
How long does corn boil in a saucepan. How long to boil corn so that it is juicy, soft and tender

A tantalizing aroma and a unique slightly sweet taste present summer treats, boiled corn, familiar to most of us since childhood. Hot, juicy, soft, incredibly appetizing boiled corn remains one of the favorite summer treats for children today, however, it does not leave adults indifferent either. cook boiled corn incredibly simple! But wait... simple? Not certainly in that way. Probably no other vegetable can bring as much disappointment as the wrong choice and poorly cooked boiled corn. Today we invite you to figure out with us how to cook corn. How to choose and weld delicious corn bringing us and our children only pleasure and joy.

food, dietary value corn is undeniable. This beautiful cereal crop extremely rich in vitamins B, PP, D, C, K. Corn will serve you excellent source iron, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and copper. Contains corn and glutamic acid, which normalizes metabolic processes in the brain and improves memory. Corn has been used for a long time medicinal purposes. It perfectly cleanses the body of accumulated toxins, normalizes metabolism, helps fight gout, kidney, liver and heart diseases. vascular system. Corn has also found its application in cosmetology. masks from cornmeal help to give the skin elasticity, cleanse pores and eliminate oily sheen, restoring youth and health to the skin. And yet, corn won real popularity and love, primarily due to its excellent taste and undeniable culinary qualities.

Among everything huge variety dishes that can be prepared from corn, summer corn of milk ripeness, boiled by a whole ear, has been and remains an absolute hit. So tender, juicy and tasty that it does not require any additives at all. Is that a pinch of salt, but a few drops butter, that's all that is required in order to emphasize the tenderness and aroma of our delicacy. At the very first, superficial glance, cooking boiled corn does not require any knowledge and skills at all. And this is the biggest mistake that leads to failures and disappointments. When it comes to cooking corn on the cob, every detail counts. It is necessary to carefully select corn of the correct maturity, properly prepare the cobs, boil them correctly and on time. It is necessary to know and remember the little tricks and secrets that are especially important in the preparation of our delicious, but extremely delicate dish.

"Culinary Eden" has collected and carefully recorded for you the most important tips and recipes for cooking corn, which are sure to help even inexperienced housewives easy to figure out how to cook corn.

1. The greatest success in preparing truly tasty, soft and juicy boiled corn depends on how seriously you choose the cobs. The best solution would be to buy corn directly from the grower. Unfortunately, not everyone has this opportunity. When buying corn at the market, remember that real fresh young corn can only be sold in the season, which ends no later than the end of August. The corn that is sold later is most often overripe, tough, and completely unsuitable for boiling whole. Be sure to ask the seller in which region the corn offered to you is grown. Keep in mind that in regions with warmer climates and early summers, corn ripens much earlier.

2. When choosing corn, carefully inspect the ears and kernels. Only young milk-ripe corn is suitable for boiling. The color of the grains of such corn will be milky white or slightly yellowish. The grains themselves should be moderately soft, elastic, convex. If you crush such a grain with your fingers, then inside it will turn out to be juicy and tender. Corn with bright yellow, ripe kernels can be coarse and tough. If the corn grains have lost their roundness, and dimples have appeared on top of the grains, in front of you ripe corn, which is completely unsuitable for boiling whole. Pay attention to the leaves that cover the cob. In young corn, the leaves are bright, green, completely fresh, they tightly cover the cob with grains. If the leaves turn yellow, become too hard and dry, and begin to move away from the cob, it is likely that the corn offered to you is already overripe. Be wary of corn that has had its leaves removed before being sold. There is a possibility that such corn has been over-treated with pesticides, resulting in leaf curl. The seller cut off the unattractive-looking leaflets, but to talk about nutritional value there is no such corn.

3. When buying corn, try to choose cobs that are about the same size, with the same grain size. Do not forget that the boil time directly depends on the size of the corn cob and the size of its grains. If your corn is different sizes, then there is a high probability that some of the cobs will be completely boiled, while the other part will still be raw and even tough. Be sure to inspect the cob itself before buying, make sure that all corn kernels are even, tight to each other and are in the same stage of maturity.

