
Mackerel with eggplant for the winter. Recipe for canned mackerel with eggplant for the winter

Today we are considering such options for preparations as mackerel with vegetables for the winter. Recipes canned for the winter make it possible to winter cold enjoy the taste of summer, harvesting for future use various conservation in the form of vegetables, fruits, and even meat and fish.

Canned mackerel with vegetables, rice, prelovka is very tasty. These are delicious and satisfying dishes that you can just heat up immediately after opening the jar, and it will turn out full lunch.

Mackerel with eggplant


2 kg mackerel
1.5 kg blue ones and the same amount of carrots
400ml oil
Luchka 1kg
200ml tomato
2 spoons of salt
3 spoons of sugar
Biting Essence Spoon

How to cook:

Defrost the fish, wash, cut into pieces. Three large carrots, finely cut the onion, blue ones - cut into cubes.
We put everything in the pan, except for mackerel and vinegar, boil slowly for 40 minutes, then put mackerel, cook the same amount. At the end, pour in the vinegar, cork after 10 minutes. By this time, you should already sterilize the jars with lids. Wrap, cool, move to the basement.

Mackerel with tomatoes

You will need:

3 kg is good ripe tomatoes
2 kg carrots
1 kg of onion and sweet pepper
2 kg mackerel
200 g butter (take peeled sunflower)
100g sugar
200ml 9% vinegar
Salt, spices you like - to your taste

How to cook:

Defrost the fish, cut into pieces and boil in water with salt.
Pass the tomatoes through a meat grinder, carrots can be cut into thin strips or grated on a Korean grater, pepper is also either straws or half-rings, as you like, half-rings of onions.

Dip chopped vegetables in chopped tomatoes and boil for half an hour. Then send the fish, oil, vinegar, all the spices, and boil everything together for another 20 minutes, try for salt, spices - maybe you want to add something else.
While all this goodness is being cooked, you sterilize the jars with lids. Then just hot mix lay out and cork, store in the basement.
Great recipe:

Mackerel with barley

Mackerel 4 kg
Ripe tomatoes 3 kg
Carrots juicy 1 kg and the same amount of onions
Vinegar 100g
Sugar 200g
Salt 2 spoons
0.5 kg barley
0.5l oil
Tomato juice (to cover the salad)

How to cook:

Rinse barley, pour boiling water, and let it stand until the last, steamed.
Wash the fish, cut into pieces.
Grind onion with carrots through a blender. Boil tomatoes for 20 minutes.
IN large saucepan fry the onion with carrots, add tomatoes, barley, chopped mackerel, salt, sugar, still fry, pour in tomato juice and boil. Add vinegar, turn off. Arrange in pre-sterilized jars and seal.

Mackerel with beets


1 kg fish
200g beets
1.3 kg ripe tomatoes
300g onion
700g carrots
175ml oil
3.5 tablespoons of vinegar 0% and sugar
Salt 1.5 spoons
Lavrushka, coriander, mustard, peppercorns.

How to cook:

Pass the tomatoes through a meat grinder and boil in a saucepan. Then we will send the fish cut into pieces, grated carrots and beets, finely chopped and fried onions, salt, oil, all spices, and cook slowly for 1.5 hours. Pour in the vinegar and seal in sterile jars. Wrap up. Cool down. Store in the basement.
Another excellent preservation: url = you will lick your fingers from zucchini for the winter.

Mackerel in marinade

4 jars of 0.5l
4 mackerels
4 spoons of oil
4 bay leaves
2 onions and carrots
Peppercorns, salt

How to cook:

Rinse the fish, defrost, cut.
Wash the carrots and cut into thin strips, onions in half rings.
Sterilize jars with lids and can be laid out separately in containers: parsley and pepper, pieces of fish, onions, carrots. Now, in each jar, salt (tsp) and oil (tbsp), and pour cold boiled water.

In the lids, remove the rubber rings, cover the jars with lids. And put in cold oven. Turn on the mode at 150gr. and let the hour languish there. Get it, insert the rubber rings into the lids, roll up, cover.

Mackerel with rice

Full lunch or dinner option. Delicious, fast, simple.

Tomatoes 1kg
Onion 400g
3 sweet peppers and the same amount of carrots
Boiled rice 300g
Purified oils 200g
2 spoons of apples. bite
4 spoons of sugar

Peel the fish, cut it, boil it, cook the rice completely.
Remove the skin from the tomatoes and grind through a meat grinder. Boil half of the oil tomato puree 10 minutes, add fish, 1 hour cook.
Grind vegetables, fry, add to fish and cook for 20 minutes, add rice, boil for 15 minutes. Put everything in sterile jars and seal. Wrap until cool, store in the basement.
Also great option conservation.

