
Natural vodka. The most unusual and expensive vodka

Such an alcoholic drink as vodka is known to everyone and everywhere. Once upon a time, this name was associated with most people with Soviet Union. Today, after hearing about this drink, many people immediately draw a parallel with Russia. However, why is vodka called vodka, and is it right to associate it with the Russian Federation? Let's look into this issue.

Why vodka was called vodka: where did the name come from

According to some reports, vodka was created in Russia or Ukraine, but if you rely on more reliable sources, the origins of the history of this drink lie in Poland.

And exactly Polish word Wodka was used to give a name to such an invention, which eventually became a cult.

As for the translation of the Polish name, in Russian this word has the meaning of “vodichka” or “little water”. That is how this name arose, known today, perhaps, to all people.

It is noteworthy that, despite the unspoken parallels that residents of many countries draw between vodka and Russia, the United States is the largest exporter of alcoholic beverages in the world. The second place is legally occupied by the Russian Federation.

The origin of brand names of vodka products

Today the vodka market represented in Russia is more than impressive. The number of brands and manufacturers makes one dizzy, and all of them offer vodka products not only in different price ranges, but also with the use of various ways production.

However, among the list of brands present on the shelves of modern supermarkets and alcohol stores, there are several that have rightfully become cult. One of these is Putinka vodka, produced since 2003. But why is this vodka called "Putinka"? Let's look into this.

It is quite obvious that the President of the Russian Federation is a symbol of the country, its face, and goods, souvenirs, symbols with his name and face have always been in demand. Guided by a similar trend, Stanislaf Kaufman, the creator of the brand "Putinka", and decided to assign such a name.

As we learned today, he did not fail with the name.

It is also necessary to understand why vodka is called "Tsarskaya", because this brand is also by no means the last one on the modern domestic market. And here, as in the case of "Putinka", everything is extremely simple.

Royal vodka are called a mixture of concentrated acids that can dissolve even gold in themselves.

And on this concept, its prevalence, the manufacturer "played in his favor", turning another representative of the alcoholic beverage market into a sought-after brand.

The history of vodka has been going on since the 15th century, but there is still no clear answer in what year vodka appeared, and who was the first to prepare this strong alcoholic drink. Despite numerous studies, disputes about the place of origin, as well as the right to the name "vodka", are still ongoing. One can imagine that in the old days the ties between peoples were close, the borders were open, and goods moved freely from country to country, regulated only by supply and demand. The forerunner of the appearance of vodka can be considered the aquavit (Latin aqua vitae), that is, alcohol in its modern representation, brought in the 14th century by Genoese merchants. The liquid was obtained using the invention of the Arabs alembic and was undrinkable, as it had a high fortress. Aquavita was used mainly for medical purposes.

According to one version, the recipe for vodka was invented by Isidore, a monk of the Chudov Monastery. Having at his disposal the necessary distilling equipment as well as experience in making less strong drinks, the monk made a strong drink, which after a while became known as vodka. It is 1430 that can be considered the beginning of the production of vodka. This fact was confirmed by the International Arbitration, which secured the right to use the name "vodka" for Russia.

It is necessary to clearly and unambiguously define the prescription limits under which vodka falls. The fact is that in past times, and even more so in the present, a fair amount of confusion has accumulated from the names, interpretations and all kinds of recipes. All this wealth is called vodka, and only a small part of it is. Vodka was also called moonshine, and alcohol tinctures, and diluted alcohol.

The word "vodka" is quite ancient, and is an ancient diminutive form of the word "water". One of the few analogues in the modern language that have the same ancient form can be considered the words "folder" and "mother". From this we can conclude that the word is as ancient as the little-changed basic words of the Russian language. This may speak of the ancient roots of the word and, probably, the drink it denotes. Water for the ancient Slavs was not just a liquid, as it is now. Not all water was suitable for drinking, but only living water, that is, flowing, spring, water of fast rivers and streams. Such a respectful attitude towards water was subsequently reflected in the designation of a pure and strong drink "vodka". According to the Greek tradition, Byzantine wine was diluted with water (9th century), water was one of the main components honey drinks. Water in a broad sense was one of the elements worshiped by the ancient Slavs.

In the 10th-13th centuries, our ancestors stopped diluting wine with water, and made meads strong (up to 16% alcohol). This love of strong drinks and the gradual depletion of honey pushed to find new ways to make intoxicating drinks. In the 15th century, the set honey almost completely disappeared as one of the ancient, but difficult and long-lasting drinks. Honey drinks became popular in Europe and were exported there. At the same time, a certain excess of grain appeared in middle lane Russia. It was these factors that became decisive for the emergence of the first drinks that we could now call vodka.

The word "vodka" was not common until the middle or even the second half of the 19th century. And only by the end of the 19th century this word was strongly enough fixed in the lexicon; it is found in literary classics, the production of the drink is deployed on an industrial scale, and the state takes control of sales, being a monopoly. Until the 19th century, vodka was distributed mainly in the "grain" provinces - Kursk, Oryol, Tambov, Moscow, as well as in the Kharkiv and Sumy regions, in which the surplus of grain production was distilled into alcohol.

The appearance of distillation and vodka itself was preceded by the appearance different kind mash, fermented kvass and birch. Traditionally, kvass in Rus' was made from bakery waste: crumbs, coarse flour, bran, sour dough. There was a practice of preserving kvass wort or grounds in old containers, which made it possible to achieve a stable taste. Fungal culture has been formed for centuries, and carefully preserved in households. The strength and saturation of kvass was formed with the help of different types of cereals and flour. The proportion of three or four types of cereals gave a greater strength and saturation of kvass, and in our case - raw materials. Sometimes kvass was fermented and became intoxicated, later they began to make specially fermented kvass, the strength of which was no less than grape wine. The ancient term “created kvass” is known, which means “made”, “strong”, “intoxicating”. Birch - fermented Birch juice- one of the ancient alcoholic beverages of ancient Europeans and a grain intoxicating drink - beer - were also known in our area, which undoubtedly paved the way for the production of stronger drinks, namely vodka. Created drinks, in other words, obtained by distillation, appear already in the 13th century. However, it is still far from vodka.

Another feature was the use of hops and various herbs, especially wormwood. Intoxicated drinks based on herbs with wormwood were called "green wine", "potion". Compared to European counterparts, Russian drinks contained more herbal ingredients, and they were laid in the middle or at the beginning of the process.

So gradually, in different ways, they approached the process of distillation of fermented low-alcohol raw materials into more Reviver. The sources of that time are silent about the properties, taste and recipe of the then vodka, but one can definitely answer that at the end of the 15th century there was already vodka in Russia. Various varieties appeared, differing in purity of cleaning and removal technology. fusel oils. So "Russian vodka" was called purified rye, which was served on the tables of the nobility and sold abroad. "Cherkasskaya vodka" was of lower quality, its origin was Polish-Ukrainian, and was closer to Ukrainian vodka, with an abundance of harmful impurities.

Since 1505, Russian vodka began to be exported to Sweden, Estonia, the Chudsky land, and the lands of the Livonian Order. Since 1533, a state monopoly has been introduced on vodka, taxes from the sold vodka begin to go to the state treasury. A " Tsar's taverns' bring in significant profits. After such an important decision, vodka standards appear. Firstly, vodka began to be divided into varieties and quality levels with corresponding prices. This suggests that vodka is becoming popular, and the demand for non-strong drinks is growing. At the same time, the inevitable side problems with drunkenness appear. Hence the tight state control, especially in cases where low-grade cheap vodka is widely consumed. Since the end of the 16th century, any trade in vodka has been prohibited, except for state (royal) establishments. In the middle of the 17th century, due to a sharp decrease in the quality of vodka, as well as frequent cases of counterfeiting of royal vodkas, the so-called "tavern riots" arose, after which the then tsar, Alexei Mikhailovich, convened a council, at which drastic reforms of the drinking industry were carried out. For a very long period from the 16th to the 18th century, the preparation of vodka was in the hands of the state. The quality of the drink improved, new varieties appeared, ways were found to purify vodka from fusel oils. Various raw materials were tried for the preparation of the initial mash. At the beginning of the 18th century, Peter I allowed distilling to anyone, taxing cubes, that is, pieces of equipment. Distillery is becoming an additional money-making opportunity for everyone who grows grain. The main raw material is rye. It is not surprising that the quality of vodka drops at this time.

The term "vodka" appeared in documents only occasionally and as a kind of parallel term. The main name was "bread wine". The name "vodka" appears in writing in the decree of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna of June 8, 1751. This decree clearly defined who could have an alembic and who could not. In 1765, Catherine II gives the nobility privileges for the production of vodka, freeing those nobles who are engaged in distillation from any taxes. However, restrictions were introduced in a different plane: each nobleman had the right to a certain amount of vodka production, according to his rank, rank or position. Other estates (merchants, clergy and philistinism) were deprived of the right to engage in distillation, and hence to have income associated with this. In addition, these estates had to buy vodka produced by state distilleries for their needs. The wise decision of the empress led to the fact that competition in this area disappeared for a long time in the country, while at the same time the internal needs of the nobility were satisfied. However, by the end of the 18th century, confusion with new decrees created grounds for abuse, and the "vodka wars" continued. Paul I, who came to power, who wanted to restore order, was killed, according to one version, precisely because of the strictness in relation to the privileges of the nobility for the production of vodka.

A real revolution in the quality of produced vodka occurred at the end of the 18th century, when the St. Petersburg chemist Toviy Lovitz began to use charcoal as a material for purifying alcohol from fusel oils. However, according to other sources, long before that, wood, mainly birch, coal was already used in Russia for cleaning. In January 1865, Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev defended his doctoral thesis "On the combination of alcohol with water", in which he proposed using a 40% alcohol share in vodkas. This landmark study forever defined 40% alcohol solution as the standard for vodka. And to this day, this ratio is used as ideal. In 1894, the Russian government patents vodka with 40% alcohol content, passed through a charcoal filter, as a national Russian vodka with the name "Moscow Special".

Russian history knows several prohibitions on the use of strong alcoholic beverages and especially vodka. In the 20th century, there were 2 such bans: during the First World War, when the Russian government issued a decree to suspend the sale of vodka (1914-1918), this decree was extended into the initial Soviet period (1918-1924). The second large-scale ban on the sale of alcohol was already in the perestroika era (1986-1990).

Vodka has always been strategic product. Sales of vodka have always supported the country's economy. The drink was exported, and in the domestic market, the constant popularity of vodka made its production not only profitable, but very profitable. By 1937, the main recipes and types appeared Soviet vodkas, alcohol was produced only from grain and purified charcoal. A large amount of export vodka brought the country the necessary money. Accordingly, the quality of the products was the highest. After the Great Patriotic War, the production of vodka resumed, and at the same time the production technology improved. There were sand-quartz filters for alcohol purification and cationic filters for water softening. By 1967, the export of vodka had grown even more, and more and more stringent requirements were imposed on quality. The proportion of impurities in rectified alcohol was thousandths of a percent or 1-2 ppm. Since 1971, 2 new varieties have appeared in the USSR - "Posolskaya" and "Sibirskaya", which, in addition to the existing and proven varieties "Stolichnaya", "Extra" and "Moscow Special", began to be produced both for the domestic market and for export. The quality of Russian vodkas has always been highly valued abroad, and it was during this period that fierce competition appeared with Western producers Absolut and Smirnoff.

Like any strong drink with an ancient history, vodka requires a culture of drinking. Traditionally, it is believed that drinking vodka should be in one gulp, "without breathing." However, this method comes from drinking low-grade vodka, the taste of which is really unenviable. But drinking good Russian vodka in one gulp means disrespecting the drink. If this is a worthy representative of high-quality Russian vodkas, then, having cooled to desired temperature and pouring vodka into a glass to drink well in small portions, passing the drink through the mouth, releasing further and leading to the esophagus.

Any alcoholic drink is worthy of evaluation of taste. Vodka is no exception. First, the vodka must be cold. Not too much, so as not to "burn with the cold", but not warm either. Optimum temperature- 8 - 10 °С. It is not customary to dilute vodka, unless it is part of a cocktail. You can drink vodka or have a snack. You can drink, for example, mineral water Borjomi. It is this type of mineral water that is better than others for these purposes, because the ph of Borjomi is similar to the ph of blood. This combination allows you to slightly lower the concentration of alcohol in the blood. Two types of snacks are recommended as snacks for vodka - cold and hot. The latter are rare, but preferable, since with good hot snacks a person gets drunk slowly and can control the situation quite clearly. Cold appetizers are better than if there were none at all.

Centuries-old traditions of drinking vodka in Russia have the same old "snack traditions". Vegetable, mushroom, meat and fish dishes worthy of neighborhood with Russian vodka. Pickled vegetables: cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, as well as a whole battery of mushroom pickles are great with vodka as a snack. What are the famous Novgorod salted cucumbers, traditionally cooked in large oak barrels. Mushrooms were always salted in the same barrels. In Russia, with its abundance of rivers, fish was much more affordable than meat, and it is the abundance of fish snacks that suggests that this combination of “fish and vodka” has been tested for centuries and can be successfully used today. The whole variety of river fish is now being supplemented sea ​​views fish. The famous herring has long been firmly in the lead among fish snacks. Of the classic dishes of Russian cuisine, one can name savory pancakes With different fillers, such as caviar, Siberian dumplings, sauerkraut.

It is not customary to mix vodka with other types of alcohol. Vodka does not like mixing very much. Any experiments of drinking vodka along with beer, wine and other alcoholic beverages end in a headache at best. There are some tips on how to avoid excessive intoxication or the most severe morning hangover, but simply - poisoning.

Tip one: drink in moderation and little by little. No matter how trite it sounds, vodka is a very strong and insidious drink. Usually when a small amount snacks or in their absence, vodka is drunk easily, and intoxication is not felt. However, when a person gets up from the table, vodka immediately reminds of itself with a strong effect, but the moment is lost, the sloppy vodka lover is drunk and unable to control himself. Physiologically, this is easily explained - while sitting, the stomach is compressed and vodka, getting inside, may not touch the walls of the stomach, and therefore not be absorbed. It is recommended to drink with long pauses and periodically get up from the table. In this way, you can assess your condition much more accurately.

Tip two: drink only proven, high-quality vodka. It is known that the miser pays twice. With regard to vodka, this can be “three times”. Not quality vodka can be a poison to both the body and the mind.

Tip three: eat BEFORE the feast a little of what you planned to eat with your favorite drink. And it would be even better to eat some greasy or oily foods.

Tip #4: tea and only tea. This drink has always helped before and after heavy drinking. Before the feast cup strong tea will save your stomach from the first portions of vodka that irritate the walls. At the same time, it will create a kind of buffer, a gradual, not a sharp intoxication. After a feast, a few cups of green tea will relieve heaviness in the stomach and refresh. Of course, tea does not remove hops, but quite noticeably helps to remove alcohol from the body. First of all, this is to help your kidneys, as tea has diuretic properties.

And finally, some information:
- remember that mixing vodka with any soda, and therefore with carbon dioxide, enhances the absorption of alcohol.
- Smoking makes you more drunk.
- mixing with sweet liqueurs, liqueurs, etc. leads to severe hangovers.
- do not go out, being drunk, in the cold and " Fresh air”, instead of the necessary freshness, intoxication may increase! It is enough to open the window and just ventilate the room.
- remember that strong alcohol gradually gains its strength (concentration in the blood) and the peak of intoxication comes only after an hour of use!
- if you feel that you are losing consciousness from drinking alcohol - do not hesitate to ask for help or try to empty your stomach in any way you know. It is possible that this poor quality product and there is no reason to take the risk.

With all the insidiousness, you should not blame vodka for anything. Let's stick to one simple rule vodka is celebratory drink, giving people fun and a sense of satisfaction, and you should drink it only on a holiday and only best quality. Be moderate and stay healthy!

There is probably no such person in the world who does not know what vodka is. The rating of this product among other strong alcoholic drinks is quite high.

Who drinks how much

It is human nature to compare certain facts and draw parallels. So, the well-known British magazine The Economist a couple of years ago conducted interesting studies that were devoted to the most popular strong alcoholic beverages such as gin, rum, tequila, scotch and vodka.

Research has confirmed that the most popular view after all is vodka. The rating of its consumption in the context of countries also turned out to be quite expected. No one was surprised by the fact that most of the vodka is drunk in Russia. It turns out that a year per person on average accounts for 13.9 liters of this drink. This is a big number and worth thinking about. Indeed, in other countries this figure is much lower. For example, for Ukraine it is 7.7 liters, for Poland - 7.0, for Kazakhstan - 5.9, and for Germany - 0.9 liters.

Harm level

Many mistakenly believe that vodka is the most harmful drink. In fact, everything looks quite different. It turns out that there are drinks that hit the human body much harder than vodka. The rating of their danger on a ten-point hangover level scale is as follows:

  • Whiskey, brandy - 8.
  • Wine red and champagne - 7.
  • White wine - 6.
  • Beer - 4.
  • Vodka - 3.

An unusual picture? It turns out that everything is very simple. Scientists have determined that brandy and whiskey long time excerpts accumulate in themselves a large number of harmful substances that can poison the human body. And the ethanol contained, for example, in whiskey, is rapidly absorbed into the blood and reaches its maximum level in an hour. If you do not follow the norm, then the hangover will be simply cruel.

Beer, according to scientists, creates problems for the heart, intestines and, of course, the figure. In addition, it can create an imbalance of hormones. Vodka is the most pure product. It contains no additives, flavors or colors. And if you do not overdo it with the quantity and do not mix it with anything, then the consequences will be minimal.

Which vodka is better

Until 2010, international expert commissions did not conduct research on which of the vodkas produced in different countries peace is better. American specialists decided to fill this gap. They aim to establish the rating of vodka. As a result, ten best brands of this drink, which, according to the method of decreasing quality, are arranged in the following sequence:

  1. Gray Goose made in France.
  2. Crystall. Products of the Russian plant "Crystal".
  3. Krolewska Polish production.
  4. Youri Dolgoruki, Russia.
  5. Finlandia made in Finland.
  6. Jewel of Russia - from Russia.
  7. Vincent. Vodka from the Netherlands.
  8. Rain made in the USA.
  9. Ketel One, The Netherlands.
  10. 3 Olives made in England.

The compiled rating of vodka confirmed the unconditional leadership of France. Although many believe that this is a primordially Russian product, but in this case, the perfect selection of raw materials and five-fold purification with limestone make the quality of Gray Goose undeniable and still unattainable at the moment.

What do Russians love?

Yes, foreign goods are, of course, good, but the average buyer still focuses in his choice more often on a domestic manufacturer. This may be due to price difference or common trust. After all, our country is rich in both first-class raw materials and good specialists who are able to produce products of decent quality. According to research conducted in 2013, according to consumers, the rating of vodka in Russia is as follows:

  1. "Capital".
  2. Finlandia.
  3. "Count Ledoff".
  4. "Five lakes".
  5. "Husky".
  6. "Double Gold"
  7. Saimaa.
  8. "Firewood. Purified with birch charcoal.
  9. "Talka".
  10. "Baikal".

Positions were distributed between products depending on the positive and negative feedback buyers. The difference between these indicators became the starting point in determining the leader. The results show that vodka produced in Altai is the most popular. Everything is clear here, because the famous region has always been famous for its huge reserves the purest water and premium grain.

Something that anyone can afford

Of course, not everyone can afford such vodka as Gray Goose. Its price ranges from 1500 to 1860 rubles. per 0.75 liter bottle. Therefore, Russian specialists from Krasnoyarsk conducted a tasting of vodka products in 2014 own production and foreign factories, the cost of which does not exceed 600 rubles.

12 samples were presented to the jury, from which the rating of the best vodka in the specified price segment was made. The best was recognized local vodka"Yaric". She scored 9.63 points out of 10. The second was vodka from distant France "Aristoff", which got 9.54 points. In the third place of honor were two contenders: "Russian Standard" from St. Petersburg and "Saimaa" from Finland. Both of them received 9.43 points each.

Experts focused on such indicators as color, transparency, taste and aroma of the product. True, ordinary buyers do not quite agree with their opinion. Most ordinary people do not consider Yarich to be the best vodka. But experts probably know better.

Competition "Vodka of the Year"

IN Lately It has become a good tradition to hold Product of the Year competitions in various industries. That is why leading experts from the CIS countries came together to determine what is the best vodka in Russia. The rating of candidates for the title of "Best Vodka 2015" determined 10 winners.

The undisputed leader was Sibalko vodka. She received a gold medal and a Grand Prix as a multiple winner. Next in order are Imperial Trust and Lemon Honey. These first three winners are indeed worthy of all praise.

Further, starting from the fourth place, the products are arranged in the following order: organic vodka Pure Dew, Black Diamond, Gulf Stream, Radamir, Selecta Lux, Haoma White, completes the top ten Gradus Zoloto. Drinks were evaluated by organoleptic indicators and noticeably pleased the jury. For example, original taste"Radamir" was liked by everyone. And the reason for this is the addition of raisin infusion, which is a branded feature of the product.

Down with fakes

Usually, experts determine the quality based on approved organoleptic indicators. These include color, appearance, taste and aroma. In addition, there are also physical and chemical criteria, which include strength, as well as the presence of accompanying alcohols, oils, esters and other elements in the product under study. But all this requires a real laboratory. But what about a simple buyer who makes a daily choice, standing in front of multi-tiered store shelves lined with numerous types of products? After all, it's not a secret for anyone that there are a lot of fakes on sale that can't be distinguished by sight. What to do in this case?

For starters, don't look at the price. The number of zeros does not at all indicate the quality of the product. If there is no familiar name among the rich assortment, then it is best to perform the simplest operation: pick up a bottle and turn it sharply counterclockwise. In this case, there can be two outcomes:

  1. Small bubbles form, which settle on the surface and quickly disappear.
  2. Large bubbles for a long time are on the surface of the liquid.

For right choice the first option is preferred. And in the second case, you should not make a purchase. You need to remember this brand and never again for such a product.

Vodka brands.List. Photo.

Today in stores we can find vodka of various names and manufacturers. Beautiful bottles, bright labels and an attractive price, all this makes us choose one or another brand. But you must admit that beautiful packaging is not a guarantee of product quality. But when it comes to vodka, quality comes first. We will not consider the so-called "palyonka" and "left vodka". And we will consider only those brands of vodka that are presented in Russian stores and are popular with the population.

We will also consider vodka producers. Think about it, when you buy vodka, do you always look at who produced it? Most likely no! But the quality of the product depends on who the manufacturer is. Below we have described the producers that occupy the main share of the Russian vodka market.

The purpose of this review was not to advertise certain manufacturers of alcoholic beverages (from January 1, 2013 Advertising alcohol in RuNet will be banned). After analyzing the popularity of vodka brands, we came to the conclusion that those producers that are presented below are worthy of our attention and consumption. This does not mean that vodka from other manufacturers that are not on our list is of poor quality. The thing is that almost every major region has its own distilleries that produce products for their own regional market and it is not possible to consider their products in the course of this review. All the brands and varieties of vodka presented below can be bought in almost any store in Russia. The quality of this alcohol is always at a decent level.

Central European distribution Corporation .

CEDC- the largest producer of alcoholic beverages.

Brands of vodka produced CEDC in Russia





Kalinov meadow


Green stamp





Silver blend

INcompoundCentral European Distribution Corporation are includedthe followingdistillery:

Topaz, CJSC Distillery

Topaz distillery is a large production complex, one of the most modern vodka production facilities in Russia. In addition, Topaz is the largest taxpayer in the Moscow region. All products manufactured by Topaz are certified in accordance withISO 9001 and HACCP. At the moment, the production capacity of the enterprise allows to produce more than 15 million decalitres per year.

Distillery "Topaz" produces the following brands vodka:

Green stamp, Cranes, Yamskaya, Harvest, Marusya andKauffman.

LLC "Parliament Production", Balashikha

"Parliament Production" in the production of vodka uses high-quality grain alcohol and water from its own artesian well from a depth of 250 meters, enriched with natural salts and minerals. Only after a multi-stage filtration process, Parliament vodka acquires its exceptional, soft, uniquely pure taste.

Parliament Production produces the entire line of the Parliament brand: Parliament Classic, Parliament Blackcurrant, Parliament Mandarin, Parliament International, as well as Harvest bitters.

First Blending Factory

The First Blending Plant belongs to the Russian Alcohol group, whereCEDCis one of the owners. Vodka at the First Blending Plant is produced according to the technology "stream”, which allows the production of vodka in a fully automated way. The company produces Marusya and Zhuravli vodka, among others. The factory has existed since 1976, and its production capacity reaches 35 million liters per year. The company is certified in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001.

ZAO Siberian Distillery, Novosibirsk

The distillery in Novosibirsk is one of the newest and most modern productions owned by a group of companiesCEDCin Russia. The company was launched in 2008.

The production capacity is more than 11 million decalitres of vodka and 7 million decalitres of alcoholic cocktails in year.

CJSC "Sibirsky LVZ" produces vodka brands: Talka, Zelenaya Marka, Yamskaya, Zhuravli.

JSC "Moscow plant "Crystal"

The production capacity of the plant is currently about 16 million decalitres per year.

The quality of products manufactured by the plant is determined by the use of high-quality "Krystal" water, "Lux" brand alcohol and natural food additives, which give each brand of vodka an original taste.

Trademarks of vodka produced by the Crystal plant




Winter road

Moscow Special






White Key

Gold ring


Ivan Kalita


Moscow time




Old Moscow

Pure Crystal

Omskvinprom LLC Siberian Alcohol Group

The Omskvinprom plant is one of the three largest alcohol producers in Russia. The production capacity of the plant today is about 17 million decalitres per year. Every hour, 18,000 bottles of vodka leave the assembly line. Omskvinprom's products can be found in more than 50 countries around the world. Every day, the plant's products are sold in the amount of about 2 million dollars.

Trademarks of vodka produced by Omskvinprom LLC

white birch


Five lakes



Popular brands of vodka in Russia

At huge variety vodka brands that can be found in almost any store, there are vodka brands that consumers prefer more than others. Below we present the most popular brands of vodka in Russia in 2011.

The 1st place in popularity is occupied by the Green Mark with 16.6%

The popularity of this brand is achieved by simple and effective methods:a competent marketing policy, a good choice of brand and, of course, a competent pricing policy and decent quality. Green Brand Producer CJSC Topaz Distillery, part ofCentralEuropeandistributionCorporation.
