
Flatbreads are fresh. Gozleme: Turkish Kefir Flatbreads

Even the most inexperienced chef can cook cakes in the oven on their own. After all, baking such products does not require much time or outlandish ingredients.

In this article, we will tell you how to make delicious and quick cakes in the oven. Moreover, several different recipes will be presented to your attention.

Uzbek cakes in the oven: recipe

Dishes are always simple, but very tasty. If you decide to do delicious tortillas in the oven, then you need to prepare the following products:

  • flour from wheat of any grade - about 430 g;
  • table salt - about 1.5 dessert spoons;
  • dry baker's yeast - 1 tablespoon;
  • drinking water (preferably warm) - approximately 290 ml;
  • white sugar - about 12 g;
  • sesame seeds - optional.

Kneading yeast dough for Uzbek flatbread

Decided to bake cakes in the oven? To begin with, knead yeast dough. For this, in a warm drinking water completely dissolve white sugar. Next, put in the same dish baker's yeast. After swelling of the latter (after about 15 minutes), table salt and flour are added to the resulting solution. By mixing the ingredients, you will get a soft and slightly sticky dough. It is covered with a thick cloth and left warm for 50 minutes. After the passage of time, they begin to sculpt products.

Formation of yeast cakes

How to realize considered in the oven are baked quite quickly. They are just as easy to form. A medium-sized piece is torn off from the approached yeast dough, and then greased sunflower oil and rolled into a cake up to 1.5 cm thick. For beauty, the center finished semi-finished product it is advisable to take it with a glass or some other utensil (or a fork). After this, the product must be sprinkled with sesame seeds, carefully transferred to a baking sheet and left warm for another ¼ hour.

The process of baking flour products

How long are baked Uzbek flatbread in the oven? The recipe with a photo says that it does not take much time to prepare such products. After the semi-finished product is infused warm, it is sent to a preheated oven. At a temperature of 185 degrees yeast cake bake for about 20-27 minutes.

How and with what to serve?

Uzbek cakes can be consumed with any dishes (instead of bread). However, it is better to do this immediately after baking them. Hot products are considered the most delicious and high-calorie.

Making in the oven

As in the previous case, there is nothing complicated in the preparation of such products. The dough for cheese cakes is kneaded on the basis of kefir. It should be immediately noted that this fermented milk drink gives flour products a special softness and tenderness.

So what components do we need to make kefir cakes in the oven? To implement this recipe, you must have:

  • wheat flour of any kind - about 400 g;
  • fresh fatty kefir - 1 full glass;
  • table soda - 1/3 dessert spoon;
  • iodized salt - apply to taste;
  • dried thyme, ground coriander - use at discretion;
  • cheese durum varieties- about 250 g;
  • vegetable oil - a little, for lubricating products.

Knead the dough on kefir

The basis for such cakes kneads quite simply. First, a fermented milk drink is poured into a deep bowl and slightly heated over low heat. Next, table soda is added to it and it is carefully quenched. After that, iodized salt and flour of any kind are added to the ingredients. By carefully kneading the products with your hands, you get a rather thick and elastic dough. He is being covered cling film and leave aside for a while (for 15-25 minutes).

Filling preparation

The filling for such cakes is prepared quite simply. rub on coarse grater and then flavored with a small amount table salt. Also, finely chopped greens (parsley or dill) can be added to the dairy product.

Formation process

To get beautiful and tasty cakes with cheese, their formation should be given Special attention. For this ready dough on kefir, they are divided into several equal pieces, which are sprinkled with wheat flour and rolled out in the form of circles with a diameter of up to 12 cm and a thickness of 7 mm. Next, the cheese filling is laid out in their middle, after which the edges are strongly fastened.

Having received a kind of ball with cheese inside, you should gradually give it the shape of a cake. To do this, the product is first kneaded with fingers, and then with a rolling pin. At the same time, be sure to ensure that the filling remains inside the dough. Otherwise, the cake will burn and acquire a not very pleasant taste.

