
Pear fresh benefit and harm. Pear juice recipe with chokeberry

fragrant pears are good not only fresh, from them it turns out great jam and juice. However, before eating a drink made from these fruits, you should learn about the benefits and harms of pear juice. After all, the more correct the power system, the better. A balanced diet is the foundation.

What are the benefits of pear juice?

These fruits are rich in many useful substances, but the most interesting thing is that they contain a large number of pectin, which helps the human body get rid of toxins and salts of heavy metals. The benefit of pear juice is, first of all, that it helps to cleanse the intestines, and does it very gently. Establishing peristalsis, this drink quickly removes harmful substances and connections.

Also, the juice from these yellow fruits will be useful for losing weight people. A large number of different substances, from group B to zinc, eliminates beriberi, which often occurs when following a strict diet. And the establishment of the digestive process will be an additional bonus for those who observe dietary restrictions.

The benefits of freshly squeezed pear juice will certainly be higher than those of a packaged drink. store juices often have a large amount of sugar in their composition, which reduces the beneficial properties of the drink.

Restrictions and Precautions

Freshly squeezed pear juice should be carefully drunk for people with gastritis or stomach or intestinal ulcers, as well as for those who have defects in tooth enamel. In addition, it should be remembered that packaged fruit drinks should not be used by those who have the ailments mentioned above. A high content of fruit acids will lead to an exacerbation of the disease or its development. It is better for children to give freshly squeezed juices, but diluted with water.

pear juice has many beneficial properties and its use can bring great benefit the human body. Not only does it help manage high blood pressure and lower cholesterol, but it also helps maintain a healthy skeletal system, is high in potassium, and is a powerful antioxidant.

In this article, you will learn about all useful properties juice, what benefits it can bring, whether there can be harm from its use, and also how to make pear juice at home.

Pear juice is obtained from pear fruits. The pear is one of the common fruit trees with the same name fruits. Pear grows mainly in temperate climates. Most species of this tree are deciduous, but there are evergreen varieties.

The pear is a rather cold-resistant plant and can tolerate winter cold down to minus 35-45 degrees. Evergreen varieties - not lower than minus 15 degrees.

Pear blossoms with white, yellowish or pinkish flowers. Depending on the variety, the fruits may have different shape from spherical to classic pear-shaped.

Pear juice composition and beneficial properties

Pear juice is quite nutritious juices. It contains a number of nutrients that are beneficial to human health.

Pears are an excellent source of water-soluble dietary fiber. They contain vitamins A, B1, B2, C, E, folic acid and niacin. They are also rich in copper, phosphorus and potassium. In smaller quantities they contain calcium, chlorine, iron, magnesium, sodium and sulfur.

In addition, pear juice contains:

Antioxidant compounds;


Some organic acids;

Fruit sugars, including glucose and fructose;

pectin compounds;


The richest sources of vitamin C are grapefruit and orange juice. But in pear juice, albeit in smaller quantities, this vitamin is also present. Vitamin C helps to strengthen the immune system, blood vessels. One glass of juice contains 12.4 mg ascorbic acid. This value is almost twice as high as in one medium pear. Its content in juice is 14 percent for men and 17 percent for women of the recommended daily allowance.

pear juice great source copper. One glass can contain up to 4 percent of this mineral. Copper is extremely important for the human body. It is involved in the synthesis of melanin, the pigment that is responsible for the color of the skin and hair, and provides natural protection from sunlight.

Copper participates in hematopoiesis, supports the functioning of the nervous system.

Pear juice contains a large amount of potassium. Its content can be up to 5 percent of the daily intake of this mineral. Potassium has importance for the heart, regulates the content of intracellular fluid, which helps fight edema, regulate blood pressure and consequently reduce the burden on cardiovascular system and the risk of blood clots.

Together, all this has an effect on blood circulation, increasing blood flow to all parts of the body and improving their functioning, reducing the risk of atherosclerosis, strokes and heart attacks.

The presence of iron improves the production of red blood cells, reducing the risk of anemia.

