
How Rich and Dobry juices are made. Product Requirements

And juice drinks, and, secondly, reflects the entire essential composition of the juice. Mandatory requirements for non-harmfulness and labeling of fruit juices and similar products, establishing quality requirements for these products.

Among fruit raw materials processed by Ukrainian canning factories, apples occupy 80-90% More than 500 thousand tons of apples are processed in Ukraine for juices and drinks.

Common juice drinks: apple, grape, plum, birch, tomato, orange.

1. The concept of juice

Juice- can only be named 100% natural product obtained from fruits or vegetables by direct pressing or reproduced from concentrate. In addition, no preservatives, dyes, artificial flavors or flavors identical to natural are allowed in natural juice. Only natural substances obtained from fruits or berries are allowed to be used as flavorings in natural juices.

2. Official classification of juices

Juices are divided into 5 types depending on the methods of fruit processing:

  1. Direct juice- juice produced directly from fresh or kept fresh fruits and (or) vegetables by mechanical processing;
  2. Freshly squeezed juice- direct-pressed juice produced from fresh or kept fresh fruits and (or) vegetables in the presence of consumers and has not been preserved;
  3. reconstituted juice- juice made from concentrated juice or direct juice and drinking water. Reconstituted tomato juice can also be produced by reconstituting tomato paste and/or tomato puree;
  4. concentrated juice- juice produced by the physical removal of a portion of the water contained in straight-pressed juice in order to increase the content of soluble solids by at least two times in relation to the original straight-pressed juice. In the production of concentrated juice, the process of extracting dry substances from crushed fruits and (or) vegetables of the same batch, from which the juice was previously separated, by means of drinking water can be applied, provided that the product of this extraction is added to the original juice before the stage of concentration within one current technological process. Concentrated natural substances that create aroma, produced from the juice of the same name or from fruits or vegetables of the same name, can be added to the concentrated juice;
  5. Diffusion Juice- juice produced by extracting extractive substances from fresh fruits and (or) vegetables, or dried fruits and (or) vegetables of the same species with the help of drinking water, the juice of which cannot be obtained by mechanical processing. Diffusion juice can be concentrated and then reconstituted. The content of soluble solids in the diffusion juice must not be lower than the level established for reconstituted juices.

3. Classification of juice products

Juice products It's not just juice. Juice products include nectars, fruit drinks and juice drinks. All these products differ in composition and taste.

4. Raw material

4.1. vegetable juices

Vegetable juices are as useful as fruit juices, and some even more. First of all, they have less sugar and are easier to digest. In addition, they are rich in minerals.

5. Juicing process

Filling containers with apple juice at a small modern winery

The process of making juices consists of preparing berries and fruits, squeezing the juice and preserving it, if it is intended for harvesting.

After removing the petioles and sepals, the berries and fruits are washed in cold water, put on a sieve and allowed to drain. Then they are crushed. The berries are crushed or left whole.

The juice is separated mechanically or by heating the berries and fruits with steam.

The mechanical method consists in squeezing the juice manually or with the help of presses, etc.

To clarify the squeezed juice, it is filtered, but filtration does not give complete juice clarification.

After squeezing the juice to the pulp, add 10% warm boiled water and squeeze again. This juice is used for making fruit drinks, jelly and so on.

Clear, fragrant juice can be obtained by heating berries and fruits with steam.

For long-term storage, the juice is heated for several minutes without boiling, and then poured into a well-heated container, sterilized for 20-30 minutes at a temperature of 85 ° C and hermetically sealed.

5.1. clarified juice

To obtain a clear fruit juice, it is illuminated in order to remove dispersed particles and improve the presentation. Illuminated fruit juice is also a better thirst quencher. Depending on the specific technological conditions, as a rule, such methods of illuminating fruit juices are used: physical, biochemical and physico-chemical. The physical ones include straining, settling, separation, biochemical - treatment with enzymes, physico-chemical - treatment with bentonite, organic and, less commonly, synthetic flocculants (such as polyethylene oxide and polyacrylamide), instant heating, etc.

6. Indicators of natural juice

Important indicators of the naturalness of juices are the ability of the juice to fermentation, the content of the amino acid proline, mannose, polygalacturonan (the amount of pectin substances), formol number, L-malic acid, D-malic acid, polyphenolic substances and a number of others.

