
Chemical analysis of chocolate. Chocolate Research: Benefits and Harms, Expert Review

Every day, on the shelves of stores, we regularly meet chocolate products of the brands "Alenka", "Alpen Gold", "Globus", "Russia - a generous soul" and others. Milk chocolate is a popular dessert among Russians, but it's worth looking into whether it's safe for consumers.

Chocolate is a product that has been known since ancient times. Even the Indians who lived in Central America learned how to make a drink called chocolatl from the fruits of cocoa trees growing in these parts - in addition to cocoa beans, various spices and spices, honey, agave juice, vanilla and other components were added to it, the composition of which could vary. The Indians found that the drink not only tastes great, but also uplifts, invigorates and increases potency. Due to these properties, cocoa beans became of great value and, according to some reports, were even used as money.

Spanish conquistadors brought cocoa beans to Europe in the 17th century, and it began its triumphant march around the world. It was then that the drink chocolatl evolved into a more solid delicacy familiar to us.

For every taste

Belgium is one of the world leaders in the production of chocolate, and once in this country, you can try not only its usual varieties - milk, bitter, with nuts, confiture, dried fruits and candied fruits, but also more exotic variations. For example, salted chocolate, chocolate with onions, garlic or hot spices flaunt on the windows of Belgian chocolate shops, and the product itself is often used as one of the ingredients in sauces that are served with meat dishes. Belgian chocolate is considered to be of very high quality and is quite expensive, but despite the price, it is still in great demand, because it is jokingly said about the inhabitants of this country that it will be easier for them to live without a government than without chocolate.

Uncut chocolate

Of course, you will not find such a variety as in Belgium on Russian shelves, but the choice of milk chocolate in our stores is quite wide. Chocolate is very popular, both adults and children love it. This is not surprising, because the treat helps to cheer up and cope with stress. Perhaps the only negative point in eating chocolate is the risk of gaining extra pounds.

Of course, you can enjoy food if you bought high-quality chocolate, and not an obscure plasticine substance that they try to pass off as this product. In order to find out what kind of chocolate will not disappoint consumers, the NashPotrebnadzor program, which airs on the NTV channel, together with the non-profit organization Roskachestvo, studied the products of its well-known manufacturers. The experiment affected chocolate "Globus", "Alpen Gold", "Mishka in the North", "OK", "Russia is a generous soul", "Vozdushny", "Sobranie", "Alenka", "Milka" and "Ritter Sport ".

The main component of any chocolate is cocoa. The study showed that here all the samples met the GOST indicators, however, Ritter Sport became the champion in terms of cocoa content, and the second place was deservedly received by Mishka in the North, which was slightly behind it.

There is no milk chocolate without milk, but the producers of Globus products apparently think otherwise. In their chocolate, the milk content does not comply with GOST.

Experts also checked chocolate for heavy metal content - cocoa beans can indeed contain substances hazardous to human health if they were grown near industrial enterprises, however, this does not apply to any of the brands presented in the study - all chocolate is completely safe.

Thus, according to the results of the analysis, only Globus chocolate caused complaints from specialists. All other products are of high quality, will not harm the health and will not deceive the gastronomic expectations of the consumer.

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Secondary school No. 2 - multidisciplinary"

XIX scientific-practical conference "More mysterious than the world"

Section : Chemistry, Physics

Study of the qualitative composition of chocolate

Bairamalova Natalya Yurievna

Pupils of 10 "B" class

MBOU "Secondary school No. 2 - multidisciplinary"

Supervisor: Voskoboynikova Tatyana Isaakovna

teacher of chemistry, the highest qualification category.

MBOU "Secondary school No. 2 - multidisciplinary",




    Introduction. "Chocolate in our life"

1. Relevance of the topic

2. Purpose

3. Tasks

4. Research methodology

II. Main part.

1. Theoretical part: "Chocolate"

a) Etymology of the name

b) History of chocolate

c) Composition of chocolate

d) Chocolate production,

e) Types of chocolate

e.) Chocolate and health

2.Practical part: "Chocolate quality research"

a) Questioning

b) The study of the quality of chocolate by labels

c) Determination of the quality of "chocolate bar".

d) Determination of acid-base balance.

e) Determining the presence of foreign matter in chocolate

f) Determination of unsaturated fatty acids in chocolate.

g) Determination of carbohydrates.

h) Simulation of sugar bloom in chocolate.

i) Determination of proteins in chocolate

j) Detection of caffeine.

k) Determination of tannin in chocolate.

III. Conclusion.

IV. Application.

V. Literature


Chocolate is a favorite treat not only for children, but also for adults. In Russia, in 1851, Ferdinand von Einem's chocolate confectionery factory appeared in Moscow on the Arbat, currently it is the famous Krasny Oktyabr factory - the leader of the Russian chocolate market, several dozen different varieties of chocolate are produced.

More than $7 billion is spent worldwide on chocolate every year. Pupils and teachers of our school also love chocolate. You can often see how they eat a bar of chocolate during breaks. But we don’t even know what is in the composition of this or that chocolate. Therefore, we decided to test the qualitative composition of chocolate in our research work.

There is a well-known saying: “You don’t like chocolate? You can’t be trusted! Nine out of ten people say they love chocolate, the tenth is lying!” Indeed, why do we love chocolate so much? What do they say on the packaging? Apparently, chocolate has a lot of secrets. Therefore, we devoted our research work to the study of the chemical composition of chocolate.

Purpose of the study: research and compare the chemical composition of chocolate of different varieties.

Hypothesis: If chocolate is a food product, then it must contain proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Object of study: chocolate bars

1) Dark chocolate classic "A. Korkunov"

2) Milk chocolate "Milka"

3) White chocolate "Nestle"

Subject of study: chemical composition of chocolate of different varieties.


1. Study information on the topic using popular science literature, Internet resources.

2. Find out the preferences, tastes and attitudes towards chocolate of students and teachers of the school.

3. Determine and compare the chemical composition, quality of chocolate of different varieties.

4. Prepare relevant material for class hours

Research methods:

1. Theoretical: analysis, synthesis, generalization;

2. Empirical: observation, experiment (study of the qualitative composition of chocolate);

3. Sociological survey;

4.Statistical method of data processing.


Etymology of the name. Chocolate is a unique product in all respects, amazingly tasty, extremely nutritious and, of course, healthy. The word "chocolate" comes from "chocolatl", the name of a drink made from cocoa beans. In the Aztec language, "chocolli" means "bitterness" and "atl" refers to the water used to make a chocolate drink.

History of chocolate.

1500 BC: On the shores of the Gulf of Mexico, the Olmec civilization is born. The word "kakawa" is heard for the first time.

1000 BC: Birth of the Maya civilization. They drink a hot, bitter-spicy drink made from the fruits of the sacred cocoa tree.

250-800s years of our era: the rise of the Mayan civilization. Cocoa beans are very valuable, they are used as money. The Maya worship Shkakau, the Giver of Cacao, and cultivate numerous plantations of sacred trees. No ritual or celebration is complete without the xocolatl drink, chocolate.

1200s: The Aztec Empire reigned in Mexico and the surrounding territories. They call chocolate "cacahuatl", which translates as "foamy water". Chocolate acquires important economic, political and religious significance.

1500 year: chocolate is the drink of priests and nobility. The last ruler of the Aztecs, Montezuma, drinks 50 cups of chocolate drink a day. The recipe is as follows: roast cocoa beans, grind with grains of milk corn, add honey, vanilla and agave juice, shake everything until foamy.

1502: Columbus landed in what is now Nicaragua. He was the first European to taste a chocolate drink. From there, he brought cocoa beans to King Ferdinand, but they did not pay due attention to them, because. the Indians were in no hurry to give away the panacea "from the gods." Therefore, Europe, having acquired beans, for a long time did not know what to do with them. What only ways did not occur to the people for the use of outlandish beans. Housewives cleaned boilers and ironed clothes with them. Brooches, pendants and beads were sharpened by jewelers. The healers sprinkled the wounds with cocoa powder. The soldiers soared in a thick decoction of their feet to lime the calluses. Closest to the American drink were the drunkards who came up with bean moonshine.

1519: The Aztec Empire fell, Hernan Cortes conquered its capital Tenochtitlan. The bitter drink made from the beans of the cocoa tree was not to the taste of the Spaniards, but they appreciated its tonic effect.

Conquest of Europe

1521: precious cocoa beans and a recipe for a wonderful drink were brought to Spain. The king really liked chocolate, and this drink quickly became fashionable among the Spanish nobility, but the Spaniards did not tell anyone the recipe for the drink (cane sugar, cinnamon and nutmeg were added to it), which made the drink much tastier, but for decades it was unknown to other Europeans. Only at the beginning of the 17th century everything changed:

Firstly, the recipe for making chocolate was learned by the Italian Antonio Carletti (Antonio Carletti, 1573-1636), who traveled around America. Also, the enterprising Dutch somehow found out the secret of making the drink, and from them it passed to the Germans and Belgians. Smugglers also contributed - one of the companies was supposed to supply cocoa to Spain through the port of Amsterdam, but began to illegally sell the goods to other buyers.

Secondly: To get rid of sadness and not feel lonely in a foreign country, the Spaniard Anna of Austria brought chocolate to France in1615 . Chocolate helped the princess to cheer up, and, without thinking twice, she introduced fashion for it in Paris. Thus, the Spaniards failed to keep the recipe a secret - it spread farther and farther, and after a while the drink that became popular was made almost all over Europe.

1659: In France, they began to produce hard chocolate, which, however, was quite different from modern bars. As for chocolate bars, they will appear only after 160 years in Switzerland.

