
Boil corn so that it is juicy. Choosing the right corn for cooking

The last part of the hottest time of the year is heaven for corn fans. This cereal is prepared different ways: browned on the grill, dried in the oven or simply boiled.

Cooking takes the least time and effort, so even a beginner can handle this simple culinary solution. It would seem that cooking this cereal should not raise any questions, but in fact, how much time should be devoted to this stage of time in order to get the most delicious product?

It is important to reach the “golden mean” so that the product does not turn out to be overly raw or overcooked.

For more information on how to cook corn, read further in the article.

How to choose corn?

For creating good meal it is important to purchase the right product. Get sweet corn so it tastes good anyway, while varieties bred specifically for animal feed don't taste good.

So, how to distinguish one variety from the second? The fact is that the shape and size of the ears of both varieties can be completely different, which is their common feature. The main difference in the choice of these two varieties may be the shade of the hairy part of the heads.

Forage varieties have brownish hairs, while young sweet cobs have light, sometimes even transparent hairs. More mature sweet varieties have a light hairy part, however, the tips of the hairs may have a brownish color.

After acquiring corn, it is important to talk a little about it. proper storage. It is better not to store the product outside the refrigerator for a long time, otherwise it will lose its juiciness and richness of taste.

In case you buy too much corn, boil most of it and put the rest in freezer. Thus, the cereal will retain its structure, rich taste and juiciness under freezing conditions.

In order to defrost it, just place it on a plate in the conditions room temperature. Thus, the cob will retain its structure without changes in taste and other characteristics.

By the way, often in stores you can find this product in a frozen form. Next, let's talk about how to boil corn on the cob in a saucepan in such a way that the final product leaves a pleasant impression on everyone who tastes your dish.

The choice of this cereal is perhaps key point, which determines its further taste. In a store or supermarket, look for cobs that have a light yellow tint. They have reached the ideal state of ripeness, while darkish varieties will have an unpleasant dryish taste.

Prepare the desired container for cooking. Pour water into it and fill corn on the cob the right amount. Add some salt to the water and turn on the stove. After the water reaches a boil, boil the contents of the pot for about fifteen minutes. After this time, the young corn will be able to reach the correct level of cooking.

According to some cooking techniques, a pinch of sugar may be added to the water in order to enrich the overall taste of the cereal.

Mexicans add syrups and even milk to the water for cooking this product. You need to add sugar with the calculation of 1 tablespoon per dozen heads of cabbage. We will tell you more about how much to cook young corn below.

Check the final product for readiness. To do this, prepare a fork and lightly pierce the boiled cobs. If the corn has reached a suitable level of readiness, the fork will go in easily, it will take a little effort to work on the raw cereal.

For proper cooking make sure that the water level in the saucepan is high enough to completely cover all the contents. If the water is two to three centimeters higher than the fruit, they are guaranteed to cook evenly and correctly.

After the product is cooked, you can bring it to an even more “tasty” state. To do this, rub it with salt, oil or a mixture of various spices.

If you add salt to the water while boiling the cabbages, they will become coarser. Therefore, they need to be salted five minutes before readiness or already during the serving of the finished product.

Do not cook the product on constant high heat. Reduce the intensity of the flame after the water boils.
Best eaten fresh warm product. The fact is that when cooling, the fruit begins to noticeably harden, which significantly reduces its taste.

It is best to lower the cobs not into cold, but into water already brought to a boil.
In addition to sugar, you can add a little butter to the water: this will make the product more tender and soft.

How much to cook young corn

Let's talk a little about cooking young cobs. It is worth considering that the younger the product, the less time it takes to cook.. The same rule works in reverse: the older the corn, the longer it will take to reach full readiness.

So, by placing young products in a cauldron, they will reach a state of readiness in 20-25 minutes. After you remove the water from the pan, cover the container with a lid and wrap it with a warm towel. This method will help the product to steam well, become soft and juicy.

How to cook corn properly

After the water in the pan reaches a boil, you need to slightly reduce the gas and cook it for twenty minutes.

After this time, the water in the cauldron will become more cloudy and begin to foam: in this case, it is urgent to remove the product from the pan. Cloudy water indicates that the cereal has begun to secrete sugar, and if this is not stopped, the fruit will lose its rich, slightly sweet flavor.

There is an idea among the people that this product must be cooked for at least forty minutes. This opinion passed from hostess to hostess from generation to generation until someone decided to reduce the cooking time.

This decision prompted the culinary experts to think that this fruit reaches readiness much earlier than this time and its taste is even more intense.

How long to cook bonduelle corn

This variety corn is a real find for vegetarians and the elderly. The fact is that in the first case, the product is able to give right amount a protein that can be easily digested, and in the second case, it helps prevent atherosclerosis - a disease of cholesterol plaques.

In case you decide to purchase this variety, you will probably be faced with the question of how long it will take to cook bonduelle corn.

To prepare this variety of cereal, you need to deal with its processing. Clean the corn from unnecessary darkened particles, wash thoroughly and place in a container. Hairs and leaves can be placed on the bottom to enrich the overall taste.

Break the cobs that are too large into several pieces so that they can be conveniently placed in a container. If desired, add a pinch of sugar to the cauldron and turn on the stove. After boiling water, boil the contents for ten to fifteen minutes.

After this time, leave the cobs in the water for about five minutes to soften them. Serve on a plate with butter or salt.

To cook cereal in a slow cooker, you will have to go through all the cooking steps described above, but you need to specify the “legume” cooking mode. If this item is not present, you can enable classic mode"cooking" or "soup".

During cooking, you can periodically check the readiness of the product with a fork. Don't forget to fill your kitchen machine to the top and cover the top of the cobs with leaves.

Cooking corn in various ways: cooking time

There are many options for preparing this cereal in such a way as to bring out the multifaceted taste of corn. To successfully create a dish, the cook must be well aware of how much to cook corn on the cob, and what are the tricks to make it as tasty as possible.

To cook the cobs in the oven, you need to prepare a deep baking sheet and grease its surface with butter. Next, sort, clean and wash the cobs thoroughly.

Place them in a baking dish and fill it with water up to half. Next, cover the container with foil and set it to bake for one or two hours. The exact roasting time depends on the maturity of the ears, so in this case, you need to pay attention to the degree of their preparation. More on this will be written later.

Double boiler

The steamer must be filled with water. Grease the grate with butter, place the peeled cobs in it and close the lid tightly. In this case, the cooking time most often reaches forty minutes.


Microwave is that thing kitchen appliances, which is in almost every home. In order to start cooking corn with the help of microwave oven, put the cobs in water for about an hour, then in a plastic bag, pour some water into it and tie it tightly.

Be sure to poke a few holes in the bag to allow steam to escape from it periodically. Turn the microwave on to the highest setting and cook the corn for fifteen minutes.

air grill

To cook the product using an air fryer, wrap them in cling film and post it. Next, set the temperature to about 205 degrees and cook the cobs for forty minutes.

How to check the readiness of corn

We figured out how much to cook corn on the cob, but how do you know if it is ready? There are several ways to understand this. Remove the head of cabbage from the saucepan with a fork, place it on a board or plate and cut off a few grains. Taste them and then determine the degree of readiness of the product. Stick a fork into the grains and determine their softness, and therefore readiness.

The final product can be stored in the refrigerator for a day. After this time, the heads of cabbage will lose their juiciness and become dry. This will make them almost unfit for consumption, which is why you need to calculate the amount of food being cooked.

"Extra" heads of cabbage can be placed in a bag and frozen. Defrosting can take place at room temperature or with a microwave oven.

Overripe corn: can it be fixed?

In order to get rid of the unpleasant qualities of overripe cereal, there is one way. To do this, clean the heads of cabbage, cut them in half and fill with a mixture cow's milk and water in equal proportions.

After four hours, the heads will again become soft, juicy and sweet. Therefore, they are suitable for further use. By the way, old cobs can be boiled for two or even three hours to achieve readiness.

How long to cook beans

We figured out how to cook corn on the cob in a saucepan, but how long does it take to cook various kinds legumes? Very often, a novice cook is at a loss when thinking about this question, since on most packs of beans exact time preparation is not indicated. In order to avoid such an unpleasant situation, we recommend that you read the following recommendations.

For cooking whole peas it will take a lot of time. Before cooking, you need to place the legumes in a container of water and leave it for an hour or an hour and a half. Then drain this water and fill with new cold fluid.

Cooking whole peas will take about an hour and a half, while its halves do not require pre-soaking and cook for about half an hour.

Before cooking large beans, pre-soak the same as in the case of peas. Soak it in cold water for about six to ten hours.

Drain the water and boil it for an hour. Beans from the pods will be ready in seven minutes after the water starts to boil. Frozen beans will take about the same time to cook.

To cook lentils, you need to lower it into boiling water. The variety affects the cooking time: red lentils are ready 10 minutes after boiling, green - after 30, brown - after 40.

Corn is very tasty and useful product which is used in cooking to prepare various dishes. Mainly applied boiled corn, so it is extremely important to learn how to cook corn properly so that it turns out soft and juicy. The cooking time of corn depends on how ripe it is, as well as on its variety. Corn is divided into food and feed. Feed corn is suitable for cooking but needs to be cooked much longer than food corn. Feed corn is cooked for 3-4 hours, while food corn takes 10 to 30 minutes. Young corn cooks much faster than overripe corn. To choose young corn, you should pay attention to its color, the lighter the corn, the younger it is. Also, when buying corn, you need to look at its grains, if a hole has appeared in them, then the corn is very old or young, but has lain for too long in the market or in the store. Such corn is unsuitable for eating it, because when cooked, no matter how much time it takes, corn with dimples in the center will never become soft.

Also, if you know how to cook corn properly, you can preserve its aroma and taste. Before cooking, corn must be prepared. To do this, the corn must be cleaned of fibers and leaves, then rinse well, put in a capacious pan and pour cold water. The water should cover the corn by 10 centimeters. So that the corn does not burn, the bottom of the pan can be laid out with corn leaves. Also, corn can be boiled in leaves, but always without fibers.

When the corn boils, then after that it is boiled over medium heat. Corn cannot be salted during cooking, as salty water will make it hard. For improvement palatability a little butter and sugar can be added to the corn to taste.

We must not forget that during the cooking process the water will boil away, so periodically you need to look into the pan and add water as needed.

To find out whether the corn is cooked or not, you need to get the cob, cut off a piece, cool it and taste it. Other methods of checking, such as piercing with a fork or outgoing aroma, are not suitable here.

Corn can also be cooked in the microwave or steamed. Also, corn can also be boiled in a crumbly form. To do this, the cobs are first dipped in boiling water, kept for 1 minute, after which they are immediately dipped in ice water. This procedure will allow you to remove the seeds from the cob with a knife very quickly and easily. Thus, corn is prepared for salads or for a side dish.

Reference. Corn grains contain vitamins of group B (B1, B2), K, E, D, C.

Besides, on the cob there are many minerals and trace elements useful for the body.

These include the following:

  • potassium salt;
  • calcium;
  • iron;
  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus;
  • nickel;
  • copper.

The effect of this plant on digestive system is simply invaluable, since the development of diseases of this nature is prevented. The cereal helps to eliminate radionuclides, toxins, toxins accumulated in the body from the body.

Features of an overripe plant

Considering beneficial features old plant, it can be noted that it retains all the same vitamins, minerals and trace elements, as in young corn.

The only difference lies in the reduced taste, because if, then it is often a little harsh, as a result of which it can no longer positively influence the digestive process.

How to choose?

On a note. When choosing an old plant, you need to pay attention to the condition of its leaves and grains.

The leaves should be dryish without blackening and signs of decay. The grains should have a rich yellow or light orange color. The grains are dense, when touched they are not crushed and do not shoot out with a transparent liquid.

Be sure to make sure that there are no black or missing grains on the cob. It is advisable to choose cobs with leaves, since their absence may indicate the fact that the plant was treated with chemicals, and sellers are trying to hide this.

Cooking preparation

At proper preparation, even old cereal can be soft and juicy. How to do it? To achieve this, you need to properly prepare it for cooking.

Preparation of cobs for cooking begins with their cleaning of leaves and all kinds of fibers. After that, they are divided in half and poured with a mixture of cold water and milk, the ratio of ingredients should be 1:1.

Cobs should be in this liquid for 4 hours. After this period, you can start cooking (we talked about how to properly boil corn so that it is soft and juicy).

Necessary kitchen utensils

The preparation of the old plant mainly requires water and milk., for soaking, as well as oil and spices to add flavor. From kitchen utensils you will need a container for soaking the cobs, as well as a fork, spoon or knife for oiling the heads of cabbage. You need to start the process of preparing an old plant with the selection of ingredients and cleaning.

cooking recipes

How fast and how delicious to cook old corn? To date, it stands out numerous recipes for preparing an overripe plant. These recipes not only include different ingredients, but can also be used for different methods cooking. Today, methods for preparing cereals in, and even, are becoming especially popular.

On the stove

To cook this plant on the stove, you will need the following ingredients:

  • a few ears of corn;
  • water;
  • salt;
  • butter.

You can learn how and how much to cook fresh corn, as well as see cooking recipes.

For a couple

For cooking old corn in a double boiler, you will need already known ingredients:

  • a few ears of corn;
  • water;
  • salt;
  • butter.
  1. It is necessary to start cooking in a double boiler by getting rid of the cobs from leaves, hairs and blackened grains.
  2. After that, a thorough washing of the cob is carried out under running water.
  3. After completing these steps, the cobs are laid out in a double boiler (if there is a desire, they can be laid out on pre-peeled corn leaves) and poured with water. There should be enough liquid to cover the plant.
  4. After that, the steamer closes and the timer is set for 40 minutes.

    Attention! Setting a lower time is impractical because it takes much longer to make old corn soft and juicy than it takes to cook young cobs.

  5. After steaming the corn, you can put it on a plate and, if desired, grease with butter or salt.

About others delicious recipes cooking corn in a double boiler, read at.


Enough popular recipe cooking old corn is roasting it in sauce. This will require the following ingredients:

  1. Cooking begins with cleaning the corn from leaves and tendrils.
  2. Further, it is thoroughly washed under running water, dried and cut across the side into pieces 3-4 centimeters in size.
  3. In parallel with this, the preparation of the sauce is carried out:
    • To do this, you need to combine ingredients such as sour cream, soy sauce, kefir, ketchup, vegetable oil, glass of water, spices.
    • The resulting mixture is thoroughly mixed.
  4. After completing these steps, the corn cobs are laid out in a pan, poured on top of the sauce and cooked under a closed lid for 30-40 minutes.
  5. After cooking, corn can be salted.

In the microwave

In the oven

If you want to keep the cereal for several days, you can put it in the refrigerator. With more long-term storage(up to 3 months) you need to separate the grains from the corn cobs and place them in a jar. Further, hot salted water is poured into the jar, it closes tightly and is removed into cool place. Water changes should be done every 2 weeks.

As noted, old corn is also a worthy product, the main thing is not to be lazy and take the time to cook it. Always remember the rule that the older given plant the longer it takes to cook.

What kind of corn to choose for cooking

To make corn soft and juicy, first of all you need to choose it correctly. Real fresh young corn can only be sold in the season that ends no later than the end of August. Corn sold later is often overripe and tough.

Cobs with milky white or light yellow grains are best suited for cooking. A bright yellow color indicates the age of the cob: the brighter it is, the older the corn. Pay attention to the fact that the grains should be slightly soft, but elastic, of the same size and located close to each other.

Another little trick, thanks to which you can recognize a young cob, is that inside the grains there is a white viscous liquid resembling milk.

If the grains are not rounded, have dimples, then this corn is already ripe and it is not suitable for cooking. Also important appearance leaves on the cob: they should not be far behind the cob, dry and yellow. Do not buy corn without leaves.

Corn preparation

Before you start cooking corn, the cob must be washed under running water and cleaned of dirty leaves. Cleansing the cob of leaves is not a mandatory procedure. You can cook corn with them, removing only the spoiled leaves.

Before you start cooking, it is better to soak the corn for an hour in cool water.

Boil cobs of about the same size together, otherwise the corn will cook unevenly. If the cobs are large, then cut them in half before cooking.

What to do if the corn is overripe

There is a way by which you can ensure that the corn is soft and juicy. Usually they resort to it if the corn is not young.

It is necessary to clean the cobs from leaves and fibers, cut in half, pour with a mixture of cold water and milk in a ratio of 1: 1. In this milk mixture, the corn should lie for 4 hours. After that, the cobs should be boiled in water in the usual way.

How long to cook corn

How long to cook corn depends on the degree of its maturity.
The older the cob, the longer it will take. Young cobs should be boiled for no more than 20-30 minutes. Ripe corn should be boiled for 30-40 minutes. The cooking time for fully ripe cobs can reach 2-3 hours.

It is important not to digest the corn, not to miss the right moment, otherwise the grains will begin to harden.

It is best to cook in a thick-walled cast-iron saucepan with the lid tightly closed, because cooking takes a long time. There are also alternative options: you can cook in a double boiler, in a microwave oven. You can even bake in the oven.

Corn is considered excellent dietary product, and precisely in boiled it is easily absorbed by the body. It seems that to prepare a popular delicacy, it does not take any culinary experience. But it is not so. First, you need to know how much to cook corn, depending on its variety and degree of ripeness.

Secondly, it is important to choose the right product when buying, otherwise you will have to tinker with it to bring it to the desired taste and softness. What should be paid special attention to?

How to choose corn for cooking

  1. Most delicious cobs, the so-called "milky ripeness", can be found on the shelves only in season. It usually starts in July and lasts until the end of September. For keeping young tender corn they don’t lay, so in the cold season we will only be able to purchase specimens with hard, hard grains that will have to be cooked for a long time. Naturally, the benefits of such a product will be minimal, and gastronomic pleasure too.
  2. You should pay attention to the color of the grains. It should be milky yellow or golden, but not amber. Saturated hues indicate that the corn is either overripe or feed.
  3. tastiest sugar varieties. Such corn can be safely consumed even raw - it is soft, tender and sweet in taste. If there is no way to try the product when buying, you need to gently squeeze the largest grains with your fingers. In young cobs, they are elastic and dense, and when the shell breaks, they emit white, thick juice. The grains of old corn are dented, look slightly dried out, and there are often gaps between them.
  4. Another important indicator is the leaves. If they are withered, wilted, thinned, it should be understood that the cob is already overripe, it will turn out to be hard and heavy for the stomach even after a long boil. The leaves of milky corn are rich green, tightly adjacent to each other. It is important that they do not have any damage.


Sometimes on sale you can see completely peeled corn. It's better to bypass it. Most likely, the product was actively processed with pesticides, which did not have the best effect on the leaves, so they were removed. In addition, an ear boiled unpeeled will bring more benefit and it will be more fragrant.

The best varieties of corn: the secret of "Bonduelle"

Let's start with the revelation. The Bonduelle variety, which is often lured to us - gullible buyers, market marketers, does not exist in nature. Under the Bonduelle trademark from the French company of the same name, frozen and canned vegetables. Among them is corn, really very tasty, tender and sweet.

Therefore, when we are offered “that same Bonduelle” on the market, we immediately fall for the bait and buy a fairly expensive product. In fact, the French company uses the early sugar varieties "Bonus" and "Spirit" for preservation.

There are others, no less delicious varieties. For example, domestic varieties and hybrids, which can cost less, are in no way inferior to foreign ones in taste and benefits:

  • "Dobrynya"
  • "Gourmet"
  • "Sandes"
  • "Early Golden"
  • "Pioneer"
  • "Jubilee"
  • "Ice Nectar"

The latter variety belongs to the late-ripening and is considered one of the sweetest. Cobs can be eaten raw, which allows you to get maximum amount vitamins and minerals.

When choosing corn, you should not blindly trust its name, which, as we have already seen, may turn out to be false. You need to pay attention to the signs of ripeness and quality described above.

Feed corn, more familiar and familiar to us from childhood, can be found in August at grandmothers in the market. It is quite edible, but unlike food, it is rich in starch, has a coarser texture of grains, and therefore it takes a long time to cook - from 2 to 3 hours.

How not to make a mistake by buying fodder cobs instead of delicacy?

  1. Let's take a look at the form. Table corn is smaller and slightly barrel-shaped. The so-called fodder - elongated.
  2. In fodder cobs, the grains are darker in color, often have an orange tint. Their taste is not pronounced, it is difficult to chew raw pulp.
  3. The grain size of sweet corn is larger and more convex.
  4. Costs fodder corn much cheaper than canteen. This is due to the capriciousness food varieties that require special conditions cultivation.

How to cook

The "Queen of the Fields", despite its high origin, is undemanding in cooking. The easiest way is to cook it in a pan, but you can also use alternative ways: double boiler, slow cooker, oven or microwave. Last option will be the fastest, but only suitable for young sugar cobs.

The royal person also has his own culinary secrets:

  1. The cob does not need to be cleaned before cooking. As a rule, only 2 - 3 top sheets are removed, while the rest, if they are fresh and not damaged, are left.
  2. It is recommended to hold the corn in cold water for an hour and only then cook it. The grains will acquire a special softness. Overripe specimens of table varieties are placed in milk, half diluted with water, and left for 4 hours. After that, they cook much faster.
  3. In order for all cobs to “reach condition” at the same time, they must be the same size. Therefore, too large break in half.
  4. Put the product in cold water and not in boiling water. Important: you need to salt the corn only at the end of cooking. Otherwise it will be tough. And it is better to rub the cobs with salt just before use.
  5. After boiling water in a pot of corn, the fire should be reduced so that the process heat treatment was gradual.
  6. To improve the taste, you can add a little sugar and a piece of butter to the water.
  7. Drain the water from the pot with the cooked corn, and then wrap it tightly in a blanket for about 30 minutes. The cobs from this become softer and more tender, acquire a rich aroma.

How much to cook

The cobs of table varieties are prepared most quickly in the stage of milky ripeness. 20 minutes is enough for them. It is also not worth cooking the product for too long, otherwise you can get the opposite effect: the grains will harden and become dry.

Reached full maturity sweet corn it will take 40 to 60 minutes.

Forage varieties are boiled for at least 2 - 3 hours.

Check readiness by pressing the grains. If they become soft, it's time to serve the corn to the table.

It is better to treat yourself to cobs while they are hot. Cooling down, corn grains become viscous, starchy.

Cooking methods

The most delicious and healthy will be corn cooked on the day of purchase. With prolonged storage, the sugar contained in the grains turns into starch, which is why the nutritional value product falls.

Cooking on the cob in a saucepan

The dishes should be thick-walled, preferably wide, so as not to break the cobs. The best option - cast iron pan with tight fitting lid.

It is advisable to cook enough corn to eat at one time. boiled cobs poorly stored and lose their taste.


  1. We clean the corn from all leaves or remove only the top ones, depending on their condition. In both cases, carefully wash the product, remove the stigmas.
  2. You can lay out the bottom of the pan with leaves, place the cobs on top and cover them with a second layer of greens. I don’t like this method - we cook only the edible part (grain). Pour water so that it completely covers the product.
  3. We cook corn depending on the variety and degree of maturity. Before boiling - the fire is moderate, after we make it weaker.
  4. When the grains soften, drain the water and give it to our summer dish cool down a bit. Serve with salt and butter.

in the microwave


For overripe corn or fodder varieties this method won't fit.

Recipe number 1. In the package

The method is very fast and convenient. You don’t have to mess around at the stove, torment the family in anticipation, and then clean the pan. The only negative is that you can’t cook a large portion at a time.

  1. After removing all the leaves, wash the cobs well under running water.
  2. You can rub them with salt and dry spices, if desired.
  3. We put either in a sleeve for baking, or in a regular plastic bag and tightly tie so that the moisture released during the cooking process remains inside.
  4. With a power of 800 W, the cobs of milky ripeness will cook in 10 minutes.

Recipe number 2. in the leaves

IN this case the corn will be steamed. It is important that the leaves fit snugly on the cob and are fresh. Sluggish and dry must be removed.

  1. We cut off the ends of the prepared unpeeled cobs and put them in a glass flat plate, trying to place them at some distance from each other. Attention: some housewives, trying to cook as much corn as possible at a time, put it in several layers. As a result, the product remains half-baked. Quality is more important than quantity here.
  2. Boil the cobs in the leaves for 3-5 minutes at maximum power. It is recommended to turn them over.
  3. At the end of cooking, the leaves are not removed immediately, waiting a few minutes for the corn to finally “reach”.

Recipe number 3. Under a paper towel

The leaves have worthy replacement. Peeled cobs can be tightly wrapped in moist paper towel and so cook.

Recipe number 4. In a container of water

This method will take twice as long, but there is no risk of overcooking the product.

  1. We place the peeled cobs in a deep container suitable for a microwave oven and completely fill it with water. We don't salt!
  2. We cover with a lid and cook at a power of 700 W, 20 - 45 minutes, taking into account the degree of maturity and quantity.

Periodically you need to add boiling water, as the liquid will evaporate.

Corn removed from the microwave is very hot, it must be allowed to cool or use special holders while eating.

In the oven

Peeled (if you wish, you can leave part of the leaves) and prepared cobs are placed in a baking dish, previously greased with butter.

Next, pour boiling water flush with the product (no need above). Cover the container with foil, sealing the edges so that steam does not escape and send it to the oven, heated to 180ºС for 40 - 60 minutes.

In a slow cooker

The algorithm of actions is the same as when cooking in a saucepan, only instead of the usual kitchen utensils use the bowl of the multifunctional electric assistant.

  1. We clean the corn from the leaves, wash it well, remove the stigmas and cut off the conical top.
  2. We load it into the multicooker bowl and pour cold water, making sure that it covers the cobs on one side, and on the other does not exceed the maximum allowable mark.
  3. We close the lid and set the program "Cooking vegetables" or "Soup". We cook young ears for 15 - 20 minutes, mature ones - twice as long.

You can add corn leaves to the bowl. The taste of the dish will be richer, more varied. The leaves are washed and placed in the microwave for 10-15 seconds. Then half of the greens line the bottom of the bowl, and the rest is placed on top of the cobs. In this case, the water should completely cover the resulting "sandwich".

Cook, as in the first version.

In a double boiler

The following method is sure to please adherents healthy eating. However, we will make a reservation that fodder varieties or overripe cobs, therefore, are better not to cook.

There are two options for processing corn in a double boiler:

  • in general
  • grains


When cooking, do not use all levels of the steamer. It is more correct to place the cobs in one layer, so they will be processed evenly and there will be no damp areas left.

Whole ears are cleaned of leaves, if necessary, divided into several parts and placed in a steam basket.

Processing time is 35 - 40 minutes.

The grains are laid out in a thin layer and steamed for 15 minutes. After turning off the timer, you need to let the product brew a little.

In a pressure cooker

Those who have this miracle device can safely cook any corn - both canteen of any degree of ripeness (including overripe), and fodder.

It is necessary to ensure that the cobs are completely under water.

With milky ripeness, the product is cooked for 10-15 minutes, in other cases it will take 40 minutes.

Corn from a pressure cooker is very fragrant and sweet. Forage varieties will become tastier if you add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar.

We looked at the main ways to cook corn. This unique cereal crop delicious on its own and does not need to be “overloaded” with spices. However, if desired, you can add exotic notes with oregano, a mixture of peppers, dried garlic or lime.

Let's cook for the family more often, this is simple and healthy treat. Bon appetit everyone!
