
Fried flour gravy recipe. Sauces with flour

Gravy can transform the taste of a dish beyond recognition, give it brightness and taste, make it softer or vice versa - spicy. With the help of different sauces, you can beat the same dish many times, from the same base you will always get a variety of masterpieces. In this article, we will tell you how to cook gravy so that it is tasty and fragrant.

Some general advice for preparing the gravy:

Tip #1 - in classic version gravy is prepared from the liquid that is released during frying fish, meat or poultry by thickening it with starch or flour or by evaporating it and adding different seasonings and spices. However, vegetarians can also cook various gravies based on vegetables and the juice that stands out when they are fried.

Tip number 2 - the most important thing in making gravy is keeping the proportion: 1 cup of liquid per 1.5 tbsp. spoons of flour or starch. There is important point: before throwing flour or starch into a liquid, be sure to dilute them in cold water so that lumps do not form when mixed.

Tip #3 - Prepare the gravy in the same bowl that was used to prepare the dish it's based on.

Tip number 4 - fantasize! Gravy can be prepared from a wide variety of products. In our article, we have made a selection of recipes for all occasions, but do not limit yourself to them, create something new!

Gravy for pasta

  • onion - 2 heads
  • mushrooms - 400 g
  • cream - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • salt, pepper, basil - to taste

So, we are preparing mushroom sauce for pasta. To do this, peel and finely chop the onion, fry it in a pan in vegetable oil.

We cut the mushrooms and also fry them in a pan with onions until the water has completely evaporated.

Add salt, pepper and basil, pour over everything with cream and cook, stirring, until the gravy thickens. In order for this to happen faster, you can add 1-2 tbsp. spoons of flour and mix thoroughly so that there are no lumps. Mushroom spaghetti sauce is ready!

Gravy with meat

In Russia, it is traditionally believed that gravy with meat is best suited to any side dish. This is so, meat gravy can generally act as a separate dish. Meat sauce recipes great amount: it can be prepared from different. Pork gravy is considered the most common in our country, because it turns out delicious, the meat is soft and does not require long heat treatment. Also, the gravy can be made tomato, cheese, creamy, or you can add different vegetables and spices. The main condition is that the meat gravy cannot be homogeneous; pieces of meat must be visible in it, i.e. If you wish, you can beat the base in a blender, turning it into a puree, but the meat in it should be chopped.

To prepare the classic meat gravy, you will need:

  • meat (pork or beef) - 1 kg
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.
  • onion - 1 head
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • flour - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • water - 1 glass
  • salt, pepper - to taste

First you need to clean, wash and cut in small pieces meat. Then fry it in vegetable oil for 15-20 minutes over medium heat.

At this time, peel the onions and carrots, cut the onions and tomatoes into cubes, grate the carrots and add to the meat.

When the bow becomes golden color, add flour to the pan and pour in water, stirring gently so that the gravy is without lumps. Now you need to close the pan and simmer over low heat for 30 minutes. At the end of cooking, add salt, pepper, your favorite seasonings, finely chopped garlic if desired. The gravy is ready, it must be served hot with any side dish.

Chicken gravy

In general, chicken gravy is a very convenient thing! It is prepared quickly, from products that are always in the refrigerator, it turns out delicious and goes well with any side dish or just a salad. Classic chicken gravy is prepared in the same way as meat gravy, only it takes 1.5 times less time. We will tell you how to prepare an exquisite and tender gravy of chicken, cheese and cream, it will decorate any of your dishes. To prepare it, take:

  • chicken fillet - 600 g
  • hard cheese - 200 g
  • cream - 100 ml
  • flour - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • garlic, spices, salt, pepper - to taste

Everything is simple. Cut the fillet into pieces and fry them a little in vegetable oil.

When the chicken is ready, pour the cream into the pan and sprinkle everything with grated cheese, stir until the cheese is melted.

Bring the mixture to a boil over low heat, then add finely chopped garlic, salt and your favorite spices. You can add finely chopped fresh herbs (especially good with chicken basil, sage or oregano). Mix - the gravy is ready!

