
Boiled peas calorie content. Boiled peas recipe

Calories, kcal:

Proteins, g:

Carbohydrates, g:

Green peas are the fruits of a herbaceous annual plant of the family Legumes, peas. The peas are round in shape, rich in color green color, depending on the variety, they are smooth or slightly wrinkled. Green peas are located inside an elongated pod, flat or convex. Green peas are very juicy and have a pleasant sweetish taste and smell.

Peas are considered the first vegetable that people learned and began to grow specifically. Historians find evidence of the existence of peas long before our era. Ancient India and Ancient China used peas for food for more than 5,000 years; the vegetable appeared in Europe a little later, and in Russia it replaced.

It is a mistake to believe that ripened and dried green peas can be used as... Green peas are brain peas and sugar varieties, is not intended for cooking, it is consumed raw, frozen and canned.

Calorie content of green peas

The calorie content of green peas is 73 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Composition and beneficial properties of green peas

The main beneficial property of green peas is the presence of easily digestible vegetable protein. High Quality, in its properties close to protein meat products. The product contains several essential amino acids, minerals, vitamins, especially a lot of vitamins in peas, and those responsible for normal functioning nervous system and taking part in metabolic processes. Green peas promote the growth and strengthening of muscle tissue, increases the body's resistance various diseases, does not cause increased gas formation. Peas are good for children, pregnant women and those who want to build up their muscle mass without increasing adipose tissue.

Harm of green peas

Green peas can cause allergic reactions, like all legumes, if excessive use causes heaviness in the stomach and flatulence.

Fresh green peas - perishable product, which is only available a short time, it must be collected upon reaching “milk” ripeness so that the peas do not have time to lose their juiciness. Green peas in pods should not be wet, the pods should have a green color and fresh stalks (calorizator). If you need to purchase peeled green peas, then in this case the absence of dark spots, obvious damage, high humidity and signs of rot and mold. Slightly wrinkled peas are the sweetest and juiciest if they have a bright green color and a shiny surface, otherwise the peas are simply dry.

Keeping fresh green peas in the refrigerator beneficial features no longer than 10-12 days, if it is, then more than a year, in canned- according to the shelf life indicated on the product packaging.

Green peas in cooking

Peas are better and healthier to eat in fresh, adding to salads and cold appetizers. Green peas can be eaten with their pods, this will be an original addition for many summer dishes. In Arabic and Central Asian cuisine there are many recipes using fresh green peas, for example, a traditional dish Falafel can be made from green peas.

You can learn more about the benefits of green peas from the video clip of the TV show “Live Healthy.”

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Peas are a product whose benefits are known to almost everyone. Peas are widely used in Russian cuisine, and in the cuisines of many other countries around the world they enjoy well-deserved respect. The Mediterranean region is considered the birthplace of peas, where they grew as a wild plant. Some time later, peas began to be grown in India, Tibet and China. The locals appreciated it highly unique plant, and peas were considered, and continue to be considered to this day, a symbol of wealth and prosperity. Scientists have also found evidence that peas were grown as early as ancient Egypt.

Thus, the pea is a very ancient plant and we can trace it historical roots almost impossible. And is it worth taking this so seriously? In the end, it is not so important where peas first appeared, what is important is that today we can eat them, thereby providing our body useful microelements and vitamins. Despite how many calories there are in peas, nutritionists recommend consuming them on the grounds that they contain vitamin mineral composition This plant is unusually rich.

Composition and benefits of peas

Content of vitamins and useful substances in peas significantly exceeds many other products. Thus, peas are 2 times superior to bread from durum varieties wheat in the content of B vitamins, 5 times in the content of vitamin PP and 1.5 times in the content of vitamin B12. Peas are a source of a special substance - pyridoxine, without which normal synthesis and breakdown of essential amino acids is impossible. Those who are concerned about how many calories are in peas and therefore do not want to include them in their diet should be aware that a lack of pyridoxine can lead to cramps or symptoms of dermatitis.

Peas are considered an anti-carcinogen due to the selenium they contain. This element prevents radioactive metals from entering the body, which lead to cancer. In folk medicine, peas also occupy a worthy place among others. medicinal plants. A decoction of pea tops is recommended for use for kidney diseases, as it has a pronounced diuretic effect. Moreover, the decoction helps dissolve kidney stones. Since in in this case If it is not the peas themselves that are used, but a decoction of their tops, then the calorie content of the peas does not have any significant effect on weight.

But in general, it must be admitted that the calorie content of peas is a fairly significant indicator that makes it necessary to limit the consumption of this useful product for those who watch their figure.

