
Delicious recipes for the winter: pear juice through a juicer. Pear juice: composition, benefits, treatment and properties

Fragrant pears are good not only fresh, they make excellent jam and juice. However, before eating a drink made from these fruits, you should learn about the benefits and harms of pear juice. After all, the more correct the power system, the better. A balanced diet is the foundation.

What are the benefits of pear juice?

These fruits are rich in many useful substances, but the most interesting is that they contain a large amount of pectin, which helps the human body get rid of toxins and heavy metal salts. The benefit of pear juice is, first of all, that it helps to cleanse the intestines, and does it very gently. Establishing peristalsis, this drink quickly removes harmful substances and compounds.

Also, the juice from these yellow fruits will be useful for losing weight people. A large number of different substances, from group B to zinc, eliminates beriberi, which often occurs when following a strict diet. And the establishment of the digestive process will be an additional bonus for those who observe dietary restrictions.

The benefits of freshly squeezed pear juice will certainly be higher than those of a packaged drink. Store-bought juices often have a lot of sugar in their composition, which reduces the beneficial properties of the drink.

Restrictions and Precautions

Freshly squeezed pear juice should be carefully drunk for people with gastritis or stomach or intestinal ulcers, as well as for those who have defects in tooth enamel. In addition, it should be remembered that packaged fruit drinks should not be consumed by those who have the ailments mentioned above. A high content of fruit acids will lead to an exacerbation of the disease or its development. It is better for children to give freshly squeezed juices, but diluted with water.

In our diet, juices are an integral product, most often we buy them in the store. But few people think that packaged drinks are not exactly what you need for the health and beauty of the body. Juices should be drunk natural, made by hand. The most popular drinks, as a rule, are freshly squeezed apple and orange juice, but for some reason, many people forget about pears. Meanwhile, they contain a spectrum of vitamins, macro- and microelements. Let's learn how to make pear juice and learn more about it.

On a note! Scientists have long concluded that our body absorbs all vitamins and nutrients much better from juices.

Fruits, berries and vegetables - good or bad?

Nowadays, you can buy anything, yes, there is little use in products, despite their abundance on the shelves. Even more deplorable is the situation with fresh vegetables and fruits. On the one hand, the time of shortages has passed, and now we can eat whatever we want even in January. But, on the other hand, the products are full of chemicals that allow you to grow them in large volumes in the shortest possible time. At the same time, manufacturers do not skimp on nitrates even in the season, where it is better to use in the diet what we ourselves have grown in our country house or bought somewhere in the local market from grandmothers.

So today we are talking about pear juice - a drink that is very useful, you can make it with your own hands at least all year round, canned for the winter. The fruits in our country are traditional, all summer residents grow them, there is no difficulty in finding good quality pears. You can also plant trees on the site yourself and enjoy vitamins from year to year. Well, we will tell you now about the benefits of fruits, juice from them, and then we will share delicious recipes.

Advice! If you want to plant pear trees on your site, then choose early and late varieties at the same time. The former quickly bear fruit, give vitamins early, the latter are well stored.

Pears - fruits with unique properties

We all talk about the benefits of pears and juice from them, but what is it? It's all about the composition, which has a beneficial effect on our health. We will talk about the pros and cons of drinking juice, because even the most useful product is not suitable for everyone and not always. So, pears contain a lot of fiber or coarse fiber, vitamins - group B, A, C, K, PP, macro- and microelements - fluorine, zinc, rubidium, sodium, potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, silicon, copper, magnesium and others in smaller quantities. There are flavonoids, antioxidants, glucose, organic acids, pectins, tannins.

On a note! For those who consider BJU, it will be useful to know that pear juice contains 0.4 grams of protein, 0.3 grams of fat, and 11 grams of carbohydrates. Calorie content - 46 kcal per 100 grams.

Pears are fruits with a unique composition, products from them, when properly processed, are also useful, and juices are like a natural elixir of health and youth. It is best to make drinks with your own hands. Pear juice has a more viscous consistency due to the large amount of fiber, its structure is opaque. The drink can be drunk freshly squeezed, canned. Soon you will notice positive changes in your body. About them further.

