
Harm from chips and crackers. Chips are poison

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Gymnasium No. 11 of the city of Yelets"

Research work

Topic: Are carbonated drinks harmful?

Scientific adviser: Senchekova Marina Vladimirovna

Place of work: MBOU gymnasium No. 11, Lipetsk region, Yelets

Yelets, 2016


Introduction………………………………………………………………………. p.3

Chapter 1. Theoretical part ………………………..………..………………p.4

    1. Composition of chips and crackers………………………………………………..с 4.

      Questioning students………………………………………………p.4

Chapter 2. Practical part………………………………………………..…p.7

2.1. Conducting experiments……………………………………………………..…p.7

2.2. General conclusions on the work and recommendations………………………………p.9

Literature……………………………………………………………………p. eleven


Proper nutrition- the guarantee of health. Last year, speaking at a conference in Lipetsk with the project work “Are Carbonated Drinks Harmful”, I was asked if I wanted to continue researching harmful products. I involuntarily thought, but seeing how often my classmates chew crackers and chips during breaks, I decided to deal with this issue anyway. Moreover, after defending his first research work the guys began to drink Lipetsk water more often and carbonated drinks less often. So, the result is still there. Next up: chips and crackers. What are these products? Are they helpful? To find answers to these and other questions, we carried out a small, but, in our opinion, useful research work.

Health is the peak to which everyone must climb himself. According to the World Health Organization, human health is only 10% dependent on the quality of medical care, 20% determined by heredity, 20% - the state of the environment and 50% - lifestyle. One of the main determinants of our health is nutrition. The importance of nutrition in human life reflects the expression of G. Heine: "Man is what he eats."

Target, which we set ourselves - to find out what effect chips and crackers have on the human body.

Achieving this goal is possible by solving the following tasks:

1. study the composition of chips and crackers;

2. conduct a survey among students elementary school: what chips and crackers they use and how often;

3. Conduct experiments with chips and crackers to see clearly what effect they have on our body.

Object of study: chips and crackers from different manufacturers.

Subject of study: the effect of chips and crackers on the human body.

Hypothesis: if you regularly use ready-made foods such as chips and crackers, then the harm done to the body will be much greater than the benefit.


Collection of information from various sources;

Survey and questioning;


Conducting experiments.


1.1. The composition of chips and crackers.

Chips Ingredients: potatoes, vegetable oil, identical natural flavoring"Bacon" (wheat flour, salt, glucose, flavor and aroma enhancer (monosodium glutamate, sodium inosinate, sodium guanylate), soy protein, dye (paprika extract), smoke flavor, natural and natural-identical flavors, meat powder].

Composition of croutons: Bread made from a mixture of rye and wheat flour(peeled rye flour, 2nd grade wheat flour, drinking water, edible table salt, pressed baker's yeast), vegetable oil, complex flavor additive "jelly with horseradish" (salt, natural and identical to natural aromatic substances, maltodextrin, dextrose, spices, flavor enhancers and aroma (E621, E627, E631), vegetable fat, an additive that prevents caking and clumping (E551), acidity regulator-citric acid.

Nutritional supplements- These are natural or artificial substances and their compounds, specially introduced into food products during their manufacture in order to give food products certain properties and maintaining their quality.

Food additives are used for coloring, emulsifying and flavoring. Some additives are useful and harmless to health, and some are generally considered toxic.

In the studied samples of chips and crackers, we found the following harmful substances:

Food supplement

Impact on the body

monosodium glutamate (E621)

prohibited for use in baby food causes intestinal disorders

sodium inosinate (E631)

sodium guanylate (E627)

disturbs the normal arterial pressure,
according to some reports, disubstituted sodium guanylate can cause intestinal disorders.

Palm oil

increases cholesterol levels, provokes the development of atherosclerosis, vascular thrombosis, causes obesity, heart disease

Coconut oil

increases the risk of cardiovascular disease

gum arabic (E414)

cancerous (carcinogen)

dye (paprika extract)

banned in some countries

1.2. Student survey.

Having studied the composition of chips and crackers, we learned about the harm they cause to the human body: they disrupt the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, lead to cardiovascular diseases and can even cause cancer. We decided to find out by conducting a survey on how often my classmates use these products and whether they know about the harm that chips and crackers cause to the human body.

28 students of the 3rd "B" class took part in the survey.

Each was given the following questionnaire:


    Do you eat chips, crackers?