How many calories are in peas

The calorie content of dry peas is 298 kcal per 100 g. It must be said that the calorie content of peas changes after it is exposed to culinary processing. The main dish that is usually prepared from peas is pea mash, or as it is also called, pea porridge. Preparing this dish is not difficult, and the calorie content of pea puree is much lower than the calorie content of dry peas.

All a cook needs to know when preparing pea puree is that you need to cook the peas until they are tender, and add salt almost at the very end, so that they boil and become soft. Although, there is one trick: before you cook the peas, you need to soak them. It is best to do this at night so that it remains in the water for 8 hours. During this time, substances that can negatively affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract will be washed out of it. And it will take much less time to cook peas.

The calorie content of pea porridge or pea puree will be only 100 kcal per 100 g. The calorie content of pea porridge will increase if you add butter to it. If you take a vegetable one, then the calorie content of pea porridge will remain low enough to include this dish in the diet menu.

It is worth saying that the calorie content of pea puree largely depends on various products, which are added to it. For example, often used as ingredients for this dish rack of pork ribs, giving it a special taste and aroma. Naturally, the calorie content of pea puree prepared in this way will be high, since pork is a high-calorie product.

Fried onions and other vegetables are often added to pea puree. This helps to significantly improve taste characteristics dishes, although peas on their own, if boiled well, turn out very tasty and often do not require any additions. Use it boiled peas you can eat it in the form of porridge or puree without fear for your figure, since the calorie content of boiled peas is significantly lower than the calorie content of dry peas. Fresh green peas have the lowest calorie content. It is equal to 75 kcal per 100 g. It is a pity that this product can be consumed fresh only during the harvest period, although replacing it canned peas, you can almost fully provide the body with those useful vitamins And minerals, which are contained in green peas.

It is worth saying that our ancestors knew about the benefits of pea porridge. They valued it not only for the calorie content of peas, which made it possible to quickly provide the body with the necessary energy. Pea porridge mentioned in Russian epics, where with its help mighty heroes regained their strength to fight their enemies. Peas were in service in many armies of the world, since one serving of pea porridge contained the necessary minimum of vitamins and nutrients so that soldiers could calmly endure all the hardships of military campaigns.

Peas can literally “put you on your feet” and there is a logical explanation for this. It turns out that in terms of protein content, peas are 2 times higher than all other cereals. Protein, as you know, is a building material for our cells; it contains important amino acids, without which the normal functioning of all organs and systems of the body is impossible.

Nutritional value of dried peas and chemical composition

The pea fruit consists of 2 valves, with seeds inside. Shelling and sugar peas are determined by the structure of the valves. The peeling variety has hard doors and opens easily when ripe, while the sugar variety is more tender and sweet. For preservation and freezing, unripe green peas containing essential amino acids inositol and cholitol, which play an invaluable role in metabolism.

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Dry dried peas contain almost the entire periodic table, especially potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc and iron, and the composition of vitamins includes vitamins C, A, K, E, PP, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9 and etc.

100g of dried peas contains:

  • Proteins – 20.5.
  • Fats – 2.
  • Carbohydrates – 53.3.
  • Kcal – 298

Dried peas contain vegetable protein, which consists of amino acids such as lysine, cysteine, tyrosine, tryptophan and methionine. It also contains pyridoxine, which takes part in the breakdown and synthesis of amino acids.

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Beneficial properties of dried peas and contraindications for their use


  • Dried peas are used in nutrition to treat vascular diseases and tuberculosis.
  • It helps reduce blood pressure, has a mild diuretic effect.
  • The rich mineral composition and complex of vitamins contribute to the rejuvenation of the body and have a positive effect on the growth of nails and hair.
  • Eating dried peas helps lower the level of bad cholesterol, it is a preventive measure in the fight against atherosclerosis, and improves vision.
  • Possessing an anti-carcinogenic effect, peas stop oncological diseases, stimulates fat metabolism, therefore it is dietary ingredient in diets for weight loss.
  • Nutritionists advise including dried peas in the menu of children and adolescents, as they improve appetite and stimulate body growth.
  • ethnoscience Peas are widely used as medicinal flour pads, and cakes made from steamed flour are used to treat boils and carbuncles.
  • For heartburn, it is recommended to chew pre-steamed peas.
  • Widespread use of pea flour in cosmetology. It is used to make cleansing face masks.
  • Peas help with diabetes mellitus, toothache and tuberculosis.
  • Pea flour is used for constipation, gum disease and headaches.


