
Coconut cream: uses, benefits, recipes. Raffaello cream - original ideas for making a delicious coconut dessert

The Raffaello cream, inspired by the candies of the same name, is superior to the original treats. Unlike the latter, it consists only of natural products, the high compatibility of which with other components allows it to take on a different consistency and turn into a separate dessert, filling or layer for cakes.

How to make a cream like in Raffaello?

Coconut cream is easy and simple to make. The only condition is high-quality products and a certain sequence in cooking. First, butter and white chocolate are melted in a water bath and mixed with condensed milk. Then add coconut flakes and stir. Remove from heat and refrigerate for three hours.

  1. Raffaello cream at home will turn out much tastier if you use oil and high-fat condensed milk.
  2. Any cream must be constantly stirred, otherwise, it will stick to the bottom of the pan and burn.
  3. Cream cheese and cream butter should only be at room temperature.
  4. If the cream is made on the basis of mascarpone, then it should be used immediately. When cooled, it does not adhere well to the surface and makes it difficult to work.

Raffaello cream, like in candy

Those who want to repeat the taste of popular sweets can make Raffaello cream on cream. It couldn't be easier to prepare. All you need to do is bring the cream and chocolate to a boil and let it cool. For smoothness, beat the mass with oil. It is convenient to work with such a cream: it thickens slowly, so you can immediately soak the cakes with it or, after 5 hours of cooling, mold sweets in the manner of truffles.


  • white chocolate - 75 g;
  • cream 33% - 80 ml;
  • oil - 50 g;
  • salt - a pinch.


  1. Combine chocolate pieces with cream, bring to a boil in a water bath and remove from heat.
  2. Cool, put the butter, salt and beat with a mixer.
  3. Refrigerate Raffaello cream for 5 hours.

Raffaello cream for cake

Coconut cream for the cake will add exotic and charm to baking. It will require a minimum of components, and all preparation consists in mixing coke shavings with whipped cream. This cream is highly resistant, dense and thick, so the product must be soaked in the refrigerator for at least 10 hours.


  • cream 35% - 200 ml;
  • powdered sugar - 40 g;
  • coconut flakes - 150 g.


  1. Whip cold cream to fluffy peaks.
  2. Continue beating while gradually adding the powder.
  3. Mix the creamy mass with the coconut flakes.
  4. The mass does not need to be cooled. Cream Raffaello for cake at home is ready to work right away.

Raffaello cream for cupcakes

Coconut cream for cupcakes should remain stable, fluffy and tender. Cream, which is a combination of cream with chocolate and coconut flakes, fully meets these requirements. The only requirement for it to turn out homogeneous: cream and chocolate should not be overheated, and after cooling, everything should be whipped into a fluffy mass.


  • white chocolate - 100 g;
  • cream - 260 ml;
  • coconut flakes - 40 g.


  1. Pour cream over the coconut flakes, put the container on the stove and bring the mass to a boil.
  2. Add chocolate chips and wait for it to soften before removing from heat.
  3. Stir and set aside the cream for several hours.
  4. After that, beat the cooled cream with a mixer.
  5. Place the Raffaello cream in a piping bag and decorate the cupcakes.

Raffaello cream for biscuit cake

Coconut should make baked goods soft, juicy and refreshing. In this case, a cream of mascarpone and condensed milk is ideal. It will fill the cakes with the creamy taste of cheese and the pleasant sweetness of condensed milk. Even excessive density from coconut flakes will not prevent him from impregnating porous, biscuit cakes with high quality.


  • mascarpone cheese - 400 g;
  • coconut flakes - 80 g;
  • condensed milk - 300 g.


  1. Lightly beat the mascarpone cheese with a mixer.
  2. Add condensed milk and coconut flakes.
  3. Stir gently.
  4. Send Raffaello cream for an hour in the refrigerator.

Custard coconut cream is one of the variations of the classic patisserie. This one is prepared with milk without eggs, since the presence of coconut flakes already makes the cream very rich, and the combination with butter adds stability and thickness to it. For this reason, it is often served as a separate dessert or filled into cakes.


  • coconut chips - 150 g;
  • powdered sugar - 300 g;
  • milk - 900 ml;
  • oil - 400 g;
  • flour - 240 g;
  • starch - 45 g.


  1. Mix milk with flour and starch.
  2. Set the container aside for 15 minutes.
  3. Put on the stove, pour in the powder and boil for 5 minutes.
  4. Remove from stove, add shavings and stir.
  5. Beat the butter separately, then add it to the cream.
  6. Put Raffaello in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

Coconut cream cheese is another variation of Raffaello cream for layering a cake. The convenience of this recipe lies in the absence of any heat treatment. All components are whipped and immediately applied to the product. The main thing is that the cream cheese and butter are at room temperature: if the cream cheese is cold, the butter will separate.


