
Charlotte soda slaked with vinegar. Lush charlotte with apples in the oven

Do I need to add soda to Charlotte?

    No, it’s better not to add soda, if necessary, then only baking powder. Soda will give a taste, and the biscuit itself can turn out dark. Well, personally, I never add soda or baking powder, I just beat the eggs well.

    I add baking soda to charlotte, but I never extinguish it with vinegar. Most importantly, the soda must be properly mixed with flour and only then added to the beaten eggs with sugar. Then a very delicious light crust. If you use baking powder instead of soda, then there will be no such crust.

    No, you don't need to add soda to Charlotte.

    Add the baking powder to the charlotte, vanilla sugar or vanillin, flour, sugar, eggs.

    You can also add orange or lemon zest, you can take any other fruits or berries, but apples should be sweet and sour.

    You can also add sour cream to Charlotte, half a glass of sour cream replaces 3 eggs.

    To prepare biscuit(and the base for charlotte is biscuit dough), soda is not required at all. The main feature is how well the eggs and sugar are beaten, how well the flour is poured and mixed, how well the oven is heated, the baking time and temperature are maintained.

    The classic biscuit recipe calls for a teaspoon of slaked soda or baking powder. I never added soda, and the biscuit was tall and fluffy.

    So my answer is: At your discretion. You can add, but you can do without soda.

    I bake without soda. My charlotte is super apple. I cut apples (a lot) into slices and stew a little in vegetable oil in a pan. For the dough, I take a glass of kefir, two eggs, a little sugar, flour and knead the dough until sour cream, add vanilla. Then I add apples to it, mix everything, such a mass comes out: apples covered with a thin layer of dough. And I put it all in the form. Sprinkle the top with sugar mixed with cinnamon, tightly. I bake for 50 minutes. Very tender and fragrant pie it turns out.

    The biscuit dough that is sold in the store often contains soda. Charlotte is a pie out biscuit dough with apples. When I bake such a cake, I never add soda or baking powder. The dough rises well without soda thanks to the eggs. Beat the eggs well with the sugar until thick foam, which should increase several times, then carefully add the flour with a spoon. During baking in the oven, you can not open the oven door so that the dough does not fall, it is so capricious. That's all. So you get air cake no soda added. Where you can do without soda, why add it?

    It depends on what recipe you use for baking charlotte. If you are buying ready mix, then it already has everything you need. If in the dough is coming any fermented milk product, then it is better that inside the charlotte does not remain raw, add baking powder, which can be used as soda. It does not spoil the taste, because you only need to add a pinch. It is not necessary to extinguish, just adding flour, before you stir in, pour a pinch of soda (baking powder).

    No, I never add soda, I don’t need it, it’s not pancakes, charlotte will rise normally, the main thing better eggs beat with sand, and add vanillin. I met some recipes on the Internet, so they write what needs to be added, but this is if there are not enough eggs.

    Mix 1 cup flour with 1 tsp. baking powder when kneading dough for Charlotte. Baking powder can be replaced with soda quenched with lemon juice. Some do not add baking powder to the dough, while the biscuit turns out to be no less airy and tall.

    Whether or not to add soda to the charlotte dough depends on the recipe for making the pie. With soda, you can cook charlotte faster, because. there is no need to thoroughly beat the eggs until foamy. But we must not forget that soda can give an unpleasant bitter aftertaste, so it is better to extinguish it with water or vinegar, or use baking powder or baking powder. If soda was not at home, then to prepare a magnificent pie, you must carefully beat the whites and yolks separately, and then mix the dough.

    Charlotte dough is made from flour, eggs, sugar. In order for the dough to rise well, it is necessary to beat the whites separately and grind the yolks with sugar. Then mix everything and carefully add the flour. If you do not have the desire or ability to beat and grind the eggs separately, or you are preparing the dough with butter, then it is better to add baking powder. There is no point in adding one soda unless you add lemon juice or citric acid. It is as a result of the reaction of alkali with acid that the airiness of the dough appears.

I come to you today with a somewhat informal topic, but I think it's time in the middle of the May holidays. Half will not read, the other half will forgive.

Some time ago, we discussed with Olya Lishina children's books in which the characters are preparing something. (By the way, I would like to take this opportunity to recommend Olya as a specialist in modern children's literature: if you are interested in this topic, go to her.) In general, Olya, as usual, immediately gave me a couple of examples that I had never heard of before. To be honest, I myself am very poorly oriented in fresh children's books. And it's time to start sorting it out slowly... Among the examples mentioned was Maria Bershadskaya and her series of books about a big little girl.

