
Is it possible to have a Mexican mix. Mexican vegetable mix frozen for the winter

It often happens that there is no time at all to prepare dinner, and the family is already banging spoons on the table. Then frozen vegetable semi-finished products can come to the rescue. They are useful and do not require special skills from the cook. Compliance with proportions is also not necessary. A great option is to make a frozen Mexican mix. It is rich in vitamins, tasty and liked by children for its beautiful, bright appearance.

Selection and preparation of products

If the mixture is purchased in a store, then it is important to choose the right one. When the goods are sold by weight, you can check the color of vegetables, their condition. There should be no ice on the product.

The composition of the package with the Mexican mixture should be constant: green beans, corn, peas, onions, carrots and bell peppers. Many people think: since Mexico, then this is the use of hot peppers and spicy spices. But there is nothing of the kind in the frozen semi-finished product. During the cooking process, you can add seasonings and salt to taste yourself.

The Mexican mixture does not need to be thawed. You can immediately start heat treatment. But if defrosting nevertheless occurs, then you need to cook the product immediately. You can not re-send the mixture to the freezer. Therefore, it is convenient to store it in separate packages of small volume.

Another option is to make your own Mexican mix and freeze it properly. To do this, select fresh vegetables, peel them and wash them. Cut into small pieces. Add beans, corn and peas. Mix and divide into serving containers. Sign the date and send to the freezer.

Frozen Mexican Mix Dishes

The Mexican mixture may well act as an independent dish. It is also used as a side dish, an additive to casseroles, soups and salads. For example, from a Mexican mixture you can cook:

  • Vegetable garnish. The mixture without prior defrosting is sent to the pan and fried with a small amount of vegetable oil for 2 minutes. Spices and salt are added as desired. Then you need to pour a little water and simmer under the lid for a couple more minutes. A great addition to meat or fish is ready!
  • Vegetable omelet. Based on the Mexican mix, you can make a delicious and hearty breakfast by adding a couple of eggs. First, oil is heated in a frying pan, vegetables are added, fried, salted and seasoned. Cook for 2 minutes covered. Then you need to beat the eggs with milk and pour the semi-finished product with this mixture. Simmer until the dish is completely cooked.
  • Soup. While the potatoes are cooking in the pan, you can prepare the mixture. It is heated in oil with onions and mushrooms. Then all the ingredients are mixed and cooked until fully cooked. Spices, bay leaf, salt are added. This is the base for soup, any cereals and meat can be an addition.
  • Pizza. It is necessary to bring the Mexican mixture to readiness in a pan. Take a ready-made pizza crust or make your own dough. Lubricate the layer with sauce or tomato paste, put vegetables, salt. Top mugs of tomatoes, grated cheese. You can cook in the microwave or oven until the cheese is melted. This type of pizza is vegetarian. You can also diversify the recipe by adding meat or ham.
  • Salad. The frozen mixture must simply be boiled in salted water. Sue, season with olive oil, add fresh herbs. The original salad will be a great addition to meat dishes.

Pros and Cons of the Mexican Blend

Like any dish, ready-made frozen Mexican mix has its positive and negative qualities.

Pros of using a Mexican blend:

  • fast cooking;
  • simplicity;
  • profitability;
  • does not require defrosting;
  • use of various techniques and recipes;
  • the benefits of the products;
  • excellent taste and aroma.

The product has a very low calorie content. By itself, it is considered dietary. The mixture has many useful substances, saturates the body with vitamins and minerals. Thanks to quick and proper freezing, all the benefits of natural ingredients are preserved.

The only downside to this product is that it belongs to the category of convenience foods. The dishes based on the Mexican mixture are simple, quite difficult, almost impossible to make something gourmet from it. But at any time you can get a pack of vegetables and quickly feed the whole family.

Methods for preparing the Mexican mixture

Various ways of processing the product allow you to get dishes that are original in taste. The mixture can be fried in a pan, boiled or stewed, using the method of baking in pots. Even easier is to cook a semi-finished product using a slow cooker or microwave.

in a frying pan

The easiest way to feed your family a delicious dinner is to cook vegetables in a pan. To do this, you just need to pour a little vegetable oil and fry the mixture for 5 minutes under the lid. You can add water or broth. Other ingredients that can make the dish more interesting are also welcome.

