
Bonn soup for weight loss. Bonn soup without celery

Bonn soupexcellent tool for weight loss and vitamin nutrition in the cold season. On such liquid diet you can reset overweight without starving yourself. In addition, the soup cleanses the body and saturates it with vitamins, improves the functioning of the digestive system and restores water metabolism.

The main ingredients of the Bonn soup are vegetables, which contain a lot of fiber and vitamins, greens. Ingredients such as broccoli, tomatoes, onions contribute to the fact that the food does not feel fresh, and digestion is getting better. Be sure to include celery in the recipe to cleanse the body and increase overall tone. White cabbage was known as a powerful assistant in this difficult task called the fight against obesity, as it affects the metabolism of fats and reduces swelling. Bell peppers are high in vitamin C and add a delicious flavor to the dish. So, to prepare Bonn soup, take the ingredients in the following quantities:
  • Green celery - 1 bunch or 170 g;
  • Carrots - 170 g;
  • Onions - 6 pieces or 150 g;
  • Tomatoes - 5-6 pieces or 300 g;
  • White cabbage - 1 head or 0.5 kg;
  • Cauliflower - 300 g;
  • Bulgarian or red pepper - 2 pcs.;
  • Sauce - "Chili" or "Tabasco" - to taste;
  • Garlic - 20 g;
  • Soy sauce - 1 tsp;
  • Coriander - 1 tbsp;
  • Cumin - 1 tablespoon;
  • Water - 1.5 liters;
  • Bay leaf - 1 sheet;
  • Olive oil - 100 g.
Bonn Soup Instructions:
  1. After preparing vegetables and herbs, they should be washed.
  2. Cut up the ingredients. You can slice or ring, slice, as you prefer.
  3. It is allowed to stew onions in a pan with garlic and spices, as well as with olive oil.
  4. Add spices to the onion.
  5. Pour the remaining vegetables with water, put on fire and wait until it boils.
  6. Add an onion Bay leaf and simmer over low heat until the vegetables are soft.
  7. When the soup is ready, throw in the greens - dill or parsley.
  8. If desired, you can add a finger of ginger to the dish, which should be stewed with onions.
  9. Remember that it is not recommended to add salt.
In addition to Bonn soup, during the diet it is allowed to use additional products, diversifying the diet menu in this way, which is very good from a psychological point of view:
  • First day: any fruit. The exceptions are bananas, watermelon and melon. You can drink tea, coffee without sugar and clean water.
  • Second day: vegetables in any form - boiled, baked or raw. Beans should be avoided. It is better to give preference to green. For dinner, you can bake one potato with vegetable oil.
  • Third day: vegetables and fruits. Potatoes and bananas are not allowed.
  • Fourth day: vegetables and fruits. Bananas are allowed. From drinking you can milk, only low-fat, or kefir in a volume of 1 liter.
  • Fifth day: tomatoes (up to 6 pieces) and meat - beef, chicken (half a kilogram). Can be replaced with lean fish.
  • Sixth day: vegetables (green) and beef.
  • Seventh day: unpolished rice cooked with vegetables, as well as natural juices from fruits.

When dieting, it is strictly forbidden to eat bread, sugar, drink alcoholic and carbonated drinks.

Such a diet is quite sparing, unlike many strict mono-diets. Bonn soup is allowed to be eaten in any quantity, even when you experience the first bout of hunger. However, it is not suitable for children and the elderly, as well as if a person has gastrointestinal diseases. Do not plan any important actions during the diet, as Bonn soup is distinguished by a pronounced diuretic effect due to celery and parsley and provokes flatulence.

Remember, if you have already lost 8 kg on the Bonn soup, and nothing has passed in time - less than a week, then you should stop the diet.

Bonn soup helps to lose weight without feeling hungry and hard training. It is easy to prepare from available ingredients. Choose the weight loss soup recipe to your taste and lose up to 2 kg in a week!

Regular consumption of liquid foods helps to normalize the work of the whole organism and the stomach in particular. Diets based on them are also a good chance to gain a chiseled figure. The world-famous Bonn soup (BS), which underlies the food system of the same name, is a healthy and nutritious dish. It has been used with equal success for constant control weight, including in the usual diet and for express weight loss. The food is perfectly digested, gives a feeling of satiety and has a fat-burning effect. The duration of the diet based on it is only 7 days, during which it is possible to lose weight and become lighter by at least 2 kg.