Step-by-step recipes for homemade canned mackerel in oil, tomato, spicy and spicy dressing with vegetables and spices on the stove and in a slow cooker

2018-04-25 Julia Kosich





In 100 grams ready meal

17 gr.

16 gr.


0 gr.

218 kcal.

Option 1: Classic Homemade Canned Mackerel Recipe

We also use canned fish as ingredients for different dishes(primarily salads), and how independent snack for cold drinks with any side dishes. However, ready-made canned food sometimes raises questions: where were they made and how were they stored? After all, not only taste, but also your own health depends on it. So why don't we make them ourselves. Let's see what kind of homemade canned mackerel we can cook with our own hands.


  • two fresh mackerels;
  • a couple of laurels;
  • 15 grams of salt;
  • 7-8 peas black and allspice;
  • four full tablespoons of oil.

Step by step recipe for homemade canned mackerel

Gut fresh carcasses. Cut off the tail, fins and head (one centimeter under the gills).

Wash with a sponge. Wipe or towel dry inside and out.

Cut the mackerel evenly portioned pieces. Thickness on the back - up to 1.5 cm.

Throw the fish into a bowl. Sprinkle with coarse (not iodized!) salt. Evenly distributing it, leave for an hour.

After this time, scald two glass jars. Drain hot liquid.

Place on the bottom of the lavrushka. Fall asleep too equal amount two types of pepper. Then tightly, but very carefully, put the salted fish pieces.

Now pour in two tablespoons of necessarily refined (room temperature) oil. Cover with lids.

Pour water into a wide saucepan. Boil. Lay a folded napkin on the bottom.

Put jars of homemade canned mackerel on top. Reduce fire to the minimum possible.

Cook an appetizer for five hours, adding water if necessary, which should reach the "shoulders" of the cans.

At the end, take out the canned food and twist it, trying not to move or lift the lids. Cool, store refrigerated.

When laying the fish, leave a few centimeters free to the edge. Subsequently, this space will be occupied by the released juice. As for storage conditions, it is better to send canned food to the refrigerator, where they definitely will not deteriorate.

Option 2: A quick recipe for homemade canned mackerel in a slow cooker

Since the stew canned fish it takes a long time, you can reduce the time by pre-cooking in a multicooker. Thanks to this machine, we will save a few hours, which, you see, is not bad.


  • two mackerels;
  • a tablespoon of salt (large);
  • laurel;
  • a third of a glass of water;
  • a dozen peas of black pepper;
  • 59 grams refined oil to banks.

How to quickly cook homemade canned mackerel

Gut a couple of medium carcasses. Remove the tail as well as the fins and head. Wash.

Cut the prepared mackerel into small pieces. Soak each with paper towels.

Pour a third of a glass of cool water into the bowl. Put in all the peppercorns.

In one or two layers, maximum place fish pieces. Sprinkle with salt. Snap the lid.

Simmer ("Extinguishing" mode) for two hours. After turning off the multicooker, scald jars and lids.

Shift inside each laurel and fish. Pour in the oil and remaining juice in the bowl. Cover with lids.

Place homemade canned mackerel in a pot of boiling water. Sterilize for half an hour. Screw it up and put it on the refrigerator shelf after it has cooled completely.

Multicooker will do fish bones soft much faster than if they did it, as in classic version. However, finally canned food will be suitable a month after spinning. By the way, when transferring fish to jars, do not forget to send peppercorns there, with which mackerel was stewed in a slow cooker.

Option 3: Homemade Mackerel in Tomato Sauce

There are many options for preparing canned fish in tomato dressing. We will focus on the simplest. But you can try to make mackerel in a different way.


  • a spoonful of tomato paste;
  • two tablespoons of oil;
  • a teaspoon of vinegar;
  • three tablespoons of water;
  • a tablespoon of salt;
  • two mackerels;
  • two laurels;
  • peppercorns.

How to cook

Clean the fish, gut and wash. Cut off both heads, tails and small fins with a knife.

Cut the carcass into portioned (thickness up to 1.5 cm) pieces. Throwing in a bowl (enamelled), pickle.

