
A loaf of such a height - how to replace baking powder for dough. Basic chemical leavening agents

Homemade baking powder for dough ( baking powder)

A leavening agent is a substance used to give something food product fluffiness and splendor. Mainly used for loosening dough.
The composition of the dough baking powder includes soda and ammonium carbonate as essential components.
Dough leavening agents are used to obtain finished product no soda taste. Dough leavening agents are also called baking powder.

If you bake with sourdough, the sourdough is the baking powder. But sometimes other baking is needed (for pies, cookies, cakes, etc.). There is no sourdough there. You need a baking powder.

Most often we use soda, slaked with vinegar. But there are subtleties.

Baking soda is used in the preparation of cakes, pastries, cookies and other baked goods, giving them volume. Soda itself is not a baking powder, for this it is necessary to extinguish it with vinegar, while the soda is completely decomposed, and the taste of the product improves.

When extinguishing soda with vinegar, it is released carbon dioxide, due to which baking becomes airy and porous. Quick soda does not add volume. But if you put too much soda, a specific bad taste and smell. Even if you put not a lot, but as much as you need, everything tastes the same, and you don’t like it.

Experienced cooks never extinguish soda on outdoors: carbon dioxide escapes (most of it) without any benefit to the dough. You need to mix soda with flour, and add vinegar or acid to the liquid ingredient included in the dough - kefir, sour cream, eggs.

The most important thing when using soda is to bake the dough immediately, since the reaction passes very quickly, and loosening will not work.

You can extinguish soda fermented milk products(without vinegar) - if they are part of the dough, then it is not necessary to add vinegar (sour cream, kefir, whey, yogurt ...).

Now cooking recipes the list of ingredients often contains baking powder for dough. It consists of a mixture citric acid, soda and flour or starch, which prevent a premature slaking reaction. The baking powder does not need to be dissolved, it is mixed with flour and injected into the dough. The reaction in this case begins only during baking, which means that the dough can be left to lie down for a while.

When buying baking powder, remember that the bag in which it is located must not be paper, otherwise the reaction may begin right in the package.

Baking powder can be made at home, it's very easy. This great replacement purchased baking powder dough - works exactly the same.

Recipe for homemade baking powder:

It is better not to do very much, as the baking powder can cake! If you plan to make more baking powder, put a sugar cube in the jar to eliminate moisture.

The composition of the dough baking powder:
Flour 12 parts (flour is added for ease of dispensing baking powder, manufacturers sometimes use instead potato starch, the shelf life then increases, but at home this is not necessary at all). I take homemade flour coarse grinding, you can wheat, you can take rye.
Soda 5 parts
Citric acid 3 parts. So far, I have prepared baking powder on citric acid, but the thought came that it would be completely replaced by ground dry black or red currants, or cranberries - it is also VERY sour, and at the same time completely natural. I guess then ground powder berries should be taken not three parts to 5 parts of soda, but more - at least equally, and maybe even more soda powder of berries.

Need COMPLETELY DRY!!! jar with tight lid, and mix the components with a COMPLETELY DRY spoon - otherwise the reaction will start immediately.

Pour 12 tablespoons of flour into a dry jar, then 5 tablespoons of soda, and at the end add 3 tablespoons of citric acid (or approximately 5-7 tablespoons of dry ground currant or cranberry powder). Then tightly close the jar and shake it well so that all the components are evenly mixed! That's all! This homemade baking powder completely replaces the store-bought one, it rises the dough just as well!

You can add it to any pastry, to pancakes and pancakes (although I generally just bake pancakes with pancakes, without baking powder, but if you need fluffy pancakes, it is better to add).

Store TIGHTLY CLOSED to keep moisture out.

Baking soda

Baking soda acts as a leavening agent in itself, at a temperature of 60 ° C (sodium bicarbonate) begins to decompose into sodium carbonate, carbon dioxide and water.

Baking soda and soda are salts of a very weak and unstable carbonic acid, so they react with stronger acids to release carbon dioxide. The dough usually has a slight acidity (caused by dairy products), but to enhance the effect, flour is often pre-mixed with citric acid (dry), or adding tartaric acid (for poverty). acetic acid) into the liquid.

A mixture of soda, citric acid and flour is sometimes sold under the name of baking powder.

