
Salad for the winter from fresh-frozen herring. Nicoise salad with herring from Dasha Malakhova

In Russian home cooking salted herring salads have always been a favorite. There are many options for such salads, of course, the famous one comes to mind first. Based classic combination herring and vegetables, you can cook a simpler version of the salad from this delicious fish.
First you need to boil vegetables - potatoes and carrots.

By the way, potatoes can be boiled in their skins, it's faster and easier, and its taste in a vegetable salad with herring will be brighter.

Next, all the components you just need to cut into cubes - potatoes, carrots.

Cut cucumbers and onions too.

Bulgarian pepper cut into strips. For the beauty of the dish, you can take half a red and half a yellow pepper. Boil eggs and chop.

Cut the fish or immediately prepare the fillet for the salad, remove all the bones from it so that nothing extra is caught in the salad. Next, the fillet must be cut into cubes. By the way, it is better to take slightly salted herring. Due to the presence of this particular fish and potatoes, a vegetable salad will be very satisfying. Herring is one of the most fatty fish, but this is not its bad quality, but on the contrary, because it contains healthy omega-3 fats that help us fight aging and have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.

Put chopped vegetables, eggs, fish and 1 jar in a salad bowl canned peas. Season the salad with herring and vegetables according to the recipe with salt and black pepper to taste.

Season the salad with mayonnaise - for the indicated amount of ingredients, only two tablespoons will be enough.

Mix well with salad dressing. Garnish with herbs on top and vegetable salad with herring is ready to serve.

This is the most simple and fast option cooking vegetable salad with herring. But in general, you can add to this combination of ingredients different products that will give the dish new shades of flavors. Experiment and add cheese, apples or mushrooms to the salad, prepare the salad not with salt, but with smoked herring and baked potatoes, experiment with without stopping at classic mayonnaise, and you will be surprised how the taste of this seemingly simple dish changes.

Salad for the winter with fish- delicious and very nutritional preparation. This great alternative store canned food, because it contains only natural products.

Delicious salad for the winter with fish

You will need:

Onion, carrot - ½ kg each
- fresh tomatoes- 1 kg
- freshly frozen sprat - 1 kg
- sunflower oil
- table vinegar- 3.2 tbsp. spoons
- spices
- sugar sand - 1.5 tbsp. spoons
- large spoon kitchen salt


Defrost the sprat on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. Drain the resulting liquid, clean the fish from the insides and heads. Wash the fillet, strain through a colander. Wash the tomatoes, cut into several pieces, scroll through a meat grinder along with onions. Grate peeled carrots. Pick up a frying pan with high sides, pour in sunflower oil, heat it, brown the carrots. Pour into the pan tomato puree, add sugar, salt, boil the roast. Transfer the sprat fillet to the vegetable roast, stir, reduce the heat, simmer for an hour and a half. Add spices to taste, simmer for 20 minutes.

Prepare dry jars, process them, lay out the workpiece immediately after cooking, seal with dry lids. To carry out additional sterilization, wrap the containers with a warm blanket. Leave canned food in this position for 24 hours.

Salad with fish for the winter: recipes

Salaka with vegetables


Beets - 100 g
- tomatoes - 750 g
- herring - 400 g
- carrot - 300 g
- a large spoonful of salt
- onion - 150 g
- granulated sugar - 2.2 tablespoons
- table vinegar - 2.2 tbsp. spoons

How to cook:

Chop the peeled onion into half rings. Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan, fry the onion so that it becomes transparent, stirring regularly. Transfer the incompletely cooked onion to a cauldron for the further stewing process. Grind peeled carrots in a blender. Separately, fry the carrots in a pan, transfer to the onion. Free the beets from the peel, chop in a blender, fry in sunflower oil, send to the rest of the vegetables. Cut the washed tomatoes into halves, beat with a blender. You can additionally grind through a sieve. This will get rid of all waste.

Drain into a cauldron tomato sauce, put out on low heat. If you chose a slow cooker for stewing, select the "Extinguishing" mode. Prepare herring: separate the heads, clean it from the insides. Salt, put granulated sugar. Pour vinegar into the cauldron, stir, continue simmering for another half an hour. Spread the workpiece in sterile containers, roll up the lids.

