
Revenge is a dish served cold. Revenge is a dish best served cold

For many, this simple consideration is perplexing: why cold and not hot? And to whom should it be given? To yourself or to someone else? When should this be done: for a starter, for dessert, or as a main course? What is meant?
You don't have to think long about this topic. The authors of the recipe themselves answer:

Cold revenge tastes best. (Italian afterword)

Oh how! If you are real gourmet then you should enjoy revenge like expensive delicacy, in a chic establishment, and maybe even in a pleasant company. In addition, a dandy waiter dressed in all black, wearing white gloves, and a carefully sharpened ax should be sticking out of his belt, should deliver the meal to the right address. 🙂 And it doesn't matter what ingredients your vendetta is made of. Most importantly, she must achieve her goal. Thoughtful, prudent, sophisticated, irresistible, even public in a sense, that is, so that everyone could guess who committed it, but they could not prove anything! Oh how! This is the second reason revenge is served cold.

Revenge is a dish that is prepared for two: the plaintiff - like heavenly ambrosia, the defendant - like a bone in the throat. In addition, there are also those around! Who is not a fool, he will immediately realize: such a cook should not be offended!

Well, and the third point: uncontrolled hatred obscures our minds and pushes us to rash decisions. In severe cases, hatred can even take the form of passion. Try to control yourself, do not let your revenge turn out to be stupidity or the frail precocious clown showing the fig in his pocket.

So, no matter which side you look at, irascibility and haste in the noble cause of revenge is unacceptable. Cool down for a start.

Revenge should not be confused with self-defense. Self-defense is an instant defensive countermeasure. Revenge is a delayed action whereby the victim is compensated for the damage suffered.

Meanwhile, there are many different kinds of "enlighteners" who convince the people that revenge is generally contraindicated. After all, evil breeds evil, and revenge breeds reciprocal revenge. If this vicious circle is not broken, then the blood avengers will continue to hunt each other in the mountains for 100-200 years.

However! Your task is completely different. You must return the favor, and not procrastinate "evil begets evil" or worry about the continuity of "vicious circles." Moreover, revenge is not a vice. Revenge is an ancient feeling, and its main center is in the subconscious. Therefore, do not pay attention to these preachers, pseudo-engineers of human souls, experts in moral philosophy, agitating for "non-resistance to evil" and the rejection of the natural desire for revenge. Don't let yourself be made Mitrofanushka, the forgetful evil. Do not believe the fables of these pseudo-aksakals that strong man, they say, does not take revenge. And by the way, many people believe in it! This is a big misconception.

The strong know how to forgive, but the strong know how to take revenge. (Tetcorax)

Therefore, do not guess what they will do, it is better to immediately ask for forgiveness or run away.

Another argument is put forward. Is it necessary to take revenge? Maybe it's better to wait for justice?
Naive people! Justice in no way cancels revenge. And besides, justice is a clumsy lady. And quite often she does not even want to visit the grave of the victim. In addition, there is no punishment at all for many harmful actions. Not secular, not heavenly, not anything else. And if there is, then so ... purely conditional.

Those who seek revenge are also attacked by all sorts of “type lawyers” who tire with their reasoning about the presumption of innocence. Like, in no case is it possible to take revenge and arrange arbitrary reprisals. First, the judicial authority must prove the guilt of a particular person, and only then can it be decided what to do with this “person”.

However, the people, for the most part, sneezed at the "presumptions" sucked from the finger. If everyone saw on YouTube “a person similar to the Prosecutor General” in a bathhouse with prostitutes, then this “face” is the Prosecutor General. And if a thief is grabbed by the hand in a crowded place, then no one will call lawyers for him. The presumption of innocence does not save from the bazaar. 🙂 And they will beat the face, without looking back at any "presumptions".

In addition, there are many situations when it is more expensive to file lawsuits or call for help from some other arbitrators-elders. And sometimes such actions can lead to a completely paradoxical result: the applicant is reclassified as a witness, then as a suspect, then as an accused, and finally as a convict. Oh how! And, it happens, they plant everyone! And the guilty, and the innocent, and even the victim! So think hard before you talk about your problems. Maybe it’s better to somehow figure it out yourself and quietly? ... You should not just forget that

The surest way to carry out your plans is not to tell anyone about them. (Tetcorax)

All these "fighters for justice" and other casuist-crookers persuade you to calm down, agree, accept the status quo, endure and be silent. Silent and endured. Or completely forgot...

Of course, revenge is a personal matter for everyone. And everyone has their own. And everyone has the right to decide for himself what to do: whether to be a rug at the front door, on which everyone wipes their feet, and in the morning the neighbor Tuzik shits on him. Whether to put someone in their place. Revenge is not available to one and they are forced to put up with it and rely on “justice”, which will come no one knows when and no one knows where. And will it come? Who needs you with your problems? For others, the thirst for revenge gives strength, the desire to live, fight and achieve their goal. Makes you move, think with your head and work with your hands. So, in a sense, revenge is also an "engine of progress." We cannot accept the thought that revenge is not available to us.

