
Cake “Almond-fruit. Presentation "cakes and pastries"

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Dessert "Almond Cake"

1. Characteristics of raw materials and preparation for work

almond pastry cream cake

Flour is of the highest, I and II grade. She white color and is used for any confectionery. IN chemical composition flours include: Carbohydrates (67%-74%), proteins (7%-12%), fats (0.9%-1.9%), minerals(0.5%-1.6%), vitamins of group “B” - more often in low grades and bran, enzymes, water (14%). the most important integral part flour are proteins -gliadin and glutenin. During dough formation, they swell and form an elastic, elastic and sticky mass - gluten, which affects the structure of the dough.

Depending on the gluten content, flour is divided into three groups: the first contains up to 28% gluten, the second - 28% -36% and the third - up to 40% gluten. The quality of flour is determined by the laboratory method and the confectioner must know such signs as smell, taste, moisture, etc. Moisture content of flour is 14.5%. Before use, the flour is sifted using a sieve with d = 1.5 mm or using sifters. At the same time, all impurities are removed and the flour is saturated with air. Flour is stored in warehouses, without cooling (storage of dry products), stack bags of stackers under goods t up to 18; humidity 65%, ventilation is desirable.

Sugar is a white crystalline powder produced from sugar cane and sugar beets. It is a disaccharide, sucrose, which contains 98% sugar and 2% moisture. Sugar is very hydroscopic (absorbs moisture well), soluble in water. Sift the sugar before use. Store in a dry ventilated room at a relative humidity of not more than 70%, otherwise it becomes damp, becomes sticky and forms lumps, at t 18 C.

Powdered sugar

Powdered sugar - white, sweet in taste, in powder form. It should be finely ground and sifted through a sieve before use to eliminate larger particles. It is prepared from granulated sugar by grinding. From 1003 kg of granulated sugar, 1000 kg of powdered sugar are obtained. It is used in the manufacture of vanilla powder, creams, etc.

The egg is a nutritious food product, it contains proteins, fats, minerals, vitamins (A, D, E, B1, B2 and PP) in the yolk. Wash contaminated eggs before use. warm water. Then the eggs are disinfected with a 2% bleach solution for 5 minutes, washed in a 2% soda solution and rinsed for 5 minutes in running water. The egg is used as one of the main components in almost all types of dough. The yolk gives the dough a more delicate structure due to the lecithin. When whipping, the protein increases by 5-6 times due to air bubbles and loosens the dough. An egg is added when cooking minced meat. Store eggs in a clean and cool room at a relative humidity of 80% for no more than 6 days.

There are two types of almonds: bitter and sweet. Bitter has a strong aroma, while sweet is less aromatic. Thanks to the content hydrocyanic acid and bitter taste, the amount of bitter almonds should not exceed 4% total weight. The almond kernel is used without being freed from the outer shell. If it becomes necessary to remove it, then the almonds are immersed in boiling water for several minutes.

vanilla powder

Vanilla is an immature pod of a tropical plant 12-25 cm long with a strong aroma. A synthetic product, vanillin, is produced from it. It is a white crystalline powder with a very strong aroma. You need to use vanillin strictly according to the recipe, which is not always possible to comply with, then vanilla powder is used.

To prepare vanilla powder for 100 g, take vanillin - 40 g, mix with ethyl alcohol- 40 g and heated until the vanillin dissolves, then mixed with powdered sugar- 1000 g are dried and sieved. Stored in rooms for dry products t=18C, humidity 65%, ventilation is required.

Whole milk

Milk consists of water and dry matter, or dry residue, which includes milk fat, squirrels, milk sugar and other substances. Milk is valuable nutritional product, has a pleasant taste and contains almost all necessary for the body nutrients. Used to make confectionery fresh milk And canned foods. They improve the taste of products and increase their nutritional value.

Whole milk contains fats, proteins, milk sugar and vitamins. It should be white with a yellowish tint, without foreign tastes and odors.

Milk is mainly used for cooking yeast dough and creams. It quickly deteriorates (turns sour), so it should be immediately sold, and if necessary, stored - heated to a boil. Before use, the milk is filtered through a sieve with meshes of 0.5 mm. Store milk in refrigerators at a temperature not higher than 8C and not lower than 0C for no more than 20 hours.

Milk of all kinds must be pasteurized.


Fats - high quality product, widely used in the confectionery industry; give products a taste of muffin and friability, and in some products it is a baking powder.

Butter is produced from cream, it contains up to 82.5% fat, vitamins A, D, E. Butter can be salted and melted, it should be free of foreign odors and tastes, have a uniform color (from white to cream). If the surface of the oil is dirty or moldy, the oil is cleaned. Before use, the butter is sometimes melted, filtered through a sieve and added to the dough. Butter increases the calorie content of products, improves taste, enhances their aroma.

Unsalted butter can be replaced with salted butter, but taking into account the salt it contains (in the manufacture of cream salted butter cannot be used). In the manufacture of all confectionery products, except puff, butter biscuit and cream, butter can be replaced with melted butter (1 kg butter corresponds to 840 g of ghee).

Fruits and candied fruits

Fresh fruits stored in refrigerated chambers at a temperature of 2C and a relative humidity of 85-90%.

Before use, the fruits are thoroughly washed in running water and dried in air. Beautiful fruits are used to decorate fresh products, deformed, but not rotten - for the manufacture of semi-finished products (jams, marmalade, etc.).

apricots(fresh) after washing, cut in half or into four, six, eight parts and remove the bones. canned apricots, apricot puree, jam or jam is used for filling and decorating fruit pies, pastries and cakes. dried apricots- dried apricots, dried apricots - after heat treatment, they are used for fillings, as well as for sprinkling and decorating products.

Pineapple fresh and canned used to decorate pastries and cakes. The pineapple is cut off the top and bottom, the peel and hard core are removed, then the pineapple is cut into rings, which are cut into pieces.

Oranges, tangerines and lemons (citrus fruits) covered with fragrant peel - zest, which is widely used in the confectionery industry for flavoring products. The zest is removed with a special machine or manually with a grater.

Oranges and tangerines, after thorough cleaning, are divided into slices and used to decorate cakes and pastries.

Lemon juice is used to acidify fillings, lipsticks, blots, creams.