  • cream cheese - 400 g;
  • oil - 120 g;
  • condensed milk - 380 g;
  • dry milk - 30 g;
  • milk - 100 ml;
  • coconut flakes - 80 g.


  1. On low mixer speeds, beat cream cheese with soft butter.
  2. Add condensed milk, both types of milk and coconut flakes.
  3. Beat to a homogeneous consistency and, without cooling, apply to the product.

Raffaello cream with white chocolate

Most housewives prefer coke to store-bought products. This is quite justified: the cream consists only of natural ingredients (cream, chocolate and coke chips), is easy to prepare and unpretentious in storage in the refrigerator. They can be used to grease buns, serve as a separate dessert or decorate pastries.


  • cream - 100 ml;
  • white chocolate - 100 g;
  • coconut flakes - 50 g.


  1. Heat the cream over a fire, add the chocolate and bring the mass to a boil.
  2. Mix with coconut flakes.
  3. After cooling, transfer to an airtight glass jar and refrigerate.

Raffaello cream with milk

Cream with coconut flakes is varied. Most recipes use milk, which, in combination with shavings, makes the cream taste identical to candy. As a rule, milk is boiled together with thickeners and butter, chips are added and an analogue of custard is obtained, suitable for soaking cakes.


  • milk - 500 ml;
  • semolina - 60 g;
  • coconut flakes - 200 g;
  • oil - 140 g;
  • sugar - 70 g.


  1. Warm up 400 ml of milk with butter and sugar.
  2. Mix the rest of the milk with semolina.
  3. As soon as the mixture boils, add semolina to the cream, and cook for 3 minutes.
  4. Add coconut flakes, stir and remove from heat.
  5. Cool and start baking.

Raffaello with condensed milk is a classic of confectionery. Condensed milk is, in general, a unique product, with which both oil and butter creams acquire tenderness, softness and pleasant sweetness. In this recipe, for greater stability, it is heated over a fire and, after cooling, whipped with butter. As a result, the cream is thick, light and tasty.


  • condensed milk - 180 ml;
  • coconut flakes - 100 g;
  • oil - 170 g;
  • cream - 170 g;
  • sugar - 150 g.


  1. Combine condensed milk, cream, sugar and shavings.
  2. Put the container on the stove and heat over a fire until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  3. Stir and chill.
  4. Separately, beat the butter with a mixer.
  5. Add butter to cream and whisk again.

Raffaello cream is a recipe that allows you to reproduce popular sweets as much as possible. This can be done only with the help of coconut milk, its fat content and delicate taste, combined with cream cheese, coconut flakes and liquor, make it possible to obtain a light, delicate and airy cream identical to the candy filling.

Calories: 1561.6
Cooking time: 25
Proteins/100g: 8.79
Carbs/100g: 41.31

Often during fasting, making cream is a problem. After all, almost any pastry cream contains eggs, milk or cream, butter. The same problem is facing lactose intolerant allergy sufferers.
I offer you a light version of vanilla custard with coconut milk without eggs and oil. By the way, if you do not have coconut milk - it does not matter. It can be easily made from coconut flakes.

Lenten cream with coconut milk - recipe with photo

- 600 ml. water,
- 1 cup shredded coconut
- 0.5 cup sugar
- 1 tbsp corn starch,
- vanilla to taste.

How to cook at home

Let's start by making shredded coconut milk. By the way, you can cook for a separate serving.
If you have ready-made milk, then this will speed up the preparation of the cream, especially if the milk is thick, like cream.
Pour into a blender 600 ml. water, add coconut flakes to it.

Beat the chips with water until it turns white.

Strain the milk into a saucepan. Used coconut flakes do not have to be thrown away, they can be used in baking.

Add sugar (preferably cane), vanilla (preferably in pods) and corn starch to coconut milk. In order not to form lumps, it is better to dissolve the starch first in a small amount of cold milk, then pour it in a thin stream into boiling milk.

Bring milk to a boil, reduce heat to low and simmer, stirring with a whisk, until thickened.

The density of the cream can be checked with a spoon - see how quickly coconut milk flows from it. As soon as you see that the cream has thickened, remove it from the heat. After cooling, it will harden even more, so it is important not to miss the moment.

Cool the vanilla cream completely. To prevent a film from forming on its surface, you can cover the pan with cling film.

Lean cream made from coconut flakes will thicken a little more after cooling. It has a delicate aroma of vanilla and coconut, it can be used in any desserts, soak cakes with it, fill cakes, or simply serve with pancakes, pancakes,

The taste of the cake directly depends on the cream with which the cake is smeared. Coconut cream for cake has a delicate and pleasant taste. The culinary recipe, which includes coconut cream, has a unique taste and amazing aroma of coconut. Cream can be prepared from coconut flakes, coconut milk. Both options can be considered.

