
Fig fresh calories. Calorie Figs

Figs are among the berries known and loved by many. It can be called differently - a fig, a fig tree or a fig tree. Due to the area of ​​​​its growth, it is not always possible to try these berries in fresh. Yes, and they are stored for a short time, as they begin to ferment after a short period of time after being removed from the tree. No wonder they got another name - wine berries, so they are used very often in dried form, but the most interesting thing is that they do not lose during drying, but increase beneficial features.

How many calories can be in figs

Like any berries, figs have their own calorie content and a certain composition. If a fig tree lover does not face the issue of losing weight, then most likely he will only be interested in the question of the usefulness and taste of berries. But if the weight constantly has to be controlled, then the calorie content of figs will be a weighty argument in the matter of its use.

The number of calories in fruits can vary depending on the type. In this case, the discrepancies will be insignificant, this indicator significantly depends on the climatic conditions and the ripeness of the berries (the riper they are, the higher the calorie content) and whether they are fresh or dried. It can definitely be said that dried figs calorie content is much higher than fresh. Therefore, while on a diet, it is still better to consume fresh figs.

Below is a table with indicators typical for fresh and dried fruits, and more detailed information will be provided in the following sections.

Fresh figs

(per 100 g of product)

Dried figs

(per 100 g of product)

Food fibers



Energy value of figs

50-74/310 kJ

Retinol (A)

Thiamine (B1)

Riboflavin (B2)

Niacin (B3)

Pyridoxine (B6)

Folacin (B9)

Ascorbic acid (C)

Tocopherol (E)

Vitamin K

What is the calorie content of fresh figs

A fresh fig has an average weight of about 20 grams, and the calorie content of fresh figs per 100 grams is from 50 to 74 kcal. The calorie content is low, which allows you to eat fruits in quite in large numbers. Although it should be noted that it is impossible to eat a lot of them fresh, since with sugary taste they are also nutritious. It is not difficult to calculate the calorie content of 1 fig - it will be from 10 to 15 kcal.

Even while on a diet fresh fruits fig trees can and should be eaten, with a low calorie content they contain many vitamins and nutrients. Moreover, many nutritionists recommend eating fresh fruits for weight loss, for example, replacing dinner with figs twice a week.

  • Firstly, figs contain a large amount of substances that are not absorbed by the body.
  • Secondly, it can quickly satisfy hunger. For a more active effect of fiber, it is recommended to put the fruits in the refrigerator before eating. cold water for 30 minutes. It is also recommended not to mix the figs with other products and not peel them before eating, but eat them together with the skin to achieve the full effect.

What is the calorie content of dried figs

When the fruits of the fig tree are dried, they lose moisture, due to this, all their constituent elements are concentrated. First of all, this affects the calorie content, the rate of protein, disaccharides and carbohydrates increases. As a result, dried figs, with 249 calories per 100g, are more nutritious than fresh ones.

An accurate calculation of the calorie content of dried figs per fruit cannot be made. Due to the fact that it is impossible to determine how much on average it can weigh, because it all depends on the degree of moisture loss. Yes, in general, such a calculation is not needed, since dried berries nutritionists are not recommended for use during a diet based on the fact that dried figs have a very high calorie content.

Application of fresh figs

Since ancient times fresh berries figs were not only eaten, but also used in folk and traditional medicine. It should be noted that not only the fruits of the fig tree were used, but also the leaves and roots, so the importance of eating these berries can hardly be overestimated. Thanks to their constituent components, admirers of fruits have the opportunity to significantly improve their condition, which will help to avoid many diseases. In the presence of health problems, you can get rid of exacerbations and painful relapses as quickly as possible. Given all the benefits of the fruit, the calorie content of fresh figs can be overlooked.

Properties of fresh berries

The components of the fig fruits are shown in the table above, so there is no need to repeat, but the problems that you can get rid of by eating figs deserve special attention:

  • the cardiovascular system and nervous system are strengthened;
  • beneficial effect on muscle tissue;
  • prevents the formation of blood clots;
  • the work of the digestive and intestinal tracts is normalized;
  • lowers blood cholesterol;
  • normalizes metabolic processes in the body;
  • recommended for urolithiasis;
  • helps in the treatment of bronchial diseases.

