
How long does it take to cook corn. How to cook corn on the cob in a pressure cooker

Of course, boiled corn is tasty and healthy. A lot of it is sold during the season, the main thing is to choose high-quality, undamaged cobs and not having foreign odors (chemistry, pesticides, etc.). Before buying corn, do not hesitate to taste the grain, it should taste sweet, juicy and not hard. The type of corn will also be important. Need to buy food sweet corn.

Have you ever thought that corn is rich in vitamins and fiber, that it contains vitamins such as B1, A, C, E. In addition, it is well absorbed by the body. The main thing in everything is to know the measure and not to overeat.

Immediately before cooking, peel corn cobs from leaves and fibers, rinse under cold water.

What to cook corn in?

Corn must be cooked large saucepan this is if it is cooked whole and in in large numbers, and if 2-3 cobs, and even break or cut into two parts, then a pot of 3 - 3.5 liters is enough.

Cook corn with leaves or not?

Many cook corn with leaves, and this is not forbidden, it can even be more fragrant and tastier with them. But, if you are sure that the leaves have not absorbed a lot of pesticides and not only that are used in corn fields. If you still cook corn in leaves, be sure to remove the first leaves.

We put the corn in a saucepan in boiling water - so it retains more of its juices.

Fresh sweet corn (from the store, market), cook for 10-15 minutes. We cook fodder corn from the field for 40-90 minutes (young corn is cooked more than two times less than the old one). Time will start counting from the moment re-boiling water. We do not add salt, because under its influence, corn grains harden. We cook under the lid - this reduces the processing time and reduces the loss of vitamins. To find out if the corn is ready, you can tear off a few grains and try if they are soft, then the corn is already cooked. Just be careful as you can get burned.

Corn cooked:

If the corn will be served immediately to the table, then it must be put on a dish with tongs directly from the pot of hot water

or carefully drain the water from the pan and remove boiled corn. If boiled corn is served later, then it must be left in a saucepan, do not drain the water, cover with a lid and wrap with a towel. This is necessary so that the corn remains hot and fragrant, since after cooling the corn is no longer so tasty.

How to use boiled corn:

Serve boiled cobs corn, oiled and sprinkled with salt. Or all separately. Boiled corn is also used in various salads.

It's time to remember how to properly cook corn on the cob. But first, taste it raw - you might like it better this way.

Juicy, fragrant cob corn, sprinkled with salt on top and flavored with butter, reminiscent of childhood, when he was the height of pleasure. Today we will cook milk corn on the cob together, exactly the same as in childhood.

How to choose the right corn

In the market, check that the grains on the cob are soft, when pressed on them, liquid should be released. Give preference to uncleaned specimens from stigmas and leaves, as they prevent from drying out. After the purchase, do not delay cooking: the faster you cook, the tastier it will turn out.


  • Corn cobs - 6-8 pcs.
  • Water - 4 liters.

How to cook corn on the cob?

Remove all leaves from the cobs, as well as corn stigmas. Do not throw away green, young leaves, they will be useful to us for cooking corn. Corn flakes - very useful product, used in medical purposes as a diuretic.

Preparations based on corn stigmas have antioxidant properties, have a beneficial effect on metabolic processes in the body, reduce blood sugar levels, and improve the functioning of the liver and pancreas.

Take a heavy-bottomed pot (preferably). It can be enameled, cast iron or aluminum pan large diameter. Put the kettle on to heat up, and in the meantime, put green corn leaves, pre-washed, on the bottom of the pan. The entire bottom should be filled with leaves. The more leaves left during cooking, the juicier and more aromatic the corn cobs will be.

If there is a lot of corn, lay several layers, shifting them with leaves. So, alternating cobs and leaves, fill the entire pan.

Do not add salt when cooking! Better salt the already cooked hot corn!

When all the corn is in the pan, pour boiling water from the kettle and put on fire. brew corn on the cob 20 minutes, then turn off and let stand in water for another half an hour.

Corn cobs should be completely covered with water. In order to prevent them from floating up, you can put an inverted plate on top or just cover with a lid.

Salt the cooked corn, rubbing salt grains evenly over the entire surface. Then take a bite butter and run over the cob to absorb the oil.

How long does it take to cook corn?

Young milk cobs are boiled for no longer than 20 minutes. If you got forage varieties with hard grains, it may take 40 minutes. How to distinguish fodder from dairy? The more intense the color of the grains, the longer heat treatment will be needed. To test the readiness of corn, break off a few kernels and taste them.

Corn kernels can be harvested for the future if they are scraped off the cooked cobs with a knife and placed in plastic bag or container. In winter, you can use corn for stews, pizza, any other second and first courses. If your freezer has a lot of space, you can freeze raw cobs and cook in the winter.

How do you cook corn? Are there any secrets in your family? Share in the comments!
On our You Tube video channel, I posted step by step video recipe about how to cook corn properly, I wish you a pleasant viewing!

Many sprinkle corn with cheese, pepper, water with brine. What additives and spices do you like? I would love feedback on the recipe. All the best!

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Boiled corn - great addition for almost any meal. Very nutritious and tasty, it has long been taking its place of honor on our table in the summer. How to cook corn on the cob so that they turn out really tasty?

How long does it take to cook an ear of corn?

First you need to find out what variety the corn bought on the market belongs to. There are special varieties for eating, and there are fodder for animals. How long does it take to cook corn food grade? It is softer and half an hour is enough, but coarser fodder will have to be cooked much longer - from two to three hours.

If you bought corn on the market and already at home found small multi-colored grains on the cob, leave it. This variety is intended for making popcorn.

Most main advice how to cook corn correctly is as follows: the cobs are boiled for about 20 minutes and after this time they are completely softened for eating. If you miss this point, the corn becomes tough again and then the cooking time increases significantly.

Those who like to experiment can be offered interesting way cooking in the oven. We rub the cobs with butter and wrap them in foil with a sprig of dill. To give piquant taste you can rub some garlic.

How to cook fresh corn?

With the cooking time decided, now you need to choose a cooking method. It is best not to discard the leaves when peeling cobs. Leaves need to be rinsed under running water warm water and lay on the bottom of the pan, already lay the corn on top and pour everything with water.

We put the pot on the fire. After the water boils, you need to salt it. To give more rich taste some spices can be sent to water with salt, for example allspice peas - this will give a spicy and very appetizing aroma.

It is correct to cook corn in a thick-walled pan, as the cooking time takes for a long time. Close the lid tightly. Very good to cook cast iron pan. It is perfectly acceptable to cook corn in a double boiler or in microwave oven. It is very easy to cook corn in a pressure cooker, as it saves both time and effort. It will only take 5-10 minutes.

Keep in mind that after cooling, the corn will immediately begin to harden, which will become unpleasant surprise for your teeth. It is best to serve boiled corn immediately after cooking, while still hot. To keep the cobs longer retain their aroma and softness, grease them with butter. It also enhances the taste significantly.

For gourmets, you can serve corn sprinkled with grated cheese. In order not to make a mistake when buying and choose soft corn, pay attention to the cobs and leaves: they should be intact and bright green.

How to cook old corn?

If you find dimples in the center of the grains, then the cobs are definitely old. You can cook them, but they will be tougher, regardless of the time and method of preparation.

Cooking fresh corn is much easier as it is tender and cooks very quickly. But it happens that fresh and juicy corn begins to age over time. How to cook old corn? If the hand does not rise to throw out, you can correct the situation using little tricks.

You need to cook old corn in the same way as young corn. The only difference is the cooking time. If the cobs have lain for only a couple of days, it is enough to increase the cooking time by 20 minutes. But for cobs that have been lying for a week, you will have to increase the cooking time by an hour and a half.

From early childhood, we all know this tantalizing aroma and unique taste of boiled corn. It is quite easy to prepare it. Although no, this is not entirely true. After all, you must admit that incorrectly chosen or poorly cooked corn brings a lot of disappointment to both children and adults. Therefore, in this article, let's focus our attention on it. proper cooking so that this vegetable always remains soft and juicy for us and always pleases with its taste.

In order not to take too much of your time, I will not list all the advantages of corn. I will only note that it is rich in vitamins C, K, B, PP and D, is an excellent source of iron, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and copper, and also contains glutamic acid, which improves memory and helps normalize metabolic processes in the brain.

In general, there are many dishes, the main ingredient of which is this vegetable, but the most popular summer milk-ripe corn cooked on the cob, which, due to its unique taste does not require any additives, except for a little salt and butter.

Let's finally move on to the main recommendations and recipes, thanks to which even inexperienced housewives they will easily figure out how to cook corn properly.

How to cook corn the right way.

Choice of cobs.

So the most master recipe success in this business right choice cobs. And in this case it is better to trust the one who grows this corn. But, unfortunately, not everyone has this opportunity. And if you are one of the latter, then know that fresh young corn can only be sold on the market in season, which means no later than August. Therefore, corn sold in September and October often turns out to be tough and overripe, completely unsuitable for boiling whole. In addition, each time ask the seller in which region this corn is grown, because in areas with a warmer climate, the season ends much earlier.

Also pay attention to appearance cobs and corn kernels. In the most delicious, young milky corn, the grains are milky white or slightly yellowish in color. In addition, they should be elastic and at the same time soft, as well as well convex. When crushing a grain of such corn, it turns out to be juicy inside. If the grains are saturated yellow, have lost their roundness, having acquired dimples on the grains, you know, in front of you ripe corn, which, when boiled on the cob, will be tough and tasteless. The leaves covering the cob will also tell you about the maturity of corn. So, young and juicy corn is densely covered with bright green, fresh leaves. And at overripe corn the leaves are usually already moving away from the cob, and they are hard, dry and, as a rule, have a yellow color. If the seller offers you corn that has all its leaves removed, then do not agree to buy it. The fact is that its leaves could curl up from excessive pesticide treatment, and in order to hide this fact, sellers clean the corn before selling it.

In addition, you need to buy only the amount of corn that you are going to eat, since it is not stored for a long time (it can ripen and become tough or rot). It is also worth buying cobs of approximately the same size and with similar grains. This will allow you to cook without worrying that some of the corn will be overcooked, and some will remain raw and tough.

Preparing the cob for cooking.

Before proceeding with boiling, the corn must be freed from excess leaves, the corn stigmas removed, the upper rows of grains cut off if they are slightly blackened or rotten, large cobs cut across into two approximately equal parts. Soak the corn cobs prepared for boiling for an hour in cold water, then rinse it thoroughly. Only after that you can lower the cobs into boiling water. Do not add salt to the corn at the beginning of cooking - this can make the grains tough. It is better to do this 15 minutes before the end of cooking. How much to cook corn, there is no single right answer. I will only note that young corn will be ready in half an hour, but overripe corn may take three hours to be completely ready. So readiness will have to be determined by yourself, gently piercing a grain with something sharp or just to taste.

How much to cook corn.

It is very important not to overcook the young corn, otherwise it will become tough. Therefore, I propose the following technology: we clean the purchased corn, soak it in cold water for an hour, then rinse it thoroughly in running water and lower it into boiling water, which we previously put on fire, bring the water with corn to a boil over high heat, after the corn has surfaced, reduce the heat to medium and cover the pan with a lid, leaving the corn to cook for another 10 minutes. After this time has elapsed, immediately remove the corn from the pan, sprinkle with melted butter and sprinkle with salt. Everything can be served at the table.

How to cook corn in the oven.

You can also cook corn in the oven. To do this, you need to take a deep dish, the bottom of which is greased with butter, then put the unpeeled cobs (in leaves) on it and add hot water so that the ears are half in it. After that, the form should be carefully covered with foil and baked in the oven for 40-120 minutes at 200 degrees. Ready corn must be cleaned of leaves, pour over with melted butter and sprinkle with salt. The corn is ready to serve.

Bon appetit!

How to choose the right corn, as well as how much to cook it to make the product soft and tender enough - read in this article.

Boiled corn - favorite summer dish many people. As soon as it ripens in the garden or appears on the shelves, we immediately bring it home.

Corn is not only very tasty, fragrant and juicy, but also very useful for the human body. It contains vitamins such as: B, C, D, K, PP, composition: copper, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, glutamic acid, etc.

How to choose corn for cooking

Fresh and young corn should be bought in the season, which will end no later than August. If bought later, the fruit may be hard or overripe.

If you cook corn, it is better to use cobs with milky-light or white-yellow grains. If the grains are soft and elastic, located close to each other and have the same size, then such corn will be very juicy and tender. A strong yellow hue indicates that the cob is quite old and can taste tough.

Also look at the leaves, they should be yellowish and dry. Don't buy leafless corn and make sure the kernels are round and without dimples.

How to prepare corn

  1. Rinse the cob under clean water, and also clean the leaves from various dirt or rotten leaves.
  2. Also, before cooking, it is recommended to soak the corn in not too cold water for 1-2 hours.
  3. Cobs of the same size are boiled together. Too large cobs, it is desirable to divide into two equal parts.
  4. If the corn is ripe, then many housewives first clean the cobs from fibers and leaves, then cut them into 2 parts and fill them with a special mixture. The liquid is prepared from cold water and milk in a ratio of 1:1. IN this mixture put the corn for 4-6 hours, and then the plant can be boiled in ordinary water.

How long to cook corn by time

Before cooking corn, it is necessary to determine its ripeness. Young cobs are boiled for no more than 30 minutes, and ripe fruit must be boiled for about 40 minutes. Cobs that are too ripe tend to take more than 2 hours to cook.

The plant must be dipped already in boiling water and salted preferably only 3-5 minutes before readiness or at the time of serving.

To give the corn a juicy and delicate taste, it is recommended to add some butter or sugar to the water. Also, do not boil the plant for big fire, after boiling, reduce the heat to low.

  • See also -

After cooking, eat corn immediately, you can eat it with oil and salt. Don't leave it in the refrigerator as it will harden.

How to cook delicious corn - video
