
Frozen berries: what to cook from them. What to cook from frozen fish? Favorite recipes

Recently, frozen foods have become increasingly popular: berries, fruits, vegetables, mixtures. And this is quite justified: frozen berries are an opportunity to get vitamins and microelements in the winter season; their nutritional value is often higher than that of fresh ones sold in supermarkets; they perfectly preserve the natural aroma and taste, allow you to cook various dishes. So let's talk today about frozen berries, frozen berry recipes.

You can freeze almost all "seasonal" berries: raspberries, gooseberries, strawberries, cherries, plums, cranberries, lingonberries, grapes, sea buckthorn, currants, apricots, blackberries and many others.

But the question often arises: what can be prepared from frozen berries? You can, of course, just sprinkle them with sugar after thawing and eat. But there are many different recipes for cooking dishes that contain frozen berries. Therefore, I will offer you some simple recipes for frozen berries.

Pie stuffed with frozen strawberries. For the test, we need a glass of flour, butter (100 grams), a bag of baking powder, sugar, beaten with eggs (2 eggs per 100-150 grams of sugar). We bake a cake from the dough with high raised edges, put it on a flat dish, cool. Lubricate the cake with sweet butter (beat with a mixer or in a blender a little butter with 2-3 teaspoons of powdered sugar). Cut the frozen strawberries in half, lay tightly on the cake. We make jelly (preferably red) and pour the berries. When the jelly has hardened, the cake can be decorated with whipped cream.

Very easy and quick to prepare another pie: we take two cakes of dough (you can take ready-made shortbread, puff, yeast), put frozen berries between them. We tightly close the dough around the perimeter and bake in the oven until a golden crust forms (the cake can be greased with whipped yolk and sugar). Sprinkle the finished cake with powdered sugar, cool. The dough is very well soaked with the juice of berries, and the cake retains their flavor.

Very easy to cook with frozen strawberry puff. To prepare them, you will need puff pastry (yeast-free). It can also be taken frozen. We defrost the dough, and at the same time we defrost the strawberries (it is better to do this in the refrigerator). We cut the dough into squares, spread the strawberries, sprinkle them with sugar, wrap them in an “envelope”, and bake in the oven until golden brown.

Smoothie with frozen strawberries. Smoothie is a cocktail of berries or fruits with yogurt. Mix in a blender one glass of natural yogurt, orange juice (1/3 cup), 7-8 frozen strawberries, add sugar to taste. It is better to serve this beauty in a tall transparent glass, with a straw.

Frozen berries make very delicious fruit drinks. You can experiment with any berries, I suggest trying this composition: 100 grams of black currant, 3-4 pieces of strawberries, 2 tablespoons of lingonberries, sugar to taste. Wash the berries, put them in a glass bowl and pour boiling water over them (water should only cover the berries). Stir until currants melt. Then add boiling water (up to one liter), add sugar (3 tablespoons), cover the dishes with a lid and leave for 3 hours. We crush the berries, and filter the fruit drink, pour it into a decanter or bottle. It is better to serve fruit drinks chilled (you can add ice cubes to it).

Can cook mors in another way- grind any frozen berries with sugar with a mixer (or blender) and pour the resulting mass with cold boiled water. We filter - and the fruit drink is ready!

Frozen berries can be used for preparation of compotes. Chokeberry is good, which will give any compote an amazing rich color, especially in combination with currants and cherries. For one liter of boiling water, it is enough to take one or two handfuls of berries. You can add mint or cinnamon, sugar.

From frozen berries you can cook jelly. Any berries are suitable: sea buckthorn, raspberries, black currants, strawberries, cranberries, chokeberries and mixed berries. It is enough to take a handful of two berries per liter of water, add sugar to taste, bring to a boil, and pour in a thin stream of starch diluted in water. Cook for 5-10 minutes, stirring constantly. Cool down.

