
Soups for hiking. Cooking first courses, fish soup, soup and broth on a hiking trip, simple camping culinary recipes

As a rule, the choice of dishes in the campaign is small: doshirak, sandwiches or kebabs, but all this has already managed to get bored a hundred times. Therefore, potatoes, a couple of cans of canned food (lecho, sauerkraut, pickled cucumbers, stew), buckwheat, rice or pearl barley and, of course, all kinds of spices go on hikes with us. And the boiler - but what about without it (well, or an iron enameled bucket). And also a cast-iron frying pan, with which you can cook any dishes on a fire: even pancakes, even stew, even pasta in a naval way, even fry fish.

Campfire Dish #1: Camping Soup

This soup has no name, as well as the exact ingredients. You can put everything in your travel bag into it. Camping soup is always tasty, fragrant and satisfying. There are two options for its preparation: in the fast one, stew is used (a couple of cans per cauldron), in the slow one, a piece of meat on the bone.

The broth is boiled, chopped onions, chopped carrots, half a jar of homemade lecho, a kilogram of potatoes are thrown into it, you can add pearl barley, buckwheat or pasta, and be sure - bay leaf, dried herbs and pepper, well, and salt. I prefer not to close the lid of the boiler - then the soup smells of charcoal and smoke.

Dish at the stake number 2: kupaty

Hiking soup is for long trips, and for express trips for several hours there is a simpler option. Kupaty are soft minced meat sausages cooked on skewers or on a grill. There is nothing easier, but eating them without a side dish is boring.

Garnish for these sausages can be different: a salad of fresh vegetables; canned beans in tomato or spicy sauce or any other canned legumes - corn, green peas, pita bread with tomato sauce, in which kupaty can be wrapped, etc.

Campfire Dish #3: Foil Baked Fish

Take fish - carp, pike perch, salmon or another, clean, rub with salt, spices, sprinkle with lemon juice, wrap in foil and put on coals. The fish is cooked for about 20 minutes (do not forget to turn over). When you unfold the foil, you will be truly delighted: the fish is baked so that it literally melts in your mouth.

Dish on the fire number 4: Uzbek pilaf

If you are a happy owner of a cauldron, then you simply must be able to cook real pilaf on a fire.

For pilaf take:

  • 1 kg lamb,
  • 1 kg carrots
  • 1 onion
  • 4 heads of garlic,
  • 300 g fat tail lamb fat,
  • 2 tbsp. l. salt,
  • 1 tsp zira,
  • 1.5 kg of rice,
  • 1 st. sunflower oil,
  • 2 tbsp. l. raisins,
  • 1 hot pepper.

Carrots are peeled and cut into cubes, onions - into half rings. The meat is washed and rubbed with salt, you can cut it, you can not cut it - you decide. Now make a fire, place a cauldron on it, pour half a glass of salt into it - it needs to be ignited; then clean the cauldron with the same salt, then pour water into it. When the water boils, pour it out.

Wait for the cauldron to dry, and pour sunflower oil into it. After 6-8 minutes, put the fat tail and meat in the oil. This should all be fried for about 10-15 minutes, do not forget to turn over.

Now add the onions, stir, add the carrots, spread them evenly over the meat, fry for 10-15 minutes, stirring, then add 1/2 cup of water, simmer for about 8 minutes, add garlic (whole), chili pepper (whole), and simmer 5 more minutes.

Rinse the rice, put it evenly in a cauldron, add the washed raisins and cumin, fill it with water so that it is 2.5-2.8 cm higher than the rice, and simmer without closing the lid. When all the water has evaporated, make holes with a stick and pour some more water into them. Close the lid and leave to simmer.

After 10-15 minutes, you can take a sample - the pilaf is ready.

Finally, even the usual kebabs can be cooked differently, in a new way.

Camping Recipes

Weekend hikes are available to everyone. As a rule, tourists participate in them with the whole family. Such a trip is a holiday, especially for children. Therefore, from the point of view of nutrition and diet, tourists try to make their diet festive, especially since in such trips there are neither too difficult obstacles nor heavy backpacks. You can take any products on a weekend trip, since they all withstand safety for 1-2 days .

Here you should not get carried away with canned food or concentrates. It is better to prefer fresh vegetables / fruits, dairy products and fresh meat products. For 1- and 2-day hikes, it is advisable to mainly prepare the products at home. But one should not rely entirely on personal initiative. This leads to the fact that each tourist goes on the route with only 3 elements: hard-boiled eggs, sausage sandwiches and cheese sandwiches. The most ingenious ones also take salt with them. Such traditional "variety" does not in any way correspond to the general high spirits. Well, if someone thinks to string this boring sausage on a twig and fry over a fire. Therefore, even with a 1-day trip, a supply manager should be appointed, whose functions include developing a menu and personal distribution of the preliminary preparation of certain dishes among the participants in the trip.

Here it is difficult to give specific recipes for certain dishes - any of them can be used in such trips. It is important to remember that 1- and 2-day hikes are a vacation, a holiday. Therefore, everything here should be festive - and mood, and appetite, and food.

Another thing is multi-day categorical trips. It's already work. You don't really take all sorts of pickles with you. You will not take with you not only potatoes or cabbage, but even fresh bread. How to provide the necessary variety of dishes?

Below are recipes for dishes, the technology of preparation of which and the range of their constituent products are entirely consistent with camping conditions.

First meal

Noodles. Bouillon cubes, 1 per person. Noodles or vermicelli, 30 g each. Spices. Butter (melted) 1 tablespoon.

Dip the pre-mashed bouillon cubes into boiling water, stir. Pour in the noodles or vermicelli and cook the soup, stirring occasionally, for 15-20 minutes. 5 minutes before the end of cooking, add 1-2 tablespoons of dry vegetable seasoning such as "Appetite", "Veda" or "Yazhinka". Do not add salt to the soup, as salt is contained in both the bouillon cubes and the seasoning. Individual salting of the soup is allowed.

Bouillon with dumplings. Bouillon cubes 4 per person. A glass of flour. Butter (melted) 3 tablespoons. Egg powder 1/2 tablespoon.

Pour a glass of water into a bowl, put oil, boil, throw in half of the bouillon cube, stir. Pour in the grits, stir, heat for 1-2 minutes, and then, removing from the heat, add the egg powder and mix thoroughly. In the meantime, boil the amount of water necessary for the broth in a saucepan, dip the previously mashed bouillon cubes into boiling water, stir. In a boiling broth in small portions (1/4 tablespoon each), lower the cooked dough. Willingness - 2-3 minutes after the dumplings rise to the surface.

Bean soup with meat. Canned meat 800 g. Canned beans in tomato sauce 850-1000 g. Cooked-smoked brisket or loin 250 g. Spices. Salt to taste.

In boiling iodine, lower the finely chopped brisket or loin, and then the beans. Let boil for 5 min. Lay the meat, add 1 tablespoon of dry vegetable seasoning. After 5 minutes after the next boil, the soup is ready. I can serve white bread crackers with the soup.