In a slow cooker

It takes more time to prepare the mixture in a slow cooker than in a microwave or a frying pan, but the advantage of the method is that constant control over the process is not needed. The device will turn itself off at some point.

The basic recipe for making a Mexican mixture in a slow cooker:

  1. Set the machine to the "Baking" mode.
  2. Saute onion and garlic in butter in a bowl.
  3. After 5 minutes, add the mixture and sour cream.
  4. Simmer under the lid for an hour on the "Extinguishing" mode.

in the microwave

It's easier not to think of it. Without preliminary preparation, the mixture is placed in a glass dish and sent to the microwave for 5 minutes at high power. You can add spices, a little water or broth. Serve with boiled rice, any kind of meat or fish.

In the oven

The method is good because it does not require the use of oil. The dish turns out to be dietary and healthy. Great option for kids lunch. The finished mixture can be ground in a blender and fed to the baby.

The frozen mixture is poured into a special dish for the oven. You can use heat-resistant glass or clay pots. Water is poured, covered with a lid. Prepared for 20 minutes at 180gr.S.

The very fast pace of modern life makes us increasingly cook from semi-finished products. One of the most popular semi-finished products today for preparing a wide variety of dishes is the Mexican mix. "Shock" freezing of fresh vegetables allows you to save all the useful properties in them. The Mexican mix includes corn, onions, green peas, green beans and bell peppers. This unique mix of vitamins and flavors makes this frozen mix really versatile!

Braised Mexican Mix

What can be prepared from the Mexican mixture? For example, a very tasty and healthy side dish for any meat dishes. To do this, heat a little butter or vegetable oil in a pan and put the frozen mixture on it. After a couple of minutes, add a little water or broth, salt and add spices. Simmer covered until tender, about 10-15 minutes. Serve with meat or as an independent vegetable dish.


For anyone who loves an omelette, it will be interesting to diversify its traditional preparation with a Mexican mixture. To do this, fry a little Mexican mixture in a pan with butter. The amount of it depends on how many people you are preparing an omelet for. To prepare an omelet from two eggs, you need to take about half a pack of Mexican mixture (200 grams), a couple of tablespoons of milk, salt and spices. The fried Mexican mixture should be poured with beaten eggs with milk and salt. Cover and cook until the omelet is done.

Soup with mexican mix

What can be prepared from the Mexican mixture for the first course? For example, a soup that is easy and quick to prepare. Depending on your preference, you can make it pure vegetable soup or meat broth with meat. In the broth you need to add a couple of potatoes, diced and cook until half cooked. If your family likes thick soups, then you can add half a glass of washed rice. When the potatoes and rice are almost cooked, add one packet of Mexican mix to them and cook until tender. The soup is flavorful and light. It is perfect, even for those who are on a diet for some reason.

Mexican baby mix

What can you make with Mexican mixed vegetables for young children? If your baby is already at the age when he can be given soups or vegetable purees, then the Mexican mixture will be an excellent assistant to mothers who care about the health of their child, and at the same time try to leave more time for communication with the child than for standing at the stove. To prepare vegetable puree, you need to pour a small amount of Mexican mixture with water and cook until tender. Then, drain the water and beat the vegetables with a blender. If the puree is too thick, then dilute it a little with the broth in which the vegetables were boiled. Children's soup is prepared in the same way. You can also add one more potato to add thickness. In order for the soup to be easily digested, it must be beaten with a blender, turning it into a puree soup.

Mexican rice mix

Many of us know what a Mexican blend is. Today we will cook it at home according to this simple recipe with rice.

Mexican mix is ​​a ready-to-cook product sold in the same place where you can find frozen vegetables in packages, prepared for deep-fried chopped potatoes and other similar products. It is a set of vegetables. To prepare the Mexican mix, you just need to put the contents of the package in a frying pan or saucepan and fry or boil. How good is this mixture? Many, including myself, like it because of a certain combination of products.

Mexican blends typically include vegetables such as bell peppers, corn, green peas, carrots, and green beans. This is a classic set. It is this version of the Mexican mixture with rice that we will cook today.