I decided to take a look, not postponing the matter indefinitely. And I must say, it's just lovely what it is! Of course, my own little girl will not soon be big enough for these books, but they will be patiently waiting for her on the shelf. Until then, I enjoyed reading it myself.

The second book in the series is dedicated to culinary theme: the heroes are trying to cook a simple apple pie all the way: sugar, flour, four eggs ... In general, what the people call charlotte. And, in full accordance with popular notions, at the climax they ... extinguish the soda with vinegar!

At this point, I thoughtfully scratched the back of my head, wondering if this book is really good for educating the younger generation. Kidding. Although the topic, of course, touched me, since this post eventually appeared. But let's talk about everything in order.

Russian people love traditions and rituals: they create the illusion of stability in our unstable reality. Typical pillars of our world: knock on wood, sit on the path, extinguish the soda with vinegar. Relatively harmless entertainment.

Impressed by what I read, I conducted a survey on my Instagram, and opinions were divided exactly in half: 50% extinguish, 50% do not. But the sample can hardly be considered representative, since many voters are seriously interested in cooking and, apparently, know the materiel quite well. In reality, I think the ratio is quite different - and not in favor of a negative answer.

In general, I decided to work a little as a myth buster. Or Captain Evidence - that's who knows how. And in order not to be unfounded, I conducted a technical experiment and compared different ways loosening dough in practice. More on this below. The text in the end turned out to be too large for Instagram, which is why I post it here. But in the end, I have only telephone photos - do not blame me.

So first - in terms of CHEMISTRY.

To completely extinguish a teaspoon of soda, you need about 16 teaspoons of vinegar (9%). How much soda do you usually put in one charlotte? Of course, not a whole teaspoon, but I think the vinegar is still not enough.

The result of the reaction of soda and vinegar is sodium acetate, and it is dough does not loosen . Purely technical. That is, even if somehow you manage to extinguish the soda without a trace, this will not help the test.

What, then, loosens the dough in charlotte, for which quenching soda with vinegar is mandatory in the eyes of most residents of the post-Soviet space?

Firstly, even without the addition of special substances, if you beat the eggs properly, the dough will rise only due to this. By beating eggs, we saturate them with air bubbles, which expand when heated. The more stable the foam, the brighter the result will be. This is the basis for the preparation of a classic biscuit, in which no baking powder is added. True, if we talk about the good old Soviet charlotte, it works unstable with her for one simple reason:it is implied that charlotte - the simplest pie, so usually no one bothers with a sufficiently thorough whipping.But the eggs still work for the result to some extent.

Secondly, IN THE PROCESS of the reaction of acid and alkali, carbon dioxide is released. When the reaction takes place in the test, it is this " by-effect gives us magic bubbles. But, if you extinguish the soda BEFORE adding it to the dough, the magic bubbles are not in the cake, but in the spoon - all carbon dioxide goes into the atmosphere.

Third, soda itself, when heated, decomposes with the release carbon dioxide.

CONCLUSION: after extinguishing soda with vinegar, the dough loosens not the result of this reaction, but the soda that remained unslaked and went into the dough in its original form. Plus air in beaten eggs. You can just as well just put soda in the dough, only a slightly smaller amount. But then you won’t be able to admire the spectacular bubbling!

Actually, the visual effect is the only meaning of extinguishing soda. By extinguishing the soda with vinegar before adding it to the dough, you have fun, "loosening" the air in the kitchen.

Extinguishing soda with vinegar is a purely Soviet invention. How did this tradition even begin? The initial message was correct: alkali reacts with acid, the reaction proceeds with the release of carbon dioxide. Obviously, baking soda and vinegar were chosen as the most available substances. It's also logical. But… something went wrong here. And since then, in most kitchens in our country, the main part chemical reaction flows not in the cake, but outside it.

Remarkably, the effect of baking powder, which is now freely sold almost everywhere, is based on the same reaction of acid and alkali. In baking powder, the ratio of these substances is adjusted so that they react without residue. And on the sachet it is indicated how much powder to put on the amount of flour used. Elementary and effective! But people still continue to tinker with soda and vinegar - at least in the sacred work of making charlotte.

The classic Soviet charlotte is:

  • three or four eggs
  • glass of sugar,
  • a glass of flour,
  • soda slaked with vinegar.