There are also contraindications to the use of figs:

  • diseases diabetes due to the high sugar content;
  • the presence of diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • obesity.

Application and properties of dried figs

Figs are useful not only fresh, but also dried, in addition, in this form, its components are concentrated, which in some cases makes the fruits more useful than fresh ones. First of all, dried figs are recommended for people after operations to speed up the recovery process. They successfully treat colds, as they have diaphoretic and antipyretic properties. Dried figs are also shown to people who have problems with the cardiovascular system. Traditional medicine uses its dried berries to fight coughs, bronchial diseases and in the treatment of vocal cords.

Calorie content of fig peaches

First of all, it should be noted that the fig peach with figs has only general form. It grows in China. The fig-peach, whose calorie content is 60 calories per unit, differs from the fig tree in that it is consumed only fresh. In addition, one fruit of such a peach contains 1 g of protein, 16 g of carbohydrates, including 12 g of sugars, and 3 g of dietary fiber. In fact, it contains 5% of sugars daily allowance, A alimentary fiber make up 12% of the daily rate. Vitamins A and C contained in it are 15% each.

Based on the composition and taking into account the calorie content of peach figs, we can safely say that they can be consumed during a diet, in addition, two such fruits can become a full-fledged replacement for one meal, for example, lunch, while the feeling of hunger will not disturb until evening.

properties of fig peaches

If we talk about the usefulness of such a peach, then it should be said that in terms of composition it is as rich as the composition of figs. It contains potassium, which strengthens the cardiovascular system, vitamin A in combination with ascorbic acid boosts immunity and helps to avoid cancer, iron - important component For correct operation organism. In addition, consumption fig peach help make nervous system stronger and avoid depression.

Figs are very tasty and useful product, it's just a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. It is good both fresh and dried, it is recommended to eat it for the prevention of many diseases, as well as during the recovery period after an illness. It has a positive effect on all processes occurring in the body, strengthens the heart, blood vessels, improves blood composition. But how safe is it to eat figs in terms of figure and diet?

How many calories are in figs

Figs cannot be named low-calorie berry However, not everything is so scary. There are 54 calories in 100 grams of fresh figs.. One fruit can weigh from 30 to 150 grams. On average, one piece of fig berry weighs 40 grams, which equals 21.6 kcal. If you follow the measure, then a dessert consisting of 200-250 grams of figs will not affect your figure in any way and will only bring tremendous benefits to the body.

The nutritional value 100 grams of fresh figs are as follows: proteins - 0.7 grams, fats - 0.2 grams, carbohydrates - 12 grams, water - 83 grams, dietary fiber - 2.5 grams, organic acids - 0.5 grams, saturated and unsaturated fatty acid- 0.1 grams each, mono- and disaccharides - 11.2 grams, starch - 0.8 grams, ash - 1.1 grams.

But dried figs is a completely different story. Passion for this dried fruit can cost you dearly, because its calorie content is not even approximately similar to the calorie content of fresh figs. There are 257 calories in 100 grams of dried figs., which is 4.7 times more than in fresh. In respect of diet food, based on these data, is definitely the leader fresh figs, but it is not always possible to refuse dried, especially in winter, when beriberi, weakness, colds are waiting around every corner. It is better to eat dried figs individually, during the day, then there will be no harm to the figure. And besides, dried figs are very rich and concentrated, it will not be so easy to eat one hundred grams of this product.

Nutritional value of dried figs is as follows: proteins - 3.1 grams, fats - 0.8 grams, carbohydrates - 57.9 grams, water - 16 grams, dietary fiber - 18.2 grams, organic acids - 2 grams, saturated and unsaturated fatty acids - 0 each .2 grams, mono- and disaccharides - 54.9 grams, starch - 3 grams, ash - 2 grams.