Vegetable salad with fish for the winter


Capelin - 400 g
- carrots - 0.3 kg
- beets - 0.1 kg
- tomatoes - 0.75 kg
- onion - 0.15 kg
- a tablespoon of granulated sugar
- 2 tablespoons of sugar and acetic acid
- sunflower oil

How to cook:

Chop the onion in incomplete rings, fry in sunflower oil. Rub the carrots into long strips, put them in a frying pan. Grate the beets, fry them separately. Place the fried vegetables in a bowl. Grind tomatoes with a blender. Remove the peel from them in advance, pour in tomato juice, simmer for 20 minutes. Remove the head and entrails, put in a cauldron, season with salt and sugar, pour vinegar, stir, simmer for half an hour. Arrange the salad in half-liter containers, roll up with sterilized lids, sterilize in a large saucepan before corking. In the refrigerator, the workpiece can be stored for no more than six months.

Prepare and.

Vegetable salads with fish for the winter

Recipe with capelin, carrots and tomatoes

Required products:

Salt - 2.2 tablespoons
- capelin, tomatoes - 3 kg each
- sunflower oil - 400 ml
- onion - 1 kg
- ground black pepper - a small spoon
- acetic acid - 200 ml
- carrot - 1 kg

Cooking steps:

Wash the tomatoes, chop into large pieces. Chop tomatoes, scroll through a meat grinder. You can also use a blender to chop tomatoes. Place chopped tomatoes in a separate pan, send to the fire. Simmer vegetables for about an hour over low heat. Peel the onion and carrot. Chop the onion with a knife, rub the carrots. Fry these vegetables in vegetable oil. You need quite a bit of it. Add kitchen salt to the container granulated sugar. Pour in ground pepper, stir. Thoroughly clean the fish, cut off the heads, remove the insides. Wash thoroughly and combine with vegetables in a saucepan. Simmer the salad for about half an hour on a very low flame. Add vegetable oil and acetic acid, continue cooking for 5 minutes. Pour into jars and roll up, let cool completely.

Prepare and.

Mackerel with eggplant

Required products:

Carrots, blue ones - 1.6 kg each
- mackerel - 2 kg
- oil - 0.4 liters
- granulated sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons
- vinegar essence - 1 tbsp. l.
- granulated sugar, salt - 2 tablespoons each
- tomato - 0.2 liters

Cooking features:

Defrost the fish, cut it into pieces. Grate the carrots in large strips, chop the onion, chop the blue ones into cubes. Transfer all products to the pan, except for vinegar essence and mackerel. At the end, pour in the vinegar, and roll up after 10 minutes.

Try also .

Tomato salad with fish for the winter

Required products:

Ripe tomatoes - 3 kg
- sweet pepper, onion - 1 kg each
- acetic acid, refined sunflower oil - 0.2 liters each
- spices and kitchen salt
- granulated sugar - 100 g each

Defrost mackerel, chop into pieces, boil in water with salt. Turn the tomatoes through a meat grinder, chop the carrots into strips, chop the pepper into strips, and the onion into half rings. Boil chopped tomatoes and chopped vegetables for half an hour. Send spices, vinegar and oil here. Simmer it all for 20 minutes, taste it, arrange it in processed containers, screw on the lids.

Prepare and.

Salad for the winter with fish and barley

You will need:

Maritime white fish– 4 kg
- tomato juice
- tomatoes - 3 kg
- onion, carrot - 1.1 kg each
- granulated sugar - 0.2 kg
- acetic acid - 100 g
- barley - ½ kg
- salt - 2 tablespoons
- sunflower oil - ½ kg

Cooking features:

wash clean water pearl barley, pour boiling water, let stand until it swells. Clean the fish, cut off the heads and remove the insides. Separate the skin from the bone. Boil the fillet in salted water. Chop the tomatoes, pour tomato paste in a saucepan, place on fire, cook the tomatoes for about 20 minutes. Peel carrots and onions, chop. Transfer vegetables to a bowl vegetable oil, fry until golden brown. Mix the tomato mass with fried vegetables, add fish and pearl barley, salt, sprinkle with sugar. Pour in the tomato juice so that the workpiece is not very thick. Boil until the barley is ready, 10 minutes before the readiness add acetic acid, stir thoroughly. Arrange the salad while still hot in prepared jars.