Grapes or cherries- one of the best decorations for confectionery; if cherries are used for fillings, then the bones are first removed from them.

Pears with gentle and fragrant pulp cut and then used to decorate products. Jam and jam are prepared from well-boiled pears, and jam and candied fruits are made from poorly boiled pears. The core of the pears is removed using a special metal recess.

It is a colorless or light yellow viscous, thick liquid obtained by saccharification of starch in the presence of acids. Use molasses in the preparation of lipstick and add to sugar syrups which prevents them from being sugared. Molasses introduced into the dough delays the process of hardening of finished products.

Treacle is stored in wooden or metal barrels at a temperature of 8-12C. Before use, it is heated to 40-50C to reduce viscosity and filtered through a 2 mm sieve.

grape wines and cognac

They are used to flavor creams, jellies and blots. Use table wines, fortified, flavored. Wines must have their characteristic aroma, taste and color, sediment or turbidity, foreign taste and smell are not allowed. When dosing, it is necessary to take into account the strength of the wine. Wines are delivered to factories in bottles and stored at 10-15C.

cocoa powder

Improves the taste of products, and some protect against sugaring (acid).

Cocoa powder is obtained by grinding and partial defatting cocoa beans. The powder contains 14% fat, moisture content is not more than 7.5%, has a taste and aroma characteristic of cocoa. It is used in the preparation of dough and creams.

2. Almond dough


Almond semi-finished product has a porous structure of light brown color with small cracks on the surface, with a characteristic smell and taste. almond. There are two types of almonds: bitter and sweet. For almond dough take sweet almond. At the end of the preparation of the dough, add 8% flour from the entire recipe.

Dough kneading order

The almond kernel is sieved on a screen to remove impurities, combined with sugar and egg white according to the recipe, pass through a meat grinder 2-3 times, each time reducing the size of the grate. The remaining egg whites are added to the crushed mass. Almond dough is prepared in two ways:

Method 1: The mass is transferred to the cauldron of the beater, beaten slightly and, while stirring, add flour.

Method 2: The prepared mass is heated, stirring in a water bath to t 35-40C, then cooled to t 20C and mixed with flour.

Table 1. Possible test defects and their causes

Types of marriage


The semi-finished almond has a poor rise, no gloss on the surface

Very strong dough; increased flour content; less than normal sugar

Almond semi-finished product blurry

Weak dough consistency; increased sugar content

The surface of the almond semi-finished product is dark with large cracks, the crumb is poorly baked

High baking temperature

Semi-finished almond dry and hard

Low baking temperature

Quality requirements

Almond semi-finished product has a convex glossy beige surface with small cracks, the crumb is a little viscous. Humidity 8%.

3. Baking technology

Ready dough baked on confectionery sheets, at t 150-160C for 30-35 minutes.

Due to the temperature difference between the crumb and the crust inside the product, moisture moves from the surface to the inner layers of the crumb. In connection with this, the moisture content of the crumb increases by 1.5-2.0%. Baking processes

In almond dough, the increase in volume occurs due to the increase in the size of air bubbles when heated.

During baking, there is a redistribution of moisture in the products, dehydration of the surface of the layers and the formation of a crust. Dough proteins, gluten, when heated above 70C, lose their ability to swell; chemical reactions, leading to denaturation and “clotting”, i.e. to the loss of the ability to hold water.

4. Technology system preparation of almond dough and products from it

Lipstick basic

Sugar is dissolved in water, brought to a boil and the resulting foam is carefully removed, boiled with the lid closed and on high heat.

The syrup is boiled down to 108 C and molasses heated to 45-50 C is added.

At the end of cooking, add food acids, i.e. flavoring invert syrup And citric acid 0.1% by weight of sugar. Then the lipstick is boiled down to t 114-115 C.

Cool lipstick to 40 C, because. otherwise it will form large crystals, which will make the lipstick rough. Then the lipstick is whipped by hand with a spatula, if a large number of, then in lipstick beaters to a white, airy mass.

Ready lipstick is transferred to the cauldron; sprinkle with water so that a crust does not form; cover with gauze and leave to ripen for 12-24 hours.

Technological scheme of lipstick basic

Products are impregnated with syrup in order to give them a more delicate taste and aroma.

Sugar is combined with water, brought to a boil, the foam is removed, boiled for 1-2 minutes and cooled to 20C. Then cognac or wine is added, rum essence. It is necessary to use syrup at a temperature not higher than 20C, since at more than high temperature products may lose their shape. Before soaking, they must be kept for 6-8 hours to strengthen the structure of the dough.

quality requirements

The syrup should be viscous, transparent, with the smell of essence and wine; humidity 50%.

Technological scheme of syrup

Cream “Charlotte”

Egg-milk syrup is prepared for this cream. Sugar and milk are brought to a boil. Eggs are beaten for 5-7 minutes so that they do not curdle during the subsequent operation (this worsens the quality of the cream). Hot milk with sugar is gradually poured into a cauldron with beaten eggs in a thin stream. If you pour in the milk all at once, the eggs will curdle. The resulting mass is put on water bath and boil at a temperature of t 104-105C until thickened (about 10 minutes). Egg-milk syrup is filtered and cooled to t 20C.

The butter is peeled, cut into pieces and whipped for 7-10 minutes at low speed, then switched to high speed, egg-milk syrup, cognac, vanilla powder are gradually added and beat for another 10-15 minutes.

Sometimes cream "Charlotte" is prepared with condensed milk. The replacement in the recipe is made according to the table of interchangeability of products of the Collection of recipes. The cream is prepared in the same way, only water is added to the condensed milk, beaten eggs and boiled in a water bath for 2-3 minutes, stirring the mass well, and then rubbed through a sieve.

quality requirements

Homogeneous lush oily mass of yellowish color, retains its shape well. Humidity (252)%. Cream is less stable during storage than cream.

Technological scheme for the preparation of cream "Charlotte"

Cream “Charlotte” chocolate

The cream is prepared in the same way as the Charlotte cream, only after adding the egg-milk syrup, the sifted cocoa powder is gradually poured.

5. Cooking products

Fruity almond cake

The cake is made in a square shape. The almond dough is spread on a pastry sheet, greased with butter and sprinkled with flour, molded with a knife into two squares according to the size of the cake.

