
Do I need to extinguish my anger? Or should "couples" come out? Soda slaked with boiling water, what gives the body? How to use baking soda in a sour-milk base dough.

To feed the family with tasty and modern dishes, the hostess needs to constantly improve her skills, as required by the recipe of the delicacy, its serving and decoration.

For example, to prepare fragrant buns with a golden crisp, it is necessary to knead the dough correctly and according to the recipe, with the exact amount of all ingredients.

And without yeast, it turns out to be dense, does not rise, and remains “squat”. In the absence of baking powder, you can take baking soda, you just need to pay it off correctly.

How to do this, we will understand in this article.

Why do you need to extinguish?

In culinary - yeast-free dough used in many types of products. For example, for shortbread and puff pastry, pizza, dumplings, khinkali, etc.

And the splendor in it is achieved due to the fact that carbon dioxide is released during quenching, during baking or an acidic environment.

And in order for the baking to turn out porous and light, you need to carefully separate the slaked soda (carbon dioxide). Based on the theory - a product without quenching gives a much smaller effect of loosening.

One of the main reasons why it is quenched in baking is to improve the quality of the baked product. But for this it is not at all necessary to use slaked soda, but is used as a dry ingredient, and baking does not get worse.

It should be noted that if there is no acidic environment, then the quenching process is not complete. After baking, soda will be felt.

Of particular importance, which vinegar or fermented milk product was chosen for quenching, does not matter.

Used and the usual - table, and the one that is intended for dressing salads - apple or wine. The main task is to create the right acidic environment.

And it is very important to use the exact amount of products, otherwise you will not get a lush and airy treat.

What else can be used?

  • Apple (or any other fruit) vinegar 6-9%;
  • Citric acid or freshly squeezed juice;
  • Any fermented milk product;
  • Jam, jams sour fruit and berries;
  • Natural juice acidic fruits, such as cranberry juice.

How to extinguish with vinegar according to the classic recipe?

The amount of products in exact proportions will directly depend on the chosen recipe.

  • Baking soda;
  • Flour;
  • Vinegar;
  • Water or any dairy product.

You can not extinguish soda in advance, this is done immediately before kneading and baking the product.

In order to properly knead the dough, you need to mix all the dry ingredients, add soda and mix well so that it is evenly distributed.

Liquid ingredients with the addition of vinegar are mixed separately in another container. If kefir is used, then vinegar can be omitted.

Before transferring the product to the baking dish, it is necessary to thoroughly mix the liquid and dry bases, and immediately start baking. This will give you a very airy and soft treat.

The amount of water must be exactly as indicated in the recipe, otherwise it may not completely occur. chemical reaction. And as a consequence - a taste in baking.

It is this method that is considered correct, while the reaction of sodium bicarbonate will be visible to the naked eye.

Carbon dioxide, which makes yeast-free dough porous and airy, does not evaporate during kneading, and continues to work during the baking process.

Expert opinion

We immediately answer the question - you should not extinguish the product in a spoon, as our grandmothers did. In this case, CO2 will evaporate almost instantly, without getting to the rest of the components, and it is pointless to expect an amazing result from a treat.

Alternative extinguishing methods

In rare cases, it happens that you need to choose another option without using soda slaked with vinegar, then you can use baking powder.

Expert opinion


IMPORTANT!!! It should be noted that baking with NaHCO3 is recommended at a temperature of 180-200 C.

In addition to the method of quenching with vinegar, cooks and pastry chefs use other ways to get lush and air baking:

  1. Yesterday's kefir is used, which is heated, and soda is kneaded in it. Kefir then foams heavily and is immediately added to the dry components of the product;
  2. used baking powder(baking powder) in which the composition is almost identical.

How to quench with boiling water?

If one of the family members has gastrointestinal diseases, an ulcer or gastritis, it is recommended to extinguish soda with ordinary boiling water.

  • Flour;
  • Boiling water;
  • Baking soda.

Mix flour and baking soda in a bowl so that everything mixes evenly. Boil a kettle of water, quickly pour right amount water to flour and knead, first using a spoon, and then when the mass has cooled down a bit, you can start kneading with your hands.

How to properly extinguish with citric acid?

You can also use dry citric acid, its exact amount and other proportions of the components will be indicated in the recipe.

