
During the diet, she ate boiled potatoes. Basic Potato-Based Diet Options

Many diets exclude potatoes from the diet as a high-calorie and starchy product. But it is he who, paradoxically, can become a deliverer from fat accumulations when all methods have been tried.

You should start with the fact that the calorie content of potatoes is not as high, as it seems, 100 g contains 70-80 kcal, but about 90. But there is a peculiarity: the longer the tubers are stored, the more starch is formed in them, therefore, calorie content increases. Therefore, potatoes are most useful at the beginning of summer, in young potatoes minimum content starch and maximum protein.

Another vegetable is a storehouse of essential potassium, hence its effect on maintaining such important characteristics of the body as arterial pressure and acid-base balance. It helps in the absorption of glucose, in the activation of metabolism. Lots of potatoes ascorbic acid(vitamin C), which makes it important for immunity. Fiber normalizes bowel activity.

Features and rules of the potato diet

So is it possible to eat potatoes on a diet? You can, but not in any way. The vegetable has one more feature - the more technologically advanced the cooking method, the higher the glycemic index of the product.

When frying in oil or frying in lard potato starch interacts with the fats used, the resulting fast carbohydrates are actively decomposed into simple sugars and deposited in fat reserves.

In addition, they are sources of extremely dangerous carcinogens, the accumulation of which in the body is fraught. Therefore, a fried, deep-fried, mashed tuber in milk cannot be of dietary interest. For a diet, boiled, or even better, baked young potatoes are suitable, which have a high proportion of protein, low glycemic index.

Diet Rules

High efficiency can be achieved by following simple and clear rules:

  • dietary practice is carried out in summer or early autumn, since only young potatoes, maximally saturated with protein and useful substances, are used;
  • more suitable varieties have pulp yellow color(a sign of the presence of carotene);
  • preferred cooking technologies - baking, boiling, possible - steaming, stewing, mashed potatoes on water;
  • when cooking, salt, sugar, spices are not used;
  • last meal 3 hours before bedtime (no later than);
  • fluid intake (at least 2 liters of pure non-carbonated water per day);
  • manifestation physical activity, especially shown hiking;
  • adherence to sleep patterns.

Advantages and disadvantages

The potato diet has pros and cons. The positives include:

  • usefulness - the presence of a large number of vitamins (C, B1, B2, PP), minerals (potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron) and amino acids;
  • high nutritional value, providing satiety - the feeling of hunger on the diet is not manifested;
  • maintaining the energy of the body - good performance is maintained, fatigue, apathy, depression are absent;
  • cheapness - products are relatively inexpensive and quite affordable;
  • - saving time and effort, simple technologies with simple recipes.
  • scarcity and monotony of the diet;
  • due to the imbalance of vitamins and trace elements coming from food, intake is necessary;
  • the presence of a pronounced feeling of thirst;
  • seasonality (due to the deterioration of the properties of long-stored potatoes, it is advisable to conduct a course from June to October).

Types of potato diet

The potato diet has several standards:

  • 1-day (fasting day on potatoes), has several options;
  • 3-day;
  • 5 days;
  • 7 days;
  • 2 weeks (14 days).

Unloading day on potatoes

This format is suitable for a serious cleansing of the body of toxins and toxins, suitable for those diagnosed with nephritis, hypertension.

The fasting day has 2 options:

  • On baked potatoes. 1.5 kg, tubers washed and cut in half, baked in the oven. Divided into 5 servings, taken throughout the day. You can sprinkle with herbs;
  • On boiled. Only the cooking technology changes, the quantity of the product and portions is preserved. Possibly green.

In both cases, after the fasting day, it is noted:

  • lowering blood cholesterol levels;
  • , signs of puffiness are removed;
  • improves the gastrointestinal tract;
  • the appearance improves;
  • a loss of 1.5-2 kg is possible (although this is mainly excess water).

3 day potato diet

It is assumed that 2 potato dishes per day (for lunch and dinner), prepared according to permitted technologies, with a total weight of not more than 0.5 kg. For breakfast - low-fat milk or kefir. As a snack and addition to the main meals, a limited amount of vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, 1 boiled egg is allowed.