For the top of the cake, a serrated tube pattern is applied to one square of dough (two intersecting diagonals and a border around the edges). After baking and cooling, the bottom cake is greased fruit filling and put the top cake on it, after soaking it with syrup.

Each of the four resulting sectors of the top cake is filled with lipstick different color. Until the lipstick has hardened, the cake is decorated with fruits and candied fruits. After hardening, the sides are coated with fruit filling and sprinkled almond crumb.

The cake is square, decorated with lipstick of different colors, the color of the dough is brown, the dough is porous.

Technological scheme for the preparation of almond-fruit cake

Size 18x18 or 13x13. Double layer, square.

Yield: 1 kg or 0.5 kg.

Cake “Khreshchatyk”

The cake is made in a square shape. The almond dough is spread on a pastry sheet, oiled and sprinkled with flour, molded with a knife into three squares according to the size of the cake.

After baking and cooling, three layers of semi-finished almonds are combined with white Charlotte cream. Surface and sides are lubricated chocolate cream"Charlotte". The sides are sprinkled with crumbs from the almond semi-finished product. The surface is decorated with cream in the form of a flower and chestnut leaves.

Technological scheme for making Khreshchatyk cake

Size 18x18 or 13x13. Three-layer, square.

Yield: 1 kg or 0.5 kg.

6. Organization of the workplace

Workplace - part of the production workshop, adapted to perform certain operations. The area of ​​each workplace should be sufficient for comfortable work. Modern production tables must meet the required parameters: width 0.9 m, length 1.5 m, height 12-15 cm from the elbow of the bent arm of an individual worker. The workplace should be equipped with a number of shelves, drawers, countertops, which ensures the proper storage of small inventory and utensils. Light is artificial and natural. Natural light can be from the left or from the front. Floor area 8m. Artificial 25 lux at a distance of 6-7 meters. To ensure safety during work, fences and safety guards are installed. Knives are stored in special device at the edge of the table. Tools and inventory are placed from the worker to the right, and products to the left. Scales, spices and seasonings are placed at the back of the table at arm's length.

Tools and inventory

pastry sheets

Frames or rings

notched tubule


For whipping creams, beaters with a bar beater, a meat grinder with small, medium and large grates for grinding nuts are used.

List of used literature

“Technology of preparation of flour confectionery products” Buteykis N.G. Zhukova A.A. 1984

“Organization of production of enterprises Catering”Buteykis N.G. 1990

food products“Commodity Science”” Matyukhina Z.P., Korolkova E.P., Ashcheulova S.P. 1977

“Cooking. Superbook for gourmets” Pavlov I.P. 1996

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Department of the Moscow region for education

Written exam

work on the topic:

almond cake

Medvedeva Rosa Vasilievna

Groups PK-81

specialty: pastry chef

consultant: Sagdeeva M.K.

The work is allowed to be defended with an assessment:


Almond dough

Flour 78.7 g

Sugar 590.2 g

Almond kernel 295.1 g

Eggs (whites) 236 g

Yield: 1000 g

Fruity almond cake

Almond semi-finished product 5770 g

Fruit filling 2170 g

Syrup for soaking 420 g

Fruits and candied fruits 1140 g

Lipstick 420 g

Crumb almond 80 g

Yield: 10 pieces of 1 kg

Cake "Khreshchatyk"

Almond semi-finished product 4480 g

Cream "Charlotte" chocolate 2350 g

Cream “Charlotte” 3060 g

Crumb from semi-finished almonds 110 g

Yield: 10 pieces of 1 kg

Cream " Charlotte

Butter 422 g

Sugar 384 g

Whole milk 250 g

Vanilla powder 4 g

Cognac or wine 1.6 g

Yield 1000 g

Cream Charlotte ” chocolate

Butter 382 g

Sugar 371 g

Whole milk 247 g

Cocoa powder 48 g

Vanilla powder 1.4 g

Cognac 1.5 g

Yield 1000 g

Sugar 513 g

Cognac or dessert wine 48 g

Rum essence 2 g

Yield 1000 g

Sugar 795 g

Molasses 119 g

Essence 2.8 g

Yield 1000 g

Characteristics of raw materials

and preparation for work


Flour is of the highest, I and II grade. It is white in color and is used for any confectionery. The chemical composition of flour includes: Carbohydrates (67%-74%), proteins (7%-12%), fats (0.9%-1.9%), minerals (0.5%-1.6%), B vitamins - more often in low grades and bran, enzymes, water (14%). The most important components of flour are proteins - gliadin and glutenin. During dough formation, they swell and form an elastic, elastic and sticky mass - gluten, which affects the structure of the dough.

Depending on the gluten content, flour is divided into three groups: the first contains up to 28% gluten, the second - 28% -36% and the third - up to 40% gluten. The quality of flour is determined by the laboratory method and the confectioner must know such signs as smell, taste, moisture, etc. Moisture content of flour is 14.5%. Before use, the flour is sifted using a sieve with d = 1.5 mm or using sifters. At the same time, all impurities are removed and the flour is saturated with air. Flour is stored in warehouses, without cooling (warehouse for dry products), stacked bags are stacked under goods at t ° up to 18 °; humidity 65%, ventilation is desirable.


Sugar is a white crystalline powder produced from sugar cane and sugar beets. It is a disaccharide, sucrose, which contains 98% sugar and 2% moisture. Sugar is very hydroscopic (absorbs moisture well), soluble in water. Sift the sugar before use. Store in a dry ventilated room at a relative humidity of not more than 70%, otherwise it becomes damp, sticky and forms lumps, at t ° 18 ° C.

Powdered sugar

Powdered sugar - white, sweet in taste, in the form of a powder. It should be finely ground and sifted through a sieve before use to eliminate larger particles. It is prepared from granulated sugar by grinding. From 1003 kg of granulated sugar, 1000 kg of powdered sugar are obtained. It is used in the manufacture of vanilla powder, creams, etc.


An egg is a nutritious food product, it contains proteins, fats, minerals, vitamins (A, D, E, B1, B2 and PP) in the yolk. Wash contaminated eggs in warm water before use. Then the eggs are disinfected with a 2% bleach solution for 5 minutes, washed in a 2% soda solution and rinsed for 5 minutes in running water. The egg is used as one of the main components in almost all types of dough. The yolk gives the dough a more delicate structure due to the lecithin. When whipping, the protein increases by 5-6 times due to air bubbles and loosens the dough. An egg is added when cooking minced meat. Store eggs in a clean and cool room at a relative humidity of 80% for no more than 6 days.