Only the lazy forgive. (Tetcorax)

There is no greater misfortune than to despise enemies. (Lao Tzu)

It's even harder to hate them. Hatred that finds no outlet is a mind-destroying emotion. Therefore, she must always be under the control of the mind, which is obliged to find a way out for her. And there are three doors: forgive, revenge or lose memory. Choose.

The burden of unfulfilled revenge is heavy ... However,

Move slowly and the day of your vengeance will come.
(Frank Herbert)

No one is forcing you to crawl under tanks, but do something to avenge yourself. A debt hangs for debtors! Don't let them forget about it. “Let the counter “click” and “click”, but still: at the end of the journey you will have to pay off.

To what extent should revenge be proportionate to the harm done? Should one strive to observe the principle of talion in this matter?
Necessary. Although justice in revenge has its own characteristics and comes at the moment when the avenger has satisfied all his feelings and claims to his heart's content. By the way, often revenge is a lesser evil for the offender than "fair punishment."

There is a difference between revenge and punishment: punishment is done for the sake of the punished, and revenge is for the sake of the avenger, in order to satisfy his wrath. (Aristotle)

Revenge does not exist for justice, revenge exists for satisfaction. (Tetcorax)

It must be understood that these proverbs were invented by the Sicilian mafia, which sends a cold, slippery fish to the victim. Like, do not sleep, loshara - they will come for you soon. 🙂 Or throws up a note written in red ink: La vendetta arriva quando non si aspetta.

Revenge comes when you don't expect it. (Italian afterword)

"And that's right, comrades!"

Fear of revenge is already its beginning. (Tetcorax)

And when you took revenge, then by that you knew true taste cold, sweet, drunken revenge. You understand what this proverb is about.

And at the end, one more note.
Just as you can't eat the same food all the time, you can't live with just one desire for revenge. In the first case, it is fraught with physical health, in the second - for mental health. Everything we do must be respected reasonable balance priorities.


The talion principle is the principle of sentencing for acts, according to which the punishment should not be more severe than the crime. (Biblical "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth") The level of revenge is also limited by this provision. However, as a rule, the application of this principle in a pure, in perfect shape impossible. For example, if a maniac, say, raped someone's wife, then the reverse action is simply ridiculous!

2. The theme of revenge is developed in great detail in the literature. Suffice it to mention the classics of the genre, the novel by A. Dumas "The Count of Monte Cristo", in which the thirst for revenge created an outstanding person from a careless, inconspicuous sailor. Which, moreover, made everyone "responsible for the market." And from Shakespeare's tragedy "Othello" one can learn about a terrible example of hot, overheated, ridiculous revenge, revenge directed at a false object. The combination of vindictiveness with irascibility is a very dangerous combination. So you need to constantly wear a bridle on your face, and on your chest a sign “Step aside! I am fool".

3. In the Italian wiki quote book, the proverb is given in the following form:
"La vendetta va servita su un piatto freddo"
But there are other options as well. For example,
"La vendetta è un piatto che va servito freddo"
Or as in the picture in the text.

Hello editorial. I really like your work. I read every day.

Now to the point. I want to know what you think about revenge. That, in fact, is all.


Hello reader. I really like your brevity. We never thought that we would face a short question in our life. But these are all jokes, thank you for your dedication.

The question, of course, is interesting, provocative, but we have nothing to fear and hide, our cases have already been closed due to lack of evidence and the expiration of the statute of limitations. Excuse me for being completely subjective, you yourself asked for our opinion. I must say that in almost all aspects it converged, not in vain because we work together, vengeful bastards. Therefore, I will take the liberty of expressing the opinion of the entire editorial board, consider me the herald of our friendly team, which is always ready for revenge.

The letter to the Romans said:

Do not avenge yourselves, beloved, but give place to [God's] wrath. For it is written: Vengeance is mine; I will repay, says the Lord. So, if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him drink: for in so doing you will heap coals of fire on his head.

But for some reason we are not sure that the merciful God will cover with ashes and ashes the heads of those who offended us. We don't give dinner to the enemy unless it's in our best interest. Because the realities of life are such that if you do not answer, then you will be known as a whipping boy, and the hypertrophied innate sense of revenge of a normal person will not allow you to simply endure shame. Pride and pride are traits of a normal person, and the desire for revenge is quite normal.

In addition, let's not forget that all the scriptures are replete with calls to scourge people, and the 137th psalm, for example, openly glorifies revenge:

Blessed is he who will repay you for what you have done to us! Blessed is he who will take and break your babies against a stone.

So we can say that God approved.

Revenge is very difficult in itself. interesting dish which should not always be served cold. And most importantly, before you take revenge, evaluate your abilities, because revenge is a subtle art that requires a sharp mind and hands that have escaped from the right place. Otherwise, this subtle science turns into obscenity and ordinary vandalism.