Shchi green with meat. Canned meat 500 g. Young nettle 400 g. Sorrel (or sorrel) 200 g. Wheat flour 1 tablespoon. Fat 2 tablespoons. Spices. Salt 1/2 teaspoon.

Boil water in a saucepan in the amount necessary to prepare the first course for the whole group. Sort the nettles, rinse well, cook in boiling water until soft, put on plywood, cut into small pieces. The broth is temporarily drained into another bowl. Sort the sorrel, rinse, cut large leaves. Melt the fat in a saucepan, put the flour here and, stirring, fry. Then put finely chopped nettles into a saucepan, mix well, dilute with hot broth left over from cooking nettles. Add bay leaf, pepper and cook for 15-20 minutes. 5-10 minutes before the end of cooking, add sorrel leaves, salt, and meat to the pan.

Kharcho. Canned meat 500 g. Rice 1 glass. Dried onion 30 g. Garlic 15 g. Melted butter (butter) 1 tablespoon. Tomato puree 2 tablespoons. Spices. Salt 1/2 teaspoon.

Dip the washed rice into a pot of boiling water. It should cook for 40-45 minutes. During this time, lightly fry the tomato paste in a bowl in oil. 20 minutes before the end of rice cooking, put onion, crushed garlic, black pepper (15-20 peas), suneli hops 1/3 teaspoon, salt in a saucepan. For 10 minutes, add the fried tomato paste to the soup. 5 minutes - meat. It is very good if the leaves of freshly picked wild garlic can be served with the soup.

Fisherman's ear. Small fish 1.5-2 kg. Large fish 2.5-3 kg. Dried onions 30 g. Dried carrots 50 g. Dried potatoes 200 g. Spices. Salt 1/3 teaspoon.

Gut small fish, remove gills, rinse carcasses. Divide all this fish into 3 parts. First, boil the first portion of fish in boiling salted water (small fish can be boiled with scales) for 20-25 minutes. Then carefully pour the broth into another bowl, discard the boiled fish, and cook the second and then the third portion in the drained broth, each time draining the broth and discarding the boiled fish. Finally, put black pepper (10-12 peas), bay leaves, onions, carrots and potatoes, as well as prepared pieces of large fish, into the boiling broth filtered through cheesecloth. After re-boiling after 20-25 minutes, the ear is ready. Individual dosalting of the dish is possible.

Mushroom soup with vermicelli. Fresh mushrooms 200 g per person. Vermicelli 25 g per person. Dried onions 25 g. Dried carrots 30 g. Butter 60 g. Spices. Salt 3/4 teaspoon.

Fresh mushrooms - white, boletus, boletus, boletus - clean and rinse. Cut off the roots, finely chop and fry in a pan with onions and carrots in oil. Cut mushroom caps into large enough slices, put in a saucepan, add water and cook for 30-35 minutes. 20-25 minutes before the end of cooking, add vermicelli, mushroom roots fried with onions and carrots, salt, bay leaf, black pepper (3-4 peas).

semi-liquid meals

Semi-liquid dishes (kulesh) in terms of density occupy, as it were, an intermediate place between soups and main courses. Tourists often call this dish “porridge soup”. Since it can replace a 2-course meal, which is associated with fuel and time savings, kulesh is often used in difficult tourist trips. True, the density here is achieved not by a special culinary art, but by a simple increase in the filler (cereals, pasta, legumes, canned vegetables, etc.), which does not always lead to the preservation of high taste qualities.

Pasta patties with meat. Canned meat 500-800 g. Pasta 400-450 g. Dried onion 40 g. Tomato paste 2 tablespoons. Butter (melted) 3-4 tablespoons. Wheat flour 1 tablespoon. One bouillon cube. Spices. Salt 1 teaspoon.

Put the pasta in a pan in salted water and cook for 30-40 minutes, depending on the type and thickness of the pasta. Meanwhile, in one bowl, dissolve the bouillon cube in 3 cups of the broth from the pot. In another bowl, fry wheat flour with butter until light yellow and dilute the resulting mass with the broth from the cube. In another bowl, fry the tomato paste with dried onions and also transfer it to a bowl with toasted flour. Add salt and spices: ground pepper, hops-suneli (1/4 tea bed), bay leaf. Mix everything well. First, put the cooked pasta on cheesecloth, let the broth drain. Pour the broth remaining in the pan. Place the hot pasta back into the pot and season with oil. Pour the prepared sauce from the bowl here, mix and put on a slow fire for 20-25 minutes. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, lay the meat in the pasta. Stir, and soon lay out in bowls. Distribute the sauce that has accumulated at the bottom of the pan evenly among the participants.

Kulesh of peas with brisket. Peas 500 g. Smoked brisket (loin) 300 g. Dried onions 40 g. Dried carrots 40 g. Tomato paste 1 tablespoon. Oil 3-4 tablespoons. Wheat flour 1 tablespoon. Spices. Salt 1 teaspoon.

Boil pre-soaked peas until half cooked (15-20 minutes). Peel the brisket, cut out the bones, chop finely, fry with onions. Carrots also cut into small pieces and fry over low heat, along with tomato paste and oil. Fry wheat flour with butter until light yellow in color, dilute with 2-3 cups of broth from peas. To this add the fried brisket and cooked tomato paste. Drain the semi-finished peas from the pan onto cheesecloth, let the broth drain and put it back into an empty pan, adding bay leaf, 5-7 crushed cloves of garlic, ground pepper, pour everything with the prepared sauce, mix well and put on low heat simmer until cooked (about 15 -20 min), stirring occasionally.

Main courses

Millet milk porridge with raisins. Millet 2 cups. Milk 4 cups. Sugar 4 tablespoons. Raisins 3/4 cup. Butter 4 tablespoons. Salt 1/4 teaspoon.

Pour well-washed millet into boiling lightly salted water and cook from the moment of boiling for 10-15 minutes. Then drain the water, and pour hot milk, add 2 tablespoons of sugar. Boil the porridge over low heat until cooked. Meanwhile, pour the sorted and washed raisins into a bowl, add the rest of the sugar here and heat over low heat, stirring until the raisins are steamed, then mix it with porridge. Drizzle with oil when serving.

Pasta with meat. Macaroni 400 g. Canned meat 500 g. Dried onions 30 g. Butter (melted) 4 tablespoons. Tomato paste 1 tablespoon. Spices. Salt 1 teaspoon.

Boil macaroni in salted water until tender. Drain the decoction. Transfer pasta to a well-heated pan with oil and, stirring, lightly fry. Put the meat in a large bowl, disassemble it into small pieces, add onion, finely chopped 5-7 cloves of garlic, tomato paste, stir well and put on low heat. Divide pasta among bowls, top with heated meat.

Omelette. Egg powder 1.5 tablespoons per person. Powdered milk 10 g per person. Butter (clarified) 1 teaspoon per person. Salt.