Boil water after an hour. Dissolve in the resulting boiling water tomato paste and vegetable oil.

inside clean jars add pepper (peas in equal volume) and lay on the laurel.

Place the salted fish in several layers. Pour in some vinegar. Introduce tomato dressing with oil, leaving a couple of centimeters to the edge.

After closing (but not twisting) the lids, send to a pot of boiling water. At a minimum temperature, cook homemade canned mackerel for 4-5 hours.

After turning off the flame of the burner, tighten the lids tightly. Wipe the jars and leave to cool on the table. Store in the refrigerator until use.

It is very important to completely dissolve the tomato paste in water so that even the smallest lumps do not remain. If you are worried that this will not work (for some reason), replace it tomato juice. In this case, take one where there is no salt and spices.

Option 4: Homemade Canned Mackerel in Spicy Dressing

In the classic version, mackerel is preserved in oil and own juice. But in the composition of this appetizer, we propose to include several spices at the same time. It will turn out fragrant and tasty!


  • two medium mackerels;
  • four cloves;
  • a full spoon of salt;
  • four tablespoons of oil (vegetable);
  • two laurels;
  • two tea spoons of sugar;
  • 8 peas of black and allspice;
  • four cloves of garlic;
  • two branches of dill (fresh).

Step by step recipe

Cut gutted, peeled and washed mackerel carcasses into medium pieces. The thickness of the back of each serving should not exceed one and a half centimeters.

After about an hour, thoroughly wash the glass jars. Throw both types of pepper, laurel, sugar, dill sprigs, thin slices of garlic and cloves inside in equal volumes.

Put salted fish pieces on top. Slightly (only slightly!) Press down. Enter vegetable oil.

Bring water to a boil in a wide saucepan. Put a towel on the bottom. Put jars with fish. Cover with lids.

Adding water as it evaporates, simmer homemade canned mackerel for four and a half hours.

At the end of the set time, turn off the fire. Banks roll up the lids. Cool down. Leave on the refrigerator shelf until serving.

In addition to these spices, you can take others. The main thing is not to overdo it, so as not to end up with too much rich taste, which can score the main ingredient - mackerel.

Option 5: Homemade Canned Mackerel in Spicy Dressing

Not enough spiciness in purchased canned food? Make mackerel with garlic, two types of pepper and chili. How? Read right now!


  • chili pod;
  • two mackerels;
  • four cloves of garlic;
  • 12 peppercorns (black);
  • four tablespoons of sunflower oil;
  • two bay leaves;
  • 15 grams of non-iodized salt.

How to cook

Cut the stem off the chili pod. Peel the skin off the garlic. Chop both ingredients into thin slices.

Now clean, gut and, cutting off the head and tail, rinse in purified water. Pat the carcasses dry with paper towels.

Cut mackerel. The thickness of the pieces (on the back) is about one and a half centimeters.

Salt the fish in a suitable bowl. Leave for about an hour.

The next step is to wash the glass jars. Throw garlic, chili, laurel and peppercorns into each.

Also place the fish pieces. Pour right there sunflower oil. Cover with lids.

In a pot of boiling water at a low temperature, cook homemade canned mackerel for five hours, adding water as the liquid evaporates.

It remains to turn off the stove and roll up the covers. Store like others fish snacks, in the refrigerator no more than two to three months.

If you find the amount of chile given to be too much, reduce it. It all depends on the size of the pod, and on your preferences. As for garlic, two cloves per half-liter jar will be enough. It's not worth adding more.

Option 6: Homemade Canned Mackerel with Vegetables

Traditional canned fish in oil contains no other ingredients besides a few spices. However, for last version we suggest supplementing mackerel with three vegetables: onion, bell pepper and carrots. It will turn out amazingly delicious!


  • medium bulb;
  • medium carrot;
  • medium red pepper (sweet);
  • two mackerels;
  • a full tablespoon of salt;
  • two cloves of garlic;
  • two laurels;
  • four full tablespoons of oil;
  • two umbrellas of dill;
  • 8 peppercorns.

Step by step recipe

Prepare mackerel for cutting. To do this, gut it, wash and remove the tail and head.

Now cut the fish carcass into portions. Throwing the pieces into an enameled container, salt (use the entire planned volume).

After an hour, peel all the vegetables: onions, Bell pepper, garlic and carrots. Wash everything. Grind, but do not rub.

In jars (clean, scalded), put pepper, scalded dill umbrella and laurel. Send onion rings and carrot slices there.