In natural juices, the content of proline, as a rule, is higher than in raw materials. This is due to the fact that during heat treatment part of the proline of the proteins passes into the free form.

If there is less proline in juices than in raw materials by 2-10 times, then this indicates that the juice lacks a sufficient amount of the fruit part or juice blended with other juices.

An obvious method of falsification is the use of substances that artificially add density to juices, i.e. adjust the viscosity. It has been established that the content of mannose in natural juices does not exceed 1%, which indicates the absence of mananine polysaccharides (locust bean gum, guar gum, etc.).

Determination of the ability of fruit and vegetable juices to ferment - determine the presence in the juice of certain or undefined components of artificial origin (they interfere with the fermentation of the product) The areometric method for determining the ability of fruit and tomato juices before fermentation is based on determining the relative density of the juice before fermentation, during fermentation or after fermentation. During the fermentation of juices, the carbohydrates contained in them form alcohol. The value of the relative density of the juice that is fermenting is always less than the relative density of the juice that is not fermented. Knowing the relative density of the juice before fermentation and measuring the relative density of the juice, which is vibrodiving, the table determines the mass fraction of alcohol formed and the mass fraction of sugar, vibrodiving, and, according to the data obtained, using a certain comparative table, draw the appropriate conclusions. In some cases, the refractometric method is used, which is based on determining the mass fraction of sugar in the juice before fermentation, during fermentation or after fermentation.

If juices are fermented on the second or third day, this indicates that these juices may contain preservatives or that derivative concentrates were of artificial origin for the production of reconstituted juices.

7. The state of the regulatory framework in the production of fruit and berry juices in Ukraine

For 2009 in Ukraine, in the national system of standardization in the field of production of fruit and berry products, technical committees for standardization have been created and are operating: TC 23 "Products of orchards, vineyards and wine products", TC 24 "Products from vegetables and fruits and equipment for their processing" , TK 154 "Juices and juice-containing products". These committees develop national standards for fruit and berry juices, fresh fruits, vegetables, berries and their processed products, containing product quality requirements, and standards for methods for monitoring product quality indicators, rules for accepting fruit and berry products, packaging, labeling, etc. d..

In total, in 2009, TC 24 and TC 154 planned to develop about 30 national standards for juices and juice-containing products, including those for baby and diet food, nutrition for pregnant women, and quality control methods.

The list of current regulatory documents regulating the production of juice products in Ukraine:
GOST 2074-92Processed fruits and vegetables. Terms and Definitions
DSTU 4283.1:2007Canned food. Juices and juice products. Part 1. Terms and definitions
DSTU 4283.2:2007Canned food. Juices and juice products. Part 2. Nomenclature and requirements
RST Ukrainian SSR 1726-83Natural birch sap. THAT
RST Ukrainian SSR 1963-85Canned food. Rosehip drink. THAT
GOST 2138-93Canned food. Juices and diet drinks. THAT
DSTU 4008-2001Canned food. Fruit, vegetable and vegetable-fruit juices for baby food. THAT
DSTU 4066-2002Alcoholic fruit juices. THAT
DSTU 4701:2006Fermented fruit juices. THAT
GSTU 15.3-16304966-002-2002Semi-finished fruit and berry juices, preserved with chemical preservatives. THAT
GSTU 46.023-2002Canned food. Blended fruit and berry juices, natural and reconstituted. THAT
GSTU 46.025-2002Canned food. Fruit drinks. THAT
GSTU 46.087:2004Grape juice concentrated unclarified. THAT
SOU 15.3-37-223:2005Canned food. Blended birch sap. THAT
GOST 656-79Natural fruit and berry juices. THAT
GOST 657-79Fruit and berry juices with sugar. OTU
GOST 937-91Canned food. Juice Tomato. THAT
GOST 16366-78Fruit and berry juices with pulp. THAT
GOST 18192-72Juices fruit and berry concentrated. THAT
GOST 18193-72Juices from citrus fruits. THAT
GOST 25892-83Natural grape juice. THAT
GOST 29135-91Fruit juices. OTU

From 01.08.2007 on the territory of Ukraine, a residual edition of the main national standard for juice production began - a document that consists of two parts:

  • " DSTU 4283.1:2007. canned food. Juices and juice products. Terms and meaning to understand "
  • " DSTU 4283.2:2007. canned food. Juices and juice products. Nomenclature ta vimogi ".

