
Dessert liqueur Campari. Bitter "Campari": description, composition, history, origin and reviews

This drink is easily recognizable by its ruby ​​color and standard bottle, devoid of designer frills. One sip is enough to remember citrus aroma and a specific bitter taste. We will look at the culture of drinking Campari bitters, which has grown significantly in popularity in recent years.

CampariItalian liqueur(bitter) with a strength of 25%, made on the basis of more than 20 herbs, roots, fruits, spices. Precise recipe and the composition is kept secret by the manufacturer, it is only known that the bitterness appears due to the Mediterranean bitter oranges of the myrtle-leaf orange variety.

Until 2006, Campari's red color was provided by carmine, a natural food coloring derived from female cochineal insects. At the moment, a synthetic substitute is used.

It is believed that Campari contains thujone, a narcotic substance with a hallucinogenic effect. However, none of the numerous checks failed to prove the fact of its existence.

The liqueur is named after the Milanese owner of a pastry shop, Gaspare Campari, who free time was engaged in the creation of alcoholic beverages. In 1860, Gaspare managed to come up with an outstanding recipe. Realizing this, the enterprising Italian immediately founded Gruppo Campari. Industrial production of bitter began in 1904.

Ways to drink Campari

1. In pure form. Liquor should be served before meals as an aperitif, after cooling to 8-10 degrees or adding ice. Only 20-30 ml of the drink helps to improve appetite. Drink Campari in small sips from shot glasses or glasses. Snack on oranges and other fruits.

Manufacturer's recommendation

This method reveals the full range of Campari taste, but the liquor must be cold, as it appears at room temperature bad taste herbs.

2. With other drinks. First of all, juices. Diluting Campari with fresh orange, grapefruit, lemon or cherry juice in a 1:2 ratio (1 part liquor and 2 parts juice) reduces the strength of the drink by an order of magnitude and makes it not so bitter. In summer, a mix of Campari with juice and ice perfectly quenches thirst.

This bitter is also mixed with other strong alcoholic drinks: vodka, gin, sometimes even vermouth. Optimal proportion- 1:1. But this is closer to cocktails, which will be discussed further.

Cocktails with Campari

According to the editors of Alkofan, the best for cooking at home are:

1. Negroni.

  • Campari - 30 ml;
  • Martini Rosso (another red vermouth) - 30 ml;
  • Gin - 20 ml.

Recipe: alternately pour all the ingredients into a glass, mix, garnish with an orange slice on top, serve with a straw.


Italians are justifiably proud of their Campari (from the Italian Campari), a ruby-colored liquor with a pronounced bitter taste. This alcoholic drink was invented by Gaspar Campari based on aromatic herbs and fruits in the 19th century and is considered a classic of aperitifs all over the world. Today, Gruppo Campari is responsible for its release, which is one of the leaders in the production of drinking products in the markets of Italy, Brazil.

In the article:

Large-scale production was launched in 1904, and by the 60s the liquor was already being sold in more than 80 countries, by the end of the 20th century it was bottled all over the world.

In the 21st century, the bitter continued its victorious march around the planet. To date, the Italian company includes many brands:

  • Henkell Trocken - Switzerland;
  • Gorbatschow - Germany;
  • Dreher aguardente - Brazil;
  • Mirto di Sardegna - Italy;
  • Catai - China;
  • Riccadonna - Australia.

Campari is quite original for the reason that it cannot be called a bitter in its purest form. With equal right, it is also called liquor or vermouth. It would be correct to note that this is a drink that combines the properties of all these groups of alcohol.

Campari liqueur is popular in various cocktails, but it is also drunk in its pure form. It is sold in small bottles without much design frills, it is often recommended as a hangover cure.

