
How to drink liquor? Simple rules for drinking elite alcohol. What is the best way to drink liquor

03.12.2017 Sommelier Dmitry Bychkov 0

How and with what to drink liquor?

From a wide range of alcohol, both women and men choose and drink liquor. One likes it for having peculiar taste and aroma, while others drink, trying to replace them with stronger drinks.

Liqueur liqueur presented big amount varieties: from Morello to the original Limoncello. In order to drink liquor correctly and fully enjoy the taste of this drink, you should know the etiquette of its use.

Almost always the destination various kinds liquor - improved digestion. But at dinner or lunch, this drink is drunk either at the beginning of a meal or at the end (as an aperitif or digestif).

At the end of the meal, i.e. often drink as a digestif: Lemoncello, Kahlua, Amaretto. This is due to the fact that in in large numbers These drinks are high in sugar.

The correct use of liquor is to prohibit its combination with other alcohol, as well as with cigarettes and cigars. The fact is that the taste of the drink deteriorates, and the aroma is lost from tobacco smoke.

There are 4 ways to drink the drink:

  1. V pure form, that is, without adding anything;
  2. diluted, in this case alcohol-containing products are added to the drink with minimum content alcohol;
  3. with the addition of another type of alcohol, mainly vodka;
  4. in cocktails.

Each of the tasting methods requires that the dishes are properly selected. If there is a need to dilute the liquor, then you can use glasses into which whiskey or martini is poured. A liqueur shot or glass can be used if it is necessary to mix the drinks together. Consider the rules for the use of liquor in each case.

In its purest form

  1. Bitter ones are served as an aperitif, i.e. before meals, but sweet types - for dessert. In the second case, fruit, berry, creamy or strawberry drinks. Sweet liqueurs are taken with coffee, tea, fruit snacks.
  2. For serving, choose a classic glass in the form of a glass bowl of 25-60 ml, which has a short leg.
  3. Liqueurs should be served chilled, but not iced. best temperature- 15-18 degrees.
  4. Usually the drink is drunk at a time (in one gulp), but they can also stretch the pleasure, trying to enjoy the taste.


Often liqueurs are drunk in a diluted form. Such a cocktail helps to reduce sugar levels, as well as saturate other alcohol with an extraordinary aroma. The drink is diluted:

  • ice cubes;
  • cold water;
  • milk;
  • hot chocolate;
  • cream;
  • unsweetened juice;
  • cola or sprite;
  • alcohol of a high degree of strength (along with vodka varieties, cognac, beer, rum can be used perfectly).

Sometimes coconut, caramel and some other products are added to the liquor. It is not recommended to mix drinks with sour-milk products.

Combined with other alcohol

Liqueurs can be mixed with:

  • vodka;
  • gin;
  • whiskey;
  • brandy and cognac;
  • rum.

An interesting tip is to add the alcohol to the liquor, but on the basis of which it is made. For example, Baileys is diluted with whiskey, Cointreau with vodka (since it is infused with alcohol).

In cocktails

Interestingly, about 1/3 of all cocktails contain liquor. At the same time, it is used both as a base and as a syrup. One of the most popular of these cocktails is the Pina Colada.

A few more recipes:


You will need:

  • chocolate syrup - 10 ml;
  • Amaretto - 35 ml;
  • skimmed milk - 120 ml;
  • ice cream - 50 gr.

How to cook:

  1. All components, except ice cream, are whipped in a blender.
  2. Next, the resulting mass is poured into a tall glass, and ice cream is placed on top.


You will need:

  • Malibu - 50 ml;
  • milk - 120 ml;
  • condensed milk - 30-40 gr;
  • nutmeg - a pinch.


  1. Milk is poured into a mug.
  2. Then add condensed milk, liquor and mix.
  3. Sprinkle with nutmeg on top.

Coffee Jamaica

Have to take:

  • any coffee liqueur, such as Baileys - 50 ml;
  • cold coffee, best previously brewed - 40 ml;
  • rum - 30 ml;
  • cream or fat milk- 20 ml;
  • ice - 2 cubes.

How to cook:

  1. A shaker is taken and all the components of the cocktail are mixed in it.
  2. The mixture is then poured into a glass filled with ice.

Secrets of Drinking Some Liqueurs and Mixing Them

Each of the drinks has its own original and unique taste.


Baileys liqueur is one of the most popular alcoholic drinks. In its manufacture, coffee or mint filler is used. The drink is used mainly with dessert dishes. For originality of taste, coffee liqueur is added cherry ingredient, with the help of which an incredibly original taste is achieved.


Popular among manufacturers of Sheridans alcohol, which is produced in Ireland. The product is two-layer. Its distinctive ability lies in the fact that it is poured into a container divided into two sections, vanilla-chocolate and chocolate with a coffee aftertaste of the drink. Basically, Sheridan's is combined with dessert dishes and high-strength alcohol.


This alcohol has a beautiful name, it is produced in Scotland. Malibu liqueur contains coconut extract, great for dessert dishes And vegetable salads. Served warm for dessert.


Some liquor drinkers are attracted to the Piña variety of the drink. Puerto Ricans call it Colada, but it can be found on the menu under the name Pina. Many experts believe that Pina has sugary taste, which can be eliminated by adding another drink.


French liqueur Cointreau is made from sweet and bitter oranges. It is considered one of the strongest. Pure consumption is possible with ice cubes, it is also used to make cocktails. Most often it is mixed with traditional tea and coffee drinks.

Cointreau must be chilled before serving. Similar to this variety is Pie, which is drunk as a cocktail.


Jägermeister - german liqueur, which is cooked on various herbs. They drink clean and as part of various cocktails. True Jägermeister lovers recommend cooling the drink, which only improves its taste. A dose above 300 ml is prohibited due to the possibility of unpleasant consequences for gastrointestinal tract. You can eat it with any familiar products. Fans often choose lemon and salt, and connoisseurs from Germany often choose fried sausages.


Made from lemon peel. You can even use fruits from indoor lemon plants. Limoncello was made by craftsmen from Italy. It is drunk in small sips in its pure form or as part of cocktails. This liqueur is often referred to as Rio or Sorrento. Experts note its unique taste, as if it had absorbed the sun of Italy.


Italian drink, prepared from almonds and apricots with the addition of various spices. You can drink both in pure form and in cocktails.


Anise flavored Italian liqueur. A variety of ingredients are used in the manufacture, thanks to which the drink acquires a unique taste:

  • various varieties of anise;
  • alcohol made from wheat;
  • elderberries;
  • date component.


Made from strawberries. Tasters note rich taste. Used in cocktails. Hihi is absolutely incapable of inducing intoxication.

Making liqueurs has been known since the 11th century. Earlier different tinctures used as a potion, and to make them taste good, honey was added to them. This is how liqueurs appeared - strong alcoholic drinks with high content Sahara. For their manufacture, fruits, fruit juices, plant extracts and even essential oils are used.

With what you can drink liquors, it just depends on what they are made of. Any liquor contains a lot of sugar, so you can drink liquor with tea, coffee after lunch or dinner. Often liqueurs are added to the composition alcoholic cocktails. In its pure form, liquor is drunk not from glasses, but from glasses. You can choose a glass yourself, the main condition is that it should be small.

What to drink coffee liqueur with
Many people know the Kaula coffee liqueur, it is used for cooking different cocktails. To prepare the Black Russian cocktail, throw ice cubes into a glass, mix 20 ml of coffee liqueur and 45 ml of vodka on top. To get a White Russian cocktail from this, add another 20 ml of cream on top. The Brave Bull is prepared in layers. Pour half the glass of coffee liqueur, and top with a spoon fill with white tequila. Everything must be chilled.

With what to drink chocolate liquor
Chocolate liqueur is often drunk as part of such a cocktail: in a shaker with ice, mix 20 ml of chocolate liqueur, 20 ml of mint liqueur and 60 ml of milk. Then strain the cocktail into a glass.

What do you drink cream liqueur with?
Cream liqueur is served neat and with ice. It goes well with coffee, tea or other drinks. Eliminate tonic and citrus juices. Cream liqueur can be drunk with ice cream or with fruit dessert. Consume it after meals.

How to drink Amaretto liqueur
You may have heard that a mixture of amaretto liqueur, coffee and cream is also called "amaretto". This liqueur is usually added to coffee or tea. Amaretto liqueur is often drunk neat in shot glasses or with ice.

How to drink Oasis liqueur
"Oasis" is trademark liqueurs with six different tastes: Piña colada, orange, pineapple, tropical, cream liqueur and moxito. Some consider it best to drink Oasis liqueurs in their pure form, while others add liquor to coffee and tea. You can also add ice.

How to drink Jägermeister liqueur
Jägermeister liquor infused with herbs. Let the liqueur cool before drinking. Pour the liqueur into a glass and drink it in one gulp at the end of the meal. Jägermeister promotes better digestion. If you do not like to drink pure liqueurs, then add sprite or other lemonade to this liquor. This combination helps to quench your thirst.

With what to drink Advocaat liqueur
At the heart of this stunning bright yellow liqueur is egg yolks. Most often it is drunk, diluted with a sprite in the proportion of 50 ml of liquor per 150 ml of sprite. If you still decide to try it in its pure form, then prepare a teaspoon, as the liquor is famous for its density.

It is difficult to give a monosyllabic answer to the question of how to drink liquor correctly. This group brings together different drinks which cannot be summed up under one line. We highlight several ways that are characteristic of certain species.

Fundamentals of the basics

Liqueurs rarely accompany lunch or dinner. They either precede or end the meal. Bitter herbal species, which are referred to as bitters and are often compared with tinctures, are served as an aperitif. Essential oils in the composition of herbs whet the appetite and prepare the stomach. An example is Campari, Chinar (Cynar), Becherovka (Becherovka).

The bulk of liqueurs, especially dessert and cream liqueurs, are left for a digestif. Their task is to complement dessert or coffee and help digest what they eat. Due to their high sweetness, they can spoil the appetite, eat and drink before meals. The most popular in this capacity are Jägermeister, Baileys, Vana Tallinn, Sheridan's, Benedictine.

It is quite difficult to make a classification of the many-sided and so dissimilar liqueurs. There are many parameters for comparison. We will stop at the fortress. From this point of view, there are cream types with a fortress of 15-25 °, dessert - 25-30 ° and strong - above 30 °.

How to drink liqueurs

In its purest form

Liqueurs are allowed to drink in their pure form. This is not the most common way, but it also has the right to exist. Due to the great sweetness and expressiveness of taste, liqueurs are consumed in small portions. For this, a special liquor glass is used, also known as a pony or cordial. Its volume is 25-50 ml.

Method of use: stretch the pleasure or drink in one gulp, depending on the type and strength. It is customary to drink strong varieties quickly, even in one gulp. You can't do that with dessert and cream. They are sipped a little, savoring and enjoying.

The serving temperature of the drink also depends on its type. Strong ones cool, and some even freeze. Creams are served room temperature. Emulsion liqueurs simply become cloudy when exposed to cold.

With ice

There are many options for diluting liquor. One of the most versatile is ice. It can be added as dessert liqueurs, softening their sweetness, and strong ones, lowering the degree. For serving with ice, it is better to use tumbler glasses, old fashion. This method is suitable for walnut Frangelico, citrus Grand Marnier and Mandarine Napoleon, creamy Baileys and Carolans.


No matter how good the liquor is in its pure form, more often it is still diluted. This is necessary to reduce the strength and sweetness, modify the taste, increase the volume and sip the drink longer. The choice of a couple for a duet is quite wide. You need to rely on your own taste, everyone has the right to decide how to drink liquor. Although general recommendations for compatibility is.

Elite classic brands are diluted with water to minimally affect the final taste. Liqueurs built on the same taste are made with the same taste and complement: Baileys - milk, Kahlua (Kahlua) - coffee, Curacao (Curasao) and Cointreau (Cointreau) - citrus juices, Cherry brandy (Cherry Brandy) - cherry juice and so on.

It is strongly not recommended to dilute cream and dessert liqueurs containing milk or cream with sour and citrus juices. This will lead to the curdling of the milk protein and the precipitation of a curdled sediment. Will be lost like taste qualities and aesthetic pleasure.

Combined with other alcohol

The list of what liquor is diluted with is continued by hard liquor. In such a duet, strong alcohol provides a degree, and liquor provides a characteristic taste and sweetness. According to the classical canon and elementary logic, with what you can drink liquor, no matter how with its base. A few examples to illustrate. Baileys is made from whiskey and cream - whiskey is diluted. Cognac insist and produce Amaretto (Amaretto), Grande Marnier and Lawyer - are combined with various brandies. Spirit Curacao and Cointreau - with vodka.

In cocktails

So we got to the most popular and sought-after method of application. According to the most average estimates, liqueurs are part of more than 40% of existing cocktails. strong species can become a strong alcohol base of the mix, replacing less pronounced vodka or whiskey. Also, liqueurs are often found in one cocktail. Apparently, the bartenders acted according to the principle: with what they drink liquor, as well as with their own kind.

  • Campari - Garibaldi, Orange Bitter, Negroni;
  • Galliano - Galliano hot shot, Berry Versailles;
  • Sambuca (Sambuca) - Hiroshima, Stratosphere, Clouds, Slippery nipple;
  • Cointreau - White Lady, Marguerite, Cosmopolitan, Long Island, B-52;
  • Jägermeister - Mirage, Cucumber, Jägermonster;
  • Blue Curacao - Jellyfish, Mai Tai, Caribbean Wonder, Blue Hawaii;
  • Amaretto - Burning Henry, The Godfather, Bubble Gum.

Butter creams and fruit and berry liqueurs turn the cocktail into a full-fledged dessert.

  • Lawyer - Algerian Coffee, Casablanca, Pink Shoes;
  • Malibu - Pina Colada, Coconut Kiss, Blue Hawaii;
  • Mozart (Mozart) - Yeralash, Sahara, Alexander;
  • Kalua - Black Russian, White Russian, Matador, Sidecar;
  • Baileys - B-52, Hiroshima, Mint Kiss, Medusa.

In any case, no matter what you drink liquor with, the main thing is to do it with pleasure. And as you can see, there are many ways. Spectacular and bright cocktails are suitable for parties and discotheques. Cooling tumbler with ice will refresh you on a hot day. A strong alcoholic duo will help you warm up on a cool evening.

Attention, only TODAY!

is a sweet alcoholic drink pleasant aroma and refined aftertaste. It contains berries, fruit juices, herbal mixtures, spices, a small amount of ethyl alcohol and sugar.

Preference for a drink is more often given by women who know what they drink liquor with and what glasses to use for this. Based on the drink, it is prepared, it is served with tea or coffee. For each type, a different type of snack is selected; delivery time also matters.

How to drink liquor

If you prefer a bitter taste, then it is recommended to drink such a drink before meals, as it improves appetite.

The main rules for use include:

  1. In its purest form. Small glasses are suitable for this. You do not need to drink liquor in one sip, evaluate its taste by taking small sips.
  2. With the addition of ice. If the liquor is bitter or sweet taste, then the ice will muffle it. The method is suitable for liqueurs containing a high percentage of alcohol.
  3. With the addition of water. If you like a drink but it's sweet, then dilute it with water to get rid of the excess sweetness.
  4. Added to a cocktail. WITH fruit juices you can drink raspberry liqueur.

Before serving in its pure form, it is important to make sure that the temperature of the drink is normal (+12 ... + 20ºС). The product is not used with cigars. What do they drink with chocolate liqueur- It goes well with milk, coffee. It is not diluted with sour juice, added to cocktails.

What is liquor diluted with

With what the liquor is diluted - you can dilute it with sparkling or non-carbonated water. This will help to get the desired taste, get rid of the sweet, tart, bitter aftertaste. Ice helps reduce alcohol levels. Elite class products are diluted with milk, coffee, cream, cocoa. If water is used, then without gases.

For a refreshing drink, you can add orange, cherry, lemon, cranberry juice. Important: if you prefer cream liqueurs, it is not recommended to dilute them sour juices. The acid will curdle the cream, form breasts, lumps, and it will no longer be possible to use such a cocktail.

Every liqueur is based on alcohol. You need to dilute the drink with the type of alcohol that is taken as the basis.

Cointreau is based on pure alcohol, respectively, dilute the drink better than vodka. Baileys lovers can add whiskey; light Irish types work well. There are products that combine well with cognac,. This category includes "Lawyer".

The best option is to dilute coffee or cocoa. The product will act as a flavored additive, giving the drink an exquisite aftertaste.

30% of cocktails containing alcohol contain liquor. It acts both as a base and as a syrup, an additive.

What glasses do you drink liquor from?

What liquor is drunk from - the container depends on the form in which it will be used: pure or diluted. If you use the product in its pure form, then it is optimal to use glasses with a capacity of 25 to 60 ml. Suitable glass on a short thin leg of a triangular shape. In such a container, a drink should be served at a temperature of no more than + 10ºС.

If you dilute the drink with ice, then use a glass suitable for drinking whiskey and old fashion.

From what glasses they drink liquor - cocktail lovers should use capacious vessels. If you decide to combine a drink with ice cream, juice, water, then a glass with a capacity of 100 ml will be suitable.

Cocktails are served in both large and small bowls. If this is the case, then special glasses, piles are used, if longs - then long glasses, if cocktails - then you can take a narrow long glass without a leg with a flat compacted bottom.

From what dishes to drink at home, decide for yourself; if this is an official reception, then it is better to choose the right glass.

What is the best drink

How to drink chocolate liqueur - it depends on personal preference. The history of the drink begins in 1666, when it first appeared in France. Here it is called chocolate. This country is famous for its culinary masterpieces, gourmet pastry, so you can have a snack with buns, cake.

The product is based on cocoa beans, so it goes well with chocolate, coffee, cocoa and culinary creations where these ingredients are combined.

A variety of chocolate nectar is a drink based on fruit mixes, coconut- It is served with fruit snacks.

What can you drink cream liqueur with? simple products from the refrigerator will not work, this drink is not accepted for receiving quick intoxication but for enjoyment and enjoyment. The most popular brand is Baileys, originally from Ireland. It goes well with chocolate (both bitter and milk), but many lovers prefer not to eat it at all.

You can also snack on the following foods:

  1. Coffee Tea. Add to freshly brewed coffee or tea. Optimal brands: Amaretto, Baileys. Preferring Italian Sambuca recommended couple coffee beans lower to the bottom of the glass to feel the full taste of this alcoholic nectar.
  2. Cakes, pastries. The best option is baking with a nutty flavor.
  3. Fruits. Fruits are chosen according to the drink; oranges, bananas, pineapple, lemon and lime, cherries, strawberries are well suited.
  4. Bakery. Buns with jam will not work, pay attention to muffins, cookies.
  5. Ice cream, cream. Suitable snack for mexican drink Kalua, which goes well with waffles too.
  6. Chocolate, chocolates with milk filling, marmalade.

Alternatively, dried fruits can be used. In this regard, they are well suited dried apricots, grapes, candied fruits. If you are a gourmet, then it is not necessary to have a snack - enjoy exquisite taste and pleasant aftertaste.

Many liqueurs pair surprisingly well with fruit and tiramisu dessert.

With what and how to drink liquor? For you, the general nuances and ways of using the most popular types drink.

Sweet and savory liquor - a popular frequenter of nightclubs and bars came to us from the 11th century. In the past, a healing potion, now it is an original alcoholic drink and the basis of delicious cocktails.

The viscous drink is based on fruits, herbal extracts, roots, nuts and spices - everything that gives liqueurs such an unimaginably delicate aroma.

Before we analyze in detail what they drink liquor with, let's dwell on some general nuances drinking this interesting alcohol.

Liqueurs: subtleties of use

banana liqueur

Any of famous liqueurs has high strength and great content Sahara. Typically, this flavored drink It has a rich, pronounced taste, therefore, in its pure form, it is suitable for gourmets. There are several subtleties of drinking such drinks in a natural way:

  • As an aperitif, liqueurs with bitterness are good, sweet varieties are usually served for dessert (digestif).
  • When serving, the drink should be slightly chilled, the ideal temperature is from 12 to 20 ° C.
  • The drink is served in special glasses with a volume of 25 milliliters with a long stem.
  • Sweet species are harmoniously combined with juicy fruits, can be served with hot chocolate, tea or coffee. Completely incompatible with tobacco.
  • It is customary to drink most of the liqueurs in one gulp, after which a soft and warming aftertaste is characteristic.

To balance or soften tart taste liquor, the drink can be diluted with ice cream, milk, hot chocolate, juices, water or ice.

Some varieties of liquor wonderfully set off the taste natural coffee. This option gives a wide scope for experiment: by choosing the proportions and components to your taste, you can get a very tasty and original result.

At the same time, it is important to remember that elite drinks can only be diluted with water, and cream liqueurs categorically not compatible with acidic juices.

Mix of liqueurs with other spirits gives aromatic, not too sweet alcohol.

Most often, liqueurs are mixed with stronger alcoholic drinks- for example, with vodka, brandy or gin. It is recommended to add the alcohol on the basis of which it was created. So "Lawyer" is ideal in combination with brandy, and Baileys and Sheridan with Irish whiskey.

Very often, liqueurs are part of a variety of cocktails, and are also used in cooking as a aromatic additives and syrups.

What do they drink liquor with?

Let us dwell on the most popular varieties drink and figure out how to drink liquor in each of these options.

sheridan- a spectacular two-color liqueur in a double bottle of a curious design consists of chocolate-coffee and creamy-vanilla parts. Liquor goes well with champagne and stronger alcohols. The drink is served with sweet desserts, ice cream and fruits.

Amaretto liqueur- thick rich brown drink with strong aroma almonds. The liquor is based on cognac, a variety of herbs and vanilla. Amaretto is usually savored undiluted with pieces of ice, or in tandem with tea and coffee. The combination of liquor with Coca-Cola is widely known.

Baileys- a sweet Irish liqueur with bitterness, which is based on cream and whiskey. Baileys is served undiluted in special glasses, with desserts or coffee.

Liquor "Lawyer"- this one is extraordinary thick liquor sunny color has in its composition brandy and egg yolks. Most often, the drink is diluted with a sprite in proportions of 3 to 1; pure liquor connoisseurs will have to resort to the help of a spoon.

- this original liqueur based fragrant herbs It is recommended to drink strongly chilled, in one gulp at the end of the meal. You can dilute the drink with sprite.

cream liqueur good at original form with the addition of pieces of ice, and also as a filler in tea or coffee. The drink is served with ice cream, pastries and a fruit dessert.

chocolate liqueur goes amazingly with pastries - sweet cookies and muffins, chocolates with milk filling. Most often used as part of a cocktail.

TO cherry liqueur perfect for candied or fresh berries cherries or cherries.

Malibu- fragrant rum liqueur with coconut notes in the bouquet, served in special small glasses after meals. In its pure form, it goes well with all kinds of desserts, fruit salads and ice cream. Very popular with strong alcohol and juices.

Most liqueurs are in perfect harmony with nuts or nutty desserts, a variety of dried fruits, cakes and pastries.

Now you know how to best drink liquor and what to serve it with. In its original form, included exotic cocktail or how fragrant addition to a cup of coffee - everyone will find for themselves perfect option this bright and versatile drink.