The document is divided by TC 154 and TC 24 for compliance with the Code (Code of Alimentarius and Directives EC 2001/112/US of 20.12.2001), which regulates international and European juices for fruit juices.

7.1. Irregularity

Under the hour of carrying out rechecking the maintenance of the standards, norms and rules in case of variation, savings and sales of juices and juice products at enterprises and wholesale depots, the food is blamed for one hundred and one-hour dividing two parts of the standard (DSTU 4283.1: 2 007, DSTU 4283.2:2007) and (GOST 657- 79, DSTU 2074-92):

  • according to DSTU 4283.1:2007 (section 1) it is assigned that terms, established by the standard, recommended for victoria, but not " obov "language for zastosuvannya", how to find DSTU 2074-92;
  • DSTU 4283.2:2007 (section 1) reads that support the standard є recommendations, in practice, the introduction of these standards did not make the job easier, but instead made it even more difficult.

In accordance with the provisions of DSTU 4283.1:2007, the order of DSTU 2074-92 was applied to some of the terms: for numbers 23 - canned fruit juice, 25 - canned fruit juice with m "yacott. That's why it's so obvious that on the territory of Ukraine the term and the meaning of the concept "Sik z tsukr" has been coined.

Pogіrshuє tsyu situation sokozh і one-hour dіya dіya dіya dekіlkoh stаdіnіv stоutovno juice prodіvіv z sdavannym tsukru - DSTU 4283.1:2007 and GOST 657-79. In the first daily term, the meaning of the concept is "Sik z tsukr", and juice products, to the warehouse of which include tsukor at a quantity greater than 15 g / dm "(" Cocktail", "Morse", "Drinking Juice"), and not "Sik z Zukrom", as GOST 657-79 was transferred.

Standard DSTU 4283.2:2007 (Section 6) allows for blending juices in bulk containers to designate the name of the product behind the main warehouse, so that the mass fraction of the sum of the warehouses in the product should not exceed 50% of the main warehouse. Other warehouses are designated in the warehouse inventory for the product, but it is allowed not to display their warehouse. When naming a product, it should be placed in a font that is larger for the decal than for the font of the warehouse in the product. Such an ambiguity to introduce peach juice into oman, sprouts of spozhivach, buying "Peach Sik", is supposed to take peach juice itself, and not 51% of peach puree in the warehouse of the product and 49% of apple puree. In this case, you can’t get information about the storage capacity of the product, and the warehouse itself is put in order only for the storage of warehouses without designating their storage capacity. Such inaccuracies in the ND help to avoid unfair competition among the types of products, complicate the "actively carried out re-verifications" and call out to be foolish, which logically did not understand the standard.

Manufacturers of juice products at the hour of її marking allow their own victorious writing " 100% natural product"And appeal that guilt is not super to say to decent legislation. And it is impossible not to wait with them, the shards in the regulatory and legislative bases have not standardized the concept of "natural product", so write on branded juice and grub products in front of you"100 % NATURAL PRODUCT" , "NATURAL PRODUCT WITHOUT PRESERVATIONS", "NATURAL PRODUCT WITHOUT PRESERVATIONS", according to DSTU 4518:2006 vikonavchoi authorities. , barvnikiv, flavorings (quiet, yakі can be recognized in Ukraine, and skіlki їх інєі і ахіх ахе - vzagalі nevidomo), but to confirm the naturalness of nothing and not to be smeared, because ov "sharp and not the evaluation criteria were assigned.

8. Examination of the selection of juices and juice products for the regions of Ukraine, 2006-2007:

The most juices are produced in Mykolaiv, Odessa and Dnipropetrovsk regions.