Do and .

Salad for the winter with fish and vegetables

Required components:

Mackerel - 1 kg
- beets - 200 g
- carrot - 700 g
- mustard, coriander, peppercorns
- oil - 175 ml
- ripe tomatoes- 1.3 kg
- kitchen salt - 1.5 kg

How to cook:

Turn the tomatoes through a meat grinder, boil the resulting mass in a saucepan. Send here the fish cut into pieces, grated beets, carrots, fried onions, salt, season with spices, cook for an hour and a half over low heat. Pour in the vinegar, roll up in sterile jars.

Preparations for the winter salads with fish

Mackerel with rice

You will need:

Mackerel - 1.5 kg
- carrots, sweet pepper - 3 pcs.
- onion - 400 g
- refined oil - 200 g
- boiled rice– 300 g

Cooking features:

Cut the cleaned fish, boil. Weld rice groats. Get rid of the peel of tomatoes, chop in a meat grinder. Tomato puree, combine with half the oil, boil for 10 minutes, add to the fish, cook for 1 hour. Chop the vegetables, fry, add to the fish, cook for 20 minutes, mix with rice, cook for another quarter of an hour. Transfer to sterile jars, roll up.

Prepare and.

Salad for the winter with mackerel fish - recipe


Mackerel - 4 pcs.
- table salt
- pepper
- onion, carrot - 2 pcs.
- bay leaf - 4 pcs.
- sunflower oil - 4 tbsp. spoons

How to prepare:

Wash the fish, defrost, crumble. Chop the washed carrots into strips, chop the onion into rings. Sterilize jars. Arrange fish pieces, parsley, peppers, carrots, onions in each container. Add a teaspoon of salt, oil, pour boiled, chilled water. Remove the rubber rings from the lids, cover the filled containers, place in a cold oven. Turn on the mode at 150 degrees, let it sweat for an hour. Remove, insert rubber rings back, roll up, cover until cool.

Salad with fish for the winter with mackerel


Sugar - ½ cup
- onion, Bell pepper- 1 kg
- carrots - about 2 kilograms
- ripe tomatoes - 2 kg
- refined oil - 1.5 cups
- frozen mackerel - 2 pcs.
- acetic acid - 1 tbsp.
- seasonings with spices
- table salt - about 2 tablespoons

How to cook:

Defrost fish naturally. Do not fill it with water and do not use the microwave! Pour water into the pan, lightly salt, boil the mackerel until tender. Remove the carcasses from the broth, cool. Remove the bones, cut into small pieces. Rinse the tomatoes, chop into small pieces, chop in a food processor. Rinse the carrots, remove the peel, chop into strips. Peel the onion, rinse, chop in half rings. Peel seeds from sweet peppers, crumble into medium-sized straws. Transfer the prepared vegetables to a suitable saucepan, pour over the tomato puree. Simmer covered for about half an hour. Simmer under a closed lid. Add sauce and all other ingredients. If necessary, add salt. Arrange the finished workpiece in calcined jars, immediately roll up. Expand the canned food on the lids, cover with a warm blanket.

Most famous salad with herring - of course, "fur coat". But apart from that popular dish, there are other salads with herring, no less tasty and beautiful.

To prepare the salad, you need to carefully clean the fish, removing all the bones. Pairs well with lightly salted herring in salads. boiled vegetables(potatoes, beets, carrots), eggs, green apples and spices. refuel herring salad mayonnaise, olive oil or homemade vinaigrette sauce.

Nicoise salad with herring from Dasha Malakhova


  • slightly salted herring- 2 fillets
  • potatoes - 1 pc.
  • chicory - 1 pc.
  • frozen green bean- 100 g
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • olives - 50 g
  • cherry tomatoes - 4 pcs.
  • canned white beans - 200 g
  • mustard seeds - 1 tsp
  • garlic - 1 clove
  • sugar - 1/2 tsp
  • white vinegar- 1 tbsp
  • olive oil- 4 tablespoons
  • salt, pepper - to taste


1. Peel potatoes and boil until tender. Boil eggs, boil cold water and peel off the shell. White beans put in a colander, let drain all the liquid.

2. Wash the beans, put them in a colander and put them in boiling water for 6 minutes. Cut the olives into halves, and the herring into thin strips. Cut potatoes and eggs into slices. Wash cherry tomatoes and cut in half.