Recipe number 1.

Cream with coconut

The composition of the necessary products:

  • coconut flakes - 300 grams;
  • palm sugar - 125 grams;
  • milk-250 ml;
  • cardamom (ground) - half a teaspoon;
  • nutmeg;
  • carnation;
  • cashew nuts - 125 grams;
  • molasses-100 grams;
  • eggs - 4 pieces.

How to make coconut cream

  1. Pour milk into a saucepan and add coconut flakes, mix well and put on fire.
    Let the liquid boil, boil for one minute.
  2. Remove the saucepan from the heat, strain the resulting coconut milk. Squeeze thick.
  3. Grind palm sugar well, pour into a saucepan with molasses, mix.
  4. Pour the resulting mass with a part of the milk, mix.
  5. Put the saucepan on the fire, cook, stirring, until a homogeneous mixture is formed.
  6. Break the eggs into a bowl, beat a little, pour in the remaining milk, beat again.
  7. Add nutmeg, cloves and cardamom, beat again.
  8. Combine with a mixture of molasses and palm sugar, beat.
  9. Put the cashew nuts on the bottom of the mold, pour the coconut cream on top.
  10. Place the mold in a water bath, place the entire structure in an oven preheated to one hundred and seventy degrees for one hour.
  11. Remove the finished coconut cream for the cake from the oven, cool.

Cream can be lubricated with cake layers or arranged in vases and eaten as a dessert.

Recipe number 2.

Coconut Custard

The composition of the necessary products:

  • pasteurized milk-600 ml;
  • wheat flour - 5 tablespoons;
  • powdered sugar - 200 grams;
  • coconut flakes - 100 grams;
  • fatty butter-300 grams;
  • potato starch - 1 tablespoon.

Coconut custard, preparation

Pour 250 ml of milk into a bowl, add starch and sifted flour, mix everything well. Homogeneous mixture without lumps should stand.

All creativity is essentially prayer. All creativity is directed to the ear of the Almighty.
Joseph Brodsky

I love to bake. But I love baking more than eating sweets. For some time while working in the office, it was very convenient. You could bake whenever you wanted, because there were always ready eaters. And now we have to greatly curtail the habit that has developed recently to bake cookies at night. Of course, you should redirect your attention to savory pastries, but confectionery is always so bright, beautiful, and often impregnable. I'm just so drawn to conquer something else. Whatever recipe I find, I always want to somehow change it and veganize it. Remove eggs from it, and even cream. And just try out new technology. Because in sweet pastries, it is technology that is important.

Sometimes the conquest of these windmills of confectionery leads to even better results. That's how this biscuit cake is without a single animal product. I already showed peach splendor, there the biscuit was on orange juice, and it’s also good. And this cake has a completely different biscuit, it is moist and indecently chic! In addition, I am not friendly with the impregnation of an ordinary biscuit, but this one can not be soaked, smeared with cream, let stand overnight and you're done.

I'm not me if I don't come up with my own culinary difficulties and overcome them myself. In general, I love cream, and I eat dairy products, and I also eat eggs. But it was curious to try it out - what about coconut cream? Can you make roses out of them? In general, it turned out that everything is possible! And for this you don’t need to buy chemical egg substitutes for a fabulous amount (for some reason in Helsinki I saw only a very expensive substitute and some kind of chemical one, although I didn’t really look for it, I don’t trust them), or vegetable cream of unknown origin with a lot of trans fats when there are natural coconut. And here he is 100% vegetable cake. With less cholesterol and calories, well, and completely lean (if only it is appropriate to eat cakes in the post). Let it delight vegans at Christmas or New Year's Eve. And he made me and my friends happy on my birthday!

Preparation time: start cooking 2 days before the celebration
Cooking time: about 2 hours
Servings: cake with a diameter of 15 cm for 6-8 people

We will need:
for the cake:

  • dry ingredients:
  • flour 230 gr. (300 ml + 1 tbsp)
  • sugar 200 gr. (200 ml + 1 tbsp)
  • cocoa 1 tbsp with a slide (not sweet and without milk powder)
  • baking powder 1 tsp
  • salt 0.5 tsp
  • wet ingredients:
  • soy milk 200 ml. (or almond, or any other, or coconut, read the details in the recipe)
  • vegetable oil 120 ml. (without smell)
  • vanilla extract 3 tsp (vanilla essence, or just natural vanilla seeds ½ pod)

for cream:

  • coconut milk fat, coconut cream 800 ml. (aged at least overnight in the refrigerator)
  • powdered sugar to taste
  • vanilla extract 2 tsp