Now pour vegetable oil and cover with lids. Send jars of fish to a suitable pot with boiling water inside.

Leave homemade canned mackerel on the stove (fire - minimal) for five hours.

At the end, roll up the jars, wipe, cool and transfer to the refrigerator shelf.

In addition to these vegetables, oddly enough, we do not recommend using others. For canned mackerel they will suffice. What's more, they look great. taste nuances and, at the same time, will not cause spoilage of the snack. Although you can try something new, especially if you like to experiment in the kitchen.

Vegetable salad with mackerel for the winter is incredible delicious preparation. Moreover, this is not just a snack, but full meal. It is enough to open the jar, warm up the contents and hearty lunch ready. Salad with mackerel for the winter with vegetables is convenient, practical and healthy. Yes, and there are plenty of variations of such blanks. You can pamper yourself and loved ones every time with something new.

From such delicious salad it is simply impossible to refuse. cooked on home kitchen the fish is in many ways superior to its store counterpart. It turns out incredibly tasty, fragrant. This great snack, which you can eat every day, and for the holidays it will be an excellent treat.

You will need:

  • half kg. mackerel;
  • 1 salad onion;
  • 1 juicy carrot;
  • quarter kg. tomatoes;
  • a couple of tsp salt;
  • 5 peas of ordinary pepper;
  • a couple of laurel leaves;
  • quarter 200 gr. a glass of oil;
  • a couple of st. l. Sahara.

Mackerel salad with vegetables for the winter:

  1. Mackerel must be cut, the head is separated, all the insides are removed and transferred to a container filled with water suitable for all further manipulations.
  2. Salt and the necessary spices are added to the fish, after which it is boiled for about half an hour.
  3. Carrots are naturally washed, peeled and chopped with a regular grater.
  4. Tomatoes are literally immersed in boiling water for a few seconds, after which the skin is removed from them without any problems.
  5. Peeled tomatoes are crushed into puree using a conventional meat grinder.
  6. All prepared vegetables are moved to a suitable dish. Spices, oil, sugar and the necessary salt are mixed with them. The vegetable mixture is boiled for literally twenty minutes.
  7. This time the fish is cooled and carefully separated from all the bones.
  8. Mackerel joins the vegetables and in full force the salad is boiled for another quarter of an hour. At the end of cooking, vinegar is added to the mixture.
  9. While the salad is boiling, you should take care of the containers necessary for further canning. She is washed with ordinary soda and subjected to mandatory sterilization.
  10. Still very hot is laid out in thermally processed jars. finished product and rolls up immediately.
  11. It is advisable to cool the jars upside down and covered with a warm blanket.

Salad for the winter with mackerel for the winter

The summer aroma of sweet pepper magically makes ordinary fish look incredible. tasty dish. In combination with tomato and spices, this dish becomes not an ordinary snack, but a decoration of any holiday. Such conservation is a holiday in itself.

You will need:

  • couple kg. tomatoes;
  • couple kg. juicy carrots;
  • 1 kg. salad onion;
  • couple kg. mackerel;
  • 1 kg. sweet pepper;
  • half a two-hundred-gram glass of sugar;
  • two hundred gram glass of vinegar;
  • a couple of st. l. salt;
  • a couple of laurel leaves;
  • 5 regular peppercorns

Salad with mackerel for the winter:

  1. First of all, the fish is boiled. To do this, it is immersed in slightly salted water and boiled for no more than twenty minutes.
  2. Boiled mackerel is removed from the broth and cooled.
  3. All bones are removed from the fish.
  4. Tomatoes are immersed in boiling water for a few seconds, after which the skin is simply removed from them.
  5. Peeled tomatoes are randomly chopped and mashed using a conventional meat grinder or food processor.
  6. Carrots must be washed, peeled and chopped with a knife into thin strips.
  7. The existing husk is removed from the onion and it is cut into thin halves of rings.
  8. All seeds are carefully removed from the pepper, and it is cut into thin strips.
  9. All prepared vegetables are transferred to a dish suitable for all further manipulations and stewed for about half an hour.
  10. Then mackerel and all the components that have not yet been used up are added to the vegetables, and the mixture is boiled for another ten minutes.
  11. This time, the preparation of containers necessary for high-quality preservation is carried out. It is washed using ordinary soda, subjected to mandatory pasteurization.
  12. The salad that has not yet cooled down is laid out in the heat-treated dishes and quickly rolled up.
  13. The finished product should cool upside down and covered.