Also frozen berries are a good base. for making desserts. Take black currants (strawberries, blackberries, raspberries) - 300-350 grams, powdered sugar (2-3 tablespoons), 150 grams of natural yogurt, a teaspoon of vanilla sugar. Defrost the berries a little and beat with a mixer with vanilla sugar and powdered sugar, add yogurt, and beat for another minute. Arrange in vases or bowls, decorate with berries.

As a basis for desserts with chopped berries, you can take kefir, cottage cheese, ice cream.

New Year is coming soon, so it will be very original to cook New Year's shake (cocktail). To prepare it, you will need a glass of frozen berries, a bottle of champagne, a bottle of white wine, a little sugar (add to taste). Berries, sugar are placed in a wide glass decanter, pour champagne, and leave for 1.5-2 hours. Add chilled wine, pour with berries into wide glasses.

If you're just defrosting the berries, it's best to do it gradually, in the refrigerator, so that the berries don't lose their appearance and run out of juice.

Has excellent taste, gentle structure. It lends itself easily to various culinary treatments. The components are much easier to digest by the human body than the proteins and fats of meat. For cooking, it is important to choose high-quality fish. Frozen gills are paler, and the eyes are slightly sunken. If the fish was sent fresh to the freeze, then after thawing its properties are restored. With repeated freezing, this trend is not observed. Stick a heated knife in the fillet: if an unpleasant smell appears, then the product is stale.

Proper defrosting of fish

Fresh fish is better than frozen. But it is not always possible to use only it. Many people are concerned about the question: “How to properly defrost fish so that it retains its density and taste?” As a rule, this process is carried out illiterately. Since the product is simply placed in the sink or plate. Often in such fish there is an excess of ice. When melting, she absorbs it into herself. This leads to loss of elasticity and deterioration of properties.

That is why at first it is important for the product to slowly melt in the refrigerator, preserving the taste and benefits. In order for the meat not to absorb melt water, the fish should be put in a colander with a container at the bottom. The product must be covered with a film so that it does not dry out. Defrosting in water is allowed. This is the faster way. When choosing this option, you should make sure that the water is at room temperature.

The product partially loses tissue juice, especially frozen fish fillets. To prevent this from happening, you need to place it in an airtight bag, periodically changing the water. This will speed up the defrosting process. If the fish is small frozen, then it is recommended to cut it without preliminary thawing. With the advent of microwaves, the defrosting of fish is even faster. But using this method, the product must be prepared immediately. Therefore, you need to think in advance what to cook from frozen fish.

Preparing fish for cooking

Let's say our product has already thawed. How to properly defrost fish was described above. Now we will tell you how to properly and competently organize the preparation stage.

Everything is really simple. First, the scales are cleaned. If required, the skin is removed, the insides are removed, and everything is washed. To make it easier to peel the scales, the fish should be wet. It must be placed on a cutting board and held by the tail. With the other hand, using a knife or a special grater, remove the scales. When the fins are large and spiky, they are removed before cleaning by means of cuts on both sides. If they are soft, then simply cut with scissors.

When a fish does not have scales, but has a very thick skin, some people remove it. This is also done with old large fish. If necessary, a knife can be used to separate the skin from the meat. After cleaning, the fish is gutted. For this, an incision is made on the abdomen. Then, with the tip of a knife, it is necessary to pull out the contents so as not to damage the gallbladder. If you cook it with the head, then the gills are removed without fail.

When all stages of preparation have been completed, the question naturally arises if a dish has not yet been chosen: "What to cook from frozen fish?" Such a product can be boiled, stewed, fried or baked. In addition, you can separately make a side dish for fish. Fresh, salty, pickled cucumbers and tomatoes, various salads are perfect for it. Red sauces are suitable for fresh fish, spicy ones for oily fish.

There are some useful tips from experienced chefs that will help make your dish as tasty and juicy as possible:

  1. Thawed fish has a fresh smell. If it is sour or ammonia, the product is spoiled.
  2. After proper defrosting, elasticity is maintained.
  3. You need to buy a quality product. There should be a thick layer of fresh ice around it. Then you will get delicious dishes from frozen fish.
  4. Do not defrost in hot water.
  5. You can not freeze the product several times, as all its useful and nutritional properties are lost.