The benefits and harms of pear juice

About the benefits of using

Let's start with the fact that pears are a source of coarse fiber, they have a lot of it. Fiber cleans our body like a sponge. All due to the fact that it is almost not digested by those microorganisms that are in our intestines. Fibers clean from toxins, excess food, toxins, normalize the digestive tract, relieve constipation, help fill the body with energy and make the skin clean and young. The same can be said about vitamins - with them we become more beautiful, and the immune system repels all attacks by diseases.

Important! If you want to start juice therapy for medicinal purposes, then first consult a doctor and undergo an examination.

Pear juice is prescribed for people to drink during the rehabilitation period after operations, protracted illnesses, during the fight against excess weight - this is a dietary product. The body heals, organ systems begin to work more productively and smoothly. Acids help to get rid of kidney stones, gallbladder. At the same time, pear juice well lowers the acidity in the stomach.

The drink has a beneficial effect on the health of people in old age, as they begin to wash out calcium, vitamins from the body, mental activity is weakened. Pear juice is the prevention of Alzheimer's disease, osteoporosis, joint diseases, stroke and heart attack. In addition, the drink does not increase blood sugar, that is, diabetics can drink it. What else can this unique juice do?

Advice! If you notice that you are getting sick, unpleasant sensations appear in your throat and nose, then drink warm pear juice along with lemon and honey.

Other useful features:

  • juice has a great effect on our skin, you can make masks with it;
  • helps to relieve inflammation in the body;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • is the prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system, nervous, digestive;
  • reduces pressure and swelling;
  • beneficial effect on blood clotting, memory, concentration;
  • helps eliminate a hangover;
  • slows down the aging process of the whole organism.

Here is such a useful pear juice, we are sure that you did not know all this about it. But before we start preparing it, we must talk about contraindications.

Advice! Suitable varieties for canning juices are "Williams Summer", "Klapp's Favorite", "BereZhiffar", "Yellow Summer", "Conferences" and "Severyanki". So that pears can be stored longer, choose autumn varieties: Noyabrsky, Michurinskaya Beauty, Larinskaya, Krasnobokaya.

negative impact

In fact, there is practically no harm from the drink, if you do not drink it in excess. Otherwise, sometimes there may be diarrhea. For pregnant and lactating women, pear juice is not a ban. You need to be careful with him for people who have hypotension, because we remember that juice can lower blood pressure. It is also worth consulting with your doctor first if you have any chronic gastrointestinal diseases in the acute stage. Pears are not an allergenic product, so they rarely cause a rash or redness on the skin.

On a note! Pears for a drink are best to choose those that have a firmer structure, they have more juice. And be sure the fruits must be fresh, it is better to cook them immediately or store them in the refrigerator.

Pear Juice Recipes

Option one

Of course, the simplest and most vitamin option is to peel the pears, seeds, and push them through a juicer. You can add honey to the drink and drink every day. If you do not have such a household item as a juicer, then a blender or a simple meat grinder will do. The fruits must be peeled, cut randomly into slices and passed through the technique. To get liquid pear juice, you can drive the mass through a sieve or squeeze through 2-3 layers of sterile gauze. Juice should be made and drunk immediately after preparation, and so that the fruits do not darken, use a lemon for sprinkling.

Option two

Each housewife makes stocks - it is convenient, useful and saves energy in winter. Is it possible to spin juice for the winter from pears? Certainly. There are a lot of recipes. For example, like this.

We will need:

  • fruits - 6 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1.5 kg.

We make juice.

Cans for drinks should be washed and sterilized. We clean the pears from the skin, seeds, cut into slices. Run through a juicer or blender, grind the mass through a sieve. We put the juice in a saucepan along with granulated sugar on a slow fire, heat it up, but do not let it boil, pour it into jars and roll it up. Such a drink will not stand for a long time, but due to gentle heat treatment, it retains a maximum of vitamins.