Mackerel fish salad for the winter

An exquisite appetizer is obtained from mackerel and eggplant. A little spicy taste ordinary vegetable goes well with fish. The taste of this dish is simply unforgettable, refined. Thanks to the spices, it is a bit spicy, but still tender.

You will need:

  • couple kg. mackerel;
  • one and a half kg. young eggplants;
  • couple 200 gr. glasses of oil;
  • 1 kg. salad onion;
  • two hundred gram glass of tomato;
  • a couple of st. l. salt;
  • quarter 200 gr. a glass of sugar;
  • a couple of st. l. vinegar essence.

Salad with fish for the winter with mackerel:

  1. Initially, you need to wash and cut the fish into compact pieces.
  2. Carrots are pre-washed and peeled. Then grind with a regular grater.
  3. The existing husk is removed from the onion and it is cut into miniature cubes.
  4. Eggplants are also washed. Only after that they are crushed into tiny cubes.
  5. All components, with the exception of only fish and vinegar, are transferred to a dish suitable for all subsequent actions and boiled for about half an hour.
  6. Mackerel is added to vegetables and spices and in this composition the mass is boiled for about half an hour.
  7. At the end of the cooking process, vinegar is added.
  8. A container should be prepared in which the canning process will be carried out. It is washed with soda and subjected to the necessary sterilization.
  9. In jars that have just undergone heat treatment is laid out ready salad and rolls up immediately.
  10. It is advisable to cool the salad upside down and wrapped.

Salad recipe for the winter with mackerel

Juicy and sweetish root vegetable in combination with tender mackerel- it's excellent bright snack which will certainly please even the most demanding gourmets. There is something special about her.

You will need:

  • 1 kg. mackerel;
  • quarter kg. beets;
  • half kg. juicy carrots;
  • floor st. l. mustard seeds;
  • floor st. l. coriander seeds;
  • 5 peas of ordinary pepper;
  • a couple of lettuce bulbs;
  • two hundred gram glass of oil;
  • quarter 200 gr. a glass of vinegar;
  • one and a half kg. tomatoes;
  • one and a half st. l. salt.

Mackerel salad recipe for the winter:

  1. Tomatoes are literally immersed in boiling water for a few seconds, after which the skin is very easily removed from them.
  2. Peeled tomatoes are crushed in a conventional meat grinder.
  3. The mackerel is cut into small pieces.
  4. Carrots and beets are naturally washed, peeled and only then crushed with a grater.
  5. The existing husk is removed from the onion and it is cut into tiny cubes.
  6. The onion is fried in the hottest oil.
  7. Tomato puree is boiled. All other components are mixed with it, with the exception of only one vinegar.
  8. In this composition, the mass is boiled for about an hour and a half. At the end, vinegar is added.
  9. This time, the preparation of the dishes necessary for canning is carried out. She is washed with soda and subjected to mandatory sterilization.
  10. Boiling salad is laid out in the past heat-treated container and immediately rolled up.

Salad for the winter with mackerel fish

A jar of such a salad is full breakfast or even lunch. Very nutritious fragrant dish. It is prepared very easily, and eaten very quickly. Because it's very tasty.

You will need:

  • one and a half kg. mackerel;
  • a couple of juicy carrots;
  • a couple of sweet peppercorns;
  • half kg. salad onion;
  • two hundred gram glass of oil;
  • one and a half 200 gr. a glass of rice;
  • one and a half kg. tomatoes.

Mackerel salad for the winter:

  1. Mackerel should be washed, the heads separated and the insides removed. Only after that it can already be cut into neat pieces and boiled in slightly salted water for literally a quarter of an hour.
  2. Rice is cooked in a separate bowl.
  3. Tomatoes are literally immersed in boiling water for a couple of seconds, after which the peel is removed from them with absolutely no effort.
  4. Peeled tomatoes are crushed into puree with a conventional meat grinder.
  5. Chopped tomatoes are moved into a dish suitable for all subsequent manipulations, mixed with half required oil and a quarter of an hour are boiled.
  6. All seeds are carefully removed from the pepper, and it is finely chopped.
  7. Carrots should be washed, peeled and chopped on a regular grater.
  8. The existing husk is removed from the onion and it is cut into tiny pieces.
  9. All chopped vegetables are slightly fried.
  10. A fish is added to the tomato and the mixture is boiled for at least an hour.
  11. At the end of time, all vegetables and rice are added to the fish and tomato mass. All remaining unused components are added.
  12. In its entirety, the dish is prepared in just a quarter of an hour.
  13. This time, you should do the preparation necessary for the full implementation of the process of canning containers. It is washed with high quality and subjected to obligatory pasteurization.
  14. Lettuce is laid out in thermally processed jars and immediately rolled up.