Recipe for cooking in a slow cooker

Every housewife thinks daily about what to cook. Frozen fish can be used to make various delicious dishes. Including they can be made in a slow cooker. The advantage of using this technique is that there is no need to monitor the process. Also included with it is a grill that allows you to cook food for a couple. This method saves a lot of goodness in the fish. This diet is especially recommended for those who follow the figure and prefer healthy food.

How to cook steamed fish in a slow cooker? There are several great options. They are suitable both for meeting guests and for dinner with the family. Dishes from the multicooker are tasty and healthy. For example, steamed red fish. For its preparation you will need:

  • 400 grams of red fish carcass;
  • 50 grams of low-fat mayonnaise and sour cream;
  • 150-200 grams of hard cheese;
  • salt, pepper to taste;
  • hops-suneli at will;
  • 0.5 liters of water.

The carcass of the fish is washed, if necessary, cleaned of scales and cut into steaks. They don't have to be thick. From one piece of 400 grams should get 4-6 pieces. Each steak must be salted and peppered on both sides and, if desired, seasoned with hops-suneli.

0.5 liters of water is poured into the main bowl of the multicooker. A steam rack is placed on top. Fish steaks are laid out on it, which are spread with mayonnaise and sour cream. Then the cheese is rubbed on a coarse grater and laid out on top of the fish. The multicooker closes. It is set to the desired mode for 25 minutes. During this time, you can prepare a side dish.

Pollock, steamed

Fish is useful for humans, so there are many recipes for its preparation. Pollock will do. It remains only to find out how to cook this product turns out to be tasty and healthy. For this you will need:

  • 1-2 pollock carcasses;
  • one apple;
  • onion - 1 piece;
  • salt, pepper to taste;
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • water for steaming;
  • olive oil - 1 tbsp. l. optional.

A piece of foil is placed in the basket so that the fish languishes in its own juice. In a slow cooker, you can simultaneously boil a side dish - under the fish. If there is not enough time, then it is necessary to extend it by first removing the main product. It takes twenty minutes to cook the fish.

How to fry and salt?

What to cook from frozen fish? You can, for example, fry steaks. To maintain juiciness and taste, you need to fry the fish longer on the first side. The next side takes half the time. It is recommended to remove from the heat a few minutes before readiness, as in a hot frying pan the product will reach on its own, while maintaining tenderness.

The fish does not have to be fried in pieces. You can cook juicy cutlets from her meat. However, remember that the product quickly loses liquid. To keep the cutlets nutritious, the meat is passed through a meat grinder with breadcrumbs. They absorb and store juice. Plain bread is not suitable for this - just dried pieces. So the cutlets will come out very juicy, tasty and healthy.

As for salting, there is also nothing complicated. As a rule, the product is salted before cooking. For this purpose, the fillet is rubbed from all sides. The disadvantage of this method is that only the top layer is salted, especially for large pieces. At the same time, you can not use a large amount of salt - it's easy to overdo it. Fish meat absorbs liquid well. Therefore, to salt, you can put pieces of it in salted water for a few minutes.

soup recipe

Rich soup made from frozen fish has a delicious taste and aroma. We offer you a recipe using salmon. It is best to buy whole fish in order to cook a rich broth from the head, tail and fins. Frozen fish is also suitable for its preparation. Required:

  • whole salmon - 1 kg (frozen);
  • pearl barley - 80 grams;
  • one head of onion;
  • carrots and parsnips - 1 each;
  • bay leaf, peppercorns.

Before cooking, you need to defrost the product in accordance with the rules written at the beginning of the article. The fish is well washed, the gills are removed, and again the fillet is thoroughly rinsed. After that, you need to cut off the head, tail and fins. Then the frozen fish fillet is separated from the bones and removed to the side. Everything except meat is put in a saucepan and poured with two liters of water. After boiling, the contents should be cooked for 40 minutes over low heat.