Gravy for cutlets

Gravy for cutlets - a childhood memory, many of us remember classic taste gravy in the cafeteria at school or at summer camp. Delicious gravy can make cutlets even more fragrant and fragrant. Most often, sauces for cutlets are prepared on the basis of tomatoes or tomato paste, adding garlic, onions, herbs, vegetables or mushrooms to them. An alternative is gravy based on sour cream or cream. We suggest you cook a spicy cheese sauce for cutlets, which will be an original addition to the classic meat dish. To prepare it, take:

  • processed cheese - 2 pcs.
  • celery - 100 g
  • flour - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • water (or white wine) - 2 cups
  • butter - 50 g
  • chili pepper - 0.25 pod
  • dried herbs, salt, pepper - to taste

Grate the cheese and celery on a fine grater, and chop the chili.

Saute the celery and chili in butter, salt and lightly season the vegetables.

Gradually add flour to the pan and fry it with vegetables for 5 minutes, then pour in the same water (or wine), bring to a boil.

Once the mixture begins to boil, add the grated cheese to it and stir until it melts. Serve the gravy immediately with the meatballs!

tomato sauce

"Classics of the genre" is considered tomato sauce or its alternative - tomato paste sauce. In general, tomato sauce came to us from Italy, and not by itself, but in company with meat, in the form of spaghetti bolognese sauce. However, gradually the housewives learned how to make tomato sauce without minced meat serving it to the meat in various forms or just spice it up variety of dishes. Let's prepare a delicious tomato sauce with mint, which is perfect for any kind of meat, fish or poultry, as well as for a lean side dish. To prepare, take:

  • onion - 1 head
  • tomato paste- 2 tbsp. spoons or tomatoes - 4-5 pcs.
  • flour - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • meat or vegetable broth- 2-3 glasses
  • mint (dry or fresh) - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • salt, spices - to taste

Finely chop the onion and tomatoes, fry them in oil. If you are using tomato paste, then just add it to the onion.

Once the onion is golden, add flour and mix well. Pour in the broth and mix well again.

Salt and pepper the mixture, don't overdo the spices so as not to drown out the aroma and taste of mint. Add chopped mint and bring the mixture to a boil while stirring constantly. If you like a smooth gravy, you can beat it with a blender.

Gravy for rice

And finally - vegetarian gravy for rice. You can add meat to it if you wish, so the recipe is not final. For cooking you will need:

  • eggplant (zucchini, zucchini) - 2 pcs.
  • onion - 1 head
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • garlic - 2 cloves
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.
  • cream - 1 cup
  • flour - 2-3 tbsp. spoons
  • salt, spices - to taste

Recipe step by step:

  1. Clean the vegetables and chop finely. First, fry the onions and carrots in vegetable oil, then add the eggplants to them and fry until golden brown, then add the tomatoes.
  2. Sprinkle vegetables with garlic, salt, pepper and add flour, mix everything.
  3. Gradually pour in the cream, stirring constantly.
  4. Bring to a boil and turn off. You can whip the gravy in a blender if you like.

Now you know how to make gravy from absolutely any ingredients. Experiment! Good luck with your recipes and delicious dishes!

How to make gravy with flour

Gravy is a sauce that is used to flavor second courses, as well as to give them taste and aroma. There are a lot of options for making gravy. Gravy with flour is one of the easiest to prepare and at the same time one of the most delicious gravy.

1. Pour a small amount of milk into a small saucepan, dilute it by one third with water. Bring to a boil, then add butter, spices and salt to taste to the pan. In a separate bowl, stir a tablespoon of flour into a small amount water so that there are no lumps. Pour the flour into the sauce in a thin stream. Lower the heat and stir the gravy until it thickens. You can use sour cream instead of milk. Each hostess chooses the proportions for herself, as some like thicker gravy, others like liquid. You can add tomato paste to the sauce - you get a beautiful and tasty tomato sauce.

2. Another way to prepare gravy with flour is to pour vegetable oil into a pan and lightly fry a tablespoon of flour in it. Then add sour cream to the flour and mix everything thoroughly. Then pour it into the pan. meat broth or water and bring the gravy to a boil. Add tomato paste or spices and salt to taste to the gravy.

3. Another option for gravy is gravy with vegetables and herbs. Fry carrots, onions and tomatoes in a pan until tender, then pour half a glass of water and a tablespoon of flour diluted in water beforehand into the pan. Bring the gravy to a boil, add spices and chopped herbs. In such gravy, you can stew meat.

4. A very tender gravy with flour is obtained by next recipe. Stir 2 tbsp. flour in 0.5 liters of cream. Pour the mixture into a high rimmed skillet. Heat the skillet over low heat. Add to gravy 200g grated cheese and 2 cloves grated garlic. The gravy should be stirred and cooked until the cheese is completely melted.