Compounds with antioxidant capacity, have anti-inflammatory properties, reduce pain associated with inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, gout, osteoarthritis, and others.

The presence of minerals that are directly related to the health of the skeletal system serves to prevent bone loss, especially in women during menopause.

Pear juice is one of the lowest calorie fruit juices. On average, depending on the variety of pears, 100 grams can have about 30 calories or a little more. Given that it contains a lot of fiber, which helps suppress hunger and gives a feeling of satiety, overweight people should pay attention to this fact.

pear juice benefits

Pear juice can bring great benefits to the body. Drinking juice can:

get rid of excess weight;

Improve digestion;

Prevent constipation;

Reduce swelling;

reduce arterial pressure;

Reduce inflammation;

Improve metabolism;

Improve blood circulation;

Prevent the development of certain diseases.

Pear juice is one of the best juices that can provide significant influence to improve digestion great content dietary fiber. One glass of juice provides about 18 percent of the required dietary fiber, most of which is insoluble polysaccharides. Thanks to this, it quickly gives a feeling of fullness. Once in the intestines, they absorb harmful substances like a sponge and remove them from the body. In addition, they improve the movement of digested food in the intestines and stimulate the secretion of gastric juice.

Dietary fiber can reduce the concentration of bile acids in the intestine, which helps prevent the development of colon cancer. It contains a number of organic acids, such as ferulic, coumaric, which have anti-cancer properties. Some studies support a reduction in esophageal cancer with regular use pear juice.

What else is pear juice good for? This juice, like the pears themselves, is hypoallergenic. It can be introduced into the diet of young children without fear of allergies or indigestion.

Good for skin and hair. Due to the presence of a number of important minerals and vitamins, pear juice can reduce the signs of aging of the body and skin. Thanks to the presence of vitamin C and other antioxidants, it helps fight free radicals, protecting skin cells from damage and reducing the appearance of fine lines.

The dietary fibers of the juice slow down the release of sugar into the blood and prevent the destruction of collagen. This makes the skin smoother and younger.

It influences the state appearance hair. The juice contains vitamin A and other components such as zeaxanthin and leutin, which are powerful antioxidants. Drinking pear juice can reduce hair loss, and sorbitol nourishes the hair roots, keeping them naturally moisturized.

Pear juice harm

Of course, drinking pear juice brings many benefits. But it cannot be excluded possible harm, which he can bring to a certain category of people.

First of all, it is an allergic reaction. Despite the fact that the occurrence of an allergy to pears is considered unlikely, but the risk is there. It may appear:

Itching, including the mouth;

Painful tingling sensation;

Swelling, including the throat.

In exceptional cases, anaphylactic shock may develop.

There may be abdominal pain, which usually resolves within two hours.

Perhaps the appearance of cramps in the stomach, diarrhea.

Excessive consumption of pear juice by children may increase the risk of obesity as a consequence of impaired absorption of nutrients.

Drinking pear juice is safe during pregnancy, except in cases of individual intolerance. But during breastfeeding, especially in the first months, it can cause digestive and intestinal disorders in the baby.

How to make pear juice

Now you can buy pear juice in the store. But still it is better to drink freshly squeezed juice. The best way to make juice at home is to use a juicer. Here are the basic steps for making juice.

For juice, it is better to take more solid pears, which should not have signs of spoilage, rotting, etc. From hard pears available more juice than from soft ripe ones.

Rinse fruit well cold water. Dry and cut into pieces that will be convenient for use in a juicer.

You need to drink juice immediately after preparation, as it quickly oxidizes and loses some of its useful substances.

This juice pairs well with many other fruits and vegetables such as spinach, kiwi, celery, apples, pineapple and more.

If the juice is too thick, you can dilute it with water or juice that contains less fiber.

If a lot of juice has been prepared, the most The best way to preserve all the useful properties is to freeze it. You need to defrost such juice gradually, in the refrigerator.

