
Pumpkin puree soup recipe step by step. Diet pumpkin and zucchini soup

How to cook a pumpkin quickly and tasty - I tormented my girlfriends with this question Lately. And I was advised pumpkin puree soup. I was completely delighted and made a classic recipe for you. The recipe was partially borrowed from Yulia Vysotskaya, but with my additions. The soup is very bright, tender, low-calorie. In general, in my opinion this best use for pumpkin. It can be cooked with both cheese and cream. IN this recipe cooking with cheese.

Pumpkin puree soup - a classic recipe


Half a kilo of pumpkin

four potatoes,

one head of onion

a couple of cloves of garlic

one hundred grams of any cheese (in my bath),

water - 1.3-1.5 liters, depending on the density you want (I had one and a half liters, I would like a little thicker)

Spices to taste, in this case:

Bay leaf ik

half a teaspoon of sweet paprika (but you can use 1 cm red pepper pod),

pepper, salt.

You can also 1 tsp. ginger or curry.

How to cook pumpkin quickly and tasty

  1. Cut half a kg of pumpkin into large pieces

2. Put in a saucepan, add 1.3-1.5 liters. water (I would recommend 1.3 for more thick soup), Bay leaf. Turn on a strong fire.

3. While the pumpkin is boiling, cut 4 potatoes.

3. When the pumpkin boils, add the potatoes, reduce the heat to medium and let it cook for about ten minutes.

4. Finely chop the onion head and a couple of garlic cloves. Fry in oil until golden color.

5. When the potatoes and pumpkin are ready, add the fried onion to them, salt, pepper, put half a teaspoon of paprika and other spices to your taste (which I listed above). We remove from the stove and take out the lavrushka. Now make cream soup with a blender. I don’t have an immersion blender, I just rubbed it through a colander with a pusher. Add 100 grams of cheese - creamy, melted or regular to the soup puree. Place back on the stove and heat, stirring, until the cheese is melted. Soup may boil at the same time.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Lack of meat is not a reason to refuse to cook first courses, but an opportunity to try something new. For example, cook a thick pumpkin puree soup, the classic recipe of which we offer you. vegetable soups can also be hearty, rich, warming and very tasty. Especially if you cook puree soup with the addition of spices and spices that are considered “hot” - ginger, chili peppers, red and black peppers, garlic. If you need to smooth out the burning-spicy taste, cream or sour cream is added to such soups, but, believe me, after tasting the thick fragrant soup, you are unlikely to want to change something in it. And most likely, repeat the next day, because the soup is really very tasty, and it is prepared quickly and simply. All for the fact that he was registered in your menu at least for a while winter cold and spring beriberi. By the way, with such a set of spices and spices, the soup will also become a good vitamin supplement.

- Bright sweet pumpkin - 300 gr;
- potatoes - 4 pcs;
- carrots - 1 large;
- onions - 2 pcs;
- ginger root - 1 tbsp. l. crushed;
- garlic - 4-5 teeth (or more - to taste);
- paprika - 1 tbsp. l;
- chili pepper, black pepper - 0.5 tsp each (to taste);
- vegetable oil or lard - 2 tbsp. l;
- crackers or croutons, croutons - for serving;
- cream or sour cream - optional.

Recipe with photo step by step:

To make the taste and aroma brighter, onions with garlic and ginger need to be fried in oil. We cut the garlic into small plates or cubes, onion as usual for frying, cut the ginger into a small cube.

We heat vegetable or animal fat well. Pour the garlic and ginger first, fry for half a minute until the aroma intensifies. While frying, stir continuously, the roots do not need to be browned. Pour the onion, mix and continue to sauté over low heat until the onion softens.

Clean the vegetables at the same time. We cut carrots into slices or cubes, pumpkin into medium-sized cubes.

We cut the potatoes into pieces of arbitrary shape, but not large, so that the vegetables boil faster.

In a saucepan with sautéed onions, add ground sweet paprika or red pepper hot chili. Lightly fry over low heat.

Pour carrots, mix with onions and spices. Let it simmer for 5 minutes so that the carrots soak up the oil.