It is widely believed that baking soda and vinegar should be mixed before adding to the dough. This is completely useless, since the reaction takes place outside the dough, carbon dioxide escapes before cooking begins. The gas formation reaction starts immediately when kneading, it is important to put it immediately in the oven when the dough heats up - the reaction speeds up, the bubbles expand and the dough repeatedly rises.

ammonium carbonate

Unlike baking soda, ammonium carbonate completely decomposes into gaseous components, leaving no mineral salts and adding nothing to the taste of baked goods.

It can be used in a non-strict dosage, since in any case the whole will fall apart. In addition, it releases more gases. The only drawback is the instability in air at long-term storage. It is the main component of baking powders.

In dough baking powder, there may be one or several different acids. Russian manufacturers, as a rule, traditional citric acid is used in such powders, imported baking powders may contain several different acids, this is done so that at any temperature of the liquid that is necessary for preparing the dough, the baking powder in any case fulfills its functions. Because various acids react with baking soda at different temperatures. In the role of a filler, in most cases, manufacturers use baking flour, less often, in some cases, starch.

Occasionally there are such culinary recipes, which may include both baking powder and baking soda. This is done to ensure that the reaction goes exactly without a trace. The fact is that if the selected recipe includes quite sour foods, then you simply cannot do without adding ordinary soda. To a product with hyperacidity, include: any fruit puree or juice, citric acid in crystals, sugar syrup, eggs, vinegar, chocolate, honey, cocoa, as well as almost all fermented milk products: yogurt, yogurt, sour cream, whey, kefir, etc.

It would be wrong not to say that the replacement of soda with baking powder is far from always justified. For example, if honey is present in the recipe, then soda is simply necessary in it.

Based on articles.

Food baking powder for dough - an additive designed to give dough splendor. The dough with baking powder is characterized by a structure with air bubbles evenly distributed over it. Due to these bubbles, baking with baking powder acquires such magnificent properties. As a rule, the process of loosening the dough, the appearance of air bubbles in it, occurs due to the release of gas during fermentation or chemical reaction. The type of reaction depends on the type of baking powder for the dough. As a rule, when a baking powder is mentioned in a confectionery recipe, baking powder is meant - this is exactly the chemical dough baking powder sold in bags in stores.

Ingredients of packaged chemical leavening agents for cooking or baking powders sold in stores: Usually packaged food dough or baking powders contain baking soda, some kind of stabilizer, acidity regulator, starch or wheat flour. Sometimes the manufacturer adds a dye and flavoring agent, for example, saffron, to the dough baking powder to make the dough beautiful. golden color and taste. But if you are preparing a confectionery product according to a specific recipe, then it is better to buy baking powder for dough or unflavoured baking powder in order to preserve the original intent of the culinary dish.

Store-bought baking powder or baking powder is quite easy to use - you can simply desired proportion add it to the dough at the time of kneading - but carefully read the instructions for use on the package, as the composition and methods of using baking powder for dough may differ.

In addition to store-bought baking powder, sold in bags in the form of baking powder, there are other types of baking powder.

Types of baking powder dough:

1. Biological baking powder for dough:

Biological dough leavening agents are a type of baking powder based on a fermentation process caused by fungi, beneficial bacteria and microorganisms. Mainly used in the process of making bread, dairy products and baking.

Among the biological baking powder for the test, the following types can be distinguished:

  • Lactic acid bacteria is a type of biological baking powder for dough and other food products, which is a group of microorganisms that are involved in the fermentation of carbohydrates, resulting in the formation of lactic acid as one of the main products used for food processing. For example, lactic acid bacteria are used in the preparation fluffy dough and cocoa. These bacteria are found in lactic acid products and sourdough for bread.
  • Baker's yeast is a type of biological baking powder for dough, which are microorganisms from the Saccharomyces family. During fermentation, they release carbon dioxide into the dough, as a result of which the dough acquires a loose structure. In baking, they are added to the dough from wheat flour, and are also used in confectionery for the preparation of some cakes, cupcakes and other pastries.

2. Chemical baking powder for dough:

Chemical dough baking powder is a type of baking powder based on chemical processes. It is made from chemical baking powder confectionery powder or baking powder, sold in stores under the name "Baking powder for dough." As a rule, chemical dough leavening agents are used to create various confectionery or as substitutes for biological leavening agents in bread making.