  • Baking soda;
  • Wheat flour;
  • Lemon acid.

You will need three kitchen bowls. In a large one, it is necessary to pour flour, in the other two, mix water with lemon juice, and water with soda.

After dissolving all the grains, the liquids can be mixed and kneaded.

How to extinguish for cooking pancakes and fritters?

For making pancakes thin pancakes or soda fritters are used literally a couple of pinches.

It is necessary not to overdo it so that its taste is not felt, and by all means extinguish it. You can do this with lemon juice, ordinary vinegar (just a few drops) or boiling water.

Expert opinion

Did you know?

If kefir or another fermented milk product is used, for example, whey, then there is no need to quench sodium bicarbonate for pancakes, the reaction will occur by itself during the baking process.

It is imperative to quench in a separate bowl, then mix with the rest of the liquid components, and only then add flour to the resulting mixture.

How to quench with natural lemon juice?

regular vinegar and even dry lemon acid quite negatively affect the stomach, and many of these ingredients should not be eaten.

On the other hand, not everyone loves or tolerates dairy products, A delicious pastries want tea.

You can repay natural and healthy freshly squeezed lemon juice, although you can take a lime. Often soda with lemon juice is also used for heartburn - drinking soda in this case, perfectly eliminates the problem.

The dough preparation technique is similar to traditional recipe extinguishing soda with vinegar - i.e. three bowls, in one flour, in the second water with soda, in the third - water with lemon. Mix everything and you can form pastries.

Proper quenching with kefir

It may seem that when quenching with kefir, no reaction occurs, especially if mudflows do not heat it. But it's far from it, complex chemical process occurs during baking.

  • Soda;
  • Flour;
  • Kefir or any other fermented milk product.

Combine soda with flour, mix well and pour in the right amount of kefir. Knead by adding the rest of the baking ingredients.

Is it possible to extinguish the soda in the dough with sour cream?

The answer to this question is quite simple - yes, you can, since sour cream is a product that contains lactic acid.

  • Sour cream - from 10 to 25%;
  • Soda;
  • Wheat flour.

It is enough just to add soda to sour cream, mix everything well and combine with flour, kneading products for subsequent baking.

Is it possible to extinguish soda with milk?

Unfortunately, regular milk soda is almost impossible to extinguish. First, the reaction occurs only if the product contains an acid.

And secondly, it is possible to extinguish the soda if you heat the milk to a boil.

Today I received a comment on one of my posts, which served as a reason not to delay writing an article, the idea of ​​​​which I already had enough for a long time tormented.


Scoop up baking soda with a spoon and slowly pour vinegar onto the spoon. Soda will "extinguish" - hiss and dissolve. Don't overdo the vinegar.


- Tell me, pliz, how to properly extinguish soda, what percentage should be vinegar, can it be apple? How much baking soda and how much vinegar should I take? And how to understand that the soda is extinguished?

- I take 9% vinegar, I'm sure that apple is also possible. Soda should be taken as much as it is written in the recipe. Most often - this is one teaspoon (without a slide). Holding a spoon with soda in your hand, you begin to pour it slowly with vinegar, all this will foam. When you see that there is no more soda left on the spoon, it means everything is extinguished)) It seems to me that about 2-3 tablespoons of vinegar are spent on a spoonful of soda, but this is so, by eye))

- Thanks for the answer, but 70% concentrated vinegar cannot be extinguished?

- I think it's too strong. Vinegar essence is still not a joke, to be honest, I am afraid of it and do not buy it. Try diluting 70% vinegar to make 9%

- That's for sure, but I still advise pouring soda into a small glass and pouring vinegar already there.

- Yes, you can even 70%, only you need to just a little bit and interfere with the tip of a knife - everything will be extinguished! IN Lately I got used to apple quenching - it is wonderfully quenched.

- but I still advise pouring soda into a small glass and pouring vinegar already
- I also extinguish in a small glass, because. vinegar still pours out of the spoon before it has time to extinguish the soda, and in a glass, mix everything at once and it turns out very conveniently.

- “It seems to me that about 2-3 tablespoons of vinegar go to a spoonful of soda, but it’s true, by eye))”
This is an obvious overkill.