Add potatoes and mix too. So that the potatoes do not stick to the bottom, we leave the fire weak and stir the potato cubes two or three times with a wooden spatula.

When the potatoes on top are slightly softened, saturated with oil and painted in a bright color, pour in boiling water or broth. A little, just to cover the vegetables by 3-4 cm. Salt the soup to taste. Bring to a boil, cover and leave on low heat for 12-15 minutes. Vegetables should be cooked until soft. fully prepared.

When the potatoes and carrots become soft, we send pieces of pumpkin to the pot with the soup. Cook for about ten minutes until the pumpkin is tender.

We drain the broth into a separate container, we will need it later. Purée the vegetables with an immersion blender until smooth.

IN vegetable puree Gradually add the broth, bring the soup to the desired density. We put on a low fire, warm up, but do not boil. Optionally, you can add cream or sour cream at this stage. Remove from heat, leave to infuse under the lid.

To serve, cut the bread into small cubes, dry in a frying pan without oil. Pouring hot vegetable puree soup on plates, sprinkle with croutons, ground black pepper, chili pepper flakes and serve.

Bon appetit!
Instead of crackers, you can serve with soup

Such useful fruit, like a pumpkin, is successfully used in cooking. In one of the previous articles, you could find out, and today we will consider recipes for making soup from this vegetable.

First courses from this product are considered dietary, therefore they are well absorbed by the children's body and are prescribed to people with gastrointestinal diseases.

Puree soup can be prepared by anyone, as this process is completely simple. Some recipes use only pumpkin, others add various vegetables and spices. We will consider the most popular options.

This dish is associated with autumn, but the fruits are stored throughout the year, so you can cook pumpkin puree soup at any time. We will need available products and some free time.


  • 1 pumpkin;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 head of onion;
  • Sour cream to taste.


First, clean and rinse cold water onions, carrots and garlic. Cut the vegetables into arbitrary pieces and fry for 5 minutes in a small amount oils. Don't forget to stir occasionally.

Peel the pumpkin. Cut in half and take out the seeds. Then cut the fruit into medium-sized cubes.

We send the pumpkin to the rest of the vegetables, pour a liter of water and cook until fully cooked. At the next stage, chop the vegetables with a blender, salt, add pepper and a couple of tablespoons of sour cream if desired.

Bring the vegetable mass back to a boil and remove from the stove. You can immediately pour into plates.

Serve the dish with pumpkin seeds or crackers. During cooking, if desired, add nutmeg, which will give original taste.

How to make delicious pumpkin soup with chicken

This liquid dish not only diversifies the usual diet, but also improves health. You will not have any difficulties with cooking, since the process itself is quite simple. The soup will be useful for both adults and children.


  • 500 g pumpkin;
  • 500 g chicken;
  • 3 potatoes;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 5 sausages;
  • ½ head of onion;
  • spices and edible salt by preference.


We send the chicken to the pan and fill it with water. We put on the burner and cook until fully cooked. Add spices and salt. boiled chicken remove, cut into pieces and put back in the pan with chopped vegetables, except for pumpkin. Cook for 15 minutes.

At the next stage, we throw pumpkin into the pan and cook for about a quarter of an hour. Vegetables should become soft. After that, we drain almost all the broth into a separate container.

Grind the vegetables in a saucepan with an immersion blender, then pour in the broth. Put the soup on the stove and bring to a boil. If desired, decorate the dish with sausages.

You can skip the chicken pieces and just make a stock-based soup. Serve hot, as when the dish is reheated, it loses its taste.

Classic pumpkin puree soup

Great option for a healthy lunch. The soup is not only tasty, but also low in calories. It can be prepared in just a few minutes, so take note of this traditional option.


  • 1 kg of peeled pumpkin;
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 onion heads;
  • 600 ml water or vegetable broth;
  • 2 tbsp sunflower oil;
  • 200 ml cream;
  • Pepper and salt to taste.


Heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry the chopped onion in it. Cook until golden brown.