The broth is filtered and put back to boil. Now you should add the salmon fillet there, bring to a boil and reduce the heat. The previously soaked cereal is added to the pan. Then the carrots, parsnips and onions are washed, coarsely chopped and followed. The contents should boil again. Then everything is cooked on a small fire for 20 minutes. At the end put a bay leaf, pepper. Salmon soup is ready! Before serving, it should brew a little. Salmon should be divided into portioned pieces. If desired, add a sprig of parsley or dill, as well as a spoonful of vegetable oil, to the soup bowls.

with vegetables

A very popular recipe. You will need:

  • frozen salmon fillet - 300 grams;
  • zucchini - 1 piece;
  • red and yellow pepper - one each;
  • onion - one head;
  • celery - 1 stalk;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • salt, pepper to taste;
  • vegetable oil.

Vegetables and celery are cut into small cubes, garlic - into slices. Onion and garlic are laid out on a heated pan. They are fried until translucent. Next, add vegetables and fry for another two minutes, no more. Now salt, pepper and your favorite herbs should be added to the vegetables.

After defrosting, the fillet is cut into portioned pieces and laid out on a foil greased with vegetable oil. Steaks need to be salted and peppered. On top of each fish piece, carefully place vegetables, wrap it in an envelope and put it in the oven to bake. Cooking at 200 degrees for 25 minutes.

Fried capelin

For this delicious dish you need the following ingredients:

  • capelin - 1 kg;
  • lemon - 1 piece;
  • salt, pepper, vegetable oil to taste;
  • flour - 100-150 grams.

When the fish is small, frozen, it is recommended to cook it in a pan. To do this, it should be washed, dried a little, seasoned with lemon juice. Then the flour is mixed with spices and seasoning, the fish collapses in it. After it is laid out on a greased baking sheet and sent to a preheated oven. The dish is prepared within 20 minutes.

This is only a small part of what can be prepared from frozen fish. If you follow the defrosting and cooking technology correctly, you will get delicious dishes with a pleasant aroma and excellent taste.

Yes, I love plum pies! An ordinary yeast dough pie, roll out the bottom (a circle or a rectangle, depending on the shape of the pan / baking sheet), lay out the plum, sprinkle with sugar (a glass is somewhere in a regular pan), you can put a few pieces of butter, put the dough on top, close the edges, make a couple of holes on top for steam and let it stand (covered with a towel). Then send to a preheated oven, 210 degrees, bake until browned. You can brush the top with egg or yolk before baking. After you take the cake out of the oven, be sure to cover it with a thick towel (I also throw oilcloth over the towel) so that it “breathes” (becomes soft).

Remove the pits from the plums and leave the skin on. Cut plums into slices.

Combine all ingredients over medium heat and simmer for 15 minutes until plums are soft. Remove from fire, let cool.

Send the plums in syrup to a blender and beat until smooth.

Pass the mixture through a fine sieve and refrigerate overnight.

Then pour the mixture into an ice cream container, put it in the freezer and stir the contents every 20-30 minutes until completely solidified.

Of course, jam will turn out, which will interfere with it) the dough was already bought in a store specifically for baking, I made it thinly like a pizza, it turned out a pie with a crispy crust, but I really liked it, I ate it with plums for the first time

What can be prepared from frozen plums? maybe a pastry or a dessert?

What to do with frozen plums And so, I love plum pies! Plain yeast dough pie, roll out the bottom (circle or rectangle, depending on the shape of the pan / baking sheet),

Frozen plum blanks: jam

In the season of vegetables and fruits, various preparations become indispensable, which will help preserve the fruits for a long time. The most common way to preserve the gifts of our garden is to freeze. From frozen fruits, you can cook all winter not only kissels and compotes, but also jam.

Frozen plum jam can be made from a single ingredient, or in combination with other fruits, and even using nuts and chocolate. There are many recipes for this dessert. They have differences not only in the method of preparation and composition of products, but also in taste characteristics. Consider the various ways of blanks from plums.

Frozen plum jam "five minutes"

The first and most popular recipe is the so-called "five-minute". Such a dessert is prepared much faster than the others, but the main advantage of this method is the preservation of a large amount of vitamins and nutrients with a short heat treatment.

