
Freshly squeezed juices - good or bad? How to choose high-quality and healthy juice.

Nature has no bad weather, just like a bad season. Even in winter, when most people's diets are poor in vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants, you can find a great way out. And it's juice! It is they who are called upon to color our daily menu in rainbow colors and benefit health! But are all juices the same? What is it - a vitamin drive or a serious prophylactic? About all this - further.

The main value of natural juice is that it helps to instantly restore strength. It is worth taking a couple of sips and everything changes: the problems seem not so serious, and the tasks are difficult. This nuance is often used when creating advertising. What is unusual about plain juice? And the fact is that it does not contain proteins and fats, but it is replete with carbohydrates. The latter, as you know, when they enter the body, increase the level of glucose in the blood, due to which the mood improves and problems are solved more quickly. True, the effect is short-lived! After a while, the glucose level drops and everything returns to normal. What remains in the body? What useful, besides a burst of energy, can juice give?

As a rule, these are vitamins and biologically active substances. Their concentration depends on how long the road from the fruit or vegetable to your table was. If you are used to making your own juices, more benefit will be from fresh fruit, compared to those that have been stored for some time.

Freshly squeezed juices and fresh juices are healthier plain juice, and all because the pulp of vegetables and fruits contains fiber - a natural "engine" of food according to gastrointestinal tract. In addition, any juice contains pectins and organic substances that stimulate metabolism. Interestingly, the popular opinion about the high effectiveness of orange juice against cellulite and body fat is exaggerated. Orange juice no more than other types contributes to the stimulation of metabolism.

What else can you find in a glass of natural juice? Numerous studies show that minerals, folic acid and vitamin P in juices no less than in whole vegetables and fruits. But with vitamin C, things are worse - this vitamin is quickly destroyed. Its amount decreases over time even in whole fruits, if they do not fall on the plate immediately "from the garden."

Speaking about the benefits of juice, it is impossible to say unequivocally that it is good for the body. And we are talking about a quality product, not a dubious package from the store!

Juices can contribute to the accumulation of extra pounds

Surprising but true! Freshly squeezed juice and fresh juice are not helpers in getting rid of everything superfluous, but on the contrary, they can act as a “supplement”! Weight gain is due to the fact that juices contain a lot of glucose and fructose, as well as high calorie content. Worth considering for a long time known fact: Juices increase appetite. So if you're on a diet, opt for whole fruits!

Acidic juices - a test for the digestive tract

Organic acids contained in juices are not always useful. They can injure and cause irritation of the gastric mucosa, therefore concentrated acidic formulations must be diluted with water. Nutritionists recommend a 1:1 ratio.

In some diseases, a seemingly useful product should be limited in daily menu and sometimes eliminated altogether. So, recent studies by scientists from the United States have shown that lovers of fresh juice in the morning are more likely to develop diabetes.

But all this does not mean that juices should be treated with caution - they should be used correctly, taking into account indications and contraindications. According to some foreign experts, juices are not only and not so much healthy drink, how much therapeutic and prophylactic agent. And that means you need to take it responsibly.

To get the most out of juice, learn more about its properties and composition! You should not replace the main meals with juices, an exception to the rule - if it is recommended to you by a doctor. You should definitely not go on a juice diet, as this is a tough mono-diet that can destroy the coordinated work of the whole organism and then require a long recovery. So, if a woman sits on such a diet for a couple of weeks, she will start having problems with the gastrointestinal tract, possibly a complete cessation of menstruation, hair loss will be forced, metabolism will be disturbed and other unpleasant consequences.

On a note!

Experts advise drinking juice between main meals. Perfect option- in the morning, after morning exercises and 30-40 minutes before breakfast.

If you choose to stick with healthy eating and introduce more juices into the diet, be sure to consult your doctor. Not all juices are created equal. So, few people know that many freshly squeezed juices need to be diluted with water, as they aggressively act on the intestinal walls and tooth enamel.

Before enjoying citrus juices, you should read the instructions for the drugs you are taking and consult your doctor, as they reduce the effectiveness of drugs. And during colds the desire to take a large dose of vitamins is completely fraught. citrus juices increase cough and runny nose, contribute to the secretion of mucus.

Some types of juices are consumed strictly in doses, for example, carrot juice you should not drink more than 2-3 times a week, otherwise specific jaundice may occur.


