
Tequila: the secrets of Mexican vodka. Preparing agave for production

Tequila is alcoholic drink, produced by distillation, it is one of the subspecies of the mezcal drink. It is made near the city of Tequila, in honor of which it was given this name. 38-40 - this is exactly the strength of tequila in degrees. For production, juice is used from the core of the blue agave, a plant that grows only in Mexico. In this article, we will take a closer look at the following: tequila, what kind of drink it is, the history of appearance mexican vodka, types of alcohol and drinking culture. We will also study the composition of tequila.

The drink, beloved by many, has become associated with the "elite" version of ordinary vodka.

To date, there are 5 types of Mexican vodka. They differ in age and composition:

  1. blanco tequila. They call her silver tequila, is the most common type. Such a drink is poured immediately after production, in rare cases it is kept for up to 6 days in steel or oak barrels. Such alcohol has crystal transparency and a pronounced aroma of the plant.
  2. Joven tequila. golden tequila, so named because of its color. In the manufacture of agave vodka, fructose or caramel is added, this gives the color a golden hue, and the taste becomes soft. Most often, not pure agave juice is used to make the drink, which is why it is not very popular among connoisseurs.
  3. Reposado. Exposure of this species varies from several months to a year. It is stored in oak barrels, many drink producers stand it in whiskey or brandy barrels. This species is most popular in Mexico, it has a deep bouquet of taste and a noble aftertaste.
  4. Anejo. The drink is aged in oak barrels, which are sealed by members of the government. The exposure ranges from one to three years. Due to long-term storage in oak containers, tequila has a dark color and rich taste.
  5. extra anejo. This type is also produced as Anejo, but the difference lies in the aging time. It ranges from three to seven years. This type of tequila appeared only in two thousand and six. It has a rich aroma and complex taste, in which you can catch notes of chocolate or caramel.

In addition to the shelf life, an alcoholic drink is divided into two groups, depending on the percentage of blue agave juice:

  1. Tequila with 100% agave. Belongs to the "premium" class, in the manufacturing process only a plant for tequila - agave is used. Bottles with such an alcoholic drink must be labeled agave or 100% puro de agave.
  2. Tequila Mixto. This group includes all types of tequila, in the manufacturing process of which various components are involved that replace agave. There are regulations that require Mexican vodka to contain at least 51 percent sugar extracted from the juice of the cactus core. The rest of the components can be cane sugar or corn syrup. In the production of a mixed drink, each manufacturer uses its own special recipe, so drinks from different manufacturers differ in their specific taste and aroma.

Talking about the types of tequila, one cannot fail to mention, perhaps, the strangest type of drink called "Mescal". Manufacturers place a worm in a bottle of alcohol, which coexists on the leaves and fruits of the agave cactus. The inhabitants of Mexico gave this caterpillar the name Juanito.

So, according to popular Mexican beliefs, tequila is a "gift of the gods"

Worms are white and red, in more expensive views mezcal add a red worm, it is much rarer, and therefore more expensive. But in this matter, everything depends on the honesty of the manufacturer, since when it gets into alcohol, any worm takes on a white color.

The founder of such a drink was the company Del Maguey Mezcal, it was they who in 1940 carried out a marketing move by placing a caterpillar in a bottle. So they showed high quality produced mezcal, because, as you know, in good alcohol the caterpillar does not decompose.

Over time, legends began to circulate around this caterpillar, it was assigned magical and medicinal properties. In order to further popularize their drink, manufacturers began to spread myths that Juanito contributes to the appearance of hallucinations. Of course, these are just rumors and the caterpillar does not change the taste or smell of tequila in any way.

The history of the drink

The history of the appearance of tequila goes back to the 8th century. It was then that the ancient Aztecs learned how to make pulque drink, which is the forefather of the current tequila.

Pulque looked like a foamy, viscous fermented milky agave juice, its strength was about 5 degrees. According to legend, the Aztecs invented this recipe with the help of the gods. It was like this: “One day lightning descended from the sky and struck right in the center of the agave, then nectar began to pour from it.” Until this day, no one suspected that such a gift could be hidden in a cactus. From that day on, the ancient Indians began to collect the juice and ferment it to get an intoxicating drink. Another legend says that the god Quetzalcoatl himself descended to people to taste this nectar.

For a long time, pulque was the only heady drink in what is now Mexico. This lasted until the arrival of the conquistadors, who possessed the technology of distilling alcohol. When their stocks of liquor ran out, they began to drive the fermented pulque, so the drink called mezcal turned out. The year of birth of this drink is 1521.

Tequila is a drink that is prepared exclusively on the basis of blue agave juice.

A little later, tequila appeared, and its mass production started only in the 17th century. The father of Mexican vodka is called Pedro Sanchez de Tahle. Around the same time, the state decided that the production of alcohol was very profitable for the country's economy and began to tax the producers of the drink, the manufacturing process was diligently controlled. Manufacturers Jose Cuervo were the first to obtain a license for the right to manufacture, it was in 1795. The company exists to this day.

In the first half of the 19th century, the drink won the love of all America and gradually began to penetrate into Europe. Then it was decided to change the original name of Tequila Extract to short Tequila, so that it would be easier to sell it in America.

About a hundred years later, during the days of the Great Depression, world interest in tequila practically vanished, however, in 1968, after the Olympics in Mexico City, Mexican vodka became extremely popular. In 1974, the Mexican government sought to ensure that tequila can be called a drink, which includes at least 51% of raw materials obtained by distillation of agave juice, in addition, raw materials for tequila should be produced only in the state of Jalisco, located near the city of Tequila.

At the end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st century, the world interest in tequila became so global that the largest producers began to buy up the right to "tequila brands". At the same time, the blue agave is affected by a disease that significantly reduces the cactus population. In this regard, the cost of tequila increases significantly, due to which this alcoholic drink becomes “elite”.

The process of making tequila

Above, we have already told what tequila is made of - this is a blue agave, a cactus that grows in Mexico. Let us clarify that at least 136 species of agave grow in this area, but only one of them is suitable for the production of this drink. In order to keep the agave population from declining, the cultivation farms are being updated all the time. The agave fruit looks like a large pineapple weighing 30-100 kilograms, on top of which long (up to several meters) sharp leaves grow. During the period when the agave blooms, the shoots are cut off, so the juice is not spent on the formation of seeds.

From the moment of planting until the fruit ripens, an average of 10 years pass.

Real Mexican vodka produced in Jalisco is at least 51% blue agave alcohol plus other raw materials

A sign of fetal maturity is the appearance dark spots on the leaves. It is during this period that the himadores begin to harvest. With a special shovel, they cut down the cactus for tequila and chop off the leaves.

The resulting fruit, containing only the pulp, is transported to the factory, where they are split into 2 or 4 parts and placed in the oven. At a temperature of 70 degrees, the fruits are aged for about two to three days, until they begin to stand out sweet syrup. The resulting raw material is cooled, ground and survive. The resulting juice is poured into barrels from of stainless steel and leave for a period of 7-10 days.

Fermented juice (pulque) already has a low alcohol content. After passing double distillation tequila is obtained from the fermented juice, which, in turn, is poured into oak barrels and kept for the required time. Finishing, ready drink bottled and sent for sale.

How to drink tequila

When we figured out in detail what tequila is and how it is obtained, we will consider how this drink is consumed in different countries. According to the rules, it is necessary to drink tequila from narrow glasses with a thick bottom, called "horses". Drinking tequila during dinner is a sign of bad taste, so it is used as an aperitif or digestif.

Usually, lime or lemon is served as an appetizer for Mexican vodka, but it goes well with soft varieties cheese or olives. In the homeland of the drink, it is served with traditional sauce"Salsa". A good appetizer for tequila is shrimp salad with lemon juice and pineapples.

In the process of drinking agave vodka, you should first feel the whole bouquet, and only then have a snack. It is impossible to use hot dishes as a snack, they can not only kill the taste and aroma of tequila, but also spoil them.

Tequila gained wide popularity all over the world thanks to a special ritual of drinking. Most bartenders believe that there is a rule to follow when drinking this drink, it goes like this: lick, knock over, bite. Salt and lime are considered essential ingredients when drinking tequila. It is correct to drink tequila as follows: salt is poured on the back of the hand, licked off, a glass of Mexican vodka is emptied in one gulp and a lime is bitten. This method is so loved all over the world that salt is licked not only from the hand, but also from other, more interesting parts of the body. This ceremony gives Mexican vodka a special spectacle.

