
Peach fig description. Fig peaches: benefits and harms, how they differ from ordinary ones

A few years ago, peaches of an unusual shape appeared on Russian markets and in some supermarkets - flat, as if flattened, and immediately aroused the wary attitude of buyers. People, frightened by "Chinese hybrids", were afraid to buy an unprecedented fruit, believing that it is the result of another genetic modification - "whatever these Chinese do not come up with." In addition, the name of the fruit matches: fig peach, and this may mean that it is crossed with figs - it is better to beware and continue to buy fruits of the usual form. Is it true or not? We will tell you what kind of fruit is a fig peach, what are its benefits and properties for the body.

What is this fruit

Is the fig peach related to the fig? In fact, figs have nothing to do with it, but this type of peach is still connected with China: botanists believe that its ancestor is the wild types of peaches that still grow in this country - however, they also lead their “pedigree” and other varieties of peaches. The same botanists say that peaches can be crossed with plums and apricots, but not with figs - this is impossible.

As for the fig peach, it is not at all an exotic fruit, although for some reason little was known about it in Central Russia. It was brought to Europe by missionaries back in the 1st quarter of the 19th century, and in our country it appeared at the end of the same century - however, in the southern regions. In the USSR, the inhabitants of the republics of Central Asia already knew and grew this variety of peaches, similar to figs only in their appearance.

The fig peach has several varieties, so when buying, you should not be surprised and afraid to notice the difference in the shape and color of the fruit - you just need to ask the seller where the fruit “came” from. Varieties of fig peach ripen in different ways - some ripen longer, but the taste and aroma of all are wonderful. Gardeners consider its frost resistance to be a plus of this variety: it is more hardy than ordinary peaches and nectarines - buds and buds are not afraid of frost, but its smaller stone is also a virtue. For those who would like to grow them, it will be interesting to know that the peach tree blooms late, and the fruits ripen in mid-August.

Sellers like these peaches because, because of their shape, they are more convenient to stack and transport, although their keeping quality is rather weak. The fruit of the fig peach is not very large - from 3.5 to 7 cm in size and about 100 g in weight; its tip is flat and slightly depressed, and the seam dividing the fruit in two is deeper than that of an ordinary peach. The skin is dense and slightly pubescent, of different shades - yellow, cream, greenish, raspberry, etc., and the flesh is light and juicy, with a lot of fibers, sweet, slightly spicy and fragrant.

Rich composition of vitamins and minerals

The composition of the fig peach is rich - however, like its famous fluffy counterpart. There is little protein in it, no fat at all, a lot of healthy carbohydrates and dietary fiber. Of the vitamins, there are beta-carotene, vitamins C, E, K, H and group B (5 vitamins); macroelements - potassium (there is a lot of it), phosphorus, sodium, calcium, magnesium, sulfur and chlorine; microelements - silicon, iron, zinc (there are also a lot of them), copper, chromium, fluorine, manganese, iodine. The fruits of fig peaches are also rich in pectins, organic acids - malic, citric, etc., essential oils.

You should also pay attention to peach pits. Recently, you can often hear about their usefulness: they contain amygdalin glycoside - the so-called vitamin B17, about the "controversy" of which they talk and write a lot. It is believed to have some anti-cancer properties – it can kill cancer cells, relieve pain and improve metabolism – but it is also very toxic. So it is hardly worth actively eating peach seeds - it can be dangerous to health and life, especially for allergy sufferers.

The benefits of fig peach

Fig peaches rarely cause allergies, so they can be safely eaten by both adults and children. The use of figs and other peaches improves bowel function, relieves flatulence, strengthens the immune system, and helps maintain a healthy weight. With a tendency to depression and decadent moods, instead of sweets and cakes, it is better to eat fresh fig peaches; they relieve irritability, improve the functioning of the heart, liver, kidneys and gallbladder.

It is noteworthy that these tasty and nutritious fruits help women easily and joyfully endure pregnancy: fig peaches not only saturate the body with vitamins, but also relieve painful nausea.

Calorie content and dietary properties

The calorie content of healthy fig peaches is very low - about 36 kcal per 100 grams (that is, about one peach), so they are really great for weight loss.