If you like to drink juice with lunch, you may experience such consequences as heartburn, fermentation in the intestines, and colic. Active substances, contained in juices, react with food eaten, so discomfort is not uncommon.

The most useful juice from the store is straight-pressed juice. It is prepared as follows: the fruits are harvested, squeezed and processed in high temperature regime and then poured into glass bottles or in packages. By the way, the container into which the juice is poured does not in any way indicate the “naturalness” of the product and does not affect the shelf life. The main thing is that the drink is stored correctly. When choosing juice, first of all, you need to pay attention to its production method, and not to the packaging. This is just the case when they meet not “by clothes”!

A tempting inscription on the label "100% natural" according to GOST can be used to designate direct-pressed juice (it retains the most valuable substances) and reconstituted. The latter is produced from a concentrate obtained as a result of pressing and evaporating the fruit. In production, the concentrate is diluted drinking water before desired consistency and thus get the juice. Separately, I would like to note that chemical preservatives for the storage of such juice are not required.

Reconstituted juice is inferior in quality to straight-pressed juice, because as a result of processing it loses the lion's share of vitamins and aromatic substances. Therefore, manufacturers often “enrich” such juices with vitamins, which they “report” on the packaging with the word “fortified”.

In addition to "real" juices, you can find nectars and juice-containing drinks on the counter of stores - how do they differ from each other?

The whole truth about juice!

If the product label says "juice", then it can only contain juice and no other additives. The only exception to the rule is tomato juice, which may also contain salt.

Nectars and juice drinks differ in the concentration of natural juice. So, in nectar it can be 25-50%, and in a juice-containing drink - 5-10% (5% if it is citrus juice, in other cases - from 10%). In addition to juice, these drinks contain drinking water, sugar, citric acid.

To drink or not to drink juice? This is perhaps the main question of people who adhere to the principles of a healthy diet. On the scales - juice and health. If this harmonious union is not destroyed by excessive fanaticism, the goal of “enriching” the body with vitamins no matter what, natural juice will be beneficial. But you need to agree on the possibility of including it in your diet, as well as the frequency of use, with a specialist.

1. Grape juice improves the condition with anemia, overwork, loss of strength.

2. Apple juice removes toxins, regulates the digestive tract, hypoallergenic.

3. pumpkin juice useful in diseases of the liver and kidneys, and cherry - helps with constipation, increases appetite.

4. Cabbage is indicated for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and problems with blood vessels.

6. beetroot juice It will manifest itself with stress and insomnia, it also has the ability to reduce high blood pressure.

7. pear juice can help dissolve kidney stones and remove them from the body.

8. Pomegranate juice rich in ascorbic acid, useful for anemia, respiratory diseases, diabetes.

9. Tomato juice is effective for maintaining the body in cardiovascular diseases.

10. watermelon juice relieves swelling, strengthens the immune system.

Roskontrol specialists carried out laboratory research orange juices and nectars of eight popular trademarks- “Kind”, “I”, My family”, “Beloved”, “ Orchard”, “Tone”, RICH and J7. All products for testing turned out to be reconstituted juices. At the same time, according to the results of the examination RICH juice cannot be called orange juice, since the manufacturer added tangerine juice to it, which is a falsification of the product.

The most beneficial for health was the juice "Lubimiy" - "record holder" in terms of content ascorbic acid- 53mg/1l. Least of all this valuable substance in juices "My family" and "Orchard". For getting daily allowance the consumer will have to drink at least 1.5 liters of juice.

Today it is fashionable to be healthy, more and more people want to lead healthy lifestyle life, choose quality products trying to refuse bad habits. This is a great trend, however, few people know all the nuances. For example, supporters of a healthy diet should exclude juices from stores from their diet. But well-known fresh juices can even harm if you cook and use them incorrectly. Which juice to choose daily use? Why are store juices bad? You will learn about this in this article.

Fresh juices in your diet. We all constantly hear about how useful it is to drink freshly squeezed juices, but in fact, not everyone is useful. If the drink is prepared on the basis of an apple, orange, lemon or cranberry, then it can negatively affect the condition of the sick stomach. Also, in one glass of freshly squeezed juice, several fruits can fit, and this is enough. a large number of fructose. People with diabetes should avoid grape, mango, banana and date juices. Such a drink can dramatically raise blood sugar levels, which is very dangerous. If you are not on a diet, then also control the amount of calories consumed. Juice not the sweetest fruits.