There are two types of almonds: bitter and sweet. Bitter has a strong aroma, while sweet is less aromatic. Due to the content of hydrocyanic acid and bitter taste, the amount of bitter almonds should not exceed 4% of the total mass. The almond kernel is used without being freed from the outer shell. If it becomes necessary to remove it, then the almonds are immersed in boiling water for several minutes.

vanilla powder

Vanilla is an immature pod of a tropical plant 12-25 cm long with a strong aroma. A synthetic product, vanillin, is produced from it. It is a white crystalline powder with a very strong aroma. You need to use vanillin strictly according to the recipe, which is not always possible to comply with, then vanilla powder is used.

To prepare vanilla powder, vanillin is taken per 100 g - 40 g, mixed with ethyl alcohol - 40 g and heated until the vanillin dissolves, then mixed with powdered sugar - 1000 g is dried and sieved. Stored in rooms for dry products t°=18°C, humidity 65%, ventilation is required.

Whole milk

Milk consists of water and dry matter, or dry residue, which includes milk fat, proteins, milk sugar, and other substances. Milk is a valuable nutritious product, has a pleasant taste and contains almost all the nutrients needed by the body. For the preparation of confectionery products, fresh milk and canned products are used. They improve the taste of products and increase their nutritional value.

Whole milk contains fats, proteins, milk sugar and vitamins. It should be white with a yellowish tint, without foreign tastes and odors.

Milk is mainly used to make yeast dough and creams. It quickly deteriorates (turns sour), so it should be immediately sold, and if necessary, stored - heated to a boil. Before use, the milk is filtered through a sieve with meshes of 0.5 mm. Store milk in refrigerators at a temperature not higher than 8°C and not lower than 0°C for no more than 20 hours.

Milk of all kinds must be pasteurized.


Fats are a high-quality product, widely used in the confectionery industry; give products a taste of muffin and friability, and in some products it is a baking powder.

Butter is produced from cream, it contains up to 82.5% fat, vitamins A, D, E. Butter can be salted and melted, it should be free of foreign odors and tastes, have a uniform color (from white to cream). If the surface of the oil is dirty or moldy, the oil is cleaned. Before use, the butter is sometimes melted, filtered through a sieve and added to the dough. Butter increases the calorie content of products, improves taste, enhances their aroma.

Unsalted butter can be replaced with salted butter, but taking into account the salt it contains (salted butter should not be used in the manufacture of cream). In the manufacture of all confectionery products, except puff, butter biscuit and cream, butter can be replaced with melted butter (1 kg of butter corresponds to 840 g of melted butter).

Fruits and candied fruits

Fresh fruits are stored in refrigerated chambers at 2°C and 85-90% relative humidity.

Before use, the fruits are thoroughly washed in running water and dried in air. Beautiful fruits are used to decorate fresh products, deformed, but not rotten - for the manufacture of semi-finished products (jams, marmalade, etc.).

apricots (fresh) after washing, cut in half or into four, six, eight parts and remove the bones. Canned apricots, apricot puree, jam or jam are used to fill and decorate fruit pies, pastries and cakes. Dried apricots - apricots, dried apricots - after heat treatment are used for fillings, as well as for sprinkling and decorating products.

pineapples fresh and canned used to decorate pastries and cakes. The pineapple is cut off the top and bottom, the peel and hard core are removed, then the pineapple is cut into rings, which are cut into pieces.

Oranges, tangerines and lemons (citrus) covered with fragrant peel - zest, which is widely used in the confectionery industry for flavoring products. The zest is removed with a special machine or manually with a grater.

Oranges and tangerines, after thorough cleaning, are divided into slices and used to decorate cakes and pastries.

Lemon juice is used to acidify fillings, lipsticks, blots, creams.

Grapes or cherries - one of the best decorations for confectionery; if cherries are used for fillings, then the bones are first removed from them.

Pears with delicate and fragrant pulp, they are cut and then used to decorate products. Jam and jam are prepared from well-boiled pears, and jam and candied fruits are made from poorly boiled pears. The core of the pears is removed using a special metal recess.

It is a colorless or light yellow viscous, thick liquid obtained by saccharification of starch in the presence of acids. Molasses is used in the preparation of lipstick and added to sugar syrups, which protects them from sugaring. Molasses introduced into the dough delays the process of hardening of finished products.

Treacle is stored in wooden or metal barrels at a temperature of 8-12°C. Before use, it is heated to 40-50°C to reduce viscosity and filtered through a 2 mm sieve.

Grape wines and cognac

They are used to flavor creams, jellies and blots. Use table wines, fortified, flavored. Wines must have their characteristic aroma, taste and color, sediment or turbidity, foreign taste and smell are not allowed. When dosing, it is necessary to take into account the strength of the wine. The wines are delivered to the factories in bottles and stored at 10-15°C.

cocoa powder

Improves the taste of products, and some protect against sugaring (acid).

Cocoa powder is obtained by grinding and partial defatting cocoa beans. The powder contains 14% fat, moisture content is not more than 7.5%, has a taste and aroma characteristic of cocoa. It is used in the preparation of dough and creams.

Almond dough


The almond semi-finished product has a light brown porous structure with small cracks on the surface, with a characteristic smell and taste of almonds. There are two types of almonds: bitter and sweet. For almond dough, take sweet almonds. At the end of the preparation of the dough, add 8% flour from the entire recipe.

Dough kneading order

The almond kernel is sifted on a screen to remove impurities, combined with sugar and ¾ of egg white according to the recipe, passed through a meat grinder 2-3 times, each time reducing the size of the grate. The remaining egg whites are added to the crushed mass. Almond dough is prepared in two ways:

Method 1: The mass is transferred to the cauldron of the beater, beaten slightly and, while stirring, add flour.

Method 2: The prepared mass is heated, stirring in a water bath to t° 35-40°C, then cooled to t° 20°C and mixed with flour.

Possible test defects and their causes

Quality requirements

Almond semi-finished product has a convex glossy beige surface with small cracks, the crumb is a little viscous. Humidity 8%.