In this mode, 2.5-3 kg of weight is spent in 3 days.

5 day potato diet

5-day differs from 3-day somewhat increased daily calories. Mainly due to breakfast, which allows low-fat cottage cheese, chicken fillet, rye toast.

The loss can be 3-4 kg.

7 days potato diet

Potato diet for 7 days is the most popular and sought-after option. The diet is more varied, but. The dietary course is designed for 2 meals a day: there is breakfast and lunch, but no dinner. More precisely, there is dinner, but very modest - its role is played by a glass of fat-free kefir. Water is unlimited, but all drinks except herbal and green tea are prohibited.

Day meal sample menu
Monday Breakfast Mashed potatoes without oil, but with the addition a small amount milk
Dinner Soup with potatoes boiled in veal broth
Tuesday Breakfast Potato casserole with carrots and onions
Dinner Chicken broth (250 g), Potato salad with eggs, dressing with linseed or olive oil
Wednesday Breakfast Vareniki with sour cream with the main vegetable of the diet
Dinner Soup with rice and potatoes
Thursday Breakfast Tubers boiled in milk
Dinner Pearl barley soup with potatoes, vegetable salad
Friday Breakfast Tubers in uniform, boiled, stewed beans
Dinner Cream soup with mushrooms and potatoes, vegetable salad
Saturday Breakfast Potato casserole with carrots, beets and onions
Dinner Potato and tomato soup, cucumber-tomato salad with herbs
Sunday Breakfast Potato pancakes seasoned with sour cream
Dinner Potato soup boiled chicken broth, vegetable salad

The use of this option eliminates 4-5 kg.

14 day potato mono diet

2-week program - consisting of 3 consecutive steps.

  1. 1-3 laziness: on the menu only baked potatoes in uniform in the amount of one and a half kilograms, eaten in 6 doses. No salt, no oil!
  2. Day 4-10: now tubers boiled in uniform. The amount of product and meals is the same. 2 times (preferably in the morning) you can lightly salt and drizzle with oil.
  3. Day 11-14: it's time to puree fat milk. Butter is still banned. The number of receptions is reduced to 5, but portions should be modest.

The result is 7-10 kg.


There are contraindications to be considered. Diet not recommended

  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • sick diabetes;
  • having chronic diseases of the cardiovascular, urinary systems;
  • having an allergic reaction to potato starch;
  • children and teenagers.

Getting out of the diet

The way out of the diet, regardless of the program used, looks the same:

  1. Release day 1: Everything remains the same, but restrictions on spices and vegetable oil are removed.
  2. Day 2-5: while maintaining fractional and small portions of food, it is allowed to include a little other vegetables, dairy products, chicken fillet, boiled fish in the menu.
  3. Day 6-10: cereals are added, the main requirement is the absence of high-calorie foods.
  4. From the 11th day, switch to regular food, but do not forget the good habits acquired during the diet course.

Potato Recipes

A couple of recipes designed to bring variety, but a monotonous diet.

Diet potato soup


  • young potatoes (100-125 g);
  • medium-sized tomato (1 pc.);
  • onion (1 pc.);
  • medium-sized carrots (1 pc.);
  • parsley root (40-50 g);
  • bay leaf (to taste)
  • finely chopped greens (dill, parsley, cilantro, basil of your choice).


  1. Prepared tubers are cut into strips.
  2. Make tomato puree.
  3. Finely chop the onion.
  4. Grate carrots and parsley.
  5. Add all the ingredients to the semi-boiled tubers.
  6. 5 minutes before cooking, add salt and bay leaf.
  7. To sprinkle ready soup herbs (finely chopped).



  • 10-12 potato tubers of medium size;
  • cheese chicken egg (1 pc.);
  • flour coarse grinding(1 glass);
  • salt pepper.


  1. Clean tubers.
  2. Grate them on a coarse grater.
  3. Salt the resulting mass, beat in the egg.
  4. Add flour and knead until medium liquid.
  5. With a tablespoon as a measure, the formed mass is laid out on a hot frying pan.
  6. Roasted on both sides.