Drink juice through a straw. Any dentist will confirm that frequent use juices can negatively affect the condition of your teeth. You should not completely refuse fruits, just if you prepare juice for yourself, drink it through a straw. If you have weak enamel, then additionally rinse your mouth with warm water after drinking juices.

Benefits of Juices. First of all, it is an excellent source of vitamins and antioxidants. If you start the day with freshly squeezed juice, you can get a lot of useful trace elements and avoid vitamin deficiency. Every cell in our body needs fresh fruits and vegetables, someone prefers to use them in their original form, and someone prepares all kinds of drinks and salads. If you do not remove the peel, then you will save in the drink such a necessary and valuable fiber for our body. It cleanses the intestines of toxins, helps to improve the functioning of the stomach.

When in question about nutrition, nothing can replace fruit. But next best product are natural juices from these fruits, which should be consumed in moderate amounts. Since the list of juices and their derivatives is constantly growing and your purchasing power is expanding, you need to choose juices wisely.

Are all juices equally healthy and nutritious?

Orange natural juice is rich in vitamin C, folic acid, potassium and flavonoids, which are natural healers, as well as vitamins. Flavonoids are powerful antioxidants and are involved in improving immunity, fighting various diseases and prevent aging. Juices with deeper color (e.g. pink vs. white grapefruit juice) tend to have more carotenoids and other antioxidants. But even less nutrient-dense apple juice and light grape juice contain potentially beneficial flavonoids. Juices with pulp are high in fiber and pectin, which can also be beneficial.

How many calories are in juices?

Calorie content in fruit juices range from 34 kcal per 100 gr. product (grapefruit juice), 46 kcal (apple), 48 kcal (pineapple), 56 kcal (pomegranate), 60 kcal (orange), 63-70 kcal (grape). IN vegetable juices significantly fewer calories tomato juice only 18 kcal per 100 gr. product. Fruit juices are more caloric compared to fruits because they have a much higher sugar content. The sugar content in juices is slightly less than, for example, in cola or other well-known sodas. This is something to keep in mind if you are on a diet and trying to lose weight. Also, sugar in juices is dangerous because it immediately enters the liver and blood, and can provoke diabetes II type. Limit yourself to one glass a day, be sure to dilute it, and don't buy overly sweet juices.

Nectars are a mixture of one or more concentrated juices with water and lots of sugar (usually high in fructose), a high-calorie, unhealthy, processed food. The share of fruit juice should be at least 25-50% and should not contain chemical preservatives.

Juice drinks are a mixture of natural juices with water, sugar and citric acid. In juice-containing drinks, the juice content should not be less than 10%, and in vegetable drinks - at least 40%. These drinks may contain natural or artificial flavors, dyes or preservatives. When shopping for juices, check the ingredient list carefully to make sure no sweeteners are added.

Manufacturers often add cheap juices to expensive ones. And harsh juices such as pomegranate juice or cranberry juice, are also often diluted with sweet juices. Juice is considered still 100% fruit juice, but it may contain little of the juice indicated on the label. This is done with blueberry juice or cherry juice (which are expensive), often diluted with cheaper grape or apple juice.

Should You Buy Fortified Juices?

You should not overpay for juices with the addition of vitamin E and C, B vitamins, and herbs. there is no evidence that they will protect the heart, increase immunity, or confer any health benefits.

Is unpasteurized juice safe?

Unpasteurized juices carry a risk bacterial contamination. There is a possibility of disease food origin. Unpasteurized, bottled juice must have a warning label, method of consumption and shelf life.

We all understand the benefits of fruit and vegetable juices, but it is necessary to remember that it is best for the body to drink natural, and freshly squeezed 100% juices without added sugar and preservatives are better. However, it should be recalled that uncontrolled consumption of juices can lead to allergic reaction, exacerbation of chronic diseases and even diabetes.

Bright, tasty, refreshing, healthy... His Majesty JUICE! Is it really a drink that we have loved since childhood brings only benefits? Can you drink it all the time? Can juice be medicine? If you want to know the answers to these and other questions - read the article to the end, you will look at many facts related to juice with completely different eyes!

How many vitamins are in a juice pack?

IN Lately It is widely believed that there is absolutely nothing useful in packaged juice. Let's consider how true this statement is.