  • After cooking you will get 4 servings
  • Cooking time: 30 minutes


  • green peas, 200 g
  • bell pepper, 200 g
  • beans, 200 g (green beans)
  • carrots, 200 g
  • corn, 200 g
  • rice, 1 cup
  • bulb, 1 pc.
  • vegetable oil, 2 tbsp.
  • water, 2 glasses
  • hot peppers,
  • black pepper,
  • salt,


Throw the frozen green peas into boiling water, 2 minutes. boil and put in a colander, pour over with cold water, dry.

Boil asparagus beans in boiling water for the same amount, put them in a colander, also pour cold water to stop the cooking process and dry.

Peel the carrots and cut into small cubes, 2 min. blanch in boiling water, cool in ice water, dry.

Boil the corn kernels in the same way, rinse with cold water and dry.

Cut the bell pepper into small cubes, removing the stalk and seeds.

Combine all the prepared vegetables - this is a homemade Mexican mixture.

Rinse rice in several waters, pour water so that it covers it by 1 cm, cook until tender.

Peel the onion and cut into small cubes, fry in a pan in a small amount of oil, stirring until soft, add the Mexican mixture, fry for 10 minutes. (if the mixture was frozen) or 5 minutes if the vegetables were not frozen.

Add rice to vegetables in a pan (there should be no liquid in it), mix, fry for 1 minute, pepper and salt everything to taste, add hot pepper to taste.

Serve the Mexican Mix with Rice as a side dish or hot on its own.

Bon appetit!

You can also add a little minced garlic for piquancy when frying onions. Soy sauce added at the end of frying will give an even more interesting taste to the dish - be careful not to oversalt.

Friends, do you cook vegetable mixtures similar to Mexican ones at home? Or do you prefer to buy them ready-made? What dishes do you make with them? Share your experience in the comments!

Author Olga Nikitina

The Mexican mixture "4 Seasons" is sold in the AUCHAN supermarket at a price of 67.1 rubles. for a package weighing 400 grams:

Description and characteristics

CJSC "Khladokombinat Zapadny", Moscow region, Russia.

Mexican mix "4 Seasons" of quick-frozen vegetables 400 g.
Ingredients: carrots, green peas, corn grains, peppers, green beans.
Nutritional value per 100 g: fats 0.9 g, proteins 3.4 g, carbohydrates 16.4 g.
Energy value: 87 Kcal.
The product does not contain genetically modified ingredients.
Do not defrost before cooking.
Cold appetizer: cook the desired amount of the product in a small amount of water with the addition of salt until tender. serve after
cooling with the addition of mayonnaise or sauces.
Garnish: put the desired amount of product in a pan with preheated oil or fat. Fry until done
stirring continuously. Add salt and spices to taste.
Store at T -18 C.
Shelf life 2 years.
Defrosting of the product and re-freezing is not allowed.
Needle perforation on bags is a technological procedure that ensures the removal of excess air that was in the bag with the packaged product.

Perforation does not affect the quality of the product and its shelf life.

TU 9165-010-47569210-10

There are other vegetable mixes out there - it's worth trying them all to appreciate their taste and reduction in cooking time. But you need to be aware that it is usually more profitable to prepare vegetable mixtures yourself - then they will cost much less and will be much more useful.

I invite everyone to speak in

Everyday haste has become so commonplace that snacking on the go, the purchase of semi-finished products for future use has become a normal course of life for most modern people. How else can you accommodate work, household chores, hobbies and communication with loved ones in 24 hours? We have to sacrifice something, and most often this sacrifice is good nutrition and, as a result, our health. Fortunately, this problem typical of modern society has been partly solved by the invention of quick freezing food.

Thanks to this technology, almost fresh vegetables can be present on our table all year round. Moreover: they are already cleaned and even cut - in a word, they are completely ready to quickly and without any hassle to prepare a more or less healthy dish. And if you also show imagination, then you can diversify the menu with exotic mixtures and mixes. One of the most delicious, and therefore popular, is the Mexican mix. And don't let your lack of cooking experience and even a very vague idea of ​​​​Mexican cuisine stop you - we will explain in detail how to make delicious Mexican frozen mix.