Baking technology

The finished dough is baked on confectionery sheets at t° 150-160°C for 30-35 minutes.

Due to the temperature difference between the crumb and the crust inside the product, moisture moves from the surface to the inner layers of the crumb. In connection with this, the moisture content of the crumb increases by 1.5-2.0%. During baking, there is a redistribution of moisture in the products, dehydration of the surface of the layers and the formation of a crust. Dough proteins, gluten, when heated above 70°C, lose their ability to swell, chemical reactions occur in them, leading to denaturation and “coagulation”, i.e. to the loss of the ability to hold water.

Baking processes

In almond dough, the increase in volume occurs due to the increase in the size of air bubbles when heated.

Almond dough

and products from it

Finishing semi-finished products for the preparation of products

Lipstick basic

Sugar is dissolved in water, brought to a boil and the resulting foam is carefully removed, boiled with the lid closed and on high heat.

The syrup is boiled down to 108 ° C and molasses heated to 45-50 ° C is added.

At the end of cooking, food acids are added, i.e. flavoring invert syrup and citric acid 0.1% by weight of sugar. Then the lipstick is boiled to t ° 114-115 ° C.

Cool lipstick up to 40 ° C, because. otherwise, large crystals will form in it, which will make the lipstick rough. Then the lipstick is whipped by hand with a spatula, if a large amount, then in lipstick beaters until a white, airy mass.

Ready lipstick is transferred to the cauldron; sprinkle with water so that a crust does not form; cover with gauze and leave to ripen for 12-24 hours.

Technological scheme of lipstick basic

Dissolve Heating up to t° 40-45°C

Dissolve in water

Cook with closed

lid on high heat

Boil down to t° 114-115°C

Cool t° 40°C


splashed with water

covered with gauze

Leave to ripen for 12-24 hours


Products are impregnated with syrup in order to give them a more delicate taste and aroma.

Sugar is combined with water, brought to a boil, the foam is removed, boiled for 1-2 minutes and cooled to 20°C. Then add cognac or wine, rum essence. The syrup must be used at a temperature not exceeding 20 ° C, since at a higher temperature the products may lose their shape. Before soaking, they must be kept for 6-8 hours to strengthen the structure of the dough.

quality requirements

The syrup should be viscous, transparent, with the smell of essence and wine; humidity 50%.

Technological scheme of syrup

Withstand 6-8 hours

Cream Charlotte

Egg-milk syrup is prepared for this cream. Sugar and milk are brought to a boil. Eggs are beaten for 5-7 minutes so that they do not curdle during the subsequent operation (this worsens the quality of the cream). Hot milk with sugar is gradually poured into a cauldron with beaten eggs in a thin stream. If you pour in the milk all at once, the eggs will curdle. The resulting mass is placed in a water bath and boiled at a temperature of t ° 104-105 ° C until thickened (about 10 minutes). Egg-milk syrup is filtered and cooled to t ° 20 ° C.

The butter is peeled, cut into pieces and whipped for 7-10 minutes at low speed, then switched to high speed, egg-milk syrup, cognac, vanilla powder are gradually added and beat for another 10-15 minutes.

Sometimes cream "Charlotte" is prepared with condensed milk. The replacement in the recipe is made according to the table of interchangeability of products of the Collection of recipes. The cream is prepared in the same way, only water is added to the condensed milk, beaten eggs and boiled in a water bath for 2-3 minutes, stirring the mass well, and then rubbed through a sieve.

quality requirements

Homogeneous lush oily mass of yellowish color, retains its shape well. Humidity (25±2)%. Cream is less stable during storage than cream.

Technological scheme for the preparation of cream " Charlotte

Cream Charlotte chocolate

The cream is prepared in the same way as the Charlotte cream, only after adding the egg-milk syrup, the sifted cocoa powder is gradually poured.

Technological scheme of preparation

cream" Charlotte ” chocolate


Fruity almond cake

The cake is made in a square shape. The almond dough is spread on a pastry sheet, greased with butter and sprinkled with flour, molded with a knife into two squares according to the size of the cake.

For the top of the cake, a serrated tube pattern is applied to one square of dough (two intersecting diagonals and a border around the edges). After baking and cooling, the bottom cake is smeared with fruit filling and the top cake is placed on it, after wetting it with syrup. Each of the four resulting sectors of the top cake is filled with lipstick of a different color. Until the lipstick has hardened, the cake is decorated with fruits and candied fruits. After hardening, the sides are coated with fruit filling and sprinkled with almond crumbs.

quality requirements

The cake is square, decorated with lipstick of different colors, the color of the dough is brown, the dough is porous.

Technological scheme of preparation

almond fruit cake

Size 18x18 or 13x13. Double layer, square.

Yield: 1 kg or 0.5 kg.

Cake Khreshchatyk

The cake is made in a square shape. The almond dough is spread on a pastry sheet, oiled and sprinkled with flour, molded with a knife into three squares according to the size of the cake.

After baking and cooling, three layers of semi-finished almonds are combined with white Charlotte cream. The surface and sides are smeared with Charlotte chocolate cream. The sides are sprinkled with crumbs from the almond semi-finished product. The surface is decorated with cream in the form of a flower and chestnut leaves.

Technological scheme of preparation

cake Khreshchatyk

Size 18x18 or 13x13. Three-layer, square.

Yield: 1 kg or 0.5 kg.

Workplace organization

The workplace is a part of the production workshop, adapted to perform certain operations. The area of ​​each workplace should be sufficient for comfortable work. Modern production tables must meet the required parameters: width 0.9 m, length 1.5 m, height 12-15 cm from the elbow of the bent arm of an individual worker. The workplace should be equipped with a number of shelves, drawers, countertops, which ensures the proper storage of small inventory and utensils. Light is artificial and natural. Natural light can be from the left or from the front. Floor area 8m². Artificial 25 lux at a distance of 6-7 meters. To ensure safety during work, fences and safety guards are installed. Knives are stored in a special device at the edge of the table. Tools and inventory are placed from the worker to the right, and products to the left. Scales, spices and seasonings are placed at the back of the table at arm's length.

Tools and inventory

2. Veselka

5. Pastry sheets

6. Frames or rings

7. Toothed tube

8. Cookware

For whipping creams, beaters with a bar beater, a meat grinder with small, medium and large grates for grinding nuts are used.

List of used literature

1. “Technology for the preparation of flour confectionery products”

Buteykis N.G. Zhukova A.A. 1984

2. “Organization of the production of public catering enterprises”

Buteykis N.G. 1990

3. “Food “Commodity Research””

Matyukhina Z.P., Korolkova E.P., Ashcheulova S.P.

4. “Cooking. Superbook for gourmets”

  • The cake came before the cake. The history of the origin of cakes began about 2000 years ago. The exact date is unknown, because the unresolved question remains what ingredients are included in the real cake. Some of the earliest cakes were made with a combination of flour, honey, nuts, eggs, milk, and other flavorings. Only after they were baked were fruits added.
  • Today it is impossible to say with certainty where and who invented the cake. Some culinary historians tend to conclude that the first prototype of the cake originated in Italy. Linguists believe that the word cake itself, translated from Italian, means something ornate and intricate, and associate it with numerous cake decorations from a scattering of various colors, inscriptions and ornaments.
  • The well-known French proverb "there is no arguing about tastes" in Italian sounds - "there is no arguing about cakes." But the word itself "cake" means in Italian "tortuosity, tortuosity" and refers to the intricate, twisty cream decorations that are made on top of cakes. A confectioner in Italy is called tortayo - cake maker
  • According to another version, the traditions of making sweets originated in the East: the Sun-like Pepionkh (a pharaoh who lived in Egypt in 2200 BC) was probably considered a great sweet tooth - something was found in his tomb that was once served as a dessert, and which can rightfully be called the oldest cake in the world!
  • Whatever the opinion about the origin of the first cakes, one cannot but agree with the statement that France is the trendsetter in the world of dessert. It was there, in small coffee shops and cafes, that once a cake appeared, it conquered the whole world.
  • In the literature, cakes are often not distinguished as separate view confectionery. Popular culinary publications point out that cakes are the Russian name for confectionery products, which are either various cakes, cut into small equal rectangles, or specially prepared cookies with a creamy spread or filling.
  • The Guinness Book of Records recorded individual outstanding confectionery achievements:
  • Most tall cake- 30.85 m (100 tiers) - was prepared by Beta Cornell and a group of helpers at the fairground, in Chiawassee County, Michigan, USA. Most a big cake, ever made, weighed 58.08 tons, including 7.5 tons of ice cream, it was made for the 100th anniversary of the city of Fort Pine, Alabama, USA, and made in the form of a relief copy of the state.
  • The longest cake (513.04 m) was made by the chefs of the Hyatt Regency Ravinia, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, on July 26, 1986.
  • In Peru, local confectioners have made the world's longest cake. 300 people worked on a huge dessert. Half a ton of sugar was used to make the cake, and almost the same egg yolks. Pastry decorated with candied fruits and cream roses. Then the cake was measured. Its length was 246 meters. The new achievement was entered into the Guinness Book of Records and cut into 15,000 servings. They were enough to treat all the Peruvian children who celebrate their birthday in June.
  • And Russia has its own “sweet” achievements. On June 7, 2003, in honor of the 110th anniversary of GUM, the world's largest cake was baked in Moscow. Three tons of biscuit, jam and marzipans. The height of the cake is three meters. The exact weight of the record-breaking dessert is certified by experts from the Guinness Book of Records.
  • Cakes And cakes- high-calorie piece confectionery products with great content fat, sugar and eggs (or only sugar and eggs) with a variety of attractive external finishes, in various shapes and sizes, with a variety of pleasant taste and aroma, consisting, as a rule, of two main components: baked and finishing semi-finished products.
  • Cakes are much larger than pastries in terms of size and more complex artistic surface finish.
  • According to the type of the main baked semi-finished product, they are divided into
  • the following groups:
  • walnut,
  • biscuit,
  • sand,
  • custard,
  • air,
  • puff,
  • waffle,
  • tiny,
  • sugar,
  • combined.
  • By form:
  • round,
  • square,
  • rectangular,
  • oval,
  • cylindrical,
  • conical,
  • curly.
  • biscuit cakes
  • They are obtained by a layer of two or three biscuit semi-finished products various fillings and decorate with all kinds of finishing semi-finished products.
  • Depending on the type of semi-finished products used, they are divided into the following groups:
  • biscuit cream- "Viennese", "Truffle", "Fairy Tale", "Biscuit Cream", "Persian Night", "Mask", "Enchantress", "Prague", "Nochka", "Muscovite";
  • biscuit-cream with jam, jam and marmalade -"Gentle", "Salute", "Cherry";
  • biscuit and fruit with soufflé- "Rainbow", "Souffle-coconut";
  • biscuits with protein cream- "Snowflake", "Mushrooms";
  • biscuit with marshmallows and soufflé -"Bird's milk", "Stratosphere";
  • biscuit with curd cream - "Nakhodka", "Minchanka";
  • biscuits with butter and protein cream- "Basket with strawberries", "Tub with mushrooms", "Keg of wine", " Forest Glade»;
  • biscuit with jelly -"Lawn", "Fruit".
  • sand cakes
  • They are several sandstones stacked on top of each other.
  • semi-finished products layered with cream or fruit filling, covered and decorated with various finishing semi-finished products. Sprinkle the side surfaces with crumbs or crushed roasted nuts.
  • Depending on the type of semi-finished products used, cakes are produced:
  • sandy fruit with protein cream;
  • sandy cream;
  • sand with soufflé;
  • sand and curd;
  • shortbread with cream;
  • sand-custard.
  • Their range is represented by the following names: "Leningradsky", "Lotus", "Fun", "Chamomile", "Abricotin", "Sandy with lipstick", "Sandy with cream", "Sandy-fruity", "Lily of the valley", "Curd with candied fruit", " crow's feet”, “Pest”, “Lilac”, etc.
  • layered cakes
  • They are produced on the basis of a baked puff semi-finished product. For gluing and finishing use various creams(cakes
  • "Napoleon", "Puff", "Puff with cream", etc.).
  • crumb cakes
  • This group includes cakes "Hedgehog", "Penguin", "Log" and others made from biscuit crumbs, to which biscuit trimmings, sugar, warmed butter and other components according to the recipe are added. Everything is whipped and baked.
  • Almond Cakes