At the next stage, we send chopped garlic, pumpkin cubes into the container and fill everything with broth or water. Also do not forget to salt and pepper. Cook for about 20 minutes until pumpkin is soft.

Grind the contents of the pan with an immersion blender, pour in the cream and mix everything thoroughly.

Serve immediately with crackers or slices of bread. If desired, you can sprinkle the dish with seeds or nutmeg.

Creamy pumpkin soup with cream and cheese

Pumpkin is stored for a long period, so you can use it at any time wonderful recipe. The dish turns out tender and satisfying.


  • 1.5 kg of pumpkin;
  • 4 medium sized potatoes;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 4 onion heads;
  • 200 ml cream;
  • Cheese to taste;
  • 1 tsp turmeric;
  • 2 tsp curry;
  • Salt and ground hot peppers taste;
  • parsley roots;
  • Celery roots.


First, let's prepare the pumpkin. We cut the fruit into two parts, remove the seeds from it and send it in this form for one hour in the oven, heated to 190 degrees.

To prepare vegetable broth, chop the parsley and celery roots. We send them to the pan, pour cold water, add some salt. After boiling, cook the root crops for half an hour.

Heat up in a thick saucepan sunflower oil and fry the chopped onion in it until transparent.

Now we send the chopped carrots to the container. When it is well fried, then add potato cubes to the vegetables.

Pour the contents of the pan with the prepared vegetable broth. Cook until the vegetables are fully cooked.

Scoop out the pulp from the baked pumpkin with a spoon and add it to the rest of the products.

Using an immersion blender, grind all the ingredients until a puree mass. Pour in required amount cream and add spices.

Delicious soup is ready, pour over portioned plates and serve to the table.

Sprinkle with cheese slices on top. Add a piece of bacon, shrimp or Sun-dried tomatoes. Bon appetit!

How to quickly cook pumpkin soup with semolina

Pumpkin goes well with semolina. The dish is more like porridge than soup, it all depends on the amount of liquid. It will be very helpful for children.


  • 200 g pumpkin;
  • 2 tsp semolina;
  • 200 ml of milk;
  • Sugar and salt;
  • Butter.


Cut the skin off the pumpkin, remove the seeds and chop finely. Then we put a pot of milk on the stove, and when it boils, we send pieces of pumpkin. Cooking for a quarter of an hour.

The next step is to pour semolina into the pan. The contents of the pan should be stirred periodically so that the dish does not burn. Also add some sugar and salt.

Simmer the soup over low heat for about 20 minutes. During this time, it will acquire a homogeneous state. Serve with a piece of butter.

A healthy and fortified dish is ready in just a few minutes. Bon appetit!

Soup recipe from Yulia Vysotskaya

If you like how a popular TV presenter cooks. Then I offer you its cooking option. Watch the video where Julia talks in detail about all the stages:

Experiment if you wish. Feel free to add the spices and seasonings you like best. The main thing is to understand the basics of cooking liquid dish. Of course, the presenter does everything at a fast pace, as if she is in a hurry, but you can understand all the stages.

Diet pumpkin and zucchini soup

People who try to take care of their health prefer low-calorie meals which are well absorbed. Gentle pumpkin cream soup is light but quite satisfying. 100 g contains only 30 calories.


  • 0.5 kg of pumpkin;
  • 0.5 kg of zucchini;
  • 1 head of onion;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 2 tbsp tomato paste;
  • 0.5 tablespoons of edible salt.


Let's get everything ready necessary products so that they are at arm's length if we want to cook cream soup for a short time. First, add chicken or vegetable broth and put it on the stove. If you want to reduce the calorie content of the dish, then it can be boiled in water.

Peel the carrots, rinse with water and cut into pieces of arbitrary shape. We send it to the broth when it boils. Onion cut into half rings and add it to the pan when the liquid with carrot boils again. We cook for about five minutes.

Peel the zucchini and pumpkin and cut into medium-sized cubes. We send it to the pan with the rest of the vegetables.

The next step is to add salt and tomato paste. If desired, use various spices. After boiling, cook the soup for about 15 minutes.

Remove the pan from the stove and grind the dish with an immersion blender.

Pour the soup into bowls and serve. Decorate with fresh herbs. If you cooked with water, then add a small piece of butter.

Pumpkin soup with shrimps and ginger

Original cooking recipe classic soup from a pumpkin. Thanks to the addition of spices and shrimp, it turns out unique taste. Your household will ask you to make such a dish again and again.


  • 1 kg pumpkin;
  • 2 onions;
  • Prawns according to preference;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 tbsp curry;
  • Olive oil;
  • Parmesan;
  • 30 g of ginger root.


We clean and cut the pumpkin with carrots. Onion cut into half rings.

Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry the garlic slices in it until golden brown, then remove it.

At the next stage, we send the prepared vegetables to the pan and fry them for 5-10 minutes. After that, add spices, fill with water and cook under a closed lid for about a quarter of an hour.

We put the boiled vegetables in the blender bowl and grind until a homogeneous mass is formed.

Pour the resulting mixture into a saucepan, put on the stove and bring to a boil. But this step is optional, so you can skip it.

Pour the soup into bowls and add boiled shrimp and grated cheese.

The dish turns out incredibly tasty. Be sure to try this recipe. And don't be afraid to experiment with adding different spices and spices.

Recipe for Pumpkin Wisdom Soup with Poppy Seeds

Smart soup is familiar to many people with Soviet childhood. The origin of this name is not exactly known. There are several options for preparing this dish. The video will discuss one of the simple ways.

Some experts note that this dish contains ingredients that improve memory and brain activity.

Cooking pumpkin soup with potatoes

A healthy and nutritious cream soup can be prepared by any housewife, even without experience. We will need simple products which are available at any time of the year.


  • 400 g of peeled pumpkin;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 3 potatoes;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 1 head of onion;
  • 200 ml coconut cream;
  • Bay leaf;
  • Salt;
  • A bunch of parsley;
  • Nutmeg, cinnamon, ginger optional.

Coconut cream can be replaced with regular milk.


All necessary vegetables in the specified volume, clean, then cut enough large pieces, since we still have to grind them.

Heat the oil in a pan and fry the onion in it until golden brown. Then we send all the other vegetables into it, fill it with water, add lavrushka and cook until tender. All foods should be soft. Cook for about 20 minutes over medium heat.

After the specified time, add chopped garlic and ginger to the pan, coconut cream, as well as spices if desired. Blend the soup with an immersion blender until smooth.

Add chopped greens and a little cream to each plate if you are not on a weight loss diet.

Pumpkin cream soup - cooking in a slow cooker

Thanks to modern kitchen appliances simplifies the cooking process various dishes. Pumpkin soup you will do very quickly and without special efforts. Watch the instruction video. Of course, the modes depend on the model of the multicooker, but general principle will be clear to you.

I tried to collect in this article the simplest cooking recipes. delicious soup from a pumpkin. This vegetable is unpretentious in storage, so you can leave it in the pantry from autumn and use it for its intended purpose at any time.

If you want to surprise the whole family with an unusual treat, you should cook pumpkin puree soup. Household members have not yet tried such a delicacy, so they will ask for supplements. The dish has a rich taste and pleasant aroma. In addition, it is very useful and appetizing.


vegetable oil - 40 ml;
water - 600 ml;
onions - 2 pcs.;
pumpkin - 1 kg;
cream - 200 ml;
garlic - 4 cloves;
salt - to taste;
black ground pepper- taste.


1. Let's start cooking soup according to the classic recipe with a photo step by step. To start, let's prepare necessary ingredients everything should be at hand.

2. Peel the onion, finely chop, fall asleep in the pan. Fry over low heat for 8 minutes.

3. Chop the peeled garlic and add to the onion. Fry for 1 more minute.

4. We wash the pumpkin, cut off the skin from it, cut it into small cubes. Add the pumpkin to the rest of the ingredients, cook the roast for another 2 minutes. Pour water into the pan, salt and pepper. Bring the mass to a boil, cook for no more than 20 minutes.

