
Indian sea rice: useful properties and contraindications, care. Useful properties of Indian sea rice

Indian sea rice is a natural living "laboratory" in which acetic acid bacteria synthesize sugar and unique combination organic acids, vitamins and enzymes. Useful properties of Indian sea ​​rice With regular use, they will put in order all body systems.

What is Indian Sea Rice?

The specific state in which bacteria reside in sea rice is called zooglea. In this state, the bacterial membranes become mucilaginous and form a gel-like mass that breaks down into clear granules. Thanks to the formed grains, the fungus was called rice.

This bacterial culture came to Russia from India about a hundred years ago, since then it has had two clarifications: “Indian” and “marine” in the sense of “overseas”. The crops closest to sea rice are and. highly valued healing effect Indian sea rice, the preparation of an infusion from which has long been well known. With the functioning of bacteria in the sweetened liquid, a delicious sparkling drink is obtained.

The origin of these bacteria is estimated to be much earlier than that of kefir and kombucha. It is known that the ancient Romans used it during military campaigns. Roman soldiers used the properties of this drink to quench their thirst and to prevent infectious diseases. The people holding the mushroom in the kitchen are convinced that this natural product is able to replace many drugs, which often cause serious harm to internal organs with their side effects.

Beneficial features

The enzymatic activity of bacteria in the nutrient medium is the reason for the beneficial properties of sea rice. Acids, vitamins and enzymes in the composition of the infusion are created during the processing of sugars and make this drink healing. The infusion of the fungus exhibits an immunomodulatory effect and works favorably on the entire body.

  • Regulates digestion and normalizes metabolism due to the active action of enzymes in the infusion, which regulate biochemical processes in the body.
  • Reduces sugar levels and counteracts diabetes with the help of amylase, an enzyme that breaks down starch.
  • Normalizes well-being and level vital energy due to the content, which is actively involved in the synthesis of certain amino acids.
  • Reduces blood pressure for health blood vessels and preventing the development of atherosclerosis.
  • Supports nervous system because vitamin B12 and folic acid responsible for the transmission of nerve impulses.
  • It has a diuretic effect, removes stones with the help of the alkalizing effect of citric acid.
  • Cleanses the liver and eliminates toxins thanks to glucuronic acid, which neutralizes poisonous elements.
  • Favorably works with diseases of cartilage and joints, since the infusion contains an anti-inflammatory complex.
  • It slows down the development of malignant tumors by exposing diseased cells to powerful antioxidants in the form of chlorogenic and coumaric acids.
  • Counteracts heart diseases due to the content, which actively restores heart muscle cells.

Sea rice can replace antibiotics in case of inflammation of the respiratory system, helps cleanse the skin and restore the body after a serious illness.

How to make an infusion

There are two sizes Indian mushroom: big and small. Medicinal properties both species are identical because they produce the same substances, but there are slight differences. A mushroom with large grains works more slowly, and the taste of its infusion is softer with a milky-fruity tinge. The small mushroom is more active, its infusion has a sharper taste.

Those who want to take advantage of the medicinal properties of this fungus are wondering how to grow sea rice from scratch. You need to understand that this is a living colony of beneficial bacteria that function under certain conditions. It is recommended, if possible, to know in advance not only where to buy Indian sea rice, but how to grow and store it. Find out what kind of environment marine rice lives in, how to care for it in order to get the maximum health benefits.

To make an infusion of sea rice, glass jar pour filtered warm water. For each liter of liquid, dissolve 2 tablespoons of sugar - this will provide the mushroom with a nutrient medium. Rinse 2-4 tablespoons of the fungus with cool water and place in a jar. Additionally, you can put washed dried fruits: 5 raisins, 2-3 dried apricots, prunes or apple slices per liter of liquid.

Cover the vessel with the mushroom with gauze and remove from under sunlight in a warm place at 25 degrees. The drink for ingestion will be ready in 2 days. After that, strain it into another container, put it in the refrigerator and apply it within two days. Rinse the sea rice granules and refill with sweet water for the next batch.

  • It is not recommended to mix the granules directly with sugar, this can provoke the death of bacteria and the infusion will not work.
  • Use a spoon to mix of stainless steel, other metals can chemically react with products that are released from sea rice pellets.
  • For cosmetic recipes may be required saturated solution after a week of insistence. This infusion is more acidic, it does not need to be drunk, use only for external use.
  • Do not allow the temperature of the nutrient medium of Indian rice to drop below 18 degrees, the development of bacteria stops and the fungus may die.

If you need to leave for a long time, drain all the liquid and rinse the granules. Then dry almost dry and close in a glass container with a lid. Store sea rice in the refrigerator for up to a month and rinse again before using.

How to apply

The prepared infusion can be used by adults and children. Favorably characterize Indian sea rice reviews of doctors, according to which there is no addiction to it, it is suitable for long-term use. A noticeable effect is manifested with prolonged use 2-3 times a day with a dosage of 100-150 ml for adults and 50-100 ml for children. This amount is enough to bring digestion in order and lose weight. In the presence of diseases, a course intake of infusion in a higher dosage will be required.