There is even a peach diet: if you follow it correctly, you can successfully get rid of 6-7 kg of excess weight, as well as cleanse the body of accumulated toxins and toxins. Moreover, this diet cannot be called hungry and painful: it is allowed to eat not only other fruits and vegetables, but also chicken, and veal, and ham, fish, eggs, cheese, dairy products, legumes and even spaghetti, and still the result is excellent.

Even if you just eat fig peaches for lunch and afternoon tea, your metabolism will already improve, and excess weight will begin to go away. But after eating, as a dessert, you should not eat peaches: they are sweet and juicy, and will cause fermentation in the stomach - the food will not be digested properly, and not only the figure will suffer, but also health.

Fig peaches, like any other, are allowed to be introduced into the diet of young children - you can give them from 10 months, but the skin must be removed - it is the substances contained in it that often cause allergies. Peaches especially help excitable and hyperactive children, and they also allow parents to feel calmer.

Application in cooking

In cooking, fig peaches can be used in the same way as other varieties. They prepare not only drinks, sweet dishes and pies, but also sauces, salads, meat and fish dishes.

Of course, it is best to use these fruits fresh, but hard peaches can be used to make jams, jams and compotes.

How to Canned Fig Peaches

When preserved in fig peaches, useful substances are well preserved - in this sense, they are more “persistent” than other fruits. For example, you can cook fig peaches in syrup for the winter. Rinse the fruits, cut, pull out the seeds, put the prepared halves in clean, sterilized jars of 0.5 l, pour hot sugar syrup and put the jars in a large saucepan with hot water. After the water boils, the peaches are sterilized for 10 minutes, and then the jars are taken out, twisted with sterilized lids, turned over and wrapped.

Dried Fig Peaches

You can dry peaches - just like apricots, and cook compotes with them in winter, add them to pastries and other dishes. It is necessary to take ripe intact fig peaches, put them in a saucepan, pour boiling water for 2 minutes, pull out and dry, cut and remove the seeds. Then the peaches are placed on a baking sheet and dried in a low-heated oven at 60°C. The resulting dried fruits are stored in soft linen bags in a dark, cool place.

There are contraindications

There are very few contraindications to the use of fig peaches: diabetes mellitus, allergic reactions and individual intolerance.

Fig peach is highly valued for a large number of useful properties that have a beneficial effect on the human body, as well as the delicate taste of the fruit. From our article you will learn how to plant and grow this fruit crop.

According to the history of origin, the birthplace of the fig peach is China, for this reason it is often called the Chinese turnip. The first mention of the fruits date back to 1820. Seedlings of this unique plant were brought to European countries in the 16th century. (according to other sources - in the XIX century). Today, this fruit crop is massively grown in Western China, Iran and East Asia.

Highly appreciating the benefits of peach-figs, breeders have been working for many years to develop new crossed varieties and hybrids of the crop, adapted to the climatic and weather conditions of certain regions.

No less interesting is the etymology of the name of this fruit crop. Many consumers, having heard the name fig peach, compare the fruits of this plant with figs. However, such a comparison is erroneous. The only common feature is the similar shape of the fruit in figs and peaches. There are also other names. The most common include: nectarine flat, Ferghana, saucer, flattened, flat and even flattened peach.

Depending on the variety, the height of an adult tree can reach 5 m. Often the crown is sprawling and has a cupped shape. The leaves are lanceolate in shape. The upper surface of the leaf plate is painted in a rich dark green shade, while the underside of the leaf is gray. Trees bloom in mid-April. During flowering, the crown is densely strewn with pale pink inflorescences, which bear some resemblance to wild rose flowers.

The flat fig peach is so called due to the flattened shape of the fruit, which is distinguished by a slightly depressed top. The average diameter of a peach ranges from 4 to 7 cm. The mass of the fetus can reach 120-170 g.

The skin is thick, there is a slight pubescence. Depending on the characteristics of the flat peach variety, the color of the peel varies from pale yellow to rich red. Creamy or yellowish flesh has an amazing taste, very sweet and juicy.

The best varieties

Among the many varieties and hybrids of fig peach, the following fruit crops are very popular among gardeners:

Nikitsky flat

This variety is a low-growing tree with a wide spreading crown. It is highly valued for its good winter hardiness and interesting fruit flavors. The average weight of a ripe fruit is 110-120 g. The pulp is juicy and high in sugar, has a pleasant aroma. You can harvest in mid-August.