3. Place all salad ingredients in a large bowl, drizzle with dressing and mix well. Serve Nicoise in portions in boats on chicory leaves.

4. For dressing: Mix finely chopped garlic, mustard, sugar, vinegar and olive oil. Add salt and pepper to taste.

Salad of herring, eggs and potatoes


  • potatoes - 500 g
  • boiled eggs- 3 pcs.
  • marinated herring fillet - 250 g
  • chopped olives - 5 pcs.
  • lettuce leaves - 1 bunch
  • greens (dill, green onion) - taste
  • natural yogurt- 150 ml
  • Dijon mustard - 1 tbsp
  • salt, pepper to taste


1. Boil eggs, cool and peel. Cut each egg into 4 pieces.

2. Wash the potatoes well and boil them in salted water. Allow to cool slightly, peel and cut into medium cubes. Place in a deep glass bowl lined with lettuce.

3. For dressing, combine mustard and yogurt. Add half of the chopped greens. While the potatoes are warm, season them with the sauce.

4. Top with pieces of pickled herring, chopped olives and eggs. Salt and pepper to taste, sprinkle with the remaining herbs.

5. Serve the salad warm.

Salad of herring, carrots and beets


  • beets - 2 pcs.
  • carrots - 2 pcs.
  • eggs - 4 pcs.
  • slightly salted fillet herring - 1 pc.
  • mayonnaise to taste
  • salt to taste

1. Boil beets, eggs and carrots, cool and peel. Grate everything.

2. Cut the herring fillet into small cubes.

3. Put herring on the bottom of the bowls, then eggs, carrots and beets, lightly sprinkling salt on the vegetables.

4. Pour with mayonnaise, decorate with herring slices and grated egg. Stir salad after serving.

Winter beet and herring salad


  • pickled herring - 1 pc.
  • beets - 1 pc.
  • red onion - 1/4 pc.
  • dill - a few sprigs
  • apple Granny Smith - 1/2 pc.
  • capers - 1 tbsp
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • sour cream - 2 tbsp
  • salt, pepper to taste


1. Remove the herring from the marinade and cut into slices 1 cm thick.

2. Peel and chop boiled or baked beets.

3. Peel and chop the red onion.

4. Wash and chop dill.

5. Wash the apple and finely chop or grate.

6. Hard boil the egg, cut into cubes.

7. Mix all ingredients in a large bowl. Serve with bread or crackers.

Herring and avocado salad


  • pickled herring fillet - 2 pcs.
  • avocado - 1/2 pc.
  • red sweet onion - 1 pc.
  • dill - a few sprigs
  • salt to taste
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp.
  • lemon juice- 1 tbsp


1. Peel the avocado, cut into cubes.

2. Cut the onion into thin half rings, herring - in small pieces.

3. Finely chop the dill, combine lemon juice and olive oil.

4. Toss salad, lightly salt, drizzle with dressing and sprinkle with chopped dill.

Recall that we previously shared prescription original salad persimmon with feta.

Watch the video how to cook puff salad with capelin caviar:

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Each housewife strives to stock up on an abundance of blanks for the winter. In the summer, all kinds of compotes, salads, caviar, pickles and marinades are rolled into jars. But regular blanks you won’t surprise anyone, it’s another thing to cook a herring salad with vegetables for the winter. You can choose the right herring salad for the winter by reading our article.

This salad is very beneficial to have in stock. The preparation can serve as a full-fledged dinner, because it already has a fish and a vegetable side dish.