Mexican mixed vegetables: composition and benefits
Most of our compatriots imagine Mexican cuisine as a set of very spicy dishes containing a huge amount of hot peppers and other spices. In fact, the traditional diet of Mexicans and other nationalities living next door to them in South America consists mainly of vegetables, meat and cereals. That is, it may well be considered balanced even from the point of view of modern nutrition. As for spices, their presence does not at all contradict the benefits of food, and on the contrary, in most cases it promotes digestion, better absorption of nutritious ingredients and activates the metabolism in the body. But no spices are added to the composition of the Mexican frozen vegetable mixture in any case - so during cooking you can vary both their presence and quantity according to your desire and taste.

But when you buy a pack of frozen Mexican mix, you can expect to find string beans, carrots, bell peppers, green peas, corn kernels, and onions inside. Where, when, at what price and under what brand name you would buy a Mexican mixture - it should have such a composition. Everything else (mushrooms, cereals, other vegetables) you can add at your discretion or find in other vegetable mixtures. Mexican mix can be bought by weight in the amount that you need, or in the original packaging, where it is packaged, usually 400-450 grams. One way or another, 100 grams of a Mexican mix of vegetables will have a nutritional value of about 87-90 kcal, of which proteins take up 3.4 g; fats - 0.9, and carbohydrates - 16.4 g. With such a low, simply dietary, calorie content, the components of the Mexican mixture contain natural dietary fiber and complex carbohydrates, amino acids and a minimum of fat. These vegetables will supply the body with vitamins C, group B and carotene (provitamin A), as well as all the necessary minerals in their natural ratio. Moreover, it is in the frozen mixture that they will remain in a state closest to the natural one.

composition of the Mexican mixture Such preservation of the chemical composition of the frozen vegetable mixture is achieved through the use of the technology of the so-called "shock" freezing, that is, it occurs literally instantly at an extremely low temperature. To date, there is no more efficient way to preserve and prepare vegetables, fruits and other food products for long-term storage. Note that even the color of the vegetables in the Mexican mix matches what they have when fresh. Whereas, for example, after cooking, both carrots and peas lose some of their pigments and become duller. Instant freezing ensures the safety of vitamins and minerals, practically does not damage fiber. But only if it is produced once and on special industrial equipment capable of this. After defrosting, the vegetable mixture must be prepared immediately, otherwise there will be little benefit in it. And it’s better not to use re-frozen vegetables at all. Therefore, always carefully choose vegetable mixtures before buying: they should not have abundant frost, and even more so ice. All these are signs that the product has repeatedly been exposed to heat, and then they tried to return it to its presentation in an ordinary freezer. Neither taste nor benefit from such a Mexican mixture can be expected.

Mexican vegetable recipes
And what to expect from a quality frozen Mexican mix? First of all - saving time and effort for cooking and great pleasure from the taste of cooked dishes. Because the versatility of the Mexican mix can't be overestimated: it can be cooked on its own or as part of more complex recipes, and at the same time even the most fastidious gourmets will like it. It all depends on which cooking method you choose, because the frozen Mexican mixture allows you to cook, stew, fry vegetables, combine them with cereals, meat, mushrooms, add to soups, casseroles, warm salads and any other everyday and holiday treats. If you don't believe me and/or haven't tried it before, start with at least one of these frozen Mexican mix recipes:

  1. Mexican vegetable side dish. Take a Mexican frozen vegetable mix, a tablespoon of vegetable oil for frying, a pinch of salt, spices to taste. Heat the oil in a frying pan, lay out the mixture of vegetables, without first defrosting them. Fry for 2 minutes, stirring with a wooden spatula. Then salt, add spices, splash some water into the pan and cover with a lid. Reduce the heat and simmer the vegetables until tender for a couple more minutes.
    omelet with mexican mix
  2. Omelet with Mexican vegetables. Take a Mexican frozen vegetable mix, two eggs, two tablespoons of milk, a tablespoon of butter, a pinch each of salt and dried herbs, some fresh herbs. Grease a frying pan with oil, heat it up and lay out the frozen vegetables. Stir and simmer under the lid over low heat for a couple of minutes. Meanwhile, beat eggs with salt, milk and spices. Toss the vegetables in the pan and pour over the omelet. Raise the heat under the skillet and cook covered until the omelet is done. Sprinkle with chopped fresh herbs when serving.
  3. Mexican vegetables with rice and shrimp. Take 400 grams of Mexican frozen mixed vegetables, 200 grams of peeled frozen shrimp, half a glass of rice, a clove of garlic, a tablespoon of refined cooking oil for frying, the juice of one lemon, a pinch of salt. Rinse the rice and boil it in salted water. Frozen vegetables put on pre-oiled and preheated thick frying pan, fry for 1 minute, stirring continuously. Then put the shrimp, mix, cover and reduce the heat to a minimum level. Finely chop the garlic. After two minutes, put boiled rice, garlic into the pan, increase the heat and bring the dish to readiness for 3-4 minutes. Stir gently again before serving and drizzle with lemon juice.
  4. Mexican vegetable soup with mushrooms. Take 400 grams of Mexican frozen mixed vegetables, 2 liters of meat or vegetable broth (you can replace the broth with water), 150 grams of fresh (or an appropriate amount of reconstituted dried) mushrooms, 4 medium-sized potatoes, 1 onion, a tablespoon of vegetable oil, 2 bay leaves, a pinch of salt and ground pepper. Peel the potatoes, cut into small cubes and boil in salted water until half cooked. Meanwhile, peel and chop the onion. Heat the oil in a frying pan, fry the onion and mushrooms. Put frozen vegetables and onions with mushrooms in soup, add bay leaf and pepper. Cover and cook over medium heat until the potatoes are soft. You can add meat, pasta and/or grains to your taste in this basic soup recipe.
  5. Vegetarian Mexican pizza. Take 400 grams of Mexican frozen mixed vegetables, a frozen pizza base, 200 grams of hard cheese, a ripe tomato, two tablespoons of tomato paste or adjika, a tablespoon of vegetable oil, a pinch of salt. Prepare the crust according to package instructions. Frozen vegetables put on a preheated and oiled pan and bring to readiness for 5 minutes, salt. Cut the tomato into thin slices. Grate the cheese. Lubricate the dough with adjika or sauce, put the vegetables on them - a tomato. Sprinkle with grated cheese. Microwave at medium intensity for three minutes (until cheese is melted).

Frozen Mexican mixed vegetables are great to buy ahead of time and keep in the freezer if your lifestyle encourages frequent quick and easy meals. This mixture does not need long heat treatment and preliminary defrosting. If necessary, even vegetable puree for baby food can be prepared from it, and for adults it goes well with any ingredients and seasonings. Moreover, the name of the vegetable mix is ​​only a reference point, and you can cook a dish of any national cuisine, successfully combining American, Italian, Russian and any other gastronomic traditions. The main thing is that at the same time you will get a tasty, light and healthy dish containing the products necessary for health and vigor. A good mood with this menu is guaranteed!

Making Mexican Mix Freeze and Recipes

Mexican mix is ​​a mix of vegetables, usually frozen. You can easily find assorted bags and by weight in a more or less large supermarket. But this is not just a set of any chopped vegetables. The main composition of the Mexican mixture is always the same, and if it includes non-regulated additives (for example, rice), this nuance is always indicated on the packaging.

For people with celiac disease, buying frozen vegetable mixes is not always safe. But the Mexican mixture in the summer-autumn period can always be prepared by yourself! A few mix packs will help you out in the cold more than once, especially if you are in a hurry. Such a semi-finished product amazingly quickly and amazingly easily turns into a very tasty dish. Let's see how you can make frozen Mexican mix at home.

Mexican mix: how to cook a semi-finished product for freezing at home

To prepare such a Mexican mixture, it will take about 30 minutes. The output of the mix is ​​about 2 kg.

Ingredients of the Mexican mix:

corn - 500 grams,

Bulgarian pepper - 500 grams,

green peas - 500 grams,

carrots - 500 grams,

green beans - 500 grams.

How to Make Frozen Mexican Mix (Work Order)

All vegetables should be washed well and left in the air until dry.