For 1 teaspoon of soda, half a teaspoon of vinegar or even less is enough. We take table vinegar, for example, 9%.
You can take an apple vinegar, you can extinguish the soda by squeezing a little juice from a lemon on it.

If the recipe requires, for example, one teaspoon of soda, take this teaspoon of soda (without a slide), carefully pour it into a tablespoon, pour a little vinegar into it, and without waiting for the soda to finish bubbling to the end, mix in this bubbling- sizzling mass into the dough.

Soda is not extinguished if sour cream, kefir, sour milk are used to prepare the dough.

And of course, soda should not be confused with baking powder (baking powder). They are different in composition. The baking powder is not quenched.

- In fact, it seems to me that even if you take 2 tablespoons of vinegar, then nothing terrible will happen. Or maybe I take less - the eye is such a thing, it can lie)))

Showdown: whether to extinguish soda with vinegar and why at all? Pros and cons

Extinguishing soda with vinegar- pros and cons. Why extinguish soda when baking and is it worth it, how to extinguish soda correctly - with vinegar, boiling water, kefir or something else.

I decided to try to answer this rather sharp question, the controversy around which tirelessly flares up again and again, namely: Why put out baking soda and is it worth it? And why is this question still haunting so many?

The question "to extinguish or not quench baking soda with vinegar"is as eternal as the question: "what came first - the chicken or the egg." However, after delving into the literature, interrupting a bunch of sites, including foreign ones, I came to the conclusion that this issue is from the strength of 70-80 years, read almost as long as our country exists after the October Revolution. Perhaps I was looking badly, perhaps not there, but the lack of information led me to these conclusions.

Breaking through a great many recipes of old Russian cuisine, I did not find a single one where soda was mentioned. Previously, pastries in our country were mostly yeast-based, or without the addition of any rise and loosening accelerators at all.

So, baking soda was invented by the French chemist Leblanc at the end of the 18th century. This invention came to Russia much later, after a new method of its manufacture was obtained. As soon as Russian housewives had such a product as soda, they began to apply and use it in cooking by trial and error. Why was it decided to extinguish the soda? Yes, simply because our tradition is to eat everything “hot, hot” in this case- only harmful.

The fact is that quick soda in hot baking has a very unpleasant "soapy" taste. What was “corrected” by extinguishing it, namely, adding boiling water or fermented milk products to soda. For pancakes this method and now gives very good results. However, imagine what will happen to your sand dough if you pour a glass of boiling water into it? The answer is obvious. Therefore, it was invented to replace boiling water or fermented milk products with diluted 9% vinegar or lemon juice.

Now let's go in order:

Why do you need to add soda or other baking powder to baking?

- baking soda, when exposed to high temperature or an acidic environment, gives an enhanced reaction to release carbon dioxide, which in turn leads to splendor and porosity.

Is baking soda a baking powder?

- No. By itself, baking soda is not a baking powder. In order for the process of loosening (the release of carbon dioxide), soda needs two components: acidic environment And heat. Important note: let's not delve into chemistry, and consider only the aspect that is necessary for cooking, so we will not take into account fair remarks that only one of the components is enough to release carbon dioxide due to soda.

Why is vinegar used to extinguish soda?

From illiteracy, or from laziness, or out of habit. Baking powder was not sold in the USSR, which is why they wrote about extinguishing soda with vinegar, and they still write, and I will not adapt it to baking powder either, so as not to confuse and scare away my visitors. Culinary illiteracy played its almost main role - soda needs acid, and instead of introducing something sour into the composition - honey, sour cream, and so on - vinegar was poured and poured. “And what does honey have to do with it, is it sour?” - you ask. I explain: do not confuse sweet with the pH reaction: “Honey has an acid reaction pH = 3.26-4.36”, which is what we need.

By the way, many foods give an acidic reaction, such as eggs, but it is usually not enough.

Do I need to extinguish the soda?

- No. How, in this case, to knead the dough correctly? Ideally, you need to mix soda with dry baking ingredients, and acid (in the form of sour cream, kefir, honey, lemon juice, etc.) - mix with liquid. Then quickly knead the dough, combining both mixtures, and then bake.