Translating this into the dry language of numbers:

  • 3 eggs,
  • 180 g sugar
  • 120 g flour
  • an indefinite amount of soda and vinegar.

To demonstrate that it is not soda alone, I prepared five test options using different methods loosening.

  1. classic biscuit: eggs are beaten to a very dense foam, no special substances are added.
  2. Baking powder from a sachet.
  3. Baking soda and vinegar mixed directly in the dough, without prior slaking.
  4. Soda slaked with vinegar.
  5. soda and lemon acid(as an alternative to vinegar).

On classic charlotte from three eggs you only need 2.5 g of baking powder - a quarter of a standard ten-gram sachet.

In general, I prepared a third standard portion dough - based on one egg. For this amount of dough, I took soda on the tip of a knife and ½ tsp. vinegar (and in the case of quenching, and without it).

In the fifth option, I took soda on the tip of a knife and about 1.5 times more citric acid.

All dry ingredients are standardly introduced into the dough mixed with flour: soda, baking powder, citric acid. In the third version of the test, flour and soda are first introduced into it, and then, at the very end, vinegar interferes.

To be honest, my experiment was not entirely clean. Initially, I planned to thoroughly beat the eggs for the first version of the test, and for all subsequent ones, not to be zealous with beating - as it would be in the average Russian cuisine. But it was not possible to comply with this condition, as a result, somewhere the eggs were beaten slightly, and somewhere they were clearly over-beaten almost to the level of a biscuit, which affected the rise of the dough almost more than the leavening agents used. But I can still draw some conclusions.

My favorites are the biscuit without additives and the dough with baking powder. In all other variants, an extraneous aftertaste is felt - different, but it is everywhere.

The option with soda slaked with vinegar stands out visually: a brittle crust appeared on the pie, which cracked during the baking process.

In general, all types of dough rose. Some are better, some are worse, but I have a strong feeling that it had more to do with how the eggs were beaten than with the additives used.

Here, by the way, I made some more options for comparison. In both cases, baking soda and vinegar were used without quenching, but in the one on the right, the eggs were beaten more thoroughly. Accordingly, the rise turned out to be more even.

What to say in conclusion? It seems to me that children in the house are an occasion to look at the world fresh eyes. Experiment! It is possible with children, if age allows. Not always the usual option is the best, and often it is enough to change a tiny detail to get a completely different result.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

The taste of homemade apple pie is familiar to everyone since childhood, the main ingredients are apples, eggs and sugar. This puffy apple charlotte in the oven with soda has always impressed with its wonderful appearance, but here's how to achieve puffiness. This is not known to everyone. The recipe step by step with a photo on our website will help you learn the secret of cooking amazing. Preparation is quite simple and minimal cost.


- wheat flour - 200 gr.,
- egg- 4 things.,
- granulated sugar- 200 gr.,
- baking soda or baking powder for dough - 1 tsp,
- vinegar - 1 tsp,
- ground cinnamon - 0.5 tsp,
- apple - 700 gr.,
- vegetable sunflower oil.

Necessary information:

Cooking time takes approximately one hour. Before starting cooking, preheat the oven to 180 degrees.
Before cooking lush charlotte you need to wash the apples, cut the peel, first cut into halves, and then into small pieces.

Recipe with photo step by step:

1. Take a deep bowl and beat the eggs into it.

2. Add to egg mixture granulated sugar.

3. Mix all ingredients well until liquid uniform consistency foam.

4. After that, sift wheat flour through a sieve, pour into dough piece. Then add baking powder for the dough to the resulting mixture or extinguish the soda with food vinegar. When extinguishing, the mixture hisses, it will not be superfluous to evenly stir the soda in a teaspoon poured vinegar essence. Continue beating the dough until liquid state like thick sour cream.

5. Put a round baking dish with a removable bottom, cover its inner surface parchment paper and missed sunflower oil. Put pre-peeled and chopped apples in a container, sprinkle them with ground cinnamon.

6. Pour out batter on a layer with apples so that the mass completely covers the apples. Send the charlotte to bake in a preheated oven to a temperature of 180 degrees. Baking time - 30 minutes.

7. Periodically, you need to get pastries and check for readiness. To do this, take a toothpick and poke the charlotte from all sides. If the stick goes well into the cake, moreover, dry and without content, then this means that the dish is cooked.