We bake cakes:
1. Set the oven to heat up to 180 C.
2. Cover the baking dish with paper, or grease if it is not detachable. Please note that I have a 15 cm form and the amount of ingredients is calculated for this size. Feel free to multiply by two if you have a shape of 20 cm or more.
3. Mix all dry ingredients, be sure to sift flour and cocoa.
4. Here, let's move on to making the cream a little, because. we need some of the ingredients for the test. Coconut milk, unless a bunch of emulsifiers are added to it, will separate into a clear liquid and white thick cream in the refrigerator. Open jars and separate liquid from cream. The liquid can be used as a substitute for soy milk in dough. Remove the cream back to the refrigerator. You can also make plant-based milk yourself, there are many recipes on the Internet.
5. Add all liquid ingredients. Knead immediately. And pour half of the mass into a mold and send it to the oven.
6. Bake for 20-35 minutes depending on the size of the mold, the characteristics of the oven and the amount of dough in the mold. Set the timer for 20 minutes, then check the appearance of the biscuit, if it looks already baked, check with a toothpick, it should be clean. It took me 23 minutes for one cake and 27 for the second.
7. Let the cake cool for about 5 minutes in the form. Run a knife along the edge of the mold, open it and remove the cake onto a wire rack. This is done so that the bottom of the cake does not get wet when cooling. If the form is not detachable, then cool entirely in the form. Otherwise, the warm biscuit will fall apart. But I strongly recommend baking in a split form. Because the skin is quite soft.
8. Bake the second cake. Leave both cakes on a wire rack to cool completely.

Preparing the cream:
1. We have already separated the cream. If not yet, then do it now.
2. Add powdered sugar to taste.
3. Add vanilla essence, or natural vanilla.
4. Beat with a mixer at high speed.
5. Remove half of the cream in the refrigerator.

Assembling the cake:
1. Most likely you got cakes with a hump on top. This is due to the fact that the edges of the form are heated and the dough is baked there first, while the middle continues to rise. In production, to avoid this, special coolers are used along the edges of the mold. But at home, cakes will always be humpbacked. This hump needs to be cut off to get a beautiful even cake.
2. We cut the cakes with a knife along, as if we wanted to completely remove the hump, or cut the cake into layers, but not completely, but only outline.
3. We take a thin fishing line, or a strong thread, we lay it in the cuts, connect the ends and pull, as if we want to “strangle” the cake. The layer of cake is cut off evenly and neatly.
4. We cut the cakes into as many layers as we want and as far as their thickness allows.
5. Coat with cream. We send it to the refrigerator to infuse overnight.
6. In the morning, you can cover the cake with a second, decorative, layer of cream (the half that we removed separately in the refrigerator). If you separate the cream well from the milk, it will thicken considerably overnight. The complexity of working with such a cream lies in one thing - when you put it in a pastry bag, it heats up very quickly from the heat of your hands and begins to melt, and, unlike butter cream, it ceases to hold its shape. Therefore, you need to work quickly. You can insulate a bag of cream with a towel, or wear rubber gloves. An easier option is to simply cover with an additional layer of frosting (i.e. cream) and sprinkle with coconut flakes or flakes. Woo ah la!

Custard and strawberry baskets are almost a classic, but I decided to experiment a little and made custard with coconut milk. It turned out that strawberries and coconut are wonderfully combined with each other. By the way, I also cooked coconut milk myself (oh, these culinary experiments! :)) Cooking it is quite simple, but you can also buy it ready-made. The coconut milk custard turned out to be tender and fragrant, perfectly combined with juicy strawberries.

I spied the dough recipe and the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bbaskets from Irina Chadeeva. Irina has baskets with caramel custard, I will definitely try this one too. :)

6 baskets 10cm

200g flour
1 protein
100g butter
100g powdered sugar

For the dough, mix soft butter with powder and protein into a cream. Add flour and stir into crumbs. Blind the crumbs into a ball, divide the dough into 6 equal parts and put the dough into the baskets with your hands. Bake at 200C for 13 minutes, the baskets should not brown too much.

For coconut cream:

5 egg yolks
100 g powdered sugar
40 g flour
10 g cornstarch
400 ml coconut milk
100 g coconut flakes

Grind egg yolks and powdered sugar. Add 50 ml of coconut milk, flour, starch and mix.

Bring the rest of the milk to a boil. Pour boiling milk in a thin stream into the yolk, stirring constantly. Pour the mixture back into the saucepan and cook until thickened. Add shredded coconut. Cool the cream, transfer to a bowl and cover with cling film.

Before serving, whip the cream and arrange in baskets. Lay strawberries on top.