In many ways, the theme of revenge is about what to avenge and how to avenge. For example, generosity also needs to be shown, but only when it comes to small things and loved ones. You will take revenge on your to the best friend for what he said about things that you would not want to advertise? Or will you take revenge on the person who pushed you in the morning in a crowded minibus? Well, he did it by accident, what now, to catch up and finish him off? This is not even generosity, but common sense. Revenge is the concept of large categories, blood grievances, defamatory insults. You can take revenge only for those things that have dropped your authority, caused you serious harm and made you and your loved ones a laughingstock.

But the most important thing to remember is that revenge is good only when we are talking about restoring justice.

You can’t take revenge from your own impotence and personal resentment, otherwise they will take revenge on you. And if you yourself are to blame for all this, then restrain your rage, otherwise it will be called wrecking, not revenge. So think thrice before blaming someone else. Unfortunately, very often in this matter we lack ordinary sanity.

So it was and happened in cultures where the concept of blood feud is developed. Look at Southern Italy, where half the population killed each other out of vendetta. In many ways, this was the reason for the endless backwardness of the region. Endless killings do not favor the development of society, it pushes it back in many ways. Therefore, southern Italy has been in the ass all its life, irritating the northern part of the “boot”. Look at Albania, where the principle of "an eye for an eye" is still practiced. You can't look at her without crying. And the Middle East ... eh!

Blood feud often captures hotheads and pushes them to crime. Murder, even under the laws of justice, is still considered an offense. There was one case, from the category of "my friends of friends." A guy of southern origin killed a pedestrian who was also a representative of a hot southern tribe. The most interesting thing is that the pedestrian is to blame, who ran out onto the roadway in a stoned state. The driver plucked up courage, apologized to the family, and the elders, seeing the decency of the guy and realizing that he was not to blame for anything, forgave him. But there were too hot idiots who found and beat him to a half-dead state. The guys were just too carried away by their customs and traditions, and, as always, they missed the main thing: in any business you need to understand. As a result, the case did not end with anything good, and the idiots only framed themselves and their relatives.

So killing and maiming is the choice of cruel and stupid people. pain can cause more harm. For example, the mafia, having sent a fish to the victim (a kind of black mark, eloquently delivering a verdict: “the mafia decided that you will die”), could torment her in anticipation of death up to several months. Understanding his fate, the victim began to slowly go crazy, realizing that he was on drying all the time. Moral harm was much worse than physical.

Once again, revenge is a dish of skillful people. You need to take revenge competently in order to deliver the maximum pain, equivalent to the one that you experienced. Otherwise, all your attempts are meaningless. But if you are going to take revenge, then hurt morally, not physically. And in no case do not cross the border - revenge should be equivalent to an act. You can’t kill for stealing, you can’t burn down a house to a person who just joked badly about you in a big company.

The main thing is to do everything so that a person suffers, but understands why he suffers. Cultivate guilt in him for what he did. But once again we repeat: revenge is good only when it comes to restoring justice.

Revenge is a dish best served cold



Betas (editors): elena130-71

Fandom: The OriginalsCharacters: m/m

Genres: Angst, Drama, Psychology, Casual, DarkficWarnings: Violence, Rape, Profanity, Goth Elements, Slash Elements

Size: Maxi, 191 pages

Number of pieces: 2

Status: completed


When you have a reputation, there will always be someone who wants to humiliate you.

Dima was not just humiliated, he was lowered.

Is it possible to forget what was done to him?

What about forgive?

Publication on other resources:

Guys, the text was ironed out, removing a billion of my mistakes, thanks for everything

elena130-71!!! So if someone made “photocopies”, you can copy again. Thanks for understanding! APD dated 10.10.2013

Readers, do not add silently.

When creating an oridzh, the rules were: Lilya and Jessie, thanks to them!

Stas: http://s2.ipicture.ru/uploads/20120701/hIPJ5E7W.jpg

The ass that inspired Dima so much: http://s2.ipicture.ru/uploads/20120701/Ik43643u.jpg

From Redhead:

http://vk.com/photo111992664_286487552 - renderings of a couple (Stas/Dima)

Dima: http://samlib.ru/img/j/jana_r/jjana_r-153/reni321.jpg

or: http://blog-stilista.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/rita_ferraro_haircut_3.jpg

Kostya: http://0.tqn.com/d/menshair/1/0/I/-/-/-/short10.jpg

Blavatsky: http://www.pricheski-strizhki.ru/glfoto/1013.jpg

From Jess Modern:

Dima: http://nibler.ru/uploads/posts/2011-01/1294873937_most_beautiful_men_06.jpg

Introduce the two guys:


Sequel: http://archiveofourown.org/works/1069940

Part 1 ==========

Loving you, I didn't ask

Didn't guess, didn't question;

Loving you, I waved my hand,

Outlined his wild head!

Moisture collecting on the tile looks as fresh as dew, but it is steam. Hot, muddy, dirty, just like him now. The soft sound of drops flowing from a loosely closed faucet. Diffused noise of water circulating in pipes. You can imagine that he is not here. That he was never in this room. In this building.