5. Remove the dishes with the contents to the side, grind the mixture with a blender. Pour the cream into the dish, add salt and pepper if necessary. Mix everything well, serve to the table.

6. It remains only to taste the soup and make sure that it is out of competition.

The delicacy is not only tasty, but also healthy. Even a novice cook can cook it.

Soup puree with cream

Classic recipe involves the use of cream. With them the treat acquires rich taste and amazing scent. Even during cooking, it becomes clear that the hostess is preparing a real cooking masterpiece.

The dish contains minimum set products, which facilitates the task of the cook. You do not have to spend a lot of time preparing the components, the delicacy will be ready in 30 minutes.


Nutmeg - 1 pinch;
onion - 1 pc.;
carrots - 1 pc.;
salt - to taste;
pumpkin - 700 g;
black pepper - 1 pinch;
water - 1.5 l;
cream - 200 ml.


1. We take a pumpkin, wash it with cool water. With a knife, carefully remove the skin, cut the vegetable into small cubes.

2. We clean the carrots, wash them, cut them into thin plates.

3. Pour water into the pan, put it on the fire. As soon as the liquid boils, put the pumpkin and carrots into the pan. Cook vegetables until tender.

4. Let's prepare the rest of the ingredients. Peel the onion and garlic, wash and chop finely.

5. Throw the onion into the pan, cook until golden brown. Add garlic, fry lightly.

6. As soon as all the vegetables become soft, combine them in a common saucepan, beat with a blender. We introduce cream into the vegetable mass, put the dishes on the stove, bring to a boil. Soup salt, pepper, add spices and seasonings.

Advice! The dish goes well with crackers. Therefore, they should be prepared in advance. Pumpkin puree soup great option for lunch. With its help, the whole family will be able to gather at one table and spend time in good company.

Chicken puree soup

If you want to push off the rules, you can cook pumpkin soup with chicken. Each housewife will be able to create her own recipe for delicacy and treat the whole family with an unusual treat. Bright color, velvety texture, delicate taste will not leave anyone indifferent. This great option for a snack on a cold day.


ground coriander- 1 pinch;
red bell pepper- 1 PC.;
carrots - 1 pc.;
pumpkin - 300 g;
salt - to taste;
ground black pepper - a pinch;
onion - 1 pc.;
chicken - 300 g;
vegetable oil - 50 ml.

For crackers:

Olive oil - 20 ml;
White bread- 2 slices;
Provencal dry herbs - a pinch.


1. We wash the meat, cut off the skin. We throw the chicken into the pan, boil in lightly salted water.

2. We clean the onion, cut it into several parts. As soon as the water boils, spread the onion to the meat. Cook the broth over low heat, 40 minutes will be enough. We take the chicken out of the pan, separate the meat from the bones.

3. We wash the pumpkin, cut off the peel, cut the vegetable into small cubes.

4. Wash the carrots, peel and chop.

5. Cut the pepper into several pieces, remove the seeds. Grind the peeled vegetable.

6. Fry pumpkin, carrots and peppers in a pan. Put the fried vegetables in a saucepan, salt and pepper.

7. Chicken bouillon filter, pour over vegetables, put on a small fire. As soon as the vegetables become soft, beat the mass with a blender. The result is a thick creamy soup.

8. Let's make croutons. To do this, cut the bread in small pieces. We put the pan on the stove, spread the bread, sprinkle it with oil and sprinkle with spices.

9. Fry the croutons over medium heat until golden brown. Posting bread slices into a bowl. Pour the soup into bowls and serve.

Vegetable soup in a slow cooker

Every hostess is happy to use kitchen assistant- multicooker. In it, delicacies are more tasty and appetizing. In addition, the cooking process is simplified. It is enough to throw all the necessary ingredients into the bowl, select the program, and wait for some time.


onion - 1 pc.;
pepper - 1 pinch;
zucchini - 200 g;
potatoes - 500 g;
pumpkin - 500 g;
vegetable oil - 30 ml;
salt - to taste.