After all cheese products are formed as described above, they are laid out on a baking sheet with baking paper. To get beautiful cakes, they are lubricated alternately vegetable oil and sprinkle with a mixture of dried thyme and ground coriander.

How to bake?

Having formed them, they are kept warm for 5 minutes, after which they are sent to a preheated oven. It is desirable to bake such products at a temperature of 185 degrees for 27 minutes. During this time, the dough should be completely cooked, and the filling should melt and remain inside.

We bring to the table

As soon as everything is properly browned, they are removed from the oven and immediately brushed with fresh butter. This will make them tastier, softer and more appetizing.

Submit such products to family dinner preferably hot. But it must be borne in mind that melted cheese can easily burn you.

Also, cakes are very tasty and cold. Usually they are consumed together with sweet tea or as a regular snack, which is served with various alcoholic drinks.

Now you have general idea about how homemade cakes are baked in the oven. It should be especially noted that such products can be made using different test. But most often they are formed either from a yeast or kefir base.

A lot of housewives add to such cakes chicken eggs. We do not recommend using this product. The fact is that eggs make the dough heavier, making it more sticky and tough. Therefore, with them, the products are not very tasty.

It should also be noted that in order to give the cakes a special taste and aroma, some spices or seasonings must be added to the dough used. In addition, they can be sprinkled with already formed semi-finished products.

If you want to get more tender and juicy cheese cakes, then instead of solid dairy product We recommend using brynza.

Among the peoples Central Asia such cakes have been prepared for a long time according to the established tradition, they replace them regular bread. Every day, Asian women fry them for the whole large family and serve them with different dishes, it can be soups, salads or meat, fish. The basis of such cakes is kneaded on water from flour and salt, added all kinds of fillings(optional), and roasted in a special oven. Today we have prepared for you quick recipe such an unleavened flatbread fried in a pan, this is the easiest cooking option. Our recipe does not contain yeast. The dough includes only two required ingredients - flour and water, while cooking is not just kneading water with flour, but making choux pastry. If desired, salt, spices and any greens can still be added to the dough. Unleavened cake can be stuffed with any filling, serve sauce to it.

Taste Info Bread and Flatbreads


  • Wheat flour - 150 g;
  • Water (boiled or filtered) - 100 ml;
  • Vegetable oil (refined) - 30-50 ml (for frying);
  • Salt - to taste (optional).

Note. Our recipe does not call for salt, but if you cannot do without this ingredient, add it to your liking, it will not spoil the big picture.

How to cook unleavened cakes from choux pastry on flour and water, fried in a pan

Prepare a strainer, a bowl for dough and a frying pan. Put water in the kettle to boil.

A quick way to make tortillas without yeast.

Sift the flour through a sieve into a heat-resistant bowl, we will fill it with boiling water. If you are using salt, now is the time to add it to the flour.

Carefully pour boiling water in a thin stream, please do not burn yourself. Hot items in the kitchen must be handled with all safety precautions.

Without waiting for cooling, knead the dough, first using a spoon, and then collect it with your hands into one lump.

Place the bun on a floured cutting board. The dough should rest for a few minutes. In the meantime, prepare a knife and a rolling pin, they will come in handy.

Our rested bun is formed in the form of a sausage with a diameter of 5 cm, cut into pieces of 1-2 cm, depending on the size of the future cake.

Form each piece in the form of a ball and roll it into a cake no more than 0.5 cm thick. Make cuts in several places.

The dough is ready. Let's start frying. Heat the frying pan well, grease the bottom with oil with a shaving brush, do not pour it out of the bottle, you can pour too much or underfill.

Advice. Use a heavy-bottomed frying pan so that the tortillas cook well and do not burn.

Put the tortilla in the pan, when one side is browned, turn it over to the other side. And so on, fry all the cakes.

Ready-made cakes turn out beautiful, lush and crispy, if you fry them in a dry frying pan, they will be without a crispy crust, but absolutely soft, in a word, excellent.