How to cook gravy

Meat or mushroom sauce perfect for any dish pleasant taste fish, pasta or potatoes. With gravy, dishes become juicy and unusually tasty. meat gravy combined with garnish

You will need

1 l broth

1 carrot

1 bulb

1 st. l. tomato paste

2 tbsp. l. sour cream


vegetable oil

2 tbsp. l. flour.


1 Finely chop the onion, grate the carrots coarse grater. Fry in sunflower oil.

2 Add 1 tbsp. l. tomato paste and 2 tbsp. l. sour cream. Then pour in 1 liter. meat broth.

3 Pre-fry the flour in a pan until creamy, cool. Mix thoroughly in 1/2 cup cold water. Then pour in a thin stream into the broth, stirring constantly with a spoon and wait for the gravy to thicken. Boil.

4 Salt the finished gravy, add seasoning and finely chopped greens. Leave on low heat for 5-10 minutes. At the end, you can season with garlic.

Many, trying to cook interesting and unusual snacks, completely forget about such a tasty and a simple dish like flour sauce. Meanwhile, it is the basis for many sauces. Cooking it is sometimes recommended even by very strict nutritionists, and among experienced chefs she deserves the respect she deserves. The recipe itself is delicious and just right. thick gravy from flour was known in princely times. Since then, it has changed little, except that there are ways to artificially thicken if it comes out too liquid.

Gravy Features

Regular gravy from wheat flour and water is one of the most simple sauces which one can only imagine. You should not take any other flour, there is little gluten - the dish will not work. How to make gravy? It is prepared very simply, even a novice cook will cope with this process. You can easily experiment with thickness and different flavors, at will, add various ingredients to the gravy with flour. It can be used for flavoring second courses, and for sweets. Such gravy can often save a failed dish, and is also suitable for naval pasta.

In culinary colleges, from the very beginning they teach how to properly prepare this delicious gravy with flour, and then make more refined sauces based on it.


You will need a minimum of products that can be found in any kitchen and very little time for cooking.

For 4 servings you will need:

  • 3 art. l. wheat flour;
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of butter;
  • 2 glasses warm water
  • salt and spices to taste.

Gravy with flour can be more nutritious. You just need to boil it in meat broth. Any other will do as well.

How to cook gravy from flour, recipe

A few tips before you start cooking so that there are no questions about how to make a healthy flour gravy

  • Do not try to cheapen the sauce by using margarine or spread when preparing it. It is undesirable to fry on these products. It will be better for your health if you take ordinary vegetable oil, however, finished product won't taste as good.
  • The main thing is not to allow the butter to burn. And the point is not that the sauce will become bitter and unappetizing - carcinogenic substances are formed in the burnt oil, such oil changes the structure of its molecules, settles on the walls of blood vessels, causes atherosclerosis.
  • To prevent the butter from burning, grease the pan with a little sunflower oil. Melt it on a small gas, then it will be a beautiful color and very fragrant.

The final result will depend on the quality of the flour. It is best if it is a sauce with white flour premium, but this is not essential.

  1. Melt the butter in a heavy bottomed pan.
  2. As soon as it melts, pour in the flour - all at once. It must be intensively mixed and rubbed all the lumps. It is necessary to fry the flour properly until it becomes golden or slightly darker.
  3. Start adding liquid little by little. It's better if it's hot. Pour in small portions, stirring the flour all the time, preventing lumps from forming.
  4. At the same time, add your favorite spices.
  5. When all the liquid has been added, let the sauce simmer for small fire another 5-7 minutes.
  6. Remove from heat and pour into saucepan, leave to thicken.

Advice. How to thicken a sauce? If the gravy is too thin, add a little diluted flour to thicken. Only you need to add not flour to the sauce, but, on the contrary, pour the sauce into the flour, stirring vigorously. If lumps still form, they can be broken with a blender. Then boil over low heat.

Additives for gravy

Sour cream or cream

When the flour is fried, dilute hot water desired amount of sour cream. Pour it in small portions into the prepared sauce. Sour cream can be replaced with cream or milk. In this case, the cream should be hot, almost boiling, otherwise it may curdle when added to the sauce.

Such gravy can be flavored with pasta dishes. The sauce goes well with beef or chicken meat.

If you add sugar and vanilla instead of salt, you get an excellent gravy for sweet warm pies with fruit filling.