According to one version, the Bonn Soup nutrition system was developed by Belgian doctors and first tested in the preoperative period on obese patients. The results were encouraging, and soon the recipe for a liquid dish spread all over the world. Today, the Bonn nutrition system is in the TOP 10 most popular for burning fat.


Low-calorie express diets are a favorite hobby of people constantly striving to lose weight. Promising the loss of a solid amount of kilograms in a short time, but they all have a serious drawback - a meager set of products. The "Bonn soup" diet does not require such sacrifices: a liquid dish is allowed to be consumed from 3 times a day. The menu also includes other dishes that are allowed on certain days. Due to the diversity of the set of products, the food system is transferred very easily.

The diet is designed for a week. There is a special list of allowed foods for each day. Taking into account the balance of the diet, "unloading" can be repeated. In this case, at the end of the seventh day, the cycle starts over.

The order of the days of the diet and the diet cannot be changed. Otherwise, the result will worsen or it will not be at all. If "therapy" was interrupted on any of the seven days, you will have to resume it from the very beginning. In no case should you change the order of days or replace one day with another.

Alcohol is prohibited for the entire period. Taboos include sugar and its substitutes, confectionery and flour products. Sugary sodas and juices from the store are excluded. You can drink tea and coffee without sugar.

How does it work for weight loss

The Bonn soup diet effectively reduces weight based on three qualities of the main dish:

  • low calorie;
  • fat burning effect;
  • diuretic properties.

The ingredients that make up the dish are vegetables of various directions: some contribute to the destruction of fat reserves, others prevent the formation of new ones, and others are responsible for water-salt exchange, the fourth ones satisfy the minimum daily requirement body in carbohydrates, fats, proteins and fiber.

Several ingredients of the Bonn dish have pronounced diuretic properties. Due to the increased excretion of water from the body, weight is reduced very quickly. To prevent health problems, the appearance of age spots and dry skin, you need the right drinking regimen- at least 1.5 liters of water per day.

Benefit and harm

Bonn soup (BS) contains products plant origin, and this is the source dietary fiber that help in cleansing the intestines from toxins. The nutrition system helps to avoid constipation - a problem that often accompanies express diets. Fiber normalizes metabolism and is involved in the healing of the whole organism.

Despite the cleansing properties, BS helps to quickly gain food in the stomach. It is believed that the brain responds with a feeling of hunger precisely to the insufficient amount of food "lump", so people are recommended to consume about 600 g of vegetables per day. Gathering them hot liquid dish, it will turn out much more familiar and tastier. liquid food easier to digest without straining digestive system.

The main disadvantage of the Bonn soup diet is the ban on the use of fermented milk products, which are considered a source of calcium and beneficial bacteria, are seen as an important part of a healthy diet .

Many experts consider losing weight on BS to be evil. In their opinion, a crash diet causes continuous harm to the body:

  • an excess of dietary fiber in the diet causes diarrhea and leads to intestinal irritation, which makes a person constantly feel discomfort and even pain attacks;
  • due to the huge amount of fluid entering the body and salt deficiency, the kidneys are stressed, water-salt balance, puffiness develops;
  • vitamin C coming from food is not absorbed, as digestion is disturbed;
  • a low-fat diet can provoke amenorrhea in women of childbearing age;
  • many who have “sat” on the soup for the prescribed 7 days, then suffer from overeating;
  • "Solo" vegetables do not saturate.

Opponents of the diet call for learning to eat modest portions and choose healthy food. According to them, a normally organized diet is much more beneficial for the waist and health.

Advantages and disadvantages

The obvious advantage of the Bonn soup diet is its cheapness. Purchase required set products hit the pocket several times less than those provided by other express methods of losing weight. Ease of preparation is another plus.

Disadvantages of the diet are also characteristic. So, some people say that it is not easy to endure a monotonous menu. By the end of the seventh day of “therapy”, it’s hard to even look at the main dish and allowed foods. And in order not to break loose, you have to constantly engage in self-motivation.

Another disadvantage is the ban on training. The maximum allowed is gymnastics without weights and cardio on the simulator. A more severe load can provoke quick loss muscle fibers and the resulting stress.


The dish has average calorie content- about 30 kcal per 100 grams, which covers the costs of the body for its digestion. Fats of animal origin are absent in it, proteins are contained in a small amount (0.6 g). This prevents the set muscle mass.