8. Air is ready, it remains to sprinkle the top powdered sugar.
9. Now you can go to the table. It is recommended to serve the dish hot, freshly baked, cut into slices. portioned pieces.
Bon appetit!

Autumn is famous for apples, and housewives are happy to cook apple dishes. The most popular of them is charlotte with apples.
Lush, tender and just melting in your mouth charlotte can not help but like it! This sweet one apple dessert originally from France. He has long conquered everyone with his simplicity and unforgettable taste. Despite the fact that the recipe is very simple, charlotte will bring no less pleasure than a complex dessert.

Charlotte is great with tea or coffee. It can be used as a completely independent dessert. Serving charlotte, to some extent, is also an art. The tastiest of all, this is a freshly baked pie, it is warm and fragrant.

It is ideal to serve charlotte with a scoop of light creamy ice cream. If you sprinkle a little powdered sugar, the cake will become even more attractive and appetizing. Especially harmonious combination at charlotte and sour cream. There are many variations, you just need to show imagination. Cooking lush charlotte with apples in the oven will help you step by step recipes charlottes in this article.

Dear readers, first I want to ask you to pay a little attention and deviate a little from the main topic. Because I want to remind you that very soon, on June 14, a book will be released on how to create and maintain your own blog, something like mine. Thanks to a blog, you can run a business without leaving your home, having a computer and Internet access at hand. Everything else you will find in the very book edited by Denis Povaga. Earlier we already talked about this and there was a separate post on this blog ().

Today, June 14, Blogger's Day, you get a link to a special page where you can download the book for free, for a limited time. Within a certain time, the book will be available, do not miss this important point download right now. This link is already active for free download of the book. And now back to our recipes for making lush charlotte in the oven.

For this recipe Apple pie turns out delicious.

1 faceted glass flour premium— 100 gr
1 faceted glass of sugar - 170 gr
Chicken eggs - 4 pcs.
Baking powder or baking soda slaked with vinegar - 1/2 tsp.
4-5 small apples, or 3-4 large apples
Butter for greasing the baking dish
The total cooking time is 60 minutes (20 minutes for dough preparation and 40 minutes for baking).

How to cook classic charlotte with apples in the oven:

Break the eggs into a deep bowl, pour out all the sugar and beat with a mixer or whisk. The resulting dough blank will increase in size by about three times, it should turn out to be a soft cream color.

Sift the flour in several passes, stirring each time so that there are no lumps. Mix flour with baking powder or slaked soda. Beat the mixture with a kitchen mixer at low speed. Beat for a short time, until a homogeneous state is obtained.

Apples must be peeled, cut out the middle and cut into not very thick slices or cubes. After mixing the dough with chopped apples.

Pour batter with apples into a buttered cooking container. Place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees and bake for 40-45 minutes. In particular, it is from the height of the container that the baking time changes, the higher the form, the longer it takes to cook, and vice versa. Readiness can be checked using a wooden knot or a toothpick. It is necessary to pierce the cake in the thickest place, if the stick is dry, then it is ready.

Bon appetit!

How to determine the readiness of the charlotte? The readiness of the pie can be checked with a match or a wooden toothpick. Open the oven, pierce the pie with a match in the center: if the dough sticks to a wooden surface, then the charlotte is not ready yet. When ready, take the apple pie out of the oven and let cool slightly. Charlotte with apples is ready! If desired, a lush apple charlotte can be sprinkled on top with powdered sugar or a mixture of cinnamon with powdered sugar.

Lush charlotte with apples in the oven. Air apple pie recipe with step by step photo

A delicious charlotte is prepared in a very short time and simply even for a novice in cooking. Very tasty charlotte with apples and cinnamon. A simple biscuit dough combined with apples gives great taste and aroma.
Eggs - 4 pcs.
Сaxap - 160 gr (1 cup)
Flour - 150 gr (1 cup)
soda slaked with vinegar - 1 tsp
salt - a pinch
vanillin or vanilla saxap - optional
Charlotte filling:
apples - 4 pcs.
caxap - 2 tbsp. l.
ground cinnamon - optional
vegetable oil - 0.5 tsp. for greasing molds

How to bake a fluffy charlotte with apples in the oven:

To begin with, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the apples and separate from the core. Then cut into thin slices.

After that, put in a deep bowl and sprinkle the apples with sugar so that they let the juice go.