For the prevention and treatment of diseases

For healing stomach ulcers and duodenum use half a liter of solution 3 times a day before meals. The duration of the course depends on the degree of the disease and is up to four months.

To recover from heart disease, with hypertension and vegetovascular dystonia, an infusion is prepared with dried apples or prunes. Use 150-200 ml three times a day for 1.5 months.

For hemorrhoids, apply a daily compress for two weeks. To do this, add a tablespoon of a weekly solution to 50 ml of warm boiled water. Compresses and enemas work with the effect of anesthesia, they will stop the formation of cracks and heal the sore area.

To strengthen the immune system and antiviral prophylaxis, drink a glass of solution 2-3 times a day a quarter of an hour before meals. To maintain the nervous system, make an infusion with white raisins and dried apricots, drink a glass of solution for 1.5 months three times a day.

To relieve sciatica, mix 2 parts of the infusion with one part butter. Apply to painful areas, wrap the waist with a woolen cloth and leave overnight.

For pain in the joints, spread in the mornings and evenings on the affected areas with infusion. The pain should be gone within a week. Take a hot bath if there is no sharp pain. Regularly rub the infusion into the steamed areas of the body.

For cosmetic use

To give your hair a silky texture and shine, rinse it with water with the addition of a tablespoon of infusion. weekly cooking dissolved in a liter of water.

For elasticity and flexibility of hair, make a mask:

  • Grate a raw potato and squeeze out the liquid.
  • Add egg yolk and a spoonful of infusion.
  • Mix all ingredients and rub into wet hair.
  • Rinse your hair after half an hour.

A weekly mask for overdried hair is applied in a similar way and is prepared from the following ingredients:

  • egg yolk;
  • a tablespoon of infusion and vegetable oil;
  • half a glass warm water.

To get rid of dry skin of the hands, prepare a lotion from and strong infusion of sea rice, mixed in the same ratio. Massage the lotion into your hands and put on cloth gloves at night.

To soften the skin on the elbows, prepare a compress by mixing egg white with infusion. Apply it on rough areas. To disinfect and whiten the skin of your hands, organize a warm bath by adding an infusion to the water.

To strengthen nails, wipe them with infusion. It will clean the nails from the top layer of dirt and grease, the varnish will lie more evenly and stay on the nails longer. The infusion softens the skin around the nails, so the cuticle will be easier to remove.


Please note that the benefits and harms of sea rice are determined by its dosage, Indian rice is not a cure for all ailments. For serious health problems, consult a doctor, he can give you expert advice based on your health condition and the ingredients of the drink.

Caution is required to apply to people with diagnosed stones in genitourinary system. The infusion of the fungus exhibits a noticeable diuretic effect and can provoke the release of salt deposits. Patients with type 1 diabetes are not recommended to use the infusion, since the composition contains numerous sugars and enzymes.

It should be remembered that the infusion of Indian sea rice is a multi-component liquid that can weaken or accelerate the effect medical preparations. If you are using any medications, you should consult your doctor before using the infusion.

Another gift to humanity from Mother Nature has several names for it: sea ​​rice or rice mushroom , also called indian rice, japanese mushroom , chinese mushroom . In fact, this is not rice at all, but a type of yeast mushrooms. Consider in this article how to grow rice mushroom at home and how it can be useful. So, let's begin:
Why is the mushroom called rice? Yes, simply because outwardly it looks like boiled rice and resembles transparent ice or cereal grains, shaped like ordinary rice. Rice mushroom was first found in Tibet and used in medicinal purposes Tibetan monks. Now our time has come and we can enjoy the taste of rice mushroom with pleasure. Rice fungus surpasses kombucha in its medicinal properties and is completely unpretentious to growing conditions. Rice mushroom infusion is an excellent tonic.

Application of rice fungus
To date, more than a hundred diseases are known that are an indication for the use of rice fungus. This and cardiovascular diseases- hypertension, coronary heart disease, diabetes mellitus, arthritis and many other diseases. The constant use of this healing drink from sea rice will help stabilize and normalize metabolism, cleanse the body of toxins and salts. Infusion of rice fungus acts as a sedative, strengthens the nervous system. With inflammatory processes respiratory tract sea ​​rice can replace antibiotics and cleanse the mucous membranes. Those who keep rice mushroom at home know that as a remedy traditional medicine it can replace a bunch of unnecessary and harmful drugs, from which there is no real benefit our health. On the contrary, they inflict more harm polluting our body.

Rice mushroom for weight loss
Rice fungus infusion is rich in lipase, an enzyme found in the human body. It is this enzyme that is responsible for the breakdown of heavy fats that enter the body with food.
Lipase is an enzyme produced by the endocrine glands from the moment a person is born. The effect of adverse factors such as malnutrition, unfavorable environmental conditions, etc. changes the functioning of the glands in the body and reduces the amount of enzyme produced, as a result of which fats stop breaking down and accumulate under the skin, provoking weight gain.
Regular use of rice mushroom infusion contributes to the fact that the level of lipase in the body begins to increase rapidly, breaking down not only the fats entering it, but also those already accumulated there. The result of the work of the enzyme is the complete normalization of metabolism, which means normal weight, pressure, sleep, mood and performance. In order to lose weight, you need to drink an average of 150-200 ml of rice mushroom drink at least 2-3 times a day.