  • 2 kg of fresh herring;
  • 0.3 kg of carrots;
  • 0.6 kg of onion;
  • 1.5 tbsp salt;
  • 0.75 st. vegetable oil;
  • 3 black tea bags;
  • 2.5 st. boiling water;
  • 6-7 pcs. lavrushki;
  • 10 peas of allspice and black pepper;
  • 1.5 tsp 70% vinegar essence.
  1. We clean the fish carcasses from scales and entrails, gently ripping open the belly. We cut off the head, tail, all fins. We separate the fillet from the ridge with our hands. If large costal bones remain, we also remove them by feeling for the bones with our fingers.
  2. Cut each fillet crosswise into 6-7 pieces. Sprinkle the pieces with salt, leave for a while.
  3. We clean the carrots with onions. Coarsely rub the carrots, and cut the onion into half rings.
  4. Pour boiling water over tea bags, the tea leaves should be infused and acquire an intense color.
  5. IN large saucepan with a thick bottom, first lay a layer of onions with carrots, then a layer of herring. Thus, we alternate layers, upper layer we make from one bow. Arbitrarily distribute peppercorns between layers.
  6. Pour the contents with vegetable oil and tea leaves. Welding will give the fish a beautiful golden color, will help the fillet pieces to keep solid shape. We send the pan with the workpiece to cook on a strong fire.
  7. As soon as the workpiece boils, we fasten the fire to the lowest possible minimum so that the liquid barely boils. In this mode, we prepare a salad for 3.5 hours.
  8. Half an hour before the end of cooking, add lavrushka. And a couple of minutes before the end of the process, add vinegar essence. At this point, all the liquid will boil away, leaving one oil.
  9. We lay out the fish with vegetables in sterile glass jars, close with tin lids and cool under a blanket upside down.
  10. Store jars in cool place. Seams should be inspected periodically, and if a swollen lid is found, then such a salad is not suitable for food.

For the winter, you can harvest not only vegetables and fruits, but also herring. In addition to the fish in the salad, there are beets, carrots, onions and spices.

  • 1 kg of carrot roots;
  • 2 kg of herring (fillet);
  • 5 kg of tomatoes;
  • 1 kg of onion;
  • 1 medium beet;
  • 5-6 peas of black pepper;
  • 0.5 tsp cinnamon powder;
  • 2 tbsp salt;
  • 0.5 st. sugar;
  • 1 tbsp 70% table vinegar;
  • 3-4 tbsp vegetable oil.
  1. To speed up the cooking process, I advise you to purchase a ready-made herring fillet. Although, if desired, you can fillet the fish yourself. Cut each fillet into medium sized pieces.
  2. Thoroughly wash the beets with carrots with a brush under the tap. We clean the root crops, three through a large grater.
  3. We also rinse the tomatoes, cut into cubes without removing the peel.
  4. We remove the husk from the onion, cut the heads into half rings or quarters, depending on the size of the onions themselves.
  5. Pour into a large heavy bottomed saucepan vegetable oil. We also send carrots, beets and tomatoes there. Stew vegetables under a lid over medium heat for half an hour.
  6. Then we put the herring fillet in the pan, add the onion and all the other spices, except for the vinegar. We simmer just as much. A couple of minutes before the end of cooking, add vinegar to the contents.
  7. We pack the salad in sterile containers, twist the lids. Leave to cool, after turning each jar over and wrapping it warmly.

Absolutely all lovers of herring will like this delicious salad. And in combination with vegetables and tomatoes, the fish acquires a particularly piquant taste.

  • 2 kg fillet of fresh herring;
  • 1.1 kg of onion;
  • 1.2 kg of carrot roots;
  • 2.4 kg of ripe tomatoes;
  • 280 ml vegetable oil;
  • 1.5 tbsp tomato paste;
  • 130 gr. sugar;
  • 2 des.l. salt;
  • 70 ml table vinegar.
  1. If the fillet is frozen, then before cooking it should be thawed in a gentle way. Those. move the fish from freezer in the refrigerator, waiting for complete defrosting. We wash the fillet, dry it, cut into square pieces with sides of 1.5-2 cm.
  2. My carrots, peel and three. After removing the husk from the onion, cut the heads into quarters of the rings.
  3. Now we prepare the tomato puree for pouring. My, cut the tomatoes into arbitrary slices. Grind vegetables in a meat grinder through a fine grate or interrupt in a blender. Add sugar, salt, vegetable oil to the puree.
  4. Pour all the prepared sauce into a saucepan, put on the burner and bring to a boil.
  5. As soon as the sauce begins to show signs of boiling, put carrots in it and cook for a quarter of an hour.
  6. Next, lay the chopped onion, simmer for another quarter of an hour.
  7. After the specified period of time, put pieces of herring in the pan, put tomato paste and simmer for another 25 minutes.
  8. After 15 minutes, pour the bite into the salad, boil it for another 10 minutes.
  9. We lay out the hot salad in sterile half-liter jars, roll it up with sterile tin lids and cool it, turning it upside down under the covers.

