
Cake with a train made of mastic mk. Cake "Engine" from biscuit, butter cream and mastic

A children's party is a great way to practice pastry skills and prepare a cake that will not only be delicious, but also beautiful. Recently, it has become fashionable to decorate a children's cake with mastic figures. Such cakes are especially popular with the youngest children. In our article, we will consider the phased preparation of everyone's favorite Thomas the Tank Engine cake.

To do this, you need to decide on the ingredients. The basis for the cake can be completely different, depending on the preferences of the child. In our case, we will use biscuit cakes as the basis.

Cake ingredients

We need about 400 gr. flour, the same amount of sugar should be taken. Be sure to add 340 gr. butter and 320 gr. sour cream. Plus, you need to add half a teaspoon of vanilla sugar or vanilla essence, 150 gr. peanuts, you can also take half a teaspoon of almond essence (optional), which will give the cakes a pleasant aroma. Be sure to add 3-4 chicken eggs. And of course, do not forget about the need to add soda slaked with vinegar (about one teaspoon).

Ingredients for the cream, which must be smeared with cakes

For cream, we need 200 gr. sugar, as well as for the cake, we take 340 gr. butter and 4 whites, previously separated from the yolk. Optionally, you can take one banana.

Ingredients for marshmallow mastic

For mastic, we take about two glasses of powdered sugar, although more may be needed. You also need to take 200 gr. marshmallows and pre-purchased food coloring in desired colors.

In this case, there is no special need to gradually paint the recipe for making a biscuit for the Thomas the Tank Engine cake.

After all, the method of preparation is quite simple and familiar to every hostess. Having prepared the cake, cut it with a thread into two equal parts. The size of the cake is approximately 30 by 30 cm.

To give shape, you will need thick cardboard, which must first be wrapped in foil and cling film. The size of the cardboard should be 10 by 23 cm. The made template must be attached to the cake and cut out three identical parts. The remaining scraps are suitable for small details.

At the next stage, it is necessary to form the shape of a steam locomotive from cut out biscuit cakes. Now we need to carefully coat all the details with a protein-oil cream. We pre-peel the banana and cut it into round identical slices, then spread them on the cream.

The next important step in cooking is to assemble the cake, after which we send it to the refrigerator to cool. After the cake has cooled, you need to cut off the excess, which we mix with the cream. We coat the cake with the resulting crumb, giving it a more accurate shape.

Now we send it to the refrigerator again for 40-60 minutes. We take out and coat the cake with the remaining cream and send it back to the refrigerator. After you need to get the cake and use a towel to level the oily surface and put it in the refrigerator for no more than half an hour.

The final stage of cooking Thomas" - decoration with mastic

So, the edge of the locomotive should be brown, it is necessary to "wrap" the locomotive around the entire perimeter with it. It is important to remember that before gluing mastic on the cake, the place must be smeared with honey.

Next, we apply blue mastic in several stages, connecting several canvases with each other with a pre-prepared "glue". Next, from the red mastic, you need to wind the flagella - for windows, wheels. The inscription on the cake can be made from mastic of any color. The Thomas the Tank Engine cake (photos are presented in the article) is almost ready. You can please them little sweet tooth.

So, as you can see, to prepare the Thomas the Tank Engine cake with mastic, we need several hours and a small amount of ingredients. But the result will please not only you, but also your children.

For syrup:

  • water - 100 ml.
  • sugar - 3 tbsp.

For cream:

  • butter - 200 g
  • condensed milk - 8 tbsp. l.

For mastic:

  • marshmallow marshmallow or soufflé - 300 g
  • lemon juice - 3 tbsp. l.
  • powdered sugar - 4 tbsp.

Or you can buy ready-made mastic for cakes.

For chocolate glaze:

  • bitter chocolate - 150 g
  • butter - 15 g
  • milk - 4 tbsp. l.

I invite you to my kitchen to cook together a delicious birthday cake for a child with a mastic train.

Recipe for a biscuit for the "Engine" cake:

1. Carefully separate the proteins from the yolks. Thoroughly wipe the bowl where the proteins will be stored with a paper towel with a drop of vinegar. To the yolks, put half the norm of sugar, if desired, put vanilla sugar.

2. Using a mixer, carefully beat the mass until it increases. Set the beaten yolks aside.

3. Now let's move on to whipping the proteins. Let's also start whipping at a slow speed, gradually increasing it. We continue to move until we get a fluffy light mass. Now pour the remaining sugar in a thin stream, continuing to beat. When the proteins turn into a stable dense foam, you can complete the process.

4. Add one part of the protein mass to the yolks.

5. Gently mix with air movements from the bottom up. Sift the flour twice and add to the mixture of yolks and proteins. Also mix.

6. Then add the rest of the proteins and mix with the same gentle movements.

7. Prepare a baking dish, grease it with vegetable oil. You can sprinkle with flour, and then shake off its remnants. Pour the dough into the desired shape and slightly level the surface. For the cake "Engine" I have a round shape.

8. Preheat the oven to 180 ° C. Put our dough in the oven and bake the biscuit for about 35 minutes. You can check readiness with a toothpick.
We take out the finished biscuit cake from the mold and let it cool completely. Then we cover it with a paper towel and leave it on the table overnight.