4. Corn cobs belong to the category of products not subject to long-term storage. After a couple of weeks, corn grains can ripen, dry out and become excessively hard. On the other hand, if the ears are too young and juicy, there is a possibility that when long-term storage they will start to rot. Try to only buy as much corn as you can cook and eat at one time. If for some reason you need to keep the ears of corn a little longer than usual, wrap each ear dry parchment paper, carefully fold into a cardboard box and store in the lower compartment of the refrigerator. Corn cobs prepared in this way can be stored for no more than two weeks.

5. Before boiling, corn cobs should be properly prepared. Carefully pluck off any leaves covering the cob and remove the corn stigmas. Large cobs of corn cut across into two parts, small cobs can be boiled whole. Carefully inspect the corn kernels, if the top rows of grains are slightly rotten and blackened, cut them off. Soak the peeled corn on the cob for one hour in clean cold water and then rinse thoroughly. Dip the corn prepared in this way into boiling water. Do not immediately add salt to the water in which your corn will be boiled, this can make the grains extra hard. Add salt 10-15 minutes before the end of cooking. How long to cook corn? Cooking time directly depends on the degree of maturity corn kernels. Young, very juicy and soft corn will be ready in 20 - 30 minutes, but corn with mature grains can be cooked for 2 - 3 hours until cooked. Readiness of corn can be checked by taste or by gently piercing a grain with a fork or a sharp stick.

6. Let's try to boil our first, juiciest and most tender milk corn. For this prescription will do only very young corn, such that the softest grains of which, when crushed, are released onto the finger a large number of juice. Peel four ears of young corn from leaves and stigmas, and then rinse thoroughly in running water. Boil three liters of water in a deep saucepan. Don't salt! Dip the prepared cobs in boiling water and bring to a boil again over high heat. Once the corn cobs float to the surface, reduce the heat to medium, cover the pot, and cook your corn for 5 to 10 minutes. After this time, immediately remove the corn from the water, drizzle with melted butter, sprinkle with salt and serve. Don't overcook young milk corn! From unnecessarily long cooking it can get tough.

7. mature corn much more different from a very young one bright taste and aroma, but such corn should be cooked longer. Remove leaves and stigmas from four ears of corn. Don't throw away the leaves! Soak the peeled corn in cool water for one hour and then rinse thoroughly. If necessary, cut each cob crosswise into two halves. Boil three liters of water in a deep saucepan, add half of the corn leaves, bring to a boil again, put in the cobs and bring the water to a boil again over high heat. When the water boils, reduce the heat to medium, cover the pot with a lid, and cook the corn for 40 to 45 minutes. After time, add salt to taste and the remaining leaves. Cook everything together for another 15-20 minutes. Remove the cooked corn from the water, drain slightly, pour with butter and sprinkle with salt. Serve immediately.

8. Tender young corn cobs can be boiled by placing them in the oven. cooked thus they turn out extremely fragrant and tasty. Grease the baking dish vegetable oil, put in it four whole ears of corn, not peeled from the leaves. Top up hot water so that it covers half of the cobs. Carefully cover the form with corn foil and place in an oven preheated to 200⁰ for 40 - 120 minutes, depending on the degree of maturity of the corn. Remove the leaves from the cooked corn, pour over with melted butter, sprinkle with salt and serve.

9. Corn cooked in a double boiler is very tasty and tender. You can steam both de-leafed and unpeeled corn. Cooked with leaves, corn is much more aromatic, but takes a little longer to cook. Pour into steamer enough water, grease the grate with butter and place the corn cobs on it. Close the steamer tightly and cook the corn for 30 to 40 minutes until tender. While your corn is cooking, prepare the sauce. Melt 15 gr. butter in a small saucepan, add 50 gr. crushed walnuts and a pinch of ground cardamom. Stir quickly and remove from heat. Put the finished corn on a dish, pour fragrant nut butter and serve to the table. Serve the salt separately.

10. When there is not enough time, delicious boiled corn can be cooked in microwave oven. Soak young corn on the cob for an hour in cool water without peeling the leaves. After the time has elapsed, transfer the corn cobs to plastic bag, add a couple of tablespoons of water and tie tightly. Place the bag in a microwave-safe dish and poke a couple of tiny holes in it to exit. extra steam. Microwave at maximum power for 10 to 15 minutes depending on the maturity of the beans. Remove the finished corn from the bag, remove the leaves and stigmas, grease ghee and sprinkle with salt. Cooked like this fast way corn turns out to be very fragrant and tasty, but it should be served immediately, after cooling, your corn will lose most their taste qualities.

And on the pages of "Culinary Eden" you can always find more more recipes and tips that will definitely tell you how to cook corn.

Boiled corn - great addition for almost any meal. Very nutritious and tasty, it has long been taking its place of honor on our table in the summer. How to cook corn on the cob so that they turn out really tasty?

How long does it take to cook an ear of corn?

First you need to find out what variety the corn bought on the market belongs to. There are special varieties for eating, and there are fodder for animals. How long does it take to cook corn food grade? It is softer and half an hour is enough, but coarser fodder will have to be cooked much longer - from two to three hours.

If you bought corn on the market and already at home found small multi-colored grains on the cob, leave it. This variety is intended for making popcorn.

Most main advice how to cook corn correctly is as follows: the cobs are boiled for about 20 minutes and after this time they are completely softened for eating. If you miss this point, the corn becomes tough again and then the cooking time increases significantly.

Those who like to experiment can be offered interesting way cooking in the oven. We rub the cobs with butter and wrap them in foil with a sprig of dill. To give piquant taste you can rub some garlic.

How to cook fresh corn?

With the cooking time decided, now you need to choose a cooking method. It is best not to discard the leaves when peeling cobs. Leaves need to be rinsed under running water warm water and lay on the bottom of the pan, already lay the corn on top and pour everything with water.

We put the pot on the fire. After the water boils, you need to salt it. To give a richer taste to the water with salt, you can send some spices, for example allspice peas - this will give a spicy and very appetizing aroma.

It is correct to cook corn in a thick-walled pan, as the cooking time takes for a long time. Close the lid tightly. Very good to cook cast iron pan. It is perfectly acceptable to cook corn in a double boiler or in a microwave oven. It is very easy to cook corn in a pressure cooker, as it saves both time and effort. It will only take 5-10 minutes.

Keep in mind that after cooling, the corn will immediately begin to harden, which will become unpleasant surprise for your teeth. It is best to serve boiled corn immediately after cooking, while still hot. To keep the cobs longer retain their aroma and softness, grease them with butter. It also enhances the taste significantly.

For gourmets, you can serve corn sprinkled with grated cheese. In order not to make a mistake when buying and choose soft corn, pay attention to the cobs and leaves: they should be intact and bright green.

How to cook old corn?

If you find dimples in the center of the grains, then the cobs are definitely old. You can cook them, but they will be tougher, regardless of the time and method of preparation.

Cooking fresh corn is much easier as it is tender and cooks very quickly. But it happens that fresh and juicy corn begins to age over time. How to cook old corn? If the hand does not rise to throw out, you can correct the situation using little tricks.

You need to cook old corn in the same way as young corn. The only difference is the cooking time. If the cobs have lain for only a couple of days, it is enough to increase the cooking time by 20 minutes. But for cobs that have been lying for a week, you will have to increase the cooking time by an hour and a half.

It would seem that no one knows how to cook corn. I put it in a saucepan, filled it with water and boiled until tender, but it turns out that this simple matter also has its own nuances and subtleties that you need to know and use.

- a favorite delicacy of children and adults in the summer, which can compete in popularity even with ice cream. Before you cook corn, you need to buy it. What should I pay attention to when choosing corn? Give preference to young ears of corn, because they cook faster than overripe ones. Young corn cobs are milky or light yellow in color.

The grains of young corn should be soft to the touch, but at the same time well defined and formed. Try to buy unhusked corn, as peeled corn, especially if it is sold in the open air market, quickly becomes contaminated with dust and harmful microbes.

How to boil corn. Best Recipes

So, bought, it remains to cook it. Be sure to cook it on the day of purchase, in which case it will be more juicy and tasty. You can cook corn in the microwave, on the stove, in a slow cooker and pressure cooker. Each housewife cooks corn according to her own technology, but try the new kind its preparation is never too late. I would like to separately remind you that corn stigmas (hairs) do not need to be thrown away. Dry them and use as. Corn silk is recommended to take in diseases of the liver, kidneys, cholecystitis, inflammation of the bladder and gallbladder.

So, how long to cook corn is one of the most important questions. As mentioned above, the time of cooking corn, first of all, depends on the maturity of the cobs. Young ears of corn are boiled for about 30 minutes, while the cooking time of old ears is increased to 2 hours. So long, you say. Do not worry, even old corn can be cooked quickly.

How to cook corn on the cob, recipes we will now consider. In order to quickly cook corn, you will need a microwave and cotton napkins.

How to cook corn in the microwave - recipe

  • Corn cobs - 4-5 pcs.,
  • Cotton kitchen napkins,
  • Water - half a glass

Remove leaves and hairs from corn. Wash her. Wet the paper towels with water and wrap them around each corn individually. Place the corn in a glass ceramic bowl. Fill the floor with a glass of water. Put in the microwave. Select the 900 watt power mode, and select a time of 7 minutes. In just a few minutes, you can enjoy delicious corn. Don't forget to sprinkle with salt before serving. You can also quickly cook corn on the stove. To do this, after the water boils, add one tablespoon of 9% vinegar to the pan.

How to cook corn on the stove - recipe

Clean the corn from the leaves and stigmas. Wash it under water. Place in a clean, thick-sided saucepan. Fill it with water. The water should completely cover the corn cobs. Place the pot of corn on slow fire. Cook until cooked under a closed lid. You can check its readiness with a fork. The grains should be soft.

Many people put salt in the pot with corn, but this should not be done, as salt slows down the process of cooking it, and it will take much longer to cook it. Ready to cool, rub with salt, spices and serve. By the way, boiled corn can also be greased with sunflower or butter before use. Some gourmets prefer to use it, lubricated with mayonnaise before this.

How to cook corn in a double boiler - recipe

  • Corn cobs - 4-5 pcs.,
  • Water - 1 glass

Peel the corncobs and wash them under running water. Wash the corn leaves too. Put the leaves on the bottom of the double boiler, and put the corn on them. Fill with water, it is needed to form steam. Turn on the timer for 20 minutes. This method of steaming corn allows you to save a large number of vitamins, which are usually destroyed during classic brew her in a pot of water.

Now you know, how long to cook corn. Recipes cooking corn in a slow cooker will come in handy for everyone who has this kitchen helper. So, how to cook corn in a slow cooker, consider below.

Boiled corn in a slow cooker - recipe

  • Corn - 4-5 pcs.,
  • Water - about 1.5 liters.

Everything is very simple. Peel the corn, wash it and put it in the multicooker bowl. Fill it with water so that it covers it completely. Select the "Extinguishing" mode. In this mode, the corn will be ready in 2 hours.

Even faster, namely in half an hour, you can cook corn in a pressure cooker. If you have it, be sure to use it in this case. Before you cook corn in a pressure cooker, it must be cleaned and washed. Put the peeled corn into a steamer. Fill with water and close the lid tightly. Cook it in a pressure cooker for no more than 30 minutes.

Few people know how to boil corn in milk. Even thanks to milk old corn It turns out to taste no worse than young.

Corn boiled in milk - recipe

  • Corn - 5-6 pcs.,
  • Milk - 2 cups
  • Water - 1 liter.

Put the cleaned and washed corn in a saucepan, pour milk and water. Put it on the stove and cook it until done. It is advisable not to add salt, but to rub already cooked cobs with it. By the way, you can also prepare a delicious sauce for boiled corn. To prepare it, you will need sour cream, black pepper, salt, sugar and soy. Pass the garlic through a press. Add it to sour cream and put all other ingredients. Stir. Serve the sauce chilled hot boiled corn.

Corn is loved not only by people, but also by many other animals, birds, and also fish. Corn kernels are considered one of the most popular fish baits. Fish in corn attracts not only nice smell but also bright color. Carp, silver carp, crucian carp, bream and roach are especially fond of corn.

Corn grains for fishing are very popular among fishermen and this is not surprising, because it is not expensive, it is perfectly preserved long time and you can buy it at any time of the year. In addition to corn grains, corn flour is also used to prepare various bait mixtures for fishing.

In the season of young corn, you can use raw grains, but in winter you can’t do without boiling hard grains of corn. How to cook corn for fishing you will find out now. First of all, corn grains must be sorted. So, small grains are best cooked separately for feeding, while large grains that can be put on gachek are best used as bait. Remember that corn can be tinted to make it more bright color, and additionally it can be flavored.

How to cook corn for fishing? Recipes cooking boiled corn is very diverse. Before you boil or steam corn, it must be soaked. This applies to dry and hard corn kernels. During the soaking process, fermentation occurs, or in other words, fermentation, as a result of which the corn acquires a sour taste, and its outer shell becomes soft.

Soak it for two days, while changing the water every four hours. After that, the corn is poured with boiling water or put in cold water on the stove and brought to a boil. After that, the water is drained and the corn is cooled, adding other components to it. It is very important not to overcook the corn, otherwise you will not be able to hook it.

As a flavor, you can use hemp, sunflower and anise oil, vanillin. Vegetable oils and vanillin are added to the corn after it is completely cooked and the water has been drained from it, and left to soak for several hours. For 100 gr. boiled corn, a few drops of oil will suffice.

Some fishermen believe that sweet corn more like for fish than salty. Therefore, during cooking, sweeteners such as honey or sugar are added to the water. At the same time, some anglers claim that fish bite better on salted corn. This question remains open today, so try cooking it according to different recipes, and one of them will definitely work. Now you know, how to cook corn, recipes her cooking for the family and for fishing.

And now back to the recipes for cooking corn and see how to boil bonduelle corn with the addition of salt, vinegar and sugar.

We cannot imagine any summer without boiled corn. We now sell it on the market only one variety of Bonduelle. This is a large corn, bright yellow in color, it needs to be cooked for 20 minutes, it has a pleasant sweetish taste. All children and adults love her. Corn is generally useful for the human body, it contains such microelements that have an anti-stress effect on the body, there are also many minerals, amino acids.

Eating corn daily reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Boil corn in salted water for 20 minutes. If you have a different variety, then 40 minutes is enough. Secret quick boil corn in that we add 1 tablespoon of vinegar. Now the corn will cook quickly anyway.

We put corn leaves on top again so that it retains its aroma for a long time.

Pour water over the corn to cover the heads.

Pour vinegar into a saucepan and sprinkle with salt.

We put the pan with corn on the stove, bring to a boil and cook for 20 minutes. This time will be enough for its preparation. Time has passed, we drain the water. We spread the corn, salt, who loves, grease with butter. You can call the whole family to the table. We have cooked the corn quickly and it is ready to eat.

Boiled corn can be used in, sharp knife trim the corn kernels and add to the dish. The taste will be better than canned, it is softer and more aromatic. You will be sure that it does not contain any synthetic additives and dyes. The result will please you.

I still do corn preparations for the winter. I cut the raw one with a sharp knife and put it in bags, then I put it in freezer. And in winter I boil it for 20 minutes and the corn is ready like in summer. If you have a big freezer, then it can be frozen straight with heads of cabbage. This does not affect the taste of corn. We can plunge into summer in winter with boiled corn.

Boiled corn. Photo

With the beginning of August, boiled corn on the cob becomes the most popular fast food in any town in Russia. Young corn acquires such popularity not only because of its usefulness, but also because of its seasonality. To fill up for the year ahead, I suggest cooking this unpretentious treat yourself. And so that everything works out for you the first time, I will reveal the main secrets of how to cook corn at home in a saucepan.

First, I will give some advice on how to buy a good product, and only then I will tell you how to cook young corn on the cob correctly and for how long.

How to choose good corn

first secret delicious dish is the right product. Before cooking corn, study the main markers that you need to pay attention to when buying:

  • Corn cobs should have amniotic leaves, preferably all, i.e. including upper hard ones. Some sell cobs, peeling them off almost completely - leaving one row of thin pale leaves. I do not take such corn, since the freshness and purity of the grains in the corn cob depends on the presence of amniotic leaves - this is how nature intended. The grains in the half-peeled cobs dry out, and the dust gets into places from which it is problematic to wash it.
  • When buying, check the corn kernels for youth. Spread the leaves in the middle of the cob and lightly press the grain with your fingernail, it should be elastic and juicy. Old grain will be dense and starchy.
  • Having folded back the amniotic leaves, inspect the grains for spoilage and disease - the corn should be arranged in even rows and be uniform in color, without black dots and mold.
  • I would not pay attention to the color of the grain, since this is just a varietal feature. Some sources say that bright yellow grain is old, and light grain is young. We remember the color of the Bonduelle corn and all questions about the youthfulness of the yellow grain disappear by themselves.

Let's cook the corn in a pot. For these purposes, I would advise you to choose a larger vessel.

How to cook corn on the cob?


Corn cobs - 5-7 pcs.

Water 3-4 liters

The number of cobs is determined by the number of eaters - 1-2 pcs. for everyone. I would not recommend cooking corn for the future - during storage, it loses a little in taste.

  1. We clean the cobs from the leaves. Moreover, the upper half of the leaves, those that are thicker and greener, I throw away. And those that are closer to the body I leave and use when cooking.
  2. In addition to the leaves, the stigmas must also be removed from the corn - they are of no use to me, but some are dried and used for treatment.
  3. I break each corn into two parts - it’s more convenient to eat, well, shorter pieces fit better in the pan. I tried to cut it with a knife, but the stump itself is cut so poorly that it’s easier to break.
  4. We lay one third of the leaves from the cobs on the bottom of the cooking pot. Next, lay the pieces of corn tightly. We fill cold water so that it covers the entire product. Lay the remaining leaves on top.

The use of amniotic leaves when cooking corn in a saucepan is the second secret of my recipe. It is this technique that allows you to thoroughly steam the corn kernels. It has been observed that boiled corn on the cob has more rich taste and aroma, if you cook it, covering it with leaves.

Should I add salt when cooking corn? I would not recommend salting the cobs during cooking - salt makes the grains denser, reducing juiciness.

We close the entire assembled structure from the pan, corn, its leaves and water and put it on fire.

Here we come to the most burning question - how much to cook corn in a saucepan so that it is both soft and juicy? Revealing the third secret!

And yet, how long does it take to cook corn?

Very interest Ask, In fact. I remember my grandmother cooked corn heads for 2-3 hours. And since childhood, I learned that before you cook corn on the cob, you need to stock up on great patience - the appetizing smell did not leave anyone indifferent. But what about now?

A lot has changed since my childhood, including corn. New dessert varieties have appeared that have excellent taste qualities. And if the corn is fresh and young, then it should not be cooked for a long time.

As you understand, how much to cook young corn is determined not only by the degree of maturity of the corn grain, but also varietal features. To date, I have seen on sale only dessert varieties that cook very quickly.

Cooking time is counted from the moment of boiling. As soon as the water in the pot with corn gurgles confidently, reduce the heat and set the timer for 30 minutes - this is more than enough for young dessert corn.

After half an hour, I take one grain for testing, and if the degree of its readiness suits me, I turn off the fire. But! I leave the corn under the lid for another 15-20 minutes, longer if possible. The corn cooking process continues as the water temperature is still high. But it goes in a different way than when boiling. Thus, we get corn with a richer taste.

Old cobs and fodder corn should be cooked much longer - 2-3 hours. How to identify such corn? As I wrote, color is not an indicator. Therefore, we look at other markers:

  • Grain density and hardness. Young grain releases juice when squeezed, old does not.
  • Test for a tooth - a young dessert grain, even when raw, is juicy and sweet. The old one will be rather starchy, and the feed one will be neutral in taste, without a pronounced sweet taste.

Boiled corn is served hot, salt and butter serve as accompanying products, and sugar for those with a sweet tooth. However, I came across advice that recommended eating corn by rubbing it crushed garlic and drizzle with lemon juice. To be honest, then classic version I like it better with butter.

Do you have your own recipe for cooking corn? Perhaps you know other secrets of cooking cobs in a pot that you inherited from previous generations - share them in the comments, they will surely come in handy for us.

Today we invite you to carefully understand and remember how to cook corn with us. How to choose and cook truly delicious corn that brings us and our children only pleasure and joy.

At first glance, identical cobs in fact can turn out to be completely different in taste, which depends on the type, variety of corn and its degree of maturity. Without delving too deeply into varietal diversity, all corn can be divided into two main types: food or sweet and ordinary fodder, which is mainly intended for animal feed. You can eat both food and fodder corn. Some “gourmets” even like harsh and not so sugary fodder varieties, but it is food corn that has the best taste, because its juicy sweet grains simply melt in your mouth. For cooking young food corn early varieties will take from 15 minutes to one hour, while feed and late varieties will have to cook from two to five hours.

How to choose corn

It is best to choose freshly picked cobs of young food corn for cooking. You should buy unpeeled corn, since the natural “wrapper” will indicate not only the freshness of the cob, but also prevent it from drying out ahead of time. First of all, bright green leaves and slightly damp cool “antennae” will help to identify young cobs. If the leaves began to turn yellow, it means that the corn was plucked a long time ago and could already have lost some of its juiciness.

So that there is not a single doubt about the quality of the purchased product, you can conduct a simple test for ripeness: at the very base, press with your fingernail on one of the grains: if it turned out to be soft and juice came out, then everything is in in perfect order- This is a young, so-called dairy, corn. The harder and drier the seed, the riper and older the cob.

The degree of maturity of corn affects not only the cooking time, but also the taste of the product. The fact is that when the corn dries out, the sugar inside the grains begins to turn into starch, which deprives it of aroma and sweetness.

How to cook corn on the cob:

1. You can cook corn in several known ways: in the microwave, double boiler, multicooker. We will cook on the stove.

2. We clean the cobs from the leaves. We wash the lower leaves and put a few pieces on the bottom of the pan.

3. Then we fold the cobs entirely, break the very large ones into two parts.

5. Cover the pan with a lid, bring to a boil.

6. After boiling, reduce the fire. Cook over low heat until done.

7. How much time to cook corn depends on the degree of maturity. It can be from half an hour to 2 hours. To find out for sure, we take out one ear, take out a grain from it with a knife and taste it.

8. Drain the water, transfer the cobs to a large plate, sprinkle with salt on top, grease with oil if desired and serve hot to the table as independent dish or as a side dish.

How long to cook corn?

From the degree of its maturity, the cooking time is calculated, corn cobs can be divided into 3 types of maturity: slightly unripe, mature and overripe.

1. If the corn has a pale yellow color, and tastes very soft and juicy, it is enough to cook such ears for about 15 minutes after the water boils.

2. Yellowish color speaks of her medium degree maturity when you try raw cob it is juicy and starchy. The cooking time of such corn is about 30 minutes, this type of maturity is considered optimal when cooking corn.

3. Pronounced yellow seeds indicate its overripe state. Such cobs are harsh, and sometimes very tough. Boil them should be from 60 minutes to 2 hours.

More on how to cook corn on the cob

The best way to cook corn in thick-walled and deep dishes(better - a cauldron or cast iron) with a tight-fitting lid. A good result is the preparation of boiled corn in a pressure cooker. My favorite way is to boil unpeeled corn on the cob. At the same time, they are laid out in a bowl and filled with water to a level up to 5 cm above the corn layer. This cooking method makes the grains as sweet and juicy as possible.