The appearance of chocolate in Russia. In Russia, chocolate appeared under Catherine the Great, when visiting merchants opened several "chocolate houses" in St. Petersburg and Moscow. Drinking chocolate there was a real ritual: in front of the guests, the waiter slowly brewed a drink in a tall copper coffee pot and then poured it into cups.

Chocolate was also sold to take away: a note from the young Pushkin has been preserved: “20 francs for chocolate.” The first chocolate factories in our country were also opened by foreigners: the Frenchman Adolf Sioux in 1861 and the German Ferdinand von Einem in 1867. Soon national pride leaped up, and the "Varangians" were pressed by the Russian chocolate king -Alexey Abrikosov . His grandfather, a serf, got his last name for his ability to make apricot jam. In 1847, the grandson opened his own confectionery factory and started producing a wide variety of chocolate. Russian confectioners especially developed in 1913, when the 300th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty was celebrated. Russia was in a hurry to eat up sweets, as if knowing that such an opportunity would not present itself for a long time. Soon chocolate disappeared along with imported cocoa, becoming after the revolution a symbol of the bourgeois "sweet life". After some time, chocolate returned to store shelves, but the labels were already completely different: Krasnoarmeyskie sweets, Victory of October chocolate. Yes, and the factories changed their signs: "Bolshevik", "Red October", a factory named after Babaev. Rot Front.

World fame.

Early 20th century: Widespread industrialization in the production of chocolate begins, Belgium, France and Switzerland overtake other countries due to the development of production technologies, but what about Russia?

Our days: Chocolate, at the behest of the chocolate master's fantasy, takes any form - liquid, solid, soft, powder. It is used not only in the confectionery, but in other industries, even in medicine and interior design. And, of course, chocolate is still one of the favorite desserts for children and adults.

Chocolate composition

Chocolate is the most chemically complex food product: it includes

380 substances, including: fats, proteins, carbohydrates, tannins;

alkaloids: caffeine, tannin and theobromine; neurotransmitters: dopamine, histamine;

amino acids: tryptophan, arginine.Chocolate is rich in otherentities. For example, it has manyth potassiumAndnot offendedchocolate with calcium, iron andother micronutrients.It is prepared on the basis of cocoa products.

Cocoa beans are the main raw material for the production of chocolate, an indispensable and indispensable part of it.Cocoa fruits contain :

* Cocoa butter 35-50%

* Theobromine 1-4%

* Caffeine 0.2-0.5%

* Proteins 15%

* Carbohydrates 10%

* Minerals,

*Salts of phosphorus and potassium

Theobromine and caffeine are natural narcotics, minor stimulants.quantities in the composition of cocoa beans - they explain the tonic effect of chocolate on the human body.

Cocoa butter is made up of acid glycerides:

* oleic - 35%

* steoric-35%

* palmitic-26%

* linear-3%

* Carbohydrates 10%

Cocoa butter - fatty oil of pale yellow color, pleasant smell, melting point 28 - 36 O WITH.

2-3 million tons of cocoa beans are consumed by confectioners in the world. In Russia, 70-80 thousand tons. And now the quality of beans depends on the thoroughness of processing and on their variety. The name of the cocoa variety gives an exact indication of its place of birth.

What is chocolate like? To navigate the vast sea of ​​varieties and types of chocolate, confectioners came up with different classifications. One of the most important is the classification by composition. To determine what kind of chocolate you are holding in your hands, just carefully study the information on the wrapper.

chocolate production

Chocolate production is not an easy but fascinating process (Appendix 2). It is hard to imagine that about 400 g of chocolate can be made from the annual harvest of each cocoa tree. Cocoa beans have a long, difficult journey to make before fresh chocolate bars roll off the assembly line. The scheme for obtaining chocolate is as follows: the collected cocoa beans are subjected to fermentation and drying, sorting and cleaning, frying att – 120-140 0 peeling and grinding, pressing. The resulting cocoa butter is mixed with food additives, cooled slowly and poured into molds.

The quality of chocolate depends mainly on the choice of material, as different varieties of cocoa have different flavors and aromas. The cheapest varieties of chocolate are made up of two, the most expensive - from five or more varieties of cocoa. Sugar good chocolate contains no more than 55%. From a greater admixture of sugar, as well as mealy or starchy substances, the dignity of chocolate is significantly reduced.

Types of chocolate

To navigate the vast sea of ​​varieties and types of chocolate, confectioners came up with different classifications. One of the most important is the classification by composition. To determine what kind of chocolate you are holding in your hands, just carefully study the information on the wrapper.

Bitter. You will recognize this chocolate by the numbers on the label (99%, 80%, 74%), which will tell you about the amount of cocoa products. Due to the low sugar content, it has a bitter taste with a barely perceptible salty aftertaste. If in the manufacture of chocolate cocoa powder was used, which is prepared from cake - a product of cocoa processing, chocolate has a sour taste. Naturally, the more%, the healthier and more dietary the tile is. If 47 or 50% is written on the package, then more powdered sugar was put into the sweetness, and it will be more nutritious. On average, the energy intensity of dark chocolate is 400-550 kcal. The composition of dark chocolate includes the most low-fat dairy products. Nuts can be added as a filling. Sweet additives are not introduced into such chocolate.

Lactic. Milk chocolate differs from black in two fundamental ways. First, milk chocolate contains a smaller amount of cocoa products: from 25 to 31%. In dark chocolate, cocoa products can be from 40 to 80%. Secondly, as the name suggests, milk chocolate contains dairy products. Although dairy products are also found in some brands of dark chocolate, this is rather an exception. As a rule, the composition of milk chocolate does not include fresh, but milk powder (whole or skimmed), whey, cream powder or milk fat. Powdered dairy products, unlike perishable "liquid" milk, can be stored for a long time, so they are widely used in the manufacture of various products. In addition, for powdered milk, the concept of "seasonality" is absent. The manufacture of dry dairy products makes it possible to use all the valuable substances of milk. The content of solids in dried milk is 9-10 times higher than in fresh milk. Such a concentrate with a complex of vitamins and minerals. No numbers are written on milk chocolate - the amount of cocoa products and milk powder in such a bar may vary. And remember: due to the large amount of sugar, milk sweets have a higher calorie content than dark sweets - almost 680 kcal.

White. This is the most high-calorie chocolate, because it does not contain cocoa liquor, but only butter, milk powder and a large amount of powdered sugar. Its calorie content is 700 kcal.Candied "albino" is veryfar from an Indian product. Thisjust sweetness basedcocoa butter and animal proteins without the addition of cocoa powder- the main component is presentgo chocolate. It contains no usefulsubstances that he is proud ofdark "progenitor", onlysugar and calories, besides "Whitesnowball" cannot be drunk. Atmelting white chocolatespins into a fat lumpymass, but it instantly melts intomouth like cotton candy.

Useful properties of chocolate.

Cocoa beans contain magnesium, which improves memory, helps fight stress, and boosts immunity.

It is known that chocolate stimulates human brain activity.

Chocolate is considered a good remedy for the prevention of colds.

Chocolate contains biologically active substances from the flavonoid group, they normalize the function of platelets, prevent them from sticking together, and prevent the formation of blood clots in the vessels of the heart and brain. Experts believe that thanks to this property, chocolate saves from heart attack and stroke.

Theanine contained in chocolate has antibacterial properties that prevent the formation of plaque.

Chocolate is also rich in calcium, phosphorus, and fluorine. Calcium is responsible for the formation of bone tissue, phosphorus is necessary for our brain, fluorine strengthens teeth.

Chocolate is rich in stearic acid, which cleanses blood vessels. Phenols contained in chocolate treats have a beneficial effect on the circulatory system. Phenols strengthen the circulatory system, protect it, prevent vasoconstriction. No wonder they say that eating half a bar of chocolate is like drinking a glass of red wine.

Chocolate prevents the oxidation of cholesterol due to phenol. Chocolate does not increase the level of cholesterol in the blood, since cocoa butter contains vegetable fat, it does not contain the so-called "bad" cholesterol.

Chocolate improves mood, causes a surge of strength and vigor, protects against colds. Strengthens blood vessels and normalizes blood pressure. It awakens erotic feelings in women.

Chocolate lovers give birth to happy children.

Chocolate is good for the heart: not only makes the heart beat faster, but also longer and stronger, and much more. This tasty product, according to doctors, should be introduced into the daily diet not as a delicacy, but as a means of preventing many diseases. The impact of chocolate on the human body is still not clearly defined.

A cough and sore throat will go away if you suck on half a bar of dark chocolate. Do it slowly, piece by piece.

The tannin contained in chocolate is able to regulate the functioning of the digestive system, removing toxins from the body.

British scientists have provengreat benefit of dark shocolada. Daily useeating just a few slices of this delicacy slows downaging process andprevents the appearance of wrinkles.

Chocolate is bad. But chocolate brings not only benefits to the body, for example, it is a strong drug (contains theobromine, caffeine); causes allergies; limited consumption by the elderly; causes obesity; contributes to the development of caries; not recommended for children under 5 years old; causes nausea, heartburn, stomach pain. Chocolate causes a severe headache, because. constricts the blood vessels of the brain due to tannin, this can be avoided by choosing a chocolate variety with a minimum content of grated cocoa.

In thatot spoil the sweetXia teeth, chocolate is not to blame. He,definitely contains glucose,the main culprit of all dental "misfortunes, but in real shockfret it is even less than in otherdry confectionery. TObesides, unlike them, chocofret obtained from cocoa beansnatural antiseptic thatcleans teeth and suppressescutting of tartar. legumethe shell even began to be introduced intotoothpaste as aenamel strengthening. If bacterii still get to the tooth,then it is not chocolate that is to blame, but the consumer who does not follow oral hygiene. This has been proven by Canadian scientists.