Tomatoes make a great sauce for meat or fish. To make it brighter and tastier, add a few tablespoons of tomato paste to the vegetables instead of sour cream. It will be successfully replaced by a glass tomato juice, but in this case it must be taken into account - the juice is often already salted. When adding it, taste it ready and do not add salt.

The sauce is perfect for meat and fish dishes. In addition, it is added to borscht - then it acquires the necessary sourness.

How to make gravy with onions and raisins

This sauce is made quickly and easily. Additionally you will need:

  • one more bulb;
  • butter - 2 teaspoons;
  • lemon juice- 3 tablespoons;
  • white wine - 100 ml;
  • seedless raisins - half a glass;
  • sugar - 1 tablespoon;
  • carnation - 1 pc.;
  • allspice and black pepper - a pinch each.

Finely chop and sauté the onion until translucent. Add onion, pepper and cloves, fry the mixture for one minute. Then add wine, sugar and lemon juice, boil for another minute. Combine flour sauce and onion sauce, add raisins and let it brew for 15 minutes.

This sauce has a pleasant sweet and sour taste, served with rice, pasta, fish and minced meat dishes.

In contact with

Sauce is a great addition to various dishes, which brings piquant motifs to taste. Gravy prepared with the addition of flour can brighten up any dish, including rice, fish, meat, potatoes. The flour ingredient does not have a pronounced taste and is used for density. How to make sauces from flour? This is discussed in our article.

Classic recipe

Let's start talking about recipes for sauces with flour with a traditional French gravy known as bechamel. The author of the dressing for side dishes is the personal culinary specialist of King Louis XIV. It was the name of this cook that served as the name of the sauce. Today, the dressing has the glory of being one of the most popular in European cuisine.

Gravy is prepared according to the following scheme:

  • Melt the butter in an amount of about 50 grams using a frying pan or a saucepan.
  • Pour the same amount of wheat flour.
  • The mixture is sautéed over low heat until a light golden hue is formed.
  • About one liter of milk is added, constantly stirring the dish to avoid the formation of lumps.
  • The dressing is brought to a boil, and then removed from the stove and left to thicken.
  • A pinch of salt and a dessert spoon of nutmeg are added to the milk and flour sauce, which resembles liquid sour cream in consistency.
  • Ready gravy serve to vegetable salads, meat and fish dishes, side dishes.

Mornay sauce

Morne - another popular french sauce. The gravy is prepared like bechamel. However, with some differences. In particular, milk is replaced heavy cream, sour cream or ryazhenka.

Let's go directly to cooking. First, combine a tablespoon of flour and 50 grams of butter. About 200 ml of cream is poured here. The composition is brought to a boil over medium heat, stirring occasionally. After thickening, add half dessert spoon nutmeg, as well as about 50 grams finely grated cheese. As the latter, it is better to use Emmental, Parmesan or Gruyère. Gravy can not be salted. After all, these cheeses already contain quite an impressive amount of salt.

The resulting mass is cooled to room temperature. Then intervene one egg yolk. ready sauce from flour is used as an addition to side dishes. You can use dressing for baking meat and fish in the oven or microwave oven. Mornay gravy makes it possible to achieve a special juiciness and tenderness of such dishes.

Garlic Sause

How to cook a delicious sour cream sauce with flour and garlic? Finely chop an onion of medium size and about 3-4 large slices garlic. The ingredients are sauted over low heat using 30 grams of butter. heat treatment stop when the mixture reaches a golden hue.

Add a tablespoon of flour to the composition. The dressing is fried again for 2-3 minutes. Next, slowly pour in the cream in the amount of 250 milliliters. The gravy is stirred until uniform consistency. Lumps are thoroughly kneaded. When the sauce comes to a boil, remove the pan from the stove and cool the product.

Garlic Sause serve with flour good addition to almost any side dishes. The dressing is especially harmoniously combined with fried and boiled potatoes, vegetable cutting, fish and meat.

mustard white sauce

In a saucepan they combine a glass of milk, several buds dried cloves, a quarter of a finely chopped onion, as well as a teaspoon of ground bay leaf and nutmeg. The mixture is brought to a boil over low heat.

In a separate container, mix a few tablespoons of flour and about 30 grams of melted butter. The ingredients are sent to the stove and fried. Then slowly pour in the previously prepared milk mixture. The gravy is boiled until thickened. The sauce is seasoned with ground pepper and salt to taste. As a finishing touch, add a few tablespoons french mustard with unground grains. The dressing is thoroughly mixed.