The main advantages of the Vladimir variety include: a high yield, excellent frost resistance and good resistance to diseases characteristic of this type of fruit crops. During the harvest period, the skin on the fruits is faded, a light red blush may form on the sides.

The flattened Vladimir peach tastes juicy and very sweet.

Sweet Cap

According to the variety description, Sweet Cap peach belongs to low-growing fruit varieties. It is characterized by precocity and one-time return of the crop. The weight of a ripe fruit reaches 140-150 g.

As for how the peaches will look at the time of harvest, when the ripeness comes, the peel of the fruit is colored in a burgundy hue, while the flesh of the fruit is white.


Why is it important to carefully approach the issue of choosing a seedling? To achieve high yields of nectarine or flat peach, you should choose varieties that correspond to certain growing regions. Otherwise, the tree may not take root.

So, answering the question where the seedling of this fruit crop will grow best, we recommend that you take a closer look at the areas of the garden protected from wind and drafts. At the same time, the area should be well warmed up by the sun's rays and not be darkened by other plants. For planting a fig peach seedling, avoid areas with a high level of groundwater.


Properly organized tree care is the key to a bountiful harvest of tasty and healthy peaches.

The plant needs timely watering (at least once every two weeks), fertilizing with mineral and organic fertilizers during spring flowering and after harvesting in autumn, as well as rejuvenating crown pruning. Do not forget after each watering, as a result of which the soil may flatten, loosen and mulch the soil in the trunk circle.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of a flattened peach, as this fruit crop can be called, include:

  • due to the high content of vitamins, minerals, various micro and macro elements, the fruit brings great benefits to the human body, in particular, it improves metabolism, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart muscle and digestive system, strengthens the immune system, relieves toxicosis during pregnancy, etc .;
  • a universal fruit crop, the fruits of which can be consumed raw, as well as put into industrial production for the manufacture of desserts and drinks;
  • fig peach pits are widely used in cosmetology and modern medicine;
  • high frost resistance and excellent resistance of flower buds to late spring frosts;
  • with proper organization, it is possible to transport fruits over long distances.

However, like any other fruit crop grown by local gardeners, the flat peach has some disadvantages:

  • weak immunity to a disease such as gray rot;
  • short period of fruit storage.

Peach flat appeared in our country relatively recently. At first, our compatriots were suspicious of the new fruit. But the one who decided to try it, became a fan once and for all. Juicy, tasty and interesting fruit resembles a peach and other exotic fruits. But it also smells of the sun and summer, so it gives a vivid sensation.

What it is?

A flat or fig peach is a very tasty treat. However, not many people know what it is. There are people who consider it a hybrid, based on the name. However, it is not. The reason for this name was only the similarity of the form of these two gifts of nature and nothing more. Therefore, you can safely accuse someone who claims that flat peaches are a hybrid of lies or ignorance.

The tree on which these wonderful fruits grow belongs to the rose family and the almond subgenus. So, a flat peach is much closer to your favorite fragrant nuts than to a fig. But it's hard to guess!

The fig is a cultivating species, as you will not find it in the wild. A sweet delicacy comes from the Celestial Empire: only there you can find wild plants from which this variety and ordinary peach trees were bred.

Variety features

Peach flat, as the name implies, has a slightly flattened fruit. But these are not all the differences between the usual fruit and the Chinese exotic. It has a very small bone, and the fluff on the skin is much shorter and smaller. Judging by the aroma and taste, the fig fruit is in no way inferior to it. On the contrary, it is a little sweeter, and its color is more pale. Its rich taste remains equally good for all parts of the peach, which cannot be said about its ordinary counterparts. After all, a large and round fruit, which we know from childhood, becomes tasteless closer to the bone.

Name of exotic

Many people love the flat peach (the reader already knows what it is called). However, this variety has other names: in Europe it is known as peach-Saturn or peach-donut. The name is connected with the fact that the fruit bone is very easily removed, and the most natural donut with a hole lies in front of the eater.

But there are several varieties of the variety that interests us. These are fig white, fig new and peach Vladimir. It is noteworthy that exporting them is much more profitable (they cost more), and more convenient (due to the shape). And the tree is also able to withstand frosts, which have a detrimental effect on familiar plants.

Benefit and harm

Those people who have joined the ranks of fans of juicy treats are interested in the benefits of flat peaches. Like other fruits of this type, they contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals. With all this, they are nutritious, but not high in calories, perfectly retain their useful components during heat treatment.