To prepare the dough for charlotte, thoroughly beat the eggs with a mixer into a thick, lush and viscous foam, slowly pouring into them, while beating sugar and salt.
After the eggs with sugar were properly beaten, soda slaked with vinegar is added. It is necessary to ensure that absolutely all soda is extinguished with vinegar, otherwise, in the finished charlotte, it will leave an unpleasant aftertaste or smell.

To avoid this, it is necessary to add a drop of ordinary table vinegar to the soda until it stops hissing.

Then we add all the flour to the dough, stirring from top to bottom with a regular spoon, until the whole mass becomes homogeneous and smooth, achieving the consistency of sour cream. Jellied dough for a delicious apple charlotte is ready.

In the form, with a volume of approximately 20 cm, lubricated with oil, a third of the dough is laid out. Apples must be separated from the juice they let them in and carefully laid out over the entire surface of the dough, sprinkled with cinnamon and poured over with the remaining dough.
It is necessary to bake a pie with apples in the oven for about 40-50 minutes, at 160-180 degrees, depending on the oven.

Cool the finished charlotte at room temperature and sprinkle with powdered sugar. Delicious apple charlotte is ready. Now delicious apple pie can be served at home. It will be gentle, light and very airy. Maximum taste and aroma with minimum costs for products and cooking time. Bon appetit!

Apple pie in the oven on kefir. Grandma's charlotte recipe

Grandma's recipe for lush apple charlotte on kefir. It is very simple, it takes very little time to prepare, and the pastries are simply amazing.
Apples - 3 pcs.
Kefir - 1 glass
Flour - 1.5 cups
Chicken eggs - 2 pcs.
Sugar - 1 cup
Soda with vinegar - 0.5 tsp
Cinnamon - to taste
Vanillin - to taste
Sunflower oil - for greasing the mold
Semolina - for sprinkling the mold


Wash the apples, peel them from the seed pods, cut off the skin and randomly cut into small pieces.

Pour a glass of kefir into a deep bowl. Add a glass of sugar to it. Let the sugar dissolve a little and mix everything.

Crack two eggs into a bowl and mix again.

Pour the flour, knead the dough.

Add soda slaked with vinegar and a little vanilla to the dough. IN last time mix the dough. The dough should turn out like thick sour cream.

Lubricate the form with vegetable oil. Sprinkle with semolina. We spread the apples and evenly distribute them along the bottom of the form.
Sprinkle apples with cinnamon.

Pour the batter in and lightly shake the mold so that it spreads evenly.
We bake the cake in a well-heated oven for 40 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees. Be sure to check its readiness with a match. With the clean end of the match, you need to pierce the pastries in several places, if the tip is dry, then the cake is ready, if with pieces of wet dough, bake further.

Put the finished cake on a plate. We use a cutting board for this. We cover the form with a board like a lid, and sharply turn the whole structure over, the cake should be upside down on the board.

Then we cover it with a plate and turn it all over again. Charlotte is ready. You can invite guests. Bon appetit!

Lush charlotte with apples in the oven. Cooking secrets. Video recipe

Bon appetit!

Charlotte with apples in the oven. Quick recipe for lazy charlotte

When the guests are on the doorstep, we put the kettle on the stove, and the charlotte in the oven. It will be soft and fluffy!
Fresh small apples - 6-8 pcs.
Sunflower oil - 9 tbsp. l.
Granulated sugar - 0.5 cups
Wheat flour - 1 cup
Chicken eggs - 3 pcs.
Baking soda - 1 tsp
Butter for lubricating the mold - 0.5 tsp.


Beat eggs with sugar until foamy, conveniently with a mixer.

Then add vegetable oil, soda slaked with vinegar, optionally a little vanilla sugar and a little cinnamon, flour.

Beat again with a mixer until smooth.

My apples, peel. Cut to any size.

Mix apples with dough.

Pour into a 24 cm baking dish lined with parchment paper. Grease the sides of the form with butter. We put in an oven preheated to 200-220 degrees for 35-45 minutes. Depends on the oven. Readiness is checked with a toothpick.

Lazy charlotte with apples is ready.

Happy tea!