When buying juice in a store, be sure to pay attention to the composition. Juice, according to the requirements of GOST, should not be anything but puree or concentrate of pears and water. When reconstituting the juice, no other ingredients should be added. Pear nectar may contain sugar, be additionally enriched with vitamins and minerals.

Pear juice is one of the most delicious fruit juices, which has many beneficial properties that can benefit the body and overall health. It must be included in your diet.

Who doesn't love to be pampered fragrant juice, and even prepared with your own hands from fruits collected in own garden? Sweet or sour, red and yellow, surprisingly tasty and juicy - a real pleasure, and not only! Let's talk today about why you should pay attention to pear-apple juice with pulp: benefits, harms, composition, preparation of this drink and the most simple recipes. If your garden also grows fruit trees, do not rush to roll up everything at once and preserve for the winter, have time to benefit from fresh fruit!

The benefits of pear-apple juice with pulp

The most useful are juices that are prepared from unpeeled fruits. However, if the fruits are still bought on the market, and not grown on their own, then it is better to remove it.
Fresh fresh juices are very beneficial for health: both in the treatment of a number of existing diseases, and in their prevention. Supporters of traditional medicine agree with doctors that drinking apple-pear juice every day for breakfast helps to activate metabolism and correct work digestive system. If you drink them at the beginning of the day, then you can normalize the process of removing excess fluid that accumulates in the tissues and internal organs because it has a diuretic effect. Performance improvement gastrointestinal tract occurs precisely due to the content of pulp in the drink, which contains a large amount of fiber.

Pear-apple juice is useful for diseases of the circulatory system, as well as for violations of the liver. It is recommended to use it as a restorative agent after physical activity. In addition, it is indispensable in the diet of people who have suffered acute viral infections and pneumonia. It is this fresh that is recommended for infants, in which the first complementary foods begin. You should start with a pear-apple composition without fear of an allergic reaction and other complications in a small child. This, by the way, is different, which can cause allergies.

This product has become very popular among people suffering from diabetes. True, they should use not quite ripe fruits in the composition of the juice, in which there is a lot of fructose and sorbitol, and insulin is not needed for their absorption. During the treatment of anemia with the help of such juice, you can.

By the way, disputes over whether weakens pear-apple juice or vice versa, strengthens, can be resolved with a simple answer: both. Depending on which fruit to use. For example, in the early varieties of pears there are practically no tannins, which lead to the fixation of the stool. In mature fruits, the level of arbutin increases, which has a similar effect.

If you constantly drink this product, you can forget about gastritis, intestinal discomfort and cholecystitis.

How rich is pear-apple juice with pulp, what is its composition?

This valuable drink includes vitamins A, E, B, P, H, C. It is valued for its high content of magnesium and potassium, iron and sodium, calcium and chlorine, copper and sulfur, boron and cobalt. There is little that can be compared with this fresh in terms of the amount contained in it. useful components. Pear and apple juice contains essential oils, fructose and glucose, pectins, antioxidants and mineral salts. All this together contributes to strengthening immune system maintaining vigor and activity, as well as Have a good mood. It also contains beta-carotene, useful for beauty and youth.

With its regular use, harmful substances, toxins and slags are removed, dangerous cholesterol is removed. Useful composition this product eliminates Negative consequences poisoning, including mushrooms. It should be included in your diet for people who know firsthand what excruciating heartburn is. Rich vitamin composition And low calorie allow you to drink a drink losing weight without compromising health and with the maximum noticeable effect.

Is pear-apple juice with pulp dangerous, who is likely to harm from it?

It is worth remembering that the maximum number the drink has useful properties only in the first ten minutes after it is received automatically or manually. Then begins natural process fermentation, bacteria appear that can have negative impact on the intestinal microflora and kill beneficial bacteria in the stomach. By the way, it is the blending of pear juice with apple juice that makes it possible to reduce the number of bacteria formed in the composition.

In general, there are practically no contraindications to the use of this fresh, which makes it safer than, for example,. And if you have an individual intolerance, you should stop using it.