The chemical composition of the peach donut is very good. It contains:

  • organic acids - malic, tartaric, citric;
  • trace elements - phosphorus, manganese, selenium, magnesium, zinc, potassium, iron;
  • vitamins - C, E, K, B17 (has an anti-cancer effect);
  • other useful substances - sucrose, carotene, pectin;
  • seeds are rich in oils - fatty, essential, almond.

But there is no harm from it, one benefit!

Who can and should use them

The benefits of flat peaches are obvious, but there are categories of people to whom they are especially shown. These are children who must be given ripe hypoallergenic fruits that can normalize the digestive system and activate the body's defenses. They are needed by people who often suffer from constipation, flatulence or any other bowel problems.

Fig peach is very useful for:

  • violations of the metabolic processes of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diseases of the biliary tract;
  • ailments of the liver and kidneys;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system.

This fruit is recommended for pregnant women in any trimester, but they especially help during toxicosis. After eating a juicy fruit, a person will feel a surge of strength, the mood immediately rises and nausea disappears. In addition, vitamins will be useful for both the expectant mother and her child.

Doctors also consider the fig peach to be a wonderful alternative to chocolate, flour products and sweets, as it is an effective antidepressant. It relieves irritability, nervousness, eliminates the effects of stress.

Like any other peach, this variety is suitable for use in cosmetology and traditional medicine. And also in cooking, since various desserts can be prepared from it: fruit salads, cakes, pies, mousses. Canned fruit can be a great addition to not only sweet, but also savory dishes.

It is worth refusing to use this fruit for people who have an individual sensitivity to it or other varieties of peach, allergies, as well as patients with diabetes.

Attention, only TODAY!


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The delicate taste of fig peach and its beneficial qualities have attracted the interest of many gardeners. To succeed in growing this crop, you need to choose the right variety and take into account a number of rules. Let's learn how to plant and grow a fig peach.

After learning what flat peaches are called, many come to the conclusion that peaches and figs are crossed to obtain these fruits. But this is a mistake: despite this name, the fig peach is one of the varieties of the peach itself, and not a hybrid of two plants.

The most common version of the origin of this variety says that the "peach-fig" was bred on the basis of a wild culture that grew in Asia. The first mention of these fruits are found in China, which is why they are also called "Chinese peaches".

A tree with a spreading crown often reaches a height of 5 m. There are standard forms. The flowers are light pink, similar to wild roses. Fig peach is more frost-resistant than nectarine or ordinary peach, including in relation to return spring frosts.

Such a fruit looks like a peach, only flattened. It is because of the disc-shaped shape that it is called fig. The taste of the fruit is fully consistent with the peach, but more intense and uniform. The skin is less hairy than other varieties. The bone is small.

The best varieties

Now let's get acquainted with the description of the best varieties of fruit.

Nikitsky flat

The Nikitsky flat peach is considered the most suitable for growing in temperate climates. This is a relatively low tree with a spreading crown. The fruits are sweet, slightly spicy, juicy, high in sugar (about 12.63%), almost without acid. The pulp is light cream, fibrous. Weight - from 94 g to 120 g. The aroma is weak, pleasant. Harvest ripens in mid-August.

This fig peach appeared when Rogani gou and Chinese turnip varieties were crossed.


The variety is characterized by high resistance to a number of physiological and infectious diseases. Frost resistance is average. The fruits are large (up to 180 g). The pulp is juicy and sweet, without sourness, cream color, fibrous. The skin is dense. The bone separates easily. Harvest ripens in early August. The tree is medium-sized, with a compact crown. The yield is high.

Sweet Cap

The tree is medium. The fruiting period begins at 3-4 years. An important characteristic of the variety is the almost simultaneous ripening of all fruits (approximately in mid-August). The yield is good. Fruits with burgundy skin and white pulp, weight - about 140-150 g. Sweet and sour, pleasant in taste.

Growing features

Let's look at how to properly grow a fig peach.


This tree develops well and bears fruit in a sunny area, in the shade the crop may not ripen. The optimal landing site is the south side of the garden, protected from the wind. Observations have shown that fig peach grows well in the same areas as grapes. It does not tolerate damp and wetlands, including due to poor resistance to gray rot. Groundwater should be no closer than 3 m to the soil level.