  • They are several almond semi-finished products, layered and trimmed with various semi-finished products (Ideal cakes, Bolshoi Theater cake, Yaroslavna cake, etc.).
  • Air Nut Cakes
  • This group includes cakes made from air-nut semi-finished products and decorated with various finishing semi-finished products (cakes "Kiev", "Serebryanka", "North", "White Night", "Flight", "Red Carnation", "Raffaello", etc. .).
  • Choux cakes
  • Produced on the basis of custard semi-finished product. For decoration
  • various creams are used (cakes "Evening", "Cinderella", etc.).
  • Wafer cakes
  • They are products consisting of wafer sheets,
  • layered and stuffed, chocolate icing and other semi-finished products. This group is currently represented by cakes "Surprise", "Coconut", "Chocolate waffle", "Marshmallow waffle", "Evening", "Chocolate Girl", "Fad", "Nutlet", "Elegy", "Chocolate- waffle walnut, etc.
  • Combined cakes
  • Developed on the basis of a combination of two or more baked semi-finished products. Options for connecting semi-finished products can be different (cakes "Royal", "Violet", "Festive", etc.).
  • Cakes with semi-finished honey
  • This group includes cakes made from baked semi-finished honey - "Venice", "Medok", "Medovik" (with chocolate, halva, nuts, etc.), "Bee", etc.
  • cakes
  • biscuit- "Rigoletto", "Roll", "Biscuit with almonds", "Bush", "Bush fruit", "Bush glazed with milk fondant";
  • sand -"Asterisk", "Sand with fruit filling", "Sand with protein cream", "Basket", "Basket with jam", "Basket with jelly and fruits", "Warsaw";
  • custard- "Eclair", "Custard ring", "Tube with cream", "Nutlet", "Custard";
  • puff- “Envelope”, “Triangle”, “Rhombic”, “Kalachik”, “Bow”, “Book”, “Puff tongue”, “Tube”, “Puff with cheese”, “Puff sprinkled with powdered sugar”;
  • air- "Fungus", "Dahlia", "Lada", "With cream";
  • almond-nut -"Ideal" (rifled), "Almond", "Almond with cream", "North";
  • tiny- "Potato", "Fruit-Nut", "Glazed Potato";
  • combined -"Krakow", "Biscuit-air".
  • For the production of cakes and pastries, sand, biscuit, puff, custard, walnut, waffle, air (including air-nut), crumb and combined semi-finished products are used.
  • One of the main finishing semi-finished products are various creams (oil, custard, cream, protein, etc.).
  • Various toppings are also used (chocolate, almond, sugar, etc.).
  • For finishing, in addition to creams, they use:
  • Sugar semi-finished products - these are vanilla powder, jelly, lipstick, invert syrup, sugar circulation and mastic, kandir and roasting.
  • Fruit and berry semi-finished products. These include fruit and berry puree, preparations, supplies, fillings, jams, jams, candied fruits, glazed and folding fruits, compotes, fruits, melon peels in syrup, etc.
  • Chocolate used to decorate cakes and pastries and added to creams (various decorations are made from it).
  • Marzipan is a viscous plastic fragrant mass made from almonds with the addition of sugar, molasses, essences, cognac, dyes.
  • The production of cakes and cakes includes three main stages:
  • preparation of the main
  • baked semi-finished product;
  • preparation of finishing semi-finished products;
  • interlayer, filling and finishing of the main semi-finished product
  • Biscuit semi-finished product- This is a lush, finely porous layer with a soft elastic crumb. For its preparation should be used Wheat flour with a content of 28 ... 34% gluten of low or medium quality.
  • The most widely used batch method for obtaining biscuit dough in a mixing machine. Melange with granulated sugar is mixed for 25 ... 45 minutes until complete dissolution of granulated sugar and an increase in dough volume by 2.5 ... 3 times. A strong increase in volume is due to the saturation of the egg-sugar mass big amount tiny air bubbles during whipping. Then flour is introduced and quickly (no more than 15 s) mixed with the beaten mass in order to avoid settling of the dough and resulting in a dense, finely porous biscuit.
  • Finished biscuit dough sent for molding and baking. Next, the semi-finished product is cooled for 20 ... 30 minutes and stands for 8 ... 10 hours in a workshop with air access.
  • Puff semi-finished product consists of interconnected, but easily separated thin layers of resilient-elastic dough.
  • To obtain an elastic-elastic dough, add to the recipe in a small amount citric or tartaric acid. The dough is kneaded with water. Most important operation in the manufacture of a puff semi-finished product, a layer of dough with butter is used. To do this, the butter is pre-cut into small pieces and mixed with flour in a ratio of 10:1 until smooth. The resulting mixture, laid on sheets in the form of cakes, is placed in a refrigerator. Lamination of the dough is carried out by rolling it to a thickness of 20...25 mm. Then the butter mixture is placed in the middle of the dough layer and the free ends of the dough are folded into an envelope. After cooling, the dough is passed 5 ... 8 times between the rolls to a layer thickness of about 10 mm. The layer is rolled again, folded and cooled for 30...40 minutes to avoid oil leakage. As a result of repeated rolling and folding of the dough, a layer 4.5 ... 5 mm thick is obtained, consisting of numerous layers (200 ... 250). The resulting layer is cut and sent for baking.
  • Sand semi-finished product- crumbly and hygroscopic, produced from plastic dough high in sugar, fat and eggs. For shortbread dough, flour with a content of 28 ... 34% of weak gluten is used.
  • Depending on the recipe and preparation technology, the following shortbread semi-finished products are produced: basic, cocoa, with nuts, with nuts and cocoa, with malt, with nuts and honey.
  • The dough is being prepared chemical leavening agents. Shortcrust pastry is kneaded in a kneading machine. Fat and granulated sugar are mixed for 15 ... 30 minutes, then melange and all other prescription ingredients, except for flour, are added. The mass is mixed to uniform consistency and flour is added.
  • The dough goes to rolling, where it is rolled into a layer of a certain thickness and molded.
  • The semi-finished product is baked at a temperature of 200 ... 225 ° C for 10 ... 15 minutes. Thick layers are baked at a lower temperature, thin layers at a higher one. The baked semi-finished product is cut in the longitudinal and transverse directions by circular knives and cooled in the workshop.
  • Airy (protein-whipped) semi-finished product is a white coarse, light and brittle foamy mass. Distinctive feature it is the absence of flour in the recipe and the high content of proteins and sugar.