How to make pear-apple juice with pulp: cooking with a juicer and a meat grinder

From 20 kilograms of juicy ripe fruits, you can get about 12 liters fresh juice with pulp. The standard proportion for a combination of apple and pear compositions is 2: 1, respectively.

If you prepare a drink by hand, you can simplify the process with a meat grinder. We pass washed and sliced ​​\u200b\u200bfruits through it, getting a fragrant juicy mass. Then we take a clean and not very dense fabric, you can use gauze, through which you need to squeeze the resulting composition. The pulp must also pass through the fibers, so more useful substances that are present both in the seeds and in the peel will be preserved. Sugar can be added to taste, but for more diet juice you can just use sweet fruits.

You can also simplify the process with a juicer. The product can be preserved immediately after it is squeezed out, be sure to sterilize the sealed container.

Useful folk recipes

If you are tormented by laryngitis, runny nose, sore throat and other inflammatory processes that lead to damage to the vocal cords, take fresh apple-pear juice, warm it slightly in a water bath, add a tablespoon of honey. Take half a glass of this remedy three times a day.

If you add lemon and a little grated ginger to such a drink, you can get a powerful tonic for the immune system.

The Chinese have always regarded pear trees as a symbol of longevity because their lifespan is much longer than that of many fruit trees.

Poets Ancient Greece devoted poems to the pear tree, and the famous Galen prescribed to his patients pear juice to relieve fever.

In our country, pears and their juice have always been considered healing. Juice was often used in traditional medicine, and it was prepared from large, juicy and ripe (not overripe!) fruits.

Composition of pear juice

Pear fruits contain many useful biologically active substances, and of course they all go to pear juice. IN pear juice contains more easily digestible sugars than other fruit juices: it contains a lot of fructose, which does not require insulin in order for the body to absorb it, and therefore it is recommended for people who have impaired thyroid function.

There are also sucrose and glucose, catechins, pectins, tannins, fiber, nitrogenous substances, vitamins,,, group B, PP,, biotin - beauty vitamin and beta-carotene. According to the content of micro and macro elements pear juice occupies one of the first places: it contains iron, zinc, copper, iodine, fluorine, manganese, molybdenum, vanadium, boron, cobalt, silicon, rubidium, nickel; magnesium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, chlorine.

Naturopaths are doctors who treat people with natural medicines, consider pear juice dietary and medical. Taste pear juice differs from apple in that it has a little more sugar, but less acid.

benefits of pear juice

Thanks to the rich composition, pear juice actively removes toxins from the body, and even heavy metals. The essential oils contained in it strengthen immune defense our body, increase its resistance to infections, reduce the risk of inflammation and prevent the development of depression.

By using pear juice, you can get rid of excess weight, as it regulates the digestion process, enhances intestinal motility and prevents the accumulation of fluid in the body.

Properties and treatment of pear juice

Antibacterial, antiseptic and painkillers properties of pear juice still allow us to recommend it as an adjunct to the treatment of cystitis and neuritis: it has an astringent, antipyretic and strengthening effect, is used as a diuretic and has a bactericidal effect on the body.

Pear juice early varieties contains a lot of manganese, and from the later ones it is rich in iron. The content of organic zinc in pear juice more than in apple, apricot, peach, plum, strawberry juice blackcurrant and many more fruits and berries.

Kidney problems and diseases of the circulatory system can be prevented if you start using it in a timely manner. pear juice as a prophylactic.

properties of pear juice have always been used in the treatment of urolithiasis. Diuretic properties of pear juice due to the significant content of potassium salts in it - it is they who remove water and excess salt from the body.

Another substance that has a diuretic, anti-inflammatory and disinfectant effect is arbutin. It is found mainly in pear varieties growing in the Urals, Siberia and Far East. The juice from such pears is highly biologically active, and is used to treat coughs, as well as an antipyretic and fixing agent.

Pectin compounds, which are also rich in pear juice, remove “bad” cholesterol from the body and help improve the functioning of the entire digestive system.