Cap. Cap. Cap.

Life goes on. Even if it seems that there is no point in moving on anymore. The numbness disappears. Then comes the pain, the feeling of coldness and disgust. And surprise. Incredible surprise that there are still some desires in the body against the background of what happened to it.

The echoing sounds of the room send tremors down your spine. Goosebumps spread over the body from the cold that overtakes him. This cold creeps in, it absorbs, freezes and leaves nothing alive behind.

This is anger.

This is impotence.

And in the end - emptiness.

For a moment, behind closed eyes, mixed images flicker, and hoarse groans sound in my ears.

You will never tell about this, even if they torture you. But erasing from memory, deleting today will never work.

Never in this fucking life. Until death.

A moment of his weakness, humiliating submission, wild helplessness.

Getting up from the cooled tile is not the first time, because the hands are numb from long immobility, the legs tremble like a newborn foal, and the spine is full of fire and throbbing pain.

Why do we need piles of muscles that were intensively built up in gyms? When you stand naked, under elastic jets, the skin is slippery from soap, and bangs blurred from water fall over your eyes.

It was only a moment. The frontier "before" and "after", but he did not have the opportunity to prevail. Not a single fucking opportunity.

He did not understand what happened to him. The rapist called him by name before putting his head against the tiled wall. It hurts.

Did he see him? No.

The attacker crept up from behind like a coward.

Can this be foreseen? Been through? Reconcile?

From hundreds of questions it starts to ache in the temples.

Because of the buzz in your head and a quiet whisper in your ear, you don’t immediately understand what they want from you.

After a sharp blow, the victim is stunned, the element of surprise worked, it remains to immobilize, and you're done. It's hard to make a mountain of muscle like him harmless. But someone had truly Napoleonic plans for him. The stranger didn't just want to fuck the liveliest boy in their sports section.

Damn sadist wanted to rape. Drop like the last bitch To point to his place. Humiliate and break.

Whisper again is his name. Is it possible to hate your own name?

Now he knows the answer.

There was only one perpetrator. The one and only damn bastard who managed to stun him and easily dumped him on the dirty shower tile. His hands were wrung behind his back, and before he could blink, the tape squeezed his wrists - elastic and strong. You can’t throw this one off and you won’t have enough strength to break it.

Pain drenched like boiling water as the hands tied at the wrist were pulled up, twisting from the joints.

He was floundering like live fish on the market stall. Pathetic, useless and worthless.

The rapist knew that no one would come to the rescue, so he was in no hurry. I savored it. Throwing a towel over his head, the freak amused himself by rubbing the most secluded places of his body with his boot. He ran the edge of the sole between his legs, stepped on and squeezed his balls, crawled along the floor, a member, sometimes kicking in the back when he did not move for a long time.

If schools taught a course in protection from sexual assault, Dima might learn that it is useless to talk to a rapist. Ask, ask, appeal to prudence.

Now he does not need any course, he himself can teach others how not to break.

When Dima opened his mouth, they beat him. For every word spoken. Pavlov's method really works. A word - a blow, a question - a kick, if he cursed - they beat him with a fist. And at some point, he himself decided to shut up. But worst of all, they both knew why it had become so quiet. He rejoices, the victim tries to collect himself piece by piece.

And then comes the worst. A pause, and it seems that everything - the execution is over. Blissful silence means that he is gone, left his body writhing on the cold tiles in peace. Breathing evens out, the fog that covers the mind recedes, hope returns.

Against the background of the calmness being acquired, the sound of lightning being pulled apart is carried by a thunderous peal.

One single sound worth a thousand words.

Everything becomes unimportant. Beating, humiliation, embarrassment. Just not THIS! Just not coercion and rape. But he worked so hard on the invincible image of the steel guy. Such as he will not regret. Nothing to be sorry about. Such as he always gets in full.

When two soapy fingers fall into a narrow gap, they have one goal - to stretch it as far as possible, until it stops. No mercy, delicate walls tear, stretching, lye and chemicals that make up the soap increase the burning sensation.

The bastard spits into his torn anus as he lifts his ass up, burying his muzzle on the floor. Dima flounders with his feet, something hard pokes between his buttocks, and he is powerless to stop the rapist.

Then only pain, similar to the surf. And the sound of his name: "Dima, Dima, Dima ..."

Steel fingers grip his hips, intensifying the pain, spreading his buttocks even wider. As if pushing a member into him is not enough. You need to break it in half.

He is glad that he does not see anything, because tears flow from his eyes in hail. Snot, drool, cold sweat - this is what happened to him, his fall. The body is like a throbbing ball of pain.

But he is glad that the rapist is too sensible. Covering his face, he lets hide the pain. Dima pays with groans - deep, frenzied and breaking into a scream. Something is running down his thighs and he's not sure if it's semen. Blood? Water?

We had a terrible history teacher at school. At the lessons, she only talked about her life, and graded according to the principle "you listened to me and nodded respectfully - you are five, and you were doing your own business in the back row - you are three." In principle, this is already enough not to love her, but she periodically added fuel to the fire of our hatred. Here is one of the episodes. A classmate decided to enter the law school and studied with a tutor for a year. As a result, I pulled up the subject well, I knew it for five. When at the end of the quarter the history teacher began to announce grades, the girl said that she did not agree with the three and was ready to take the exam to prove that she knew five. The teacher was already taken aback by such impudence: “Yes, if I want, I will give you a deuce, you should be grateful to me for three !!” So she put up a three, the girl achieved nothing.

The school authorities knew about the methods of teaching history, but did nothing, because “she has a huge experience, and what are you like, an unhappy three-year student, to roll a barrel at a respected teacher ?!”. In general, the classic "get it first." I already then decided that I would not leave it so easily, even though I am not a bloodthirsty person.

I graduated from high school, entered a university, and from about the third year I began to teach at the center of creativity in my microdistrict. Naturally, almost all of my students were from my former school. And then one of the girls - clever and beautiful Aina - at some point began to droop right in front of her eyes. By the way, the girl was the headman in her class, studied for fours, always spent a lot of time at school after school, helping teachers: either you need to draw a poster, then make a wall newspaper, then arrange an office for open lesson... How it was possible to turn such a school-loving child into an outcast in just a couple of months and really achieve expulsion, it still does not fit in my head.

It turned out that the same history teacher had harassed her. Moreover, the reason was trifling: either the girl did not help arrange her office after school, because she was busy, or something else. And the teacher only needs this, she is bored, and here you can occupy yourself with such a blood-stirring thing as bullying. In general, all the merits of the girl were immediately reset to zero (before that, she helped many times) and she became enemy No. 1. The teacher constantly humiliated her, put deuces for nothing, and then completely achieved the expulsion of the girl, persuading her geographic friend to also give her a deuce in a quarter.

The girl's mother did not stand up for her daughter, because in life she was a timid and non-conflict person, and she had no idea how to write applications, where to file complaints, etc. But I was no longer a small defenseless schoolgirl, but a self-confident girl, so I took everything into my own hands.

At school, we demanded to issue a certificate of expulsion or a document refusing to issue such a certificate. Then I made a complaint to the Ministry of Education of our city and got an appointment with the minister in order to give it personally. Now I am surprised at my then pressure, but I was very angry. Everywhere I had to carry the girl's mother with me, because the presence of a parent was required. She got tired of all this at some point, but I kept up with her. In the end, everything worked out: the school was checked, and such that everyone was on their ears there for a long time. The teacher was reprimanded (it's a pity they didn't fire her). As I was later told, the teacher was saved by the fact that the question “Guys, do any of you have complaints about the teacher?” the commission asked right at the lesson of this very teacher. Under her heavy gaze, not a single student dared to answer the truth. Children who, out of principle, did not go to her lessons, later regretted very much that they were not there: “I should have told them!!”.

After that, they couldn’t stand me in that school (during the check, not only that teacher got it), but it was worth it. The teacher, as I was later told, became quieter than water, lower than grass. And finally, she began to study her subject at the lessons, and not talk about her life.

The only vengeful Aquarius I knew was a rare jerk of about fifty, and even offended in early childhood. And with all this, he took revenge, all the same, jokingly and playfully - not even seriously, from which, however, the objects of his revenge did not get any better. In short, he doesn't count.
Aquarians do not like revenge and do not know how. Some mentally unhealthy representatives of this sign can betray, set up and blatantly deceive, but they do this not out of revenge, but simply out of love for art and for self-affirmation. It is practically impossible to get Aquarius out of himself to such an extent that he begins to take revenge.
This sign has such a strong innate sense of humor that its representatives will make you look like a complete idiot long before you get them. You can call it revenge if you like, but they don't. The typical Aquarius is a character like Home Alone. That is, he will roll you half to death, without knowing it. He has such strange habits that any close contact with him is fraught with self-harm, and contact with evil targets is especially dangerous. Suppose you sneak up on Aquarius quietly from the back, so that something is not right, but Aquarius, just at this moment, for some reason, remembers that he, it turns out, knows how to do back flips ... What will happen?
That's right: Aquarius will hit you on the head with both feet and then pitifully lead you to the medical center, where he will remember that he still knows how to bandage and inadvertently bandage you so that you forget how to breathe, and when you remember, it will be too late.
The Ministry of Health warns...
Offending a normal Fish is usually very easy. But only a close enough person can offend her so that she wants to take revenge, because Pisces forgets about all other insults with ease. And Pisces take revenge on everyone possible ways except for the explicit ones. They weave intrigues, cross the path of the offender exactly where he does not expect, and complicate his life in all sorts of other ways.
The easiest way to take revenge on a fish is to walk around with an offended face and tell what a bad person you are and how you treated her cruelly. Pisces always turns out this very naturally, because they are really offended sincerely. And therefore, sympathizers can have a bad opinion of you for a long time.
If this doesn’t seem enough to Pisces, she can spread the most terrible rumors about you, no worse than Gemini, and even better: because fish rumors are much more naturalistic than twin ones - firstly; and absolutely irrefutable due to a fair amount of fog and omissions - secondly.
Having a very big tooth on you, Pisces can pretend that they were not offended at all, and then, under the guise of a sincere desire to help, tell you such tales and give you such advice that you will disentangle your own porridge for a very long time.
Moreover, you still can’t accuse Pisces of malicious intent - she will take care to build all her slippery speeches so that she has somewhere to retreat, they say, she warned that this information was unverified. No worse than Scorpio, Pisces knows how to cling to sore spots. No worse than Sagittarius, it can torture you with bureaucratic torments. No worse than Libra, she beats in intellectual battles, although she does not even have the rudiments of intelligence in the traditional sense of the word, because they live in their own system of values, which cannot be analyzed by generally accepted methods ...