  1. Unlike the classic “five-minute” plum jam, the plums must first be thawed and pitted.
  2. Put the pulp in a container, add water, cover with sugar.
  3. We put on low heat for 5 minutes. It is important that the mixture does not boil, otherwise the jam will lose all the nutrients.
  4. Distribute the finished dessert into jars, roll up and cool. Then we put it in a cool room.

Frozen plum jam with pit

An excellent option for a variety of winter preparations is plum jam with a stone. The undoubted advantage of this recipe is that the plums retain their integrity, and this dish tastes less sweet.

For perfect preparation, it is necessary to cook a winter dessert in several runs with breaks of about 8-10 hours. Also, before starting cooking, it is worth piercing the plums with a toothpick so that the skin of the fruit does not burst.

  1. Defrost plums, pour water.
  2. Warm up to a temperature of 70-85 degrees (about 5 minutes).
  3. Wait until it cools down a bit and drain the liquid into a separate pan.
  4. Add the required amount of sugar and prepare the syrup.
  5. Carefully pour the prepared mixture into a saucepan with plums.
  6. Wait until completely cool (approximately 4 hours).
  7. Put the resulting mass back on medium heat and bring to a boil. At the first appearance of bubbles, remove from the stove and leave for about 10-12 hours.
  8. Repeat the brewing sequence 2 times.
  9. Before distributing the jam into jars, it must be boiled for 10 minutes.
  10. Pour the hot mass into sterilized jars and twist.

Preparing pitted frozen plum jam

To prepare the classic version of plum jam, it is necessary to clean the fruits from the stones. Usually, the preparation of plums begins before freezing, so that the fruits are denser and more holistic. Ideally, the pieces should be medium in size and not too soft.

  • Pour sugar with water and keep on fire for 15-20 minutes.
  • Then add the defrosted and chopped plums to the syrup, bring to a boil over low heat and hold for another 5 minutes.
  • Remove foam, wait 8-10 hours.
  • Repeat the procedure 2 times.
  • Wait about 2-3 hours for the jam to cool.
  • Arrange the dessert in sterilized jars.

The consistency of this jam is quite thick, which indicates a long shelf life.

How to cook delicious frozen plum jam in a slow cooker

At the moment, many housewives use modern technologies in order to facilitate the preparation of dishes. Plum jam is no exception. It will take less effort to cook it in a slow cooker, although the mixture still needs to be stirred from time to time.

  1. Place prepared plums and sugar in a multicooker bowl.
  2. Select the "Extinguishing" mode and cook for 1 hour.
  3. Arrange the finished jam in sterilized jars.

The advantages of plum jam in a slow cooker are low temperatures, which allows you to save vitamins.

Jam made from frozen plums will be a great addition to tea, and is also perfect for filling pies. It is worth paying attention that it is recommended to store this dessert in a cool place.

Homemade frozen plum jam for the winter

Preparations such as frozen plum jam for the winter are very tasty. Use our recipes and stock up on a healthy dessert.

What to cook from frozen plums (with pits)?

The pits are not separated from the plums.

In addition to jelly and compote, I have no idea where else they can be used.

Your plums make an excellent gravy for meat.

Plums, even if they are sweet, the skin will give a certain acidity - this is important for gravy.

Put the plums in an enamel saucepan, fill with warm water, so that when they melt and begin to boil in this water, you get a thick consistency, like jam.

When the plums are cooked, add a little dry or fresh mint or lemon balm to them, a little dry ground cariander and let everything infuse and cool.

When it cools down, wipe everything, removing the bones.

Add salt to taste and garlic.

If available, fresh cilantro can be added before use.

You get a sour spicy gravy for tkemali meat, you can eat it with any side dish: pasta, mashed potatoes, porridge, pour it on bread. Very tasty, try it.

What to cook from frozen plums (with pits)?