- If it makes you feel calmer, you can extinguish it. But the benefit of "quenching" will be minimal. The fact is that we “extinguish” incorrectly - pour soda into a teaspoon, and drip vinegar or lemon juice into it. Why is it wrong? All the necessary reaction to release carbon dioxide goes in this case into the void, into the air, instead of getting into the dough. Therefore, if you decide to use slaked soda, do not wait until all the bubbles that appeared during extinguishing disappear, immediately pour into the dough. And the excess that did not have time to react with vinegar and give you that long-awaited splendor and porosity.

Why, if you do not extinguish soda with vinegar, does an unpleasant taste remain?

  • Firstly, in cooled baking - the taste can be either minimal or completely absent.
  • Secondly It's all about the exact dosage. I have never seen a hostess who, with electronic scales to the gram, weighs every product that goes into baking. Yes, and the recipes themselves ALL sin with “approximacy”, they are made by eye. Imagine for example Big apple which is meant by a Ukrainian hostess, or a resident of Sverdlovsk. Their concept of big will be very different. What about modern recipes, then the amount of soda in them is incredibly large (everything is calculated on the fact that they still want to pay off the soda)

There is an opinion that baking soda in baking is used as a baking powder and a component that affects the state of baking. Some recipes recommend quenching soda. And, as a rule, acid-containing components are the main quencher - vinegar, kefir, citric acid. Often housewives are faced with a choice: if soda slaked with vinegar is indicated in the recipe, how to make it ready product got the desired shape, but at the same time, the smell of vinegar was eliminated. To answer this question, you need to know exactly how to extinguish baking soda correctly.

What is the principle of extinguishing soda

What does it mean to turn off the soda? First you need to understand how the process of soda quenching occurs. Since baking soda - sodium bicarbonate is a non-aggressive alkali, when reacting with any acid, a violent reaction will occur - the composition will begin to hiss and foam. Soda is sodium bicarbonate, which, when interacting with vinegar ( acetic acid) is converted to sodium acetate + water + carbon dioxide:


This CO2 will loosen the dough. Carbon dioxide, being inside the dough and trying to get out of it, loosens it. The dough becomes lighter, and pores appear in it, which ennoble the dough and give it a characteristic sandy structure.
This is one of the main reasons why quench soda with vinegar or other acid.

In addition to vinegar and vinegar essence components, than you can pay off the soda a few:

  • Apple vinegar;
  • lemon acid;
  • lemon juice;
  • fermented milk product;
  • jam or jams of sour varieties;
  • natural juice of sour fruits or citrus.

Before using dry citric acid, it should be diluted with water. From the recommendations on how to make slaked soda, cooks are advised to determine what kind of vinegar the product is quenched. Exists natural vinegar- apple, cherry, etc., as well as synthetic. This important point, which must be taken into account in the proportions when cooking baking.

How to extinguish soda

How to make soda slaked with vinegar or other acid product is standard:

  1. Required amount soda powder mixed with dry ingredient - flour.
  2. IN liquid base dough is poured according to the proportion of vinegar and combined with a dry base. The reaction is fast.
  3. After the soda has been completely extinguished, everything is mixed well.

This method is the most correct and best demonstrates what slaked soda means. Carbon dioxide, which is responsible for the porosity of baking, does not evaporate, but remains in the dough and, under the influence of high temperature, gives the dough splendor and porosity. Do I need to extinguish the soda in a spoon - we definitely answer - no.

In this case, CO2 will leave the baked goods without reaching the dough. But for some housewives who are used to working the old fashioned way, which means soda slaked with vinegar, is taken literally and they slake the soda in a tablespoon over the dough, which in itself is meaningless.

A method demonstrating how to properly quench soda with vinegar shows that the slaked bicarbonate must be laid out in a ready-made dough base. Only in this way can you get fluffy and porous pastries.

other methods

There are many . In addition to the main method of how to properly extinguish soda, some cooks and confectioners use another:

  1. IN equal proportions they mix sifted flour and soda, the acid is added during the kneading process - to the liquid ingredients.
  2. Then the two parts of the dough are combined and an excellent result is obtained - baking is tender and airy.

Sometimes it is not at all clear why extinguish soda with vinegar if the recipe already contains a fermented milk product that will perfectly fulfill the role of an extinguisher:

  1. For this purpose, kefir or another product is heated, a dry alkaline component is added to it and mixed quickly.
  2. A violent reaction should occur - kefir will foam.