Bonn soup recipe

The popularity of BS annually turns into an improvement classic recipe. Residents of many countries strive to add something special to it, playing on the taste and fat-burning properties. The palm in weight loss is held by two recipes - classic and with the addition of celery root.

Classic vegetable

This recipe is considered original. He made BS famous all over the world.


  • six medium-sized bulbs;
  • four medium-sized carrots;
  • three small tomatoes (the recipe allows the use of tomatoes in their own juice);
  • three bell peppers Green colour;
  • a small head of white cabbage.
  • bunch of parsley;
  • a bunch of green onions.

For frying, you need a few tablespoons of vegetable oil. Although it is high in calories, it helps to maintain normal work. gastrointestinal tract and does not have a significant effect on the course of weight loss. It is undesirable to salt the food, since no more than 3 grams of salt are allowed per day. If it seems too bland, it is allowed to add a few grains directly to the plate.

The specified amount of products is enough to make soup, which is enough for one person for 2-3 days. If desired, you can reduce the output.


  1. Fry the onion sliced ​​in half rings in vegetable oil until golden brown.
  2. Add some water. Simmer over medium heat for about 10-15 minutes.
  3. Add chopped carrots, tomatoes, peppers, cabbage.
  4. Pour water just above the level of vegetables, add greens. From the moment of boiling, cook for 15 minutes.

IN ready meal you can put a tablespoon of boiled brown rice.

With root celery

This version of the recipe is considered more effective for weight loss. Its calorie content is even below average - about 27 kcal per 100 g. All thanks to the celery root. In matters of fat burning, it works for sure. The only drawback is the specific smell that persists after cooking.


  • onions (250 g);
  • tomato juice or tomatoes (100 g);
  • celery root (100 g);
  • cauliflower (70 g);
  • White cabbage(70 g);
  • carrots (70 g);
  • bell pepper (70 g).
  • a bunch of dill;
  • bunch of parsley;
  • a bunch of green onions.
  • two minced garlic cloves;
  • allspice peas (1 g);
  • dry hot pepper(1 g);
  • two bay leaves.

The given quantity of products is calculated for a pan of three liters.


The step by step recipe is very simple:

  1. Grind white cabbage, divide cauliflower into inflorescences. Cut the celery root and pepper into cubes, cut the onion (leave a little for dressing) into half rings, grate the carrots on a coarse grater.
  2. Pour everything cold water put on fire and bring to a boil. Cook on high heat for 15 minutes, then reduce heat and cook for another 30 minutes.
  3. Fry the remaining onion in vegetable oil until golden, add the tomato. Simmer for 2 minutes.
  4. Transfer the dressing to a saucepan. Add chopped garlic, herbs, spices. Cook for about 10 minutes.

How to cook in a slow cooker

Along with traditional way cooking can enjoy modern. Cooking in a slow cooker will save time and make the dish even “easier”. At the same time, the products will retain useful qualities.

The procedure is the same as when cooking on fire. First, fry the onion in a small amount of oil. pre-cut vegetable ingredients from the selected recipe, prepared herbs and spices are put into the multicooker bowl as soon as it acquires a golden hue, poured with water and the cooking time is indicated - 1 hour.

How to cook in the microwave

If there is no time to prepare a traditional BS, and you cannot skip a meal, you can cook an express version of the dish. Its use will not bring calories.

A quick recipe calls for 400 grams Mexican mix and one bell pepper. The ingredients must be placed in ceramic pan, fill with water and cover with a lid. Cook no more than 15 minutes at a power of 600W.

Menu for the week

There are several options for the seven-day menu. One involves the lack of separation of meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner (only for the second day). During the day, it is permissible to arrange as many meals as you want. Soup can be eaten without restrictions. The second option of the menu assumes the presence of strictly stipulated meals, including a snack and an afternoon snack.

Menu #1 by day

Every day you need to consume at least three plates of BS. Other products are also allowed.

First day: fruits (except bananas).

Second day: breakfast - soup, lunch - soup and green vegetables, dinner - soup, 1 baked potato With a small amount vegetable oil.

Third day: vegetables and fruits (except potatoes and bananas).

Fourth day: three bananas, skim milk.

Fifth day: fresh tomatoes, 0.5 kg boiled meat without fat.

Sixth day: green vegetables, boiled beef.

Seventh day: vegetables (except potatoes), brown rice.