Your plums make an excellent gravy for meat. Plums, even if they are sweet, the skin will give a certain acidity - this is important for gravy. Put the plums in an enamel saucepan, pour

Plum blanks - how to process a large crop

How quickly the summer, generous with warmth and gifts, ends. Every housewife has a question every year - how to process an abundant harvest in order to preserve food and delight the family with various delicious preparations in the snowy winter.

Early plums have already departed, but now late varieties have arrived. What blanks from plums can be made. Plum is an amazing fruit that is good and tasty in any form. It contains many vitamins, it is very healthy and it would be a sin not to try to save it.

What to do with plums?

From it you can cook jam, jam, juice or compote. You can dry it, freeze it, make tkemali sauce (see http://www.domashnya-eda.ru/sous-tkemali-na-zimu/), marmalade, marshmallow, marinate or make a delicious tincture - plum. See what variety the plum gives us.

What to do from plums - cook

This is the most popular plum harvesting method. You probably know many ways to cook jams and jams yourself, and today there will be a very original recipe that will appeal to both children and adults.

Jam "Plum in chocolate"

For it you need:

Cocoa powder - 40 g. It can be replaced with 100 g of chocolate, but then take a quarter less sugar - 750 g.

Vanilla sugar - 40 g.

Plum blanks - cooking

Dense, not overripe plums cut into halves and remove the seeds.

Pour them with half the sugar (half a kilogram) and set aside for a day so that the plum gives juice.

The next day, add the second half of sugar, vanilla sugar, cocoa powder to the plums, mix gently and put on fire. When the jam boils, cook over low heat for about an hour. The duration depends on the degree of ripeness of the plums - the softer they are, the faster they cook.

When the jam is ready, pour it hot into prepared jars and roll up the lids.

plum jam

You can make jam from plums. This is almost the same jam, only heavily boiled to a jelly-like consistency.

plum jam recipe

Citric acid - 1/2 teaspoon

Water - 1/2 - 1 cup (depending on the juiciness of the plums)

jam - cooking

Remove the pits from the plums and cut them into several pieces.

Place in a saucepan, cover with hot water and simmer for half an hour over low heat.

Pour sugar into the plums and continue to cook for another 40-50 minutes. Do not forget to stir and remove the foam.

5 minutes before readiness, add citric acid and pour hot into prepared jars.

If your plums are very sweet on their own, you can reduce the amount of sugar by 200 g.

Plum blanks - drying

Dried plums are one of my favorite treats, and they are also very healthy. They contain many vitamins and minerals, especially potassium, which is necessary for the heart and blood vessels. In terms of the amount of this element, no vaunted banana can be compared with our modest plum.

Ripe and intact fruits are selected for drying. You should be aware that not all varieties of plums are suitable for this type of workpiece.

If these varieties grow on your site: apricot, mirabelle, great blue, early blue and egg yellow, process them in some other way, they are not suitable for a fly.

How to dry plums?

In the sun outdoors. It is necessary to spread the berries in one layer on some surface. And so that they do not become moldy, you need to turn them over 1-2 times a day. After a week, the plums will be dried and you can transfer them to dry indoors.

In dryers, electric and gas ovens. Drying is carried out for the first 4 hours at a temperature of 40-45 degrees. In the next 4 hours, the temperature should be increased to 55-60 degrees.

After that, the temperature is brought to 75 degrees and dried for 10 hours. If you increase the temperature to 100 degrees for literally 1-15 minutes before taking out dried plums, your plums will have a beautiful shiny color.

The readiness of dried plums is determined as follows - you need to take a plum and press hard on it with your fingers. In the dried fruit, juice should not stand out.

What to do with plums - freeze

Rinse the fruits and let them dry well. You can freeze with or without bones. Place the plums in containers or plastic bags and place in the freezer.

At a temperature of -18 degrees, they will be perfectly stored until the next season.

How to make plum juice

This is so well known even to the youngest housewives, so I will not dwell on this, but only recall the proportions:

Boiled water - 450 ml

Plum blanks for sweet tooth

plum jam

Jam, marmalade and marshmallow have one base - juice puree, which is prepared according to the previous recipe.