Libra is a rather touchy sign. However, they do not really know how to take revenge, well, somehow. Here everything is somehow more like children's version: Oh, you tell me so, well, okay, but I'll tell you how. Say, give me my toys and don't pee in my potty. At the same time, when Libra themselves already believe that they have reached the limits of severity and deceit, the subject at whom revenge is directed is only beginning to realize that it turns out that they are taking revenge on him.
In addition, blocking any possibilities that depend on them, Libra often and completely lose control over the one they were going to take revenge on, which makes further murder almost impossible. Well, the most extreme thing that Libra is capable of is to challenge the offender to a verbal duel, present their accusations to him and demand an explanation. As a rule, explanations are above the roof - not everyone is as honest as Libra ...
However, one forte, which Libra can use for revenge - terrible and terrible - they still have. They can, for example, skillfully beat off the sympathy of some valuable person from their offender. They can also, in spite of the enemies, seep somewhere high to warm places and from there brazenly show the offender his tongue, so that he becomes bitter and envious. In general, such intellectual intrigues... A good sign.
I knew one person who was and remained Libra, and was engaged in such difficult activities in his company as contacts with all sorts of “boys” and “roofs”, so he was famous precisely for the fact that thanks to his activities, no serious showdowns occurred there. once, although his boss was a surprisingly bitchy man and there were enough violent passions around this company.
This sign traditionally holds the lead in bitchiness. Although not deserved. In fact, he is much more bitchy than his Pisces, but no one knows this. So, a normal Scorpio is different in that he cares about everything. Everywhere, you see, he has some interests of his own, he needs to control everything and keep it on the hook. Accordingly, as soon as someone hurts these interests of his, Scorpio immediately fills with poison and runs to engage in biting.
The bite of Scorpio is different, but it differs, first of all, in that its main goal is not at all to neutralize the enemy, but to inflict on him the deepest possible moral, and at worst, physical injuries, with which he would suffer until the end of his hard days.
For the same reason, Scorpios are the founders of the principle “beat your own so that strangers are afraid”! Inflicting deep, bleeding and non-healing wounds on one's own, you see, is a hundred times more convenient than on strangers. All the weak points are known in advance, and it is not difficult to poke at them. For example, I knew Scorpio, who had a husband obsessed with looking solid - so she blamed him endlessly for one single case when he looked undignified, having blown up in the store to the extreme and telling the saleswoman everything that she, the saleswoman, deserved. The husband blushed, turned pale and lowered his eyes.
And Scorpio - an infection - was waiting for a large gathering of guests, and again: “Do you remember, in the store ...” But, characteristically, not a single Scorpio will ever forget to spill a little balm on freshly inflicted wounds, so that the object of biting does not completely close from him with a shell and didn't fall off the hook. That is, to remain a convenient victim.
Only the Gemini have immunity against scorpion bites - because most of them do not have such a depth in their souls that they can scratch with a scorpion sting. Or maybe there is depth, but the attitude towards it is not so deep. That is, Scorpio catches them, and they themselves joke about this topic, as if they were not stabbed with a sting, but their heels were tickled with a feather.
Well, the avengers are boring. A la “red devils” and “elusive Jack”, which no one catches. That is, they would be happy, in the name of justice and principles of all kinds, to chop everyone who came across with a naked saber, but only now, while they are talking about justice and principles, you stroke, but there is already no one to chop. And most importantly, they practically cannot inflict reprisals if there is not a large gathering of people. They are bored and somehow not at all instructive.
For that same justice, they first need to gather a whole veche, explain to the people there that, they say, you look, what a bastard, and then, with fireworks and fanfare, put him to waste.
True, like everyone who is sick with principles, they are vindictive in order. Therefore, if they meet the offender in twenty years, and then they have a moment to roll him along full program imagine, they will roll away with great joy and not blink an eye. In revenge alone, Sagittarius succeeded like no other. In bureaucratic revenge. Here, for example, if you need to get a certificate from some aunt that you have been vaccinated against the flu, and you stepped on this aunt's foot in a stunted year and did not apologize, then she will come off.
And, by all means. For the sake of this certificate, you will bypass all thirty circles of hell, paradise and purgatory until you collect certificates there about the purity of your pedigree up to the twelfth generation and present them in support of the fact that you have some rights to the requested certificate. And then she will consider all this for three years, coordinate it in ten commissions, and deal with other such dirty tricks.
And then, he will give you a certificate without stamps and send you to receive one at one end of the city, and the other at the other, and forget to call there to put it on you.
What needs to be done in order to force Capricorn to take revenge, I can’t even imagine. There is practically nothing to get these people with - they themselves will get whoever you want ... Well, okay, let's say you managed to get Capricorn by hooking something, for example, his passion. This is bad. There will still be no revenge. And there will be consistent survival from all the surroundings available to Capricorn.
Moreover, this does not mean at all that Capricorn will carry out some special work in this direction there. It’s just that Capricorn has probably already managed to dig in there much earlier and much better than you, and therefore all the levers are in his hands ... But it’s true, it’s on trifles. It's probably worse. This is when you managed to arouse antipathy in Capricorn for some inexplicable reasons and strong antipathy - reaching white heat. Then Capricorn becomes capable of everything that Virgo is capable of, only on a hypertrophied scale.
That is, if it is enough for Virgo to just twist the stopper of your dropper and leave, then Capricorn definitely needs to replace the contents in this dropper with some kind of caustic substance and then sit and watch what will happen. Capricorn's vengeance can be overcome only by massive bombardment of his habitat within a radius of three hundred kilometers for ten days without a break. And even then, if you are sure that this Capricorn does not have his own hand at the command post of the contingent of forces that will be entrusted with this bombing - which is unlikely.
In general, what I'm telling you. Look better a series of "Sherlock Holmes", where about Professor Moriarty. Here is Moriarty - a typical Capricorn.