Not really.

Underline which:

Chips: Leis, Russian Potato, Estrella, others _____________________

Croutons: "Three crusts", "Khrustime", "Vorontsovskie", others ______________

    How often:

a) every day

b) 2-3 times a week;

c) once a week;

d) very rarely;

d) don't bother

    Who buys them for you?

a) themselves;

b) adults.

    Do you think chips and crackers are harmful or healthy?

a) harmful chips only;

b) only crackers are harmful;

c) both chips and crackers are harmful

d) helpful.

We presented the results of the questionnaire in the following diagrams:

It can be seen from the diagrams that almost 80% of the guys in the class use chips and crackers. Chips are preferred « Lays" and croutons "Three crusts". 35% of students in the class consume these products at least 1 time per week. The survey showed that more often adults buy chips and crackers for children, although half of the respondents buy them on their own. Almost all the guys are sure that chips and crackers are harmful, but they continue to use them.


2.1. Conducting experiments.

For research, we took commonly used chips: Lays, Russian Potato, Pringies » and crackers: "Three crusts", "Khrustime", "Flint".

EXPERIMENT 1. Determination of oil.

1. Put a large chip, a few crackers on filter paper.

2. Bend the filter paper in half and crush the chips on the fold, crumble the crackers.

3. Removed pieces of food from the filter paper.

4. We looked through the paper at the light. The more fat a food contains, the larger size translucent spot.

Conclusion: Chips and crackers contain a lot of fat. (Lays chips, Hrutime croutons turned out to be much more oily than the rest, the least oil in Pringies chips and Three crust croutons)

The fats contained in chips are extremely hazardous to health, as they have a carcinogenic effect, that is, the ability to cause cancer. The fats contained in chips are so-called hydrogenated fats. An example of such a fat is margarine. After all, chips are not fried on a useful vegetable oil, but on technical fat. Such fats increase the level of cholesterol in the blood and increase the risk of atherosclerosis, heart attack and strokes even at a young age, although previously these diseases were considered exclusively age-related.

EXPERIMENT 2. Determination of starch.

1. Pour some water into a glass

2. Crumble 4 slices of chips, a few pieces of crackers. Transfer the crumbs to a glass and mix thoroughly.

3. Filtered water from food.

Calorie table





Lay, s

Russian potato

"3 crusts"





kJ/kcal per 100g of product







Tubers contain a large number of- a substance that turns into glucose in the body, which determines the satiety of the product. When heated rapidly during the manufacture of chips, acrylamide is formed, which is a very dangerous carcinogen, the regular consumption of which in large quantities leads to cancer.

Due to the high content of carbohydrates (starch), chips are very high in calories. 100 g of chips contain 510 kilocalories, which is almost half daily allowance for a child. That's why chips contribute to obesity.

Conclusion: due to the content of starch in the chips when added alcohol solution iodine produces a dark blue color. (In chips brand "Lay , s” and “Russian Potato”, “Three crusts” croutons turned out to have more starch than the others, “Pringies” chips and Khrustime croutons had the least starch.)

EXPERIMENT 3. Determination of sodium chloride (conducted together with a chemistry teacher)

1. Crumble the chips and crackers into a beaker.

3. Filtered water from chips and crackers.

Chips are very salty, and excess salt interferes normal growth bones, disrupts metabolism and can cause swelling and heart problems. It is generally contraindicated for hypertensive patients to eat chips: after crunching chips, a hypertensive person can get a jump in blood pressure. The fact is that the main component of salt - sodium - tends to retain water: one molecule of it is immediately surrounded by 400 water molecules! And when the heart needs to be pumped through the vessels large quantity fluid than usual, the pressure in a person rises.

Conclusion: Chemical analysis showed the precipitation of a white cheesy precipitate, which indicates the presence of chloride ions in the filtrate. The precipitation intensity is the highest in chips Pringies the smallest - in chips " Lay , s "and" Russian potatoes ". The most salty were croutons "Flint", and the least salt was in croutons "Three crusts"

EXPERIENCE 4 Saving palatability

    Cooked "homemade chips"

    Left indoors for 2 weeks.

Conclusion: store-bought chips contain a lot of preservatives, which increases the shelf life. After 2 weeks, home-made chips became moldy, while the "store" chips remained the same.

EXPERIENCE 5. An experiment on rats (I found out about it on the Internet)

An unusual experiment was conducted by a teacher from one of the schools in Dnepropetrovsk - Tatyana Deinega.

12 rodents were chosen as experimental subjects. They were divided into four groups: some were fed chips, the second - crackers, the third was sprinkled with monosodium glutamate flavor enhancer, and the fourth were fed grains, vegetables and fruits - "healthy" food.

The rats fed chips on the twentieth day began to die one after another. Before they died, they became blind and bald. Later, the examination showed that the animals died of cirrhosis of the liver, a serious violation of digestion and the retina of the eye.

“The liver of these animals has become yellowish. This means that her cells began to fill with fat droplets and die, ”explained Valentin Efimov, candidate of veterinary sciences.

Not the best condition was in those rats that ate crackers.

Rodents from the third group, eating food flavored with monosodium glutamate, became aggressive and addicted.

And only those who ate grains and vegetables felt great.

2.2. General conclusions on the work and recommendations.

In fact, chips and crackers are a mixture of carbohydrates and fat, coated with dyes and flavor substitutes. They are harmful to the body.

Doctors say that chips and crackers only drown out hunger and do not bring any benefit. The digestive disorders arising from them quickly turn into a chronic disease. Constantly irritated stomach walls create the illusion of hunger. And they quench it with the same surrogate from a bag.

Basically, consumers of chips and crackers are children. But we must know that the liver, pancreas suffer from fast food, gallbladder. Some chips and crackers are cooked in oil, which is undesirable for a child's stomach. The result of using overweight, high cholesterol, blockage of blood vessels, heart attacks, gastritis, diabetes. The consumption of fats contained in chips leads to changes chemical processes brain.

Potato chips also contain a substance that can cause mutations in hereditary material and has a pronounced carcinogenic effect, which can lead to cancer, lesions nervous system and infertility.

The composition of chips and crackers also includes food additives.

Food additives are hazardous to health. The danger of such substances is that they lead to disturbances in our body, make it work abnormally, because they are not made of natural products, and from chemical substances, to some extent harmful to the body. According to nutritionists, foods with their addition should not be given to children.

Alternative to chips

Sociological survey and their own reflections showed that instead of chips and crackers, you can eat seeds and nuts, marmalade, marshmallow and chocolate, waffles, cookies and gingerbread, popcorn and corn sticks, wheat straw, ice cream.

Now it becomes clear that chips and crackers are very harmful and even dangerous products. Restrain yourself from buying them, eliminate them from your diet. And if you still want it, use it not as independent dish or an appetizer, but as a side dish to vegetable dishes. In this version, chips and crackers will do less harm to the stomach and will be easier to digest.

But, do not be so upset, as there is a positive moment. Nobody forbids you to make “crispy potatoes” croutons at home yet. You know exactly what it is all prepared from and what is added there. If everything is done correctly, you will not expose your body to a large amount of those additives that all crunchy products in packages are saturated with.


Nazarenko V.M., What you need to know about the products that we eat. Chemistry at school.-2000№ 5.

2. Frolov M. P., Litvinov E. P., etc.. Textbook on life safety.-2007. Publishing house "Ast".

3. Ivanov I. R. Food hygiene-St. Petersburg: Peter, 1998.

4. Yager E. M. Preservatives in the food industry - St. Petersburg, 2000.

5. Nechaev A.P., Kochetkova A.A., Zaitseva A.N. Nutritional supplements. M.: Kolos, 2001

In the diet of each of us, there is always such a product as bread. This is an important source nutrients, many minerals and vital vitamins. Interestingly, doctors recommend eating not fresh, freshly baked bread, but slightly dried. It is believed that in this form, bakery products are better absorbed by our body and, accordingly, bring more benefits.

Perhaps that is why crackers have been so popular among our compatriots for a long time. It's nothing but dry bread. This product is traditionally added to soups, used as a binder in many second courses, and also as a delicacy for tea, for which poppy, sesame and other ingredients are added to them during manufacture.

For this reason, nutritionists have long been studying the issue of the benefits and harms of crackers. This topic has been studied quite deeply, although, unfortunately, not all fans of this product are familiar with the results of scientific research.

Positive properties

Rusks are great source vital trace elements. So, it contains phosphorus, sodium, potassium, iron and magnesium with calcium. In addition, they contain B vitamins, which are highly resistant to heat treatment so they don't break down when dried. Also, a number of amino acids were found in crackers, for example, methionine and lysine.

For crackers it is typical high content carbohydrates. Moreover, in this state, they are well digested by the body - much better than carbohydrates. fresh bread. For this reason, the likelihood of flatulence when eating crackers is much lower, which is very important for older people.

Crackers also contribute to the normalization of the gastrointestinal tract, they perfectly relieve intoxication in case of various poisonings and help the body quickly restore the strength lost as a result of the disease.

When discussing the benefits and harms of crackers, one cannot ignore the issue of fiber, which experts in healthy eating called natural remedy cleansing the body of toxins. The main source of fiber is cereals, so it is not surprising that it is present in all bread products without exception, including breadcrumbs.

The highest fiber content is typical for rye bakery products, as well as for bread with bran. Therefore, it is recommended to cook crackers on your own at home from such varieties of bakery products. IN wheat bread fiber concentration is minimal. For comparison, if a standard bran bread contains about 21 g of fiber, then in a wheat loaf this figure drops to 8.1 g.

At the same time, crackers from rye varieties flours have a lower calorie content, so they can be used as a substitute for the usual bread products in various diets aimed at getting rid of excess weight.

Harm crackers

However, do not forget that the benefits and harms of crackers, like other food products, invariably go side by side, in the same harness. First of all, this is expressed in possible complications in the work of the intestine. The likelihood of such problems especially increases with excessive enthusiasm for dried bread. Therefore, in this matter it is extremely important to observe moderation and not overdo it with the dosage.

Besides, crackers, especially those made from rye bread, are directly contraindicated in chronic peptic ulcer , stomach problems and duodenum. In such cases, doctors recommend giving preference to wheat varieties of bread, but even using them in very limited quantities.

Another negative point associated with crackers is the use of various flavors, flavor enhancers and other artificial additives in their manufacture. Almost all manufacturers sin today like this. similar products. Meanwhile, they are far from safe for human health and regular use can cause very serious diseases of the stomach and intestinal tract.

Therefore, if there is such a possibility, then it is better to abandon industrial products with different flavors which are so popular among the youth. Especially since self-cooking crackers does not present great difficulties - with minimal labor and time, only benefits are obtained, and the harm of crackers is completely leveled.

Many people have heard about the dangers of crackers and chips, but few people know exactly what causes them to have such a dangerous effect on the body. In this article, we will describe the main reasons, why crackers and chips are bad.

Causes, why chips and crackers are bad:

  1. High fat content. Crackers and chips are made by frying food in a large amount of oil, and this oil can be used many times, which increases its harmfulness to human body. fatty oil, which enters the body begins to settle on the walls of blood vessels in the idea of ​​​​plaques and can lead to the formation oncological diseases, obesity, diabetes, metabolic problems. In addition, this oil may contain a large amount of carcinogens that adversely affect health. All useful material, which may be in sunflower oil or in the same bread, they simply evaporate under the influence of high temperature.
  2. Nutritional supplements. Food additives are used in the manufacture of crackers and chips to impart a pronounced taste and aroma to these products. In order for crackers to give off the smell of bacon or cheese, manufacturers do not use natural supplements, and their cheap, chemical substitutes. The most popular of these is monosodium glutamate, which is now used to make many products. These nutritional supplements are highly addictive and a person simply cannot perceive normally. regular food because she doesn't have one bright taste. For this reason, crackers and chips are very dangerous for children who are not yet able to distinguish tastes.
  3. High salt content. Crackers and chips are harmful because they contain an excess amount of salt. Great content salt in the body leads to the fact that problems with the heart, pressure may develop, obesity, fluid retention and impaired bone development in the child's body may also appear.
  4. Raw materials for production. Many people think that chips are made from thinly sliced ​​potatoes, but only rare manufacturers do this. Most of the company uses for their production potato flour or flakes that are the result of chemical intervention. For this reason, they are not at all useful for humans and can be harmful to health.

So these were the main reasons why crackers and chips are bad, however, these products have not yet been fully explored, so there is no basis to categorically put a stigma on them. But, the fact that they are not useful is verified data, so here each of us must decide whether to use these products or not.

Video: “Why are chips and crackers bad?”

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Crackers are bread or rolls cut into equal parts and baked in the oven. This method makes it possible to significantly increase the shelf life of this product, which is a food allowance for military personnel. Crackers are excellent for storage and little susceptible to pernicious influence humidity, temperature difference, unlike fresh bread. By the way, crackers for military personnel are prepared at special factories and bakeries with special technology and are also stored in special warehouses.

First, let's talk a little about the history of the origin of crackers. Go.

The history of the emergence of crackers is quite unusual and to some extent random. In the XIX century in Rus', somewhere in the middle of the century, there was enough heatwave on the eve of the holiday Great Easter. Naturally, at that time everyone was already preparing Easter cakes and leaving them in the sun. Due to the very hot weather, the Easter cakes dried up, and people had to eat treats in such a dry form for a week. Since then dried bread firmly entered the everyday life of ordinary people as delicious product capable of satisfying hunger.

Nowadays, croutons have become a very popular independent product, which is prepared according to various technologies with addition different tastes. The combination of dried bread and the most unusual flavors is the highlight of this snack. Crackers have become so popular that sometimes people use them instead of bread!

This type of crackers is cut and baked in the form of sticks. This food product is perfect for tea drinking, with milk and jam, and if this species grind crackers, then this is a wonderful breading for baking and cooking in batter.

Crackers are useful for digestion, they are easily digested and absorbed by the body. White bread crackers contain vitamins B1, B2, PP, E, as well as minerals: calcium, iron, iodine, magnesium, phosphorus, copper, potassium, they are rich in carbohydrates, so they are often recommended for poisoning and after operations.

100g white breadcrumbs contains:
Proteins - 11.2.
Fats - 1.4.
Carbohydrates - 72.2.
Kcal - 331.

Rusks rye
This type of crackers is baked from rye bread. Rye crackers are used in various salads, served with the first courses and used in the preparation of the kvass drink. They are used by people who are prone to fullness. Since they have a small calorie content, by using them, you can get rid of extra pounds weight. They satisfy the feeling of hunger, saturate the body, even if you eat very little. Rye crackers contain vitamins B6, B2, B9, E, H, PP, as well as minerals: copper, phosphorus, vanadium, zinc, cobalt, calcium.

100g of rye crackers contains:
Proteins - 16.
Fats - 1.
Carbohydrates - 70.
Kcal - 336.
Now, the industry is producing rye croutons with all kinds of toppings for beer, which are very popular among consumers.

And now, let's discuss the main thing: the benefits and harms of eating crackers. Go.

If we talk about the benefits of crackers, then you need to cook them at home from different varieties of bread. These healthy foods, unlike store-bought ones, do not contain preservatives and flavor enhancers, and therefore have useful qualities.

They contain a large amount of fiber necessary for the functioning of the digestive tract. They contain iron, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, B vitamins, lysine and methionine.

Crackers are much healthier than fresh bread. For those who are on a diet, this is just what you need, especially rye crackers (they have more nutrients).

Crackers should not be fried in oil, especially in palm or sunflower oil. This releases carcinogens that are harmful to the liver and pancreas.

Crackers must be dried in the oven, stirring constantly, but salt should not be added. Ready crackers can be watered before serving olive oil and sprinkle with spices or herbs, and salt, even if sprinkled, it turns out a large concentration, which is harmful to the body.

You can not eat a lot and often crackers in food. This may damage gastrointestinal tract which will manifest itself in constipation. People who have stomach ulcers should refrain from rye crackers and use the rest as little as possible. Apply to food this product, you can throw in the first dish, so that they soften and in moderation.

If we sum up all the "+" and "-" croutons, then to the question: "Are there croutons or not?" each person must answer for himself.

This product, packaged in small bags, can be bought at any store or kiosk. Croutons are in great demand, especially among schoolchildren, because they are tasty and cheap. What is the harm of crackers or kirieshki for health? Today we will find out in detail this.

What are kirieshki? Most likely, every inhabitant of our vast country knows that these are salted, peppered and spicy crackers, which come in completely different tastes and sizes. Kirieshki, as well as, are considered excellent quick bite on the road, at school and work, and also madly in love with children.

Currently, there are several variations of these crackers: cheese, flavored with ham, pickled cucumbers and even aspic horseradish. Especially often they are eaten by children, who freeze with delight, just hearing their aroma and such a tempting taste. But are they really that good? Let's try to figure this out.

What are kirieshki (crackers) made of?

These crackers have earned their popularity not by chance, the fact is that they use special ingredients that are unlikely to be found in the most common homemade crackers.

