeon, salmon, etc. The dish is decorated with pieces of the same fish, rolled tubes with pitted olives embedded in them, cucumber slices, slices lemons, sprigs of greens.

    Crabs stacked in tartlets and covered with a mesh of jelly with mayonnaise or jelly.

    Caviar. Grained or chum salmon is placed in a slide on the caviar rosette, and finely crushed ice is placed in the caviar bowl, decorated with butter. The pressed one is placed on a small dessert plate, decorated on the sides with a sprig of parsley. Separately, chopped green onions, a slice of lemon, a piece of butter.

    Caviar of sturgeon (black) and salmon (red) fish is laid out in special cupronickel caviar bowls. For decoration use lemon and greens. In addition to caviar, you can serve olives, butter rosettes, fish cakes or slices of white bread. Caviar in baskets or rolls looks very attractive. From puff pastry.

    Beluga caviar is considered the best black caviar - it is the coarsest, sturgeon caviar is the smallest.

    Caviar granular

    Served in caviar bowls with crushed ice, which are placed on a dish with a linen napkin. To granular caviar at banquets, receptions, festive dinners, hot rolls, pies, finely chopped green onions and butter are served.

    Herring with garnish. Pieces of herring fillet cut across or obliquely are placed on sliced ​​seasoned vegetables, and a side dish of potatoes, cucumber, carrots or beets, onions and eggs is beautifully placed on the sides. Herring is watered with mustard or vinegar dressing.

    Chopped herring with garnish. Fillet of prepared herring, peeled apples, wheat bread soaked in water (or milk) and lightly sauteed in vegetable oil onion passed through a meat grinder. The crushed mass is seasoned with vinegar, salt, pepper, vegetable oil and laid in the form of a whole fish. Sprinkle herring with chopped egg and green onions, and garnish on the sides with butter flowers, carboiled boiled carrots, slices of fresh cucumber and tomato .

    Boiled fish with garnish and horseradish. From the cooled stripped boiled link sturgeon fish cut slices 1-1.5 cm thick. Garnish the fish with boiled potatoes, carrots, rutabaga, cucumbers, cut into small cubes, green peas, etc. Put the garnish in bouquets and pour over salad dressing.

    Horseradish sauce with vinegar is served separately. As an additional garnish, you can offer diced fish jelly.

    They also prepare and decorate partial fish, but boil it in portions, cool it and dry it slightly before leaving.

    Fish with mayonnaise. One third vegetable garnish, seasoned a small amount mayonnaise, put a portioned piece boiled fish and pour it from a paper envelope with a notched cutout with mayonnaise sauce. From above, dishes can be decorated with crabs and sprigs of greens, pieces fresh tomatoes, and place bouquets of vegetable garnish around.

    For custom-made dishes, mayonnaise sauce is prepared with fish jelly in a ratio of 1: 1, fish is poured over, decorated and transparent jelly is poured on top.

    Filled fish. The key to the excellent quality of the aspic is the transparency of the jelly. If cloudy broth, then it must be cooled to 50C, pounded fish caviar is introduced (if it was in the fish after cutting) or beaten egg whites, mixed thoroughly, brought to a boil, boiled until the proteins are completely coagulated at a low boil for 5-10 minutes. brighten fish broth follows after the dissolution of pre-swollen gelatin in it, tk. it makes the broth cloudy.

    This dish can be prepared in two ways.

    First way. Portion pieces of pike-perch or other fish fillets are boiled and cooled on a sieve. The broth left after boiling the fish is combined with the broth from fish food waste and filtered. Soaked and squeezed gelatin is placed in the hot broth, dissolved, the broth is cooled to 50-60 ° C, a guy is introduced, boiled for 20-30 minutes, seasoned with salt and filtered. A layer of jelly 4-6 mm is poured onto a baking sheet and, when it hardens, dried pieces of fish are placed on it at intervals of 2 cm. They are decorated with boiled carrots, lemon, olives, green onions, parsley, crayfish necks, attaching decorations with jelly. After that, the decorated pieces of fish are cooled again, jelly is poured over (at least 0.5-1 cm layer) and cooled again.