The famous taste of Campari

Campari liqueur

Tasters note that the liquor has an intense aroma and bitter taste inherent in all bitters. Many famous brands hide the recipe of their products so that none of the competitive companies could come up with a more perfect analogue. True, no one leaves attempts anyway. Aperitif Campari bitter is no exception. Therefore, for a non-specialist in alcoholic beverages, guessing what the true composition of vermouth is is an impossible task.

According to professional estimates, the liqueur recipe includes 50 to 69 ingredients. The main components in Campari are:

  • spices;
  • tree bark;
  • spices;
  • zest of various fruits;
  • carmine.

The drink acquires an amazing color thanks to food coloring - carmine, this specific ambrosia has its famous saturated color ruby. Until 2006, it was obtained from a cochineal mealybug (cochineal) - an insect from the order of Hemiptera, and after that they switched only to artificial dyes.

According to some reports, the first batches included (like) a narcotic substance - thujone, which gives a hallucinogenic effect. After that, numerous inspection checks were carried out many times in production, but this information was never proven and passed into the category of legends.

Definitely sommeliers talk about earthy and woody notes of blackberries, grapes, moss, forest floor, vermouth aroma stones. Also guessed by tasters are myrtle-leaf orange (bitter Mediterranean orange), calamus, yellow gentian, cascarolla and finger rhubarb. All ingredients are mixed with each other in certain proportions, then the resulting composition is diluted with sugar syrup and water, and then dyes are added.

Bitter Campari is also not deprived of such chemical elements that are beneficial to health:

  • vitamins B2 and PP;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • iron;
  • phosphorus;
  • sodium.

The taste of an aperitif is spicy, interspersed with quinine, honey, citrus peel, ash, and earth.

For those who follow the figure, the calorie content of the drink is 112 kcal per 100 grams of drink. And the strength of undiluted campari is 25-28%. It is impossible not to recall such a variety of liquor as Campari Soda: a fortress of 10%.

How to drink Campari

Negroni cocktail

It has long been known that bitter drinks serve to improve appetite, so it is most often used in the usual sense: before meals as an aperitif. However, besides this, vermouth is a success in blends, and is also indispensable for some desserts.

If vermouth is drunk in its pure form, then before serving it is certainly cooled, or a couple of ice cubes are added to the drink, as it is warm or room temperature the liquor loses its special taste, even becomes not very pleasant, however, connoisseurs of balms will find it interesting. Vermouth is also an excellent cold remedy. The drink is mixed with vodka and freshly squeezed orange or grapefruit juice.

With its rich ruby ​​color and excellent fine taste, Campari has become a vivid symbol of passions, desires and feelings. Having tried this vermouth just once, you will immediately begin to recognize it among other bitters. The enchanting range of aromatic alpine herbs, zest of various fruits, spices makes it very piquant and original.

Campari (Campari) - bitter herbal liqueur relating to beaters. Campari liqueur is produced by the Italian company Gruppo Campari of the same name. The strength of the drink is about 20.5-28%, in the Campari Soda variety - the strength of the drink does not exceed 10%. Campari liqueur is sold in 190 countries of the world.

The cost of a bottle of Campari liquor is around one thousand rubles for half a liter and about one and a half thousand rubles for a bottle of 0.7 liters.

Campari - what kind of drink is it?

Campari liqueur has a characteristic herbal, bitter aroma, with well-defined strawberry, blackberry and grape notes, as well as smacks of moss, stones and forest floor. The exact recipe and technology for the production of Campari liqueur Campari is a trade secret. Gruppo Campari claims that the composition contains from 40 to 70 herbs, including orange, calamus, cascarolla, rhubarb, gentian and other herbs.

Campari liqueur has a characteristic red, ruby ​​color, which was previously obtained by using the dye carmine, obtained from cochineal, today an artificial dye is used. food coloring. artificial dye Campari has been used to make liqueur since 2006.

How to drink Campari liqueur?

Campari liqueur can be drunk in its pure form, as an aperitif to disperse the appetite. More often Campari liqueur applied to cocktails, it is part of many official IBA cocktails such as Negroni and Americano.