A few secrets of making delicious apple charlotte:

1. Absolutely any apples are suitable for a pie. But the most delicious pastries are obtained with hard and sour fruits. Antonovka is perfect. The cake is obtained with a pronounced sweet and sour taste.
3. Do not overdo it with the layer of apples, they should cover the bottom of the mold in one layer, otherwise the cake will turn out sticky and not baked.
5. Even sour kefir is suitable for charlotte. Kefir can be replaced with half a glass of sour cream.
6. You can still add a couple of tablespoons of mayonnaise to the dough. Baking will be more magnificent and tastier.
7. To save time, mix the charlotte dough with a blender, it does an excellent job of this task.
8. If the cake after baking "does not want" to move away from the edges of the mold, there are several ways to remove it from there. First, tap the bottom of the inverted mold with a wooden pusher in several places. Secondly, wrap the mold with a damp towel, wait a little and repeat the flips. After these steps, everything should work out.

Charlotte of apples and cottage cheese

A real delicacy from the most simple products- charlotte with cottage cheese and apples.

Slices of bread - 6 pcs.
or Crackers - 100 gr
Cottage cheese - 500 gr
Apples - 300 gr
Milk - 0.5 l
Eggs - 1 pc.
Yolk - 1-2 pcs.
Butter - 80 gr
or Margarine - 80 gr
Powdered sugar - 200 gr
Raisins - 30 gr
Cognac - 1 tbsp. l.
or Rum - 1 tbsp. l.
Vanilla sugar - 20-30 gr
Cinnamon powder - 2-3 tsp
Salt - 1 pinch

How to cook charlotte with cottage cheese and apples in the oven:

The oil must be heated to room temperature to make it soft. Warm milk to body temperature.

Rusks or slices stale bread cut into pieces. Postpone 2 tbsp. l. crumbs for sprinkling the form.

Rusks pour warm milk. Leave for 30 minutes. Squeeze.

Add butter(60 gr), egg, rum, vanilla sugar, powdered sugar (40 gr), salt. Mix mass.

Separate the yolks from the whites.

Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve or chop with a blender.

Add the yolks, powdered sugar (80 gr), stir the mass.

In a mold greased with butter or margarine and sprinkled with breadcrumbs, lay out half the mass of crackers.

On it - half the curd mass. To keep the layers smooth curd mass it is better to first lay out in small piles, and then smear them.

Peel apples and seeds. Then grate.

Grated apples mix with the rest of the sugar, cinnamon.

On curd layer lay out the apples.

Rinse raisins.

Sprinkle over the apple layer.

Spread remaining curd over apples.

On it - the remaining mass of crackers.

Melt the remaining butter.

Top the charlotte with butter (20 gr).

Bake charlotte with cottage cheese and apples hot oven at a temperature of 200 degrees 1 hour.

Sprinkle the finished charlotte with apples and cottage cheese with powdered sugar and serve. Bon appetit!

Charlotte recipe with apples and pears

With pears, an unusual taste is obtained.
Chicken eggs - 4 pcs.
Granulated sugar - 1 cup
Flour - 1 cup
Apple - 1 pc.
Pears - 1 pc.
Baking soda - 0.25 tsp
Powdered sugar - to taste


You need to beat 4 eggs. Add 1 glass of sugar. Mix thoroughly to dissolve the sugar.

Then add 1 cup flour and mix well.

In the resulting dough, add soda, slaked with vinegar. You can add baking powder instead.

Wash apples and pears. And cut into pieces.

Put the apples into the dough, mix.

Put the dough with apples in a form, greased with oil. We put in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees for 30 minutes.

Decorate with powdered sugar on top and serve. Happy tea everyone.

On a note:
IMPORTANT: When you put the cake in the oven, do not open it for the first 10-14 minutes so that the dough does not fall. Then you can take a closer look. If the charlotte has risen and the top is already baking, it is advisable to lower the temperature so that the middle of the pie is baked. And when the dough has not yet risen, has not browned, then feel free to raise the temperature to 200ºС.

Apple pie (charlotte) with cinnamon in the oven

When there are a lot of apples, how not to bake a delicious apple pie for tea!
For test:
Wheat flour - 1 cup
Sugar - 1 cup
Chicken eggs - 3-4 pcs.
Soda - 1 pinch
Salt - 1 pinch
Oil for lubricating the form - 1 tsp.
For filling:
Medium apples - 4-5 pcs.
Sugar - 1-2 tbsp. l.
Ground cinnamon - 0.5-1 tbsp. l.

How to cook apple pie (charlotte) with cinnamon:

Crack the eggs into a bowl. Add sugar and salt.

Beat everything well with a mixer for 3-5 minutes.

Sift flour. Add flour and baking soda to egg mixture. Mix the dough until smooth.