A little bit for a smile about revenge)))
Revenge of the zodiac signs
To imagine a vengeful Aries is a rather complicated matter. If someone steps on Aries on a sore spot, then Aries, as a rule, gives the offender in the ear without any delays and prefaces.
And this is not considered revenge, because it is a normal reaction healthy body. I will say more, if the attack on the aforementioned corn was virtual, and the offender was inaccessible for giving in the ear, Aries can easily forget about everything in an hour, and a day later, hugging and kissing with this offender as if nothing had happened. Therefore, in order for Aries to have a desire to take revenge, you need to get it very systematically and get it very seriously ...
Well, for example, every day and loudly talk about his weaknesses to her at the very moment when his / her passion is in the immediate vicinity. In this case, however, you will also immediately get in the ear, but if you have the courage to continue in the same spirit and further, then after a while Aries will take root in the opinion that you need to be limed. Exactly. Aries revenge is always radical. He will never condescend to any reciprocal petty dirty tricks. Aries needs only one thing - that the object of revenge ceases to exist, at least in the nearest observable space. What Aries will consistently achieve:
- Sir, you must die.
- Could it be otherwise? Maybe you will be satisfied, well, at least, cutting off a hand or, say, an ear? A? Well, pleaaaaaaaaaaaa...
- No, sir, you must die.
In general, to force you, at least, to move to another organization, or even move with your whole family to another city, Aries, who decided to take revenge, can easily. Moreover, it is characteristic that Aries himself will consider this not revenge, but self-defense.
In order to awaken vindictiveness in Taurus, you also, in general, need to try hard. Taurus takes root in the opinion that a person - only after a thorough collection of statistical information on this topic. But they take revenge much more perversely than Aries.
In all likelihood, it was this sign along with Scorpio that became the founder of the vendetta. Revenge of Taurus, as a rule, consists in the systematic and inexorable blocking of all gateways and channels to the offender. And Taurus is such a sign that, for some reason, always turns out to be the owner of the very faucets with which these gateways and channels are blocked. For example, in a party, Taurus are often not only the main breadwinners, drinkers and hosts at home, but also the unspoken trendsetters and tastemakers.
This does not mean that they are such leaders. No. Here the matter is different. They just always have a very weighty and weighty opinion on any occasion. Therefore, they do not impose new people and new tastes on anyone - they only approve or DO NOT approve what others bring. So, if you are honored with the revenge of Taurus, then be prepared for the fact that Taurus will categorically disapprove of you wherever and wherever he can reach. And this means that you will almost certainly “be left without sweets” and find yourself in isolation.
And if someone tries to intercede for you, then Taurus will “cross out” him too - and so on up to the twelfth generation. Moreover, these sanctions are almost impossible to cancel. In order to earn the trust and respect of Taurus again, you will have to repent and fawn so much that it’s easier to hang yourself right away.
This is one of the main ulcers of the Zodiac. The fact is that most Geminis are passionate about being great and respected, and no one perceives them that way. Therefore, it is very easy to make a Gemini inflame with a thirst for revenge. Having received the revenge of Gemini, you will surely become the object of the most incredible rumors and gossip, ugly flat barbs and outright misinformation.
Gemini boys can even get into a fight with superior enemy forces, and they are always superior, but in two minutes these Don Quixotes will already be whimpering in the corner. Now, if it was a computer fight, Gemini would have made anyone in it. So, Gemini can seriously take revenge on you only if you own a computer - to send, for example, some letter with a virus - this is always welcome.
At the same time, the mood of most Geminis changes much faster than the weather. Having gathered in the morning to take revenge on you until retirement, by lunchtime Gemini can already offer you a mutually beneficial business or share with you freshly invented gossip about a new object chosen for revenge.
However, if you decide that you should not be afraid of Gemini's revenge, then you are mistaken. Firstly, people tend to believe even the most incredible rumors, and then go and wash off.
And secondly, the Gemini tend to know everything and everyone, and therefore, writing another gossip, they can give out something really painful and compromising about you - without knowing it. In general, the understanding that the one who owns information owns the world is inherent in these figures on an instinctive level.