Region2007 rіk,
2006 rіk,
Ukraine 1067276 735828 45
Autonomous Republic of Crimea 9342 6342 47
Vinnitsa 82960 56291 47
Volyn 1854 1596 16
Dnepropetrovsk 114809 83211 38
Donetsk 3006 1683 79
Zhytomyr 19247 15176 27
Transcarpathian 42069 31906 32
Zaporozhye 22 532 0
Ivano-Frankivsk 827 510 62
Kyiv 1445 815 77
Kirovogradskaya 0 1 0
Luhansk 115 75 53
Lviv 13635 7312 86
Nikolaevskaya 489758 289566 69
Odessa 220079 202856 9
Poltava 56 54 4
Rivne 5222 4327 21
Ternopil 7673 6703 15
Kharkiv 4870 2084 134
Kherson 8137 4877 67
Khmelnytsky 16879 7842 115
Cherkasy 3342 2006 67
Chernivtsi 15147 4797 216
Chernihiv 6779 5260 29
Kyiv 3 6 0

9. Nikolaev region

Variety of the main types of products of industrial processing of fruits in the Mykolaiv region, tons
Fruit and vegetable juices,
138221 179605 240648 289566 489781 354,35
orange juice
23595 20323 26866 25710 46302 196,24
juices (orange cream)
73384 60380 69987 77361 146370 199,46
grapefruit juice
2716 2682 3408 3861 X * -
sik s іnshih citrus fruits
1185 1168 3329 2159 X * -
sik pineapple
9776 4728 6530 2201 X * -
natural tomato sik 18372 26801 26733 32905 40734 221,72
grape sik
including wort
4621 3830 6773 236 X * -
natural apple sik 13916 10693 13372 17267 45851 329,48
sik with other fruits
vegetables, not bathing
22798 10479 9842 18732 26357 115,61
natural blended juices 40807 98829 143651 186495 297109 728,08
of them
blended fruit juices 39985 97325 135491 183574 292588 731,74
Juices child 17215 48298 61308 74408 5947 34,55
*confirmed by the Law of Ukraine "On state statistics" information is confidential.

Have 2007 r. in the Mykolaiv region, the number of blended fruit juices increased significantly, and in the same region in 2003. by 628.1%, or 252588 tons, and since 2004 by 200.6%, or 195263 tons. the amount of baby juices changed (from 61.2 to 4.9 kg per person).

10. Efeti juice is healthy "I

Juices are often favored for their power for health. For example, apesilsin juice avenges rich in vitamin C, folic acid, calcium, vin and a lot of biological antioxidants, and also improves lipid metabolism in people, ailments for hypercholesterolemia. Cranes do help in the prevention and prevention of infectious diseases of the sich mikhura, for the blocking of the bacteria to the yogo wall.

Many fruit juices are higher in sugar (fructose) than most sugary drinks. For example, a typical grape juice contains 50% more sugars than Coca Cola. Regular soft drinks (such as Coca Cola) cause oxidative stress when consumed and may even lead to insulin insensitivity, while juices do not cause such effects. On the contrary, juices and fruit juices are able to increase the antioxidant capacity of the blood serum and even stop oxidative stress and inflammation caused by a high intake of fats and sugars in food.

Fruit juice consumption in Europe, Australia, New Zealand and the United States has increased in recent years, most likely due to the public perception of juice as a natural source of nutrients, vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances, as well as an increase in public interest in a healthy lifestyle.

Fruit juice consumption is associated with a reduced risk of many types of cancer, may also reduce the risk of stroke, and delay the development of Alzheimer's disease.

However, equating juice consumption with health benefits has been questioned, mainly because juice lacks fiber and therefore juice production involves a long processing step. Glucose-fructose syrup, an ingredient in many juices, can lead to type 2 diabetes. Some studies show that excessive juice consumption can lead to weight gain, but other studies refute this. In a controlled series of clinical studies, it was shown that regular wine consumption did not lead to weight gain, while light drinks did. Fruit juice in moderation helps children and adults meet their daily intake of fruits, nutrients and vitamins.

fresh machine

The American Academy of Pediatrics states that babies under 6 months of age should not consume fruit juice. For children 1 to 6 years of age, daily juice intake should be limited to 4-6 ounces (1/2 - 3/4 cup). Excessive juice consumption can lead to nutritional deficiencies, diarrhea, abdominal bloating and pain, gas, and tooth decay.