Vegetables are undoubtedly a useful product, they are included in their diet. daily diet people who follow the diet and figure. However, out of all the abundance vegetable crops potatoes are often scolded, considering them the least valuable. Maybe it’s still worth understanding the properties of this vegetable and finding out how potatoes can be useful for losing weight?

The benefits of potatoes

You will not find a potato in the list of recommended foods in most diet menus, but meanwhile it does not lag behind other vegetables in terms of the amount of trace elements and vitamins it contains. Potatoes contain a lot of salts of potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, folic, oxalic and malic acid, vitamins C, group B, PP, A, E, iodine, iron, fiber, pectin substances, starch.

Potatoes are advised to be used by people who have problems with blood vessels and the heart, with gastritis, diseases of the gallbladder, liver.

Is it possible to lose weight on potatoes?

So is it possible to eat potatoes while losing weight? We understand further. First of all, potatoes also "know how" to remove from the body excess water and cholesterol. Possessing diuretic properties, it frees the body from toxins and toxins, which is an important point in losing weight. Due to the presence of fiber, it can improve the processes of metabolism and digestion in general.

If we talk about the calorie content of the product, then 73-80 kcal falls per 100 g, it also contains 79% water, 2% protein.

Rules for potato diets

In order for potatoes to bring only benefits when losing weight, you need:

  • learn how to combine it with other products;
  • know the number of calories eaten and manage to spend them per day (no matter how much you eat, spend more energy, and you will not be overweight);
  • know how to cook potatoes.

Oven-cooked or boiled potatoes won't add extra pounds if you don't season it big amount butter, ketchup, gravy or sauce. A reasonable amount of unrefined vegetable oil will not hurt, but a piece of butter will no longer work.

The combination of meat (including sausages) and potatoes, beloved by many, is not recommended by nutritionists. It is better to replace it with fish, vegetables and mushrooms. Don't eat potatoes one day flour products(including bread) and cereals.

So what's the harm?

In fact, the culprit that the potato diet for weight loss is rarely considered is starch. Since all the starch from the product breaks down into simple sugars, it is classified as an easily digestible carbohydrate food and is not particularly favored. Simple carbohydrates are also energy, but if they are not wasted, they become fat.

Also, the more boiled the potato is, the more likely it is to be converted into pure glucose. Warm whole potatoes and hot mashed potatoes are dishes with an absolute different meaning for weight loss. If in the first case there is no harm, then in the second - nothing but taste, and no matter how little you eat it, crushed potatoes immediately become glucose when digested.

Cooking method

So we smoothly approached the second point, because of which potatoes are an infrequent component for diets: this is the way they are cooked. You can't argue that fried potatoes or french fries - enemies perfect figure, because their constant companion - a large number of oils. In addition, when frying, all the “good” components from the product are destroyed.


Another important point: if stored incorrectly, potatoes turn into dangerous product because solanine accumulates in it. This is especially true for fruits with green barrel and fairly germinated tubers.

When potatoes are stored under direct sunbeams, the substance chlorophyll appears in it, which after heat treatment becomes a toxin.

However, these moments concern not only weight loss, but also health in general.


With regards to persons to whom potatoes are not recommended for weight loss, these are patients with diabetes mellitus, suffering from pancreatic problems and obesity.

potato diets

Cooking potatoes the right way

To begin with, we will consolidate the knowledge of how to cook potatoes so that it is not only tasty, but also healthy:

  • use a knife from of stainless steel, then when cleaning and slicing tubers, they will retain a maximum of usefulness;
  • roll old peeled tubers in salt to somehow neutralize solanine;
  • put the product only in boiling water;
  • if peeling old potatoes, remove more layers from it, do not spare and use only the middle;
  • try to bake a potato or boil it with a peel and nothing else.

What about puree?

How to make sure that every lover does not completely refuse mashed potatoes, ate the desired dish, and still lost weight? It is proposed to combine it with wasabi sauce, low-fat cream cheese, green peas, sweet peppers, beets, tomatoes, boiled celery. It is also necessary to season the “mashed potatoes” with thyme, sage, pepper, mustard, but not oil. It should be crushed with a wooden pestle: this way more vitamins and microelements remain.