These cakes can be used instead of bread, make sandwiches from them with any filling: cheese, greens, sausage. You can use various sauces and gravies, jam and jam. Here is where to roam your imagination. We wish you to enjoy your creations and give pleasure to your family members.

If you do not have time to buy bread in the store, we recommend making such unleavened cakes on hastily, they will completely replace bread: for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The recipe is very simple, you will spend no more than 15 minutes on it. He is indispensable in hiking trips when there is little food and there is not even oil and salt. We advise you to try, do not regret these minutes.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

To bake wonderful unleavened cakes in a pan instead of bread, you will need only the bare minimum of products. regular flour, salt and water are always in the house. It is only necessary that the hostess has a desire to bake such cakes: and you don’t have to go to the store for bread. Freshly made tortillas will replace even the most delicious store-bought bread. homemade baking, which is filled with the warmth of women's hands, will outshine any store-bought baguette or loaf. There are many recipes homemade bread-, ... But unleavened cakes are prepared much easier and faster. The most valuable thing in such baking is that cakes can be eaten with anything, anytime and anywhere. I always give such cakes to my husband at work and to my son at school. Such pastries come out dry and do not crumble, so my men always take fresh unleavened cakes. I once took such cakes to a picnic, so the whole family ate them in a minute. So, we cook together unleavened cakes in a pan - instead of bread, loaf or baguette.

Required cakes:

- 500-600 grams of premium flour;
- 200-250 grams of water;
- 1 teaspoon l. salt.

Recipe with photo step by step:

First of all, I sift the flour several times so that the dough becomes airy later. I add salt to the sifted, snow-white flour to make the dough tastier.

I pour water in parts

and start kneading the dough without lumps.

Then I pour in the remaining flour, but also in parts, with spoons and gradually.

I form, roll the dough into a single ball and see that it no longer sticks to my hands. If the dough is elastic, tight, then there is enough flour and you don’t need to add more.

I will leave the dough to rest for 15 minutes. Then I cut it with a knife into uniform small pieces in order to roll a rounded shape for a cake from each.

I roll out one piece of dough thinly so that the surface of the wooden board on which I roll out is practically visible. But the dough should not tear. I catch the moment when I need to stop rolling with a rolling pin, and cut out a cake with a round plate.

I put it on a hot dry frying pan and bake on each side for 15-20 seconds.

I transfer the hot baked cakes to a separate plate. Cakes in the process of drying will rise, swell and stand on end. This is a normal occurrence. Beauty! From conventional products obtained without yeast fluffy cakes. It's a miracle!

As a result, I get a mountain of the freshest delicious cakes.

These unleavened cakes in a pan instead of bread (of course, cooled down a bit so that no one gets burned) can be served on the table with any sauce, and even with meat. And you can make delicious ones out of them.

Everything ingenious, as you know, is simple. This statement is, in a way, true of food as well. Healthy food usually rough and unpretentious, the most ancient dishes were invented in immemorial pre-literate times, including cakes made from flour on the water - the first bread of the first agricultural cultures. baked, fried and eaten with pleasure and now representatives of various nations.

The composition of the test for cakes on the water may include not only Wheat flour, but also flour of other cereals (oatmeal, barley, rye, corn, etc.)

So we choose quality flour, best of all whole grains and proceed.

Recipe for unleavened cakes on water in a pan

  • whole wheat flour;
  • the water is cold;
  • a little vegetable oil;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • vegetable oil, or a piece of lard, or fat for greasing the pan;
  • garlic.


Be sure to sift the flour through a sieve (into a bowl with a slide), so the cakes will turn out better. We make a recess in the hill, add 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil and salt. Gradually adding water, knead the dough, it should be cool, but not too much. We knead the dough thoroughly, divide it into parts and roll out cakes from them (or form them with our hands).

Further, if you use vegetable oil or melted fat, the cakes will be fried, and if you grease a heated pan with a piece of lard, they will be baked, which, of course, is preferable. You can bake cakes in general in a dry frying pan, but you want to make them tastier.