He is often accused ofskin rashes. Likesin happens, but only with shocolada to which they add"instigators" of all allergicsome reactions. They may beanimal fats, milk proteinski, stabilizers and "other additives marked" E ".numberThis dark chocolate does not cause allergies, on the contrary, itheals, contributing to the creation ofpassage of immunoglobulins. These vecreatures contain defenses againstall health enemies, includingviruses, microbes and fungi,this, any child should, along with vegetables, fruits andjuices to get a piece of immunitycocoa - modulator.Modern science these factsyou confirmed and even calculatedla that dark chocolate in a dosefifty five grams "dawnshakes the brain for almost three hours.

Chocolate, in moderation, can be a very tasty medicine. Only one-third of a bar of chocolate per day is considered a healthy serving. Everything else is already a prank.


The study was conducted from November 10, 2014 to February 2015.

1.Chocolate quality research.

We got acquainted with the information on the labels of bitter, milk and white chocolate (Appendix 3). The composition of white and milk chocolate includes the emulsifier soy lecithin (E476).There are a number of states in which E476 is banned for use, as it causes kidney and liver disease. E476 is used to make cheap chocolates. Thanks to this nutritional supplement, the chocolate mass becomes smooth and uniform. This is exactly what is needed for molding both chocolate bars and chocolates or figured products. This trick significantly reduces the initial price of chocolate and allows producers to earn higher profits. In addition, only dark chocolate contains more cocoa products.

2. Determination of the qualitative composition of the "chocolate bar".

Laboratory studies on the study of the chemical composition of different brands of chocolate were carried out on the basis of the laboratory of the Testing Laboratory of CJSC NRC Yugraneftegaz for two weeks. During the experiment, the following was determined: the presence of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, caffeine, tannin, foreign impurities, the acid-base balance was determined.

To conduct the experiment, we take samples of chocolate bars of different brands weighing 5 g, put them in different test tubes and heat them in a water bath until the end of melting. The thermometer determines the melting point of the sample. The measurement results are entered in the table (table No. 1).With an increase in the proportion of vegetable fats in the composition of chocolate, therefore, the melting point of chocolate decreases

Conclusion: The lower the melting point, the more vegetable fat and less cocoa butter. The best composition of chocolate "Alenka". Lactic

Determination of acid-base balance.

In test tubes with a solution of chocolate, we lowered indicator strips to determinepHenvironment, and then compared them with the standard.

Conclusion:Bitter - pH8, Milky - pH7 , White - pH6

Determining the presence of foreign matter in chocolate

Some hot water was poured into the flask, a small piece of chocolate was dipped in, and the flask was placed in a water bath. After waiting for the chocolate to completely dissolve, a few drops of iodine were added. If chocolate is mixed with farinaceous or starchy substances, then the broth will turn bluish; a decoction of pure unadulterated chocolate under the influence of the same reagent turns slightly greenish.

Conclusion: the manufacturer does not deceive us. Iodine does not change color

Determination of unsaturated fatty acids in chocolate.

A piece of chocolate was wrapped in filter paper and pressed down on it. Grease stains appeared on the paper. A drop of 0.5 N was placed on the spot. KMnO solution 4 . Brown MnO formed 2 due to the redox reaction.

Definition of carbohydrates.

Chocolate was poured into a test tube (about 1 cm in height) and 2 ml of distilled water was added. The contents of the tube were shaken several times and filtered. 1 ml of NaOH solution and 2–3 drops of 10% CuSO solution were added to the filtrate. 4 . The tube was shaken again. A bright blue color appeared. The reaction gives sucrose, which is a polyhydric alcohol.

Modeling the sugar bloom of chocolate.

Sprinkled several chocolate cubes with water, wrapped in foil and placed in the refrigerator for 1-2 weeks. As a result, a plaque appeared on the surface of the chocolate. The plaque was washed off with 3-5 ml of distilled water, 1 ml of an alkali solution and 1-2 drops of a solution of copper (II) sulfate CuSO4 were added to the wash. A characteristic bright blue color appeared.

Determination of proteins in chocolate (Xantoprotein reaction).

Chocolate was poured into a test tube (about 1 cm in height) and 2–3 ml of distilled water was added. The contents of the tube were shaken several times and filtered. To 1 ml of the filtrate was added, with care, 0.5 ml of concentrated HNO 3 . The resulting mixture was heated. A yellow color was observed, turning to orange-yellow with the addition of 25% ammonia solution. The reaction gives the residues of aromatic amino acids that are part of the proteins of chocolate.

caffeine detection .

We took a porcelain cup and placed in it a mixture of chocolate and magnesium oxide in a ratio of 2.5:1 (by weight). They covered it with a glass plate and put it on an electric stove. Warmed up without charring. Sublimation of caffeine occurs (t air pl; t pl = 235–237°С). It crystallizes along the walls of a porcelain cup, and yellow-brown oil condenses in the center of it. The caffeine crystals were examined under a microscope.

Definition of tannin in chocolate.

To 1 ml. chocolate solution (filtrate) added 1-2 drops of iron (III) chloride. In the presence of tannin, dark purple coloration was observed.

3. Sociological survey. We conducted a survey among middle and senior students, as well as teachers to identify their attitude to chocolate. 137 people took part in the survey.

Based on the results of the survey, it was found that the majority of students (%) love chocolate; their preference is given to milk chocolate (%), bitter (%), white (%); want to learn more about chocolate (Appendix).


Chocolate is a confectionery product made from cocoa beans with sugar and other food components. After getting acquainted with literary sources and Internet sites, we learned that chocolate is a very useful product. It helps to maintain the health of the heart and blood vessels, improves brain function, a person’s mood improves after eating chocolate, and it can also extend a person’s life for a whole year. Since we are chocolate lovers, we really wanted to study the chemical composition of chocolate, and based on our research, we can conclude that chocolate is not harmful to health if consumed in moderation.

Chocolate has a beneficial effect on the body. The use of chocolate reduces the likelihood of oncological diseases, stomach ulcers, hay fever, and strengthens the body's immunity, lowers blood cholesterol levels. One hundred grams of dark chocolate per day improves vascular function and protects the body from the damaging effects of free radicals. In addition, chocolate is an excellent protection against various stressful situations. All of the above does not apply to milk and white chocolate, since Table 2 shows that:

1) the content of unsaturated fatty acids in milk and white chocolate is higher than in bitter. This is due to the partial replacement of cocoa butter with vegetable and milk fats;

2) a negative test for carbohydrates with dark chocolate indicates a low content of sucrose in the test sample, which is difficult to detect in a school laboratory. Most sucrose is found in white chocolate;

3) the protein content in dark chocolate is higher than in milk and white chocolate due to the introduction of dry whey and milk fat into the composition;

4) only bitter chocolate gave a positive test for caffeine. This is due to the high (75%) content of cocoa products;

5) only in dark chocolate were no impurities found;

6) the composition of white and milk chocolate includes the emulsifier soy lecithin (E476).

Based on my research, I want to give the following advice to chocolate lovers:

1.when buying chocolate, pay attention to the content of cocoa products: cocoa butter and cocoa mass. Cocoa powder is made from cake, there should not be such an additive in high-quality chocolate.

2. bitter chocolate - the most useful (cocoa content of at least 55%).

3. in order to determine the quality of chocolate, you need to take a bar or just a small piece of chocolate with two fingers and hold it like that for about three minutes. If there is less than 40% cocoa in a chocolate bar and vegetable and other fats are added, then the chocolate will immediately begin to melt in your hand.

4. The norm of chocolate per day is 30 grams, a third of a bar, and not more than 50 grams (half a bar). And if the chocolate is bitter, with a high content of cocoa, then it can be only one slice a day. If you do not comply with the norm, then in the future there may be problems with the pancreas - pancreatitis, diabetes.


Annex 1:

1. Do you like chocolate?

A) yes

B) No

2. Do you find chocolate healthy?

A) yes

B) No

B) don't know

3. Are you curious about the history of chocolate?

A) yes

B) No

4. What kind of chocolate do you prefer?

A) White

B) Dairy

B) bitter

5. By what criteria do you choose chocolate?

A) by name

B) By manufacturer

B) According to the composition on the package

D) At the price on the package

6. How often do you eat chocolate?

A) Often, almost every day

B) Rarely

C) I don't use it at all.


Table 1:

Dark chocolate classic "A.Korkunov"

41 0 WITH

Milk chocolate "Milka"

59 0 WITH

White chocolate "Nestle"

46 0 WITH

Annex 3:

Dark chocolate classic

"A. Korkunov

LLC "Odintsovo confectionery factory"


cocoa mass, sugar, cocoa butter, stabilizer (milk fat), emulsifier: soy lecithin, E492, flavor identical to natural (vanillin). May contain trace amounts of almonds, hazelnuts, wheat gluten, milk and egg protein

55 %

Milk chocolate

« Milka»

LLC "Mondelis Rus"


Sugar, cocoa mass, whole milk powder, skimmed milk powder, whey powder, milk fat, nut paste (hazelnuts), emulsifiers (soy lecithin, E476), Vanillin flavor. May contain traces of peanuts, other nuts and wheat


Chocolate white

« Nestle»

Nestle Russia LLC


Sugar, whole milk powder, cocoa butter, emulsifiers (soy lecithin, E476), flavor identical to natural (vanillin), salt. Chocolate may contain trace amounts of nuts, peanuts, egg white and gluten.


pivot table

Practical tasks





Label Research

Determination of acid-base balance

Determining the presence of foreign matter

Definition of unsaturated fats

Definition of carbohydrates

Modeling the sugar bloom of chocolate

Protein definition

Definition of tannin

Determination of the quality of "chocolate bar".

caffeine detection


According to research indicators




V. Literature

1. Great Soviet Encyclopedia (chemical encyclopedia).

2.Danilik K. 16 facts about chocolate. Coeval. - 2007. - No. 7

3.Children's Encyclopedia. Chocolate. Educational magazine for girls and boys. Moscow, CJSC "Arguments and Facts". No. 5 2002.