Wash apples. Can be peeled. Cut into 4 parts, cut out the seed box. Cut apples into small pieces.

Sprinkle apples with sugar and cinnamon. Mix.

Turn on the oven. Grease the form with oil, you can sprinkle with flour or semolina. Pour half of the dough into the mold.

Then a layer of apples.

Then the rest of the dough. Put the form in the oven on the middle shelf.
Bake apple pie in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for 35-45 minutes, until golden brown (baking time depends on the characteristics of the oven). As with any biscuit dough, it is advisable not to open the oven during baking.

Charlotte with apples and cinnamon is ready. Bon appetit!

A simple and delicious recipe for charlotte with apples in the oven with sour cream. Video recipe

Bon appetit!

Fragrant charlotte from a long loaf with apples and lingonberries. The original apple pie recipe in the oven

Fragrant charlotte, impossibly, juicy, sweet and sour, with a delicate middle and a crispy fried crust!
Baton - a few slices to suit your shape
Apples - 4 pcs.
Frozen cranberries - 1 cup
Demerara sugar from Mistral - 1 cup
Eggs - 4 pcs.
Cream 20% - 150 ml
Pinacolada liqueur - 3 tbsp. l.
Cognac - 2 tbsp. l.
Butter - 2 tbsp. l.


Peel apples and cut into cubes. Dissolve one tablespoon of butter in a saucepan, add a couple of tablespoons of sugar, put apples and simmer, stirring, until slightly softened. Pour in cognac and simmer again until the liquid has completely evaporated and the apples are caramelized. Cool down the filling.
Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Grease the mold generously with a second tablespoon of butter.

Whisk eggs, 2 tablespoons sugar and milk in a bowl. Pour in the liqueur and stir again. cut loaf thin slices, moisten well in the egg mixture and tightly slice the bottom and sides of the mold.

Add frozen lingonberries to apples and sprinkle everything with 2-3 tablespoons of sugar to taste. Mix well and pour the filling into the mold. Top with egg-soaked loaf slices, shaping closed pie. Carefully pour the rest of the egg mixture over the top. You can put butter flakes on top.
Bake in the oven until golden brown. Let stand in the switched off oven for 5 minutes.

Serve warm, sprinkled with powdered sugar. Bon appetit!

Charlotte recipe with apricots and chocolate

Bake chocolate charlotte with apricots. Everyone will like the result.
Chicken eggs - 2 pcs.
Granulated sugar - 150 gr
Kefir - 1 glass
Flour - 1.5 cups
Baking soda - 0.5 tsp
Cocoa - 2 tbsp. l.
Fresh apricots - 10 pcs.
Powdered sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
Mint - to taste


We combine eggs and sugar and beat well, add kefir, beat everything well again.

Then add the sifted flour to this container.

Do not forget about soda, which we do not extinguish.

Add cocoa. apricots and chocolate flavor tests match very well.

Cut the apricots in half, remove the pits. We use a baking dish without a bottom, we lay the form with baking paper. We put apricot halves on the bottom, half of all.

Pour the dough on top and put the remaining apricot halves. We put the form in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 40 minutes.

Take out of the oven, let cool. Sprinkle with powdered sugar, decorate fresh apricot and mint.

Cut the pie into pieces and serve. Happy tea!

Apple pie (charlotte) with vanilla

The cake will turn out beautiful and delicious.
Eggs - 6 pcs.
Sugar - 300 gr
Vanilla - 1 pod
Flour - 300 gr
Apples (preferably Antonov) - 5 pcs.
Butter - 100 gr + for mold lubrication
Cream 35% - 100 ml
Brown sugar - 100 gr
Powdered sugar


Peel the apples, remove the core and cut into thin slices. Melt butter in a frying pan, add Brown sugar, warm up 2 minutes.

Add apples, vanilla seeds and the pod itself.

Cook for 5 minutes, then pour in the cream, mix, bring to a boil over low heat, boil for 3-4 minutes, stirring occasionally. Remove the pan from the heat, remove the pod, cool slightly.

For the dough, beat the eggs, salt and sugar in lush foam within 10 minutes. Add the sifted flour, mixing gently.

Grease a detachable form with a diameter of 26-28 cm with oil. Pour into her most dough, put the apples together with the sauce and evenly distribute them over the surface.

Pour the remaining dough on top. Bake in an oven preheated to 190 degrees for 35-40 minutes.

Sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Slice fluffy pie portions and serve. Happy tea.