The main reason why soda is quenched with vinegar or other acidic compounds is the fact that cooks want to improve the condition of the finished product. culinary product. But in order to achieve a positive result, it is not always necessary to use slaked soda. In very rare cases, it is not extinguished, although the quality of the product from this is not always bad. So, for example, when cooking jam, baking soda is not quenched, but products are added or treated with pure soda powder.

soda substitutes

Sometimes there are reasons why you need to choose how to replace slaked soda. And help is coming finished product- baking powder. Its property is that it does not need to be extinguished. The composition of the baking powder includes citric acid and soda in equal proportions. This type of baking powder demonstrates a component that represents how to replace soda slaked with vinegar.

There is an old recipe for homemade baking powder. Its composition: baking soda -125 g, cream of tartar - 250 g, ammonium carbonate - 20 g and rice flour- 25 y.

There are a number of recipes that clearly indicate what should be used - baking soda slaked with vinegar or baking powder. In addition, it should also be understood that even without the presence of acids at 60 °C, sodium bicarbonate begins to decompose into sodium carbonate, carbon dioxide and water, so the decomposition process is most effective at 200 °C.

Hydrated soda or baking powder is used provided that there is no fermented milk component in the recipe as part of the dough. This also applies to whether it is necessary to extinguish soda in pancakes. If pancakes are cooked on kefir, there is no need to extinguish soda, it is enough to add dry soda, mixing it with flour.

The ideal option when answering the question is whether baking powder can be replaced slaked soda, professionals advise using soda with citric acid or dry ascorbic acid. Despite the fact that slaked soda or baking powder is chosen, the proportions indicated in the recipe should be strictly adhered to. If you add a little soda, but a lot of acid, the pastry will acquire an unpleasant taste and lose airiness. At in large numbers baking soda, the finished product will taste like soap.


Pancakes on kefir that do not require soda quenching:


  • kefir - 250 ml (or 1 cup);
  • flour - 350 g (or 1.5 cups);
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • baking soda - 0.5 tsp;
  • salt - 0.5 tsp;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.

Cooking method

  1. Beat the egg with sugar and salt, pour in the warmed kefir and put the soda.
  2. Mix well and gradually add flour, stir so that there are no lumps.
  3. Pour a little into the hot pan. vegetable oil and spoon out the batter.
  4. Once one side is browned, flip over to the other side.

Fritters with slaked soda in milk


  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • flour - 1.5 cups;
  • milk - 2 cups;
  • soda 0.5 tsp;
  • citric acid - 0.5 tsp;
  • salt - 0.5 tsp;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.

Cooking method

  1. Beat eggs with salt and sugar, pour in milk, put soda mixed with citric acid. Add flour.
  2. Mix everything until smooth, cover and leave for half an hour.
  3. Then mix again and fry the pancakes on both sides. Ready pancakes are served with sour cream, butter, jam, honey, condensed milk, jam.

air dough- the dream of any hostess. IN yeast dough responsible for splendor yeast fungi releasing carbon dioxide during the processing of sugar.

For yeast-free dough mistresses and professional chefs use a baking powder, baking powder or soda to get the necessary lightness and airiness of the products.

Baking powder (aka baking powder) consists of a mixture of soda, acid (usually citric acid) and a filler (flour, starch). The proportions of the components are selected in such a way that soda and acid react completely.

But for a reasonable housewife it will not be difficult to create baking powder from auxiliary materials herself. The main component - soda - is always at hand, and now we'll figure out how to pay it off (and why to do it).

Why quench soda with vinegar

The dough intended for muffins, pancakes, sand products does not contain yeast. How to achieve its friability and friability?

The splendor of such baking is given by carbon dioxide, which is released during the interaction of soda and an acidic environment (or high temperature).

For those who are interested in the details, the scheme looks something like this:

Baking Soda (Sodium Bicarbonate) + Vinegar = Sodium Acetate + Carbon Dioxide + Water

The meaning of the procedure is to create and distribute throughout the test great amount smallest gas bubbles. The result is a light, porous pastry.

Theoretically, sodium bicarbonate itself without quenching also gives a slight loosening effect, since at high temperatures (above 60 ° C) it decomposes with the release of carbon dioxide.

But the reaction is, as a rule, incomplete, proper friability is not obtained, and, what is most offensive, often remains in baking bad taste soda. So it is possible and necessary to extinguish it, but it should be done correctly.