In juices, when heated, hydroxymethylfurfural (a toxic substance) is formed, and its presence and quantity is an indicator of the safety of the product.

11. Shelf life

12. Fresh

Fresh juices are freshly squeezed juices.

13. Culture of consumption and consumer characteristics

Fresh juice quickly loses its beneficial properties.

14. Notes

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In this article:

Natural juices are fortified drinks that are made from fruits and vegetables. The production technology is mechanical impact with the help of presses, drum machines (on an industrial scale), juicers and juicers (at home). Natural juices can be one-component (single-component, ordinary) or multi-component (blended, mixed).

Classification of natural juices

Depending on the raw materials that are used for their preparation, fruit or vegetable juices are distinguished. Combined fruit and vegetable drinks are also popular.

Consider the most popular classification of juices:

  • direct pressing(mechanical processing of fresh fruit);
  • restored(production from a concentrate, a mixture of directly squeezed juice and drinking water);
  • freshly pressed("fresh" from English fresh - without canning);
  • concentrated(physical removal of water);
  • diffusion(concentration followed by reduction).

According to external signs, natural juices are divided into illuminated and unilluminated(with weights). Vintage juices are considered to be the most expensive and high-quality, they are produced from specially selected varieties of fruits and vegetables.

In terms of nutritional value, clarified juices are inferior to similar drinks with pulp (mass fraction no more than 55%), they have a high content of vitamin C, since it is not customary to dilute them with sugar syrup.

The undoubted benefits of juices

Fruits and vegetables can be safely attributed to the category of therapeutic and prophylactic products, since they heal the body and prolong human life, which is especially valuable in modern environmental conditions. Their only drawback is the presence of fiber, which is quite difficult to digest by the body.

Therefore, the use of juice should be limited to people who suffer from stomach ulcers and enterocolitis.

Dentists also do not recommend abusing the drink, since the acids present in its composition gradually destroy tooth enamel. It promotes the binding of calcium and its transformation into an indigestible form. It is important to note that it is strongly not recommended to brush your teeth immediately after drinking the juice, because there is a risk of washing off the softened enamel along with the paste.

The absence of harmful chemical compounds contributes to the popularity of the drink.

There are the following benefits of juice:

  • flushing out toxins, toxins from the body, strengthening immunity;
  • nutrition and restoration of tissues (glands);
  • rapid wound healing and enzyme activation;
  • a worthy alternative to many drugs;
  • restoration and saturation of the body with vitamins, minerals and nutrients.

Vegetable juices are an inexhaustible source of essential oils, pectin and fiber. There is no need to prepare it and use it after a long time, since in this case all useful properties will be lost. Therefore, it is recommended to drink them immediately after preparation.

Basic rules for proper juice consumption

Freshly squeezed juices should be drunk no earlier than 10 minutes after their preparation and 30 minutes before meals. So, an enhanced fermentation process will not be observed in the intestines, which means that there will be no decay of food with the further occurrence of adverse consequences. In case of problems with the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to drink 250 ml. juice 1.5 hours before meals in small sips ( with a straw).

Some juices should be drunk with extreme caution. For example, beetroot must be diluted with any liquid in a ratio of 1:3. Otherwise, side effects in the form of dizziness and nausea are possible.

Fruit juices derived from stone fruits ( plum, cherry, etc.) is not recommended to be multicomponent, which cannot be said about pome ( apples, grapes, currants).

The taste quality of drinks can and should be improved by adding citrus fruits, sour berries and apples to juices. In the absence of special units, you can use an ordinary grater, and squeeze the resulting liquid out of the resulting mass. For fasting days, it is recommended to take about 2 liters of various juices.

Requirements for the industrial production of products, a list of permissible additives

Finished products must necessarily comply with all the requirements established in accordance with GOST or technical conditions that are in force at each enterprise. A real reflection of the quality of the finished product is a certificate of conformity. issued by Rospotrebnadzor.

First of all, taste, aroma, as well as the content of physiologically active nutrients are subject to evaluation. The transparency of pressed clarified (without pulp) juices and the density of extracts are also taken into account.

For example, the norm of the last characteristic is the coefficient - 1.274. The color of extracts, juices, syrups must comply with the data in the regulatory documents.