9. Cut the aged biscuit lengthwise into several parts, it depends on its height, so that you can soak it with syrup and grease each cake with cream.

Syrup for the cake "Engine":

Add sugar to hot boiled water and mix well until the sugar is completely dissolved. You can add vanillin or jam here.

The syrup is ready.

Butter cream for cake:

1. Prepare butter cream for the cake. To do this, beat soft butter until fluffy with a mixer and add condensed milk to it, continuing to beat.
Gradually we move from slow whipping to the fastest. Beat until the mass becomes thick.

That's it, butter cream for the cake is ready.

2. Lubricate each resulting biscuit cake with cream, stacking them on top of each other. Leave it in the refrigerator for now.

Mastic for the cake "Engine":

Have a nice tea party and an interesting holiday!

Pay attention when preparing a biscuit cake:

  • when filling out the form with dough, you need to take into account that our biscuit will rise in size by one and a half times, so you need to fill the form with dough by 2/3;
  • when kneading dough in flour, you can add citrus zest (lemon or orange), chopped nuts, cocoa, which also needs to be sifted, to taste;
  • do not overdo it with prolonged mixing of the dough, otherwise valuable air bubbles may be destroyed, with the help of which the dough rises;
  • when the dough is already in the oven, you can not open the door for the first 20 minutes so that the biscuit does not fall off, but it is better not to disturb it at all until the baking process is completed;
  • the finished biscuit has a slightly shriveled shape, when pressed with fingers, it springs, and the recess is easily restored;
  • prolonged lying (about 12 hours) at room temperature makes it possible for the biscuit cake not to crumble when cut;
  • for flavoring, any fruit juices, essences can be added to the syrup; liqueurs, liqueurs, aromatic tinctures, grape wines can be used in cakes for adults;
  • if the butter cream turned out to be heterogeneous, it needs to be slightly warmed up and beat again.

A lot of hostesses create fantastically delicious cakes, and if they were decorated accordingly, they would turn out to be a work of art in every sense. And now we will help to solve this issue, we will tell you how to quickly and easily make figurines for a cake with your own hands.

Why mastic? Yes, because it is from this convenient material that you can easily make delicious and voluminous decorations. And you can also prepare mastic for sculpting figures with your own hands.

It’s worth starting to master such skills, perhaps, with sugar mastic. And only then try to cook and sculpt from milk, gelatin and chocolate mass.

Children's figurines from mastic with their own hands - a master class for beginners

Such an element of decor as a train is suitable for both boys and girls, and it is quite simple in execution, so even novice confectioners will be able to do it.

To begin with, we roll a plump sausage out of green mastic, then with any improvised object we give it the shape of a bar and make one edge slightly beveled. This will be the base of the locomotive.

Now we roll up two of the same sausages, but shorter, flatten one from the ends so that the edges are flat, moisten the top of the base with water and fasten it closer to the beveled edge. We give the second short sausage the shape of a plump brick.

We fasten the "brick" from the other edge of the base, in the same way, only in a vertical position, this will be the cabin.

Cut out rectangular windows and wheels from blue mastic. We need 2 windows, 2 large wheels and a few small ones, depending on how many cars there will be. The number of wagons can be equal to the number of years of the birthday person. We fasten windows and wheels (2 large and 4 small) on the sides.

We also need a rectangle for the roof. We bend it with a boat and attach it to the highest part of the train.

Another plate in the form of a trapezoid will go to the front, only you first need to make transverse stripes on it.

We wet the wheels with water and fasten them on the sides.

For the pipe, roll up a very small sausage. We flatten one side of the pipe with a finger, sinking a little inward, we get a small depression, we also roll up a small ball.

Do you like cartoons as much as I do? I can watch them at any time and I would prefer a full-length cartoon to any thriller! Good always wins there, and good wizards save the world, all dreams come true there and all heroes become happy! And if the cartoon also has good music, then I will definitely watch it to the end and put the music on my phone. And I also really love naive and touching cartoons from the USSR, and as it turns out, not only me. They asked me to make a cake in the form of a train from Romashkovo, it was a great reason to watch this cartoon again and that's what happened to me.

Let's prepare a biscuit for the cake in olive oil (you can also use vegetable oil). I needed a big cake and I baked 2 biscuits, in the form of 24 cm. To do this, double the rate indicated here. You will need eggs, sugar, flour, butter and baking powder.

Beat eggs with sugar.

Partially pouring vegetable oil.

Add flour sifted with baking powder and vanilla. Mix the flour in portions with a spatula, folding from the bottom up. Do not use a mixer!

Put the dough into a mold. Line the bottom with baking paper. Bake at 190 degrees for 20 minutes until dry.

Cool the finished biscuit and remove from the mold. I baked two biscuits and cut each into 2 cakes. Leave the biscuits for 6-8 hours.