Sour cream sauce with flour

To make this gravy, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Bulb large size.
  • Butter - 50 g.
  • Sour cream with medium fat content - 100 g.
  • Flour - one glass.
  • Spices - to taste.

In a frying pan, mix the above amount of flour and butter. A well-heated mass is combined with sour cream. The composition is boiled for 10 minutes. The onion is peeled and finely chopped, and then sautéed in another pan. All ingredients are combined and thoroughly mixed. The sauce is cooled to room temperature, pepper and salt.

Tomato sauce with flour

Finally, I would like to tell you how to cook tomato sauce, which allows you to enjoy extremely interesting, sweet and sour taste. The dressing is ideal for rice dishes, looks like a great addition to fried and baked fish.

The sauce is prepared on the basis of such products:

  • Water - 500 ml.
  • Butter - 25 g.
  • Tomato paste - 250 g.
  • Sugar - 4 tablespoons.
  • juice of one small lemon.
  • Cloves - 4 pieces.
  • Flour - 3 tablespoons.
  • Pepper - to taste.

The preparation method is somewhat similar to previous recipes. The butter is combined with flour and fried in a frying pan until a delicate golden color. Add water in an amount of about half a glass. The mixture is thoroughly mixed, kneading the formed flour lumps.

The remaining volume of water is heated in a saucepan to a boil. Tomato paste is sent here, and then a billet of butter and flour. Juice is squeezed out of a lemon. Add sugar, ground pepper. Simmer the gravy over low heat for 5 minutes, stirring constantly. At the end, the sauce is cooled to room temperature and served.

To do good sauce from flour, you should pay attention to some tips:

  1. Gravy is recommended to cook on moderate heat. It is important to constantly mix the composition with a wooden spoon. This is the only way to avoid sticking flour into lumps. If it was not possible to prevent trouble, it is worth passing the dressing through a sieve.
  2. Often the flour sauce is too thick. You can correct the omission by diluting the gravy with a small amount of warm water.
  3. How to determine the readiness of the sauce? It's pretty easy to find out. The dressing will lose its characteristic floury flavor.
  4. Gravy should not be stored for more than three days. A pleasant pronounced taste will please only fresh sauce. For this reason, it is recommended to cook small portions of the product.
  5. Salting the sauce is necessary at the end of cooking. After all, the gradual addition of various ingredients will change the taste of the dressing.
  6. It is advisable to use flour sauce not only as an addition to side dishes. great idea the use of dressing looks like a spread on toasted toast.

    Mix in a glass 0.5 l of cream and 2 tbsp. flour so that no lumps form. Pour the mixture into a saucepan, which must be put on a small fire. Add minced garlic and 200 g grated cheese fine grater. Heat the sauce, stirring constantly until it becomes a homogeneous mass. The sauce is very tasty!

    Gravy with flour is done as follows:

    • Pour some milk into a saucepan and dilute it with water (about one third);
    • Bring milk with water to a boil and then add salt, spices, and butter (all to taste - there are no strict prescriptions regarding proportions);
    • Pre-stir some flour in a little water to avoid lumps. Now, while stirring, pour the flour into the gravy in thin streams so that it is evenly distributed.
    • Now it remains only to stir the gravy until it thickens to a certain degree.

    Possible some variants of gravy with flour:

    • you can add tomato paste so that the gravy has beautiful colour and tomato flavor
    • you can use sour cream instead of milk - then the gravy will be juicier, a little sour. You can also try using cream - the taste of such a gravy will be very gentle, unobtrusive.

    you can try prepare gravy with meat broth

    • Fry a tablespoon of flour in vegetable oil in a pan;
    • Add sour cream and mix until smooth;
    • Pour in the meat broth, salt (if there is no or little e in the broth), as well as tomato paste and spices.
  • I'm making tomato sauce with flour. The recipe is simple, but somewhat different from the standard. I replace tomato paste with tomatoes in own juice So, I think it tastes better.

    I fry the flour in a pan until it darkens a little. I add a tablespoon of sour cream and tomatoes in their own juice to it (they are usually already quite salty and with spices, so I don’t add salt. I mix it, let it boil. I throw finely chopped garlic there (a lot of garlic, our family respects it very much). Let it simmer for a minute and you're done.

    I read the answers, the recipes are very good, but I decided to add the most important thing for making sauces and gravy on flour:

    it (high-grade flour) must be fried in advance on a dry hot pan before beige colour(not darker!), stirring all the time.