How to quench soda with vinegar for baking

If fermented milk products (kefir, sour cream) are used in the test and the need to extinguish soda additionally is not specified in the recipe, then the reaction will occur without the participation of vinegar. Under the influence of temperature and acid from dairy products, the soda will break down.

It is important to use only the amount of soda that is indicated in the recipe. If you accidentally add a little more, there may not be enough acid for a complete reaction. As a result, we get an unpleasant taste of baking.

There are several options for quenching with vinegar:

IN last version the powder reacts already inside the mixture, and carbon dioxide is completely preserved. The amount of powder is usually indicated in the recipe. If not, then take a teaspoon without a slide. The amount of vinegar depends on its concentration. For example, when using 9% vinegar, half of the volume of the powder is sufficient.

Which vinegar to choose for this procedure?

It doesn't matter which vinegar is chosen. Along with the usual dining room, you can use apple or wine. The main task is to create an acidic environment in which the baking powder will begin to decompose with the release of carbon dioxide. In addition, you can extinguish:

  • Ordinary boiling water;
  • Lemon juice;
  • citric acid;
  • Dairy products (kefir, sour cream).

soda substitutes

Ready-made baking powder (baking powder) is much easier to use - there is no need to extinguish the powder. In addition, the proportions of the components are verified and selected in such a way that sodium bicarbonate reacts completely and does not give an unpleasant aftertaste.

Typically, baking powder has the following composition:

  • 5 parts soda;
  • 3 parts citric acid:
  • 12 parts filler (flour, starch).

Not bad loosen the dough fats (butter or margarine) and alcohol (vodka, rum, cognac, beer). But you must use these components in accordance with the recipe.

So, soda guarantees splendor to baking, provided that it is extinguished correctly and in a timely manner. An acidic environment for quenching can be created various products, but vinegar is the most common. Follow the technology and please your loved ones delicious masterpieces!

- No. By itself, baking soda is not a baking powder. In order for the process of loosening (the release of carbon dioxide), soda needs two components: an acidic environment and high temperature. Important note: let's not delve into chemistry, and consider only the aspect that is necessary for cooking, so we will not take into account fair remarks that only one of the components is enough to release carbon dioxide due to soda.

Why is vinegar used to extinguish soda?

From illiteracy, or from laziness, or out of habit. Baking powder was not sold in the USSR, which is why they wrote about extinguishing soda with vinegar, and they still write, and I will not adapt it to baking powder either, so as not to confuse and scare away my visitors. Culinary illiteracy played its almost main role - soda needs acid, and instead of introducing something sour into the composition - honey, sour cream, and so on - vinegar was poured and poured. “And what does honey have to do with it, is it sour?” - you ask. I explain: do not confuse sweet with the pH reaction: “Honey has an acid reaction pH = 3.26-4.36”, which is what we need.

By the way, many foods give an acidic reaction, such as eggs, but it is usually not enough.

Do I need to extinguish the soda?

-No. How, in this case, to knead the dough correctly? Ideally, you need to mix soda with dry baking ingredients, and mix acid (in the form of sour cream, kefir, honey, lemon juice, etc.) with liquid ones. Then quickly knead the dough, combining both mixtures, and then bake.

- If this makes you feel calmer, you can extinguish it. But the benefit of "quenching" will be minimal. The fact is that we “extinguish” incorrectly - pour soda into a teaspoon, and drip vinegar or lemon juice into it. Why is it wrong? All the necessary reaction to release carbon dioxide goes in this case into the void, into the air, instead of getting into the dough. Therefore, if you decide to use slaked soda, do not wait until all the bubbles that appeared during extinguishing disappear, immediately pour into the dough. And the excess that did not have time to react with vinegar and give you that long-awaited splendor and porosity.

Products used in baking that have an acidic reaction:
- fermented milk products (sour cream, kefir, yogurt, whey, curdled milk, etc.),
- fruit juices and puree
- vinegar and crystalline citric acid,
- honey,
- sugar syrups,
- chocolate and cocoa,
- eggs.

Maybe someone will come in handy. And then she always extinguished it, and when she made gingerbread cookies, she didn’t understand why it is MANDATORY not to extinguish soda in the composition