So, brown the cakes on both sides. When they have cooled slightly, rub them with a cut clove of garlic, and you can serve.

Fresh cakes will “fly away in a moment”, everyone will like it, do not hesitate.

Fresh yeast-free cakes on the water - one of the dishes of the currently popular paleo diet (the main thing is to choose the right flour).

Of course, to make the cakes more satisfying and more interesting in taste, you can knead the dough with whey, milk, sour milk, on, sour cream and add eggs to the dough, as well as ground dry spices. However, cakes prepared according to such recipes can rather be attributed to pancakes (which are also actually a type of cakes).

Interesting results are obtained if the dough for cakes is not cooked on plain water, and on mineral carbonated (preferably slightly carbonated). The cakes are fluffy and airy.

In principle, they are perfectly prepared both at home and in a field frying pan over hot coals. Therefore, on long hikes, experienced tourists prefer not to take purchased bread, which dries quickly and “blooms”, but flour. Mixing it with salt and water, after a quarter of an hour you can get hot fresh pastries for any meal.

Fried tortillas: what kind of dish?

The tortilla is popular all over the world and in one form or another is present in the cuisine of almost every nation.

The most common fried flatbread in Asia, where they are cooked mainly with yeast, as well as without it in the tandoor and other special devices, as well as in the Mediterranean and in America.

In Indian cuisine, the bannock is a flat piece of yeast dough fried in boiling oil. Bannock stayed in American cuisine, with some changes.

A similar story is with tortilla - a flat round bread that came in mexican cuisine from North American Indians. Tortilla is baked in a dry flat clay pan, and then stuffed with pepper, cheese, meat, sausages, eggs.

In the cuisines of the Balkars and Karachays, it is popular - a thinly rolled fried flatbread stuffed with potatoes and cheese or meat and herbs. Traditionally khychins were fried in a cauldron with boiling fat, but modern technology involves frying in oil in a deep frying pan. The closest "relative" of khychin is khachapuri. This dish Georgian cuisine, is a flat cake mixed with yoghurt with cheese filling fried in a frying pan. Khychin and khachapuri are a bit similar to Turkish fried flatbread with cheese and herbs - gozleme.

In Tatar and Bashkir cuisine, kystyby is considered traditional - a flatbread fried in oil with cereal or potato stuffing. This dish is also common among the Chuvash people.

In India and Nepal, as well as in some parts of Afghanistan, chapatis are prepared - unleavened dough fried in a dry frying pan and eaten by dipping in various sauces. It is a quick and cheap alternative to bread.

famous italian pizza in fact, also an ordinary thin dough cake with various fillings. Traditionally, it is baked in a special wood-fired oven. At home, it is cooked in a gas or electric oven, but in Lately recipes are gaining popularity where pizza is cooked in a pan and even on a grill over smoldering coals.

IN mediterranean cuisine such simple flatbread known as . Classically, it was baked in the oven, but the modern recipe allows frying.

Mochi is a Japanese fried rice cake. Similar rice cake is in Chinese and Korean cuisine. It is called shouzhubain in China, Chinese s green onion. In Korea, it is called tirimgubi. All of them are fried in oil or baked in a dry frying pan.

Fresh armenian bread- Lavash - also prepared by instant frying. Initially, it was cooked in a tandoor. Lavash is common not only in Armenia, but also in Iran, Afghanistan and other neighboring countries. Another kind of Armenian flatbread is a plump plump mantakash.

Georgian corn mchadi are served empty or stuffed with cheese, beans, onion and greenery.

Traditional Uzbek everyday obi-non and festive patyr are also varieties of fried bread cakes.

For different flatbreads used different flour: wheat for pizza, khachapuri, patyr, mantakash, kystybyya and lavash, corn for tortilla and mchadi, rice for mochi, shouzhubain and tirimgubi.

Bannock and chapatis are made from any coarsely ground grain or arrogant grains.

For hychin mix different types flour - wheat, barley, rye, but more often I just use wheat.