For jam you need:

Plum puree - 1 kg

Sugar - 500-600 g

Preparation of plum jam

The puree is boiled until the original volume is reduced by a third. It is better to boil it first without sugar, and when the puree begins to thicken, you can add sugar and stir everything and continue to cook until it thickens noticeably.

The degree of readiness is determined as follows: put a drop on the bottom of the saucer and it should not spread. The finished jam is laid out in jars and left slightly covered with paper until a crust appears on the surface. After that, the jars can be closed with nylon lids.

plum marmalade

Plum puree - 1 kg

Sugar - 500-600 g

Boil plum puree in a container with a thick bottom. When the volume decreases by about half and, with stirring, begins to lag behind the bottom, turn off the fire. Spread the slightly cooled mass on a baking sheet, in molds or on parchment paper and leave to dry.

When the treat is completely cool and dry, it can be cut into smaller pieces and put into glass jars or cardboard boxes.

Plum marshmallow - how to cook

Boil the plum puree until the volume is reduced by half.

Lubricate molds, a baking sheet or parchment paper with sunflower oil, lay out the plum mass in a layer of 1.5-2 cm. Preheat the oven to 70 degrees and place the marshmallow in it.

When the mass dries and becomes dense, you need to take it out of the oven, cool slightly and twist it into tubes. A healthy treat for the family is ready.

How to pickle plums for the winter

Pickled plums are amazingly delicious. Try to cook, you will be convinced that this is a magnificent decoration of the winter table and a wonderful side dish for meat and fish dishes.

Wine vinegar - 0.5 l.

Bay leaf - 40 g.

Ground black pepper, ginger, cinnamon - to taste.

Pickled plums - preparation

To make it delicious, do everything exactly according to the recommended recipe.

Pour plums into an enameled bucket, alternating layers with bay leaf and cloves.

Prepare the marinade: pour 0.5 l of vinegar with all the sugar, add spices - you will get a thick syrup, but this is how it should be.

Pour hot marinade over plums.

Drain the marinade daily for three days, bring to a boil and pour over the plums again.

On the fifth day, when you pour marinade again, put everything in prepared glass jars and close with tight or metal lids.

If the marinade remains, do not pour it out, and marinate the barbecue with it on the next weekend - it will turn out incredibly tasty.

How to make plum sauce

For plum liqueur, only fresh, intact fruits should be collected.

Pitted plum - 10 kg.

Making plum wine

Wash the plums, let the water drain, remove the pits and place in a glass bottle.

Add sugar and water, cover the neck with gauze and leave for 3-4 days.

As soon as signs of fermentation appear, a water seal must be immediately installed on the container and left for 20-30 days for complete fermentation.

When the wine is ready, you need to carefully filter it through several layers of gauze, pour it into prepared bottles, cork and put it to age for another 2-3 months.

Plum blanks - tips on how to recycle a large crop

Plum blanks will help you process the crop. Preparing jams, marmalade, marmalade, marshmallows, drying, freezing, juice and plum brandy.

In summer, many housewives try to stock up on the maximum number of preparations for the winter, so that in winter you can even eat foods that are very hard to find in frosty times. To do this, they preserve vegetables and fruits, prepare salads for the winter, roll fruit drinks, and freeze various berries. But if you can open a jar of preservation and start eating right away, then eating frozen berries is not so pleasant. And here the question immediately arises of what to cook from frozen berries so that they do not lose their vitamins, and their taste becomes much more pleasant.


From frozen berries, you can make a wonderful refreshing drink - fruit drink, which you can drink at least all day. And you can cook it from whole strawberries, raspberries, cranberries, or a mixture of these berries. These berries, in the amount of one glass, you just need to pour to the bottom of the pan and pour 3 cups of boiling water. Then you will need to wait until the berries in boiling water are defrosted and the juice is released, and as soon as this happens, all that remains is to add sugar to the pan and mix everything thoroughly. Naturally, you can take more berries, but in this case, you just need to proportionally increase the amount of boiling water.