Among the chemical baking powder for the test, the following types can be distinguished:

The main chemical dough leavening agents:

  • Baking soda - sodium bicarbonate or food supplement E500ii - used instead of yeast in confectionery and bakery. During the reaction, gases are released, as a result of which the dough is loosened.
  • Ammonium carbonate - ammonium salt of carbonic acid - food additive E503i - is used instead of yeast in confectionery and bakery. During the reaction, gases are released, as a result of which the dough is loosened.

Other types of food additives, which are chemical dough leavening agents:

  • Soda - sodium carbonate or food additive E500i;
  • Ammonium bicarbonate - food additive E503ii;
  • Potash - potassium carbonate - food additive E501i;
  • Pyrophosphates - food additive E450.

There are a lot of varieties of chemical dough baking powder. But mostly in the composition of baking powders, baking soda is used as a baking powder.

How to replace baking powder for dough:

Now baking powder can be bought at almost any store, but if you don’t have baking powder on hand, you can replace it with other confectionery ingredients.

One of the most simple ways to replace the dough baking powder is to use soda quenched with citric acid or vinegar. Quenching soda with citric or acetic acid improves the reaction and enhances the effect of carbon dioxide release, which makes the dough friable. After adding citric acid to the soda and going through the hissing process, it must be immediately added to the dough and mixed well.

Usually, slaked soda as a replacement for baking powder or baking powder is added to the dough in a ratio of 1: 40, that is, for 400 grams of dough, you need to add 10 grams slaked soda. When extinguishing soda with vinegar, you need to observe a measure of about 1: 1. If there is not enough vinegar, then the baking will smell like soda, otherwise it will smell like vinegar. If you are afraid of not keeping the balance, then you can extinguish the soda with citric acid in a ratio of 1: 1. If the dough contains acidic components, such as sour cream, kefir and others, then the baking powder for the dough can be replaced simply with soda without extinguishing it. Due to the presence in the test acid ingredients the process of carbon dioxide emission is guaranteed to take place already during the preparation of the confectionery.

You can also replace the baking powder with homemade baking powder.

How to make baking powder at home:

Despite the fact that confectionery powder or baking powder is sold in all stores and is quite cheap - about 30 - 40 rubles per 50 grams, it can also be made at home. Making homemade baking powder is easy enough. The recipe for baking dough includes just a few simple ingredients:

  • baking soda;
  • lemon acid.

In order to make baking powder for dough, you just need to mix these ingredients in the indicated proportion: 12 parts flour, 5 parts baking soda and 3 parts citric acid. Depending on the required amount of baking powder for the dough, you can take the ingredients in the right amount and in compliance with all proportions, make baking powder for the dough in the right amount at home, without going to the store.

Home baking powder for dough is mainly used in a ratio of 1: 20, that is, for 200 grams of dough, you need to add 10 grams of home baking powder, but more detailed instructions must be specified in the confectionery recipe.

Benefits of baking powder:

Baking powder is useful only for making the dough fluffy and loose, as such, it does not provide any benefit to human health. The only plus is the pleasure of eating a lush dough, it is tastier and produces more positive emotions than a flat compressed one. But baking powder can cause harm to the human body.

Harm of baking powder

Baking powder or dough baking powder can be harmful to the human body due to the fact that harmful additives such as stabilizers, dyes and flavors are added to it. Sometimes producers add genetically modified starch, which also makes the dough baking powder harmful to the body.

It is necessary to carefully read the composition of the dough baking powder on the package and take the one in which there is less harmful additives. If you only eat healthy foods, then you can make baking powder or baking powder at home according to the recipe above. It definitely won't harmful dyes, stabilizers and genetically modified products unless you add them yourself.

Everyone knows that homemade baking never compares to store bought. After all, when you cook at home, you are always sure of the quality and origin of the products, you can add as much sugar as you see fit, and also make exactly those cakes or cakes that you love the most.

And in general, women who know how to cook well - there is no price at all, they are always in the spotlight and they are rightfully called good housewives.