Salad for the winter this recipe pretty easy to prepare. Therefore, even a novice hostess can handle its preparation. And so that the salad does not deteriorate, we will sterilize it.

  • 4 carcasses of freshly frozen herring;
  • 3 medium carrots;
  • 3 beam heads;
  • 1.5 tsp kitchen salt;
  • 50 ml vegetable oil;
  • 5 peas of allspice and black pepper;
  • 4 laurels.
  1. Defrost freshly frozen herring, as described in previous recipe. If you defrost the fish in hot water or in the microwave, the fiber structure will become loose and the pieces of fish will simply spread in the finished salad.
  2. We rinse the thawed carcasses, cut off the head, cut the abdomen and take out the insides. We carefully clean the carcass from the inside, completely scraping out the black film, remove the skin. Cut off the fins and tail with kitchen scissors. Separate the fillet from the skeleton, remove everything large bones. We cut the fillet into portioned pieces.
  3. We clean, three carrots on a large grater. We clean the onion, chop into thin half rings.
  4. In a saucepan, combine herring with vegetables. Salt the mass, add vegetable oil and season with lavrushka and peas of two types of pepper. Mix everything well, leave in a cool room for 2.5-3 hours, covering the dishes with a lid.
  5. Meanwhile, wash and steam glass jars with lids. We lay out the marinated mixture in sterile jars, pour under the very neck boiling water. Covering the jars with lids, put them in a saucepan with boiling water (the water level should reach the shoulders of the jars). We sterilize the salad for an hour, periodically adding to the pan hot water to the required level. After we cork the jars with lids and cool them upside down, wrapping the jars.

Very delicious salad, which is prepared from salted herring and vegetables.

  • 1 kg of onion;
  • 3 kg of salted herring;
  • 1.5 kg of carrot roots;
  • 3.5 kg of ripe tomatoes;
  • 250 gr. refined vegetable oil;
  • 1 st. sugar;
  • 150 ml table 9% vinegar.
  1. Let's start by preparing the vegetables. Carrot roots are thoroughly washed, peeled and three on a borscht grater. We clean the onion heads, cut into thin half rings.
  2. Pour vegetables into a capacious thick-walled pan, add vegetable oil and simmer for 40 minutes, periodically stirring the contents with a wooden spatula.
  3. While the carrots and onions are stewing, wash and cut the tomatoes into small cubes. To speed up the process, you can simply twist them through a meat grinder, after cutting out the stalks and arbitrarily cutting into pieces.
  4. After 40 minutes, add tomatoes to the vegetables and simmer for another 40 minutes.
  5. Meanwhile, cut the herring into fillets. First, we clean off the remaining scales, cut off the head. Open the belly, take out the insides, clean off the black bitter film. Gently, with the help of your fingers, separate the fillet from the ridge, and then from the ribs. We clean the resulting fillets from large bones, probing them with your fingertips. To pull the bones, it is convenient to use special kitchen tweezers. Cut the fillet into small pieces.
  6. We lay the pieces of fish to the vegetables, mix and simmer for a quarter of an hour. Then pour sugar, add table vinegar. Stirring, simmer another 10 minutes.
  7. After removing the pan from the heat, quickly lay out the salad in pre-sterilized glass jars. We roll up the salad with iron or screw caps, which we also sterilize. We put the workpiece upside down, wrap it with a warm blanket and leave it in this form to cool for a day. For storage, place the salad in the basement or cellar.

Such homemade, like a herring salad for the winter, differs from others in its refined and rich taste. Salad with herring for the winter, the recipes of which are indicated above, involve the use of both fresh-frozen fish and already salted herring. Therefore, choose any recipe you like and stock up on an original fish snack for the winter. Bon appetit everyone!

Delicious and useful blanks“in the cold” is our tradition. A salad for the winter with fish, onions, carrots, and other vegetables may well replace a full dinner, served at the table of any degree of festivity. After all, it can be used as great snack under strong alcohol, which is also important! For such a salad for the winter with fish, a trifle is often used: herring or sprat, sprat or herring. Sometimes - larger, for example, mackerel (pieces). And such yummy blanks will be able to roll up for any hostess. After all, home-made something is always tastier, and sometimes you want to surprise and regale guests who have come. Nevertheless, a similar salad with fish for the winter with mackerel, for example, is closed less often than just a vegetable salad. Well, are you ready? Then let's get started...