While the biscuits are ripening, let's prepare the main character of the cake - a train. To do this, use a purchased cake or bake it yourself, you can use round and rectangular cookies. This will make things a lot easier, though. . . we are not looking for easy ways and for the train I baked a chocolate biscuit for a quarter portion according to the recipe indicated (eight cake)

For the base, I folded two cookies side by side and covered them with red mastic, I also made wheels for the train from it. The back is big and the front is small. I made birch trees, but as it turned out later, they did not fit into my artistic design and remained sad on the board. We will leave these details to dry for a day. Better for two.

Spread biscuits for the train with butter cream with condensed milk. To do this, beat 80 grams of butter and the same amount of condensed milk. Coat all parts with cream and send to the refrigerator to solidify.

While the engine is resting, we will make a face for it in the freezer. Oh, and I suffered with this smile! And how she did not come out ironic, sad, but not as it should be!

Well, it seems to have turned out on the 5th attempt, a little surprised and sly, my little train did not want to be cheerful. I apologize for the quality of these photos, it's already midnight on the clock and the lighting is bad. So, I'll leave everything as it is. The morning is wiser than the evening and it is better to do the final assembly in the morning.

In the morning, cover the details of the locomotive with blue mastic and install on the base. Attach face and wheels. I glue all the details on the water. Just wet the parts with a brush a little before connecting and press. You can use sugar syrup. The train is ready and let it rest in the refrigerator for now.

To assemble the cake, beat the cream from butter and condensed milk in a 1: 1 ratio. Soak the cakes with a mixture of orange juice and berry syrup, for example, from cherry jam. Cake for children and alcohol should not be used. Coat the cakes with cream. And also cream to align the sides and top of the cake. Send in the cold to stabilize.

When the cream has set, cover the cake with green mastic and lay out the sleepers. Now you can buy mastic already dyed, or you can dye it yourself with food coloring, I use different mastic.

So, now we will lay out the rails of brown mastic and glue the largest chamomile. I cut daisies with plungers. I sculpt the letters from yellow mastic and glue them on the water, on the cake.

I decorate the free field with daisies. Now it remains only to put the train on our clearing and everything will be ready!

Here is such a train from Romashkovo turned out.

That's it, I'm calling the birthday man, let them take it!

No, don't ask! I'm not going to put in a pipe right now. Her mother will put the birthday boy before serving. This is a small black mastic pipka with a flower on top, which will be installed with a toothpick right before the holiday to avoid disaster! We don’t want to spoil the holiday for little Gordey, do we?

Children's cakes with trains are liked by all kids. After all, such desserts are not only delicious, but also very beautiful, bright. How to make such a treat? In our article, we will look at a couple of good recipes for creating children's cakes.

"The Train from Romashkovo"

If you like cartoons, then please yourself and your family with the “Train Engine” dessert. The cake will please the kids with its brightness.

To prepare a biscuit you will need:

  • 100 grams of sugar;
  • 100 ml of olive oil;
  • a bag of baking powder for dough;
  • four eggs;
  • a sachet of vanillin;
  • 250 grams of flour.

For impregnation you will need:

  • 100 ml of berry syrup;
  • 100 ml orange juice.

For the cream you will need:

  • 300 grams of oil;
  • 300 ml of condensed milk;

For decoration you need:

  • kilogram of mastic;
  • various food colorings
  • half a kilogram of finished biscuit (chocolate);
  • two cookies for the platform.


Second phase

The next stage of preparation

  1. Now the moment has come when you need to collect the cake "Engine from Romashkovo". Beat the cream from condensed milk, butter (in proportions 1: 1). Soak the cakes with a mixture of berry syrup and orange juice.
  2. Then smear them with cream. Also line the sides and top of the cake with it. Then send it to the cold for a while.
  3. When the cream sets, cover the green cake with mastic. Then lay out the sleepers. By the way, mastic can be bought both colored and colorless (dyed with dyes yourself).
  4. Now lay out the rails from the brown mastic. Then glue the largest chamomile. Make letters out of yellow putty. Glue them on the water to the cake.
  5. Decorate the free field with mastic daisies.
  6. After that, install a train on the clearing. The cake will not be complete without a pipe (made of black fondant). Attach it to the train. It has a flower on top. The pipe is installed with a toothpick.

Cake "Engine": photos and ingredients

This cake is very tasty, but also beautiful. To create it, you need to bake several large cakes (low). It is important that the sweet dessert "Train Engine" is well soaked. The cake will then be very tender. This dessert is perfect for a child's birthday.

For the test you will need:

  • four glasses of sugar;
  • twelve st. spoons of honey;
  • eight eggs;
  • two glasses of walnuts;
  • eight st. spoons of sour cream;
  • vinegar (for extinguishing soda);
  • four teaspoons of soda;
  • eight glasses of flour.

To prepare a delicious cream you will need:

  • two glasses of sugar;
  • 300 ml sour cream;
  • 500 ml cream (thick fat);

For decoration you will need:

  • three kiwis;
  • three pieces of tangerines;
  • one ripe banana;
  • two packs of green coconut flakes;
  • two glasses of boiling water;
  • two bags of black tea;
  • two packs of blue coconut flakes.

How to make a steam locomotive cake?

Final stage


Now you know the recipes for the Steam Engine cake. We hope that our recommendations will help you in creating desserts. We wish you good luck in preparing treats for children.