4. Internet encyclopedia "Wikipedia" - www.ru.wikpedia.org

When we buy chocolate, first of all we pay attention to the appearance of the label, the name of the chocolate, maybe the name of the manufacturer. Only a few pay close attention to the rest of the information.

And this is wrong: what we can read on the etiquette depends on what we end up buying - real chocolate or a sweet bar.

In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation " On consumer protection"and the Law of the Russian Federation" About standardization» There are certain food labeling requirements.

(appendix 3)

"Russia is a generous soul" Proteins -5.2
Carbohydrates -55
"Alpen Gokd"
Milk chocolate "Dove" Dark
"Russia is generous
OOO MonDelis Rus CJSC KDV Pavlovsky Posad, Russia, Pavlovsky Posad LLC "Mars", Russia, Moscow region, Stupino-1 LLC "Nestlé Russia", Russia, Moscow
FAT CONTENT, g/100 g of product
27.5 29 30 32 31
NUTRITIONAL VALUE, g/100 g of product (except for fats)
Proteins - 5.3
Carbohydrates - 61
Proteins - 5
Carbohydrates - 60
Proteins -6.3
ENERGY VALUE, kcal/100 g of product
515 530 540 544 534
12 months 12 months 12 months 12 months 12 months
65/90 60/90 63/95 70/100 65/90

The parameter "energy value" was not chosen by chance. After all, chocolate, frankly, is a very high-calorie product, and not least because of the high fat content. As it turned out, all our samples have approximately the same calorie content.

Luckily for us buyers, domestic regulations require manufacturers to list fat and other calorie "carriers" on packaging.

A long shelf life is not an indicator of the low quality of chocolate products and the presence of preservatives.

Natural cocoa butter It is an antioxidant that prevents fat oxidation. Therefore, chocolate, which includes natural cocoa butter, can be stored for 2 years.

As emulsifiers in dark chocolate Russia is a generous soul » added preservative E-476. This polyglycerol ester and mutually esterified ricinolic acids. At present, it is not allowed for use due to the incompleteness of the test complex.

Technical Committee 149 operating on the basis of the Research Institute of the confectionery industry has developed state standard for chocolate GOST R 52821-2007 “Chocolate. General technical conditions» (annex 4).

We used the standards of physical and chemical parameters of the product ( GOST R 52821-2007, table 3) for comparative analysis.

After examining the labels of five types of chocolate (milk chocolate "Dove", dark chocolate "Russia is a generous soul", milk chocolate "Russia is a generous soul", milk chocolate "Yashkino" and milk chocolate "Alpen Gold") and comparing the data with GOST R 52821-2007, we came to the conclusion that the manufacturer who indicated the variety on the chocolate label cannot always be trusted.

From table 2.2.2 ( annex 5) it is clear that none of the types of chocolate is a confectionery bar, because. cocoa butter is not replaced by vegetable fats and cocoa powder, the percentage of cocoa products is indicated in all samples.

Annex 5. Table 2.2.2

Name of chocolate A country
Compound Content of cocoa products on the label The content of cocoa products according to GOST R 52821-2007
Russia Sugar, cocoa butter, cocoa mass, whole milk powder, whey powder, stabilizer (dehydrated milk fat emulsifier (soy lecithin E 467), flavoring 27.4% 25%
Milk chocolate "Alpen Gold"
Russia Sugar, cocoa mass, cocoa butter, whey, whole milk powder, stabilizers (milk fat, emulsifiers (soy lecithin E 467), flavoring 25% 25%
Milk chocolate "Russia generous soul"
Russia Sugar, cocoa butter, whole milk powder, cocoa mass, whey powder, milk fat, emulsifiers (soy lecithin, E 467), natural flavoring (vanillin) 28% 25%
Milk chocolate "Dove"
Russia Sugar, cocoa butter, cocoa mass, skimmed milk powder, emulsifier (soy lecithin), flavor (vanillin), milk fat 26% 25%
Dark chocolate "Russia generous soul"
Russia Sugar, cocoa butter, cocoa mass, stabilizer (milk fat, emulsifier (soy lecithin, E476), flavor (vanillin) 45% 40%

However, milk fat was used in the dark chocolate "Russia Generous Soul", which is completely unacceptable in the production of dark chocolate and, according to the requirements of GOST, such chocolate should be called a sweet bar or an analogue of chocolate.

According to GOST, chocolate must contain at least 25% cocoa products. The declared variety corresponds to milk chocolate "Alpen Gold" - 25% and milk chocolate "Dove" (about 26% of cocoa products).

The taste of chocolate is determined by the ratio of ingredients, primarily by the amount of cocoa product, which determines the color, aroma, taste.

When buying chocolate, pay attention to the content of cocoa products: cocoa butter and cocoa mass.

Cocoa powder is made from cake, there should not be such an additive in high-quality chocolate.


    General information about chocolate…………………………………………..4

    1. The history of chocolate…………………………………………….....4

      Classification and assortment of chocolate……………………...6

      Chocolate production……………………………………………9

      The chemical composition of chocolate………………………………….13

      Quality requirements………………………………………….14

      Chocolate storage conditions…………………………………...14

2. Examination and quality of the finished product…………………………….16

2.1. Chocolate quality indicators…………………………………16

2.2. Sampling and preparing them for analysis………………………...22

2.3. The procedure and methods for conducting the examination…………………....23



Appendix 1……………………………………………………………...27


Chocolate is a divine nectar, because they used to drink it. And today they not only drink and eat, but sculpt sculptures from it, make souvenirs, “dress it up” at fashion shows and even wrap it in spa salons. It is simply given and, finally, huge money is earned on it.

Chocolate has been and will be relevant and will never go out of fashion. He will be loved by different generations from small to great. Why do I think so? Yes, because I myself am a big fan of this unique temptation. Yes, I do not deny that chocolate can change, but there is no way not to leave our life, it is firmly hooked in it. And we do not provide how we would live without it! Chocolate is suitable for all occasions, both on holidays and on weekdays.

The purpose of my course work is not only to learn general information about chocolate, to consider chocolate quality indicators, but also to study the procedure and methods for conducting chocolate examination.

1. General information about chocolate

1.1. History of chocolate

The history of chocolate, so familiar to us now, began a very long time ago, more than 3000 years ago.

Around 1500 BC, the Olmec civilization arose in the lowlands along the Gulf of Mexico in America. Their culture left us very little, but some linguists believe that the word "cocoa" first sounded like "kakawa" around 1000 BC, at the height of the Olmec civilization.

The Olmecs were later replaced by the Mayan civilization. The Mayan ancestors arrived in the lowlands of northern Guatemala around 1000 BC. Until then, they lived in the highlands of Guatemala and the Mexican province of Chiapas. There, cocoa seems to have been very rare, if known at all. Be that as it may, having descended from the plateaus, the Mayans discovered and began to cultivate a wild-growing cocoa tree, and it was during that period that the modern pronunciation of the word "cocoa" most likely arose.

Around 250 AD, the development of Mayan culture entered its classical phase. By the 600s of our era, the Maya planted the very first cocoa plantations known to us. Formidable Mayan cities were erected, with their pyramid castles and cruel rulers. Until their fall in the 9th century AD, the architecture of the Mayan cities surpassed that of ancient Greece and Italy during the early Renaissance. Chocolate was a luxury and a sacred drink for the Maya, not only in life but also in death.

They had well developed methods for making chocolate drinks of various kinds using various additives. One of the main ingredients was pepper and cloves.

Many books about chocolate say that it was the Aztecs who first cultivated cocoa trees and invented the chocolate drink. As we have said, this is not true. The Aztecs nevertheless played a large role in the expansion of the use of cocoa in the New World. Aztec legend says that cocoa seeds came to us from Paradise and that wisdom and strength come from the fruit of the cocoa tree. The map shows the border of the Aztec empire in 1519 - before it was destroyed by the Spaniards. The most important territory was the area of ​​Xoconochco, which the Aztecs conquered as a result of expansion between 1486 and 1502. This gave the Aztec empire access to the best cocoa plantations. The area of ​​Xoconochco was isolated from the rest of the Aztec empire, so long distance traders played a very important role in transporting cocoa beans to the Aztec capital, Tenochtitlan. Cocoa beans served in the Aztec empire as money. It is said that Christopher Columbus brought cocoa beans to King Ferdinand from his fourth expedition to the New World, but no one paid much attention to them due to the large number of other treasures brought by Columbus. In the next 100 years after Columbus, chocolate appeared in Europe. Costing 10-15 shillings a pound, chocolate was considered a drink for high society. In the sixteenth century, the Spanish historian Oviedo wrote: "Only the rich and noble could afford to drink chocolate, as he literally drank money. Cocoa beans were used as currency by all nations; ... for 100 of these cocoa seeds it was quite possible to buy a good slave" .