  • Pea dishes are contraindicated for gout, kidney inflammation and diseases gastrointestinal tract, with thrombophlebitis and cholecystitis.
  • Raw peas have an irritating effect on the intestines and gastric mucosa, so they should be consumed as a puree after heat treatment.
  • After eating peas, it is not advisable to drink cold water for some time, and it is better to eat pea dishes with carrots, fennel and dill.

Dried peas in cooking and method of their preparation

Dried peas are used for preparing first courses, purees, pie fillings, etc. You can prepare dried peas and at home. To do this, the collected, shelled and sorted peas should be placed in boiling water and cooked until softened. For 10 kg of peas add 50g baking soda. Ready peas cool in cold water and dried in an oven at a temperature of 80 and then at 65⁰C for 4 hours. Dry, cooled peas are stored in the refrigerator so that pests do not infest the bag. natural fabric.

To prepare, you need to take dried peas, soak them in cold water for 2 hours, and then cook for 1-1.5 hours, and salt the dish at the end of cooking.

If there are no contraindications to the use of dried peas, be sure to add healthy peas to your family’s diet. food product– peas, which diversify the menu and enrich it with vitamins and minerals.

Watch the video below to see how to make delicious pea soup:

Many people love peas. But can it be used by those who decide to lose weight? After all, this product is quite filling. How many calories are in peas and dishes where they are used? In what form is it better to use this legume so as not to gain additional kilograms?

What do those who care about their figure need to know about peas?

You can find pea dishes on the menus of many cuisines around the world. This popularity is due to the fact that it is inexpensive, nutritious product, rich in microelements and vitamins, containing a large number of proteins. Moreover, they are similar to proteins lean beef, as they contain unique amino acids.

In cooking, 3 varieties of this plant are used - brain, peeled and sugar. Such variety can satisfy the tastes of the widest masses of consumers. At the same time, a vegetable (that’s right: peas are vegetable crop from the legume family), differs in average energy value. Therefore, its consumption within reason will not harm the figure.

Peas are easily digestible and processed, and are an excellent building material for the cells of the human body. It also improves immunity (due to the presence ascorbic acid) and provides antioxidant effect, impeding development cancer cells. Peas will not only normalize fat metabolism and help you become slim, but will also make you look younger. Pea flour scrub will smooth out fine wrinkles and brighten your face.

Peas - caloriesfresh and cooked product

Most often, these legumes are used to make soup and side dishes. Green pea gives refined taste salads. Doctors recommend consuming green peas in in moderation– from 150 to 180 g per day. The calorie content of dry grain differs sharply from that which it acquires after heat treatment. In addition, the number of calories depends on the variety. For example, beloved by many (especially children), sugar snap peas are the most the best product from a nutritional point of view.

How generous on calories are peas? Calorie content per 100 grams is expressed by the following indicators:

  • whole dry – 340 kcal;
  • fresh green – 280 kcal;
  • crushed grains – 348 kcal;
  • boiled crushed – 115 kcal;
  • canned – 55 kcal;
  • sugar (in pods) – 45 kcal.

Thus, if you need to know exactly how many calories are in peas, you should focus on the variety: fresh shelled, which is used for soups and purees, 290-311 kcal. Brain (it is used for preservation) and sugar have less calories, which means they are more suitable for diets.

As for the nutritional value, it is distributed by substance in the following way: proteins - 20.5 g, fats - 2 g, carbohydrates - 49.5 g, fiber - 11.2 g per 100 g of product.

It’s worth noting right away unique property, which peas have: after they are cooked, the energy value of the grains is sharply reduced, and the quantity useful components remains the same.

In the dishes that are most often present on our menu, the number of calories will be as follows:

  • pea soup (from split peas) – 66 kcal; from green – 174 kcal;
  • pea cutlets (they also contain carrots, onions, garlic), fried on vegetable oil, – 690 kcal;
  • puree – 102 kcal;
  • lean salad of peas, herbs, lemon and olive oil– 340 kcal;
  • pea porridge – 60 kcal; with butter– 103 kcal; with champignons – 140 kcal; with the addition of carrots, onions, olives and pickles - 317 kcal.

Thus, peas will allow you to create any menu - both for those who want a tasty and satisfying meal, and for those who are worried about the parameters of their figure.

What are the features of the pea diet?

Due to its composition and moderate supply of calories, peas will cope very well with the role of a weight loss product. In addition, it practically does not cause allergies, and a small portion of dishes with this vegetable satisfies hunger well. Green legumes help balance dietary ration and provide a cleansing effect.

Peas are perhaps the most popular product from the legume family on our table. In what form do nutritionists recommend consuming it, and how to use it in cooking to preserve maximum benefit- the topic of our article.

Any food is a kind of fuel for the development and maintenance of the body. Its energy value is measured in calories contained for every 100 grams of product.

The energy we need is converted from proteins, fats and carbohydrates, namely:

  • 1 g of fat provides 9 kcal
  • 1 g protein – 4 kcal
  • 1 g carbohydrates – 4 kcal.
Allows you to create a balanced diet

Such knowledge allows you to create a balanced diet without exceeding the average daily energy requirement of the body.

The nutritional value of the product also depends on the method of consumption. Agree, fresh vegetables With high content moisture and fiber are less nutritious, but very tasty and healthy. This also explains low calorie content young green peas, eaten raw. But dishes prepared from dry peas guarantee the supply of starch to our body, which, when broken down into carbohydrates, generously feeds us.

Low calorie content of young green peas

Allows it to be used in diets

Such energy feature Peas allow it to be used in a wide variety of diets, some of which can be aimed at losing weight, while others can be aimed at providing the body with abundant nutrition.

Product classification by type

Calorie content of peas, like taste qualities, directly depend on it varietal characteristics and method of use. So how many calories are in each type of pea?

Round, regularly shaped fruits of the peeling variety ripen in the hard flaps of the pod. For storage, it is dried according to certain rules, and before cooking, whole or crushed peas are soaked. This product is used for preparing soups, cereals, vegetable stew, mashed potatoes and cold side dishes. The nutritional value of boiled table peas in first courses is no higher than 60 kcal and the vegetable protein contained in it is well digestible, which allows such soups to be used in dietary nutrition.

Boiled table peas

Allows soups to be used in dietary nutrition

The popularity of sugar crop varieties is explained by juicy fruits with a delicate sweetish taste. Young peas have a low starch content, which makes them the most delicious of all types. Thanks to this, it is more often consumed fresh; both children and adults love it. Almost every homestead or summer cottage has allocated beds for planting sugar peas. Throughout the harvest season it is used for preparing everyday dishes and for home canning. These peas enrich the diet with essential elements and vitamins. In their raw form, the nutritional value of green peas ranges from 80 to 85 kcal.

As young pods ripen, their chemical composition changes: the amount of sugar gradually decreases, and the amount of starch increases.

As they ripen, their chemical composition changes

The fruits become fleshier and coarser, but despite this they are not used for making porridges and purees, since heat treatment destroys the beneficial properties of the product. But add fresh fruits in salads, cold appetizers or summer soups at the end of cooking it is recommended even when on a diet. Ripened sugar peas are canned or frozen for use in winter period. The calorie content of such a product is about 55 kcal per 100 grams.

Chemical composition of the product and its importance for the body

We can consume fresh young peas only in the summer. The rest of the time we prepare dishes from dried grains, so let’s take a closer look at the composition of this product and its benefits.

Young peas in summer

In winter we prepare dishes from dried peas

With an energy value of peas of 298 kcal per 100 grams, it contains:

It is also important to say that boiled peas in everyday dishes provides our body with a whole complex of macro- and microelements, including:

  • 329 mg of phosphorus, which is necessary for the breakdown of food and to ensure the strength of our teeth and bones;
  • 837 mg of potassium - an essential “heart” element;
  • 190 mg of sulfur – for the formation of cartilage tissue, joint elasticity and muscle tone;
  • 115 mg of calcium – necessary for skeletal development, normalization of blood clotting, maintenance water balance and etc.

Boiled peas in everyday dishes

Make the right diet

As you can see nutritional benefits both young and boiled peas is obvious, you just need to correctly create a diet taking into account body type, age, presence of diseases and physical activity person.

How to cook peas correctly?

There are many recommendations for cooking peas - it all depends on what product is used and what kind of dish is expected at the end. Whole grains It is better to pre-soak for at least 6 hours, preferably overnight. Faster peas swells in heat, therefore, the higher the air temperature in the room, the faster the grains will soften. Split or split peas are usually soaked for a shorter time or boiled immediately.

Whole grains are best pre-soaked

Any pea dish should be salted at the very end of cooking.

Any pea dish should be salted at the very end of cooking, as salt prevents the beans from boiling.

Modern manufacturers, to help housewives, use steam processing of cereals and packaging them in special heat-resistant bags in which they are cooked. With this method of cooking, the peas will be ready in about forty minutes.

It is important to know what happens to peas when heat treatment and how this affects its calorie content.

  1. Energy value pea soup is only 60 kcal.
  2. In crushed pea puree – 115 kcal per 100 grams.
  3. And boiled green peas already have 160 kcal.

Every gram additional products also contributes its nutritional value, so you should remember that meat, fried foods, sauces, butter or milk added to pea dish, will increase its calorie content.