Let's close the salad for the winter with fish!

Most often we prefer winter fish snacks with tomatoes. Probably the most common recipe will be sprat, as well as capelin in tomato sauce. And this is not only because these types of fish are cheap and available, it's just delicious, and you can always open a jar of salad with boiled potatoes or eat it as a separate dish. And so that the salad for the winter with fish turns out to be really tasty, and the main ingredient in it does not fall apart, but keeps its shape, you also need to choose the right fish. You are lucky if you live somewhere near the sea, and buying fresh “seafood” is not a problem. And if not? Therefore, first of all, we will tell you how to choose the components for a salad for the winter with fish.

Choice of main product

Fresh-frozen fish in our case is preferable to just fresh. IN Lately began to sell chilled products (seemingly - fresh). But initially, such fish is thawed and goes on sale, its remains, which have not been sold during this time, can again be frozen, and so on several times. This “chilled” fish on the belly section has an unpleasant icteric color (the result of constant freezing / thawing). It will be dry and will spread with further heat treatment. Small fresh-frozen trifles usually come with light backs, and not gutted, this is exactly what we need!

Herring plus tomatoes equals love (popular)

To prepare such a salad for the winter with fish and vegetables, we will need: a kilo of medium-sized herring, a pound of white onion, a kilo of ripe fresh tomatoes(juicy varieties), a pound of carrots, sugar, vegetable oil, vinegar with salt. You can also use your favorite fish spices.

Cooking easy and simple!

Salad with "small things" and pearl barley

We will need the following ingredients: a kilo of capelin (or herring), a pound of onion, a pound of carrots, a pound of fleshy and ripe tomatoes, medium-sized beets, about 2/3 cup pearl barley, a couple of tablespoons of vinegar, salt and sugar - to taste.

How to cook

Clean the vegetables first. We cut the onion into half rings, grate the carrots and beets coarsely, chop the tomatoes (without peel) with a blender.

We fry each of the above ingredients in vegetable oil in a frying pan, put it in a saucepan, finally pour in the tomato paste and set it to stew over medium (then small) fire. Simmer for 15-20 minutes.

During this time we are doing small fish. They need to be cleaned, cut off the head and tail, rinsed in running water.

We put the prepared fish to stewed vegetables, salt and pepper, add sugar and simmer for another half an hour.

At the very end of our culinary action, we add the finished barley (we pre-soak and boil it) and vinegar. Simmer another 5 minutes.

Ready-made salad with fish and pearl barley for the winter is packed in sterile containers. We roll up the lids (you can still additionally sterilize along with the products), leave to cool (upside down, under the covers - as expected). We store jars at the bottom of the refrigerator or in the cellar, if any. Such a dish is complete, hearty meal, the result of the fact that it includes fish, cereals, and vegetables with oil.

Mackerel: fish salad for the winter

We will need: a kilo of carcasses of medium-sized fresh-frozen mackerel, several onions, a couple of carrots, a pound of tomatoes, vegetable oil and salt and pepper, vinegar 9%, bay leaf.

Preparation is carried out as follows:

  1. The recipe for a salad for the winter with mackerel fish is not very difficult. We defrost the carcasses, clean them from the insides, remove the tails with heads (if any), place them in a saucepan with water and cook for twenty to twenty-five minutes.
  2. We cut the onion into a half ring, three large carrots.
  3. We dip the tomatoes in boiling water so that the skin is well removed. Then chop up the tomatoes accessible way(for example, a blender or a grater). Combine all vegetables large saucepan and set to stew for 20-25 minutes, then add sugar and add salt.
  4. We disassemble the cooked mackerel into pieces and combine with vegetables, add your favorite spices and simmer a lot for fifteen to twenty minutes, in the final we introduce vinegar and then roll it into prepared sterilized containers. Then, as usual, we turn the closed jars upside down and wrap them with a warm towel or blanket - for a slow gradual cooling of the product (who is not sure - you can additionally sterilize the filled containers in boiling water). Putting the salad away long-term storage and, as necessary, we treat guests or family with delicious food.