Pour the egg powder intended for the omelette (1 egg corresponds to 1/2 tablespoon of egg powder) into a large bowl and pour the cooked milk at the rate of 1/3 cup to 1.5 tablespoon of egg powder. Add salt and beat with a spoon or a well-peeled branch with a fork. An omelet will be more "massive" and nutritious if you add a little flour or semolina to this mixture, then mix well. Pour the egg mass into a hot pan (if not, into a bowl) with oil and fry over high heat. As soon as the omelette begins to thicken, remove from heat, cover and let rise for 3-5 minutes. When laying out in bowls, it is good to add at least a little bit of tomato sauce to the omelet. An omelette will benefit even more if you first fry finely chopped lard or brisket (omelette with cracklings) in a frying pan or lightly fry the sausage. A big variety in the hike is the cheese omelette. The cheese is crushed with a knife or better on a grater (the group should still have a simple grater with them, which has both low weight and small volume, but is of great help in the variety of food being prepared) at the rate of 15-20 g per person and added to the egg mass. In this case, a pinch of baking soda should also be added here.

Fish baked on a fire. To prepare a kind of "fish kebab" there is no need to clean the scales, remove the heads - just gut the insides and lightly salt the carcass. Then string the fish on a twig 8-10 mm thick, peeled from the bark, with a pointed end (coniferous trees should never be used for this purpose), piercing the tip of the twig through the sides and head so that the carcass does not rotate freely around the axis. The other end of the twig is inserted into the ground directly next to a fire that has just burned out with an inclination towards the fire (angle from the vertical 20-30 °). In the future, it remains only to rotate the twig around its axis, turning the fish to the fire with its belly, then its side, then its back so that the carcass is evenly baked. With this method of preparation, the natural, “live” taste and aroma of fish are completely preserved. Some tourists believe that in order not to disturb the "live" taste of the fish, it is not recommended to salt the carcass before cooking. It is better, taking up food, salt the finished fish to taste.

Buckwheat porridge with lard and onions. Put 1-2 tablespoons of oil in a well-heated frying pan and, when it melts, add buckwheat groats and fry over low heat until the groats are well browned. After that, pour the fried cereals into boiling salted water and cook over low heat until thickened for 10-15 minutes. Then cover the pan with a lid and put it to evaporate in (previously wrapped in a clean rag) for 1-1.5 hours. Meanwhile, finely chop the pork fat and fry together with dried onions. When serving, put the fried bacon with onions into the prepared buckwheat porridge and stir. If the porridge is not hot enough, reheat before serving.

Semolina. Semolina 4 cups. Milk 5 glasses. Sugar 1 tablespoon. Butter 1/2 tablespoon per person. Sugar 1 tablespoon. Salt 1/2 teaspoon.

Pour semolina into boiling milk with continuous stirring in a thin stream, add salt, sugar and cook over low heat for 8-10 minutes. When serving, spread the butter into bowls.

Mushroom stew. Fresh mushrooms 250 g per person. Butter (melted) 3-5 tablespoons. Flour 1 tablespoon. Spices. Salt. Sprinkle the washed coarsely chopped fresh mushrooms with flour and simmer in a pan until tender in butter, adding a little water, salt and spices (dry vegetable seasoning), but so that the smell of spices does not clog the smell of mushrooms.

Mushroom goulash. Fresh mushrooms 250 g per person. Salo 50 g. Dried onion 25 g. Tomato paste 1 teaspoon. Spices. Salt 1/2 teaspoon.

Peeled, washed and chopped mushrooms (porcini, boletus, boletus) mixed with onions fried in lard, tomato paste, salt and simmer together for 15-20 minutes.

Pancakes with yeast. Flour 5 cups. Milk 5 glasses. Egg powder 1.5 teaspoons. Granulated sugar 2 tablespoons. Salt 1 teaspoon. Yeast 50 g Butter (melted) 200 g Salo (for greasing the pan) 20 g

In a saucepan, 2 cups of warm milk are diluted with yeast and 3 cups of flour. Well-mixed dough is covered with a napkin and put in a warm place for 30-40 minutes until the volume doubles. Sugar, salt, egg powder, butter are placed in the finished dough. All mix and pour in the rest of the flour, then knead until elastic and gradually dilute with the remaining 3 cups of warm milk. Secondly put in a warm place -30-35 ° C - until it rises and doubles. The risen dough is mixed again and allowed to rise again, then they immediately start baking pancakes.

Pancakes are best baked in pans with a thick bottom. The dough should be poured into a well-heated frying pan, greased. After each baked pancake, the pan is again greased with oil or a piece of bacon, planted on a fork. The dough is poured into the pan and, tilting it, is poured to the entire pan.

For pancakes, wheat or buckwheat flour is taken (the latter can be used from baby food), and sometimes both together.

Yeast preparation. The quality of the dough largely depends on the quantity and quality of yeast. Before use, the yeast should be "feed". To do this, they are diluted in a small amount of warm water or milk with 1 teaspoon of sugar and half a glass of flour, mixed well (until sour cream thickens) and put in a warm place until a “cap” appears or the volume increases by 3-4 times. The amount of yeast is taken according to the amount of flour (the average rate is 25-40 g of yeast per 1 kg of flour). The increase in the rate of yeast depends on the type of dough being kneaded.

Pancakes on soda. Flour 3 cups. Water 3 cups. Egg powder 1 teaspoon. Soda 1/2 teaspoon. Granulated sugar 1 tablespoon. Salt 1 teaspoon. Citric acid 1/3 teaspoon,

In egg powder, pounded with sugar, water is gradually poured in and salt and soda solution are added. Mix well and the resulting liquid is gradually poured into the flour. The dough is stirred until the flour lumps disappear. Diluted finely crushed citric acid is poured into the prepared dough. All mix well and immediately start baking pancakes in the usual way.

Pancakes made from pancake flour. Pancake flour 4 cups. Vegetable oil 1 glass.

Dilute pancake flour in warm water or milk to the consistency of thick sour cream. Vegetable oil is added to the prepared dough. Mix thoroughly. From the resulting mass, resembling thin sour cream in density, they begin to bake pancakes. Butter pancakes are distinguished by the fact that they never burn and are easily turned over when fried.

Pancakes. Flour 3 cups. Milk 4 cups. Egg powder 1 teaspoon. Granulated sugar 1 tablespoon. Salt 1/2 teaspoon.

Beat egg powder with sugar and salt, dilute with one glass of milk, add flour, knead the dough until smooth, then dilute with the rest of the milk, stir and start baking in a medium-sized frying pan.

Manna pancakes. Flour 1/2 cup. Semolina 1/2 cup. Milk 3 cups. Egg powder 1/2 teaspoon. Salt 1/2 teaspoon. Butter 15 g.

Semolina is poured into boiling milk (1 cup) and butter is put. Cook porridge until cooked and take out in the cold for 50-60 minutes. Dough is made from flour, egg powder, 2 cups of milk and salt and mixed with cooled semolina. The mass is stirred until smooth. Pancakes are baked in a small frying pan, turning them from one side to the other.

Fritters. Flour 3 cups. Milk 2 cups. Egg powder 1/2 teaspoon. Granulated sugar 1 tablespoon. Salt 1/4 teaspoon. Yeast 30 g. Butter or vegetable oil 250 g.