But when reviewing recipes from frozen berries, you can see that there is another way to make fruit drink. In accordance with it, the frozen berries must first be crushed in a mixer, then add sugar to taste, and then pour cold boiled water, mix and let it brew so that the berries release juice. Before use, you can add a pinch of cinnamon or a mint leaf to the fruit drink.


To prepare compote, you need to take any frozen berries, throw them into a pot of water and put to boil. At the same time, in order for the compote of frozen berries to turn out to be very tasty and have a rich aroma, it is necessary to observe the proportion, according to which 2 full handfuls of berries must be taken per 1 liter of water. Compote is usually cooked for half an hour, and 10 minutes before the end of cooking, you can add a teaspoon of citric acid, a pinch of cinnamon or mint to it. And when the compote is ready, it remains only to cool it and serve it to the table, and everyone can put sugar on their own, focusing on their taste sensations.


Cooking jelly from frozen berries is also not difficult. This hearty, appetizing and fragrant drink can be made from any berries, literally in no time. You just need to put a pot of water on the fire, and as soon as the water boils, throw the berries there in accordance with the proportion - 2 handfuls of berries per 1 liter of water and sugar at your discretion. And a little later, 10 minutes before the end of cooking, all that remains is to add starch to the pan in a thin stream, which will first need to be diluted with water. Now it remains only to cook the jelly during the remaining time, not forgetting to stir it, and the delicious drink will be completely ready to drink.


If the recipes for compote, jelly and fruit drink from frozen berries are very easy to prepare, then in order to make wine from frozen berries you will have to work hard, but the result will be simply amazing. To make such a wine, you must first defrost the berries, and then pour them into a three-liter jar so that they barely reach the middle of the jar. Then pour 400 grams of sugar into this jar and pour warm boiled water into it so that it does not reach the top by 3-4 cm. Stir the mixture in the jar thoroughly with a wooden spoon, pull an ordinary medical glove with a pierced finger over the top of the jar, and set the jar in a warm, dark place for 20 days.

After the allotted time, you can try the future wine, if it is too sour, you can add another 200 grams of sugar there and send it to ferment again, after stirring the sugar so that it completely dissolves. And now you will need to constantly look at the bottle with the glove, because as soon as the glove stops puffing up, it will need to be strained through cheesecloth, folded twice, into the pan, then wait another day, and pour the wine into bottles with screw caps. Everything, the wine is ready to drink, but it is better to let it brew for a year, so that its taste will especially please you.

Cherry wine is very tasty. You can find out more by following the link provided.


But not only aromatic drinks can be prepared from berries. All children and adults will also love the frozen berry pie, which can be enjoyed with tea. You can make dough for such a pie in the same way as usual, most importantly, around the entire perimeter of the rolled out dough, you will need to make small sides that will not allow the juice from the berries to flow out after baking. Having rolled out the dough, you can take on the berries, which will need to be mixed with sugar and spread evenly over the entire surface of the pie. That's it, you don't need to do anything else - just put the cake in the oven to bake for the same time and at the same temperature as usual.


A very tasty dessert for the whole family will also be frozen berry jelly, which is very easy to prepare. To make it, the first step is to sort out half a kilo of berries, rinse them and leave to dry. In parallel with this, 1 tablespoon of dry gelatin will need to be diluted in a glass of cold water and also set aside for 2 hours.

After the allotted time, we dissolve the resulting jelly in a glass in a water bath, but in no case bring it to a boil. In the meantime, we divide the berries into two unequal parts - set aside the smaller part to decorate the dessert, and grind the larger one in a mortar to a puree state. After that, we give the berry puree a little to settle and extract the juice, and then pour it into a separate bowl, and pour 2 cups of boiled water into the puree itself and put it on fire. As soon as the mixture boils, we throw 100 grams of sugar to it and cook until it is completely dissolved.

Now there are mere trifles - the cooled broth will need to be filtered through gauze, add to it the set aside juice that previously stood out from the berries, and the set aside gelatin mixture. Mix everything and pour into silicone molds, the bottom of which is pre-covered with frozen berries. We send the dessert to the refrigerator, and in half an hour the jelly will be completely ready for use.

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