For information! The yield of juice from fruits is approximately 600 ml from 1 kg of pears.

Option three

The recipe can be called a classic of the culinary genre, because according to this principle, it is really possible to prepare any juice from fruits and vegetables.

We will need:

  • pears - 5 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg.

We make juice.

We act with the fruits in the same way as in the recipes above - mine, peel, cut into slices. Then we sprinkle everything with sugar and leave the basin or pan for a day so that the pears give juice. The next day, we drain it, put it on a slow fire, bring it to a boil and pour it into sterile jars. We roll up, wrap and then store in a dark and cool place. You can also add some spices, ginger to the drink.

On a note! This pear juice can also not be boiled, but in a sterile container it will stand for only a month and at the same time in the refrigerator.

Option four

We will make a drink with apples - a classic combination. But we will not just squeeze out the juice and boil it, but we will make it using a different technology.

We will need:

  • pears - 2 kg;
  • apples - 2 kg;
  • sugar - to taste or about a kilogram.

We make juice.

We clean the washed fruits from the skin, seeds, and then cut into slices. We shift all the fruits into a saucepan, pouring water so that there is half the volume of the fruits, half the water. Cook apples and pears after boiling for 15-20 minutes. Then we grind the boiled fruits through a sieve, add sugar as desired and boil the juice again for 20 minutes over low heat. Roll into sterile jars.

Option five

This recipe is a real natural health cocktail. Let's brew not just pear juice, but an elixir for the immune system.

We will need:

  • pears and chokeberry - each component 2 kg;
  • granulated sugar - at will or about a kilogram;
  • beets - 200 grams.


made by hand for a long time is considered not only tasty and healthy, but also healing! Not for nothing in China pear trees are considered a symbol of longevity. Their lifespan is much longer than that of other trees. And the Greeks even treated fever with the help of pear juice.

In our time, pear juice has not lost its reputation as a healer. Many doctors and nutritionists recommend its use to patients. This drink will be especially useful for those who have problems with the thyroid gland, since pears, and, accordingly, juices from them, contain a large amount of fructose, which is perfectly absorbed and requires almost no insulin for this.

The benefits of pear juice are undeniable and confirmed by all sorts of medical studies. So, the beneficial substances contained in it help fight toxins and support our immune system. In addition, this drink is recommended by many nutritionists, because it successfully controls the digestion process, improves metabolism and removes excess fluid from the body.

As a preventive measure, pear juice is recommended for those who wish to prevent diseases of the kidneys and circulatory system.

The best part is that pears are an affordable fruit for everyone. They can often be found in the store, many probably have dachas and gardens where you can easily grow pear trees. And if you are one of the lucky owners of such a treasure, then our recipe with step-by-step photos will help you decide and find out what kind of juice can be obtained from a certain type of pear if you make it at home.

The cold season is a period when nature does not please with a variety of fresh fruits, therefore, pampering households is mainly obtained either with imported citrus fruits, or with the usual ones, or with what happened to be prepared during the summer and autumn, that is, jams, jams, and juices. A tasty and easy-to-prepare option will be pear juice, which has a pleasant aroma and a velvety aftertaste. In addition, the delicacy is also used for medicinal purposes, because its benefits for the body are known and undeniable.

Reasons for the popularity of pear juice

In addition to the fact that the drink quenches thirst well, pears contain a whole range of vitamins and minerals. Making a drink from fruits is a great way to preserve their properties and stock up on a delicious medicine for the winter.

There are a lot of easily digestible sugars in a pear, including one that does not require the production of insulin into the blood for processing, so people with impaired thyroid function can drink juice from it. , tannins, and beta-carotene make the product a real vitamin bomb, which is especially appreciated in winter, when the body clearly lacks the resources to fight constantly attacking viruses and colds.

In terms of the variety and quantity of minerals, pear juice also occupies one of the first places among other fruit preparations: it contains a significant amount of and. The drink does not feel as acidic as, for example, in, so some recipes include the addition of or.