By the way, justification mashed potatoes: it is not higher in calories than pasta with sauce, so eat healthy, but wisely.

One-day diet

To reset 0.5 unnecessary kilograms, a menu for one day is offered. If you wish, you can extend the weight loss on potatoes and up to five days, if you feel that the diet suits you. Repeat only after a month.

In the morning you need to drink a glass of warm low fat milk. Should be cooked for lunch mashed potatoes on water, preferably with a tiny pinch of salt. In the evening, it is allowed to boil two eggs and whole potatoes, you can season with black pepper and sprinkle with vegetable oil.

mono diet

In this version of the diet, you need to cook 1 kg of potatoes in their skins for a couple. Salt and vegetable oil should be used minimally, but greens and cumin - in unlimited quantities.

Ready potatoes are divided into about 5 servings and eaten all day. The diet, of course, is meager, so in the morning you can supplement it with a piece grain bread with a little butter, and for lunch, eat carrots, cucumbers or cabbage.

It is better not to experiment with a mono-diet for more than three days.

weekly diet

Option potato diet for 7 days involves the same menu as the previous mono-diet. The difference is that she is less hungry, one egg is allowed for breakfast, as well as low-fat cottage cheese and cheese, a portion of boiled lean meat at lunch, vegetable stew In the evening.

Need to drink a lot pure water, green or herbal tea, freshly squeezed juices instead of snacks.

After a couple of months, if necessary, the diet is repeated.

It's good to go on such a diet in season young potatoes, as it is the most useful, especially after a long frosty winter and contains some starch.

Fasting day

The great news is that the potatoes were recognized as suitable for holding unloading days. You can eat only baked potatoes or boiled "in uniform", with in small portions fresh vegetables, soy sauce and spices. It turns out that you can eat one potato all day without being hungry as a result, and even removing toxins from the body!

Potato for weight loss. How to eat potatoes and not get better?

Potato diet for weight loss

Potatoes for weight loss, is it possible or not?

Potato benefits for weight loss


In order to make sure once again that potatoes are interesting product, with which it is really possible to cook various and diet meals Here are a couple of recipes.

Potatoes in the oven

Thoroughly wash whole potatoes, sprinkle with salt and wrap in a layer of foil. We bake in the oven for 40 minutes, but you need to look at readiness, it all depends on the type of tubers, size, and how long they are stored.

Perfect fit here vegetable salad with vegetable oil.

New potatoes

We cut the washed young potatoes in half, put them in boiling water (or in a double boiler, which is even better), cook until tender, but do not boil too much. Separately, we pass vegetables in vegetable oil: Bell pepper, carrots, onions, garlic. After about five minutes, when the vegetables are softened, add potatoes to them.

Boiled chicken and baked meat will complement the dish well.

Potatoes are high in carbohydrates and have a high glycemic index. This vegetable is called the enemy of a person who is losing weight and is excluded from most diets. But are potatoes so dangerous for weight loss? If you know how to cook it and in what quantities to eat, then it can become not only tasty addition To diet menu, but also a real helper in losing weight.

Many nutritionists and fitness instructors say that all white foods are harmful to the human body. Definitely sugar or White bread hard to call healthy food. But the situation is quite different with white potatoes.

During the diet, you can eat any vegetables and in any quantities. Portion control is only with potatoes, corn, beets. Greatest Benefit you get out raw foods, but vegetables can also be baked, boiled, stewed, steamed. It is best to plan a diet for the summer when fresh vegetables in abundance. It is better not to put salt in dishes at all, and if food is not sweet without salt, then reduce the consumption of this seasoning to a minimum. It is allowed to add a little vegetable oil to salads, to all dishes - spices and dry herbs without monosodium glutamate.

raw potato diet

Instead of baked and boiled potatoes, you can use raw potatoes in your diet. Many are concerned about the question, is it harmful raw potatoes, and also what is its advantage over the cooked product.