Figs harvested for the winter in a lung sugar syrup also useful - it is added to cereals, muesli, pastries, desserts, yogurt. If the syrup is really not very concentrated, then the calorie content of the figs does not increase much from this. Calorie canned figs in light sugar syrup - 69 calories.

Calorie content of figs per site.

Live in modern world replete with many factors that negatively affect. The main ones are bad environment, questionable quality food, contaminated drinking water, poor-quality medical care, as well as stressful situations and bad habits. Therefore, it is so important to pay attention to the regular improvement of the body with the help of various methods and funds. Before using the information, be sure to consult your doctor. All tips on the site are for informational purposes and do not replace examinations, diagnostics and consultations with a specialist.


Figs, of course, are not an apple, they do not grow in our latitudes, but dried figs can be bought in almost any food store.

If you have ever tried this berry, the first thing you might notice is that it is very sweet. And where there is sugar, there are calories. Therefore, the question of what calorie content of figs is of concern to many, especially women who follow their figure.

Of course, these are not chips, but there are calories in it, although not in such a large amount to refuse it. Moreover, there are many benefits from this fruit, and the calorie content of fresh figs is not so great.

Figs are one of the most ancient fruit plants introduced by man into culture. Along with date palm, grapes and olive figs were the most important culture ancient civilizations of the eastern Mediterranean. Fig-fig tree - the first fruit tree which is mentioned in the Bible.

Figs for ripening require a lot of sun and heat, so it is most common in the Mediterranean countries, in Georgia, in the mountains of Armenia, on the Absheron Peninsula, in the central regions of Azerbaijan, in the eastern Black Sea coast. Fig, or as it is also called, fig tree, can be found in the Crimea. And at the end of summer you can enjoy fresh fruits. And only at the place of growth, since it is practically impossible to store and transport fresh figs over long distances. This fruit is very capricious. As soon as it was plucked from the tree, tender and sweet pulp figs start to ferment and sweet fruit turns into a wine berry. Therefore, figs are dried, and in this form it can be stored for a very long time, by the way, without losing its useful properties, although fresh figs calories and dried differs significantly. The main source of this berry in our stores is, of course, countries with a hot climate, in particular Turkey and Greece. And the most useful are the fruits of light yellow color.

What are the beneficial substances contained in figs? It goes without saying that this berry is rich in sugars and carbohydrates. That's why it's sweet. Fig fruits and vitamins are not offended. In particular, B vitamins, such as B1, B3, B6. It also contains vitamins PP and beta carotene. Of the sugars, most of all are glucose and fructose, and fresh fruits contain sugars somewhere around 23-24 percent, while dried fruits contain 50-78 percent. Which, of course, should not be forgotten. Although an almost perfect ratio useful substances in this berry allows them to be very well absorbed by the human body.

This berry is rich and minerals. Magnesium, sodium, iron, calcium and others. But most of all in figs potassium. In terms of the amount of potassium, only nuts can compete with figs. Potassium is essential for normal functioning of cardio-vascular system, muscular system, and also prevents the accumulation of excess fluid in the human body. Eat figs regularly and you will support your heart.

By the way, there is more iron in this berry than in apples, so it is very useful for anemia. Well, the most interesting thing is that it is the only plant that has in its composition the so-called fatty acids, such as Omega-3 and Omega-6. Although, of course, not in the same quantities as in fish. Without these acids, the normal functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems of the human body is impossible.

How many calories are in figs?

Due to the low calorie content and the small amount of fat in its composition, these fruits are considered important product for everyone who wants to lose weight safely for health.

Well, what kind of fig has nutritional value? But this one:

The calorie content of fresh figs is:

49 kcal per 100 grams of product

Proteins, fats and carbohydrates (BJU) of fresh figs in gr. per 100 grams:

Proteins - 0.7

Fats - 0.2

carbohydrates - 13.7

Which, you see, is not much at all.

And the calorie content of dried figs is:

257 kcal per 100 grams of product

Proteins, fats and carbohydrates (BJU) of dried figs in gr. per 100 grams:

Proteins - 3.1

Fats - 0.8

carbohydrates - 57.9

Which is already impressive. Although you are unlikely to be able to eat a lot of dried figs. It very quickly causes a feeling of fullness.