Liquor goes well with others soft drinks, especially with juices. Good combination there will be a layout of Campari liqueur with orange, cherry, grapefruit and other fruit juices. As a rule, Campari liquor is diluted quite strongly, and two parts of juice are taken for one part of the liquor: this is due to the rather high bitterness of the drink.

Cocktails with Campari liqueur


  • Campari - 30 ml;
  • Martini Rosso (another red vermouth) - 30 ml;
  • Gin - 20 ml.

All ingredients are mixed, then poured into a glass and garnished with a slice of lemon.

White Campari ( White Campari)

  • Campari - 20 ml;
  • White dry wine- 50 ml.

White wine and campari are mixed and poured into a wine glass.


  • Campari - 30 ml;
  • vodka - 20 ml;
  • orange liqueur- 1 teaspoon;
  • lemon juice - 1 teaspoon.

All ingredients are mixed, ice is added, after which the drink is poured into a tall glass

Campari liqueur recipe at home

Of course, a complete copy legendary liquor You won't be able to get Campari, however, it is possible to get a similar tasting drink. For use in cocktails, a copy will easily replace original liqueur Campari.

To make Campari liqueur at home, we need:

  • alcohol 55 degrees - 500 ml;
  • Hibiscus tea - 20 grams;
  • wormwood flowers - 0.5 grams;
  • calamus root - 0.5 grams;
  • yellow part of lemon peel - 1 gram;
  • orange part orange peel- 1.5 grams;
  • ground cinnamon - 0.5 grams;
  • water - 500 ml;
  • sugar - 75 grams

The recipe is that all the ingredients, except for the zest, sugar and water, must be mixed with alcohol and left to infuse for about a week. After that, you need to add orange zest and leave for another 1-3 days.

After that, the drink must be filtered through a layer of gauze and cotton wool, then it must be poured into it. sugar syrup and leave to stand for another day. Homemade campari is best served chilled.

History of Campari liqueur

Campari Campari liqueur was created back in the 19th century by Gaspar Campari, who began serving this drink in a cafe he owned. In 1842, a company for the production and distribution of this drink appeared, which later began work in Milan. In 1904, production moved to a suburb of Milan, in Sesto San Giovanni. To date, Campari liquor is sold in 190 countries of the world.

If we talk about Gruppo Campari, today it is the leader in the production of alcohol in Italy and Brazil, owns Cinzano vermouth, Aperol aperitif, sparkling wine Mondoro and ouzo "Ouzo 12".

Campari liqueur in popular culture and advertising

Campari was one of the first alcohol producers to become very active in advertising. In particular, very bright advertising posters of this drink are known to the world. Fortunato Depero, Marcello Dudovich, Milton Glaser worked on Campari advertising. The main message of advertising: Campari liqueur is a very passionate and sexy drink, and these thoughts are constantly played up in advertising.

Produced in Italy and exported to almost 200 countries around the world, Campari liqueur cannot be confused with any other drink. It is sold in modest bottles classical form without any decor, but has extraordinary organoleptic qualities. Ruby color, bittersweet taste, complex aroma with citrus and herbal notes won the hearts of many connoisseurs good alcohol. If you own this unique drink, you should learn how to drink Campari correctly so as not to be considered ignorant and get the most out of drinking this orange-herbal liqueur.

Basic rules for tasting Campari

Liquor "Campari" is produced in several versions. A little less than Reviver than goes to the countries of Eastern Europe. Americans know it as an aperitif with a strength of about 25 degrees, Europeans know it as a bitter with a strength of about 28 degrees. However, the traditions of drinking this drink in all countries are approximately the same.