To begin with, you should choose a flat peach variety zoned for your area. Annual seedlings take root best of all.

Keep in mind that flowering in this variety begins relatively late - in mid-April. The crop ripens in August, so flat peaches can only be grown in regions with long summers.

Planting is recommended in autumn (end of September - beginning of October), but it is also allowed in spring (in March). The depth and diameter of the planting hole should be approximately 60 cm. Before planting, garden soil is mixed with fertilizers. It is enough to add 800 g of wood ash and mineral supplements to the black soil (100 g of potassium and 200 g of superphosphate). Poor soil must also be enriched with humus, compost or manure (2 buckets).

The root neck of the seedling should be above ground level.

After planting the seedling, the ground must be compacted, watered abundantly (2 or 3 buckets) and mulched with a layer of up to 10 cm.

By the way, you can grow a flattened peach from the stone. To do this, you need to keep it in water for a week, then make an incision (without damaging the core) and plant it in a planting pot. In the spring, before flowering, the seedling is transplanted into open ground.


To grow a good harvest, you need to provide the tree with regular watering: once every two weeks, 20-25 liters per peach.

Proper cultivation of fruits also involves regular fertilizing. In the spring, nitrogen fertilizers, such as urea, are recommended. This will make the growing shoots stronger, help them develop faster. In autumn they are fed with phosphorus and potassium. Organics (manure, compost or humus) are applied every 2-3 years.

If too many ovaries form on the tree, some are removed to form a larger crop.

Autumn and spring pruning is required. Cut off diseased, drying or frozen branches after winter. Remove shoots growing vertically upwards (tops) and inside the crown. During formative pruning, all branches are shortened to a length of 50 cm. Cut places are treated with garden pitch to prevent infection.

Peach tree care includes preventive treatments against pests and diseases. For these plants, leaf curl and fungal infections, in particular gray mold and powdery mildew, are especially dangerous. Spring spraying with copper sulphate (1%), as well as systemic and contact fungicides, will help prevent their appearance.

For the winter, the trunk is recommended to be insulated. This can be done with burlap or film. You can also cut a cardboard box without a bottom on one side and place it around the tree. The distance from the trunk to the walls should be about 60 cm. As the temperature drops to -5 ° C, the box is filled with straw.

Advantages and disadvantages

Why do many gardeners prefer to grow fig peaches?

Important advantages include the frost resistance of trees and the greater resistance of flower buds to spring frosts compared to other peach varieties. Many prefer this variety due to the rich taste of the fruit: unlike ordinary peaches, the flesh does not become watery closer to the stone. Since the fruits are flattened, they are much more convenient to transport.

The disadvantages include low resistance to gray rot.

Video "Growing fig peach Saturn"

From this video you will learn about the Saturn fig peach variety and how to grow it.

Place of growth: Central Asia.

Botanical description

A distinctive feature of the fruit is an unusual shape (flattened). In appearance, a flat peach resembles a fig, although it has nothing to do with figs. This fruit is also distinguished by the fact that its taste is more uniform than that of its counterparts. The length of the fetus is 7 cm, and its weight is approximately 120 grams.

Chemical composition and calorie content

Fig peach is very useful for its high content of vitamins, such as:

  • C (helps strengthen immunity),
  • H (plays an important role in carbohydrate metabolism),
  • K (needed for healthy liver function, strengthens capillary walls),
  • E (has an antioxidant effect, helps cells recover),
  • beta-carotene (prophylactic against lung cancer, cervical cancer),
  • B17 and other B vitamins

In addition, this fruit contains valuable substances: calcium, magnesium, iron, sodium, phosphorus.

The calorie content of a fig peach is 60 kcal, fats - 0 g, proteins - 1 g, carbohydrates - 14 g.

Varieties of fig peach

The following varieties of fig peach are very popular with gardeners:


Peach "Saturn" - this variety was created by American breeders. Mid-August is fruit ripening time. They differ in excellent taste, frost resistance, in addition, the sale of this variety is very profitable. Appearance: original flat shape (flattened), red blush over the entire fruit area. Weight: about 100g. Reviews of the Saturn peach are positive. The cost of one seedling reaches 600 rubles.