You can also cook corn with peeled cobs. Secret proper cooking in this case, it consists in the fact that the corn leaves are laid out on the bottom of the dish, then the cobs are laid down and covered with the remaining leaves on top. This is done so that the corn kernels do not come into contact with the cooking utensils.

Cook the dish only until the grains soften. which is checked by piercing them with a fork. Cooking too long, like boiling in salt water, makes corn on the cob overly rigid. It is better to slightly sugar the water during cooking, and add salt only after the end of cooking.

Serve the dish freshly cooked, as after cooling the corn is not so tasty. For juiciness, you can grate the peeled cobs with butter. Salting boiled corn is better not small, but coarse salt, it is only necessary to slightly rub the grains with it.

How to boil milk corn

Let's try to boil our first, juiciest and most tender milk corn. Only very young corn is suitable for this recipe, such that the softest grains of which, when crushed, release a large amount of juice on the finger. Peel four ears of young corn from leaves and stigmas, and then rinse thoroughly in running water. Boil three liters of water in a deep saucepan. Don't salt! Dip the prepared cobs in boiling water and bring to a boil again over high heat. Once the corn cobs float to the surface, reduce the heat to medium, cover the pot, and cook your corn for 5 to 10 minutes. After this time, immediately remove the corn from the water, drizzle with melted butter, sprinkle with salt and serve. Don't overcook young milk corn! Too long cooking can make it tough.

How to cook mature corn

Mature corn differs from very young corn in a much brighter taste and aroma, but such corn should be cooked longer. Remove leaves and stigmas from four ears of corn. Don't throw away the leaves! Soak the peeled corn in cool water for one hour and then rinse thoroughly. If necessary, cut each cob crosswise into two halves. Boil three liters of water in a deep saucepan, add half of the corn leaves, bring to a boil again, lay the cobs and bring the water to a boil again on high heat. When the water boils, reduce the heat to medium, cover the pot with a lid, and cook the corn for 40 to 45 minutes. After time, add salt to taste and the remaining leaves. Cook everything together for another 15-20 minutes. Remove the cooked corn from the water, drain slightly, pour with butter and sprinkle with salt. Serve immediately.

How to cook corn in the oven

Tender young ears of corn can be boiled by placing them in the oven. Cooked in this way, they are extremely fragrant and tasty. Lubricate the baking dish with vegetable oil, put in it four whole ears of corn, not peeled from the leaves. Add hot water so that it covers the cobs by half. Carefully cover the form with corn foil and place in an oven preheated to 200⁰ for 40 - 120 minutes, depending on the degree of maturity of the corn. Remove the leaves from the cooked corn, pour over with melted butter, sprinkle with salt and serve.

How to cook corn in a steamer

Very tasty and tender corn cooked in a double boiler is obtained. You can steam both de-leafed and unpeeled corn. Cooked with leaves, corn is much more aromatic, but takes a little longer to cook. Pour a sufficient amount of water into the steamer, grease the grate with butter and place the corn cobs on it. Close the steamer tightly and cook the corn for 30 to 40 minutes until tender. While your corn is cooking, prepare the sauce. Melt 15 gr. butter in a small saucepan, add 50 gr. crushed walnuts and a pinch of ground cardamom. Stir quickly and remove from heat. Put the finished corn on a dish, pour over fragrant nut oil and serve. Serve the salt separately.

How to cook corn in the microwave

With a lack of time, delicious boiled corn can be cooked in the microwave. Soak young corn on the cob for an hour in cool water without peeling the leaves. After the time has elapsed, transfer the corn on the cob to a plastic bag, add a couple of tablespoons of water and tie tightly. Place the bag in a microwave-safe dish and poke a couple of tiny holes in it to release excess steam. Bake in the microwave at maximum power for 10-15 minutes depending on the maturity of the beans. Remove the cooked corn from the bag, remove the leaves and stigmas, brush with melted butter and sprinkle with salt. Corn prepared in such a quick way turns out to be very fragrant and tasty, but it should be served immediately, after cooling, your corn will lose most of its taste.