In 100 g of pear drink - 47 kcal, 0 g, 0 g, 47 g, so it can be used by people with overweight problems.

Medicinal properties of the product

Such a treasure trove of benefits could not go unnoticed by doctors and nutritionists - the product is often prescribed for therapeutic purposes and as the first complementary food for infants.

Pear juice has the properties of removing salts of heavy metals, toxic substances, the results of taking antibiotics, it is prescribed after X-rays to minimize the effects of radiation.

Essential oils in the composition of the drink have a beneficial effect on the immune system, increasing the body's natural function of fighting viruses and infections. Pear juice helps to suppress inflammation in the body.

Due to the fact that the product is rich in fiber, it improves intestinal motility and normalizes digestion, normalizes stool and helps to remove excess fluid from the body.

To prevent diseases of the circulatory system and kidneys, therapists recommend adding juice to your daily diet. The drink contains malic acid, which helps fight the formation of stones in the urinary system.

Regular consumption of pear juice in a low concentration can reduce pain in gastritis, cholecystitis, and remove the unpleasant sensation of heartburn. For these purposes, a freshly squeezed drink with pulp is suitable.

In case of irritation of the mucous tissues of the oral cavity, diluted juice is used for rinsing - the product relieves inflammation, itching, promotes wound healing.

Cystitis and inflammation of the peripheral nerves are indications for daily use of the product - the antibacterial and analgesic properties of pear juice make it an effective addition to the main drug therapy.

The composition of the drink contains the substance arbutin, so it is recommended as an antipyretic and expectorant.

Sorbitol is useful for those who are struggling with diabetes.

Pectins, contained in abundance in pears and pear juice, are natural blood protectors from harmful, in addition, they normalize digestion.

People prone to depression, disability, increased fatigue and dizziness will be able to appreciate the positive effect of the product on the body - it is enough to drink a glass of a healthy drink prepared at home once a day. The same portion is enough to normalize high blood pressure.

The constant use of pear drink avoids the appearance of many health problems, such as overweight, dysbacteriosis, inflammation in the stomach, dysfunction of blood vessels, lungs, heart, kidneys and gallbladder, since the juice has a strong preventive effect.

Pear juice from early varieties of pears has a slight laxative property, and a drink made from autumn-winter varieties contains a large amount of tannins and fixatives, so its use helps to cure diarrhea.

Possible harm from drinking

Despite the fact that the medicinal and tasty product is recommended even for pregnant women and children, it has a number of contraindications. For people who suffer from gastritis and gastric ulcers in a state of exacerbation, pear juice can worsen the condition. Chronic forms of constipation may be aggravated by drinking juice. In addition, there are rare cases of individual intolerance to the product. In this case, it is better to refuse the drink.

Use of the product in cooking

Pear juice is not only a healing and tasty drink. It is added to confectionery creams, cakes and biscuits are impregnated with it. For some varieties of meat, a marinade is prepared using pear juice in small quantities. The product is used as an ingredient in sauces and salad dressings. It is also popular as an ingredient for non-alcoholic and alcoholic cocktails. For example, it can be successfully combined with mint, whiskey and spicy Liquor 43 - the result is a delicate drink with a pronounced pear aroma. Another version of the cocktail involves a combination with lemon juice and a pinch - this drink has a sharp taste and strength. A non-alcoholic cocktail is made from a mixture of milk, ice cream and pear juice. Such a milk drink is a source of protein and can also be consumed by children.

From pear juice - an exotic type of fruit wine. It is prepared on the basis of a drink whose shelf life is already close to the end.

Pleasant and slightly tart pear juice has a special taste that cannot be confused with anything else. It is loved by adults and children, it is quite fragrant, and even without added sugar it has great sweetness. One glass of juice will remind you of summer, cheer you up and give you a boost of energy for the whole day. And a few jars hidden for the winter will become an effective prevention of colds and viral diseases, inflammatory processes in various organs, will also help boost immunity, cleanse the body of harmful products and toxins, improve the functioning of the intestines and the cardiovascular system. The preparation process, and, importantly, the availability of fruits make pear juice a popular way to harvest healthy fruits for the winter. Pastries, cocktails, marinades and sauces with the addition of pear juice turn out to be unusually tasty, with a pronounced pear smell.