1. To prepare pumpkin puree soup with potatoes, we will use the classic recipe. To get started, prepare all the necessary products, and get to work. Let's get the vegetables ready. Rinse the potatoes with cold water, remove the skin with a knife.

2. We wash the zucchini, cut it into several pieces, and clean it. Remove the insides and seeds. We wash the pumpkin, also clean it.

3. We select the “Frying” program in the multicooker. While the equipment is heating up, let's chop the vegetables.

4. Pour vegetable oil into the bowl. Cut the potatoes into large pieces, throw into the bowl.

5. Cut the pumpkin into small cubes, spread to the potatoes. After 15 minutes, we send the chopped zucchini to the bowl. In the meantime, we clean the onion, cut it into several parts, throw it to the rest of the components.

6. Pour water into the bowl. It should completely cover the vegetables. Salt and pepper the mass to taste.
Select the program "Extinguishing", set the cooking time to 15 minutes.

7. As soon as the vegetables become soft, pour the soup into a separate pan, beat it with a blender.

Diet pumpkin soup

Lean pumpkin puree soup is an amazing dish that will appeal to people who adhere to proper nutrition. The soup is very satisfying, allows you to satisfy your hunger and at the same time control weight. The composition includes only vegetables that will not affect the figure in any way.


pumpkin - 500 g;
carrots - 1 pc.;
potatoes - 2 pcs.;
onion - 1 pc.;
vegetable oil - 30 ml;
salt - to taste;
zucchini - 1 pc.;
garlic - 1 clove.


1. First, let's prepare the pumpkin. We clean it, cut it into small cubes, boil it in advance.

2. Cut off the peel from the potato, cut the vegetable into cubes.

3. Wash the carrots, peel, cut into large rings. Chop the peeled onion.

5. Wash the zucchini with cool water, cut off the peel with a knife, cut the vegetable into cubes. We put the pan on the stove, pour in vegetable oil, heat it up slightly.

7. Fry potatoes, onions, carrots over low heat for 5 minutes. Be sure to cover the pan with a lid. Lastly, add zucchini to the vegetable mass, cook it for a few minutes. With the help of the video, cooking will become more understandable.

9. Throw pumpkin into the pan, salt, pepper. We mix the mass well. Add a little boiling water to the vegetables, cover the pan with a lid, simmer the mass for 10 minutes.

11. Mix everything, try for readiness. If necessary, leave the vegetables to stew for another 5 minutes. Put the mixture in a saucepan, beat it with a blender.

13. As a result, we get a thick vegetable puree. If necessary, dilute the soup with boiling water. This will make the dish more liquid. We put the pan with the contents on the stove, bring the mass to a boil. Peel the garlic, chop. We throw it to the rest of the ingredients.

When frying vegetables, make sure that nothing burns. Otherwise, the dish will get bad smell and will be corrupted.

diet soup- a godsend for those who want to reset excess weight. It will help satisfy hunger and give up high-calorie foods.

Can you make pumpkin soup? different ways. The classic recipe involves the use of cream. With them, delicacies are more satisfying and appetizing. But each housewife has the right to add her favorite ingredients to the dish, and slightly change its recipe. The result is a real culinary masterpiece that the whole family will love.

In a saucepan you need to spasser for vegetable oil chopped onion. We keep it on fire until light browning and softness.

We cut the pumpkin into small pieces and send it to a container for sautéing. Add salt and pepper to taste.

Fill with water or broth. The amount of liquid should be no more than 300 ml. I poured 250 ml, because I like thicker. We put the saucepan on the stove, bring its contents to an active boil and reduce the heat. Cover with a lid and cook pumpkin soup for 15 minutes. Then we check the readiness.

You can use an immersion or stand blender to puree. I like the second option more. It grinds perfectly.

Here is such a homogeneous, beautiful and appetizing soup turned out

This lean pumpkin puree soup can be easily prepared in a slow cooker. Use the "Frying" mode for sauteing and "Stew" for cooking pumpkin.

And if you add a handful of toast to your plate, your dinner will definitely be unsurpassed. Also add finely chopped greens, and then the soup will become tastier and healthier.