French charlotte with apples and nuts

French charlotte is an apple pie for which you do not need to mess with the dough. From leftovers white bread and apples you can build a great dessert.
Bread white, stale (not dry) - 200-230 gr
Eggs - 2 pcs.
Sugar - 0.75 cups
Warm milk - 1-1.25 cups
Apple - 500 gr
Walnut - 50 gr
or lemon zest - 3 tsp
Crushed crackers - 5 tbsp. l.
or crushed cookies - 5 tbsp. l.
Vegetable oil - 30 gr
Powdered sugar - 5 tbsp. l.

How to cook charlotte in French:

Beat eggs with sugar.

Dilute with warm milk, beat again.

Cut the bread into 1 cm cubes. The bread should be stale but not dry.

Pour the egg-milk mixture over the bread cubes, let stand for 40-45 minutes.

Chop nuts into crumbs.

Peel apples, cut into cubes.

Add nuts (30 gr) or zest to them.

Mix in the soaked bread.

Turn on the oven to preheat. Grease a frying pan, baking sheet or form with oil, sprinkle with crushed crackers (or crushed cookies). Put the prepared mass in an even layer in the form. Press a little, tighten. Sprinkle on top walnuts(20 gr) or breadcrumbs, grease (pour) with oil (1-2 tablespoons).

Bake French charlotte with apples at 200°C for about 30 minutes. Then let stand for 10-15 minutes, sprinkle with powdered sugar.

cut the french apple charlotte portion and serve. Bon appetit!

Lush charlotte with apples in the oven. Fast Food Recipe

Interesting charlotte recipe hastily. Combination tender omelet And fragrant apples give a truly amazing taste.

Flour - 4 tbsp. l.
Chicken eggs - 4 pcs.
Apple - 4 pcs.
Milk - 1 cup
Butter - 3 tbsp. l.
Salt - 0.125 tsp
Vanillin - on the tip of a knife
or vanilla sugar - 1 sachet (10 gr)

How to cook apple charlotte in a pan in the oven:

Medium-sized apples are washed, peeled and cored, cut into slices.

Heat up the pan, melt 1 teaspoon of butter.

Prepared apples are lightly stewed with a tablespoon of butter over medium heat, stirring occasionally, for 5-7 minutes.

Sift flour. Turn on the oven.

Put flour, salt, vanilla in a bowl, beat eggs.

Then mix, pour in milk and mix again.

Melt butter in a frying pan. Pour some of the mixture into the pan.

They put apples.

Pour the rest of the mixture over the apples.

Put in the oven on the middle shelf. Charlotte with apples is baked in the oven at an average temperature of 180-190 degrees until cooked for 2-3 minutes.

Put the finished omelet on a dish, sprinkle with sugar or powdered sugar.

Apple Charlotte is ready. Bon appetit!

cook for the family tender charlotte with apples for tea! Charlotte turns out delicious, beautiful, airy and just melts in your mouth! The aroma of fresh pastries will not leave anyone indifferent! Charlotte with apples is a recipe for those who love simple homemade cakes. Happy tea! See you on my blog!

P.S. Dear readers! Announcement dated 12/20/2018. #earningsfromhome

And one more news. P.S. Dear readers, I'm starting to take my first steps on YouTube. I created and set up my channel of musical congratulations on the holidays. Please support me on YouTube, watch My first videos - musical congratulations on Maslenitsa, from March 8, from February 23, from February 14, Happy Valentine's Day, subscribe to the channel, like it. Share with your loved ones a musical greeting on social networks. Now I will have more work to do, I will congratulate everyone on the holidays, and we have a lot of them!

delicious homemade baking- this is the best solution not only for meeting guests, but also for home tea drinking. That is why, when there is a desire to indulge in something fragrant, melting in the mouth and incredibly tasty, many begin to search the Internet for a recipe for charlotte with soda (with photo). This cake does not require a large number cooking time, and consists of the simplest ingredients.

Surely many people know how to make charlotte, but today there are many options for such baking, so all lovers of delicious homemade pie must be familiar with each of them. Those who have only heard about the delicious charlotte melting in your mouth will also be interested in our material, because we will share not only the most popular and successful recipes, but we will also tell you about some cooking tricks.

Whether it is necessary to add soda to charlotte is one of the most important questions that arise during the cooking process. By classic recipe put soda necessarily, but you can not do this. If you absolutely do not want to use sodium bicarbonate, you can use baking powder.