Recipe? Recipe!

Is it possible to cook any dish with this berry? Of course you can! Here's a salad recipe that won't ruin your figure for sure:


  • figs -300 grams
  • prunes -150 grams
  • almonds - about 2 - 2.5 tablespoons
  • acidophilus - one glass,
  • orange peel, to taste

How to cook:

Soak prunes until softened. By the way, you can also soak figs. We wash both products and cut them thinly. almond nuts scald with boiling water in order to remove the skin, which is what we do. After we grind. We mix all the components of the salad, sprinkle with orange zest and pour acidophilus. Ready! Eat for health, because the calorie content of figs, even the rather rather large calorie content of dried figs, in such a salad, extra pounds It won't add to you.

What are the benefits of figs for weight loss?

Figs have one very important property- it contains ballast substances that reduce the feeling of hunger, and grains have the same effect on the body as fiber - they improve digestion and help get rid of constipation. Dried figs for weight loss are a great help in the fight against excess weight.

In order to lose weight, it is necessary at least two or three times a week to replace an afternoon snack or dinner with two or three figs. And we are talking about the use of this product in pure form, it must not be mixed with other products.

WITH extra pounds helps fight both dried and fresh figs. When buying, try to give preference to fresh figs, which are sold with intact stems. In the fruits of figs, which are already ripe and have a sweet tart taste, in the lower part sticky and clear syrup. To extend the shelf life, it is best to store fresh figs in the refrigerator. Rinse with water before use.

As for dried figs, they can be stored in a cupboard in an airtight plastic container. To make the fruits plump and juicy, simmer them for a few minutes over low heat (in water or fruit juice) before eating.

In order to lose weight, eat figs instead of your usual snacks (between breakfast, lunch and dinner during the day), which will allow you to save up to 500 calories per day or burn more than 2 kg of fat reserves every month. Having adapted to this diet, you can then smoothly move on to a Mediterranean-style diet, which involves eating fresh fruit, healthy fats, vegetables, fish and olive oil.

You can also pair fresh figs with your favorite cheeses, add them to salads, oatmeal, yogurt along with roasted almonds, and walnuts or serve with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.

Fig or fig tree. Once for many people he was exotic fruit Now you can buy it in almost any grocery store. Use it in cooking various dishes, fresh or dry, but few people know how useful figs are.

This fruit is an excellent source of fast carbohydrates, as it contains a lot of glucose. In addition, it has anti-inflammatory properties and is used as excellent remedy From cough. It is important to know for which diseases the diet should be supplemented with figs.

People who monitor their weight and health, first of all, are shown figs. Its calorie content is quite high. So, for 100 g of the product there are approximately 50 kcal. But the fig contains a large amount of useful substances. When fresh, this fruit is rich in protein, pectin substances, fiber, organic acids, vitamins PP, C, A, B1 and B3. There are phosphorus, iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium in figs. This fruit contains glucose, sucrose and fructose.

Taste qualities dried and fresh figs are different. While it is not yet dried, it has a lot of water, and the taste is slightly sweet. The drier the fig becomes, the more cloying the taste. This dried fruit perfectly satisfies the feeling of hunger. They can replace sweets, such as cookies or sweets. But due to the high concentration of sucrose and fructose, figs are not recommended for losing weight in large quantities. can greatly interfere with the diet. Fresh fruits are less high in calories, but they should also not be abused. It is enough to eat 2-3 figs per day to provide your body enough trace elements.

Figs are invaluable in the treatment of many diseases. For example, this fruit has antipyretic properties. One of the recipes for colds is milk with the addition of figs. This mixture also helps with inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. With angina, gargle with milk and figs. From cough this fruit is shown even to small children. To prepare the medicine, take a glass of hot milk and 5 fresh fruit figs. Pour the liquid over the fruit and leave to soak for a while. Then rub the fruit directly into the milk. Take this mixture warm 3 times a day.