Pita was originally prepared from wholemeal flour- coarsely ground grains of wheat, rye, barley and other cereals together with shells; modern recipe includes predominantly wheat.

Rye flour is used to bake the Mongolian flatbread bortsok and the Finnish reykyaleipa.

Universal recipe: bread cakes with milk

bread cakes on milk without yeast, eggs and butter successfully replace bread. Due to their neutral taste, they can be served with garlic for borscht or with honey for tea. You can cook such cakes in a few minutes, without proofing and long baking.

IN this recipe cakes are fried in a dry frying pan, but if desired, they can be fried in a small amount vegetable oil.

The list of ingredients is basic. If it is supplemented with fresh herbs or dried herbs, cheese, sesame seeds, we will get completely new tastes.

Bread cakes can be made in the size of coffee saucer Or a soup bowl, whichever you prefer. They are quite soft with small air voids inside.

Recipe Information

  • Type of dish: pastry
  • Cooking method: frying
  • Servings:10
  • 30 min


  • milk - 150 ml
  • soda - 0.5 tsp
  • apple cider vinegar - 1 tbsp. l.
  • salt - 0.75 tsp
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.
  • wheat flour - 300 g.

Cooking method

The flour for cakes must be sifted to make the dough soft and tasty. Then you need to add salt and mix with flour.

For bread cakes, you can use fresh or slightly sour milk. The liquid should be poured into the flour. Then add vegetable oil and soda quenched in vinegar.

Need to knead soft dough. When it almost stops sticking to your hands, you need to cover it with a towel and leave it for 10 minutes. During this time, the flour will absorb moisture, and the dough will become more dense, elastic.

Divide the rested dough into 9-10 servings. Each piece must be rolled into a ball.

Sprinkle the table with flour or grease with vegetable oil. Each portion of the dough should be rolled out into a cake 2-3 mm thick.

Heat up the frying pan over medium heat. Bread cakes can be fried one at a time or several at once, depending on the size of the pan and the cakes themselves.

One side browns in 2-3 minutes. Then the cakes must be turned over and fried on the other side. Ready baked goods fold in a pile and cover with a towel to keep it soft.

  • Can cook lean version- we leave the recipe for cakes the same, just replace the milk with water.
  • If the dough is kneaded with sour milk, then vinegar can be omitted. In this case, soda must be added to milk and mixed, and then poured into flour.
  • If the tortillas are very puffy and unevenly toasted, prick several places with a fork before placing them in the pan.
  • Wheat flour can be partially replaced with corn, buckwheat or oatmeal. However, in any case, wheat flour should be more than 50%.
  • As an experiment, you can add sugar - you get delicious sweet pastries.

mexican tortilla

You can cook different dishes with tortilla.

If you wrap fried meat in it, canned beans and corn, baked Bell pepper, slices of tomatoes, you get a burrito.

If you wrap cheese, herbs and vegetables, you get an enchilada.

A Mexican flatbread with grilled meat and vegetables is called fajita.

But in essence, these are ordinary fried corn tortillas on water and flour in a frying pan.


  • flour - corn and wheat - 150 g each
  • hot water - 200 ml
  • butter - 50 g
  • salt - to taste.


  1. Sift both types of flour with salt in a slide with a recess.
  2. Pour in a little water, kneading the dough.
  3. Melt the butter and pour into the dough.
  4. Knead a smooth lump of homogeneous dough and leave for half an hour covered with a napkin.
  5. Divide into 8-10 pieces, roll out thin cakes and fry in a dry frying pan on both sides until bubbles appear.
  6. The bubbles need to be pierced and the tortilla turned over.
  7. Fry a little more.

Gozleme: Turkish Kefir Flatbreads

Gozleme is a great replacement for the usual pancakes for breakfast and great addition for a quick lunch or dinner.

Although if you don’t know the history of the dish, then it’s easy regular flatbread on kefir stuffed with cottage cheese and herbs.

They don’t even have to be cooked with stuffing - you can fry them without anything, and then grease them with butter and serve.