Peach fig "Vladimir". In early August, you can already collect the first fruits. These fig peaches are large, as their mass reaches 180g. Variety "Vladimir" from other peaches can be distinguished if you look closely at its appearance: white skin with a red blush, creamy flesh, and a flat, flattened shape is not easy to miss. It is called the most resistant to diseases and frost, so the range of distribution is large. Reviews about these fruits are positive. Advise to take. The cost of one seedling reaches an average of 250 rubles.

Nikitsky flat

Nikitsky flat peach. The tree has a spreading crown and bears fruit in mid-August. The mass of a peach can reach 120g! Original in appearance, like all fig varieties, there is a slight blush. But what is inside will please you very much. Tender, white-creamy flesh, juicy, sweet, tender. Under certain conditions, even an inexperienced gardener will be able to cope with the cultivation. The fee for such a seedling will be about 800 rubles.

Sweet cap

Fig peach "Sweet Cap" has a great advantage: it begins to bear fruit quickly. The yield is high, in addition, the mass of fruits is large, relative to other varieties, about 150g. Peach "Sweet Cap" will appeal to those who love fruits with sourness. But "sourness" does not spoil the taste, but rather improves. The flesh is white, soft, and the skin is burgundy. The cost of a fig peach seedling is about 700 rubles.

Useful properties and contraindications

Fig peaches are very useful, as they have a rich vitamin and mineral composition. What are the benefits of these fruits?

  • Regular consumption of fig peaches is a prevention of the occurrence, spread and development of cancer cells.
  • If you use this fruit 3 times a week, then the work of the intestines will normalize, there will be no heartburn, due to the high content of fiber inside the pulp.
  • Fig fruits will help strengthen the immune system, prevent the occurrence of colds, viral diseases.
  • With stress, fruits improve the functioning of the nervous system - good antidepressants.
  • The risk of developing a disease of the cardiovascular system can be prevented by periodically eating peaches - they contain a large amount of potassium. After all, potassium stabilizes blood pressure, preventing heart attacks and strokes.
  • This fruit is a friend of all those who want to lose weight. Its calorie content is low, but the feeling of hunger will not haunt for a long time.
  • The fruit is useful for men - it is the prevention of prostatitis, it has a beneficial effect on sexual function.
  • Use during breastfeeding or good for the baby. Since vitamins are passed along with mother's milk. But expectant mothers should not abuse fig fruits.

Despite the fact that this fruit is useful. People with diabetes should eat it in limited quantities due to the high sugar content.

Rarely, individual intolerance to these fruits can occur. Even less often, an allergy may occur, but if symptoms appear, such as:

  • Skin itching
  • Swelling of the mucous membrane of the nose or throat
  • Runny nose, sneezing
  • Cough
  • Vomiting, nausea, or upset stomach
  • Pain in the eyes, redness of the whites

You should consult a doctor and stop eating these fruits.

Planting seedlings

Planting seedlings is hard work. First of all, you need to choose a good seedling that will bring a bountiful harvest. To do this, when buying:

  1. Ask the seller if the tree is suitable for planting in a particular area.
  2. Carefully inspect the root system of the seedling, look at the color of the wood under the bark (the wood should be green).
  3. Where the seedling was cut - evenly, dryly, without any damage.
  4. It is desirable that the tree from which the seedling was cut was one-year-old.

Next, proceed to the selection of a specific piece of land for planting a seedling. The plant loves warmth, which means that it must be planted in a place where it is sunny, there is no shade and wind. Groundwater must be present at a depth of no more than 3 meters. Do not plant trees in areas where melons and strawberries grew. It is best to plant fig peaches in early spring or early fall.

Step-by-step instructions "How to plant a fig peach?":

  1. First you need to fertilize the land with organic (such as peat, manure, silt) and mineral (phosphate rock, potassium nitrate) fertilizers. Humus is suitable when trees are planted in early autumn.
  2. Plentifully water the ground with water.
  3. Then you need to dig a hole of medium size, plant a seedling, bury the roots and a small part of the trunk.
  4. Collect 2 buckets of water. Pour the soil with them, later fertilize the soil with manure.
  5. After 24 hours, the fig peach should be treated with special means to avoid pests.