Mackerel salad with vegetables for the winter is perfectly stored even in an ordinary, fairly warm pantry. Due to this, you can safely harvest it more. Vegetable salad with mackerel for the winter will certainly fall in love and take its rightful place in the list of annual preparations.

Harvesting a salad with mackerel and vegetables for the winter is a strategic and useful thing. A practical hostess always has a supply of canned fish. I returned home after work, quickly scratched the bottom of the barrel, and now it was smoking on the table tasty soup. I opened a jar, served it with potatoes or pasta, as a result, I fed my family a hearty and very tasty dinner. A real lifesaver.

Fortunately, today it is not a problem to find mackerel in stores. So go for the catch, read the recipes and get started. And my recipes with a step-by-step explanation of actions will help you.

Salad with mackerel for the winter with vegetables

You will need:

  • Fresh mackerel - 1.5 kg.
  • Carrot - kilogram.
  • Tomatoes - 1.5 kg.
  • Onion - 500 gr.
  • Sweet pepper - 500 gr.
  • Sunflower oil - 150 ml.
  • Sugar - 2 large spoons.
  • Vinegar 9% - 100 ml.
  • Salt is a spoon.
  • Pepper - 20 peas.
  • Bay leaf - 5-7 pcs.

Step by step cooking recipe:

Prepare vegetables for canning. Cut the onion into half rings. Grate carrots for Korean carrots, or share a thin straw. Pepper, removing the seed box, cut into strips. Chop the tomatoes with a blender, or chop in any way possible.

Attention! In the original recipe, it is proposed to remove the skin from the tomatoes. To do this, they are scalded, cut with a cross, then the peel is deftly pulled off. I skip this process, especially if I chop the tomatoes with a blender.

Process the mackerel. For easy cutting, I advise you not to defrost the fish until the end. Then the insides will not stain the fillet, as in the photo. Remove the head, fins, tail. Gut the fish. Fillets messed up? Rinse, but only with cold water.

Cut the carcass from the ridge, dividing into fillets.

Cut the fillet into pieces. I used to make canned food without removing the inner bone because heat treatment they boiled well, and then softened when "ripening". This technology is also possible, but you must admit that winter canned food is more pleasant without stones.

Put the vegetables in a tall saucepan, immediately pour in the oil. Sprinkle salt and sugar.

Put to boil. Boil at maximum heat. Then moderate the power, extinguish the contents for 1 hour 20 minutes.

Behind given time vegetables will dry out. Add Bay leaf and pepper. Fold the fish blanks.

Boil the salad again. Continue simmering for another 40 minutes. Five minutes before the end, pour in the vinegar. Taste, adjust by adding spices if desired.

Do not forget to stir the salad from time to time, evenly distributing vegetables and pieces of mackerel.

Arrange the salad in jars, trying to evenly distribute the mackerel. Roll up. Cool down like everyone else winter preparations, upside down. Store canned food in the cold - cellar, basement, cold pantry, then they will be preserved without loss of quality.

Recipe for homemade mackerel salad with tomatoes and rice

Finished hearty meal for dinner. Checked more than once, no one refuses fish with rice in sweet and sour tomato dressing. I have one more wonderful recipe, but not for the winter, but for dinner, with. If you want to know, I invite you.

  • Mackerel - 1.5 kg.
  • Bulgarian pepper - 700 gr.
  • Tomatoes - 1.5 kg.
  • Rice groats - 300 gr.
  • Carrot - 300 gr.
  • Onion - 400 gr.
  • Sunflower oil - 200 ml.
  • Vinegar 9% - 50 ml.
  • Salt, seasonings - to your taste.

How to prepare for the winter:

  1. Boil the rice, but not until fully cooked.
  2. Gut the fish, cut off the fins, head, tail. Free from bones, divide into small pieces.
  3. Cut vegetables. Divide the onion into small cubes, cut the sweet pepper into strips. Cut the carrot into thin strips.
  4. Turn the tomatoes into puree. Add half of the oil indicated in the recipe to the puree. Put pieces of mackerel in it. Bring to a boil, cook for 30 minutes.
  5. In the remaining half of the oil, sauté the onion first, then add the grated carrots and peppers. Transfer the fried vegetables to the pan with the fish.
  6. Simmer together for 15 minutes. Lay out the rice, add all the necessary spices. Cook canned food for another quarter of an hour.
  7. Arrange in sterile jars, roll up. After cooling, send for permanent storage in a cool place.

Attention! All proposed recipes are universal. Using them, you can easily and simply prepare canned food for the winter with any other fish (cod, pollock, sprat).

How to make a delicious salad with mackerel and beets

The appetizer is especially popular, like most. You can get acquainted with other options on the next page of the site, there you will find some more great recipes.


  • Fish - kilogram.
  • Beets - 200 gr.
  • Onion - 300 gr.
  • Carrot - 700 gr.
  • Tomatoes - 1.3 kg.
  • Vegetable oil - 100 ml.
  • Table vinegar - 50 ml.
  • Salt is a large spoon.
  • Seasonings: mustard seeds, allspice, lavrushka.


  1. Prepare the mackerel by removing the innards. Leave it whole.
  2. Peel the root crops, rub them on a Korean grater.
  3. Dice the onion. Free the tomatoes from the skin, turn into a puree figurative state.
  4. In a cauldron or thick-walled saucepan, heat the oil strongly. Fry onion slices in it until soft.
  5. Add carrots. Roast for another five minutes.
  6. Then fold the beets. Salt, splash half of the vinegar. Add tomato puree. Keep cooking.
  7. Separately, boil the fish until cooked. Cool slightly, select the bones. Divide the meat into pieces, transfer to a saucepan with vegetables.
  8. Cover with a lid, simmer on low heat for about an hour. Shortly before the end, pour in the rest of the acid, pour in the spices. Stir. Boil for 5 minutes, let it boil strongly, turn off the burner.
  9. Fill up the jars. Seal tightly, refrigerate and put away for the winter.

How to make canned mackerel for the winter

Videos from step by step recipe salad preparations for the winter with vegetables and mackerel. Good luck with canned food and delicious winter evenings.

You can cook at home not only vegetables, but also canned fish. For example, you can cook a salad of mackerel for the winter. Such a preparation will help you out more than once when you need to quickly cook soup or “build” a delicious and original snack. You can also serve these canned food as a main dish, for this it will be enough just to warm them up.

Cooking canned fish at home is not as difficult as it might seem at first. But in order for the blanks to be well stored, it is important to carefully observe the technology. Otherwise, the products may deteriorate, and the efforts spent on cooking will be in vain.

Mackerel intended for the preparation of canned food must be thawed, cleaned and gutted. Then, the fish is usually boiled or baked. After that, it is cooled and disassembled into pieces, carefully choosing the bones. But there are also options for salads, when the fish is milled raw and then cooked along with the main ingredients.

To cook more hearty option lettuce, cereals are added to fish and vegetables. Most often, rice or barley is used. Groats need to be boiled until half cooked and only then mixed with other products.

The composition of home canned fish often includes tomato. You can take ready-made tomato paste good quality but tastier and useful option lettuce is obtained with fresh tomatoes.

When preparing any home canned food, cleanliness is very important. Jars and lids must be thoroughly sterilized. Canned food in jars is sterilized in boiling water and immediately hermetically sealed. Although there are recipe options that do not require additional sterilization.

Keep homemade canned salads with fish it is better in the refrigerator or in a cold cellar.

Interesting facts: mackerel is not only tasty, but also healthy fish it contains a lot of zinc and iodine, as well as valuable amino acids. But those who follow the figure should know that this fish belongs to the category of fatty and contains more than 200 kcal per 100 grams.

Mackerel Salad with Tomatoes and Carrots

Mackerel salad with tomatoes and is great for both soups and serving in in kind as a savory snack.

  • 2 kg mackerel;
  • 3 kg of tomatoes;
  • 2 kg of carrots;
  • 1 kg of onion;
  • 1 kg of bell pepper;
  • 0.5 cups of sugar;
  • 2 tablespoons of salt;
  • 1 glass of oil;
  • 1 cup vinegar (9%);
  • spices to taste and desire.

Mackerel is best thawed in the refrigerator. The fish will take a long time to defrost, but it will keep maximum amount juices. We gut the mackerel, cut off the head and wash well. Boil the prepared carcasses until cooked in water with the addition of salt. Let the fish cool and break it into small pieces, removing all the bones and removing the skin.