Application in cosmetology.
Therapeutic rice drink based on the fungus has found its application for cosmetic purposes.
It helps cleanse the skin of dead cells and bacteria, restores its natural acidic reaction. They can wipe the face and neck; the drink refreshes, tones, smoothes the skin, preventing wrinkles. It is good as a hair rinse, giving them a healthy shine. It can also be used as a body deodorant and mouthwash. If you add a drink to the foot bath, it will help relieve fatigue.

How to cook rice mushroom
You need to grow a mushroom in a glass container (in a jar), which is preferably placed in a dry, moderately warm place where direct Sun rays, it could be a cabinet in the kitchen. Half a liter of clean unboiled cold water take a tablespoon of the mushroom. Pour the mushroom with water, in which 2 tablespoons of sugar are thoroughly dissolved (brown cane sugar is ideal). After that, it must be fed with a handful of raisins and a few pieces of dried apricots, any other dried fruits can be used to taste. So the mushroom will be infused for two, and in the cold season - for three days. When the second (third) day comes to an end, the infusion in which the mushroom grew must be drained. This should be done very carefully, using gauze or a very fine sieve, rinse it so that grains of rice fungus do not leak out with water.
Used dried fruits should be thrown away. When all the rice remains on the gauze, it must be washed in cool water, after which, after separating a tablespoon of the mushroom, pour it again with the same amount of water, adding raisins and dried apricots. Sometimes, to give the drink a special taste and color, strongly fried (even burnt) croutons of white and black bread are added to it when insisting.
Cold is contraindicated for rice fungus, namely, temperatures below 17 ° C, it will actively grow and feel comfortable at temperatures from 23 ° C to 27 ° C, the higher the temperature, the more intense the fungus will multiply. The prepared drink is recommended to be stored in the cold, for a maximum of 4 days.

How to use rice mushroom infusion
An infusion of a mushroom cooked in 0.5 liters of water will be enough for one person for 1 day. Positive changes in the state of health begin to be noticeable after 3-4 weeks. daily intake infusion of rice mushroom. It is recommended to use it three times a day for 15-20 minutes before meals.

Contraindications to the use of rice fungus.
But, if you have high acidity and you suffer from peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum or gastritis with hyperacidity I don't recommend this drink. This will exacerbate the disease.

For a long time he studied in detail the effects of tea, milk, Indian and other similar mushrooms on the human body. Undoubtedly, they are very useful, but you can create a similar, but more universal mushroom . To do this, you should purchase dry kelp in a pharmacy ( sea ​​kale), fucus (brown seaweed), anfeltia (deep-sea red seaweed), mix them 100 g each, pour the mixture into a 10-liter bottle and pour 5 liters. ordinary raw water. After that, it is necessary to cork the container with a wine lid (do not pour water into the lid!) And put the bottle for a month and a half in a dark, warm place.

During this time, inside, a fungus of a beautiful dark red-brown color is formed. Marine fungus does not feed on sugar, such as tea or milk mushroom, but with minerals dissolved in water. Therefore, it is better to use spring water for feeding it. room temperature or mineral without gas. Top dressing itself is carried out as follows: at a time, the fungus is poured with 5-7 liters of water and should be in it for exactly three weeks. After that, the water is replaced with fresh water. A fungus is already a cross between flora and fauna. By absorbing minerals, it in return enriches the water with a huge amount of easily digestible enzymes.

They include 40 macro- and microelements, a full set of amino acids, carotene, chlorophyll and phycoerythrin, which makes it possible to quickly raise the level and quality of hemoglobin in the blood. The fungus changes the very structure of water, making it identical to human blood plasma. The fungus is used for obesity and to cleanse the body of toxins, regulates metabolism, treats cardiovascular diseases, arthritis, arthrosis, coxarthrosis and radiculitis, eliminates puffiness of renal and cardiac origin, fibroma, cysts and polyps. The use of fungal water enriches the composition of the blood, normalizing the level of hemoglobin in it, improves the functioning of the adrenal, thyroid, pancreas and prostate glands, accelerates regenerative processes, restores damaged vessels and tissues.

His friend, taking fungal water for 1.5 months, got rid of a cyst on her kidney, a 67-year-old neighbor, taking this water helped to eliminate the consequences of a stroke in 2.5 months. The use of fungal water does not require additional intake of vitamins and minerals, as it contains them in full and in the right amount. The standard course of treatment is 2 months. Drink 200 ml. daily in the morning on an empty stomach 30-40 minutes before breakfast. The author himself takes this water. Especially actively, in order to prevent vitamin deficiency, he drinks it in the spring. It usually takes two months, thereby cleansing the body. Vessels are put in order, weight is reduced by 8-9 kg thus preparing for the hot summer. To get rid of wrinkles, cellulite, age spots, psoriatic plaques and skin diseases fungal water is used in the form of compresses, lotions and rubdowns.