Raw potatoes supply 14 of the 20 complete plant proteins to the body. Here are some of the health benefits of raw potatoes:

  • prevents atherosclerosis by great content starch;
  • reduces the amount of bad cholesterol;
  • a large amount of potassium in potatoes contributes to the release of excess fluid from the body;
  • helps with constipation, nausea, heartburn;
  • contains a lot of vitamin A, which has a beneficial effect on vision;
  • vitamin C contained in potatoes strengthens the body's defense mechanisms;
  • vitamin E improves the condition of hair and skin.

Diet on young potatoes

If you succeed, then plan a potato diet for June - the time when young potatoes are just beginning to appear. It has much more useful substances, and, on the contrary, fewer calories: only 60 versus 77, which contains a stale vegetable.

In the summer, feel free to add any other raw vegetables. They definitely won’t let you get better, but they will give you a complete vitamin and mineral complex.

Potatoes in the Dukan Diet

Assigns potatoes to the group starchy foods, which are allowed only from the 3rd stage of the program - Consolidation. At this stage, you no longer lose weight, but fix the result. Once a day, you can afford one or two potatoes baked in the oven with the skin on. In addition to this vegetable, nutritionist Pierre Ducan attributed rice, pasta and buckwheat to the group of starchy foods.

It is quite difficult to imagine our diet without potatoes beloved by many. However, there is an opinion that because of the starch contained in it, this vegetable adversely affects the figure. They say that if you want to lose weight, it must be completely eliminated. Let's try to figure out if we can use potato dishes when losing weight and why there are restrictions.

Vegetable calorie and glycemic index

The usefulness of foods is determined by their glycemic index and calorie content. Raw potatoes are the most useful, as they have the lowest rate. In Japan and Korea, raw root vegetables are used in salads. In order for the potatoes to become softer, they are poured over with boiling water.

In potatoes, the indicator is not constant and varies from the method of preparation and from the extent to which the vegetable is crushed.

  • 65 units - the lowest figure for boiled in the "uniform".
  • If the potatoes are peeled and boiled, then the level rises and corresponds to 70 units.
  • Chips have an even higher level - 80 units.
  • The highest indicator for mashed potatoes is 90 units. Accordingly, in this form, carbohydrates have the most adverse effect on blood sugar levels.

The calorie content of a vegetable varies between 80-192 kcal (per 100 g):

  • 76 kcal is found in raw potatoes;
  • 82 kcal - boiled in peel;
  • 192 kcal - fried in oil;
  • 292 kcal - in chips.

The usefulness is also affected by the age of the root crop: the most useful is young potatoes. He has the most low calorie: V boiled only 66 kcal, baked - 80. In addition, such potatoes, compared to the old ones, have 10-30% less starch, and 3 times more vitamin C, there are no fats and cholesterol in it, and the amount of protein and calcium is same as in dairy products.

Stale old potatoes are more nutritious due to the accumulation of starch in it. To reduce it, it is recommended to soak the root crop in cold water before use.

Speaking about the possibility of eating potatoes during diets, you can compare its calorie content and buckwheat, which is considered dietary product. The calorie content of buckwheat is 3.5 times higher. calories pearl barley, also considered useful, is 4 times more than that of potatoes. These indicators confirm that the reasonable use of this vegetable cannot harm the figure.

Beneficial features

Potatoes are considered the champion among vegetables in terms of their content of potassium, which is necessary for heart and muscle health. 500 g of vegetable contains the daily intake of potassium (3-5 g) and a quarter daily allowance magnesium (400 mg).

The B vitamins included in its composition have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous and muscular systems. In 100 g raw potatoes contains 20 mg of vitamin C, one of the most important for metabolic processes in the body and maintaining immunity and good blood circulation.

One medium-sized potato contains about 5 g of fiber, which is preserved with proper preparation. Fiber normalizes work digestive tract and promotes the elimination of toxins. Rich in potatoes and amino acids: phenylalanine, tyrosine, lysine, leucine and valine. They improve metabolic processes, synthesize protein, thyroid hormones. Useful potatoes for diseases of the kidneys and joints.

Potatoes are a popular remedy in traditional medicine recipes. Potato compresses help with varicose veins, hemorrhoids, mastopathy, boils. They relieve inflammation caused by burns and fungi. Warm compresses are saved from bronchitis. Breathing in the steam of boiled potatoes can relieve coughs and runny noses. potato juice heals stomach and duodenal ulcers.