Chocolate was also used as a remedy by the leading healers of the time. So, Christopher Ludwig Hoffmann recommended chocolate as a remedy for many diseases, referring to the experience of treating Cardinal Richelieu. With the development of industry, chocolate became more accessible, various additives began to be added to it: milk, spices, various sweet substances, wine and even beer. If initially chocolate was considered exclusively a male drink, later it became a favorite children's drink. In 1674, rolls and cakes were made using chocolate. This date is considered the date of the appearance of "edible" chocolate, which could not only be drunk, but also eaten.

Cocoa imported to Europe first goes to monasteries and to the King's Court, where it is very popular with court ladies. From Spain, "xocolatl" penetrates into Europe, quickly displacing Mexican spices made from cane sugar and vanilla. The government of the German emperor Charles V, aware of the commercial importance of cocoa, demands a monopoly on this product. However, already in the 17th century, smugglers were actively importing it into the Netherlands. The first licenses for the creation of chocolate production are invented by the Italians. In England "Chocolate Houses" are more visited than coffee and tea salons. In the 19th century, the first chocolate bars appeared, and Jean Neaus invented the first candy with praline filling.

1.2. Classification and assortment of chocolate

Chocolate is a product of processing cocoa beans with sugar.

Chocolate contains:

carbohydrates - 5-5 5%);

fat - 30-38%;

protein - 5-8%;

alkaloids (theobromine and caffeine) - approximately 0.5%;

tannins and minerals - approximately 1%.

Energy value (per 100 g of product):

chocolate - 680 calories;

chocolates - 460 calories;

cocoa - 400 calories.

Chocolate contains phenylethylamine, tryptophan and anandamide (substances that affect the emotional centers of the brain and create a feeling of love in the human body), magnesium and iron.

The composition of modern chocolate varieties, in addition to cocoa beans and sugar, includes skimmed milk powder, glucose syrup, vanilla or vanillin, ethyl alcohol syrup, inverse sugar, vegetable (nut) oils, nuts (hazel, hazelnuts, almonds), lecithin, pectin, natural or artificial flavors, preservatives (sodium benzoate), citric acid, orange and mint oils.

Cocoa beans are 50% cocoa butter, which at a temperature of 22-27 ° C is hard and brittle, and at a temperature of 32-36 ° C begins to melt, i.e. its melting point is below the temperature of the human body. Therefore, real chocolate melts quickly in the mouth and does not leave a feeling of viscosity. Chocolate should not contain other fats other than cocoa butter. Additives such as milk fat, palm, coconut or peanut oils significantly degrade the quality of this treat.

bitter - more than 60%;

semi-bitter (dessert) - about 50%;

dairy - about 30%.

A bar of milk chocolate contains 15% cocoa butter, 35% sugar and 20% milk powder, semi-bitter - 45% sugar and up to 5% cocoa butter, and bitter - 40% sugar.

Chocolate is classified:

in shape and size;

depending on its composition and method of processing the chocolate mass.

According to the shape and size, chocolate is distinguished in 100g bars. and smaller, chocolate bars, curly weight up to 250g., chocolate medals, patterned chocolate - flat relief figures of small size (usually included in "Chocolate set" sweets).

Depending on the recipe and processing method, chocolate is divided into:

ordinary with and without additions;

dessert with and without additions;

with fillings;

diabetic (sugar is replaced by sorbitol or xylitol);

Ordinary chocolate is produced from any cocoa beans (with a predominance of consumer), without conching. Therefore, it has lower taste and aromatic qualities, less fine dispersion (92%). The sugar content in it is not more than 63%.

Dessert chocolate is produced only from noble varieties of cocoa beans with long conching. Therefore, it has high taste and aromatic qualities, fine dispersion (96-97%). The sugar content in it is not more than 55%.

Porous chocolate is produced, as a rule, from the dessert mass by vacuuming, it has increased fragility and tenderness.

Chocolate with filling is produced, as a rule, from ordinary chocolate mass in the form of bars, bars and figures (shells, horns, horseshoes, etc.). The content of filling for chocolate in the form of loaves - not less than 35%, for chocolate with a net weight of more than 50g - not less than 20%.

Powdered chocolate is made from cocoa mass, vanillin and powdered sugar with and without the addition of dairy products. It is intended for preparing a drink by diluting with hot water or milk in a ratio of 1: 1 or 1; 2 (to taste).

Couverture - liquid chocolate, used for glazing sweets, waffles, marshmallows. Fat should be 34-37%.

White chocolate is produced, as a rule, from ordinary chocolate mass without grated cocoa, i.e. it contains cocoa butter, powdered sugar, milk and flavoring.

Substitute chocolate is represented on the market by confectionery and sweet bars. Confectionery tiles are made from finely ground confectionery mass obtained from cocoa butter substitute fats (solid hydrogenated vegetable fats) with or without cocoa butter, as well as sugar and various flavoring and aromatic additives: apple powder, roasted peanuts, coffee, etc. Sweet tiles are made from the mass obtained by processing sugar and confectionery fat of domestic production with various flavoring and aromatic additives. Assortment: Hello, Palm, Casino, Dairy, Soy with peanuts, Fairy tale, Magic, Mysterious.

Diabetic chocolate is intended for diabetic patients. In it, sugar is replaced by sorbitol or xylitol: Milk with xylitol, Northern Lights.

Chocolate paste - is a homogeneous finely ground plastic mass, consisting of sugar, fat, cocoa powder (at least 12%) with the addition of flavoring and aromatic substances.

1.3. chocolate production


The chocolate making process begins with the roasting of the beans. They are peeled and roasted to remove any remaining moisture and achieve the characteristic cocoa taste and smell. Gourmet cocoa varieties are roasted at a lower temperature, which gives them a very delicate flavor.

cracking and winnowing

After roasting, the cocoa beans are cooled and then sent to a perpetual machine, which refines them, separates them from the shell and crushes them into particles several millimeters thick. The husk is removed through a sieve by a stream of hot air. The shelled and crushed beans are called crushed cocoa beans.


Turning crushed cocoa beans into chocolate by mixing different ingredients is a skillful and secret area in chocolate making. The beans are sorted by origin, roasted and beaten, matched to precise recipes, blended and placed in cocoa grinders.


Roasted, ground beans, the so-called "feathers", are heated and carefully ground to form a cocoa paste, also called cocoa mass or liquor. It is the main ingredient for the preparation of various chocolate products and consists of cocoa butter (natural cocoa fat) and the dry component of the beans.

Then the cocoa mass is laid out under a hydraulic press for squeezing fat (cocoa butter). The remainder (cake), containing another 20% of the oil, is ground into a powder, which is then carefully sieved, the resulting powder is pure unsweetened cocoa powder. Cocoa butter is filtered, softened, molded and stored. And cocoa liquor is mixed with sugar (and milk powder in the case of making milk chocolate), and the paste is intensively pounded and refined from a grain size of 50 microns to 17.

To make chocolate in cocoa mass, you need to add cocoa butter, sugar, vanilla. These ingredients are mixed and kneaded until a smooth, homogeneous mass is obtained.


This is one of the most important steps in making super chocolate. Its purpose is to remove all residual moisture, eliminate incompatible flavors and aromas, lumps that are still present, as well as the displacement of volatile acids and excessive bitterness.

The chocolate is put into conching tanks, where it is rolled out and kneaded for 2-3 days. During this process, it is heated to different temperatures. For high quality chocolate, cocoa butter is added along with lecithin (extracted from soybeans) to help reduce viscosity. The conching process removes moisture and promotes smooth, uniform chocolate with enhanced flavor and aroma.

While regular chocolate only takes a few hours to conch, the highest quality chocolate can be conched for up to five days.

Insufficient conching of chocolate can result in mediocre flavor and high acidity.

Tempering chocolate

In previous processes, the temperature of the chocolate was constantly maintained at the melting point of cocoa butter. Now it is necessary to cool the mass in such a way as to ensure proper cocoa butter crystallization and one-time distribution of the mixture. Tempered chocolate sets quickly, has a good texture and sheen, and is easy to work with.

Coverture, which has a high content of cocoa butter, is tempered, since the compounds of fat molecules are stable at different melting points. In fact, dissolution occurs both at low temperatures and at high ones. But the first thing to do is to bring the coverture to a high temperature, enough to completely dissolve all the fat (if the chocolate is too hot, then its subtle taste will be destroyed). Second, cooling or pre-crystallization of molten chocolate occurs when the chocolate appears to be thick and viscous. At this point, pure fat molecules form (remain as unstable crystals that are immobile). At this stage, the chocolate is too thick for general use. It needs to be heated a little, without deviating from the recommended temperatures.

Collection and processing of cocoa

The cocoa tree belongs to the family Sterculiaceae and grows in the tropical zone known as the "cacao belt". Cacao trees cannot stand direct sunlight, so they are protected by a special awning. Plantations should be located at an altitude of 400-600 meters above sea level. The quality of the soil also plays an important role. It should be rich in nitrogen and potassium, well-drained in areas with heavy rains and, conversely, equipped with water supplies in dry areas. For tree growth, a humid climate (60-90%) and an average temperature of 25 to 28 C are also required.

The fruits of the cocoa tree are called cocoa pods. Young trees usually begin to bear fruit after 3-5 years. A cocoa pod weighs approximately 200 to 800 g and bursts with a dry crack when ripe after 5 to 6 months. During this time, it changes in color from green to yellow and from red to orange.

The height of cocoa trees ranges from 5 to 7 meters, and the life span is from 25 to 30 years. Cocoa trees can be found throughout the equatorial belt, where the average temperature is 26 ° C and high humidity. They can also be found in the wild: animals, eating their fruits, scatter cocoa beans on the ground, as a result of which they germinate.