Pear is a rather simple, but at the same time very useful fruit. It contains a lot of glucose, carotene, B vitamins, pectin, fiber, tannins, sorbitol and carotenoids. Moreover, the pulp of this wonderful fruit contains a large number of various acids: ascorbic, malic, citric and folic. Pear contains a lot of sucrose, fructose and glucose.

The fruits of the pear tree are not only rich in nutrients, but also have some beneficial properties. Firstly, they are useful for slow digestion, they speed up the metabolism, thus improving your digestion. Secondly, in the entire history of medicine, no such fact has been found that a pear could cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, with full confidence it can be added to baby food or baby cereals. Thirdly, due to the fact that this fruit is rich in various useful trace elements, it strengthens the immune system, supports the good functioning of the heart and blood vessels. Therefore, doctors recommend eating pear fruits for those who are recovering from the flu or any other viral disease, such as SARS. Pears also improve appetite, invigorate and increase efficiency.

Undoubtedly, pear juice is very tasty and healthy, but somehow well-known manufacturers do not produce it, so it is rare to find this drink in a store or on the market. Yes, if it occurs, then it is full of preservatives and dyes harmful to the body. What should lovers of a delicious, rich and naturally pear drink do? The solution is very simple - do it yourself, at home. Then you will be sure that it does not contain anything harmful.

There are only two ways to squeeze juice from pears: through a meat grinder or using a juicer. Such a pear drink contains a lot of substances that contribute to the rapid reproduction of some bacteria, therefore, in its pure form, no one rolls it into jars for the winter, but it is mixed with the nectars of other fruits or berries, which greatly increases its shelf life. It is reasonable to say how much pear is needed to make such a drink. On average, you need about 20 kilograms per 10 liters of finished juice.

There are many ways to make pear juice, but we will look at the simplest, most popular, but insanely delicious.

This method of harvesting a pear drink involves long-term storage, so it can be safely used for seaming in the winter. This will allow you to saturate you and your loved ones with vitamins in such a cold and dangerous time for the immune system.


  • pears 5 kg.
  • granulated sugar 1 kg.

Instructions for making pear juice:

  1. from the very beginning, the fruits must be washed and dried
  2. then cut them into pieces, but not very small
  3. scroll through a meat grinder into a deep bowl, preferably enameled
  4. after which you need to squeeze the juice from the resulting mass using a press and gauze
  5. it is necessary to put the mass under the press, and then strain the nectar through fine gauze
  6. the resulting juice must be heated, but not boiled. Add sugar to hot drink if desired.
  7. hot, it must be poured into sterile pasteurized jars
  8. roll up

Making pear juice in a juicer

This recipe differs from the first one in that it uses not a meat grinder, but a juicer to squeeze the juice. This preparation is also designed for long-term storage.


  • pear 6 kg.
  • granulated sugar optional 1.5 kg.

How to make pear juice in a juicer:

  1. fruits, of course, should be washed well under running water and dried on a towel or dry, clean paper handkerchiefs
  2. cut pears into four or six pieces
  3. then lower the entire number of chopped fruits into the juicer and wait until all the juice is squeezed out (before using this device, you must carefully read the instructions and all the enclosed recommendations)
  4. after that, the resulting nectar should be filtered through a fine gauze cloth and closed in bottles (you can close the juice in plastic containers, but then you need to fill all the lids with paraffin; you can also put it in glass jars, only in this case it is necessary to heat the juice again and pasteurize the jars thirty minutes)

Pear juice at home

This method of preparation involves a short storage, only about two months. Therefore, such juice cannot be closed for the winter, but for the fall, of course, it is possible, because even in the fall the human body needs vitamins and immune support.