The simplest and most common way of revenge is to leave without a hat on a cold night, so that everyone feels bad. It is used for any reason, as well as for no reason - according to the mood. The same category includes a complete break in relations. In the Cancer case, this means that Cancer will not react to you at all - in no way and never, even if you drown in front of him.
Moreover, the likelihood that Cancer will forgive you, even if the offense was small, is extremely small. If Cancer is seriously hurt, then the consequences can be the most unexpected. Conscious of their small, in general, strength, Cancers can even use heavy artillery to kill a cockroach, not to mention revenge on more serious opponents. For example, to drown someone's bag in a vengeful impulse in the nearest reservoir or burn someone's documents completely and completely - that would be crayfish.
I'm not talking about physical revenge. If it comes to a fight, then - not otherwise with the use of something like a crowbar, a stool with iron legs or something else of that kind ... So, Cancer is terrible in anger. But in general, the most terrible thing is not even the revenge of the crustaceans, but the resentment of the crustaceans in itself. This creature will look at you reproachfully with its large tearful eyes, like a lap dog thrown in the forest, and you will be ashamed, ashamed, ashamed!!!
And you will not be able to make amends for your guilt, and therefore your conscience will choke you, choke and choke you, until it chokes you to a faint.
a lion
In order to awaken a thirst for revenge in Leo, you just need to seriously deceive him. And to deceive Leo is a trifling matter, you just have to want to. The question is: why do you need it. Lion's revenge, even in an easy execution, is terrible as death.
And in a hard version, it is completely crushing, but it rarely comes to it. Most simple way lion's revenge is a clear demonstration that you are a complete, non-representing nonentity and even worse. This is demonstrated with my own example.
That is, Leo publicly shows how much cooler he looks, works and rests than you. Moreover, even if he has never been engaged in the business that you are engaged in, in order to show your insignificance, he will manage to make it better than you. Further in the lion's rating of revenge are public insults and revelations. That is, Leo will publicly tell you everything that he thinks about you.
Moreover, the sympathies of others, of course, will be on his side - because these sympathies are always on the side of Leo. This is where the revenge ends. And the tough revenge of Leo does not end and does not stop at anything. You can be pursued by dark personalities, who for some reason suddenly turned out to be Leo's closest friends, flunked by examiners everywhere from the traffic police to the institute, abandoned by friends and acquaintances, and also quartered and wheeled by people from the other world.
And behind all this you will see a terrible lion's grin. Over time, you will become a frail schizophrenic and begin to see the lion's machinations already in all manifestations of life - including clogging the toilet bowl and souring milk.
To be honest, I have a hard time imagining what exactly needs to be done in order for the Virgo to decide to take revenge, but many representatives of this sign have a tendency to this. Moreover, Virgos take revenge, as a rule, in especially perverted forms. Now, if you watched a film about the heroic Sergei Lazo, who was burned in the firebox of a steam locomotive by the Japanese, then you should roughly imagine what can be done with a person with a certain share of girlish fantasy, and girlish - because Japan is under the sign of Virgo.
Remember, there, for example, there was such a beautiful vase with holes, designed to install the enemy's head. The idea of ​​pumping water into a person through their ears is also a good one. In general, whatever you can think of, puzzled by the question seriously and girlishly. Virgo's domestic revenge is no less subtle, but differs in one amusing feature: the person who is being avenged is the last to know that this happened to him. For example, to issue you some long-awaited documents, while making only one minor oversight, leading to your repeated passage through all the circles of hell that preceded this, it will be like a girl: nothing is immediately clear, but crushing in the end.
In general, Virgos, more than any other signs, are prone to revenge by official and documentary methods. That is, if you offended the Virgin, and she has something to declare against you in official instances, she will almost certainly declare there. There is also a girlish technique for marinating someone half to death solely for the purpose of deep wounding.