It helps to relieve fatigue, get rid of dizziness and normalize heart rhythm, gives the body strength during heavy loads, improves appetite, promotes healing of tissues - cracks, cuts, reduces the body's sensitivity to cold. This action is due high content it contains iron, and the symptoms listed above just occur with an acute shortage of this trace element in the body.

The most useful and valuable is the juice from those fruits that are strong and pleasant smell: the juice of such pears especially helps with diseases of the heart and lungs. High blood pressure pear juice can bring it back to normal.

Severe mushroom poisoning is easier to neutralize if you start as soon as possible. drink pear juice- It contains antitoxins. In the treatment of diseases of the stomach pear juice also very useful, especially that obtained from tart, sour fruits.

If with gastritis, cholecystitis, liver disease in the morning drink a glass of freshly squeezed pear juice with pulp, then during the day heartburn, stomach pain will not torment, unpleasant sensations in the intestines will disappear.

Strengthens the stomach and juice obtained from sweet and sour varieties of pears: it increases appetite, normalizes the condition of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, relieves inflammation. For the treatment and prevention of various gastrointestinal diseases juice is used fresh fruit- 1 glass 3 times a day before meals.

For those who want to lose weight pear juice is also useful, because energy value lower than many other fruit juices.

A few centuries ago, Eastern doctors and healers noticed that pear juice calms, relieves the effects of stress and improves mood, and began to prescribe it to patients as a means that gives vigor, refreshes and amuses the soul.

What pear juice to drink

What pear juice to use: only freshly squeezed, or can you drink juices from the package? Of course, freshly squeezed juice is the best option, however, the juice from the package is also quite suitable. At present, juice production technologies continue to improve: after all, manufacturers understand that the modern consumer is increasingly attracted by the quality of the product, and not its price, as it was before.

Therefore, juices, especially for children, are produced in such a way that they retain most of the useful properties. Short-term high-temperature processing is used, when the resulting juice is quickly heated and instantly cooled. Chilled juice is immediately poured into sterile packaging, in which it can be stored for a long time without being exposed to harmful effects; the fermentation process does not occur in it, but all valuable qualities are saved.

How to make pear juice

receive and prepare pear juice possible at home. If you blend it with apple juice, then the taste of the juice will improve, and the likelihood of harmful bacteria multiplying in the juice will decrease.

Usually add 2 liters apple juice per 1 liter of pear, but the amount of apple juice can be reduced. Mixed juices are lighter; pear juice, blended with mountain ash or quince, is different amazing taste and aroma. If pear juice do not mix with others, then you can add to it citric acid or lemon juice - this will improve the quality.

The washed pears are passed through a meat grinder or a stainless steel shredder, the resulting mass is immediately pressed, filtered and preserved. For filtering, you can use gauze in 3 layers, and preserve by pasteurization or hot filling. You can pass crushed pears through a juicer, then immediately strain and pour into sterilized bottles, cork with sterilized corks and pasteurize at 80 ° C for at least 15 minutes. When the bottles have cooled, the corks are filled with wax or paraffin and placed in a dark, cool place.

Another way: wash the pears, remove the core, cut into slices about 2 cm, put in a saucepan, cover with sugar and leave to stand at 20 ° C for a little more than a day. For 1 kg of pears, 300 g of sugar is used. Then the juice is drained, heated to 85°C, quickly poured into sterilized bottles or jars and closed. Such juice can be stored no longer than 2.5 months. If the juice will be stored less, then you can not heat it, but be sure to store it in the refrigerator.

About 10 liters of juice is obtained from 18-20 kg of pears. Any variety of pear is suitable for juicing, but it is better to choose fruits with a thin skin.

Even before the advent of the Roman Empire, the fruit of the pear tree attracted people with its intoxicating sweet aroma and honey-sweet taste. Pleasant taste and smell are not the only virtues of a pear. The fruit has an attractive nutritional value.

The pear is a tree of the rose family. Depending on the variety, the shape, color and taste may vary.