    Cool, pour into jars and use in sauces (1-2 tablespoons each) according to recipes.

    When using such flour, the gravy will turn out to be very tender, without lumps and with a nutty flavor.

    Classic gravy with flour is usually prepared simply, first you need to chop the onion onion half rings and fry it until golden brown.

    Then you need to sprinkle flour on the onion and mix well, and then it is advisable to add a couple of tablespoons of sour cream or mayonnaise and bring to readiness.

    If you will do tomato sauce then add some water and tomato paste.

    Such gravy can be served with many second courses, mashed potatoes, cereal side dishes, or pasta.

    Can do cheese sauce and add the grated cheese to the flour and it will melt, it will be delicious.

    The sauce with garlic and herbs will be delicious.

    Very tasty gravy with flour - cheese. It is necessary to boil a glass of cream, add water (50 ml) to them, in which a tablespoon of flour was previously diluted, mix, add 50 g of grated cheese and herbs, salt to taste.

    You can fry the flour in a pan. But I personally do not do this - because the smell throughout the apartment at once, as if something had burned. I do this - I rub the carrot, cut the onion, cut the tomatoes and add them when the carrot and onion are already fried (you can add tomato paste instead of a tomato). Then, when everything in the pan is already stewed, I pour a little less than half of the flour into a glass and pour COLD! (not hot, not warm - otherwise everything will be lumpy) in a thin stream, while stirring with a spoon. It turns out the consistency is first like dough, then it becomes thinner (make sure that the lumps are all whipped), then I pour this glass of flour water into the pan and mix everything thoroughly, the fire should be slow. Greens, salt, seasoning - add at your discretion (just before pouring a glass of flour water). Remember that flour takes a lot of salt and tomato paste too, so salt right away normally)

    You can prepare a gravy for meat, fish based on flour different ways, the main thing is that it be without lumps and a homogeneous consistency. Flour is added to such gravy to thicken it. to get gravy good taste it is best to fry the flour a little in a pan until it appears pleasant smell and golden taste. To prepare a cream-based gravy, fry the flour with butter, stirring, then pour in a little cream, mix thoroughly so that there are no lumps, then pour in the remaining cream, stirring constantly, salt, pepper, add nutmeg. In such a sauce, you can add cheese, which melts well, you get a different taste, you can add any greens. You can prepare gravy based on tomato sauce, tomato or tomato paste.

    I have loved flour gravy since childhood. Also in kindergarten gave, and there we were lucky with the cooks. Now I do not make it separately, I do it immediately with meat. Even if there is very little meat, the gravy is delicious.

    1. I overcook the meat with onions, add garlic.
    2. I add mayonnaise and (or) tomato paste not much at all.
    3. When the meat is soft enough, well stewed, you can add a tablespoon of flour and mix, then immediately pour hot water. So it turns out without kamochki. (If the meat is still tough, then add some water and wait until all the water has boiled away. This can be done several times.)
    4. sprinkle with herbs on top and reduce the fire. let it come.
  • I usually make gravy with flour in this way: I take an onion and fry it until golden brown, add 2-3 tablespoons of sour cream and a little water and simmer for 2-3 minutes, then add 1-2 tbsp. flour and spices to taste (salt, pepper) and again simmer for a few minutes. Can be served with meat or other dishes. My kid loves this pasta sauce!

    Very tasty gravy with flour - tomato sauce with basil. Everyone in our family loves e, and therefore we often cook e (in the broth after boiling broccoli). In addition, this gravy is suitable for many dishes. The recipe for making such a gravy is posted on this Orthodox website.

    In fact, today there are many ways to prepare sauces and gravies. Gravy is the same sauce, prepared independently and whose main purpose is to flavor main dishes, give them taste and aroma. Gravy with flour is distinguished by its taste and ease of preparation.

    Gravy with flour. Recipe.

    When preparing a sauce/gravy based on flour, the main requirement is the absence of unpleasant lumps. To avoid them, I recommend doing this:

    Pour 4-5 tablespoons of liquid (juice released during stewing of meat / poultry / fish / game) into a separate bowl. Mix it with 1-2 tablespoons of flour. Mix thoroughly - the liquid will thicken. And add this dressing in parts with continuous stirring into the remaining liquid in the main bowl. When boiling, the resulting sauce will thicken and there will be no lumps.