The technology for the production of juice in bags is approximately as follows:

  • squeeze juice from apples, as the cheapest raw material;
  • the liquid is evaporated from it (concentrated), and stored in this form;
  • bred concentrated juice water, to which sugar, flavors, dyes, citric acid are added.
  • pour the resulting drink into bags.

Of course, it would be unfair to claim that Cherry juice they do not add cherries at all, but oranges are added to orange. They add, but the content of cherries, oranges and any other fruit or berry is so small that it can be ignored.

In addition, only that which is 100% of the fruit component has the right to be called juice. Are there many such miracles for sale? With a natural juice content of up to 50%, the drink will be called nectar, and if the fruit part is less than 10%, then just a juice-containing drink!

Is there anything good about packaged juice at all? Certainly there is. The vitamins that managed to survive concentration, heat treatment and storage have not gone away and are probably actually contained in such juice. But, frankly, their content is negligible, it is not recommended to use such juice as a remedy for vitamin deficiency.

To drink or not to drink packaged juice

The answer to this question is ambiguous. Undoubtedly, juice from the supermarket is very convenient, fast and tasty. On the other hand, everyone already knows that flavors, flavor enhancers and dyes are harmful. The conclusion suggests itself: you can drink such juice, most importantly, choose it correctly.

A few tips for choosing juice:

  • Pay attention to the composition and percentage of the fruit part.
  • Buy juice from a trusted manufacturer you trust.
  • Do not forget, the more saturated and unnatural the color of the juice, the more dyes there are. For example, natural apple juice has a color from light brown to dark brown, "juices" of bright green color cannot be called natural.
  • Don't go cheap! To reduce the cost of juice production, unscrupulous producers add more water or use poor quality raw materials.

Freshly squeezed juice - a panacea or a ticket to the hospital?

There is no doubt that fresh juices are useful. Still, because such juice contains great amount vitamins, minerals and others useful substances V pure form, is quickly absorbed and has therapeutic effect on the body. Moreover, there are many methods of treatment with the help of freshly squeezed juices, which promise to get rid of all diseases. However, it should be noted that there are a number of contraindications to taking fresh juices, it is not recommended to drink them uncontrollably.

Basic rules and precautions when drinking freshly squeezed juices:

  • It is necessary to drink juice (except for beetroot, which must be kept for 2 hours before drinking) immediately after preparation, the destruction of vitamins in the air occurs very quickly.
  • Do not drink juice with food, this starts the process of decay and leads to excessive gas formation. Best time for juice - half an hour before meals.
  • To avoid the destruction of tooth enamel, it is advisable to drink juices through a straw and in no case brush your teeth immediately after fresh juice.
  • In case of receiving any medicines be sure to consult with your doctor about the use of juices.

In addition, each type of juice has a list of contraindications, which must be studied before deciding on the improvement of the body with the help of juices.

Choose your juice

All freshly squeezed juices have their own characteristics, indications and contraindications. For example, the use apple juice a healthy adult can not be limited, he has positive action for the whole organism. It is not recommended to take apple juice only for peptic ulcers, pancreatitis and gastritis in the acute stage.

Orange juice - a storehouse of vitamin C, it is used to prevent colds and improve immunity. Experts advise diluting this juice in half with water, do not drink it for those who have high acidity, as well as for digestive disorders.

Grape juice promotes the acceleration of metabolism and improves digestion, cleanses the blood, has a good effect on the heart. It is also advisable to dilute it in half with water and take no more than half a glass at a time. Contraindications to taking this juice are peptic ulcer, gastritis with hyperacidity, diabetes mellitus, obesity, inflammatory processes in the lungs.

One of the most useful carrot juice , it improves immunity, has a beneficial effect on digestion, the circulatory system, improves eyesight and cleanses the body. It is important not to overdo it in the use of carrot juice, and also not to use it during an exacerbation peptic ulcer, gastritis, diarrhea and diabetes.

With a reasonable approach, freshly squeezed juice can be a great help in healing the body, helping to cope with existing diseases and prevent new ones. Drink juices correctly and be healthy!

Each person needs to replenish the supply of fluid in the body daily. Without it, he simply will not be able to function normally, resulting in dehydration, and sometimes irreversible and even fatal consequences. You can quench your thirst different drinks- regular or mineral water, compotes, juices and much more.

The benefits of natural juices

Always, since childhood, they tried to give us juices to drink. And not in vain, as they are a real storehouse of many vitamins and minerals. Vegetable, fruit or berry juices very important in the diet of an athlete. They are able not only to quench your thirst after intense training, but also to replenish the reserves of all the necessary vitamins.