For violation by entrepreneurs of the established rules, in particular, non-compliance with the proper level of quality of the finished product, administrative and civil liability is provided.

When the sold juice leads to the death of people, criminal liability arises. Unscrupulous manufacturers pass off colored water with a high content of flavors and dyes as juice. In this case, it is necessary to refer to the product as a juice-containing drink. It is made from water with the addition of a special paste of jelly-like consistency, which is obtained by evaporating the juice.

In the modern food industry, the use of the following types of food additives for making juice is allowed:

  • antifoam agents (so-called defoamers);
  • antioxidants (prevent the darkening of the product);
  • adsorbent (facilitation of the filtration process);
  • flavor and aroma enhancers;
  • preservatives (to suppress the reproduction of microorganisms), etc.

It is important to note that juice cannot be squeezed out of four fruits: apricot, banana, mango and peach. Therefore, their inclusion in the composition of the product involves the use of dyes. When the juice is artificially enriched with vitamin C (E - 211), then when interacting with preservatives, benzene, a dangerous carcinogen, begins to form. Its systematic use is fraught with dizziness, bouts of nausea and even anemia.

Heated juice, which contains the additive E-951 (aspart - a cheap sugar substitute), is characterized by the following processes. The harmful substance begins to activate and decompose into formaldehyde. Therefore, the manufacturer must indicate the presence of this component on the label.

The consumer can independently reveal this fact: when the shelf life of products exceeds 12 months, it would be quite logical to doubt the naturalness of the juice and make sure that this chemical element is present.

There is an efficient and time-tested way to check juice quality when it is poured into a glass and left alone at room temperature for 48 hours. If it has lost its original taste and deteriorated, then it can be considered natural. Its invariable characteristics indicate that the vast majority of the components of this juice are chemical.

Salient Features of Baby Juices

Severe requirements are put forward for the production of children's juices, as well as for any other food for the younger generation. The main component must be supplied exclusively from certified fruit and vegetable farms that have a confirmation document regarding the absence of harmful chemicals. It is strictly forbidden to add dyes, citric acid and preservatives. Opened baby juice cannot be stored in the refrigerator, so it is not available in small packages (no more than 0.2 ml.).

The production of natural juices for children often involves making it from concentrates and then reconstituting them with water. When a responsible producer fully adheres to the technology, then the reconstituted product can be equated in usefulness with straight-pressed juice. Vacuum is kept under the lid - to store juice without preservatives for up to 36 months and preserve nutrients.

During the production process, the product is also characterized by a multi-level control system, verification of microbiological indicators, vitamins and macroelements.

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    thesis, added 02/17/2014

    Key indicators of juice production in Russia. Structure of production of fruit juice products by types. Import of concentrated juices. Major juice producers Marketing analysis of the prospects of the Russian market for the production of juices.

    presentation, added 01/20/2016

    Market research and analysis of juices, nectars and juice drinks. Dynamics of world consumption and production of juices. Methodology of field and desk research. Methods of consumer behavior. Data processing and report generation.

    term paper, added 01/27/2011

Juices differ in the way they are produced. They are freshly squeezed, direct-pressed and reconstituted.

Freshly squeezed fresh juice is prepared immediately before use from fresh vegetables and fruits. It is the most expensive, but also the most useful, since it does not undergo processing or long-term storage and retains a maximum of useful properties. You can store it for no more than 48 hours at a temperature of +1 to +2 C °.

A direct-pressed drink is also made from fresh fruits and vegetables. It undergoes heat treatment - pasteurization or sterilization to prevent the development of microorganisms in it. Pasteurized juice can be stored from a month to three, and sterilized - up to a year. It is not subjected to any other processing, therefore it also retains the beneficial properties of vegetables and fruits.

Reconstituted juice is the most budget option, but also the least valuable. Usually the reconstituted drink is produced where fruits and vegetables grow. A concentrate is prepared from it by the evaporation method, and then this concentrate is transported to where it will be poured into packaging and diluted with water. When evaporating, the juice loses its beneficial properties, therefore, at the spill points, it is enriched with vitamins (in this case, “enriched” should be written on the packaging).