The leaves of the cocoa tree are large (20-40 cm long and 7-12 cm wide). When the tree is 3-4 years old, it blooms with white flowers (1 cm in diameter). On average, the tree produces 30 pods, each containing 30 to 40 beans embedded in the white pulp of the fruit. There are several types of cocoa.

In regions with a very humid climate, lucky for the rains, cocoa can be harvested all year round. But in many countries there are only two harvest seasons: November-January and May-July. During harvest, each pod is cut open with a machete and can contain up to 40 cocoa beans surrounded by a sweet white film called mucilage.

After splitting, the beans and white pulp are removed from the pod and then covered with banana tree leaves. Within 1-2 weeks, the fermentation process takes place. This is a very important process. And its improper conduct can adversely affect the taste of chocolate.

After fermentation, cocoa beans contain approximately 60% moisture. It must be reduced to at least 7.5% to eliminate the possibility of damage during transportation. Therefore, fermented beans are laid out under the sun on special mats or pallets, which should be immediately covered in case of rain. The drying process contributes to the elimination of bitterness and the appearance of a specific cocoa aroma. (See Appendix 4)

1.4. The chemical composition of chocolate

The main components of the dry matter of cocoa beans are fats, alkaloids - theobromine, caffeine in (in small quantities), proteins, carbohydrates, tannins and minerals, organic acids, aromatic compounds, etc.

Fat (cocoa butter) is contained in the amount of 52-56% dry matter. At a temperature of 25 C, cocoa butter is hard and brittle, and at 32 C it is liquid, so it melts in the mouth without leaving any residue. The chemical composition of the product "milk chocolate"

Nutrients, vitamins, trace elements per 100 g:

Water: 0.9 g

Proteins: 6.9 g

Fat: 35.7 g

Carbohydrates: 52.9 g

Mono- and disaccharides: 49.5 g

Starch: 2.9 g

Dietary fiber: 2.0 g

Organic acids: 0.5 g

Ash: 1.6 g

Vitamin B1: 0.05 mg

Vitamin B2: 0.3 mg

Vitamin PP: 0.5 mg

Iron: 1.8 mg

Potassium: 543.0 mg

Calcium: 187.0 mg

Magnesium: 38.0 mg

Sodium: 76.0 mg

Phosphorus: 235.0 m

Calories: 547.3 kcal

1.5. Quality requirement

Chocolate must comply with the requirements of GOST 6534-69. The taste and aroma are clearly expressed, characteristic of this species. Color from light brown to dark brown, for white chocolate - cream. The shape is correct, without deformation, in the form of tiles, loaves and various figures, both with and without a pattern. The front surface of the chocolate should be shiny, without sugar and fat bloom, in chocolate with milk - slightly dull, in chocolate with unground additions, the underside of the bar with an uneven surface. The consistency should be solid, the structure should be homogeneous, the fracture should be matte, for porous chocolate - cellular. Additions that are not introduced in a finely ground form are evenly distributed in the chocolate mass.

1.6. Storage conditions for chocolate

Store chocolate at a temperature of 18C and a relative humidity of 75%. Under these conditions, chocolate is stored for the following warranty periods from the date of production:

dessert and ordinary without additions - 6 months,

weight without additives not wrapped - 4 months,

dessert and ordinary with additions, chocolate with filling and in powder without additions - 3 months,

weight with additions not wrapped - 2 months, white chocolate and in powder with the addition of dairy products - 1 month.

Storage of cocoa beans. Dried cocoa beans should be placed in the warehouse as soon as possible. Before being transported to foreign port terminals or chocolate factories, beans must be carefully checked, packed in special ventilated containers and placed in a well-ventilated ship hold. After being added to the factory, the cocoa beans are carefully checked to identify possible specific defects, as well as defects in taste and aroma, to check for the presence of foreign bodies, and finally to control the acceptable moisture content.

The packaged beans are then placed in a clean, dry environment and stored at about 16°C.

2. Expertise and quality of the finished product.

2.1. Indicators of chocolate quality.

The quality of chocolate is evaluated by the following indicators:





Organoleptic indicators.

The organoleptic indicators characterizing the quality of chocolate include appearance, shape, texture, structure, taste and smell.

Table 1.

Organoleptic quality indicators of chocolate




Taste and smell

Typical for this product, without foreign taste and smell


The front surface is shiny. For chocolate medals, chocolate with finely ground additions of dairy products and nuts, chocolate molded into foil and by weight, a matte surface is allowed.

In chocolate with large additions in the form of whole or crushed nuts, chopped candied fruits, raisins, exploded cereals, etc. and porous, an uneven surface is allowed.

Graying and damage by pests of grain stocks is not allowed.

Broken products are allowed: no more than 4.0% - for chocolate with fillings; no more than 2.0% - for chocolate with large additions.

For weight expanded chocolate, scrap is allowed in different

measure 1/3 of the tile, smaller scrap should not exceed 3.0%.

Compliant with the recipe, no deformation for all types of chocolate, except by weight



Homogeneous. For porous chocolate - cellular.

physical and chemical indicators

Physical and chemical indicators include the degree of grinding, the mass fraction of the filling, the mass fraction of ash.

Table 2.

Physical and chemical indicators of chocolate quality

Name of indicator

Norm for chocolate



No Additions

With additions

No Additions

With additions

Grinding degree, %, not less than

Mass fraction of filling, %, not less than:

for chocolate in the form of loaves

for chocolate net weight St. 50g

Mass fraction of ash insoluble in hydrochloric acid solution with a mass fraction of 10%, %, not more than

Mass fractions of sugar, fat, filling and moisture in chocolate should be in accordance with the calculated content according to the recipe, taking into account the allowable deviations.

The mass fraction of total sugar (in terms of sucrose) in diabetic chocolate should be in accordance with the calculated content according to the recipe and the maximum deviation from the calculated upwards of 5.0%, but not more than 9%. The mass fraction of cocoa products in chocolate, depending on the recipe, must be at least 25.0%. The amount of filling should not exceed 50% of the chocolate mass. In fillings for chocolate, moisture is normalized, and for nut, chocolate and chocolate-cream fillings - fat content.

The moisture content of chocolate without additives and dessert chocolate with additives should not exceed 1.2%, milk chocolate - 2% (with a dry whole milk content - no more than 3%), chocolate with fruits - 5%, and ordinary chocolate with additives - 1.5%.

In chocolate, the fiber content is limited: in chocolate without additions - no more than 3%, with additions - no more than 4%. The content of ash insoluble in a 10% hydrochloric acid solution is not more than 0.1%.

Safety performance

Depending on the nature of impacts, safety, there are chemical, radiation, mechanical, sanitary and hygienic, etc.

Substances affecting the chemical safety of food products, including chocolate, are divided into the following groups: toxic elements (heavy metal salts); mycotoxins; nitrates and nitrites; pesticides; antibiotics; hormonal drugs; higher alcohols and aldehydes; esters; furfural and hydroxymethylfurfural; monomers; prohibited food additives; dyes for packaging.

The admissibility of the content of toxic elements in chocolate is established according to the standards: GOST 26927-86, GOST 26930-86-26934-86. Exceeding the maximum allowable concentrations of such elements can cause poisoning of varying severity, sometimes even fatal.

Permissible levels of toxic elements, mycotoxins, pesticides and radionuclides in chocolate are shown in Table 3.

Table 3

Permissible levels of toxic elements, mycotoxins, pesticides, radionuclides in chocolate

MPCs (maximum permissible concentrations) of radioactive isotopes of cobalt, cesium and strontium (Co 60; Cs 90), as well as radionuclides, are established as indicators of radiation safety of food products.

Sanitary and hygienic safety - the absence of an unacceptable risk that can occur with various kinds of biodamage to chocolate. Biodamages include microbiological and zoological damage.

microbiological indicators

Microbiological damage (diseases) is caused by a variety of microorganisms. Distinguish between bacterial and fungal infections. In some cases, products accumulate toxic substances (mycotoxins - with mold, salmonella, staphylococcus, E. coli, etc.), which cause human poisoning of varying degrees, sometimes with a fatal outcome.

Microbiological quality indicators of chocolate are disclosed in Table 4.

Table 4

Microbiological indicators of chocolate quality

Product group

QMAFAnM CFU/g, no more

Mass of the product, g, in which it is not allowed

Yeast, CFU/g, no more

Molds, CFU/g, no more

BGKP (coliforms)

Pathogenic, incl. salmonella

Chocolate ordinary and dessert without additions

Plain and dessert with additions

with fillings

Biodamages of the second group should be called zoological, as they are caused by various representatives of the animal world (insects, rodents, birds). The result of such biodamage is not only quantitative losses, but also a loss of safety, since damaged goods are contaminated with excrement (feces) of insects, rodents and birds, and can also be infected with pathogenic microorganisms.

2.2. Sampling and preparation for analysis

Sampling and preparation of laboratory tests of chocolate is carried out in accordance with GOST 5904-82 "Confectionery products. Rules for acceptance, methods of sampling and sample preparation."

To control the organoleptic and physico-chemical indicators of the quality of chocolate from different places of each unit of transport packaging in the sample, the following are selected:

1 tile - with a net weight above 100g;

3 tiles - with a net weight of 51 to 100g inclusive;

The combined sample is divided into 3 parts, one of which is sent to the laboratory for testing, and two are left as controls for re-testing.

Samples in the form of jars, tiles, packs are wrapped in thick paper and tied with twine.

Other samples are placed in dry, clean glass jars with ground glass or rubber stoppers, packed in plastic boxes with screw caps, or wrapped in parchment (cellophane, polymer films).

Prepared samples are sealed and accompanied by a sampling report indicating:

    serial number of the sample;

    product name;

    name of the manufacturer and its address;

    batch or wagon numbers;

    sample mass;

    lot size;

    the type of products for which the batch is sent;

    names and positions of the persons who sent the sample.

    In the process of preparing chocolate samples for laboratory testing, it is ground on a grater or mechanical grinder and placed in a tightly closed container.

When examining chocolate with filling or chocolate figures, samples are prepared with the division of products into component parts. The body of the products is completely separated from the glaze. The icing is placed in a sealed container. A separate body is crushed, mixed and also placed in a special bowl. The mass of a chocolate sample without separating the product into its component parts must be at least 100 g, with the destruction of products into its component parts - at least 200 g.

2.3. The procedure and methods for the examination of chocolate

Organoleptic evaluation of chocolate is carried out according to GOST 5897-90, determination of the degree of grinding - GOST 5902-80, mass fraction of the filling GOST 5897-90, ash - GOST 5901-87, toxic elements - GOST 26927-86, GOST 26930-86 - GOST 26934-86 .

Organoleptic evaluation of chocolate is carried out at a temperature of 16-18°C. It begins with a visual inspection of the packaging and labeling. Set the clarity of the picture and inscriptions, the brightness of the colors of the label and its artistic merit, the density of the wrapping. The date of production of chocolate and compliance with the warranty period of storage is checked by a stamp or a composter on a foil or liner. Then the net mass of chocolate is checked by weighing it without foil and labels with a resolution of up to 0.01 g.

Appearance is determined by the condition of the front and bottom surfaces of the chocolate. The front surface of chocolate without additives should be shiny without a grayish coating and spots; with additions can be slightly dull. It is not allowed to leave the filling on the surface of the chocolate. Consistency at 18°C ​​is solid. The structure of chocolate without additions and with finely divided additions is homogeneous, porous-cellular. Coarsely ground additions (waffles, nuts) should be evenly distributed in the mass. The shape of the chocolate bars and figures must be correct, without deformations. Taste and aroma are determined by sampling. They should be clearly defined, with a subtle chocolate or vanilla aroma from additives and a pleasant bitterness. Chocolate with additions should have a harmonious taste.


In conclusion, it is worth saying a few words about the beneficial properties of this miracle product. In scientific terms, chocolate is valued for its high content of magnesium, phosphorus, iron, calcium, polyphenol, theobromine, caffeine, etc., as a means of stimulating the central system, muscle tone, and also as a powerful antioxidant. Speaking in the language of the layman, the use of chocolate is, first of all, a source of pleasure, a great way to improve mood and tone. True, recent studies show that chocolate does not affect everyone in the same way. Irritable and suspicious people can even worsen their condition by eating it in kilograms.

It is said that you can determine the character of a person by what kind of chocolate he prefers. So, lovers of milk chocolate are dreamy people, dark chocolate lovers are materialists firmly standing on the ground, and white chocolate lovers are people with an active position.

In this work, I disclosed general information about chocolate, examined the quality indicators of chocolate and studied the procedure and methods for conducting chocolate examination.


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    1.3 Raw materials, production process 2 Expertise quality cookies 2.1 Characteristics of organoleptic characteristics ... and packaged. 2 Expertise quality cookies expertise quality cookies can be ... 3800 3. Cookies "Slodych with chocolate" JSC "Slodych", Minsk...

  • Merchandising expertise quality candy

    Abstract >> Culture and art

    Wrapped and glazed sweets predominate chocolate. Candies, glazed chocolate. These candies have high... storage. 1.4 Existing assessment methods quality And expertise candy Expertise quality sweets is carried out according to the following regulatory ...

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    Chocolate is a unique product in all respects, amazingly tasty, extremely nutritious and, of course, healthy. Phenol essential oils, which create a delicate aroma of delicacy, protect our blood vessels from cholesterol. Thanks to the active substances-alkaloids - theobromine and caffeine - chocolate perfectly relieves fatigue; gives vivacity, restores strength, cheers up thanks to magnesium - a real source of joy. Contained in chocolate and other important and necessary trace elements: calcium, phosphorus, iron, sodium. It also contains vitamins B 1, B 2 and PP. Chocolate has been proven to improve brain function.

    Nowadays chocolate is one of the most common food among people. In almost every store, anyone can buy a bar of chocolate. Despite the fact that the assortment of chocolate is quite diverse, little attention is paid to the quality of the products provided.

    Therefore, chocolate should be approached not only from a consumer point of view, but also from a research point of view, choosing it as an object of study.

    Hypothesis: We assumed that all chocolate bought in the store is a healthy product.

    Goal of the work : a study of the composition of chocolate of different brands and the study of its effect on human health.

    Research objectives:

      Get to know different types of chocolate.

      To study the chemical composition of chocolate of different varieties.

      Conduct a qualitative analysis of the studied samples of chocolate products.

      Compare their chemical composition.

      To study the effect of chocolate on human health.

      Conduct a survey among students about the dangers and benefits of chocolate.

    Object of study : chocolate.

    Subject of study : chemical analysis of the composition of chocolate.

    Research methods: sociological survey, study of the qualitative composition of chocolate, chemical experiment.


    1.1 Chocolate - (English Chocolate, French Chocolate, spanish Chocolate) is a term denoting various types of confectionery products made using cocoa fruits. One of the most common confectionery products. It contains proteins, fats, carbohydrates, tannins, alkaloids caffeine and theobromine. It is prepared on the basis of cocoa products.

      1. Chocolate classification

    Depending on the method of processing, the chocolate mass is divided into dessert and ordinary.

    Dessert chocolate mass has high aromatic qualities and fine dispersion. It acquires these properties as a result of particularly careful and lengthy processing. The sugar content in it is not more than 55%.

    Ordinary chocolate mass has lower taste and aromatic qualities and less fine dispersion. The sugar content in it is not more than 63%. Porous chocolate is obtained mainly from the dessert chocolate mass, which is poured into molds of ¾ volume, placed in vacuum boilers and kept in a liquid state (at a temperature of 40 ° C) for 4 hours. When the vacuum is removed due to the expansion of air bubbles, a finely porous structure of the tile is formed

    Depending on the composition, chocolate is divided into chocolate without additions, with additions, with filling, diabetic and white. Chocolate without additives made from cocoa mass, powdered sugar and cocoa butter. Such chocolate has specific properties inherent in cocoa beans. By changing the ratio between powdered sugar and cocoa mass, you can change the taste of the resulting chocolate - from bitter to sweet. The more cocoa liquor in chocolate, the more bitter taste and brighter aroma chocolate has and the more it is valued. Chocolate with additions are made from cocoa mass, cocoa butter, powdered sugar and various nutritious, flavoring and aromatic substances. The most commonly used additives are milk powder, cream powder, nut kernels, coffee, waffles, candied fruits, alcohol, cognac, vanillin, food essences and more. The ratio between the listed components of chocolate reflect the characteristics of its assortment, and varies widely. Chocolate with filling prepared from chocolate mass without additives and with

    adding milk. They produce it in the form of tiles, loaves, shells and other figures with various fillings: walnut, fondant, chocolate, fruit-jelly, cream, milk, creamy. The amount of filling should be no more than 50% of the total mass of products

    Chocolate diabetic intended for patients with diabetes. Instead of sugar, sorbitol, xylitol, mannitol are introduced into the composition of chocolate. Chocolate white prepared according to a special recipe from cocoa butter, sugar, milk powder, vanillin without adding cocoa mass, so it has a cream color (white).


    Research objects:

      Milk chocolate "Dave"

    Manufacturer: LLC "Odintsovo confectionery factory"

      Milk chocolate "Alenka"

    Manufacturer: OAO Krasny Oktyabr

      Milk chocolate "Alpen Gold"

    Manufacturer: OOO "Mon, delis Rus"

      Dark chocolate "Babaevsky"

    Manufacturer: JSC "Confectionery Concern Babaevsky"

      White chocolate "Aerobar"

    Manufacturer: LLC Confectionery factory "Zolotaya Rus"

    2.1 Conducting a sociological survey

    A questionnaire was compiled to conduct a school sociological survey. The students were asked to answer the following questions:

      Is chocolate harmful, if so, which one?

    The survey was conducted among students from the 5th to the 9th grade. There are 84 respondents in total. Survey results table No. 1 (Appendix 1.)

    According to the results of a sociological survey, we determined what kind of chocolate we will study. Milk chocolate from Alpen Gold, Dave, and Alenka received the most votes. Compared to dark chocolate.

    of the well-known company "Babaevsky" and white chocolate of the little-known company "Golden Rus'".

    2.2 Determining the calorie content of chocolate

    To determine the calorie content of the chocolate composition, the information on the packaging was used.

    The results are shown in table No. 2 (Appendix 2.)

    Conclusion: Alenka milk chocolate and Babaevsky dark chocolate contain the most protein. "Babaevsky" dark chocolate contains the most fat and the least carbohydrates. The protein content is less in Aerobar white chocolate, but in terms of carbohydrate content, it is in the lead. In terms of calorie content, "Babaevsky" dark chocolate ranks first, less calorie "Alpen Gold" milk chocolate.

    2.3 Determination of the qualitative composition of chocolate

    To determine the qualitative composition of chocolate, the information on the packaging was used. The results are shown in table No. 3 (Appendix 2.)

    Conclusion: chocolate "Dave" and "Alenka" have only natural ingredients. "Alpen Gold" contains non-natural components - vanillin flavor identical to natural and E 476; "Babaevsky" dark contains - E476; Zolotaya Rus "Aerobar" - contains not only vanillin flavor identical to natural, but also cocoa - butter is replaced by vegetable fat, which worsens both taste and useful properties.