  • pears 5 kg.
  • granulated sugar (300 grams per 1 kg of fruit)

Instructions for making pear juice at home:

  1. fruits should be thoroughly washed and dried
  2. after which you need to chop them finely and put them in an enameled pan with large edges (deep)
  3. cover all this with sugar and leave to infuse for twenty-four hours
  4. after a day, the resulting liquid must be heated and rolled into pasteurized jars
  5. you can not heat the drink, but then it will be stored for only one month
  6. It is worth noting that you need to store such a product in the refrigerator all the time

Pear juice for the winter - Vitamin recipe

This recipe is no different in its cooking technology from the previous ones. The only thing is that the juice is heated in a water bath, which helps to avoid a large loss of vitamin substances.


  • pear tree fruits 2-3 kg.
  • granulated sugar or honey to taste (about 1 kg of sugar or 300 grams of honey)

How to make pear juice for the winter:

  1. wash fruit thoroughly
  2. remove the core that contains the bones
  3. cut into small pieces
  4. we use either a meat grinder or a juicer to squeeze juice
  5. filters the resulting drink through a gauze mesh folded several times
  6. if the juice is not sweet enough, then you need to add sugar or honey to it to taste
  7. the resulting drink is poured into jars and set to warm them in a water bath for fifteen or twenty minutes
  8. after which it is necessary to close (roll up) jars
  9. store in a dry and cool place, preferably in the dark.

For our readers, we have also prepared wonderful recipes that will decorate your dining table and will appeal to all household members.

Pear-apple juice through a juicer

Pear juice can be closed for the winter, as already mentioned, not in its pure form, but with the addition of any other. So, the most popular is pear-apple juice. Therefore, you need to take into account that the juice must be squeezed not only from pears, but also from apples.


  • pears 5 kg.
  • apples 3-4 kg.
  • granulated sugar (for one kilogram of fruit you need 50 grams of sugar)

Step-by-step recipe for making pear-apple juice:

  1. both types of fruit must be washed and dried
  2. first squeeze the juice from pears, and then from apples, by any of the methods listed above
  3. pour both nectars into a large container
  4. heat and add sugar as desired and taste
  5. pasteurize jars
  6. roll up

What else can be cooked from pears?

This is a very unusual and original way. Pear drink is mixed with cucumber juice. The taste is unusual, but spicy. Moreover, this drink contains twice as many vitamins.


  • pears 1 kg.
  • chopped ginger 100 grams
  • cucumber 1 kg.
  • celery 4-5 stalks

How to make juice from pears and cucumbers:

  1. peel and wash all fruits and vegetables
  2. cut into large cubes
  3. put it all in the juicer
  4. add ginger
  5. close the resulting drink in jars

store in the refrigerator for several weeks (a month or a half)

Pear juice recipe with chokeberry

This method is very simple, it can be called "grandfather". Almost all grandmothers use this method, and their juice is the most delicious and natural. In this case, a pear is mixed with chokeberry.


  • pears 2 kg
  • chokeberry 2 kg
  • beets 200 grams
  • granulated sugar (0.5 kg, if needed)

Cooking instruction:

  1. wash and sort all berries, fruits and vegetables
  2. beets need to be cleaned
  3. then run through the juicer in turn
  4. mix
  5. add sugar if needed (you can use honey)
  6. heat up
  7. at this time, pasteurize all available jars
  8. roll up the juice

Some people ask why it takes so long to mess around and roll up the juice for the winter ourselves, if you can buy it ready-made. But, after all, not a single store juice can be compared with homemade. It is natural, tasty and always at hand. Moreover, its presence clearly saves the family budget, albeit slightly. In fact, it doesn’t take much time to prepare such juice, you just need to devote four hours to this process, depending on how much the drink needs to be closed for the winter. Moreover, it can be stored for a long time, and you don’t have to worry that the juice will deteriorate or disappear!

In winter, the immune system lacks vitamins and support, and this juice will saturate the body with useful substances all year round and help during illnesses or colds!

Pears are great for cooking and other preparations for the winter: or.