What do you need:

  • wheat flour - 400 g and a handful for sprinkling,
  • slightly warmed kefir - ½ cup,
  • warm water - ½ cup,
  • fat cottage cheese with large grains - 250 g,
  • greens (assorted) - 50 g,
  • butter - 40 g.
  • salt.

How to cook:

  1. Mix kefir, water and salt.
  2. Sprinkle flour, knead the dough and leave for half an hour.
  3. Salt the cottage cheese and combine with finely chopped herbs - dill, parsley, cilantro, oregano, celery.
  4. Divide the dough into 6-10 pieces, roll out very thinly.
  5. Put the filling and roll up, clapping along the seam with your hand.
  6. If there is an envelope shape, the filling should be placed in the middle; if there is a semicircle shape, the filling is laid out on one side.
  7. Gozleme should be baked in a dry frying pan. Brush each fried side with melted butter.

Rye cakes with sour cream

Such cakes are popular in Finland.

Sour cream can be substituted natural yogurt, kefir, yogurt, Rye flour supplemented by its other types - wheat, barley.

Barley, by the way, can completely replace rye if necessary.


  • flour - rye and wheat - 150 g each
  • sour cream or thick fermented milk product– 250 ml
  • sugar - 1 tsp
  • soda - ½ tsp
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.,
  • salt - to taste

How to do:

  1. Dry products combine and sift.
  2. Combine liquid products and stir with a whisk.
  3. Pour the dry mixture into the liquid, slowly knead the dough.
  4. Leave it for half an hour, brushed with vegetable oil and covered with a film, and then divided into 6-8 parts.
  5. Roll each part into a circle 1 cm thick, fry in a greased frying pan under the lid for several minutes on each side.
  6. If the tortillas turn out to be damp inside (this may happen due to the low stickiness of the flour), they can be brought to readiness in the microwave.

Recipe with cheese

Yeast cheese cakes are a simple and quick recipe that can be supplemented with various ingredients.

If the cheese in the filling is salty, then finely chopped pickled cucumber, ham will suit it, if the cheese is unsalted, then grated apple or pear with dense pulp.

Delicious with green onions - just take a large bunch of onions.


  • warm milk - 200 ml
  • wheat flour - how much dough will take, about 350-400 g
  • butter - 50 g
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
  • salt - ½ tsp
  • yeast (live) - 20 g
  • solid or Adyghe cheese- 150 g.

How to bake:

  1. IN warm milk dissolve the yeast, let it stand for literally 10 minutes.
  2. Mix everything bulk products slide, pour in milk, knead the dough.
  3. Leave it for a while - no more than 20 minutes, you do not need to wait until it grows, just so that the flour begins to release gluten. Grate the cheese, stir into the mass.
  4. Roll out a round cake (up to 1 cm) and fry in a dry frying pan, greasing the finished cakes with cheese with melted butter.

Secrets of storage and filing

  • How and with what to serve such quick baking, depends on your desires - this product is as versatile as bread. Serve with honey or jam and you can have a tea party. Fry the cakes for some soup, for example, pickle, and full lunch ready.
  • Flat cakes without any fillings and additions are served with any dishes, in some cuisines they even replace a spoon for soups and sauces. They can be stored from several days to several months, depending on the recipe.
  • Such pastries with filling are served with tea, coffee or first courses. It is not subject to long-term storage.
  • If baked too much, then cool, wrap in a bag and freeze. After it will be enough to warm up in the microwave and delicious pastries ready.

Note to housewives

None of the recipes are strict. Ingredients can be replaced and supplemented. For example, olive oil can be replaced with corn, walnut, sunflower, cheese with cottage cheese, one type of meat with another. Taste ready-made cakes will change, but they will not get worse. The main thing that needs to be observed is the proportions of dry foods and liquids.

The dough should be soft, elastic, homogeneous - then it will roll out well and will neither burn nor spread when frying.

Useful video

Very tasty Chinese puff pastry with onion. Making them is not difficult, here is a simple video with tips:
