
The most expensive type of coffee in the world. The most expensive coffee in the world from a litter: kopi luwak

Starting your morning with a cup of fragrant and invigorating drink, have you ever wondered how the most expensive coffee grows and is produced? It is enough to go to any supermarket to see a huge assortment of this product. But in a simple store it is problematic to purchase truly elite varieties. To do this, you will need to visit specialized departments or contact the supplier company directly.

If you want to try the most expensive coffee and decide to start looking for this drink, you will need to know the top ten elite varieties and their features.

In the first place is a special variety called "Kopi Luwak". The supplier of this coffee is Indonesia. Huge plantations are located in Java and Sumatra. The main difference of this variety from all the others is a rather exotic method of its production.

The most expensive coffee in the world is the excrement of a small animal called the civet. Colonies of these animals live near plantations and feed on ripe berries. In the stomach of animals, all parts of the berry are processed, except for the hard coffee bean, which comes out naturally. The excrement is collected, washed thoroughly with water, dried and lightly fried.

The honorable third place is occupied by a drink made from St. Elena Coffee beans. Its cost is 79 dollars per pound. Coffee plantations are located on St. Helena. This variety gained great popularity due to historical events that are associated with the exile of Napoleon Bonaparte.

Fourth place in the list of "Most Expensive Coffee" is rightfully occupied by the variety "El Injerto". It is native to the Huehuetenango region of Guatemala. This drink is one of the most loved drinks in the world. In fifth place is a brand called "Fazenda Santa Ines", whose birthplace is a place called Minas Gerais in Brazil. This variety won first place in the competition "Cup of Quality", held in Brazil in 2006. Either of these two varieties can be purchased for as little as $50 a pound.

In sixth place is the most beloved coffee in Japan called "Blue Mountain". It is grown in the Blue Mountains of Jamaica. The coffee beans harvested from these plantations have a low bitterness content and a particularly mild taste. It is for these qualities that the Japanese love him so much. Up to 80 percent of the total crop of this variety is exported to the Rising Sun Islands. One pound of Blue Mountain costs $49.

The seventh place in the rating list was given to a drink under the brand name "Los Plains Coffee". The grains, which received such a poetic name, grow on the sunny plantations of El Salvador. This variety took an honorable second place in the competition "Cup of Quality", held in Brazil in 2006. Out of a hundred possible points, this coffee received 93.52 points according to the jury. One pound of beans of this variety costs $40.

Next on the list of "Most Expensive Coffee" is a variety called "Hawaiian Kona Coffee". It is native to the Big Island in Hawaii. Famous plantations are located in the northern and southern region on the slopes of the mountains Mauna Loa and Hualalai. This variety is considered the most sought after in the world and costs $ 34 per pound.

Ninth place is rightfully occupied by a variety called "Starbucks Rwanda Blue Bourbon". This one was opened by Starbucks in 2004 while visiting a place called Rwanda. From now on, farmers living in the area are only engaged in the cultivation of this variety of coffee beans. Starbucks Rwanda Blue Bourbon is $24 per pound.

The last place in the top ten, but not less prestigious because of this, is occupied by a variety called "Coffee Yauco Selecto AA". Its homeland is plantations located in the southwestern region of the Puerto Rico mountain range, in a place called Yauco. A distinctive feature of this variety is a moderate aroma and excellent rich taste. The cost of coffee beans of this brand will cost you $ 24 per pound.

Coffee is a fragrant, invigorating drink with a unique chocolate taste, loved by millions. He came to us from Ethiopia, where he acquired his fans 1000 years ago.

In the Ottoman Empire in 1511, coffee was declared a "sacred drink". The brilliant German composer John Sebastian Bach wrote "Coffee Cantata", Catherine the Great was a fan of the "black drink". It was she who first began to use the "coffee scrub", mixing coffee grounds with soap and cleansing the face and body with the resulting mixture.

Coffee beans were once a scarce commodity, worth their weight in gold. Since the mid-18th century, Europeans have established coffee plantations in many tropical countries - Colombia, Mexico, Brazil, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Vietnam, India.

And today real coffee is not a cheap product. For example, the Arabian coffee tree or Arabica bears grains, from which the most expensive coffee varieties in the world are obtained - from 250 to 500 dollars per kg. Various technologies are used in their manufacture, but the main point is that all actions are performed manually - removing coffee beans from trees, sorting, roasting, packaging. If machines are involved in the process, then the coffee variety immediately drops in price.

But there are several varieties of coffee that use exclusive, completely unique technologies, while their price skyrockets. So what is the most expensive coffee in the world and how is it produced?

"Kopi luwak"

To purchase 1 kg of this coffee, you will have to pay up to $ 1,500! This drink is rightfully called the most expensive in the world. This is because the technology of its manufacture is unique.

Small animal musangs that inhabit all of South and Southeast Asia eat the ripe fruits of coffee trees. Grains are not digested completely and are passed out with animal excrement. People collect musang feces, select undigested coffee beans from it, wash them thoroughly, dry them in the sun, then grind them and sell them for $ 50 per cup of the finished drink.

It has an extremely mild and pleasant taste, without the usual bitterness for coffee. This is because musangs digest the pulp surrounding the grains, while their gastric juice breaks down some of the proteins that give ordinary coffee bitterness. The fermentation process involves civet, a special substance with which the musangs mark the territory. At the exit, it gives the grains a pleasant musky smell. So, with the help of a natural laboratory - the digestive tract of small animals - they get the most expensive coffee on Earth.

Interestingly, if earlier the Kopi Luwak variety was a piece product, then in recent years in Indonesia, South India and the Philippines, its production has been put on stream. How? Very simple. Fur farms have been built in these countries, where musangs are kept. They are fed coffee beans, and then the whole process is repeated. Thus, several hundred kg of this type of coffee began to be produced per year. Of course, this immediately affected the price of the goods, which fell to 350-400 dollars per kg. Still a lot!

But still, true gourmets prefer to buy Kopi Luwak, produced in natural conditions. The fact is that on fur farms, musangs cannot independently choose which grains to eat, they are forced to eat what they are fed. Also, in captivity, the animals cannot run, jump, while in freedom they move a lot and instinctively choose the best, ripe coffee beans. All these factors affect the final taste and aroma of the drink.

"Black tusk" ("Black ivory")

Another variety that claims to be the "Most Expensive Coffee in the World". And again, animals are involved in its production, but this time - elephants. Its price reaches 1850 dollars per kg!

The technology for the production of "Black Tusk" is very painstaking: first, elephants are fed several tens of kilograms of Arabica beans mixed with other elephant food - bananas, fruits, grass. For more than a day, the elephant digests everything eaten, while coffee beans are only partially digested: stomach acid destroys a special protein that is responsible for the bitterness of coffee. The grains in the elephant's digestive tract undergo a natural fermentation process, saturated with an earthy and fruity smell.

After that, they leave the body along with feces. Workers collect elephant dung, carefully sort it out with their hands, finding Arabica grains, which are then washed, dried and ground. This coffee is used to brew a great drink, which has a delicate taste without bitterness, a light fruity aroma.

"Black ivory" is produced only in Thailand, and you can try it only in 4 hotels in the Maldives and in the Anantara Golden Triangle resort, which is located on the border of 3 states - Laos, Myanmar and Thailand ( whence the name).

Why is the price of "Black Tusk" so high? Firstly, due to the special production technology, due to the fact that all actions are performed manually. In addition, in order to get 1 kg of elite coffee beans at the output, the elephant is fed as much as 35 kg! It is clear that the elephant chews some of the grains, some is lost in the grass, some is damaged too much during digestion. In total, strictly 50 kg of this elite variety goes on sale per year.

Interestingly, a significant part of the funds raised from the sale of "Black ivory" goes to charitable purposes - the treatment of elephants, helping the families of mahouts.

"Terra Nera"

The cost of this elite coffee variety is simply over the top - more than $ 20,000 per 1 kg! "Terra Nera" is the most expensive coffee in the world, so far you cannot find more expensive than this brand on the shelves. And again, in its production, the main participants are small animals called palm civets, by the way, they are relatives of the musangs, which are used to produce Kopi Luwak coffee.

Terra Nera is produced only in one point on the globe - in the southeastern part of the Peruvian Andes, in the homeland of the Quechua Indian tribe. Here, mature Uchunari Arabica cherries are fed to palm civets. Animals partially digest coffee beans, depriving them of bitterness in the process of natural fermentation and endowing them with a special taste. After these grains come out with the excrement of animals. They are carefully sorted, washed, dried, and then ground. Terra Nera brewed coffee has a very rich cocoa and hazelnut aroma and a great taste that gourmet tasters appreciate very much.

This elite variety is produced in limited quantities - only 45 kg per year. You can buy it only in one single store - Harrods in London. It is sold by 500 grams in a luxurious bag of silver paper, which perfectly preserves the aroma of coffee. The packaging is sealed with a special valve and tied with a cord with a gold tag. The initials of the manufacturer are engraved on the tag, as well as the degree of roasting of coffee beans (it can be from zero to six degrees). At the request of the buyer, his name can also be engraved on the tag (this service is included in the price of the goods).

What other expensive varieties of coffee are there?

Other varieties of coffee are produced in the usual way, that is, without the participation of animals. Therefore, their cost is significantly lower than the above 3 varieties of the most expensive coffee in the world.

In terms of price and quality, Esmeralda (original name Hacienda La Esmeralda) ranks first in terms of price and quality among traditionally produced coffee varieties. It is produced on a farm in Panama (South America), on the slopes of Mount Baru, according to a secret recipe. The work is carried out partly by hand (collection, sorting of grains), and partly by mechanical means (drying). The output is an elite variety that combines chocolate, fruit and spicy notes. Hacienda La Esmeralda has repeatedly been recognized as the most exquisite drink in the world, receiving all sorts of prizes at international competitions. Its price is up to 400 dollars per 1 kg.

"Saint Helena" or St. Helena Coffee is another elite coffee variety that is produced on the volcanic island of the same name in the Atlantic Ocean. Its cost reaches 200 dollars per 1 kg. Recognized as one of the most environmentally friendly products in the world.

"El Injerto" - it has been produced in Guatemala (Central America) since the 18th century. In the small town of Koban is one of the most famous coffee plantations in the world. The local climate contributes to the cultivation of very high quality coffee beans, which, combined with a special production technology, allows you to get a unique sort of coffee worth $ 150 per 1 kg.

In Brazil, the Fazenda Santa Ines coffee variety is grown, 1 kg of which costs at least $100.

About the same price is Blue Mountain, which is produced in Jamaica. Almost 85% of this variety is exported to Japan, where it is the most popular drink.

You can name varieties such as Los Planes (El Salvador, Central America) and Kona Coffee (Hawaiian Islands). Their price is within 80 dollars per kg.

The cheapest varieties on our list are Starbucks Rwanda Blue Bourbon (Republic of Rwanda in East Africa) and Yauco Selecto AA Coffee (Puerto Rico in the Caribbean) at a price of only $50 per 1 kg.

More than 2 billion cups of coffee are consumed worldwide every day, making it one of the top-selling beverages. Such popularity is explained not only by its noble aroma and taste, but also by the many existing ones. The most devoted fans of the drink are ready to spend big money for elite coffee varieties, not stopping even before spending hundreds of dollars for a few tens of grams of their favorite drink. Below we give the top 10 most expensive coffees.

Top 10 most expensive coffees

Black Ivory coffee (Black Ivory) or Black tusk

A kilogram of Black Ivory coffee costs up to $1,000, and the cost of one serving of a drink made from grains of this variety can reach up to $50. Black Tusk is produced only in Thailand, and its high price is made up of a small amount of coffee produced and the cost of keeping elephants, with the participation of which the coffee beans are processed. The fruits with the coffee beans they contain are fed to elephants, in their digestive tract the beans are exposed to enzymes, due to which the coffee from such beans gets a mild taste, with light fruity undertones.

After entering the stomach of an elephant, the grains are digested along with the food that the animal is fed - bananas, sugar cane, fruits. Undigested grains come out naturally, they are collected and put into further processing. To obtain 1 kg of Black Ivory, an elephant must eat almost 35 kg of coffee beans mixed with fruit.

Kopi luwak coffee

Kopi luwak is second in cost, also due to the small amount of product produced (approximately 500 kg per year) and the participation of animals in the processing process. Only here there is not a Thai elephant, but a musang animal, which is also called luwak. The habitat of the musangs is Indonesia, the Philippines and South India. Accordingly, kopi-luwak is produced in these regions. The eaten grains are fermented by the gastric secretion of animals, while obtaining an unusual taste.

Coffee connoisseurs justifiably consider the taste incomparable, thanks to its softness and chocolate notes, with the presence of an elusive aroma of the jungle. The cost of 50 grams of this variety comes to 70 dollars.

Blue Mountain Coffee

The top three is closed by Jamaican Arabica Blue Mountain at $200 per 450 grams. This variety is grown on plantations located high in the mountains. The grains have an unusual blue-green color, which is due to the special composition of the soil and the unique climate. Due to such factors, this elite variety has a mild, slightly tart nutty taste, with a slight sourness.

A distinctive feature of Blue Mountain coffee is that even with a strong taste, its taste is practically not lost. This variety enjoys a well-deserved reputation among gourmets, which confirms its second name - "Royal".

Coffee Hacienda La Esmeralda (Hacienda La Esmeralda)

The fourth place is rightfully occupied by the elite variety of coffee Hacianda la Esmeralda, which has noble taste and aromatic qualities. The extraordinary taste of Hacienda La Esmeralda coffee is given by volcanic soils near Mount Buru in Panama and special growing conditions, when the coffee tree is always in the shade of other trees. The cost of a pound of coffee (453 gr.) of this variety is about 100 dollars.

As the name implies, this variety grows on the island of the same name, which is considered the most environmentally friendly corner of the planet. The volcanic, mineral-rich soil and ecological environment have the most favorable effect on the quality of coffee beans.

Coffee from Saint Helena is grown at an altitude of 3000 meters or more, i.e. under almost ideal conditions required for Arabica trees. The price of 1 pound (453 gr.) coffee from Saint Helena is $80.

Coffee El Injerto

High-quality Guatemalan coffee variety, the original taste of which determines the humid climate of the region. Variety El Injerto has received many awards from various exhibitions and is recognized as one of the best products in the coffee industry. One pound of coffee beans costs about $50.

Coffee Fazenda Santa Ines (Fazenda Santa Ines)

Fazenda Santa Ines is an elite coffee variety grown in Brazil. High quality is promoted by manual picking and sorting at harvest. Coffee drinkers praise Fazenda Santa Ines for its chocolate flavor with a slight citrus aftertaste.

Fazenda Santa Ines reveals his entire bouquet of coffee in combination with milk and cream. For those who love and are willing to pay for quality, Fazenda Santa Ines will be the best choice. The cost of 1 pound (453 gr.) of this variety is $50.

Coffee Los Planes

Los Plains coffee is an internationally recognized variety grown in El Salvador and valued for its original cocoa flavor and light floral aroma. The price of Los Planes coffee is $40 per 1 pound.

Kona Coffee

Kona Coffee is a little-known, but nevertheless, very high-quality variety of Hawaiian coffee. Thanks to mineral-rich volcanic soil and favorable conditions for growing Arabica, it has an original taste and rich aroma. 450 grams of Kona Coffee costs $35.

Coffee Blue Bourbon

Blue Bourbon closes the list of the most expensive coffees. Experts rate the taste of coffee as very mild, with a slight acidity and vanilla aftertaste. The fragrance contains well-defined floral motifs. Produced in Rwanda and costs $35 per pound of grain.

According to statistics, more than two and a half billion cups of coffee are drunk every day in the world. An invigorating and delicious drink won the hearts of millions of fans. And true connoisseurs are ready to pay a lot of money for the privilege of drinking a cup of truly elite coffee.

Today in our selection are most expensive coffees able to satisfy the taste of any fastidious gourmet.

10. Yauco Selecto AA ($11 a pound - about 450 grams)

One of the rarest and most expensive Arabica varieties is grown in the mountains of Puerto Rico at an altitude of at least 100 meters above sea level. The aroma of coffee of this variety is distinguished by nutty and chocolate notes.

9. Starbucks Rwanda Blue Bourbon ($24 a pound)

This variety has been grown in Rwanda since 2004 for the famous Starbucks coffee company. The unique taste of coffee is distinguished by fine acidity, as well as the aroma of spices.

8. Kona Coffee ($34 per pound)

This variety of Arabica grows on the slopes of the Hawaiian volcanoes Gualalai and Mauna Loa. Mineral-rich volcanic soil and an ideal climate create all the conditions for the maturation of aromatic Kona coffee beans.

7. Los Planes ($40 per pound)

This coffee is grown on the plains of Los Plains in El Salvador. Connoisseurs note its sweetish-floral notes with a touch of cocoa. In 2006, at the prestigious Quality Cup, experts assigned this coffee 93.52 points out of a hundred possible.

6. Blue Mountain ($49 per pound)

This variety is grown in Jamaica. Blue Mountain is the favorite drink of the English Queen Elizabeth and the legendary James Bond. By the way, the aroma and mild taste of this expensive coffee appealed to the Japanese, who buy up about 80% of Blue Mountain beans.

5. Fazenda Santa Ines ($50 per pound)

The grains of this expensive variety are harvested by hand on Brazilian plantations in Minas Gerais. The best Brazilian coffee has a rich aroma with citrus and chocolate undertones. It is believed that this coffee goes great with cream.

4. El Injerto ($50 per pound)

This type of coffee is grown in Guatemala in the town of Coban. The humid rainy climate of the places where it grows contributes to the special taste of coffee. This variety has won the Quality Cup three times - in 2002, 2006 and 2007.

3. Island of St. Helena Coffee ($79 a pound)

Saint Helena is famous for being the place of exile of Napoleon Bonaparte, who, by the way, really appreciated the local coffee. A feature of this variety is that only natural fertilizers are used in its cultivation.

2. Hacienda La Esmeralda ($104 per pound)

One of the most expensive coffee varieties on the planet is grown in Panama in the town of Gesha. However, in order to increase interest in the product, far-sighted planters named local coffee trees with the alluring name "Geisha". Each grain of the Hacienda La Esmeralda variety is checked for defects and weighed.

1. Kopi Luwak ($160 per pound)

The most expensive coffee comes from the islands of Java, Sumatra and Sulawesi. Coffee got its name from small animals - civet or Luwak, as the locals call them. Civet eat ripe coffee beans by passing them through their gastrointestinal tract. Coffee beans come out undigested, cleaned, dried and roasted. Enzymes contained in the stomach of the civet give the drink a special taste and aroma. No more than 500 kg of the Kopi Luwak variety enters the market every year.