From flour, milk and yeast, knead the dough, cover it with a napkin and put it in a warm place to rise. Egg powder, salt, sugar, 1 teaspoon of oil are added to the risen dough. The well-mixed dough is put a second time to rise for 15-20 minutes, after which, without stirring, they start baking pancakes. The frying pan should be hot, the oil is heated, pancakes are fried on both sides. Before taking a portion of the dough, moisten the spoon with water.

Pancakes with filling. If the group provides for the production of spring rolls for dinner, then the dough is prepared in the same way as for ordinary pancakes (see above). However, they are baked only on one side (not overturning). The filling is put into the cooled pancakes on their fried side, wrapped and fried in oil on both sides.

Toppings available in field conditions are:

Sublimated minced meat. Minced meat 150 g. Dried onion 15 g. Wheat flour 2 teaspoons. Water 1/2 cup. Salt, pepper and other spices to taste.

Sublimate is soaked for 15-20 minutes. Then it is fried in a skillet with oil and onions, after adding a little water. Add salt, pepper, other spices, sprinkle with flour and knead everything well. Minced meat is ready for laying out on pancakes.

Minced meat from sublimated cottage cheese. Cottage cheese 75 g. Powdered milk 3 tablespoons. Egg powder 1 teaspoon. Granulated sugar 1 tablespoon. Flour 1 teaspoon. Salt 1/2 teaspoon. Vanilla sugar 1/3 teaspoon (powder). Raisins 1/3 cup.

The cottage cheese placed in gauze is soaked for 5 minutes, after which it is squeezed out, milk diluted to the consistency of thick sour cream, egg powder, sugar, raisins (previously soaked in hot water for 5-10 minutes), flour, salt and vanilla sugar are added. Everything is thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mass. Minced meat is ready for laying out on pancakes.


Rosehip drink. Rose hips 400 g Sugar 400 g

Washed with cold water, pour rose hips with boiling water and cook under a lid at a low boil for 10 minutes. Remove from heat and insist for 6-8 hours (usually overnight, then the drink is poured into thermoses for consumption directly on the track), strain the resulting mass through cheesecloth, add sugar.

Cranberry juice. Cranberries 125 g per 1 liter of drink. Sugar 120 g. Sort the cranberries, mash with a wooden spoon and squeeze out the juice. Pour pomace with water, boil for 5-8 minutes, add sugar and squeezed juice. Cool the resulting drink and pour into thermoses.

Berry compote. Raspberries 2 cups. Blackcurrant 2 cups, gooseberries 2 cups. Redcurrant 1 cup. Sugar 250-400 g. Water for syrup 2 cups. Assorted berries can be replaced with 1-2 components. Sort the berries and pour into a bowl. Prepare syrup: pour sugar into water and boil, stirring. Pour hot syrup over berries. Put the compote in a cold place. It should be drunk chilled.

Kissel from fresh berries. Berries 800 g. Granulated sugar 300 g. Potato starch 120 g. Citric acid 1 g. Water 2 l.

Sort the berries, rinse with cold water, put in a bowl, then carefully knead in a non-oxidizing bowl with wooden spoons or a well-cut spatula. Squeeze out the juice, and put the remaining mass in a saucepan, pour hot water and boil for 5-6 minutes, then strain through cheesecloth. Pour granulated sugar into the prepared broth, bring to a boil again. At this time, dilute the starch in the squeezed berry juice and add it to the boiling liquid. Stirring constantly, bring to a boil, but do not boil!

Milk with honey. Powdered milk 85 g. Honey 50 g.

Add honey to hot milk, stir or serve it separately.

Cocoa with condensed milk. Cocoa powder 30-40 g. Condensed milk with sugar 200 ml. Sugar. 100-120 g. All this for 1 liter of drink.

Part of the sweetened condensed milk diluted with a little water and gradually mixed with cocoa powder. Then add the rest of the milk and bring to a boil.

Instant coffee with milk. Instant coffee 2.5-3 g. Sugar 20-25 g. Milk 75-100 g. All this for 200 ml of drink.

Instant coffee does not need to be boiled or filtered. This allows you to cook it with minimal time. Rinse a glass or mug with hot water, put instant coffee, add sugar, mix and pour 1/3 of boiling water. After that, pour in hot milk and serve to the participants of the journey.

English tea. Tea 4 teaspoons. Water 4 cups. Sugar 8 teaspoons. Cream 200 g.

Rinse a tea pot with boiling water, put tea in it, cover with a lid and hold for a little steam. After 5 minutes, pour a little boiling water (so that the water covers the tea), and after another 5 minutes, add boiling water to the saucepan. Pour into mugs and serve with cream.

Infusion of needles. When there are no other sources of vitamin C, pine needles should be used. This is especially true for skiers. All types of needles also contain a large amount of vitamin C in winter. The needles of cedar, fir and pine are especially rich in it.

To get an infusion of vitamin C from needles, you need to collect needles from twigs, the thickness of which does not exceed 3.-4 mm. Before use, rinse the needles with water and chop with a knife, hatchet, etc. For each glass of chopped pine needles, pour 4 cups of hot water into the pan. If possible, it is recommended to slightly acidify the water with diluted acetic acid. Close the pan and leave for several hours (or overnight) in a relatively warm place. After that, strain the infusion through a double layer of gauze or a clean cloth, slightly squeezing the needles in them, and consume 1 glass a day (preferably in small portions, as it has a bitter, not very pleasant taste). Leaving the bivouac, the infusion can be poured into one of the thermoses for consumption directly on the route.

In the nutrition of tourists, cereals and dishes prepared from them occupy a special place. They are a source of quickly digestible carbohydrates and provide about 25% of the total calorie intake.

When cooking porridge on a stove, you need to know the ratio of water and cereals (Table 26).

Table 26

Name of cereal The amount of cereal (g) included in a mug with a capacity of 0.5 l Amount of water (l) per mug of cereal (mug capacity 0.5 l) The amount of cereal (g) required to obtain 500 g of porridge
crumbly viscous liquid crumbly viscous liquid
Buckwheat 420 1,5 3,0 - 240 125 -
Millet 440 1,5 3,0 3,5 200 125 100
Rice 460 2,0 3,5 5,0 180 115 85
Barley 460 2,5 3,5 5,0 170 110 85
oatmeal 380 - 2,5 3,0 - 100 85
semolina 400 - 2,5 3,0 - 110 85
herculean 180 - 1,0 1,6 - 125 100

When cooking porridge on a fire, the amount of water should be increased by about 1.5 times.

For cereals boiled in water, the amount of salt should be one teaspoon (10 g) per cup of cereal. For cereals cooked in milk -5 g. For sweet cereals, salt is added to taste.

Milk porridges (except semolina) are first boiled in water (TO-SO% of the total amount of water needed for this porridge), and then, when the water begins to be actively absorbed into the cereal, dry milk diluted in water is added.

To destroy the bitter taste, millet groats must be washed several times in water before cooking.

Buckwheat should be pre-fried in a pan.

To prepare porridge for breakfast, cereals are soaked in the evening.

Cereals for cereals are poured into salted water, and peas, beans and beans are salted when they are boiled.

To avoid sticking, rice must be cooked strictly on time, and after cooking, rinse with hot water.

The duration of cooking cereals on a fire is as follows: oatmeal - 10-20 minutes, buckwheat - up to 60, semolina - 5-10, oatmeal - up to 60, wheat - up to 90, millet - 40-60, barley - up to 120, rice - up to 60 min.

In the highlands, rice, millet and pearl barley are poorly boiled. But pre-soaking them significantly reduces the cooking time.

If you put the meat in cold water, the soup broth will turn out tasty and strong, but the meat will be very soft. If you want to get more tasty meat, put it in boiling water.

Canned meat should be put into the soup 5 minutes before the end of cooking, and served with the second dishes preheated directly into bowls.

The addition of one or two tablespoons of table vinegar during cooking makes the meat more tender and the fish stronger.

We will talk about those soups that I periodically prepare at home for hiking trips on my own, that is, without buying sublimates and factory-made custard soups that are now common. I must say that in PVD and in those events where I get by transport, I do not suffer from minimalism, preferring a normal rich soup to all sorts of powders (with the exception of trying out recipes), but in normal trips I am somewhat - well, or excessively, depending on which side look - ascetic.

So, when preparing soups, I try to follow two requirements for the recipe - the greatest simplicity and the least time spent on preparation and packaging. This is especially important when you need to pack food for a long hike and a large group. I don't have much free time to devote to cooking. It is clear that you can generally cook quite complex dishes for hiking at home, they, of course, will be quite tasty, but ... Take my last hike as an example - it was necessary to cook soups for six participants for three weeks - 21 soups. At the same time, diversity must be respected - I had five varieties. Even with the simple mixing of components according to the required weight, preparation takes a lot of time, what can we say about when you are going to show off your culinary skills?

How can these requirements be met? Minimum preparation of components before packaging. The simplest scheme is always the most effective. Or, it just seems so to me.

The food we eat is inherently multicomponent. Its different components contain different micronutrients, fiber, proteins, fats and carbohydrates in different proportions. They are different in nutritional value and different in the way they are prepared for long-term transportation and storage conditions.

A peculiar basis of the diet is pemmican and lard. I already wrote about their preparation and recipe, I will post links at the end of the article. This basis provides us with most of the energy for eating, is responsible for the feeling of satiety, contains nutrients and vitamins (especially fat), provides muscle recovery, intestinal epithelium and joint performance. Cooked on their own, separate from everything else, they have a long shelf life in almost any conditions. For this reason, they are prepared separately, stored and transported separately, and then added to the dish in a certain proportion according to the layout during the campaign.

However, by themselves they are not able to provide the human body with everything necessary, moreover, the taste component is inevitably lost when using only pemmican and lard. Roughly speaking, a filler is required. This filler is the very soup that I pack according to the layout in bags. On the route, you can also find filler for soup - leaves of fireweed, dandelion, quinoa, nettle, various mushrooms and the like. All this, with the right culinary approach, is brought into the dish. Naturally, you can’t mix everything in a row and cook it at random, the taste will worsen from this, and the benefits of what you eat will be lower. If with the preparation of what we prepared at home, everything is more or less clear, then with wild plants everything is somewhat more complicated, but this is a topic for another article.

Soup is always harder than porridge. With porridge, everything is simple - I poured the same flakes into the water, threw in the same measured amount of pemmican and lard, brought it to a boil and that's it. The hardest part is finding the right amount of water. The soup is more difficult due to the fact that its components are heterogeneous and must be selected in a more or less certain proportion, suit each other to taste, and if you take the custard version that I use on hikes, then also have the same time for heat treatment .

What we cook at home by mixing dry ingredients is called the flavor component. Of course, this does not mean that it gives only taste, it also contains certain substances useful to us. Why don't we then mix everything together, with pemmican and lard, and then dry it? Such recipes are really on the Internet. The reasons for my approach to separate cooking are as follows:
These are fundamentally different products in consistency and structure. Their mixing leads to a significant reduction in the shelf life of the resulting product.
The time spent on preparing the total mixture is 2-3 times more.
The time spent on packaging is significantly higher, and the packaging itself is more time-consuming and unreliable.
Despite the preservation of taste, the amount of nutrients in the already prepared dish will be lower due to the preliminary heat treatment. When hiking on extreme rations, this is especially critical.

In the table, I gave an approximate weight distribution for soups weighing 30 grams. Naturally, it makes no sense to hang out up to a gram, but the ratio from the table is clear. Variant of flakes (rice, buckwheat, etc.) can be varied according to taste and availability. In fact, many such combinations of soups can be made, I just gave five names as an example.

Usually I use 30 gram packages of soups, sometimes 25 and 35 grams. 30 grams is the most versatile. 25 grams can only be recommended for light, short trails, or for the first five days of a long hike. 35 grams for large people or for the end of a long route. On Kodar in the summer of 2015, I had 25 grams for the first five days, then ten days 30 grams, and the next five days 35 grams.

The basic rule for packaging is that all products must be completely dried or freeze-dried. This is especially important if we dry the food ourselves - potatoes, cabbage, beets, etc. Also, some purchased products must also be dried out - cheese, for example.

I will give some nuances for those soups that I have given in the table.
Cheese soup. It is either a soup with kurt (something like a type of dried cheese) or self-dried cheese. Smoked pigtail cheese is ideal for drying. It is cut with a knife on a baking sheet and dried at about 100 degrees in the oven until the liquid has completely evaporated. It is then cooled and added to the soup mixture. Somewhere I had photos, I will post the process later in a separate article (). You can buy ready-made dried cheese in the store, but ... unless it's kurt, it will always be a little wet. Even if it seems dry. So in any case, it must be dried out, otherwise the mixture may become moldy.
Soup with squid. Squid is better to take shavings. Scissors need to cut the chips into small pieces. If you leave the chips long, then after cooking it will become inconvenient to eat and arrange on plates.
Fish soup. It is better not to use red dried fish, since it will not be very tasty when boiled, but the rest without problems. The easiest way is to simply buy strips of pollock fillet and cut it into small pieces with scissors. You can also take a whole dried fish - in this case, the skin is removed, the fins, tail and head are cut off, the insides are removed. Then the fish is finely cut with suitable scissors and then added to the mixture. When asked how dried fish and pemmican are then combined, I will answer that it is quite normal and tasty.
Mushroom. Mushrooms can be used purchased, you can dry yourself. Before adding to the mixture, the mushrooms must be broken into small pieces, or ground into powder. In the latter case, such mushrooms can also be used in cereals, for example, in buckwheat (groats are boiled immediately with mushroom powder).
Borsch. Cabbage and beets can be purchased, and even dried, even freeze-dried. You can also dry it yourself. According to the recipe, kharcho soup is very close, by the way, you just need to exclude cabbage and add sweet pepper.

Dried vegetables that are added to the mixture are usually a mixture of dried onions, carrots and herbs. You should not add a lot of them, as they affect the taste and are good only in a small amount.

It is better not to add seasonings in advance, but to add later to taste after the end of cooking.

I don't always add a bouillon cube to the mixture ahead of time. In most cases, in principle, this can be done immediately. One cube is enough for three participants. This will add approximately 5 grams more to the weight of the soup mix for each participant. You can use different cubes, or you can simply buy the powdered broth mixture and add it in the required amount. The main thing is not to overdo it. I don’t always add a cube because, firstly, at the beginning of a hike, you don’t always want to see it in soup, and secondly, because in some situations, when you’re all sweaty and you can’t drag your paws from physical exertion, your stomach shrinks and there is no appetite, although you seem to be dying of hunger, it is enough to dilute the cube in hot water and drink it. In half an hour there will be a surge of vivacity and appetite.

How much water to pour into the soup? Often participants have a problem that they want to see more liquid in the soup. From a culinary point of view, this is not good. Yes, the soup should be watery, but in moderation. The use of pemmican and ground lard allows you to make a completely rich soup, and it is better to replenish the liquid with tea, it will be easier for the body - especially if you do not drink tea immediately, but wait twenty minutes after eating the soup (in winter, however, this is not always possible). These are the nuances of the work of the stomach itself, which removes fluid from its volume, delaying it only in order to take away nutrients and useful substances from there. The more of them there are, the longer it will take them away. It doesn’t make sense to pour in a wild amount of broth if the nutrient content in a smaller amount will still be the same. When asked why water is needed at all, I will answer that in principle there is a lot of water in a person and it is necessary for the digestion process. You just need to know the measure in everything. A hungry brain sends an impulse to its owner - “I want to eat”! It makes no difference to him how much water the owner drinks, for him the feeling of satiety turns into a drug. And the body then suffers from edema and leaching of salts. Well, the kidneys are loaded, and the stomach is hard.

Now about heat treatment. In theory, custard soups can generally be eaten dry. A little from the same series, when porridges, such as buckwheat, are poured with cold water in the evening and then by the morning you get ready-made porridge. Why did I classify it as the same? Because it has so evolved that the heat treatment of the product is extremely important for the human body. In general, the entire development of man, as a species, is based on this. Heat treatment significantly increases the bioavailability of the product's nutrients. But at the same time, she kills them. It would seem that there is a contradiction. But, in fact, proper heat treatment serves as a kind of balance between preparing the product for consumption and destroying the necessary components in it. Although a person can live on a raw food diet, it is not long and painless. This is the price paid for millennia of consumption of thermally processed food.

In our case, the soup mixture is added to cold water before cooking, simultaneously with the pemmican. You can also add ground lard right there, but, in a good way, it is better to do this at the end of cooking. The soup is brought to a boil, removed from the heat, infused for several minutes and eaten. But, as Vasily Ivanovich Chapaev said, there is a nuance. If the water itself requires boiling in order to destroy pathogenic microorganisms in it, then it is first boiled (and before that, if necessary, it is disinfected and filtered), then the sediment is removed from it by transfusion, and then in this prepared water soup is being cooked. Only this way and nothing else. In this case, the soup can be boiled for about five minutes, so that the soup mixture boils. Fat in this case, it is better to definitely add at the very end.

If another filling is added to the soup that requires a long heat treatment, for example, mushrooms, then it is better to boil them first, and then add the soup mixture. Mushrooms can be fried separately in oil and then added at the end of cooking - that is, there are actually a lot of options.

When I travel, I always try to take fresh onions and garlic. Dried variations of these products do not replace fresh ones. Onions and garlic are not only sources of vitamins, they are the most valuable flavoring seasoning. We can say that they make the taste of camping dishes, especially liquid ones, although they can be added to any dishes, except for sweet ones. Just a little chopped onion and garlic is enough to make the dish truly appetizing. They are added after the cauldron is removed from the fire. The soup should then be infused for about ten minutes.

I won’t write about spices, here, as they say, there is no native tail for taste and color. I touch only the bay leaf. When the group is large and a large volume of product is cooked, it is easier to brew the bay leaf in a separate container at the rate of one leaf per face, and then, after ten minutes of infusion, pour the broth into the soup. In this case, the bay leaf will not float in the soup, will not boil over, and will not give excessive bitterness. The recipe is not mine - V. Pokhlebkina.

The shelf life of the soup mixture is limited by the integrity of the package. I usually pack in plastic bags, sign and wrap with tape to protect against water and mechanical damage. You can wrap a bag of soup with scotch only if the polyethylene layer is double, otherwise the soup may taste like scotch. In general, I am going to switch to a more environmentally friendly approach to food packaging, I plan to pack soups in paper bags and use hermetic packaging for products. In this case, I’ll start a separate hermetic bag at home for soup mixes, so that soups made at home (and porridge cereal) are stored right in it. In this case, if you exclude packages and adhesive tape, the amount of time spent on packaging products will be reduced even more. But, these will already be separate experiments and other articles.

Below are recipes for some camping dishes, mainly meat, fish, mushrooms, as well as flour and sweets. The number of products is given based on a group of 8-10 people.

Potato soup with fresh meat. Boil meat broth. Cut the peeled onion, fry in oil or fat removed from the broth. Put chopped potatoes together with fried onions in boiling broth, add salt, bay leaf, pepper and cook for 25-30 minutes. Potato soup can be cooked not only in meat, but also in fish broth. For 1.5 kg of meat - 3 kg of potatoes, 0.5 kg of onions, 6 tablespoons of oil.

Sort nettle or sorrel, rinse well, put in a bucket, pour hot water and bring to a boil. Then drain the water, squeeze the greens and finely chop. Cut the onion into small slices and fry, then add flour and fry for another 1-2 minutes. Transfer the resulting dressing to a bucket, mix well, dilute with hot meat broth, add bay leaf, pepper and cook for 15-20 minutes. 5-10 minutes before the end of cooking, put sorrel or nettle leaves and salt in a bucket. Sour cream and hard-boiled eggs are recommended for green soup. For 1.5 kg of meat - 1 kg of sorrel or nettle, 5 onions, 5 tablespoons of flour and 6 tablespoons of oil.

Soup with meat or fish. Boil vegetable soup (potato, cabbage soup) on water, as indicated above; put meat (fish) canned food and let it boil. Before use, it is recommended to add greens (parsley, dill). For 3 cans of canned meat (beef, pork, lamb) or fish (perch, bream, sturgeon) - 2 kg of different vegetables, 5-6 liters of water, 5 tablespoons of oil.

Soup with fresh mushrooms. Fresh mushrooms (white, boletus, boletus, etc.) clean and rinse. Cut off the roots, chop and fry in oil. Separately fry the roots and onions. Cut the mushroom caps into slices, scald, drain the water. Transfer the mushrooms to a bucket, add water, cook for 40 minutes. Then put potatoes, fried mushroom roots, roots, onions, salt, pepper, bay leaf and cook for another 20-25 minutes. It is good to add sour cream to the finished mushroom soup. Soup with fresh mushrooms can also be prepared in meat broth. For 2 kg of mushrooms - 3 kg of potatoes, 500 g of roots and onions, 6 tablespoons of oil.

Kharcho on the march. Dip the dried meat in cold water, bring to a boil, salt and cook until tender (about 40 minutes). Pour in wheat (or rice) groats. Lightly fry the onion with the tomato in the fat from the pork stew and put in the cauldron. When everything is cooked, add pepper, sour berries (honeysuckle, lingonberries) or wild apples, suneli hops and stewed pork. Boil for 3-4 minutes and remove from heat. Season the soup with crushed garlic, green onions and tomato paste. After 10-15 minutes the soup is ready. For 1 mug of dried meat - 1 mug of cereals, 5-6 onions, 1 can (340 g) of pork stew, 200 g of tomato paste, 1 tablespoon of suneli hops, 10-12 cloves of garlic and 2 tablespoons of sour berries. .

« Conder"- a thick hunting stew from various products. In boiling water (6-8 l), put a mug of cereals (any), young dandelion leaves, upper leaves of hogweed, sorrel and cook over low heat. When the grits begin to boil, add potatoes, onions, garlic, lingonberries, some canned meat, preferably pork, cleaned game (black grouse, capercaillie, hazel grouse, partridge), salt. After 30-40 minutes add bay leaf, black pepper.

Rybnik. Pour one and a half mugs of barley, millet or barley groats into boiling water, throw a few onions cut in half and black peppercorns. After 10 minutes, salt the broth and put coarsely chopped potatoes. After another 5-10 minutes, lay the cleaned and washed fish. Bay leaf is added to an almost ready fish tank (the fish is not allowed to boil).

Ear in a bag (from small fish). Take a flap of clean gauze, put small fish in it, gather the four corners of the flap together and tie them with the end of the twine. Tie the other end to a stick. Dip the bag of fish in boiling water, and put the ends of the stick on the edges of the bucket. Boiling water should completely cover the bag. When the fish is well boiled, remove the bag from boiling water, empty it, fill it with fresh fish and lower it back into the bucket. If you change the fish three or four times, you can get a delicious broth. Then put in it pieces of large fish, potatoes, onions, salt.

Ear on strings (from medium-sized fish). Clean the fish, gut and trim the fins. Then take a strong thread and cut it into pieces. Tie one end of the thread under the gills of the fish, and the other end to the stick. Thus, 10-12 fish are suspended from the stick. After that, they are lowered into boiling water, and the stick, as in the case of cooking fish soup in a bag, is placed with the ends on the edges of the bucket. When the fish is finally cooked, the meat disappears from it, and the bones will remain hanging on strings.

boiled fish. Pour in enough water to just cover the fish while it cooks. For each liter, put a teaspoon of salt, half a carrot, an onion, 1-2 bay leaves and a little pepper. Fish can be boiled with one large piece of silt, cut into pieces of 75-100 g. Pieces weighing 0.5 kg should be put in cold water for cooking, and small ones in boiling water. The fish must be well cooked. Pike perch, carp and pike in pieces of 100-150 g are boiled for 15-20 minutes. For 1.5 kg of fish, 2 kg of potatoes.

Fried fish. Large fish, so that it is evenly fried, cut into pieces, and small fry whole. Salt the prepared fish, sprinkle with pepper, roll in flour, fry in a heated frying pan until golden brown (first one, then the other side). Garnish - fried potatoes, buckwheat or barley porridge,

Baked fish. Remove scales from large fish, cut off the head and fins, remove the insides, rinse. Sprinkle the carcass on the inside with salt, put the butter and wrap it all in foil so that the juice does not leak out. Roast over the coals of a fire on a wire. This dish can be prepared in other ways. Coat prepared fish (in scales) with clay and put in hot coals. When ready, the clay is broken off along with the scales.

Wash lamb (pork), cut into small slices, soak in vinegar, sprinkle with pepper and put on wooden or metal skewers (ramrod, wire) interspersed with coarsely chopped onion slices. It is necessary to fry the shish kebab over burning (without flame) coals for 15-20 minutes, turning the skewer so that the lamb is fried evenly. If there is no skewer, the barbecue can be fried in a frying pan (on the lid of the pot). For 2 kg of meat - 8 onions, 400 g of green onions, 800 g of tomatoes, 2 lemons.

Roasted game - quail, snipe, teal, woodcock. Remove the feathers, starting from the neck, singe the remaining fluff (make sure that the carcass does not smoke). After singeing, cut off the neck and paws and carefully gut. trying not to crush the gallbladder, thoroughly rinse the inside. Then lightly salt the game, put in a shallow pot or pan heated with oil and fry on all sides until golden brown. Cover the pan and fry the game over low heat, periodically pouring oil. The roasting time for woodcocks, snipes and teals is 20-25 minutes, for quail - 10-15 minutes.

Cakes and bread. One or two tablespoons of dry yeast are poured into a quarter cup of warm water, a tablespoon of granulated sugar is added and placed for 1-2 hours in a warm place by the fire. The dough is kneaded in warm water (one part water to four parts flour) and left for several hours (usually until morning). Raw tortillas should be no thicker than 1-2 cm. Before putting the tortillas in a frying pan, it is briefly placed near the fire so that the dough rises. In the absence of a frying pan, use bucket lids, stones. It is also convenient to make pastries in large flat tin boxes from under the film. Boxes with dough, filled up to half the volume, are closed with lids and covered with hot ash. Baking time 20-25 min.

Rake up the hot ashes of the fire, put washed, but dried potatoes there, cover with ashes on top so that the potatoes do not protrude. Heat the coals over the ashes. The potatoes will be ready in about an hour.

Potatoes with hare cabbage. Boil the peeled potatoes until tender, chop coarsely without cooling, sprinkle with chopped hare cabbage, salt and season with vegetable oil.

Mushroom pilaf. Dry the washed rice well in a frying pan (cover from the boiler). Mushrooms suitable for frying, peel, rinse, scald with boiling water and cut. Melt butter in a cauldron. When it boils, add chopped onion and dry rice, then mix well. After 5 minutes, add chopped mushrooms, salt, put black pepper, suneli hops, some sour berries (honeysuckle, lingonberries, cranberries). Put the boiler on a slow fire (a fire without a flame) and continuously stir the mass. After 10-15 minutes, add boiling water, mix everything well, bring to a boil (already on high heat) and again put the boiler on a slow fire for 30-40 minutes, close the lid and do not stir. To the dish, you can offer ground pepper, green onions. For 2 cups of rice, 3-6 cups of chopped mushrooms, 1 cup of ghee, 2 onions, 10-12 peppercorns, 1 tablespoon of suneli hops, 2-3 tablespoons of berries, 3 cups of boiling water.

Mushrooms clean, rinse, scald with hot water and dry. Cut into large slices, salt and fry on all sides in a heated frying pan in oil. Then sprinkle with flour and fry again. For 2 kg of fresh mushrooms - 15-20 tablespoons of flour, 8-10 tablespoons of oil. You can fry mushrooms with potatoes, putting it 10-15 minutes before the mushrooms are fried.

Baked Burdock Roots. Thoroughly washed burdock roots cut into circles, salt and bake on a fire. The roots are even more delicious if they are first boiled in salted water and fried with butter in a frying pan.

Baked Arrowhead. Bake arrowhead tubers in the ashes of a fire. Consume hot with salt after removing the thin peel.

For salad, you can use the leaves of lungwort, dandelion, burdock, hogweed, plantain, nettle, cuff, hare cabbage, young shoots of willow-tea with leaves. These plants are finely cut, salt, vegetable oil are added. The addition of onions, sour cream is desirable. Before chopping, it is recommended to soak dandelion leaves for 30 minutes in cold salted water, burdock, hogweed, plantain, cuff, willow-tea - lower for 1-2 minutes in boiling water, nettle - boil for 5 minutes.

Sverbiga boiled. Washed stems of sverbiga (wild or meadow radish) are poured over with boiling water, peeled, cut into slices 2-3 mm thick, salt to taste and season with vegetable oil. Serve with meat or fish dishes and as an independent dish.

lingonberry salad. Ripe cranberries are washed and baked in their own juice for 10-15 minutes in a pot over low heat. The finished salad is sprinkled with sugar and served with meat, cereals, pancakes.

Jam from burdock. Take half the weight of sorrel leaves for one weight of burdock roots, finely cut this mass and cook until cooked (1-1.5 hours) in a small amount of water. Jam has an original sweet and sour taste.

Hogweed in sugar. Peel the stalks of cow parsnip, cut into pieces 1-3 ohm long and cook in thick sugar sipone for 10 minutes. Remove from syrup, air dry. Serve as a sweet dish and with tea. For 2 kg of stems, 1 kg of sugar and 1 liter of water.

Cake "Taiga". Pour red currants in advance with sugar for 6-10 hours. Ignite crumbs from rye crackers in a pan, stirring constantly; add lightly toasted pine nuts and a little salt. Heat a jar of condensed cream (milk) in hot water. Combine hot rye crumbs with warm condensed milk, mix well and divide the mass in half. Put the first layer of the mass on a baking sheet, put the cooked berries on it, put the second layer on top. Decorate the cake with small rye crumbs, toasted pine nuts, berries and put in a cool place. After 1-2 hours the cake is ready. You need 5-6 cups of rye crumbs, 1 can of condensed milk, 1 cup of berries, 1 cup of pine nuts.

Drink from wild currant. Freshly picked currants are cleaned, washed, allowed to drain, kneaded, poured with warm water (3 liters per 1.5 kg of berries), then filtered through two layers of gauze. 800 g of sugar are added to the filtered juice, mixed and cooled. Serve to the tourist table cold, you can with condensed milk.

Breadcrumbs porridge. A little water is poured into a bowl with white crackers and heated over a fire to make the crackers soft and warm. Then oil is added and mixed.

Cold porridge from cracker crumbs. It is prepared - in the absence of a fire - from rusk crumbs, kneaded in condensed milk with the addition of cocoa.

Snow ice cream. Take fine-grained or freshly fallen snow (firn is not suitable), mix thoroughly and grind with condensed milk. Sugar, cocoa, fruit juice (extract) are added to taste.

Ensuring proper nutrition on a hike is one of the important conditions for a successful hike. At the same time, it must be borne in mind that calculations, purchase, packaging of products - everything must be done before entering the route. It will be too late to do this on the trip. In a word, in each individual case, the leader of the campaign should think about what would be more rational - to arrange cooking or go "on sandwiches."

As an intermediate option, the so-called sausage skewers. Sausage slices are put on rods, previously peeled of bark, and roasted on a fire. If you have onions with you, then slices of onion or tomato are planted between slices of sausage. Cooking such a barbecue requires very little time. True, in large groups - 15 or more people - the preparation of kebabs can take a long time.

If you still decide to cook soup on a hike, then this article is for you.

Cooking on a campfire

The difficulty of cooking on a fire is due to the fact that it is very difficult to make the fire bigger or smaller, as it is done on a gas stove. Water often boils away, the contents of the pot or pot burn. To prevent this from happening, you can do something like an oven. A hole about 30 cm deep is filled with the coals of a fire. They put a saucepan with a tight-fitting lid.

There can be meat, game, fish, cereals, etc. in the pan. A layer of earth is poured over the cover. If desired, the days and walls of the hole can be overlaid with stones, then the cooking time will be reduced.

Some recipes for the most common soups V


Wrap small fish in a bag or hang by the gills to a stick and lower into boiling water. Before cooking, it is not cleaned - for better stickiness, but gutted and washed thoroughly, gills are removed from the perch. After 30 minutes, lower a new portion of fish into the broth and repeat this several times. Then put large pieces of fish, potatoes, onions, salt, cook for another 20 minutes, add greens - and the ear is ready.

nettle soup

Leaves of a young nettle for 2 - 3 minutes lower into boiling water. Take out and let the water drain. Lightly fry the leeks or green onions and wheat flour in oil. Combine with chopped nettles, fry a little all together and pour hot water. Cook, stirring, 25 - 30 minutes. Add sorted and well-washed rice, add salt and cook for another 15 minutes. Add a finely chopped boiled egg to the finished soup.

Shchi green from sorrel

Sort the sorrel, rinse, put in a saucepan, pour hot water over it and hang over the fire. After boiling, drain the water, and squeeze the sorrel and finely chop. Fry the onion in oil, add flour and, stirring, fry for 1 - 2 minutes, then combine with meat broth, add spices and cook for 5 - 10 minutes. Put the sorrel and salt and cook for another 10 minutes. Green cabbage soup is good with sour cream and finely chopped hard-boiled egg.

Instant mushroom soup

Cut edible mushrooms into slices and fry in a frying pan heated with oil, add chopped onion. When it becomes soft, add flour, finely chopped tomatoes or tomato puree and lightly fry. Then pour in hot water or mushroom broth, add rice and cook until fully cooked.

Potato soup with fresh meat

Boil meat broth. Cut the peeled onion, fry in oil or fat removed from the broth. Sliced ​​potatoes, along with fried onions, put in a boiling broth, add salt, bay leaf, pepper and cook for 25 - 30 minutes. Potato soup can be cooked not only in meat, but also in fish broth. For 1.5 kg of meat - 3 kg of potatoes, 0.5 kg of onions, 6 tablespoons of oil.

Soup with meat or fish

Boil vegetable soup (potato, cabbage soup) on water, as indicated above; put meat (fish) canned food and let it boil. Before use, it is recommended to add greens (parsley, dill). For 3 cans of canned meat (beef, pork, lamb) or fish (perch, bream, sturgeon) - 2 kg of different vegetables, 5-6 liters of water, 5 tablespoons of oil.

Meat cube broth

Put bouillon cubes in a pot (at the rate of 1 cube per glass of liquid), pour boiling water, stir, bring to a boil and use as a clear broth made from meat. Broth with pasta. Dip vermicelli, noodles, ears or stars for 2-3 minutes in boiling water, then put in a colander and transfer to clear boiling meat broth and cook until tender for 15-20 minutes.