To restore work gastrointestinal tract also need to eat figs. Its fresh calorie content is low, so it can be recommended even to overweight people. This fruit will also help with constipation, as it has a laxative effect. Figs are rich in potassium, which makes them useful for cardiovascular diseases. The ficin contained in it lowers blood clotting, which helps venous blood clots resolve.

During pregnancy, it is recommended to eat this fruit. The calorie content of figs does not contribute to the set excess weight. The fruits are rich in calcium, potassium, and iron, which help maintain the health of both mother and fetus. Especially figs are useful for women who gain weight very much during pregnancy. With it, they can easily adjust their diet and not harm the baby.

Fig leaves are also used in the treatment of certain diseases. An infusion of them helps to fight such an unpleasant disease as vitiligo. This medicine also helps with alopecia areata.

Take into account that figs also have some contraindications. It should be used with caution by diabetics. These people shouldn't eat dried figs at all. The concentration of glucose and fructose is too high in this case (40%). Therefore, patients with diabetes should consume only fresh figs. From the diet, this fruit must be removed for people with gout, a violation salt metabolism, with diseases digestive system and a tendency to stone formation. fat people Dried figs should be carefully included in the diet. Its calorie content is quite high.

Figs are an ancient fruit of a subtropical tree of the Mulberry family, which has several other names: fig tree, fig tree, fig, ficus, etc. Its fruits are yellow, purple or black-blue in color, depending on its varietal features, with crispy seed inside. The tree on which the fig grows is quite tall and reaches 10-12 meters; the crop yields twice a year, its leaves are wide, large and rough, vaguely resembling walnut leaves.

This fruit is consumed fresh, dried or canned. Obtained from figs great jam, as well as marmalade, jam, jelly and even wine. Fig is tasty ingredient for making pies, cakes and other pastries, it is added to meat dishes and salads.

Depending on the method of consumption of figs, its calorie content changes. So in a fresh berry contains only 49 kcal per 100 grams of weight. The calorie content of dried figs is about 257 kcal per 100 grams of fruit, but in 1 pc. dried figs contain 87-96 kcal.

Useful properties of figs and its contraindications

The beneficial properties of figs are due, first of all, to its rich vitamin and mineral composition. But even if we consider leaves, stems or unripe fruits figs, then they have some use. They contain "milk" or milky juice, which is widely used in pharmacology and traditional medicine. But you should be careful with this juice, because if it gets on the skin, especially on the face and lips, it can cause burns and ulcers that are difficult to heal.

Compared to other fruits and vegetables, figs are low in calories and high content fiber in 1 fig allows you to satisfy 20% of its daily allowance consumption. And this is very important for the normal development and proper functioning of the human digestive system. Therefore, to obtain valuable fiber, nutritionists recommend eating fresh figs.

Figs are very useful for the prevention of vascular and heart diseases, because thanks to Omega-3 and Omega-6 acids, it significantly lowers cholesterol levels in the body, dilates blood vessels and improves their elasticity. This fruit is an excellent prophylactic against heart attacks and strokes, normalizes blood pressure, cleanses the stomach of toxins and even fights oncological diseases. In addition, figs are the best remedy to increase blood hemoglobin.

Figs contain antioxidants that destroy harmful substances that have entered the body, and also eliminate free radicals. Dried figs contain many phenolic compounds that have excellent antiseptic properties, so it is used in medicine as an antimicrobial and disinfectant. For example, to eliminate abscesses and boils, doctors recommend making compresses from steamed figs, applying it to a sore spot.

high the nutritional value and multiple beneficial properties of figs make it truly unique product in the diet of every person. Due to the low calorie content of figs and the low amount of fat in its composition, it is considered an important product for anyone who wants to lose weight safely for health.

Figs are prescribed as a restorative agent that relieves fatigue, as well as for a speedy recovery after protracted illnesses, because it increases efficiency and mental activity. Dried and fresh fruits are recommended for asthma, colds and all types of coughs, as well as for various inflammations and blood diseases.

Figs, like some other fruits, have laxative and diuretic properties. It is useful for the liver and spleen, improves the condition of the kidneys, restores their proper functioning.