  • Campari liqueur improves appetite and is served before meals as an aperitif.
  • You can drink it neat or diluted with ice, water, soda or juice.
  • When serving "Campari" for consumption in its pure form, it is cooled to 8-10 degrees. In this case, it is poured into small piles, which can also be pre-cooled. It is allowed to drink from shots of Kamppari in one gulp, although it is usually tasted in small sips.
  • When "Campari" is served with ice, it is poured into clear glass glasses filled with ice cubes. Drink in small sips.
  • It is not considered bad manners to dilute Campari with water, soda or juice. The Italians themselves prefer to dilute it with soda in a ratio of 1:2. On sale you can even find ready mix from these ingredients. This cocktail is sold in small transparent cone-shaped bottles. In other countries, Campari is preferred to be diluted with juice. Orange, grapefruit, pomegranate, cherry are considered suitable. They help neutralize the bitter taste of liquor, which gives it special grade mediterranean oranges.

Campari is often used in cocktails, mixed with other alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks.

What to eat Campari

Fruit is considered the best snack for Campari liqueur. More often preference is given to oranges, tangerines, grapefruits. Also suitable as an appetizer are fresh and dried plums, cherries, pineapple.

Do not worry that fruit is not a high-calorie snack for a drink that has a fairly high strength. "Campari" is drunk as an aperitif, which means that it will be followed by full lunch or dinner, so no one gets up drunk from the table.

Drinking Campari is unacceptable, but it can be mixed with other drinks, getting interesting cocktails, many of which are no less popular than the Italian liqueur itself.

Cocktail "Negroni"

  • "Campari" - 30 ml;
  • sweet vermouth - 30 ml;
  • gin - 30 ml;
  • ice cubes - to taste;
  • orange peel twist - 1 pc.

Cooking method:

  • Fill the glass with ice cubes.
  • Pour in orange liqueur, vermouth and gin.
  • Stir with a bar spoon.
  • Garnish with an orange peel spiral.

Gin in the cocktail emphasizes the bitter notes of Campari, sweet vermouth - its grassy taste and sweetness present in it. Combining together, three drinks make up a harmonious trio, which has even more bright taste than each component individually. The preparation of a cocktail is considered simple, it can be entrusted even to an inexperienced bartender.

Cocktail "Negroni Sbagliato"

  • "Campari" - 40 ml;
  • sweet vermouth - 40 ml;
  • sparkling wine - 40 ml;
  • orange slice - 1 pc.

Cooking method:

  • Chill your drinks and the glass you plan to serve them in.
  • Pour vermouth and Campari into a glass, mix well.
  • Pour in sparkling wine.
  • Decorate a glass orange slice and serve.

The word "sbagliato" is translated from Italian as "mistake". Perhaps this is due to the origin of the cocktail: someone accidentally added champagne to it instead of gin. One way or another, but the taste of the cocktail is pleasant and harmonious.

Cocktail "Americano"

  • "Campari" - 50 ml;
  • sweet vermouth - 50 ml;
  • soda - 100 ml;
  • ice cubes - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Fill a tall glass halfway with ice.
  • Pour in "Campari" and vermouth, mix.
  • Pour in chilled soda.

This is one of the first cocktails that began to be made in Italy with Campari liqueur. It was originally called "Milan-Torpino". After the drink gained popularity outside of Italy, it was renamed.

Jungle Bird Cocktail

  • lime juice (freshly squeezed) - 15 ml;
  • sugar syrup - 15 ml;
  • "Campari" - 15 ml;
  • light rum - 45 ml;
  • pineapple juice - 45 ml;
  • crushed ice - to taste;
  • pineapple slice - for decoration.

Cooking method:

  • Squeeze juice from pineapple and lime, pour into a shaker glass.
  • Add rum, liqueur, syrup and crushed ice.
  • Shake well for 30 seconds.
  • Strain.
  • Pour into a cocktail mug or tall cocktail glass.

It remains to decorate the drink with a slice of pineapple and serve. The taste of the cocktail will depend on the quality of the ingredients used. If freshly squeezed fruit juices try to replace the store ones, the result is unlikely to live up to expectations.

Cocktail "Old Friend"

  • bourbon - 40 ml;
  • dry vermouth - 20 ml;
  • "Campari" - 20 ml;
  • crushed ice - 100 g;
  • lemon twist - 1 pc.

Cooking method:

  • Place all ingredients except lemon twist into a shaker glass.
  • Shake for 20 seconds, strain.
  • Pour into a chilled glass.

Decorate a glass lemon zest. It is recommended to serve the cocktail in a whiskey glass.

Campari liqueur has unique taste and aroma, it is pleasant to drink it in its pure form, but not everyone likes the bitter notes characteristic of this bitter. In this case, the drink can be diluted or used to make cocktails, some of which are more popular than Campari itself.

The alcoholic drink can be easily recognized by the elegant burgundy color and devoid of any patterns and blotches classic bottle. It only takes one small sip to say boldly and with inspiration: “Oh yes, this is Campari!”. Everything about the famous Italian bitter, how to drink Campari and what to drink with, you will learn from this material.

History of Campari

Campari is a bitter or liqueur from hot Italy. The strength of the drink does not exceed 25 degrees, and the blend and aroma of more than 20 herbs, fruits and incense will not disregard even the most conservative gourmet. original recipe this bitter is kept in the strictest confidence by the producers of Campari. Only one thing is known that the characteristic bitterness of this liquor is achieved thanks to a special variety of oranges growing in the Mediterranean. This liquor was created back in 1860 by a very enterprising Italian Gaspare Campari. Back when he owned a candy store, he was very fond of mixing alcoholic drinks. After creation this drink, Gruppo Campari was opened, but industrial production began only in 1904.

Rules for drinking

How is it right to drink Campari? Nothing supernatural, because this bitter is an excellent basis for a large number cocktails. Campari is usually drunk in several ways:

  • Pure and untouched. Served before meals in a chilled glass or with ice. According to manufacturers and native Italians, Campari improves appetite. Drink it either in a gulp of shots or in small sips from a large glass with ice. Best Appetizer these are fresh citrus fruits, grapes or plums. You need to drink "Campari" chilled in order to feel the whole palette of taste, as warm bitter has an unpleasant flavor.
  • With juices and sparkling water. citrus juices mixed with Campari and adding plenty of ice will save you in the heat and quench your thirst very well. cherry or pomegranate juice in the ratio: 1 part campari and 2 parts juice, emphasize the exquisite blend and reduce the strength of the drink for good feeling taste. With carbonated water, Campari is most often drunk at hot summer parties.

Cocktails with Campari

How to drink Campari for cocktail lovers? There are a few win-win options cocktails with "Campari" that will pleasantly surprise you and your friends with a wonderful taste.

Cocktail "Negroni"

Exquisite and pretty strong cocktail for real Italian or American mafiosi. The composition is very simple.

  • Bitter "Campari" - 30 ml.
  • White vermouth, best suited Martini "Bianco" - 25 ml.
  • Gin - 25 ml.

Pour in turn, but do not mix, decorate with a slice of lemon or lime and fall.

A simple and very feminine cocktail. It is drunk very easily, because of this it is very suitable for sophisticated ladies' tastes.

  • Campari liqueur - 25 ml.
  • White, best dry, wine - 60 ml.

Fill a cocktail glass halfway with ice, add Campari, then wine and mix gently. Served with a slice of citrus and drunk through a straw.

A favorite cocktail in Italian and Greek resorts, moderately strong and thirst-quenching. It is a universal drink that saves hot afternoon and warming at a night party.

  • "Campari" - 35 ml.
  • Vodka - 25 ml.
  • Orange juice - two cocktail spoons.
  • Lemon liqueur - one cocktail spoon.

Vodka juice and liquor are mixed in a shaker. Ice is poured into a glass and Campari is poured on top. Mix a little and decorate with a piece of citrus to your taste.