Fig Peach Care

It is necessary to water the seedling 2 times a week. 2-3 buckets will be enough. With good care and watering, the tree will bear fruit abundantly. You also need to feed the plant with mineral fertilizers, sometimes spray it with mixtures against harmful insects. During the bud formation phase, it is imperative to fertilize the seedling with urea, kemira, etc. about 30-40 g. for each tree. On July 15-20, it is necessary to feed the fig peach again: 50g. phosphorus-potassium mixture, about 25g. superphosphate and potassium sulfate. When fruits appear on the tree, the number of top dressings should be increased to 3. You can fertilize with organic fertilizers several times a year - in autumn or spring.

crown formation

It is worth forming a crown one year after planting. To make the crown cup-shaped, cut it off in the first month of March. Step by step instructions on how to make this form:

  1. Cut off small side shoots. Their length should be less than 40-50 cm.
  2. Form a tree stem. Shtamb - the lower part of the trunk to the first branches.
  3. After the stem, 3-6 branches should remain. They are the basis of the future crown, they are called branches of the first order. There should not be a trunk above them.
  4. Then shoots of the second order grow from the shoots of the first order. Their length is no more than 50-60 cm. The rest of the branches are cut into a ring.
  5. Fruiting shoots (which create a crop) are formed on skeletal branches. The length is 15-20 cm, everything that is more is cut off.

In cold areas, it is best to grow fig peach in the form of a bush, as it is easier to protect the tree from frost. In order for the seedling to take the form of a bush, you need:

  1. Form an above-ground mass from 5-10 of the strongest branches.
  2. Remove other branches.
  3. New shoots - leave on the old ones, as soon they will form a crop.

Formation method "Fruit link":

  1. Tilt one of the branches to the ground and close for the winter.
  2. Plant trees at a distance of 2m between rows and 0.5m between trees in a row. 1 year do not cut branches.
  3. After 2 years (in April) it is necessary to cut all the branches at a height of 10 cm from the ground, while leaving the 2 strongest branches (one of them is a spare), located closest to the soil. Later, on these 2 branches, thin out, that is, remove excess side shoots.
  4. After leaf fall, cut off the spare branch, leaving 2 lower branches.
  5. A year later, a branch that has already borne fruit must be cut off. But the spare branch, which was cut earlier, forms a new crop. Every year one branch bears fruit, and then another comes to replace it.

Diseases and pests

Fig peaches are (most often) susceptible to the following diseases: coccomycosis, powdery mildew, perforated spotting, sometimes leaf curl.

  1. Coccomycosis. Sign of the disease: the formation of red spots on the leaves, as a result of which the leaf dies. You need to fight coccomycosis like this: spray the leaves with chemicals that destroy the plant fungus and are called fungicides. Bordeaux liquid or sulfur color is suitable for spraying.
  2. Powdery mildew. Sign: the appearance of white bloom on the leaves. This disease is dangerous because the fruits of the plant are affected, stop growing and gradually die. How to save a tree? Remove all affected leaves. Change topsoil. Pour the soil abundantly with water with certain preparations and carefully spray the fig peach. Powdery mildew fungicides are Topaz, Acrobat MC, Fundazol and Vitaros. Folk remedies for the prevention of this disease are also common. For example, mustard solution. To make it, you need 10 liters of water and 2 tbsp. mustard (dry). This mixture can be sprayed and watered the tree.
  3. Perforated spotting. Brown spots with raspberry edging form on the leaves. Then the leaves die. As with powdery mildew, remove infected leaves and branches. And then seal the cuts with a solution of lime and copper or iron sulfate. For the next spring or autumn, spray the trees with Bordeaux mixture.
  4. Leaf curl. Signs: curvature of the leaves, the formation of a white coating, a change in the color of the leaves, then they turn brown and fall off. Horus, Bayleton or Topsin M are used to prevent peach. When a tree is sick, it is sprayed with Bordeaux mixture or blue vitriol.

In addition to these diseases, there is another danger: insects. Aphids, weevils, mites, fruit moths and oriental codling moth are the most common pests. You need to deal with them quickly, in order to avoid loss of crops. Aphids do not tolerate a solution of Bordeaux liquid (1% or 2%) and dandelion infusion. Weevils do not like milk of lime for whitewashing. With this tool, you can spray the tree or whitewash the trunk. Colloidal sulfur, whitewashing the trunk, pruning trees and cleanliness on the site will help remove ticks. If you carefully spray a peach with chlorophos, then the eastern codling moth and fruit moth are unlikely to appear on it.