Not all fruits and vegetables are suitable for making juices. For example, undiluted pomace from cherries will be too acidic, while bananas can be more mashed. Fruit or vegetable nectar is produced from such raw materials - a drink in which from 25% to 50% is juice, and the rest is water. Nectar is usually made from a concentrate, so it is fortified with at least vitamin C. Ascorbic acid acts as a preservative, preventing the nectar from spoiling, so it can be stored for 12 months, unless otherwise indicated on the package.

Containers for packaging are different - glass and plastic bottles, cardboard bags. But the quality of the drink does not depend on what package it is poured into. Preservatives (except ascorbic acid) and artificial colors are not added.

Official classification of juices

Russian legislation divides juices into five types depending on the methods of production and processing of fruits:

  1. Direct juice- juice produced directly from fresh or kept fresh fruits and (or) vegetables by mechanical processing;
  2. Freshly squeezed juice- direct-pressed juice produced from fresh or kept fresh fruits and (or) vegetables in the presence of consumers and not subjected to canning;
  3. reconstituted juice- juice made from concentrated juice or direct juice and drinking water. Reconstituted tomato juice can also be produced by reconstituting tomato paste and/or tomato puree;
  4. concentrated juice- juice produced by the physical removal of part of the water contained in straight-pressed juice in order to increase the content of soluble solids by at least two times in relation to the original straight-pressed juice. In the production of concentrated juice, the process of extracting dry substances from crushed fruits and (or) vegetables of the same batch, from which the juice was previously separated, by means of drinking water can be used, provided that the product of this extraction is added to the original juice before the concentration step inside one flow technological process. Concentrated natural flavoring substances produced from the juice of the same name or from fruits or vegetables of the same name can be added to the concentrated juice;
  5. Diffusion Juice- juice produced by extracting extractive substances from fresh fruits and (or) vegetables or dried fruits and (or) vegetables of the same species with drinking water, the juice from which cannot be obtained by mechanical processing. Diffusion juice can be concentrated and then reconstituted. The content of soluble solids in the diffusion juice must not be lower than the level established for reconstituted juices.

Classification of juices and other juice products

Juice consumption in the world is growing every year

Juice products It's not just juice. Juice products include nectars, fruit drinks and juice drinks. All these products differ in composition and taste.

  1. Juice made directly from fruits or vegetables- it is directly squeezed juice or freshly squeezed juice. But the latter must be prepared in the presence of the buyer.
  2. reconstituted juice is a juice made from concentrated juice and drinking water. Juices may not contain preservatives, dyes, flavors and sweeteners.
  3. Nectar- a liquid food product prepared from concentrated juice (mashed potatoes), drinking water with or without the addition of natural flavoring substances of the same name. At the same time, the proportion of concentrated juice (puree) should be, depending on the type of fruit or vegetable, at least 20-50% of the total volume. In addition to water, nectar may contain sugar, natural acidifiers (for example, citric acid), antioxidants (ascorbic acid), fruit and vegetable pulp, and citrus fruit cells. Preservatives, flavors and sweeteners cannot be added to the nectar. As a rule, nectars are made from those fruits or vegetables whose concentrated juice cannot be used for juicing due to too sweet or sour taste (for example, cherries, currants, pomegranates) or because of a thick consistency (for example, bananas, peaches).
  4. juice drink- a liquid food product made by mixing juice (juices) and/or puree, concentrated juice (puree) and drinking water, provided that the proportion of juice (puree) is at least 10% (if the juice-containing drink is made from lemon or lime juice, then the proportion of concentrated juice should be at least 5%). The range of juice drinks includes the largest number of drinks made from traditional and exotic fruits: blackberries, raspberries, cactus, limes, etc.
  5. Morse- liquid food product - a traditional Russian national drink. Industrial fruit drink is usually made from a mixture of berry juice (berry puree), drinking water, sugar (or honey), provided that the minimum proportion of concentrated juice is at least 15% of the total volume. Instead of water in fruit drinks, it is permissible to use an aqueous extract of pomace of those berries that were used to produce juice or puree. According to the manufacturing method, industrial fruit drinks practically do not differ from home-made fruit drinks made in the traditional way.