So it is, but even experienced housewives often encounter trouble - the dough will not succeed, or will not grow. And this is really a problem - because when the pastry does not rise, then the cake becomes almost "rubber", and then it is very difficult to save it. Neither creams nor impregnations with syrups will all give the desired effect.

What is the problem?

If the dough is yeast - then everything is simple - it is from yeast quality and the friability of the dough depends on whether it rises or not.

What to do when the dough yeast-free? Here the situation looks different. The main component that is responsible for the splendor of the dough is baking powder, in other words - baking powder or baking powder.

Why won't the dough rise?

  • The purchased baking powder was stored in the wrong conditions, moisture could get into it.
  • An unverified manufacturer of baking powder may have made a mistake in the proportions.
  • Baking powder has lost its expiration date.

It is these options that most often become the reason that the dough does not rise. Therefore, you should carefully monitor the expiration date of the baking powder and do not buy several packs in advance. And also buy powder only from reliable trusted companies and check the packing density.

Composition of baking powder

Let's take a closer look at what products are included in the baking powder. Usually this is soda bicarbonate, tartaric acid, to which flour or starch is added in order to avoid moisture ingress into the mixture.

Indeed, it is precisely upon contact with a liquid (water or milk) and late heating that the mixture releases carbon dioxide, which is responsible for the fact that the planned baking will rise and be loose. Of course, if moisture gets into the powder faster, our efforts will go down the drain.

How is baking powder used?

Usually the manufacturer recommends mixing required amount baking powder with flour and at the end of cooking add it to the dough. If the flour needs to be added gradually, then a piece of flour with powder should be added at the end of the dough kneading.

And do not hesitate - immediately after kneading, you should put the form with the dough in the oven, as the reaction can come faster, and then the dough won't rise again.

How to make baking powder for dough at home

It often happens that we simply forget to buy cookie powder, the guests are almost on the doorstep, and there is no time to run to the store. And a cake baked with one's own hand should certainly be. What then to do?

Do not get upset and do not panic, baking powder can be made and on one's own, moreover, from completely available products, which are in almost every kitchen.

Our grandmothers also replaced baking powder ordinary soda, extinguishing it with vinegar, and believed that there was no better and more reliable remedy.

However, we all know that it is only a little too much - and the dough will not rise, or it will rise too much and will have a pronounced taste of soda. And of course we don't need that. Therefore, we have selected for you some reliable and proven recipes.

Recipe 1

  • 5 parts soda
  • 10 parts citric acid
  • 12 parts flour

With the help of a kitchen scale, it will be much easier and easier for you to measure the required amount of food. In addition, you can make any amount of baking powder at one time.

However, there are a few tricks here too. The container in which you plan to store your powder should be very clean and dry. Also, such a powder can be stored no longer than three weeks. Therefore, it is better not to prepare a very large portion of baking powder in advance.

Recipe 2

If you can't bear gluten then you'd better prepare your baking powder without flour. The proportions remain the same, but instead of flour, it is better to add corn or potato starch.

Recipe 3

If you want to make baking powder without flour and starch then you should mix soda and citric acid in a ratio of 1:1. In this case, it is better to grind large grains of citric acid in a coffee grinder or grind in a mortar to make the mixture homogeneous.

However, this powder cannot be stored for a long time, and it is better to prepare and immediately use it for its intended purpose.

Baking powder is a substance used to make a food product loose and fluffy. Mainly used for loosening dough.

The composition of the dough baking powder includes soda and ammonium carbonate as essential components.
Dough leavening agents are used to obtain a finished product without the taste of soda. Dough leavening agents are also called baking powder.

If you bake with sourdough, the sourdough is the baking powder. But sometimes other baking is needed (for pies, cookies, cakes, etc.). There is no sourdough there. You need a baking powder.

Most often we use soda slaked with vinegar. But there are subtleties.

Baking soda is used in the preparation of cakes, pastries, cookies and other baked goods, giving them volume. Soda itself is not a baking powder, for this it is necessary to extinguish it with vinegar, while the soda is completely decomposed, and the taste of the product improves.

When soda is extinguished with vinegar, carbon dioxide is released, due to which baking becomes airy and porous. Quick soda does not add volume. But if you put too much soda, it appears specific unpleasant taste and smell . Even if you put not a lot, but as much as you need, everything tastes the same, and you don’t like it.

And now the main thing.

Experienced cooks never extinguish soda outdoors: carbon dioxide escapes (most of it), bringing no benefit to the test. You need to mix soda with flour, and add vinegar or acid to the liquid ingredient included in the dough - kefir, sour cream, eggs.

The most important thing when using soda is, since the reaction passes very quickly, and loosening will not work.

You can also extinguish soda with sour-milk products (without vinegar) - if they are part of the dough, then it is not necessary to add vinegar (sour cream, kefir, whey, yogurt ...).

Cooking recipes now often include baking powder in their ingredient lists. It consists of a mixture of citric acid, soda and flour or starch, which prevent premature quenching. The baking powder does not need to be dissolved, it is mixed with flour and injected into the dough. The reaction in this case begins only during baking, which means that the dough can be left to lie down for a while.

When buying baking powder, remember that the bag in which it is located must not be paper, otherwise the reaction may begin right in the package.

Baking powder can be made at home, it's very easy. This is a great replacement for store-bought baking powder - it works exactly the same. So,

homemade baking powder recipe

It is better not to do very much, as the baking powder can cake! If you plan to make more baking powder, put a sugar cube in the jar to eliminate moisture.

The composition of the dough baking powder:

  • Flour 12 parts(flour is added for the convenience of dispensing baking powder, manufacturers sometimes use potato starch instead, the shelf life then increases, but at home this is not necessary at all). I take homemade wholemeal flour, you can use wheat, you can take rye.
  • Soda 5 parts
  • Citric acid 3 parts. So far, I have prepared baking powder on citric acid, but the thought came that it would completely replace it ground dry black or red currant, or cranberry- it is also VERY sour, and at the same time completely natural. I think that then the ground powder of berries should be taken not three parts to 5 parts of soda, but more - at least equally, and maybe even powder of berries more than soda.

Need COMPLETELY DRY!!! a jar with a tight lid, and mix the ingredients with a COMPLETELY DRY spoon - otherwise the reaction will start immediately.

Pour 12 tablespoons of flour into a dry jar, then 5 tablespoons of soda, and at the end add 3 tablespoons of citric acid (or approximately 5-7 tablespoons of dry ground currant or cranberry powder). Then tightly close the jar and shake it well so that all the components are evenly mixed! That's all!

You can add it to any pastry, to pancakes and pancakes (although I generally just bake pancakes with pancakes, without baking powder, but if you need lush pancakes, then it’s better to add them).

Store TIGHTLY CLOSED to keep moisture out.

How much baking powder to add to the dough?

For 1 kg of flour, an average of 4-6 teaspoons of baking powder is consumed (or 2 teaspoons of soda and 2 teaspoons of citric acid).

It is usually considered that 2-3 teaspoons of baking powder are needed instead of 1 teaspoon of soda.

A teaspoon with a small slide is 10 g of baking powder.

There is more in muffins - the norm for 200 g of flour is 2 tsp. baking powder plus 1 tsp. soda, I think it's too much. In general, in fatty dough you need more baking powder, in unleavened bread regular test- much less, the norm differs at times.

Citric acid does not always remove the taste of soda in the product; you can also add a little vinegar. You have to try and see according to your taste.

Types of loosening agents

Self-loosening agents

They cause fermentation in the product, which loosens the dough.

  • Baker's yeast. Fungi that release carbon dioxide into the dough during fermentation. They differ in that they also release other substances that affect the taste of the baked product, which is caused by their metabolism.
  • Lactic acid bacteria - found in sourdough bread and lactic acid products.

Used for baking unleavened bread, cupcakes and other confectionery products. Based on chemical baking powder, baking powder is made, in retail found under the name dough baking powder.

Some types of chemical leavening agents:

  • Sodium carbonate - soda, food additive E500i.
  • Sodium bicarbonate - baking soda, food additive E500ii.
  • A mixture of sodium carbonate with sodium bicarbonate - food additive E500iii.
  • Ammonium carbonate - food additive E503i.
  • Ammonium bicarbonate (see Ammonium salts) - food additive E503ii.
  • Potassium carbonate (potash) - food additive E501i.
  • Potassium bicarbonate (potash) - food additive E501ii.
  • Pyrophosphates - food additive E450.
  • Orthophosphates - see list of food additives E300-E399.
  • Other phosphates - see list of food additives E400-E499.
  • Cream of tartar is a mixture of potassium tartrate (E336i) with potassium bitartrate (E336ii).

Baking soda

Baking soda acts as a leavening agent in itself, at a temperature of 60 ° C (sodium bicarbonate) begins to decompose into sodium carbonate, carbon dioxide and water.

Baking soda and soda are salts of a very weak and unstable carbonic acid, so they react with stronger acids to release carbon dioxide. The dough usually has a slight acidity (caused by dairy products), but to enhance the effect, flour is often pre-mixed with citric acid (dry), or by adding tartaric acid (poor acetic acid) to the liquid.

A mixture of soda, citric acid and flour is sometimes sold under the name of baking powder.

It is widely believed that baking soda and vinegar should be mixed before adding to the dough. This is completely useless, since the reaction takes place outside the dough, carbon dioxide escapes before cooking begins. The gas formation reaction starts immediately when kneading, it is important to put it immediately in the oven when the dough heats up - the reaction speeds up, the bubbles expand and the dough repeatedly rises.

Reaction equation: NaHCO 3 + CH 3 COOH = CO 2 + H 2 O + CH 3 COONa - Q

ammonium carbonate

Unlike baking soda, ammonium carbonate completely decomposes into gaseous components, leaving no mineral salts and adding nothing to the taste of baked goods.

It can be used in a non-strict dosage, as. In addition, it releases more gases. The only drawback is the instability in air during long-term storage. It is the main component of baking powders.

When heated to t 60 ° C, it quickly decomposes into ammonia (NH 3), carbon dioxide (CO 2) and water (H 2 O) according to the reaction: (NH 4) 2 CO 3 \u003d 2NH 3 + CO 2 + H 2 O

Loose products

  • agar agar
  • Gelatin
  • Fats mixed with sugar
  • Carrageenan
  • Cream
  • pectin substances
  • Egg white

loosening gases

  • Air
  • Nitrous oxide - food additive E942.
  • Carbon dioxide - food additive E290.

Spices for dough

spices that can be used for homemade test, quite a lot: vanilla, anise, bitter and sweet almond(bitter - grains !!), ginger, cardamom, coriander, cumin, cloves, cinnamon, allspice, star anise. In products from salt dough you can also add red pepper and thyme.

For baking and just like that, as a drink, we recommend paying attention to non-alcoholic syrups from Monin (France) and others - very delicious addition to the table, for children and adults! There are dozens of different flavors - add syrups to drinks and baking dough!

See also ready mixtures of spices and spices- very convenient sets, you can choose spices for baking and cooking different dishes, cereals, soups. There is also natural cinnamon, vanilla, and more.

Today, baking powder is found in many recipes. But what is it? Can you cook it yourself? What is a substitute for baking powder? Let's figure it out.

What is baking powder?

Baking powder is a common baking powder. It is used in cooking to make the dough airy. It consists of soda, acids, flour or starch. When kneading the dough, the soda begins to react with acid, resulting in the formation of carbon dioxide, which makes the dough fluffy.

Baking powder at home

You can make your own baking powder. This will require 12 tsp. flour, 5 tsp soda and 3 tsp. citric acid. All ingredients must be mixed with a wooden spoon, and then tightly close the jar and shake it. Components must be dry to prevent premature reaction. Keep home baking powder maybe a few months closed container in a dry dark place. For a single use, 1 tsp is enough. flour, ½ tsp soda and ¼ tsp. citric acid.

What can replace baking powder?

Instead of baking powder, you can add to the dough baking soda. But in order for the dough to become lush, an oxidizing agent must be present in it: lemon zest, fruit puree, kefir, etc. The amount of soda should be put no more than 1 tsp. for ½ kg of flour. If there is no oxidizing agent in the test, then the soda must be repaid lemon juice or vinegar. It must be injected very quickly so that the reaction continues inside the test. Another bubble structure is achieved with a large number of eggs. The airiness of the baked goods will depend on how thoroughly you beat them. It is better to beat the whites separately from the yolks and introduce them at the end of cooking. Also, baking powder will perfectly replace 1-2 tbsp. l. cognac or rum.