Possible harm

You should be careful when visually inspecting root crops. green spots indicates the presence in the potato of a toxic toxic substance: solanine. It appears when the vegetable is in the sun for a long time. Potatoes with solanine should not be eaten, as it can cause serious poisoning and abnormal development of the fetus during pregnancy. Such vegetables are suitable only for seedlings.

It is undesirable to store potatoes in the refrigerator, since with this method of storage, starch is hydrolyzed to sugars in root crops.

An elevated glycemic index can cause an increase in blood sugar levels, so nutritionists advise careful introduction of potato dishes into the diet of diabetic or obese patients. Also, people with low acidity or joint diseases should be wary of its use. Especially harmful are fried potatoes, french fries, as they contain a large amount of hydrogenated fats.

What meals are allowed?

On a diet, you can eat potatoes boiled in their “uniforms” or baked in their skins. At heat treatment the peel retains the usefulness of the vegetable as much as possible. 2-3 potatoes cooked in this way will not do any harm. Harmless to proper nutrition and regular boiled potatoes. Potato dishes go well with vegetables seasoned with olive oil and herbs.

When you want to cook stewed potatoes, you should pay attention to related components: the presence fatty species meat will increase calories, dietary poultry meat will make the dish more useful. For example, turkey stew has 80 kcal with a fairly low carbohydrate content of 9.7 g (steamed potatoes contain 19.8 g of carbohydrates). But from mashed potatoes with fat milk with butter and french fries when losing weight should be abandoned. Apart from high calorie, French fries also contain carcinogens.

In addition to the concomitant use of potatoes during a variety of diets, there is also a simple potato diet, where this vegetable is the main food.

This diet has several benefits:

  • the body does not feel stress from hunger, because the vegetable is hearty and nutritious;
  • does not occur depression, deterioration in performance;
  • it is very economical and can be done at any time of the year (but best on young potatoes);
  • uncomplicated potato diet dishes are very easy to prepare, and their preparation time is minimal.

When carrying out a potato diet, the vegetable is consumed only boiled or baked. You can boil both in water and steam. You can use a double boiler, slow cooker or cook in a saucepan for this. It is unacceptable to fry vegetables. Nutrition should be fractional with the same portions, consumed 5-6 times at regular intervals. Under no circumstances should you overeat evening time. Be sure to use regular drinking water not less than 2 liters, and in hot weather 3 liters per day. In this case, you should limit the use of salt, as it retains fluid in the body. No more than 3 g of salt per day is acceptable.

Compliance with the very popular three-day potato mono-diet helps to get rid of 3 kg in 3 days. You can eat 1 kg of potatoes per day. The last meal - no later than 2 hours before bedtime. In addition to water, you can drink tea and chicory (without sugar). It is better to refuse coffee at this time. Such a diet causes a pronounced diuretic effect, this must be taken into account when planning the time for its implementation. You can increase the duration of the diet up to 5 days by adding to the diet fat-free kefir or yogurt (up to 1.5% fat).

Since the calorie content of boiled potatoes will increase if it is seasoned with butter, it is better to give preference vegetable oil combined with fresh herbs. When preparing first courses, it is not recommended to include potatoes and cereals with pasta in the recipe at the same time. It is undesirable to combine potatoes with meat or fatty varieties fish. The separate use of such products is more favorable for the body.

For information on how to eat potatoes and not get better, see the next video.

Fitness trainers and nutritionists say potatoes are a "bad" carbohydrate food because of their high glycemic index. Some of these people even make such ridiculous statements as "avoid all foods white color».

Of course, it is difficult to disagree with the fact that white bread and refined sugar are two worst product of all that we feed our stomachs. But not all white carbohydrate foods need to be avoided. It is known that "colored" natural products useful, thanks high content antioxidants, but "white foods" are not necessarily your enemy. There are many white foods that contain specific nutrients that are hard to find in other foods. Here are some examples.

Onion and garlic. They're both white and both packed full of protective phytonutrients ( allicin, quercetin), vitamins and trace minerals ( chromium), as well as anti-inflammatory substances that are not easy to find anywhere else.