In some establishments, tequila is served with a cocktail consisting of orange juice and tomato, seasoned with hot pepper. In the homeland of the drink, it is often added to tea or coffee. In Germany, they are very fond of drinking Mexican vodka with the addition of a small amount cinnamon, snacking on a slice of orange. Such unusual combination gives the drink a completely new, refined taste.

There is another one in America interesting way drinking tequila. Agave vodka mixed with light beer in a ratio of 1:10. This combination intoxicates the user very much, so the cocktail was given the name "Fog" or "Mexican Ruff".

Among the youth of Russia, the most popular way to drink the drink is Tequila Boom. For preparation, an alcoholic drink is mixed with sprites in equal proportions. The glass is covered with the palm of the hand and the bottom is beaten with force on the table, resulting in strong foam, the drink is drunk in one gulp. Such a cocktail is able to invigorate and give energy.

When mentioning tequila, the only possible association is a low shot, salt and a slice of lemon or lime

The benefits of tequila

Agave is famous for its healing properties. It helps to remove phlegm, eliminates inflammatory processes in the body, reduces fever, disinfects and anesthetizes. Some of these beneficial properties are inherent in tequila. most high value contains a drink aged for at least three years and made without the addition of foreign components. With moderate use (no more than 50 grams per day), Mexican vodka has positive influence on the body and internal organs.

Harm tequila

Excessive consumption of any alcoholic beverages seriously affects gastrointestinal tract, liver, pancreas and central nervous system tequila is no exception. Besides, regular use can lead to alcohol addiction, which in the later stages leads to cirrhosis, destruction of neurons in the brain and organ cancer digestive tract. Lethal dose alcohol in the body - 6 ppm, which is about 1.5 liters of Mexican vodka. Tequila is prohibited for use by persons under the age of 18, pregnant and lactating women, persons with diseases of the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract.

Thanks to its taste and the train of myths that accompany tequila, this alcoholic drink is gaining more and more popularity. What is tequila made from? Ignorant Europeans claim that it is made from cacti growing in Mexico. This, by the way, is one of the main misconceptions - there is no such drink in nature.

Composition of tequila

The blue agave, which is the basis for tequila, is cultivated in five Mexican states: Michoacan, Jalisco, Nayarit, Guanajuato, Tamaulipas. Interestingly, the agave grown in these areas is used to make an alcohol-containing product called "real tequila."

To prepare the drink, very few ingredients are required, because the composition of high-quality tequila does not contain any impurities and seasonings. It is bottled only in Mexico and is branded "Hecho en Mexico", which means "Made in Mexico":

  1. Agave heart juice.
  2. Yeast.
  3. Distilled water.
  4. corn syrup ( cane sugar).



For the manufacture of tequila, the wort is extracted from the so-called "keg", that is, the core of the blue agave, belonging to the Lily family. On the territory of Mexico, there are about one hundred and thirty species of agaves, united by one genus. By the way, some varieties are also used in the production of local spirits, however, in the process of making tequila, only blue agave is used.

In the production of the drink, succulents are used, the age of which is at least eight years old. The core of the blue agave, the main material for making tequila, develops underground, after which it comes out. By appearance she resembles a pineapple and has mexican name pica.


The prepared juice is seasoned with yeast for fermentation for a period of a week to fourteen days. Traditionally used for filling natural yeast from agave leaves. Now this technology is used by only one company - Tequila Herradura. Other manufacturers practice adding not only artificially grown, but also brewer's yeast.

Distilled water

Secret mild taste And pleasant aroma consists in double distillation of the prepared product. Fermented juice from the core of the agave has a strength of 55%. To get a standard 38-40% degree for tequila, it is diluted with distilled water.

Cane sugar (corn syrup)

In order to speed up the fermentation process, some manufacturers add cane sugar to the prepared material or corn syrup, which gives them the opportunity to use even unripe agave fruits in production. This type of tequila has its own name - mixto, which characterizes it not as a 100% agave product. Such a drink is sent for export in tanks, after which the recipient of the goods deals with the spill.

Tequila color

At the exit, all tequila is completely transparent. To give a certain shade, it is placed in cognac barrels or American whiskey. Some of the producers prefer to put tequila in brand new oak barrels. Thus, at the end of exposure from a couple of months to ten years, the product turns in tones from transparent yellow to deep brown.

Sometimes tequila is tinted with special dyes. In this case, the ethics will be marked "Gold" ("Gold"). Usually oak concentrate is used for these purposes. This does not affect the taste of the product in any way, but the cost of the bottle becomes higher.

From the cactus, which is produced in Mexico, has a long history. A drink that looks like her palatability, knew how to do even the ancient Aztecs. However, the mass production of alcohol from a cactus was established in the 17th century. Now in Mexico there are more than 150 enterprises that produce a national alcoholic drink.

What is the name of cactus liquor?

The cactus drink is called tequila. This alcohol belongs to the category strong species alcohol, since the ethanol content in Mexican vodka can reach 40-55% vol. The composition of alcohol includes 3 types of alcohol (ethyl, isobutyl and isoamyl), as well as more than 300 substances that determine the taste, aroma and beneficial features cactus vodka.

Often tequila is confused with another Mexican alcohol - mezcal. Despite the fact that both drinks are made from the same raw materials, there is a difference between them. It lies in the technologies used, as well as the number of varieties of agave used for each drink.

Despite the fact that the name cactus vodka has stuck with tequila, it is made from a different type of plant.

The main product for making tequila

Tequila is made from blue agave juice. It is not a cactus, but belongs to the lily family. Agave is a large, short-stemmed plant, somewhat reminiscent of a barrel, from which leaves stick out in the form of needles, reaching 2 m in length.

In Mexico, the production of tequila is regulated at the legislative level. In addition to the requirements for the quality standard, the law determines the regions where alcohol can be made. Thus, the states of Jaliscoy, Guanajuato, Michoacán can place factories for the production of cactus vodka on their territory.

Flowering agave fruits that have reached the age of 9-10 years are suitable for collection. For the manufacture of alcohol, only the main part of the plant is taken; grass is not used for tequila.

1 fruit can reach a weight of 30-50 kg, the yield of finished alcohol from it can be up to 15 liters.

Depending on the variety of tequila, tequila is aged different amount time.

Varieties of tequila

Varieties of Mexican vodka differ in their qualities, each of them has its own unique taste, smell and aftertaste. It depends on where the cacti for tequila grew, how much sugar was put into the wort, what percentage of ethanol is contained in the drink, etc. Not only the duration of aging, but also the containers in which the vodka stood can affect the properties of the drink.

According to Mexican standards, vodka is classified according to several criteria.

For example, according to the content, alcohol is distinguished, including 100% agave sugar, and alcohol, in which the juice of a prickly plant is only 51%, and the rest is obtained from cane or corn. The first variety includes Tequila 100% Agave, the second - Tequila mixto.

Another classification is based on the length of aging of Mexican vodka.

Tequila Joven is considered the youngest alcohol, because it is not aged at all. In order to give it a flavor or the desired color, use food colorings and natural flavors. The taste of agave in alcohol of this variety is weak, while the alcohol smell is strongly pronounced.

Blanco vodka is the most popular view tequila. After the agave must has passed double distillation, the liquid is poured into metal containers, in which the drink is infused for about 2 months. At the same time, alcohol retains strong smell and plant fragrance.

Tequila Silver is similar to Blanco, it is characterized by high transparency and purity of taste. Insist it no longer than a month.

Cactus vodka Gold is also aged for a short time. However, this type of alcohol is added various impurities such as caramel, glycerin or oak essence. Thanks to these components, the color of Gold tequila becomes dark yellow, and noticeable caramel notes appear in the aftertaste. This variety is very popular among young people.

Reposado belongs to the category of elite spirits. This variety is aged from 2 months to 1 year in special oak containers, which allows alcohol to acquire greater softness in taste.

Añejo tequila is infused for at least 1 year and no more than 3 years. She is kept in wooden barrels with a volume of at least 600 liters. At the same time, the manufacturer often pours cactus vodka into barrels in which others were stored. noble drinks, for example, or . Thanks to this, Mexican alcohol acquires a more complex flavor range and takes on an amber hue.

Over-aged Extra Añejo, before reaching the end consumer, is infused for more than 3 years, which makes its taste tart, rich, and red shades appear in the color of alcohol. The strength of this variety reaches 38-40% vol.

How to choose and drink correctly?

The most valuable tequila is made only from agave sugar. On a bottle with such a drink, you can find an inscription indicating a 100% content of a blue plant. In addition, the following abbreviations are often present on the bottle label:

  • NOM - evidence that the product meets all quality standards established by Mexican law;
  • CRT - confirmation that the alcohol was under the special control of the organization involved in the regulation of the production of tequila;
  • DO is an indicator that agave juice is present in alcohol, and the Mexican government allows it to be called tequila.

If small solid particles are visible at the bottom of a bottle of Mexican vodka, then they are not an indicator of a fake. On the contrary, this indicates that the spirit is original, unfiltered and retains the unique taste and aroma of agave.

In Mexico, cactus vodka is poured into caballitos glasses with a thick bottom. However, under the conditions Russian realities Tequila can be poured into any glass. In this case, alcohol should be at room temperature.

There are several ways to drink tequila:

  1. Alcohol is poured into a glass and served along with a saucer of salt and a slice of lime. bitter sour taste citrus will favorably shade the taste of alcohol. In this case, salt is poured onto the back of the hand at thumb, lime juice is poured on top, then everyone licks it off and empties the glass in one gulp. You can replace the lime with lemon or orange (then take cinnamon instead of salt).
  2. A quick way involves serving tequila with the addition of tonic. At the same time, the drinker covers the glass with his hand, knocks it sharply on the surface of the table, and then quickly drinks. Due to the impact in the glass, seething appears.
  3. The lemon is cut into 2 parts, the pulp is taken out without damaging the integrity of the peel. Put a little salt in the recess and pour tequila, put an ice cube.

In Germany, tequila is served with, mixing them in a ratio of 1:10. Drink the resulting mix in one gulp. The drink is different in that it quickly intoxicates.

Often tequila is used as alcohol base for cocktails with various ingredients. Margarita made with cactus vodka is very popular. 3 parts alcohol is mixed with 1 part orange, after which ice is added to the glass.

Unlike our domestic drinkers, Mexicans are much more critical of their national strong alcoholic drink. At least, with all diligence, it is difficult to find in the Mexican "drinking folklore" an analogue of the common Russian postulate about "good and very good vodka." As for its poor quality, there is one American proverb: "worse than a crappy corn whiskey maybe just bad tequila"

Local connoisseurs strongly recommended to me already on my first visit to a drinking establishment in order to avoid unpleasant surprises first carefully taste the tequila, and only then proceed to the ritual of licking salt from the back of the hand, popular with tourists. Because, as an unnamed American tourist famously remarked, "The only thing worse than crappy corn whiskey is crappy tequila."

All of the above is of particular relevance in light of the recent decision of the Mexican government to allow tequila to continue to be exported in bulk for subsequent bottling abroad. In practice, this means that a bottle bought abroad Mexican tequila the Mexican blue agave, from which tequila is supposed to be produced, can only be half related. More precisely, by 51 percent. Since this drink is becoming more and more famous in Russia, it will be useful for our consumer who likes to try new things to know some details.

The fact is that cheap varieties of tequila, which, by the way, are in many foreign countries become very expensive after overcoming all customs and fiscal barriers, can contain up to 49 percent of alcohol produced from sugar cane. With regard to such varieties, for the most part, the old rule is true that mechanical mixing of alcohol on different basis does not benefit the cause, and in the future, the well-being of the taster.

Hence one more piece of advice from connoisseurs: other things being equal, you should give preference to a bottle of tequila with the inscription "100% agave". notice, that elite varieties, the cost of which per bottle, even in the domestic market, often exceeds $ 100, always 100 percent agave. This tequila is aged in oak barrels, so that the drink has a special bouquet and aroma that can satisfy the most refined taste of connoisseurs of quality alcohol.

In fact, according to the 1997 law, only a drink produced in the Mexican state of Jalisco, where, in fact, the town of Tequila is located, can be considered tequila as such. The Mexican government, however, is hesitant to turn on the red light on the foreign bottling route. According to the Mexican Ministry of Economy, local distilleries are mostly not ready to invest in modern bottling lines.

The lack of a modern technological base, experts believe, will cause an increase in the cost of production and may result in a loss of competitiveness of tequila on foreign markets. After all, a Mexican drink, by definition, cannot be cheap. If the raw materials for brandy, vodka or whiskey (grapes, wheat, barley, rye, corn) are ready in just a few months of cultivation, then the blue agave takes five to seven years to reach marketable condition.

fans mexican drink let's hasten to reassure: even with such a long "production cycle" shortage of tequila in foreign markets in the near future is not expected. Mexico exported 101 million liters of tequila last year. However, only 30 percent of this sea was bottled directly at the place of production.

80 percent of outside supplies come from the US, where tequila consumption has grown by 67 percent over the past 14 years. According to all-knowing statistics, the inhabitants of the United States in 2002 spent $ 2.8 billion on tequila. These data undoubtedly warmed the souls of the participants of the First International Tequila Week held this year in the Mexican city of Guadalajara.

The forum discussed how to make the tequila industry more profitable and at the same time ensure quality control of the drink. Those who are employed in the production chain from the agave plantation to the distillery today receive at most 10 percent of the retail price finished product. Agave, grown on 85 thousand hectares, is enough for the annual production of about 140 million liters of the drink. If all the tequila was bottled in Mexico, the country would receive much more income, according to experts from the National Chamber of the Tequila Industry (NCTP).

In principle, the Mexican authorities agree that the strategic line in the "tequila issue" should lead to a gradual curtailment of bottling abroad, tightening control over the quality of the drink. Steps in this direction are already being taken: starting this year, NPTP experts will certify tequila bottling lines in the US state of California. NPTP and Association

Mexican customs agents also signed a special agreement under which control over the export of tequila will be carried out exclusively at 13 specially equipped customs points. This will help put a barrier in the way of substandard "scorched" tequila diluted with sugar cane alcohol.

Tightening regulations should help tequila retain its "truly Mexican character." The fact is that many well-known tequila trademarks are already in the hands of foreign companies. For example, Sausa tequila, widely known in Europe, belongs to the English company Allied Domec, the Spanish Osborne owns the Erradura brand of tequila. The absolute superiority in sales abroad is held by Jose Cuervo tequila, which is produced by the Mexican company of the same name. True, the exclusive rights to export sales of this brand belong to the British company Diageo PLC.

So it’s far from a fact that the bottle of Mexican tequila in your hands comes directly from Mexico. So, it is better to heed the advice of connoisseurs and first carefully try a drink that the Mexicans themselves prefer to drink in glasses without mixing with anything.

The gift of the gods received the Indians

According to an ancient Mexican legend, tequila was discovered when an agave caught fire from a lightning strike. The amazed Indians accepted the fragrant nectar obtained at the same time as a gift from the gods. But the distillation of this drink began only with the advent of the conquistadors. Priority in this matter belongs to Don Jose Antonio de Cuervo, who began to cultivate agave back in 1758 on the territory granted to him by the King of Spain. Since Don Xocé settled near the village of Tequila in the province of Jalisco, he gave the same name to his drink. Today, tequila is produced in five states of Mexico, but the best varieties are still supplied by the state of Jalisco.

Only in 1910, the invention of Don Jose began to be called by the main city of its production. And today the city of Tequila remains the recognized capital of this drink. Every year at the end of November, a multi-day tequila fair is held there, in which all self-respecting producers take part. On the first day of the fair, any visitor has the right to enjoy a free drink and appreciate its merits.

Tequila has only its own uses. The easiest way is to serve the tequila in a small narrow glass along with a heap of salt and green lemon- lime. The drinker rubs the pad of the outer side of the left palm between the thumb and forefinger. lemon juice, pours a pinch of salt on this place, then licks it off and drinks the contents of a glass (50 grams) in one gulp. The drink immediately bites lemon wedge. The refreshing effect is guaranteed, as is the case if you use less known way: before drinking, eat a small pod of incredibly hot Mexican chili peppers. Other, no less original way the use of tequila lies in the fact that a portion of the drink is mixed with tonic and served to the visitor. He covers the glass with his hand, then slams his fist hard on the table, causing the tonic to boil, and gulps down the drink. regulars Mexican bars they love to watch how real competitions flare up in the speed and dexterity of drinking a drink.

Igor Varlamov

You don't have to be a bartender to serve tequila properly. Remember a few simple ways how to drink tequila and cook classic cocktails Houses. All ingredients can be purchased at grocery store, and the preparation of drinks does not require special skill or knowledge of mixology.

How do they drink tequila and what kind of drink is it? In Europe, it is generally accepted that tequila is made from cacti. Actually this is not true.

Tequila is a fermented and distilled blue agave juice with a strength of 51-100%. Contrary to traditional belief, the agave does not belong to the cactus family, although it has thick leaves with thorns around the edges. The blue agave grows wild in western Mexico, and is grown in the state of Jalisco specifically for making tequila.

The first alcoholic drink from this plant contained only 2-8% alcohol and was called pulque or octli. The ancient Aztecs used it to enter a trance or altered state of consciousness during spiritual practices. Unlike Europe, alcohol among the Aztecs was available only to the elite and in small quantities.

More strong alcohol agave was invented by the Spanish conquistadors who conquered Mexico. They distilled the juice, decomposed the starch and obtained "mezcal" with a strength of 40%. Only a few centuries later, tequila in the modern sense appeared.

Production and types of tequila

According to legend, nature itself suggested the method of production of tequila. When lightning struck the agave, its core was roasted and gave juice suitable for fermentation. Thus came the idea of heat treatment plants.

Today, agave hearts are heated in autoclaves, crushed and sent to a fermentation vat. To obtain a weaker concentration, cane sugar is added before fermentation. After 1-2 weeks, the liquid is filtered and distilled, after which it is sent for aging. The taste and quality of the product depend on the percentage of juice and the aging time.

5 types of tequila.

  1. blanco. weak drink with a strong agave scent. It is bottled after fermentation or aged for no more than 60 days.
  2. Gold. Tequila characteristic golden color with the addition of caramel and fructose.
  3. Reposado. A rich drink aged from 2 months to 1 year.
  4. Anejo. Product aged in wooden barrels for more than 1 year.
  5. Premium. 100% tequila without any other alcohol.

Mexican vodka is drunk moderately chilled as an aperitif or digestif. The Mexicans themselves usually consume the product in its pure form and use small narrow cups - "horses". A drink diluted with juice or sparkling water is poured into cocktail glasses, with which drinking tequila is even more pleasant.

With lemon (lime) and salt

The most common and exciting way to drink tequila. How to do it right and not get confused in the order of actions?

With your thumb and forefinger, you need to take a slice of lime or lemon, and pour a little salt into the dimple on the outside of the palm.

The procedure is as follows:

  • lick the salt;
  • drink up;
  • eat lime.

If you don't want to get your hands dirty, you can spread the salt and sliced ​​lemon on the dishes.

German: orange + cinnamon

The process is no different from the first option, only cinnamon is poured instead of salt, and an orange is cut instead of lemon. Cinnamon interrupts the smell, and orange - tart taste tequila.

They like to soften the sharp taste of alcohol in Germany, which is why the method of serving was called German. The combination of alcohol with orange and cinnamon is ideal for women.

Tequila Boom is also called a "quick" cocktail - Rapido, because. it only takes a couple of minutes to prepare. This variant of consumption is popular due to the simplicity of the recipe and the unusual drinking process.


  • Tequila Silver - 50 ml;
  • Sprite - 100 ml.

Tequila and soda are mixed, a napkin is placed on the glass, and then it is tapped on the table three times. The foamy drink is drunk to the bottom.

With chili

Chili pepper first appeared in tropical America, but got its name in Mexico. The combination of hot peppers and hot tequila will not be to everyone's taste. The technology is simple: you need to eat red before and drink tequila.

There is another way to use it: dried chili seeds are added to tequila. The drink is also drunk in one gulp.

Tequila cocktail recipes

Tequila in its pure form is hard to drink: it is strong and has a specific smell. However, it can be mixed with juice, liquor and all kinds of additives. For this, it is not necessary to buy special equipment.

Tequila Sunrise

A trendy orange cocktail is reminiscent of a morning sunrise in color.

The composition is simple:

  • Tequila Silver - 50 ml;
  • orange juice - 150 ml;
  • grenadine - 10 ml;
  • ice - 200 g.

The glass is filled with ice, after which the rest of the ingredients are added. The cocktail is usually garnished with a round orange slice.

Bandera Mexicana translates as "Flag of Mexico". The cocktail gets its name from the fact that its colors are exactly the same as the colors of the Mexican flag.

Banderita consists of three separate drinks:

  • sangrita - thick drink Red;
  • tequila - white;
  • lime juice is light green.

Each drink is poured into a separate glass or glass and drunk in the order indicated.

To prepare Sangrita, you need:

  • peel and finely chop 5-6 tomatoes;
  • squeeze juice from 2 lemons and 3 oranges;
  • chop 1 onion;
  • add 1 teaspoon of salt, sugar and pepper.

There is another variation of Banderita, which can be reproduced in one glass or shot.


  • Grenadine syrup - 20 ml;
  • Tequila Blanco - 20 ml;
  • green herbal liqueur- 20 ml.

The first layer is Grenadine. The layers should not be mixed, so tequila and liqueur are introduced in turn over a glass rod or teaspoon stem. It is customary to prepare such a cocktail for Mexican holidays - Independence Day, etc.


There are many stories about the origin of the name "Margarita". According to one version, legendary cocktail invented by the Mexican aristocrat Margarita Sames. At one of her receptions, the owner of a hotel chain came, who highly appreciated the cocktail and decided to pass the recipe on to the restaurants of his hotels.

The composition of the "Margarita" includes:

  • tequila Silver - 50 ml;
  • Dry Orange liqueur - 25 ml;
  • sugar or sweet syrup - 10 ml;
  • ice - 200 g;
  • lemon - 70 g;
  • salt - 2 g.

Mix the ingredients and serve in a glass with a rim of salt around the edge. Bars sometimes use sugar for this purpose.

Mexican ruff (Fog)

If you mix tequila with beer, you get a Mexican ruff. And "Fog" is called because of the strong intoxicating effect, which is not surprising.

For cooking you will need:

  • tequila - 26 ml;
  • light beer - 270 ml.

An empty glass is dipped into a glass of beer, into which tequila is slowly poured. As soon as the glass sinks to the bottom, the liquids mix and the cocktail is ready.


Vampiro is one of the variations bloody mary. In some Mexican villages, the cocktail is served in packets, which evokes even more associations with vampirism.


  • tequila - 60 ml;
  • sangrita - 200 ml;
  • lemon juice - 30 ml;
  • ice - 200 g.

Additionally, you can add salt and grapefruit soda. The cocktail is served in any form, depending on the imagination.

Charro Negro

Charro Negro is rare in Russian bars, but it's easy to make at home. Traditionally served in a highball glass, but any other tall glass will do.


  • tequila - 50 ml;
  • salt - 7 g;
  • coca-cola - 200 ml;
  • lime - ½ pc.

First pour tequila and lime juice into a glass with ice, then Coca-Cola. Make a rim of salt along the edge of the glass.


Another traditional sweet cocktail based on tequila with original color.

To prepare it you will need:

  • tequila Silver - 15 ml;
  • Dry Orange liqueur - 15 ml;
  • Mango liqueur - 15 ml.

Pour tequila into a glass, then pour both liqueurs over the stem of a spoon. You should get a separation into two layers: the lower one is transparent, the upper one is saturated orange.

How and with what to serve tequila?

Mexican vodka is usually served chilled in glasses or shot glasses with a massive bottom. The shape of the vessel should expand upwards. Most of all, tequila is suitable as a digestif to improve digestion. The recommended strength is 38-50%.

What do Mexicans drink tequila with? Snacks, cold or hot dishes are served depending on the length of the evening. Mexicans prefer spicy and spicy national cuisine.

From cold appetizers, Europeans can serve:

  • assorted meat and ham;
  • soft cheese;
  • olives;
  • shrimp and mushroom salad;
  • burrito.

From hot dishes suitable:

  • chicken legs in orange juice with spices;
  • mashed potatoes with goulash;
  • other dishes that are served with vodka.

It should be remembered that heavy dishes interrupt the taste of tequila, so it is better to start the evening with light snacks. It is enough to serve pineapple pieces or citrus fruit: grapefruit, lemon, orange.

After a meal, tequila can be served with ice cream, hot chocolate or coffee. The choice of a digestif is better to stop on a mature Anejo, which is drunk slowly, in small sips.


A drink from Mexico quickly found fans around the world. Proper use of tequila does not require professional knowledge and skills. Enough to choose quality brand, harmoniously pick up a snack and gather a group of friends.

However, tequila Reviver which is best drunk with caution. Excessive drinking causes strong hangover syndrome and the abuse spicy dishes and spices - gastritis and stomach ulcers.