Cut the corn kernels off the cob with a sharp knife.

Cut off the ends of the string beans on both sides. Cut each pod into three pieces; cuts should be slanted.

Peel the bell pepper and cut into cubes. For a Mexican mixture, peppers should be bright, preferably red. Then the result will be bright and beautiful.

Peas ripen much earlier than other vegetables, we advise you to take care of them in advance, clean and freeze them in June, and add already frozen peas to the mixture.

Peel the carrots and cut into small cubes.

Put the prepared products in a deep bowl.


Divide the prepared Mexican mixture into freezer bags (never into ordinary food bags, otherwise the contents of the freezer will acquire an unpleasant odor) and send to the freezer.

If possible, for freezing, you need to choose the “coldest” mode. In production, “shock freezing” is used, which allows you to preserve the beneficial substances contained in fresh vegetables to the maximum.

Mexican Mix: Cooking Recipes

The easiest way to make a Mexican stew. To do this, heat a little oil in a frying pan (butter or vegetable - at your discretion), pour out the contents of the package (the mixture does not need to be pre-defrosted) and, stirring with a spatula, fry for several minutes. Then add a little water, salt and add other spices to your liking, cover the pan with a lid and leave to simmer until tender.

But if there is a little time left and you want a more interesting option, we offer you other recipes for making a Mexican mixture.

There are no fundamental differences between cooking the mixture in a slow cooker and cooking on fire. But we will show you a delicious side dish recipe.

For it you will need 400 g of frozen Mexican mixture, 1 onion, 2 cloves of garlic, 150 ml of low-fat sour cream - you can replace unsweetened yogurt. Salt and spices - to taste.

Add spices to sour cream or yogurt, mix. Finely chop the onion and garlic. Fry the onion and garlic in a multicooker in the “baking” mode for 4-5 minutes, then add vegetables and sour cream to the multicooker bowl; mix and leave on the "extinguishing" mode for one hour.

Mexican Chicken Mix

To prepare the Mexican chicken mixture, you will need 400 g of mixed vegetables, chilled medium-sized gutted chicken, 1 onion, 1 tbsp. butter, 1 tbsp. chopped parsley, 1 tbsp. chopped dill, a quarter cup of any broth; salt and spices.

Melt butter in a frying pan, add chopped onion, fry lightly. Put the chicken into pieces and fry them on all sides. Pour in the broth, salt, cover and simmer over medium heat until the chicken is done. Add frozen vegetables and simmer for another 10-15 minutes. Sprinkle with fresh herbs before serving.

Soup with mexican mix

A simple, nutritious soup with a Mexican mix that is not only delicious and healthy, it is also very easy to prepare. To prepare the soup according to our recipe, you will need 200 g of Mexican mixture, 300 g of chicken soup set, 4-5 medium-sized potato tubers, a piece of butter, fresh herbs and salt to taste.

Pour the chicken set with water (2-2.5 liters) and cook over medium heat for about half an hour, not forgetting to remove the foam. After this time, cut the potatoes into small cubes and add to the broth. Salt. Detect another quarter of an hour and slowly chop the onion finely. Then pour the Mexican mixture into the soup, add the onion and cook for another 10 minutes. Add butter at the end of cooking.

Pour the soup into bowls, and generously pour chopped fresh herbs into each.

Rice with Mexican Mix: Recipe

The Mexican mix is ​​perfect for making fancy rice with vegetables. It will take 0.5 tbsp. rice per 400 g of vegetable mixture (standard volume of packaged frozen vegetables), as well as 1-2 cloves of garlic, salt and your favorite spices.

Rinse rice; then soak for one and a half to two hours. Drain the water; put the pan on the fire and pour the wet rice with boiling water while stirring constantly. Salt and bring to readiness over low heat, then rinse under cold water and leave to drain in a colander.

Heat oil in a frying pan (butter or vegetable - to your taste), add finely chopped garlic. Pour frozen vegetables and fry over high heat with constant stirring for one to two minutes. Then reduce the heat, cover the vegetables with a lid and simmer for a few minutes. When the vegetables are half cooked, add rice, add spices, mix and keep under the lid over low heat for another couple of minutes.