In fact, onion is so beneficial to health that one Scientific research centenarians found that the thread that connects all these amazing healthy people, is intensive consumption this product throughout their lives. We also know that garlic is one of the most powerful strengthening foods. immune system and other useful features.

Cauliflower. Another example useful products white color is cauliflower. It is high in vitamin C, fiber, minerals and special compounds such as glucosinolates and thiocyanates found only in cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage). Not everyone is aware of the fact that some of the compounds in cruciferous vegetables help fight estrogen-like substances from food and the environment, thereby helping to get rid of excess weight. therefore, lean on cauliflower!

Mushrooms. White mushrooms contain many unique nutrients and antioxidants (polyphenols, ergothioneine). Some types of mushrooms, such as portobello, are amazingly good sources vitamin D.

Potato. Finally, let's talk about white potatoes ( although potatoes are also red, yellow, purple). Many nutritionists consider potatoes a "bad" carbohydrate food because they have a high glycemic index.

First of all, the glycemic index is not necessarily the most important factor when choosing carbohydrate foods. Although the general consensus is that low-glycemic carbohydrate foods help you lose weight faster, the reality is a bit more complicated. There are many other factors that determine how your body will react to the carbohydrates you consume, such as how you combine high glycemic foods with the rest of your food.

For example, watermelon has a very high glycemic index. However, the glycemic load of a typical serving of watermelon is too low for your body to start converting carbs to fat. You will have to eat great amount watermelons to get enough carbohydrates to cause negative effects. Not to mention that watermelon is great source vitamins, minerals and lycopene. It makes no sense to avoid eating watermelons just because they have a high glycemic index. Chocolate bars, muffins and donuts make you obese, not watermelons, carrots or potatoes ( of course, this does not apply to deep-fried potatoes).

The combination of foods also affects how your body metabolizes carbohydrates. For example, if you eat a high glycemic carbohydrate food along with fiber-rich foods, healthy fats or even with certain protein foods, the glycemic response will be much lower.

Potatoes are a healthy carb if you eat them with the skin on instead of french fries. By the way, french fries are one of the most terrible products of all invented by mankind, but only because you destroy everything useful material contained in potatoes by dipping them in boiling hydrogenated oil, which is often used for cooking in a deep fryer.

Keep in mind, potatoes contain so many vitamins and minerals that it would take too long to list them all. Also, if you eat potatoes with the skin on, you get a pretty decent amount of fiber.

Can 7-9 potatoes a day make you fat?
Participants in one "diet experiment" ate 7-9 potatoes a day for several weeks. At the end of the experiment, it turned out that not only did they not gain excess weight, but on the contrary, they lost weight! It can be assumed these people simply felt fuller and more prolonged saturation from eating potatoes, so in total they consumed fewer calories, than usual. One medium-sized potato contains only 100-120 calories, and 7-9 pieces, consumed throughout the day, will be enough for you to feel full all day.

This, of course, does not mean that you can eat french fries. This muck will be deposited as fat, and trans fats lead to premature death. Yes, we can say that overcooked food is almost deadly. In addition, in deep-fried potatoes, as a result of the action of oil on starch, acrylomides are formed, and these are carcinogenic substances.

Eating potatoes from time to time will not hurt your weight loss efforts, especially if you eat them with fiber-rich vegetables, as well as meat or fish. Here is the delicious recipe potato garnish:
new potatoes (I prefer assorted white, red, yellow and purple new potatoes)
1 each red, green and yellow sweet pepper
1-2 bulbs
a couple of garlic cloves, finely chopped or mashed
1-2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil extra virgin»
salt and pepper to taste

Cut the new potatoes in half and cook in a double boiler until they can be easily pierced with a fork. Drizzle a frying pan with olive oil and toss in the bell peppers, cut into strips, onion rings and garlic. Saute until the vegetables are soft, then add the cooked new potatoes, stir and serve. It's amazingly delicious and useful side dish perfect with chicken or red meat.

And in what form do you like potatoes and do you eat at all? Do you think the product is harmful to the figure?