Advice! To prepare this salad, it is recommended to use bay leaves, black and allspice peas. This minimum set, if desired, you can add cloves, coriander seeds, dry dill seeds, etc.

Now you need to prepare the vegetable part of the salad. We cut the onion into thin rings, carrots into thin strips (can be grated), pepper into strips. Chop any tomatoes convenient way, for example, using a meat grinder. After grinding, the tomato mass should be rubbed through a rare sieve. This will remove the seeds.

Read also: Borscht for the winter in jars - 6 simple recipes

We put the vegetables in a saucepan and pour the tomato mass, simmer for 30 minutes. Then add salt, season with sugar and spices. We lower into vegetable mix prepared fish and simmer for another 5-7 minutes. Then pour in the vinegar. We lay out the finished salad in sterile jars that have not had time to cool down and immediately close the lids on the thread or ordinary ones, which are rolled up with a special key.

We set each rolled jar upside down, then carefully wrap the canned food with a blanket, blanket or something else that retains heat well. After a day, canned food can be removed and stored.

Harvesting for the winter with vegetables

Another option for harvesting mackerel with vegetables is made from fried fish.

  • 1 kg mackerel;
  • 3 onions;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 3 tablespoons of tomato paste or 0.6 liters of tomato mass from fresh tomatoes;
  • 1 teaspoon of salt;
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 2 tablespoons of vinegar (6%);
  • 100 gr. vegetable oils;
  • 600 ml of water;
  • Spices (4 cloves, 6 peas of allspice, 8 peas of black bitter pepper; 2 bay leaves).

We wash the fish, cut the abdomen, remove the insides. We cut off the head. Pour a small amount of oil into the pan, heat it up. Fry the fish for 3-4 minutes on each side. During this time, the fish will not have time to cook completely, but will already become soft enough to make it easy to remove the bones.

Advice! A similar salad can be prepared not only from mackerel, but also from herring, saury or large herring.

We shift the fish to a plate, and not in the same oil, fry the onion cut into halves of the rings and the carrots grated into strips. Fry the vegetables for a short time, 5-7 minutes.

When the fish cools down a bit and does not burn, we will take it apart into pieces, removing the backbone and, if possible, removing all the bones. The fish needs to be divided into medium-sized pieces, but it is not necessary to grind much.

We take a pan with a thick bottom, put half of the prepared vegetables on the bottom. We lay out the fish on top and cover it with the remains of the onion-carrot mass. We fill tomato sauce.

To prepare the sauce, dilute in cold water tomato paste, add all the spices, salt, sugar, vinegar to the liquid. If we use fresh tomatoes, then they must be passed through a meat grinder or chopped in any other convenient way. Then we wipe the tomato mass through a colander to remove the seeds and also add spices, vinegar and sugar.

Read also: How to pickle mushrooms for the winter - 8 recipes

Stew fish with vegetables filled with tomato sauce for two hours. During the extinguishing process, it is not necessary to interfere, but you need to make sure that the liquid does not boil away completely. If necessary, you can add a little water.

We lay out the prepared salad in clean jars and sterilize them in boiling water for a quarter of an hour. After that, the jars are sealed with lids. We cool the jars by turning them over and placing them on the lids. Wrap the top of the jar with something warm.

Mackerel salad with rice

This variant of mackerel salad is cooked with rice and vegetables. It turns out the salad is hearty and tasty.

  • 1.5 kg of mackerel;
  • 300 gr. rice
  • 1.5 kg of tomatoes;
  • 300 gr. carrots;
  • 400 gr. Luke;
  • 50 ml of vinegar (9%);
  • 200 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 700 grams of bell pepper;
  • salt and spices to taste.

We wash the fish, gut it, remove the head and rinse thoroughly again. Boil in a small amount water, adding salt, bay leaves and peas of allspice. Cool, cut into pieces, removing all the bones.

We wash the rice, soak in cold water for half an hour. Then we wash it again and, filling it with water, put it on the stove. Bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes, that is, until half cooked. Drain the water from the rice and wash it with boiling water.

We clean and chop vegetables. Cut the onion into small cubes, pepper - into thin strips, carrots - rub into strips. From tomatoes it is necessary to prepare a tomato mass. To do this, we make mashed tomatoes from tomatoes using a blender, meat grinder or a regular grater. Then wipe the resulting mass through a colander to remove the seeds.

Fry vegetables in half the amount of oil. First put the onion, and as soon as it becomes translucent, add the pepper and carrot. Simmer over low heat until the vegetables are cooked.