    2.4 Determining the expiration date of chocolate

    The expiration date of chocolate (the maximum number of days) was determined from the information on the package. The results are shown in Table 4 (Appendix 3.)

    Conclusion: all studied samples of chocolate, regardless of the qualitative composition, have the same shelf life.

    2.5 Determination of organoleptic characteristics

    A group of 10 students determined the taste and smell of each of the samples on a five-point scale.

    The results (average values) are shown in Table No. 5 (Appendix 3.)

    Conclusion: chocolate "Alenka" and "Alpen Gold" have the best organoleptic qualities. The chocolate Zolotaya Rus "Aerobar" proved to be worse than others.

    2.6 Determining the presence of foreign matter in chocolate

    Pour a small amount of hot water into a flat-bottomed flask and lower a piece of chocolate sample weighing 5 g, put the flask in a water bath. After waiting for the chocolate to completely dissolve, and after cooling the contents of the flask, add a few drops of alcohol to the contents of the flask.

    iodine solution. If chocolate is mixed with farinaceous or starchy substances, then the broth will turn bluish. Data for all samples of chocolate products are entered in table No. 6 (Appendix 4).

    Conclusion: these samples do not contain foreign impurities (farinous and starchy substances).

    2.7 Detection of unsaturated fats in chocolate (cocoa bean butter)

    A pinch of grated chocolate was placed in a few drops of a weak solution of potassium permanganate KmnO 4 , mix thoroughly. Chocolate contains fats (cocoa butter - beans). Due to the course of the redox reaction, a brown precipitate of manganese (IV) oxide - MnO 2 is formed.

    Conclusion: Unsaturated fats were found in all samples, except for white chocolate Zolotaya Rus "Aerobar". This indicates the absence of cocoa butter.

    2.8 Detection of proteins in chocolate (xantoprotein reaction)

    Grated chocolate (about 1 cm in height) was poured into a test tube and 2 ml of distilled water was added. The contents of the tube were shaken well several times and filtered. To 1 ml of the resulting filtrate was added 0.5 ml of concentrated nitric acid HNO 3 and the resulting mixture was heated. A yellow color is observed, turning into orange-yellow when 25% aqueous ammonia is added. Such a reaction is given by the residues of aromatic amino acids that make up chocolate proteins.

    Conclusion: All samples contain proteins. Most of all in dark chocolate "Babaevsky"

    2.9 Detection of carbohydrates in chocolate.

    Grated chocolate (about 1 cm in height) was poured into a test tube and 2 ml of distilled water was added. Shake the contents of the tube several times and filter. Added to the filtrate 1 ml of 2M sodium hydroxide solution NaOH and 2-3 drops of 10% copper sulfate (II) CuSO 4. Shake the tube. Appears bright blue

    staining. This reaction gives sucrose, which is a polyhydric alcohol.

    Conclusion: In all varieties, the reaction was the same, carbohydrates are present everywhere. But judging by the coloring, most of all carbohydrates are present in Aerobar white chocolate.

    I enter the data of experiments on the detection of unsaturated fats, proteins and carbohydrates in table No. 7 (Appendix 4).


      Already the rich chemical composition of chocolate speaks of the value of this product. That's where the benefits of chocolate lie.

      Chocolate activates the production of endorphins, hormones of happiness, improves tone and mood, efficiency and ability to concentrate. The reason is theobromine, it excites the central nervous system, invigorates and relieves headaches. Serotonin, phenylethylamine and tryptophan are excellent antidepressants. Magnesium resists depression, stress, improves memory, has a beneficial effect on immunity, and circulates cellular metabolism.

      Bitter chocolate reduces blood pressure and promotes increased absorption of sugar.

      Alkaloid caffeine belongs to psychostimulants, activates the activity of the cardiovascular, nervous and respiratory systems. It invigorates, increases mental and physical activity, removes vascular headache, fights children's enuresis.

      Magnesium and potassium are essential for the central nervous system and muscles; phosphorus for brain activity, calcium is needed for bones, fluorine for teeth.

      Antioxidants (polyphenols, catechins, flavonoids) stop aging and normalize heart activity by fighting free radicals. All flavonoids contribute to the regulation of processes in the skin, keeping it young for a long time. Kokokhil is fraught with wound-healing, wrinkle-smoothing, renewing skin cells action.

      Sweet aspirin - chocolate - promotes blood thinning. Reduces headache and sore throat. Cocoa flavonoids improve metabolic functions and prevent the formation and deposition of cholesterol in blood vessels, and their damage.

      The antibacterial action of chocolate theanine prevents the formation of plaque, thereby fighting caries.

      Theobromine and theophylline activate the biochemistry of the skin, providing lifting.

      Chocolate caffeine is a leader in the fight against excess weight and cellulite, it normalizes lymph flow and blood flow, relieves swelling, activates decay

    and removal of negatively acting fats, toxins and slags.

    However, chocolate does have its downsides. The tannin contained in chocolate can cause headaches in people with poor blood vessels, and an excess of chocolate at night can cause untimely vigor and sleep deprivation. Eating a lot of chocolate can not only cause allergies, but also greatly increase the heart rate. Chocolate is a high-calorie food and its excessive consumption can cause weight gain.


    In the course of the work, samples of chocolate that are in demand among the population were studied: “Dave” milk chocolate, “Alenka” milk chocolate , "Alpen Gold" milk chocolate, "Babaevsky" dark chocolate and little-known - "Aerobar" white chocolate. Real chocolate is a confectionery product, in the manufacture of which only cocoa butter and cocoa mass are used (a mixture of grains of cocoa beans in cocoa butter), and not a product based on cocoa powder and cocoa butter substitutes based on vegetable fats. Having studied the qualitative composition of chocolate, we found out that Aerobar white chocolate is closer to a confectionery bar than to real chocolate, since cocoa butter is replaced by vegetable oils. This was confirmed by experience in the determination of unsaturated fats - unsaturated fats were found in all samples, except for white chocolate Zolotaya Rus "Aerobar". Also, this chocolate showed a high content of carbohydrates, relative to other varieties of chocolate.

    In terms of quality, “Dave” milk chocolate, “Alenka” milk chocolate showed themselves best

    chocolate, to be more precise "Alenka", because this chocolate contains dry whole

    milk, while "Dave" has skimmed milk powder, in general, these chocolate varieties are made from natural products. The studied chocolate product is not adulterated by side impurities.

    Organoleptic indicators also confirmed that the most useful and delicious is Alenka milk chocolate without fillings and additives, with a maximum content of cocoa products.

    After the research, we came to the conclusion that when choosing chocolate, it is necessary to study the composition written on the label. Judging by the chemical analysis, the composition of the chocolate corresponds to the declared ingredients of the product.

    Chocolate is not harmful to health if consumed in moderation!


    1. Yakovshin L. A. Chemical experiments with chocolate: Scientific and methodological journal "Chemistry at school". - 2006. - No. 8

    2. Demidov V.A. Chemistry, workshop grades 8-11: Publishing house NC ENAS, Moscow. - 2003

    Web site:




    Annex 1.

    Sociological survey results

    table number 1



      What kind of chocolate do you prefer (white, dark or milk)?

    White chocolate - 18 pers.

    Dark chocolate - 7 pers.

    Milk chocolate - 59 pers.

      What brand of chocolate do you prefer?

    Alpen Gold - 29 people

    Dave - 16 people

    Alenka - 8 people

    Babaevsky - 8 people.

    Another company (KitKat, Korkunov, Kinder, Milka, SNIKERS, BAUNTY, etc.) - 23 people.

      Does chocolate have any BENEFITS, if so, which ones?

    YES - 74 people

    Benefit- has a beneficial effect on the heart, blood vessels, brain; increases intelligence, self-confidence; secretes joy hormones and pheromones; gives a burst of energy.

    NO - 10 people

      Does chocolate cause harm, if YES, which one?

    YES - 79 people

    Harm- caries, allergic reactions, diabetes mellitus.

    NO - 5 pers.

    Appendix 2

    Determination of the calorie content of chocolate

    table number 2

    chocolate name


    the nutritional value

    "Dave" milky

    "Alenka" milky

    "Alpen Gold" milky

    "Babaevsky" dark

    "Aerobar" white

    Qualitative composition of some samples of chocolate

    table number 3






    Babaevsky "dark"

    Golden Rus' "Aerobar"

    cocoa mass

    Cocoa butter

    Cocoa substitute - butter

    Powdered whole milk

    Skimmed milk powder

    Dry milk whey

    Milk fat

    Soy lecithin emulsifier

    Flavoring natural, "vanilla"

    Ingredients of non-natural origin

    Vanillin flavor identical to natural

    Appendix 3

    Shelf life of the studied chocolate samples

    table number 4

    Expiry date, months



    Russia, Moscow region, LLC "Odintsovo confectionery factory"


    Russia, Pokrov, Mon, Delis Rus LLC



    Russia, Moscow, JSC "Red October"

    Babaevsky "dark"

    Russia, Moscow, JSC "Confectionery Concern Babaevsky"

    Golden Rus' "Aerobar"

    Russia, Yasnogorsk, LLC "Confectionery factory Zolotaya Rus"

    The results of the determination of organoleptic indicators of chocolate

    table number 5

    Appendix 4

    The presence of impurities in chocolate

    table number 6

    The results of experiments on the detection of unsaturated fats, proteins and carbohydrates

    table number 7


    Milk chocolate "Dave"

    Milk chocolate "Alpen Gold"

    Milk chocolate "Alenka"

    Dark chocolate Babaevsky "dark"

    White chocolate Golden Rus' "Aerobar"

    detection of unsaturated fats

    protein detection

    carbohydrate detection