  • Air semi-finished product is obtained by churning egg whites with sugar and subsequent baking. The churning of the mass is carried out in churning machines with a variable whisk speed. Cooled proteins (up to 2 ° C) are first knocked down at a low whisk speed until a white foam mass is obtained on the surface. Then increase the frequency of rotation and continue churning until the volume of the egg mass increases by 7 times.
  • Sugar, vanilla powder and crushed nuts are added to the beaten mass with a small number of revolutions of the whisk (Flight cake).
  • After churning, the mass is immediately molded (for cakes - in the form of a layer on sheets, for cakes - by depositing from pastry bag). It is baked at a temperature of 100...110°C, which ensures good baking and a characteristic protein color of semi-finished products.
  • Custard semi-finished product characterized by the presence of characteristic well-developed cavities inside. It is mainly used for making cakes. The dough is prepared without baking powder and sugar, and flour is used with a high content of strong gluten.
  • The process includes two stages: preparing flour in boiling water with butter and salt, and then kneading the resulting chilled mass with egg or melange. The mass fraction of dough moisture is 52 ... 54%.
  • The molded semi-finished product is baked at a temperature of 200°C for 35 minutes. In the process of baking, intensive evaporation of moisture occurs with the formation of dense crust and cavities inside dough piece. Semifinished good quality has a light brown rind. The hollow base is filled with cream, and Eclair-type cakes are obtained in the form of tubes or rings.
  • Almond-nut semi-finished product has a slightly rough surface of brown color, with characteristic cracks.
  • The dough for the cake "Almond" and almond-fruit cakes is prepared in two stages. First, crushed almonds, granulated sugar and 75% of the proteins provided for in the recipe are mixed. The resulting mass is passed through a three-roll mill, then mixed with flour and the rest of the protein in a whipping machine.
  • The finished dough for cakes is molded by spreading, and for cakes it is deposited in the form of round cakes on sheets and baked immediately: cakes at a temperature of 150 ... 160 ° C for 25 ... 30 minutes, cakes - at 180 ... 200 ° C within 20 min.
  • The baked semi-finished product is cooled in the workshop.
  • Tiny semi-finished product is a scrap of puff, biscuit, sand cakes and pastries, ground into crumbs. It can be produced from only one type of semi-finished product or mixture.
  • The crumbly semi-finished product should be well baked, without hardening, porous, have a dark brown color created by burnt sugar or cocoa powder.
  • creamy cream prepared by churning butter with powdered sugar and condensed milk with the addition of dyes and flavorings. IN creamy chocolate cream cocoa powder is added, grated nuts are added to the creamy nut.
  • Oil creams are excellent palatability and attractive appearance are in great demand. However, they are not stable during storage due to the high content of milk, eggs and high humidity of the product. This creates conditions for the vital activity of microorganisms, despite the rather high concentration of sucrose.
  • Protein cream prepared on the basis of egg white and granulated sugar. By type and structure protein cream differs from creamy whiteness, greater lightness and splendor. Protein creams are used to cover the decoration of cakes and pastries, as well as to fill tubes.
  • Due to the delicate and lush structure, protein creams are not used as a layer of baked semi-finished products. Ready-made protein cream must be used quickly, as it may lose splendor.
  • Custards are used only for layering baked semi-finished products and filling tubules and baskets.
  • Unlike other types of custard cream, it is
  • a non-fluffy, smearing, slightly gelatinous mass that does not retain the shape given to it.
  • Custards have an increased mass fraction moisture compared to others.
  • In them, the flour is in a gelatinized form, and this, in the presence of eggs and milk, creates favorable conditions for the vital activity of microorganisms.
  • Creams quickly turn sour due to the development of lactic acid bacteria, E. coli and other types of microorganisms in them.
  • Therefore, the shelf life of products with custard very short - 6 h.
  • Cakes and cakes are produced by piece and by weight. Sets of small cakes are made packaged and by weight. Piece cakes and packaged cakes are placed in cardboard or polymer boxes.
  • When packing cakes (except for cakes made on flow-mechanized lines), the bottom of the box is covered with a napkin made of parchment, parchment, cellophane, paraffin paper or glassine. When packing waffle cakes, the dimensions of the napkin should be more sizes the bottom of the box so that the side surfaces of the cakes do not come into contact with the walls of the box. Cakes and weight cakes are placed in one row in plank, metal and plastic boxes.
  • Piece-molded cakes (crumb type "Potato", airy, biscuit type "Bushe", almond type "Ideal") are placed in paper capsules, and then in boxes or boxes. It is allowed to stack cakes without finishing after baking “on edge” in boxes of no more than 11 pcs. in one box.
  • Cakes and pastries with cream and fruit finishes are stored in refrigerated cabinets and chambers at a temperature of (4 ± 2) °C.
  • Cakes and pastries without cream finishing after baking, waffle cakes and cakes with fatty and praline finishing semi-finished products are stored at a temperature of 18 ° C and a relative humidity of 70 ... 75%.
  • Chocolate waffle cakes and cake "Slastena" should be stored at a temperature of (18 ± 3) °C.
  • The maximum shelf life of cakes and pastries under the specified conditions, starting from the end of the technological process, is as follows:
  • with custard, with whipped cream - 6 hours;
  • with curd cream - 24;
  • co butter cream, cake "Potato" - 36;
  • with butter cream containing sorbic acid, in the absence of refrigerators and at a temperature not exceeding 20 ° C - 36 hours;
  • with protein-whipped (including soufflé), jelly-whipped, fruit-whipped cream, with and without fruit trim - 72;
  • with butter cream containing sorbic acid, in the presence of a refrigerator - 120 hours;
  • sand s fruit jams and sand, manufactured on automatic machines - 7 days;
  • cakes "Krakovskoye", "Slastena", cakes "Charodeyka", "Orion", "Moskvichka" produced on flow-mechanized lines - 10;
  • chocolate-wafer, wafer with praline and fatty finishing semi-finished products - 30 days.
  • The shelf life of cakes and pastries with combined finishing semi-finished products is determined by the shelf life of the finishing semi-finished product, which has the shortest shelf life.