Menu number 2 for every day

  • BS for breakfast and dinner.
  • An apple for a snack.
  • BS and an orange for lunch.
  • Kiwi for lunch.
  • BS for breakfast and lunch.
  • Salad of greens and cucumbers for a snack.
  • Fresh cucumber and white cabbage for an afternoon snack.
  • BS and 1 baked potato for dinner.
  • BS and an orange for breakfast.
  • Baked apples for a snack.
  • BS for lunch.
  • Fresh apple for lunch.
  • BS, salad of green vegetables and herbs for dinner.


  • BS and banana for breakfast.
  • BS for snack and dinner.
  • BS and banana for lunch.
  • banana and skim milk for an afternoon snack.
  • BS and fresh tomato for breakfast.
  • BS for snack and dinner.
  • BS, piece boiled fillet chicken and fresh tomato for lunch.
  • Fresh tomato for lunch.
  • bs and slice boiled beef for breakfast.
  • BS for snack and dinner.
  • BS, a piece of boiled beef and a salad of your favorite vegetables for lunch.
  • Fresh vegetable for lunch.
  • BS, a serving of boiled brown rice and fresh cucumber for breakfast.
  • BS for snack and dinner.
  • BS and boiled brown rice with greens for lunch.
  • Fresh tomato for lunch.

To avoid boredom, you can alternate the use of soup in traditional form and puree.

To replenish stock minerals during the diet you should drink vitamins.

Getting out of the diet

Express diets are fraught speed dial dropped kilograms. A smart way out of the unloading diet of the Bonn soup diet will help to avoid the unpleasant consequences of losing weight:

  • the first two weeks after the end of "therapy" you need to eat with restraint. Refuse to be fried, fatty and smoked. Suitable for breakfast oatmeal, for lunch - light soup, for dinner - steamed fish or boiled meat with carrots;
  • an abundant drinking regimen is required: in between meals, you need to drink water or unsweetened tea;
  • desirable physical activity. Yoga, or just a morning jog will help maintain the weight gained;
  • once a week it is allowed to arrange a fasting day, using BS. Any of the seven days of the diet is taken as a basis.


A plate of BS will not harm an adult, even in the presence of chronic diseases. Another thing is a liquid seven-day diet. It has many contraindications:

  • Episodes of eating disorders. These include anorexia in adolescence, attempts to lose weight by starving, methods of deep cleansing of the body (enemas, aerobic exercise, teas). As a rule, unbalanced diets give impetus to the return of the "sleeping" eating disorder. It can be dangerous for well-being and even life.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Especially careful should be those who have diseases that put a ban on fibrous vegetables.
  • Diseases of the kidneys. Even minor inflammatory processes should cause the rejection of this nutrition system.
  • Hypothyroidism.
  • Exacerbation of any chronic diseases.
  • Allergy to certain products.

Pregnancy and lactation

Sometimes doctors recommend unloading for pregnant women, but the Bonn soup diet is not suitable for this purpose. First, he will not be able to satiate future mother. Secondly, fasting days during childbearing should contain at least 100 grams of protein per day. This is the norm for a healthy pregnancy.

During breastfeeding a woman spends a lot of energy. To restore strength and vigor, she needs carbohydrates (5-6 grams per 1 kg of weight). BS can't do that.

Peculiarities Bonn diet

The main dish of the diet is Bonn soup for weight loss, one serving of which contains no more than 35 calories. Eating such a soup for a week, you will not only get rid of 5 kg, but also free your body of everything unnecessary. However, in order for the diet to benefit, you need to know its rules:

  • drink one and a half liters of water every day;
  • give up alcoholic beverages, sweets, flour and pasta, as well as from butter and vegetable oil (it is allowed to use it on one of the days with baked potatoes);
  • eat permitted food on strictly defined days, without changing their places;
  • Bonn soup can be eaten an unlimited number of times a day, as soon as hunger is felt.

The Bonn diet has no contraindications, it can be observed even in the postpartum period, but only for mothers who do not feed babies breast milk. Also, the diet should not be used by actively training athletes and people with gastrointestinal diseases and gallstone diseases.

Bonn diet staples

The menu of some diet days includes chicken or beef meat, but the main diet consists of fruits and vegetables. They are divided into 3 groups:

  1. Foods that burn fat: avocados, pineapples. Avocado contains fatty acid that improve metabolism. If you eat these fruits, you will not want sweets.
  2. Foods that block fat: carrots and apples. Thanks to the pectin contained in them, the work of the intestines and stomach is improved and the flow of fat into the body is blocked. This group also includes teas "Puer" and "Oolung", as well as soya beans. The solanines contained in them prevent penetration into circulatory system bad cholesterol.
  3. Low-calorie foods: tomatoes, lettuce, cucumbers, watermelons, melons. They contain useful phytocompounds, fiber and practically no fats.

It is also worth noting that due to a large number liquid diet gives a diuretic effect.

Bonn diet menu for 7 days

In order for the diet to give the expected effect, you need every day, in addition to the Bonn soup (its recipe is below), there are foods allowed by the diet described below.

Monday: during the day, snack on fruits (any, with the exception of bananas), drink cranberry juice, tea or coffee (unsweetened).

Tuesday: vegetables (both raw and canned) - any, except beans, green peas and corn. You can eat baked potatoes for lunch vegetable oil, only water is allowed to drink.

Wednesday: fruits (but not bananas) and vegetables (except potatoes), pure water.

Thursday: vegetables, fruits (you can eat 3-4 bananas), 1-2 cups of milk, water.

Friday: 200-400 g boiled chicken or beef meat, 4-5 tomatoes, water.

Saturday: 200-400 g of boiled beef meat, vegetables (except potatoes and legumes), herbs, water.

Sunday: a plate of boiled brown rice (possible with spices), vegetables, fruit smoothies and juices, water.

Bonn soup for weight loss - recipe

The recipe for Bonn soup is simple. To prepare it, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 500 g cabbage (Beijing or white cabbage);
  • 4 or 5 carrots;
  • 5 or 6 heads onion;
  • 3 or 4 bell peppers;
  • 4 or 5 tomatoes;
  • a bunch of green celery;
  • spices and herbs.

Cut the vegetables into medium-sized pieces and cook on big fire 10 minutes. Salt a little, do it less fire and cook for another 20 minutes. Roasting soup is not recommended. Add spices, herbs and a couple of spoons olive oil(optional).

You can change the recipe to your liking, for example, add a few cloves of garlic or cauliflower. Cooking Bonn soup is best for 1-2 days, because with long storage, all its beneficial properties disappear. Eat the main meal of the diet during the day when you feel hungry.

The Bonn soup diet is one of the safest for health in terms of general well-being and the psychological state of losing weight, as well as normal functioning internal organs. During the Bonn diet, it is allowed to eat an unlimited amount of specially prepared fat-burning soup, which in itself saturates the body well, so during this weight loss system you will not suffer from hunger.

In addition, the Bonn soup diet menu allows you to include some additional foods in the diet, which makes it easier to endure the process of losing weight. Judging by the positive reviews about the Bonn soup diet, thanks to it, you can get rid of 4 to 8 kg per week without causing discomfort from eating dry food.

Adhering to a diet of this type, it is necessary to observe a certain water regime. Consider its main principles:

  • Drink more purified water. It can be mineral without gas or ordinary boiled - at least 2 liters per day.
  • From permitted drinks, drink tea and coffee without sugar, as well as fruit juices.

However, the basis of the Bonn soup diet is, of course, the soup itself. It can be consumed in unlimited quantities, but not less than 3 times a day. We will look at the recipe for Bonn soup for a diet a little later. First, let's talk about additional eligible products that can be included in this system weight loss.

What can you eat on the Bonn diet besides soup? Who is it suitable for?

In this diet, from day 1 to day 7, the following additional foods are allowed:

  • Fruits (with the exception of bananas), as well as cranberry juice without sugar.
  • All green vegetables except legumes. It is also allowed to use 1 baked or boiled potatoes one of these days.
  • Any vegetables except potatoes.
  • Low fat milk and a few bananas one day.
  • boiled chicken fillet, lean beef or fish.
  • To safely exit this type of diet, you can also add a small amount of brown rice to the diet.

Such a nutrition system is not suitable for children and the elderly, as well as those who suffer from any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In all other respects, thanks to the positive reviews of the Bonn soup diet, this weight loss system is recommended for use by girls and women of almost any age. If the result from the Bonn diet appears earlier than in a week, then weight loss can be stopped, especially if you managed to lose 8 or more kilograms, because continuing the diet on the Bonn soup in this case can adversely affect your health. Before embarking on such a diet, nutritionists recommend consulting a doctor.

Bonn soup recipe for diet and its properties

The Bonn soup diet is remarkable in that it allows you to lose weight in a short time with pleasure and a full stomach. Consider a Bonn soup recipe for this type of diet.

Soup Ingredients:

  • 1 bunch of parsley, dill and celery;
  • 1 green bell pepper;
  • 4 tomatoes;
  • 5 small onions;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 1 small head of Beijing or white cabbage;
  • 1 teaspoon curry powder (or ground ginger)
  • 1 st. a spoonful of cumin;
  • 20 g chopped garlic;
  • 2 bay leaves.

Soup preparation method:

Wash vegetables and herbs, and then finely chop. Heat a frying pan with a small amount of vegetable oil and sauté onion, curry, garlic and cumin in it. At this time, put a pot with 2 liters of water on the fire and bring it to a boil. After boiling, it is necessary to pour all the chopped vegetables into the water and add the fried onions with seasonings and bay leaf. The readiness of the soup is determined by the softening of the vegetables. It can be served both hot and cold with parsley and dill.

Oddly enough, but some people have a strong dislike for celery because of its sharp aroma and specific taste, so there are separate positive reviews about the Bonn soup diet, in which this root vegetable was excluded. Also, some losing weight, dissatisfied with the taste of celery, improved the soup recipe by replacing this root crop with parsnips.

Besides the fact that Bonn soup has a strong fat-burning effect, it is also a good diuretic and can cause gastric flatulence, which is quite normal when cleansing the intestines. Therefore, when planning to lose weight with a diet based on Bonn soup, you must take this fact into account and avoid responsible activities during this period.

7 day bonn soup diet menu

This type of soup diet cannot be used for more than 7 days due to possible loss of muscle mass. Its result is considered quite fast, but not so long, because weight loss occurs mainly due to the removal of fluid from the body. best effect can be achieved if you repeat the 7-day diet from time to time, combining it with regular physical activity.

As we have already found out, Bonn soup is allowed to be consumed as soon as you need it, as soon as you feel hungry. Therefore, nutritionists recommend always taking it with you in a thermos, especially when you go to work or you do not have the opportunity to fully dine at home.

Consider sample menu Bonn soup diet for 7 days:

Day 1. Soup and fresh fruits(except bananas, melon and watermelon).

Day 2. Soup and any green vegetables. You can add 1 baked potato with olive or vegetable oil to the diet.

Day 3. Soup, any vegetables (except potatoes) and fruits (except bananas).

Day 4. Soup, 3 bananas, 3 cups of low-fat milk.

Day 5. Soup, 500 grams of boiled or baked meat (fish), 5-6 fresh tomatoes.

Day 6. Soup, boiled meat, any green vegetables.

Day 7. Soup, brown, wild or White rice, fruit salad, any vegetables.

And lastly, do not forget that at least 15-20 minutes should pass between meals and loads.


Surely, you have heard more than once about miraculous dietary properties Bonn soup based on vegetables. Well, now it's time to try this technique on yourself and reset a few extra pounds. What is the secret of a diet that includes this dish?

Firstly, you not only effectively lose weight, but also cleanse the body, which means you feel better and the digestive system improves. Secondly, on this diet, you are not stressed due to hunger, since Bonn soup is allowed to be eaten throughout the day in unlimited quantities. Thirdly, additional products are also included in the diet menu, so the diet will be varied as much as possible while on a diet.

Bonn soup is healthy and nutritious dish for weight loss. You can use it not only during a diet, but also include it in your regular diet, for example, cook it for dinner.

How to make Bonn soup

There is nothing complicated in making soup. It consists of well-known vegetables and seasonings that can be bought at the nearest convenience store. The cooking process itself takes a minimum of time, so there will always be fresh and hot, freshly cooked soup on your table.


  • 6 medium onions;
  • 1 bunch of celery;
  • 5 medium tomatoes;
  • 1 small white cabbage;
  • 2 green bell peppers;
  • some salt and pepper.

If desired, you can add garlic, parsley, dill, cilantro, cumin, bay leaf, ginger and other herbs and seasonings to your soup. For lovers of spicy, it is periodically allowed to add a little Tabasco or Chili sauce.

Classic cooking recipe

Cut all vegetables into small or medium pieces, put in a saucepan. Pour cold water so that the vegetables are covered with it. Next, put the pan on a strong fire for 10 minutes, then reduce the fire and cook the soup until the vegetables soften. Now your soup is ready and you can add salt and pepper to it, as well as any greens and herb-based seasonings to taste.

Since the broth is cooked without meat, but only on vegetables, Bonn soup turns out to be very lean, due to which it acquires its dietary qualities. If desired, you can add a tablespoon of olive oil to the soup pot to make it more rich and satisfying. Vegetable oil although it is high-calorie, it helps to maintain the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract during a diet and does not negatively affect the process of losing weight.

BJU and the energy value of soup

As part of the Bonn soup for weight loss, only low-calorie low fat foods. So, the calorie content of cabbage per 100 grams is 27 kcal, onions - 40 kcal, celery - 12 kcal, tomatoes - 21 kcal, pepper - 27 kcal. Fat in all these products - no more than 1 gram.

For 100 grams of Bonn soup you have:

  • Proteins - 0.6g
  • Fats - 0.05g
  • Carbohydrates - 2.77g
  • Calories - 12 kcal

Only 30 calories per plate. It is thanks to such a low calorie content that you can eat this soup in unlimited quantities.

Recipe for multicookers

Bonn soup for weight loss can be prepared not only in the traditional way - in a saucepan on the stove, but also in a slow cooker. This device allows you to cook a dish faster with the protection of useful properties ingredients. The recipe is the same - you just cut vegetables into a slow cooker, fill them with water, set the cooking time and relax. You do not need to stand at the stove and keep track of time.

Bonn soup diet menu for a week

If you want to lose weight as soon as possible, then the Bonn soup diet is great option, because you do not have to starve, driving the body into a state of stress. You just eat lean during the week vegetable soup according to the presented recipe as much as you want, plus add recommended products to your menu. So below is classic version bonn soup diets.

  • The first day: soup + any fruit, except bananas. You can drink cranberry juice, tea / coffee without sugar.
  • Second day: soup + raw vegetables and greens, excluding corn, beans, green peas. Drink only water.
  • Day three: soup + vegetables and fruits, except for bananas, potatoes and legumes. Drink only water.
  • Day four: soup + vegetables and fruits (already including bananas). Drink water and milk.
  • Day five: soup + meat (300-600 grams of beef or veal), tomatoes. Drink 2 liters of water.
  • Day six: soup + meat (beef, veal), vegetables and greens, excluding potatoes. Drink clean water.
  • Day seven: our favorite soup + vegetables, Brown rice. Drink - pure non-carbonated water, fruit juices without sugar.

  1. Drink 1.5 - 2 liters of water per day.
  2. Do not eat 3 hours before bed.
  3. A light dinner in the form of the same Bonn soup or a piece of meat with vegetables.
  4. Start drinking vitamins to make up for the lack of minerals.
  5. Add some light to your life physical activity A: more walking, moving, not lazy to do exercise at home or go to fitness.

Weight Loss Results

Having passed this diet from and to you will lose from 5 to 8 kg, and you will also feel lightness in your whole body, you will sleep better, there will be a desire to lead active image life. Do not forget that after any diet, including the one presented above, you should exit and switch to proper nutrition, making up an acceptable menu for yourself.

Contraindications and warnings

Unfortunately, this diet is not for everyone. It is not recommended for children and the elderly, as well as people with gastrointestinal diseases. If you have any health problems, chronic diseases, then consult your doctor before starting. If you feel worse during the diet, stop it immediately and switch to a more sparing diet.

Advantages and disadvantages of the diet

Firstly, the Bonn soup recipe contains plant products. Their frequent use It has a beneficial effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract, has a cleansing property and reduces the risk of bowel cancer.

Secondly, soups themselves are the perfect food for your stomach. Liquid food is better absorbed and does not strain your digestive system. In addition to Bonn, there is great amount vegetable soups, lean broths and puree soups, which are recommended to be consumed daily as a first course at lunch or a full dinner.

Thirdly, an important advantage of this diet is a non-hungry diet. You will be able to work without problems, lead a normal, familiar lifestyle. The only condition is that the soup should be the basis of your diet, and the rest of the proposed products are just an addition.

The main disadvantage of the diet is monotonous nutrition. Of course, in addition to soup, there will be other food in your diet, but still, judging by the reviews of those who have lost weight, at the end of the diet it will even be hard to look at the soup. And in order not to break off the diet and achieve results, you need to be patient and constantly motivate yourself.