According to the manufacturers, for the preparation of kiriesheki, special bread, which is created in our own bakeries. In addition, kirieshki are not subjected to heat treatment in the form of frying in hot oil, they are, as it were, dried in oil, thereby achieving the absence of cholesterol and harmful substances V finished product. At what oils a wide variety can be used, ranging from soybean oil and ending with sunflower. The aroma of spices and the uniform taste of each cracker is obtained as a result of uniform application of the flavoring additive.

Of course, in the process of preparing such crackers, not only natural ingredients, but also chemical ones that affect taste buds a person's tongue is like a drug, making them want more and more.

What is contained in kirieshki

So, let's try to find out what crackers, which are completely harmless at first glance, contain:

Food and flavor additives, the so-called "yeshki":

  1. monosodium glutamate, which is very often the cause of allergies and is highly undesirable as part of baby food,
  2. sulfur dioxide, which is extremely contraindicated for people with allergies, in addition, it is listed among the prohibited additives in several EU countries.
  3. Citric acid and others.

Many of these additives are not just harmful, but even dangerous for human health, especially for the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. In some cases, they can cause food poisoning and the appearance of malignant tumors.

Harm of kirieshki to health

In that frequent use for food artificial products Absolutely no one doubts harmfully, but not everyone knows what exactly the harm is:

  1. There are absolutely no vitamins and microelements in these crackers, so they do not bring any benefit.
  2. The high calorie content of these crackers is primarily achieved through the use of oil in their preparation (not always the best grade).
  3. Chemical flavors, dyes and carcinogens adversely affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Undoubtedly, saturation comes quickly, but even faster comes a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, heartburn, constipation and other negative consequences.

And as a conclusion from all of the above, the main problem of kirieshek lovers is obesity and a sick stomach. Harmful fat compounds are not completely broken down by the body, they are absorbed into the intestinal walls and enter the bloodstream, after which the excess is deposited “in reserve”. However, such a "reserve" is not always beneficial.

What diseases can be caused by substances contained in crackers

Most often, with the frequent use of kirieshek in food, the gastrointestinal tract suffers, however, there is also a risk zone the cardiovascular system. It has been scientifically proven that lovers of kirieshki have an increased risk of heart attack and stroke, and there is also no stable blood pressure. In this case, the liver suffers no less, since it is she who has to make titanic efforts to at least slightly remove all harmful substances from the body.

I think it's not worth saying that kirieshki contribute to the emergence of excess weight, depression and other psychological problems, as well as being addictive, it's not worth saying, because it's elementary.

Why kirieshki are harmful to a growing organism

If you think that the main consumer of kirieshek is a child's and teenage organism, which, on the way home from school, can eat a whole pack of these crackers, or even two. After all, the child cannot realize what is useful and what is not, therefore, he relies only on taste sensations, as well as a crunch that is so pleasing to the ear.

However, frequent use of such food can slow down the growth of organs and tissues, as well as form an unstable psyche and provoke early gastritis.

Harm of kirieshki for pregnant and lactating mothers

The worst thing for a future mother should be the use of food products that are artificially created. Since they are of absolutely no use whatsoever expectant mother nor her child.

According to some reports, they are even capable of provoking complications during childbirth, as well as slowing down the intrauterine development of the baby. Do not forget about such troubles as constipation, swelling, heartburn and mood swings, which can only be enhanced by these crackers.

An alternative for lovers of kirieshek. How to cook kirieshki at home

However, no matter how the Forbidden fruit sweet and tempting, he can always find a useful and delicious alternative. Try to cook delicious croutons houses that will please your household and protect them from harmful influence chemistry.

So, we need black or White bread. What is good is that you can use bread that is not the first freshness, which will not be recycled, but will give you pleasant moments.

We cut our bread into small cubes, about 1 cm each - a rib, then heat the pan for big fire and drips the smallest drop of ordinary sunflower oil.

Now comes the most crucial moment: fry the future croutons with quick movements and add a little chopped garlic, dill and onion to them (for piquant taste and great flavor).

Then we send the croutons fried in oil to dry in the oven, preheated to 100 degrees. The main thing is to make sure that the crackers do not burn, for this it is recommended to stir them from time to time.

You can find out about the readiness of homemade crackers by tasting them by mouth, if they become light and crispy, then the cooking process has come to an end. Now you can say with confidence that you do not expose your body to harmful substances, eat only natural food, although you allow it to relax sometimes. Bon appetit and be healthy!