In case of inflammation of the appendages, prostatitis and prostate adenoma, it is recommended, in addition to ingestion, to douche with water enriched with marine fungus and do microclysters with it. Store fungal water at a low temperature in a closed vessel. You can heat it up to no more than 40 degrees. The author believes that there are no contraindications to its reception. It is compatible with various drugs, even children can take it. Sea fungus is really versatile. Get it and it will help you solve many health problems. But, nevertheless, before applying the advice of traditional medicine, be sure to consult your doctor. Heal and be healthy!

Indian sea rice, rice mushroom, sea mushroom, Indian mushroom, Chinese mushroom, Japanese mushroom, Chinese sea mushroom, Indian rice, live rice - this is an incomplete list of the names of the same microorganism, which has been actively used in folk medicine for centuries for healing many diseases. Although among the people both sea rice and its well-known relatives - Tibetan milk mushroom and kombucha - are usually referred to as mushrooms, in fact they are zoogles - special mucous formations that occur when certain types of bacteria stick together, for example, a film formed during fermenting wine, vinegar or beer. Compared to Tibetan and kombucha, Indian sea rice is considered the most ancient and most healing, for which it is called "living medicine".

Video instruction on the care of a "live" drink

In my own way appearance"flakes" of sea rice resemble boiled rice grains 2-5 mm in diameter, transparent ice or "something like frog caviar, only white in color." Apparently, the marine “mushroom” owes its name to the external resemblance to rice. True, unlike ordinary rice, sea rice is not eaten, but drunk as a drink that tastes like slightly carbonated kvass. Interestingly, depending on what the mushroom is fed with, kvass can acquire different flavors.

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Indian sea rice and its beneficial properties

Sea rice infusion with its palpable therapeutic effect owes the content of a huge amount of useful and indispensable substances for the body. As a result of fermentation, "rice" infusion acquires a complex chemical composition with a unique complex of useful compounds: glucuronic, p-coumaric and chlorogenic acids, several types of yeast-like microorganisms and fungi, vitamins C and D, tannins, enzymes accelerating and stimulating the course of biochemical reactions in the body (lipase, amylase, protease), coenzyme Q10 ( powerful antioxidant), polysaccharides, aldehydes, glucosides, alkaloids, several types of acetic acid bacteria, fat-like substances, organic acids. It is both a "live" product and a medicine, the medicinal properties of which are confirmed by numerous scientific research.

  • Indian sea rice removes poisons and toxins from the body, normalizes metabolism and restores work internal organs.
  • Regular intake of Indian rice infusion helps to remove salts and toxins from the body, as well as sand and stones from the gallbladder and kidneys.
  • Normalizes blood pressure.
  • Slows down development oncological diseases.
  • Strengthens the heart muscle.
  • Strengthens and restores the nervous system.
  • Through a comprehensive external and internal use beneficial effect on the body with arthritis, sciatica and rheumatism.
  • In inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract, it can replace antibiotics.
  • It cleanses the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract and normalizes the acidity of the stomach.
  • Relieves fatigue, improves well-being and mood, increases endurance and performance.
  • Is wonderful natural remedy for weight loss, because it contains enzymes that promote the active breakdown and removal of fats from the body.
  • Live rice not only increases the overall tone of the body, but also improves sexual function in men and women.
  • Sea rice infusion is an excellent natural remedy for skin and hair care. It perfectly tones and refreshes the skin, helps to smooth fine wrinkles, has a slight tightening effect, and at the same time has a cosmetic and therapeutic effect. Infusion of Indian rice very delicately and gently cleanses the skin, restoring its natural acid-base balance. Rinsing the hair with infusion of sea rice strengthens them and restores their natural healthy shine.

This list is far from complete. Indian rice infusion is used for the prevention and treatment of very a wide range diseases. It can be used both independently and in combination with other traditional medicine for therapeutic purposes or as a health tonic drink.

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Preparation and use of a healing drink

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How to cook "live" kvass

In glass liter jar put 4 tbsp. clean washed sea rice and 10-15 raisins. Seedless raisins can be replaced with dried apricots, apples, pears, prunes, figs and any other dried fruits. Separately, we prepare a sugar solution: 3 tbsp. sugar pour a liter of unboiled cold filtered drinking water. Sugar must be completely dissolved in water! If grains of sugar get on the "rice" grains, the fungus can get sick. Pour the sea rice placed in a jar with the finished sugar solution. From above we cover the jar with several layers of medical gauze, which will protect the drink from insects. In summer we insist for one day, in winter - for two.

For one person, the infusion received in a liter jar is just enough for two days. To prepare an infusion of sea rice for the whole family, it is better to use three-liter jar. The dosage of the ingredients in this case will be as follows:

  • 8 tablespoons of Indian rice;
  • 6 tablespoons of sugar;
  • dried fruits.

To give the drink a brown color, you can add one black and one white cracker fried until black.

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Rules for the use of a healing agent

Take a healing drink three times a day, 100-150 ml 10-20 minutes before meals (in the allotted time, it will not only be absorbed, but also significantly improve digestion), or between meals. In the first days, a strong diuretic effect of the infusion may appear, therefore it is recommended to start with small doses (50 ml), gradually increasing to 100-150 ml during the week. In some cases, in the first days of admission, symptoms of “restructuring” of the body may also appear, which you should not be afraid of, because they indicate that sea rice has begun to cleanse and restore the body. People, as a rule, notice the first positive changes in their well-being after about a month of regular intake: the headache goes away, blood pressure normalizes, radiculitis pain disappears, sand begins to leave the body, work improves gastrointestinal tract, performance increases. The minimum treatment course is three months.

Sea rice should be treated as a living organism - a healing pet. The first drink made from the brought rice will still be very weak. To get drunk healing power It will take time, your attention and care. By self-growing sea rice at home, you provide yourself and your family with affordable and cheap, but very effective tool to maintain and restore health, which, unlike synthetic drugs, is absolutely safe and harmless to humans. However, sea rice also has a number of contraindications: doctors do not recommend using the infusion for people with insulin dependence. diabetes, as well as those suffering from peptic ulcers of the duodenum and stomach.


What is Indian Sea Rice

What is Indian sea rice, useful properties, medicinal properties, how to take this healing product, all this is of great interest to those who lead healthy lifestyle life, looks after his health, and is interested in folk methods treatment. So we will try to answer these questions in the following article.

Milk fungus, or Indian sea rice, has become quite popular in the last three decades. Outwardly, it resembles rice grains, which is why it is named by analogy with this cereal. It is called Indian because it was brought to Europe from India, where it was already used for a long time. As is usually the case when it comes to something new and unknown, the fungus interested European researchers who tried to identify all its beneficial properties.

The journey of Indian sea rice around the world began in the 19th century. thanks to the Polish doctor Shtilman from the city of Gdansk, who was the first to establish the specifics of his action. Having tried the influence of the fungus on himself and significantly improved his health with it, Shtilman devoted a lot of time to determining its biological originality. He found that it was wrong to call this organism a mushroom, since it is very similar to both kombucha and Tibetan milk fungus. As a result, all researchers, following Shtilman, began to attribute Indian marine rice to the group of zoogles.

Zooglea (from the Greek gloios - sticky substance) is a mucous formation that occurs when bacteria that can secrete mucus stick together. It is characteristic only for water bacteria, which is why water is necessary for their life. Of them get nutrients required for their life, while highlighting what is in this case important for humans.

Shtilman also pointed out the difference between the Indian marine fungus and tea fungus: the former has a thin mucous membrane, while the latter has a dense one. In an Indian mushroom, it is formed if the water in the container where it is located is not changed for 3 days. However, the presence of a mucous membrane in it made it possible to say that both zoogles are connected with each other. According to Shtilman, Indian sea rice is the grains of kombucha.

They began to write about the differences between these two biological formations already in the 20th century, but they still emphasized their historical correlation. So, the French biologist naturalist Charles Llezon believed that Indian sea rice is more ancient culture than tea or Tibetan milk mushroom. According to this scientist, such a formation was known not only in ancient India, but also in the Roman Empire.

Moreover, the judgments of scientists are known that Indian sea rice did not arise as a result of human activities, but was created naturally, so to speak, exclusively by the will of nature. Interestingly, this emphasizes the special role of acetic acid bacteria that exist in the air. As proof of the veracity of the assumption, they cite the fact that the fungus dies in an airless space. The "grains" of the Indian marine fungus in the initial period of development reach a diameter of 5-6 mm, they gradually increase and can grow up to 4-5 cm before division.

But why, after all, in Russia it is called sea? There are several assumptions about this. One of them is as follows: as if once this zooglea was called “overseas”, and then the first syllable was “forgotten”. However, this etymology is hardly accurate. Most likely, the mushroom got its name because it resembles sea ​​crystals or the inhabitants of the seabed, and its habitat suggests just such an explanation. Or the name of the drink is due to the fact that it is obtained as a result of the vital activity of zooglea and has a very unusual taste, because this fungus lives in sweetened water, where dried fruits are added.

Useful properties of Indian sea rice

It contains several types of yeast-like fungi and microorganisms, as well as various types of acetic acid bacteria. Together they saturate the drink with various organic acids; in particular, pyruvic acid (a link in the conversion of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids), uronic acid, glucuronic acid (some metabolic products, such as poisonous ones) are excreted in pairs, n-coumaric (has a bactericidal effect), acetic, oxalic, citric , lactic, folic and other acids. In addition, the drink contains alcohol, caffeine, vitamins C and D; tannins; glucosides, lipase, amylase, protease and enzymes that actively break down salts of uric and other harmful acids, as well as coenzyme Q (part of the cells of the body contributes to the synthesis of ATP, which provides energy in living cells) and other elements.

Thanks to all these beneficial substances contained in abundance in a drink prepared with Indian sea rice, its use brings not only pleasure, but also benefits, and primarily due to the tonic and immune-modulating effect. However, it is necessary to understand that this is by no means a panacea for all diseases, and to take into account some rules for its use.

Contraindications of Indian sea rice

In order to get the expected effect from this drink, it must be taken regularly. In addition, like all drinks that contain polysaccharides, it should not be consumed with insulin-dependent diabetes, with a number of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, especially with high acidity. When used in cosmetic purposes it can cause allergic reactions, and therefore, with problems and diseases of this kind, you need to be extremely careful. For example, those who have dry skin or have wounds and cracks should not make lotions out of it.

With these warnings in mind, we can say that a drink made from Indian sea rice is useful in a number of diseases.

Medicinal properties of Indian sea rice

First of all, it helps to normalize weight and metabolism. Also actively removes headache and fatigue. Improves well-being, increases efficiency. Useful for insomnia and neurasthenia, as well as for reducing blood pressure. Also, drink this mushroom tea recommended for stroke and, if there are no allergic contraindications, for bronchial asthma.

The antioxidant effect of this drink is also known, due to which it is used for the prevention of cancer.

A drink made from Indian sea rice kills microbes and pathogens, therefore it serves as a rather powerful body support for influenza, colds, bronchitis, pneumonia, tonsillitis.

It alleviates the condition with rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatism, salt deposition, cleanses the body with furunculosis and atherosclerosis.

A drink made from Indian sea rice is also used for disorders and diseases of the digestive system: duodenitis, constipation, heartburn, colitis, impaired intestinal motility. In addition, it may be useful for nephritis, although this is purely individual. The same should be said about the use of this drink for kidney stones and gallbladder. It is always important to consult with a smart and knowledgeable doctor to avoid unwanted consequences.

In general, research healing properties This zooglea has been studied not so long ago and not too hard, but the information collected allows us to say that the range of its application is quite wide. A drink made from Indian sea rice has the effect of:

  • immunomodulatory;
  • hypotensive (lowering blood pressure);
  • anti-sclerotic;
  • antimicrobial;
  • metabolic (improving metabolism);
  • diuretic.

It should also be noted that the infusion obtained with the help of sea rice is a natural product. This is especially important if there are any contraindications for the use of synthetic drugs. Far from always, this drink can replace pharmacological therapy, however, as a stimulant of important life processes, it allows the body to begin to fight ailments.

No less effective is the infusion of this zooglea as a cosmetic for skin care. It is known that our outer coverings are exposed to the merciless influence of the environment. Added to this is the constant water imbalance, which primarily affects urban residents.

Sea rice infusion refreshes and tones the skin. This wonderful natural product allows you to clean it quite delicately, but at the same time it is quite noticeable. As a result, it is possible to get rid of dead skin cells and wash off harmful organisms from its surface, due to which a pronounced preventive effect is also achieved for the whole organism as a whole.

Indian Sea Rice Infusion restores the natural acidic reaction of the skin, being a natural lotion that does not contain foreign elements. On the basis of this infusion, even body deodorant, hair rinse, various face masks are now being made, and when added to water, it has an effect similar to bath salts.

As a result of clinical medical studies, it was found that the infusion of sea rice is harmless to human body(with the exception of cases of individual intolerance and those cases mentioned above).

How is Indian sea rice grown?

Growing this mushroom is not as difficult as it seems at first glance, but some skill and diligence will still be required from you.

First you need to get a dozen grains. This is enough to increase later necessary stocks. The mushroom does not grow quickly, and in order to grow it, sometimes you have to wait more than one month. Sometimes the growth rate of Indian sea rice depends on the quality of the water.

First of all, put the grains in a jar with a volume of about 200-250 ml. It can be an old mayonnaise jar that you have kept from ancient times, or something similar. It is important that the dishes are glass. Of course, the jar is thoroughly washed. However, no detergents it is impossible to use - neither dishwashing detergents that have become familiar, nor household or any other soap, nor soda. If you do not heed this advice, you will have a lot of problems with the fungus - it really does not like an alkaline environment, even minimal saturation. So, you have to wash the jar with water, and for a long time and carefully. Then rinse it with boiling water and sterilize. The method of sterilization is known - hold the jar over the steam.

In a sense, this resembles the procedure for preparing pickles and compotes. Therefore, after a water session, the container must be thoroughly dried. Try not to let anything else get into it.

Prepare a clean cotton gauze. Dry it in the sun or on the balcony so that direct rays do not fall on it. The fabric should not have foreign odors.

The next step is to pour the contents with grains into the prepared dishes and add cool water. Here, too, there are nuances. Chlorinated water is not suitable, although it is sometimes used. In the presence of chlorine in the water, the formation of useful compounds is disrupted, which is sometimes unsafe. It is best to use spring, purified drinking water or water from artesian wells. However, the last option is not always successful, because you do not know the chemical composition of such water. Also do not use carbonated and mineral water.

Be that as it may, the water should be allowed to stand for a while, so open the bottles and bottles with it in advance. In case of plain water you need to take only the upper part of the container, then boil, cool and let it settle again.

Fill the jar of mushroom almost to the top. Add five pieces of raisins or a couple of pieces of dried apricots there. Cover with gauze folded in four layers. Now the mushroom should grow.

It is necessary to store the product in a dark cabinet, where direct sunlight does not enter, so as not to cause active fermentation reactions. An ordinary kitchen cabinet is ideal for this. It is also important that the place is not damp. The fungus, oddly enough, does not like this. You can not put it near the stove or heating appliances, grills and microwaves.

Sometimes a jar of sea rice is placed in a box and placed on a windowsill. But it is better to do this in autumn or spring and in a temperate climate. In general, it is quite difficult to find an ideal place - usually it all depends on the characteristics of a particular room, its energy flows.

Keep the mushroom in a jar for two days. At the end of the second day - in the evening - carefully drain the infusion through gauze to hold the grains. Without transferring them to another dish, rinse with cool water (the rules for choosing it were mentioned above). Transfer the washed gauze seeds back to the jar, pour water again, add raisins or dried apricots. You have already increased the fungus, now you can even drink a weak infusion. True, it does not have all the required properties, but it is still quite suitable for prevention.

To achieve the primary effect, you need to get a tablespoon of Indian sea rice or two. In order to avoid interruptions in the consumption of the drink, infuse two jars at once, alternating their contents. Drinking a drink requires at least 300 ml per day.

Here are the proportions. The grains of Indian sea rice, necessary for the preparation of 1 liter of infusion, require 4 tbsp. spoons. From products, in addition to raisins or dried apricots, you can add other dried fruits or sugar. On a liter jar you need 10-15 raisins. Separately, the so-called syrup is prepared (3 tablespoons of granulated sugar per 1 liter of cool water), with which the mushroom is poured, and then the jar is covered with gauze.

When the drink is infused, strain the liquid through four layers of gauze into another jar. Rinse the mushroom again with cool clean water. Measure out 4 tbsp. spoons of grains of Indian sea rice on a new filling. Repeat procedure. The strained portion should be enough for a couple of days. extra mushroom can be stored in the refrigerator under a lid for up to 5 days.

If the concentration of the solution seems unpleasant to you and you cannot drink it, then use another - sparing - recipe. For 1 l clean water take 2 tbsp. spoons of sea rice and the same amount of granulated sugar. From the latter, a "syrup" is prepared, where 3-5 pieces of raisins or 2 dried apricots are added. In a couple of days your drink will be ready.

The infusion is drained, the mushroom is washed in gauze, as described above, again filled with new water. Neither raisins nor dried apricots should be eaten from the infusion.

A less sweet infusion is obtained if you add 1 tbsp to 1 liter of water. a spoonful of sugar (30 pieces of raisins are also added). If it is impossible to use granulated sugar, put up to 50 pieces of pitted raisins - this compensates for the amount of sucrose necessary for the growth of the fungus. Thus, you can vary the concentration of the drink. Just remember that without a "sweet" mushroom does not grow at all - it dies.

In case you want to use Indian Sea Rice mainly for preventive purposes and how delicious drink, complicate the procedure, bringing it closer to the preparation of Russian kvass. For 1 st. a spoonful of mushroom grains take 0.5 liters of cool water, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar, a small handful of raisins, a few pieces of dried apricots, 1 teaspoon kvass wort, a piece of dried black bread. Everything is placed in a glass jar, which is covered with gauze. The jar is placed in a bright place, because in the end it will turn out to be a drink rather than a healing solution. Such mushroom kvass is insisted for a couple of days. Then filter, put in the refrigerator and drink half a glass 10-15 minutes before meals.

In general, this drink is recommended to be taken exactly half a glass 20 minutes before meals 3 times a day. The general course is up to six months or even more. Sometimes up to a year. You should feel some improvement in well-being in about a month, but you don’t need to hope that a drink from Indian sea rice will become a panacea for you. Remember that it is your body, not the fungus, that fights illnesses and ailments.

You can also follow another scheme for using the infusion: drink it 3 times a day for one month, then take a break for a month, and so on for a year. If you are trying to use the solution in a complex, then during the period when you do not use it inside, use in cosmetics or for external rubbing.

So remember:

  • Water for pouring Indian sea rice should be clean, cool, settled.
  • It should be cool, but not cold, preferably at room temperature.
  • It is impossible for the mushroom to come into direct contact with sugar, so that it does not get sick and does not darken.
  • Do not put a drink near warm places.
  • For filtering use gauze; so as not to drop the grains, put cheesecloth in a colander.
  • Rice insist no more than 2 days.

Since the drink made from Indian sea rice has a pronounced diuretic effect, it must first be taken with caution and in small doses. Try drinking it in about 50 ml 2 times a day. After a week, double the amount of drink consumed. After another week, you can drink it already 150 ml 3 times a day. Gradually, your body will get used to the new infusion for it, and then the diuretic effect will not be so pronounced.

Except in certain cases, when the dose is increased, the infusion is usually taken in the following volume: for adults - 100-150 ml 2-3 times a day; for children over 3 years old - 20 100 ml 2-3 times a day. However, be careful, get the necessary advice from a good specialist before you decide to start drinking this infusion. This is especially important when it comes to children!

Remember also that it is not at all necessary to force yourself to drink an infusion of Indian sea rice in such quantities as this or that recipe prescribes. Sometimes a smaller amount is sufficient. Perhaps your body requires only a prophylactic dose, which, as a rule, is half that.

Applications of Indian Sea Rice

Now, having become familiar with common properties of this fungus, let's talk about special cases of its use.

Especially relevant for many people is the problem of reducing or normalizing weight. In such cases, a drink made from Indian sea rice will come in handy.

This property of the drink is due to the presence in its composition of lipase, an enzyme produced by zoogley. It is found in the human body and is responsible for the breakdown of incoming fats. Over the years or due to a number of diseases or individual features organism, as well as under the influence of negative factors ( poor nutrition, useless ecology, disgusting daily routine, constant stressful situations, etc.) the glands that are responsible for the production of lipase begin to “get lazy”: it is produced less. As a result, some of the fats that end up in the human body are not broken down. This is how fat deposits appear, then - layers and “layers”. These very “terrible” kilograms are gaining, which are not so easy to get rid of.

Thanks to the intake of a drink from sea rice, the processes in the body change: the level of lipase begins to increase. The enzyme contained in the drink is enough to break down both incoming and stored fats. The body begins to fight with excesses that it no longer needs. As a result, normal metabolism is restored, and then the restoration of normal weight begins. The return to normal will happen the faster, the more actively you begin to help yourself both physically and emotionally. This problem can be solved only in a complex. And the impetus on the way to the desired goal will be the consumption of a drink made from Indian sea rice!

Recall that a balanced weight implies the normalization of blood pressure, reducing the load on the heart and blood vessels, healthy sleep. As a result, you will be able to demonstrate good performance, which means you will get more money.

In order to normalize weight, you can reduce the dose of the drink taken to 100 ml 2-3 times a day, unless, of course, for some reason you are not satisfied with the total recommended dose.

For headaches, you should drink an infusion of Indian sea rice in a glass 3 times a day after meals. You can also make a lotion: moisten a towel with infusion, put it on your head. Lie down like this, after opening the window.

Fatigue helps to remove a warm bath with infusion, which in this case requires 3 liters.

In stressful situations, irritability, nervous disorders, it is recommended to drink an infusion of 150 ml 3 times a day for at least 45 days.

For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, a drink from Indian sea rice is drunk in a glass (children are given no more than 20 ml) 3 times a day an hour before meals.

For arthritis, radiculitis, use a heated infusion mixed with egg white. Such a mixture, applied to the affected areas, produces an analgesic effect. At the same time, it is very important that it does not cool down, since cooling in this case is contraindicated. After about thirty minutes, wipe the body with a damp cotton swab.

You can also lubricate the spine, lower back, pelvis along the sciatic nerve with infusion.

For insomnia, they rub their ears and neck.

For cosmetic purposes, coenzyme Q10 is primarily suitable, which is contained in the waste products of zooglea Indian sea rice. This is truly the ferment of youth. It is no coincidence that many cosmetic companies developing new creams and lotions based on it, advertising them, promise stunning results. It is this coenzyme that our skin lacks so much!

However, it is important to choose a way to use the infusion of the fungus in order to maximize the use of this particular enzyme. And here, of course, the first role is given to masks.

The recipe for a cleansing mask is simple: you should slightly heat 4 tbsp. spoons of infusion, better than three days already standing in the refrigerator. Add there 3 teaspoons of honey and the same amount of mashed wheat bran. Mix everything. Before applying the mask, thoroughly cleanse your face. Apply on face and leave for half an hour, then rinse with warm water.

If you have sensitive skin- mix a couple of teaspoons of infusion with the same amount of natural grape juice(better squeeze it yourself), a teaspoon of honey and the same amount of low-fat liquid cottage cheese. The mask is applied to the face and left for a quarter of an hour, after which it is washed off with cold water.

Sea rice infusion creates a refreshing, smoothing and toning effect. At the same time, its effect on the skin is surprisingly soft.

A drink made from Indian sea rice is also used for hair care. If you have greasy hair, wipe them every other day along the growth lines with a cotton swab dipped in a mixture of mushroom infusion 3 5 days old (take 2-3 tablespoons) with vodka (half a glass). If the hair is dry and brittle, make such a mask: egg yolk, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of infusion, the same olive oil and a glass of warm water. Masks are applied before washing your hair, but allow time for the solutions to absorb.

According to the book by Olga Vladimirovna Romanova “Medicinal mushrooms: Indian sea rice, Tibetan milk mushroom, reishi mushrooms, meitake and shiitake mushrooms, chaga”.