The largest supplier of fruit is China. It produces about 70% of the pears entering the world market. The rest is supplied by Europe, New Zealand, California, Chile and South Korea.

Pears can be eaten for dessert or a snack. Pieces of pears are added to salads and used in baking.

Due to hypoallergenicity, the fruits are used as complementary foods for infants.

Composition and calorie content of pear

Vitamins in% of the norm:

  • C - 5.6%;
  • K - 3.8%;
  • E - 2.7%;
  • B2 - 1.7%;
  • B6 - 1.5%.

Minerals in % of the norm:

Calorie pear - 58 kcal / 100 gr.

There are about 4,000 types of pears, but only 30 of them are edible. The most popular are Asian and European pears. Asian varieties have a firm texture and tough skin, while European pears are softer and juicier.

For joints and bones

Pears prevent the development of osteoporosis and rheumatism, making bones and joints strong and resilient. Eating pears keeps calcium in the body and does not wash it out of the bones.

For the heart and blood vessels

Pear reduces the risk of coronary heart disease and type 2 diabetes. One pear contains almost 25% of an adult's daily fiber requirement.

Pear reduces the level of cholesterol in the body and serves as a prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

Pear dilates blood vessels. It lowers blood pressure, reduces the workload on the heart and prevents blood clots by providing blood flow to all organs. The fruit avoids stroke, atherosclerosis and heart attacks.

For eyes

Pear affects the condition and functioning of the eyes. It reduces macular degeneration, reduces the risk of developing cataracts and deterioration of vision with age, and helps to avoid other eye diseases.

For the lungs

Pear boiled in sugar syrup, relieves sputum in diseases respiratory tract, relieves swelling from the throat, relieves inflammation and moisturizes the lungs. The remedy is effective for wet and dry coughs.

Pears improve lung function and reduce the symptoms of pulmonary disease, expressed in the form of shortness of breath and cough. This fruit reduces the likelihood of developing asthma and normalizes lung function.

For the gastrointestinal tract

The pear will help to cope with diseases of the colon, facilitate the work of the intestines, reduce pressure and inflammation in the colon.

Pears - good remedy for weight loss. They provide a long feeling of satiety.

For kidney and bladder system

Pears cleanse the body, remove fluid from it and prevent water retention, which causes swelling. Pears are used as a diuretic that normalizes the functioning of the urinary system.

For skin and hair

Vitamin C in pear ensures normal metabolism and speeds up wound healing.

For immunity

Pears are a source of antioxidants. They protect cells from damage.

Pears are good for the immune system. They will strengthen the body's resistance to viruses and bacteria, reduce flu and cold symptoms, and provide the body with energy.

benefits of pear juice

Pear juice is rich in the same vitamins and minerals as pears. The only difference between a fruit and a drink is the presence of fiber.

Freshly squeezed pear juice helps get rid of streptococcus, thanks to arginine. It protects the body from the penetration of germs, infections and viruses.

pear juice is effective tool with constipation. It is rich in pectin, which improves intestinal motility.

A good way to strengthen the immune system is to drink pear juice regularly. It reduces heat due to its cooling properties. This juice benefit is useful in hot weather. A drink prepared without added sugar prevents shortness of breath and quenches thirst well.

Useful for hangovers, not only mineral water but also pear juice. It removes toxins from the body that appear after drinking alcohol.

How to make healthy pear juice

If you do not have a juicer, then a blender will come to the rescue.


  • 3 medium pears;
  • lemon;
  • orange;
  • a pinch of sea salt.


  1. Peel all fruits.
  2. Cut the pears, lemon and orange into small pieces and place in a blender.
  3. Turn on the blender for 2-3 minutes. The liquid should become homogeneous.
  4. Strain the juice through cheesecloth or a sieve to get rid of the pulp and fibers.
  5. Use a spoon to squeeze the juice from the remaining fruit in a blender and add it to the strained drink.
  6. Refrigerate and serve a healthy drink!