First of all, juices, especially those made from yellow or orange fruits, contain a lot of carotene, in addition, they are rich in:

  • vitamin C;
  • nicotinic acid;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • various amino acids.
In general, absolutely any juice contains a certain set of certain useful trace elements. The advantage of such a drink, in contrast to fresh fruit- in the better digestibility of elements from a liquid form, rather than from a solid one. Modern production allows you to save during processing most vitamins contained in raw vegetables and fruits. But the question always arises: is drinking juice good or bad?

The systematic use of juices can improve the functioning of many body systems, since these drinks:

  • normalize metabolism;
  • strengthen the immune properties, protecting against the penetration of infections;
  • act as antidepressants, calming the nervous system in stressful situations;
  • improve the process of assimilation of food by activating the work of the digestive glands.
This indicator is very important for bodybuilders, especially during the period of mass gain, when it is necessary to eat a large amount of protein foods.

Due to the presence of potassium salts, many types of juices help to remove excess fluid from the body and, accordingly, reduce swelling, which also has a positive effect when dry muscle mass. The fiber content improves intestinal motility, but in large quantities may have a laxative effect.

What juice to choose?

Juices are important in the athlete's diet, they can not only quench your thirst after intense training, but also replenish the reserves of all the necessary vitamins.

Of course, juice is not a panacea - it should be remembered that this is only food product. But still, there is a benefit from it, although it is not visible to the naked eye, and does not come immediately.

For athletes, it is important to choose juices with great content fructose and a minimum or - even better - with a complete absence of sucrose. Repeated studies have confirmed the information that sucrose contributes to the growth of body fat, the accumulation of bad cholesterol and the development of many cardiovascular diseases.

Therefore, healthy juices are based on fructose - the fruit's own sweetness. For example, in apple juice fructose is four times more than sucrose, and in cherry this figure is 15 times higher. For people who monitor their diet, it is very important to know the answer: "Juices - good and bad?".

The need for juices increases in the winter-spring period, when the choice of fresh fruits is minimal, and the supply of vitamins in the body is almost exhausted since the summer. If we talk about the choice between packaged and freshly squeezed juice, the advantage belongs to the second. Despite the preservation of many nutrients in a packaged product, yet at the moment heat treatment part of the vitamins and microelements disappears. A freshly prepared drink must be drunk immediately after its preparation, within half an hour. It is at this time that all useful substances are concentrated in it.

Harm of natural juice

In addition to the benefits, which, of course, are significant, there is also harm. in packaged versions mass production there is a possibility of preservatives that are added to increase the shelf life of the product.

If speak about homemade juices, after half an hour of finding freshly prepared juice without sterilization and heat treatment, it increases the likelihood of the formation of various bacteria and harmful microorganisms. In production, this possibility is excluded.

It is important to note that harm can be caused not only by violated cooking standards, but also as a result of prolonged intake of one type of juice. For example, carrot juice large doses may cause jaundice to develop high content it has beta-carotene.

Pomegranate juice is difficult for the stomach to digest, especially for people suffering from ulcers or gastritis. Citrus juices should not be taken with medications, as they lose their properties. And taking juices on an empty stomach can provoke an increase in acidity, thereby corroding the walls of the stomach.

Natural juice - composition

Despite the existing disadvantages, correct usage juices, without abuse, has much more advantages. Regarding the benefits specifically for athletes, it consists in the ingestion of the following elements into the body:
  • Carotene- promotes muscle growth by improving protein synthesis, and also increases the content of glycogen in the body, which is an energy reserve for physical exertion.
  • Thiamine- this microelement improves oxygen transport, participates in the process of cell growth and protein production.
  • Riboflavin- this element is involved in the metabolic processes of glucose and proteins, as well as in the oxidation of fatty acids.
  • cyanocobalamin- regulates the amount of carbohydrates.
  • Ascorbic acid- accelerates regenerative processes in cells, improves overall tone, balances work nervous system and protects the body from the effects of free radicals.
  • A nicotinic acid- helps in reducing the level of bad cholesterol, participates in the regulation of carbohydrate and energy metabolism, in the processes of biosynthesis.
Any product is good in moderation. systematic, but small quantities the use of vegetable, fruit or berry juices can improve general state body, give strength and energy, while not causing side effects.

Video about natural juices:
