
Korean eggplant is the most delicious recipe. How to Cook Korean Eggplant: Classic Recipes and Modern Interpretations

Korean snacks have quietly become regular guests on our menu, and today we will learn how to cook Korean-style eggplant at home. A spicy snack of blue ones with a traditional set of spices is a worthy representative in a number of dishes Korean cuisine. I offer the best homemade snack recipes - with carrots, peppers, fried, fast food, for the winter. It remains to choose, roll up your sleeves and do it.

The most delicious marinated eggplant with carrots in Korean

More specifically, the appetizer is called Eggplant Hye. Done on hastily from already ready salad from carrots in Korean. If you do not have time to buy, use a bag of seasoning in Korean. Thanks to special marinade, the dish turns out to be spicy, sweet and sour taste.

  • Blue ones - 1 pc.
  • Carrot.
  • Bell pepper.
  • Bulb.
  • Garlic - 4 cloves.
  • Soy sauce - a spoon.
  • Salt and sugar - 0.5 teaspoon each.
  • Korean seasoning - 2 large spoons.
  • Table vinegar - a large spoon.
  • Vegetable oil - ½ cup.

How to prepare eggplant hee:

  1. Cut the eggplant lengthwise into plates no thicker than 0.5 cm, which, in turn, are divided obliquely into strips.
  2. Salt and set the bowl aside for 20 minutes. Drain off excess liquid and pat dry.
  3. Cut the onion into half rings. Chop carrots on a special grater. Chop the pepper into thin strips, removing the seeds and membranes.
  4. Combine vegetables in a bowl (without blue ones), pour sugar, salt. Gently remember with your hands, leave to infuse for half an hour.
  5. After the specified time, drain the juice, sprinkle the contents with Korean seasoning.
  6. Send the eggplants to boiling water, boil for a couple of minutes, drain, dry a little. Add to other vegetables.
  7. Season with minced garlic, soy sauce.
  8. Heat oil in a small saucepan, pour over vegetables. Pour in the vinegar, mix well and let it brew for 3 hours, when the appetizer has cooled down, on the shelf of the refrigerator.

Korean-style fried eggplant with tomatoes and peppers

I think this recipe is one of the best. Fry the blue ones, put the rest of the vegetables fresh in the salad. A slightly modified cooking technology makes the taste of a spicy snack completely different.


  • Eggplant - 2 pcs.
  • Sweet peppers and tomatoes - a couple of pieces.
  • Large onion.
  • Garlic cloves - 6 pcs.
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. spoons.
  • Vinegar 9% - Art. spoon.
  • Sugar - a small spoon.
  • Black pepper - a large pinch.

How to make Korean snack:

  1. Divide the blue ones into circles, peel and salt. After 20 minutes, drain the allocated juice, put it on a napkin and let the moisture drain.
  2. Fry the mugs in pre-heated oil until lightly browned.
  3. Cut the rest of the vegetables Korean way- thin straw. Add to fried blue ones.
  4. Follow with finely chopped garlic. Love greens - put at this stage.

Korean stuffed blue ones - video

Instant Korean Eggplant

Just a day, and a wonderful snack is on the table. Sharp, spicy, hardly anyone will refuse. Love zucchini - run for fast ones by adding them to your notebook.


  • Little blue - a couple of pieces.
  • Carrot.
  • Celery - two branches.
  • Large bulb.
  • Parsley sprigs.
  • Hot chili pepper.
  • Garlic - to taste.

For the marinade:

  • Sunflower oil - 100 ml.
  • Table vinegar - 50 ml.
  • Sugar - 2 large spoons.
  • Coriander - a small spoon.
  • Mustard seeds - the same.
  • Ground hot pepper- ½ tsp.
  • Salt, a couple of peas of fragrant and black pepper.

How to cook:

  1. Cut the blue ones into circles, or divide along. Salt, hold for 20 minutes.
  2. Blanch in boiling water for a couple of minutes. dry with a towel.
  3. Cut the onion into half rings, divide the chili into rings, chop the garlic cloves finely.
  4. Grate the carrot Korean grater. Finely chop the greens.
  5. Combine the ingredients for the marinade in a bowl. Stir.
  6. Place the vegetables in a bowl and pour over the marinade. Cover with a lid, making sure that the liquid completely covers the vegetables.
  7. After a day, try it and enjoy.

Spicy Korean eggplant for the winter at home

An eggplant appetizer can be prepared for the winter at home, saving everything taste qualities. I offer the simplest recipe.

  • Blue - 2 kg.
  • Onions - 3 heads.
  • Pepper, Bulgarian - 0.5 kg.
  • Large carrot - 3 pcs.
  • Head of garlic.
  • For the marinade:
  • Vinegar 9% - 150 ml.
  • Salt - 2 tablespoons.
  • Sunflower oil - a glass.
  • Sugar sand - 4 boats.
  • coriander, black pepper, ground chili, water - on a spoon.


  1. Divide the blue ones into 4 parts, boil in boiling water for 5 minutes. Cool down.
  2. Chop the rest of the vegetables into strips and half rings. Grind the garlic into a puree.
  3. From the ingredients stated in the recipe, make a marinade.
  4. Pour over the mixed vegetables, press down with oppression, leave for 6 days to soak and marinate.
  5. After the time has elapsed, distribute the workpiece among the banks. Sterilize, roll up and store.

Eggplant in Korean "Kadicha" - a real recipe


  • Blue ones - 2 pcs.
  • Green chili pepper - pod.
  • Tomato.
  • Bulgarian pepper.
  • Bulb.
  • Garlic cloves - 4 pcs.
  • Basil sprigs - a bunch.
  • Ground coriander - to taste.
  • Soy sauce - a large spoon.
  • Oil for frying.

Salad step by step:

  1. Cut the eggplant into strips, salt, remember a little with your hands. Leave for a quarter of an hour. Then rinse to remove bitterness. Wring out well (or dry with a napkin).
  2. Chop the onion into cubes, fry in oil until transparent. Throw the similarly chopped tomatoes into the pan. Continue frying.
  3. Add sweet pepper strips, cut into rings hot chili. Fry for 2-3 minutes.
  4. It's time for the eggplant. put them in a pan with vegetables. Fry for 15 minutes, no more. Don't forget to stir the contents.
  5. Then cover the mass with a lid and simmer over low heat for the last 3-5 minutes.
  6. Season the Korean appetizer with seasonings from the recipe list, add chopped garlic. Pour in the sauce, stir the mass.
  7. Let it boil strongly and turn off the fire. Keep the appetizer covered, allowing the spices to saturate the eggplant.

How to choose eggplant

If you don’t want to spoil the appetizer, take the choice of blue ones responsibly. First of all, pay attention to the color.

  • Overripe specimens change color to gray-green or yellow-brown. Unripe vegetables can be identified by a green leg; in a ripe vegetable, it darkens.
  • In order for the salad to become famous, select dense specimens, without spots, which quickly restore shape when pressed.
  • Everyone knows that ripe eggplants have bitterness. It's solanine harmful substance, because of which the little blue ones do not eat raw. Solanine can be removed by salting the vegetable and leaving it until the juice is released. Together with the juice, the vegetable loses its bitterness. I advise you not to neglect useful manipulation.

Video recipe for cooking eggplant in Korean. Do it and have a lot of fun.

For many people, eggplant is a favorite food. They are fried, stewed, fermented, salted, caviar is made. And each new eggplant dish has its own unique taste. Spicy lovers will appreciate Korean-style eggplant cooked according to special recipes.

Korean Eggplant - General Principles and Cooking Methods

Coriander and spicy red are considered traditional spices when cooking eggplant in Korean. ground pepper, the constant components are soy sauce or vinegar, as well as garlic. Korean cuisine is distinguished by short-term preparation of dishes, i.e. very little time is spent on heat treatment. In order for the vegetables to boil in a short period, they are cut very thinly.

Korean Eggplant - Food Preparation

In eggplant, especially in overripe fruits, solanine is present, which gives the vegetables an unpleasant bitterness. That is why it is recommended to use young vegetables for cooking - they have much less bitterness. So that the eggplants do not taste bitter, before cooking they are sprinkled with salt and left for a while so that they release the juice, with which all the bitterness comes out. Then they are washed with water, squeezed well and prepared according to the recipe.

Eggplant in Korean best recipes

Recipe 1: Korean Eggplant Salad

Recipe for this simple salad in Korean is interesting in that it can be taken as a basis. And adding to it various products eg fried bell pepper or onion, Korean carrot, greens or adjika, this salad can be modified and given to it all new and new taste. Thus, by mixing new ingredients, one can achieve original taste And new salad will be included in your signature dishes. This recipe is also good because it is not used when cooking eggplant. vegetable oil, which means that this dish is low-calorie. Products are based on one small salad bowl.

Ingredients: 1-2 medium eggplant (0.5 kg), 3-4 cloves of garlic, soy sauce 3 table. spoons, a small bunch of green onions, half a lemon, 1 tsp. a spoonful of sugar, to taste hot ground red pepper, 1 tsp. spoon with a slide of fried sesame seeds.

Cooking method:

Bake the eggplant with the peel in the oven, microwave or bring to readiness in a double boiler, after cutting it lengthwise into two parts. You can also boil in water (2 tablespoons / 1 liter of water). In this case, after cooking, eggplant must be put under pressure for a while so that excess liquid is drained. The main thing is to make sure that during cooking the vegetables do not turn into porridge. Those. eggplant should be soft, not raw, but at the same time elastic (after all, it will still need to be cut). When cooking pasta, this stage of readiness is called “al dente”.

finely chopped green onion and garlic add to the salad bowl to the eggplant. Squeeze the lemon juice there and pour in the soy sauce. Sprinkle the salad with a pinch of ground red pepper for spiciness and add sesame seeds (preferably, but, in extreme cases, you can do without them). Mix the salad gently, let it brew for a couple of hours and you can serve it to the table.

Recipe 2: Eggplant Hye

Beijing and sea ​​kale in Korean, as well as Korean carrots have become very popular dish and received a permanent residence permit on the tables of Russians. They are prepared on weekdays and holidays. Using seasoning for Korean carrot you can cook more variety of dishes. For example, heh with eggplant. Of course, Heh from fish and meat is very popular, but Heh from eggplant is considered no less tasty. To prepare this dish based on one deep plate (salad bowl), need:

1 piece of eggplant (medium size), carrots, onions and bell peppers, grows half a cup. oils, 2 table. spoons of seasoning for Korean carrots and apple cider vinegar, 3-4 medium cloves of garlic, 1 table. spoon of soy sauce, 2/3 tsp. spoons of sugar with salt.

Cooking method:

Cut the eggplant along with the peel lengthwise into slices-plates 0.5-0.7 mm thick, and then cut across or obliquely into thin strips. Sprinkle the eggplant straws with salt and leave for about half an hour so that bitterness comes out of it.

While the eggplants are settling, you can have time to grate the carrots on a special grater (for Korean carrots). To this add thinly sliced ​​​​onions and chopped thin noodles bell pepper. To sprinkle vegetable mix sugar and salt, crush a little and leave for half an hour. After 30 minutes, drain the released juice, add seasoning, mix everything. If you like very spicy, in addition to the seasoning, you can add a pinch of hot ground red pepper.

Squeeze the liquid from the eggplant straws with your hands, then throw it into boiling water and boil for two minutes, no more, so as not to overcook. Throw away in a colander. When the liquid comes down, add the eggplants to the vegetable mixture, add chopped garlic and soy sauce there. Mix.

In a frying pan, heat the oil until smoke appears, pour vegetables with boiling oil, mix, add vinegar. Once again, mix thoroughly, cool and, preferably, let it brew for about 3-4 hours.

Instead of seasoning for Korean carrots, you can take others ground spices- 0.5 tea. spoons of coriander and 1/3 tsp. spoons of black and red pepper. If you do not find apple cider vinegar, you can replace it with ordinary table vinegar 6% vinegar.

Recipe 3: Appetizer "In the power of the Dragon"

Ingredients: 1 kilogram of eggplant, half a kilogram of white cabbage, 2-3 medium-sized carrots, ground spices: coriander, black and hot red pepper, sugar / salt - to taste, 5 cloves of garlic, 2-3 tbsp. spoons of 9% vinegar, rast. frying oil.

Cooking method

Grate the carrots on a special grater with a narrow straw, finely chop the cabbage in another bowl. Sprinkle the vegetables with salt and sugar and mash with your hands. Let stand for a while, if liquid is released, drain it.

Combine carrots and cabbage together, pour in vinegar, add chopped garlic and spices. Mix the mass thoroughly and let it brew for about two hours.

Cut the peel from the eggplant, cut into cubes - 5-6 cm in length and 1 cm in thickness. Sprinkle with salt and let stand for half an hour. During this time, they will release bitter juice. Wash the eggplant, squeeze well with your hands and fry in batches until golden color in hot oil.

After the eggplants have cooled, they must be added to carrots and cabbage, pour in a little vegetable oil, mix thoroughly and let it brew - the more the better. This appetizer is especially good on the second day. Try it, very tasty!

Autumn is time delicious vegetables. You can treat yourself to Korean recipes!

Korean dishes have long been popular on our tables. They are easy to prepare and extremely tasty. Korean eggplant is one of the most delicious meals from eggplant. The recipe will appeal to spicy lovers. The dish is suitable for both festive and everyday table. In addition, Korean-style eggplant can be harvested for the winter.

Today's article:

Instant Korean Eggplant

Choose young fruits for this preparation. overripe will be bitter. Before cooking, cut the eggplants, sprinkle with salt and leave for a while to let the juice out, with which excess bitterness will come out. Then rinse them with water and wring out. Then cook according to the recipe.


  • eggplant - 2 vegetables;
  • carrot - 2 vegetables;
  • onion - 2 small heads;
  • sweet pepper - 2 vegetables;
  • vegetable oil - 5 tablespoons;
  • apple cider vinegar - 1 spoon;
  • soy sauce - 1 spoon;
  • salt.

Cut the eggplant into strips, salt, set for an hour, so that the bitterness goes away. Then fry until golden brown.

We clean the carrots, cut into strips or three on a special grater.

We also cut the onion into half rings, add to the carrots.

Remove the seeds from the pepper, divide with a knife into thin straws.

For dressing, mix oil, vinegar and sauce. We mix all the ingredients, season, salt.

We hide in the refrigerator for a while, let the dish cool well and infuse, stirring systematically.

The dish is ready Bon appetit!

Raw pickled Korean style eggplant


  • two eggplants;
  • carrot;
  • celery sprigs;
  • two bulbs;
  • sprigs of parsley;
  • chili pepper;
  • garlic taste.
  • 100 ml sunflower oil;
  • 50 ml of vinegar;
  • 2 spoons of sugar;
  • a teaspoon of coriander;
  • a teaspoon of mustard seeds;
  • half a teaspoon of ground chili;
  • salt;
  • a couple of peas of black and allspice.

Eggplant cut into large rings and salt.

After 20 minutes, blanch the vegetables with boiling water for about 2 minutes, drain. Finally, rinse the vegetables with cold water.

We cut the onion into half rings, the garlic into plates, the chili pepper into thin rings. We cut off the leaves of parsley and celery, wash. We chop carrots into thin strips or three on a special grater for cooking Korean carrots.

We mix the prepared products in a saucepan, pour the finished marinade.

Cover with a lid and marinate overnight. Stir from time to time.

A day later, you can serve.

Bon appetit!

Eggplant in Korean for the winter


  • two kilograms of eggplant;
  • half a kilogram of sweet pepper;
  • three heads of onions;
  • three carrots;
  • a head of garlic;
  • glass of oil,
  • 150 ml of vinegar
  • 2 spoons of salt
  • 4 spoons of sugar
  • tablespoons of ground black and red pepper,
  • coriander spoon,
  • a spoonful of water.

Cut the eggplant into four pieces. Pour 2.5 liters of water into the pan, pour salt. As soon as the water boils, boil the chopped vegetable for about 5 minutes, then take it out and cool and cut.

We chop the onion in half rings, peeled peppers - into strips, rub the carrots on a special grater, crush the peeled garlic with a spadefoot.

We mix all the ingredients. We prepare the marinade, fill them with vegetables. Stir, put the press on top, cover with a lid, put in the refrigerator for 6 days.

Then we lay out the eggplants for the winter in Korean in sterilized jars.

We sterilize again, only together with the contents, about 40 minutes, roll up and wrap.

Waiting for winter and enjoy delicious eggplant in Korean)

Among the winter preparations on the shelves at caring housewives takes pride of place eggplant caviar However, this is not the only way to preserve blue ones for the winter. For those who love spicy snacks, it is worth trying Korean eggplant recipes.

Korean cuisine is characterized by the use hot spices and spices such as red pepper and coriander. Dishes lend themselves to the minimum heat treatment necessary to bring the vegetables to readiness. Therefore, the ingredients are well ground with a knife or grater.

To cook eggplant in Korean style, they are pre-treated with salt. As you know, eggplant pulp contains solanine, which gives it a bitter aftertaste. Vegetables sprinkled with salt begin to secrete juice, and bitterness comes out with it.

The vegetables themselves should have a dense skin, without signs of damage and decay. Fresh, recently picked eggplants have a green tail that has not dried out. If the stalk is sluggish, brown, it is better to refrain from using such vegetables.

For the preparation of snacks, it is better to take young blue ones, no more than 15 cm in length - they are not so bitter.

Eggplant salad with soy sauce

To prepare spicy eggplant in Korean, vegetables in the amount of 4 pcs. cut lengthwise, put on a baking sheet and bake in the oven. Make sure that the pulp remains elastic, and it can be cut. If desired, the vegetables are boiled, but in this case, the eggplant must be put under a press after cooking so that the excess water drains.

Cut the prepared vegetables into thin, but long sticks and put in a salad bowl.

Add 6 crushed slices.

And green onions, pre-chopped.

Squeeze the juice from a whole lemon and pour it into the salad.

Drizzle vegetables with soy sauce (about 6 tablespoons), sprinkle with a little red pepper and 2 teaspoons of pre-roasted sesame seeds.

Stir the salad and let it brew for two hours.

Heh from eggplant

Acute Korean snacks found their admirer in our area. Using special seasonings (for example, for carrots), you can quickly cook Korean-style eggplant hee. This dish is spicy salad from eggplant, carrots, onions and sweet peppers, having sweet and sour taste thanks to the special marinade. The proportion of vegetables is determined approximately 1:1, that is, each fruit is one unit, and cutting into thin strips corresponds to Korean cuisine.

Prepare the blue ones: cut them into thin plates not more than 0.5 mm thick. Crumble each plate obliquely with straws, sprinkle with a little salt and let stand for 20 minutes.

While the eggplants release juice, chop the carrots with a special grater.

Finely cut the onion into half rings.

Also cut thinly.

Put the vegetables in a common bowl, pour 0.5 tsp. sugar, and the same amount of salt. Lightly knead with your hands and leave for half an hour. Then drain the juice that will stand out during this time, sprinkle the vegetables with seasoning for carrots in Korean (2 tbsp. L.).

Now it's time for the eggplant. Squeeze out the blue juice cut into strips and boil them for 2 minutes. When the water drains, put in a bowl with vegetables. Add 4 minced garlic cloves and a tablespoon of soy sauce.

Prepare the dressing: Heat half a cup of oil well in a frying pan and pour over the vegetables. At the end, pour 2 tablespoons of vinegar, mix the salad and let it brew for three hours in the refrigerator.

If apple cider vinegar is not at hand, you can replace it with 6% alcohol.

The peculiarity of these instant Korean-style eggplants is that of all the ingredients of the salad, they are the only ones that are processed. The rest of the vegetables are added raw.

spicy snack

The secret of this snack lies in aging: the longer it is infused, the tastier it becomes. Therefore, it is better to consume vegetables the next day after preparation. White cabbage will add a special flavor to Korean eggplant salad.

First you need to do the preparation of carrots and cabbage. To do this, grate 3 carrots, and cabbage (500 g) - chop into thin noodles. Mix them in a common bowl and sprinkle with salt and sugar to taste. Lightly knead with hands and hold for 20 minutes. The juice that appears is drained.

Add spices to vegetables:

  • 5 minced garlic cloves;
  • hot ground pepper - to taste;
  • coriander - on the tip of a knife;
  • 3 tablespoons of vinegar.

Mix and leave to marinate for two hours.

Let's get eggplant. Remove from 1 kg of vegetables sharp knife or a vegetable cutter peel (you can not remove it if the fruits are young) and cut into bars the length of a matchbox. The thickness should not exceed 1 cm. Mix with salt and let stand for 40 minutes. After the specified time, drain the liquid. Fry the blue ones in oil in a pan and let cool.

And now The final stage eggplant recipe in Korean - combine all the products, drizzle with oil and send to infuse.

To serve a snack for tomorrow gala dinner, it should be prepared today.

Korean eggplant for the winter

To enjoy salad not only in season, you can easily prepare Korean-style eggplant for the future without sterilization. The appetizer is prepared quickly, the time is mainly required for cutting vegetables. Thanks to heat treatment and the addition of vinegar, the salad is well stored for a long time.

First, prepare the blue ones - cut 10 large young fruits together with the peel into long strips. Mix with 1 tbsp. l. salt and set aside.

Now let's prepare the rest of the ingredients:

  • Grate 5 carrots on a Korean grater;
  • 5 onions cut into thin half rings;
  • Bulgarian pepper in the amount of 10-15 pcs. (depending on size) divide into two halves and also chop finely;
  • 1 hot red pepper finely chopped.

Fry the chopped four vegetables in oil, starting with the onion. Then gradually add them to each other.

We return to the eggplants: pour out the liquid that the vegetables let in and transfer the little blue ones to a common cauldron to the rest of the ingredients. Add half a glass of water to the workpiece, 2 tbsp. l. salt, 3 tbsp. l. sugar and a couple of peppercorns. Bring to a boil and simmer, turning the burner down to a minimum, for half an hour.

During cooking, make sure that the liquid in the cauldron completely covers the vegetables when pressed with a spoon. If it evaporates, add a little more.

Add to the cauldron 0.7 tbsp. vinegar, 8 cloves of minced garlic and a bunch of minced parsley. Simmer for another 10 minutes and put in sterilized jars. Roll up, turn over, cover with a warm blanket and leave to cool for a day.

marinated eggplant

The process of cooking pickled eggplant in Korean can be divided into two stages:

Combine all salad ingredients and leave to marinate for 12 hours, stirring occasionally during this time.

The finished snack is stored in the refrigerator. For winter harvest it should be further sterilized.

Eggplant stuffed with carrots

Korean-style stuffed eggplants are not only delicious, but also have a very beautiful view. It is not a shame to put such an appetizer on the festive table.

So, wash two kilograms of eggplant, chop with a fork and cut along, without bringing the knife to the end (vegetables should, as it were, open up). Boil whole fruits in salted water. In the process of cooking, it is necessary to turn them over, as the vegetables will float and not boil. Readiness is checked with a knife: if it enters easily, it's time to take it out. Put the boiled eggplant under the press for 3 hours.

For filling:

  1. Finely chop parsley, cilantro and celery.
  2. Grate carrots in the amount of 0.5 kg on a special grater.
  3. Bring the oil (100 ml) to a boil in a pan and pour into the carrot.
  4. Pour into the filling Korean seasoning for carrots, 5 cloves of chopped garlic, greens. Salt and pepper - based on taste preferences.

Put the stuffing into the vegetables and put the Korean-style eggplants with carrots tightly in a saucepan or deep bowl.

Make a pickle:

  • water - 1 l;
  • salt, vinegar - 2 tablespoons.

IN stuffed vegetables pour the brine and cover with a plate so that it enters the bowl. Put oppression on top of the plate. Leave to marinate overnight room temperature, and another two days - in the refrigerator.

According to the Korean eggplant recipes described above, you can cook not only delicious side dish for dinner. Various salads from spicy eggplant would be a welcome addition to New Year's table. Making them is not difficult at all, the main thing is not to overdo it with spices. Be careful and bon appetit!

Abundance appears on the shelves in summer various vegetables. And among them are eggplants, which have a whole army of fans. After all, eggplants are delicious, you can make many delicious dishes from them. In this article, I have collected 4 of the most popular recipe cooking eggplant, not counting the famous "overseas" caviar. You can find the recipe for eggplant caviar. Eggplant can be boiled, fried, baked. They go very well with cheese, tomatoes, nuts, cottage cheese, and also love garlic very much.

Korean eggplant is popular. Many people like pickled vegetables, seasoned fragrant spices. On the market, Korean salads are very expensive, although their ingredients are quite cheap. Preparing such a salad yourself is not difficult. The only suggestion is to use natural vinegar, any one that is in the house or which is sold in the nearest supermarket (apple, wine, balsamic, rice).


  • eggplant - 600 gr.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • sweet pepper - 150 gr. (multi-colored pepper will look beautiful)
  • garlic - 4-5 cloves
  • hot peppers- 1/5 pcs.
  • coriander - 1 tsp
  • peppercorns - 6-8 pcs.
  • sesame - 1 tbsp
  • natural vinegar - 1 tbsp.
  • soy sauce - 2 tbsp.
  • honey - 1 tbsp.
  • vegetable oil for frying - 80 ml
  • salt - 1 tbsp.
  • parsley, cilantro - 4 tbsp.

Korean eggplant recipe.

1. Wash the eggplant and cut into strips so that each piece has a peel. Put the eggplants in a colander, salt them and mix. Cover with a plate and press lightly. Substitute a bowl under a colander so that the juice from the “blue ones” flows into it. Leave the eggplants to salt for 1-2 hours.

2. While the eggplant is cooking, chop the rest of the vegetables. Grate carrots for Korean carrots. If there is no such grater, you will have to work hard and cut the carrots into thin and long strips. Pepper cut into long strips, onion - arrows or half rings. Finely chop the garlic and herbs. Cut the hot pepper into half rings. Adjust the amount of hot pepper to your taste.

3. When the eggplant is salted, the juice flows into the bowl. Lay the eggplants on a paper towel and with another towel on top, wring them out well from excess moisture. Such eggplants will absorb little oil when frying.

4. Pour a little vegetable oil into the pan, do not let the eggplant float in fat. Heat the oil well and fry the eggplant for big fire for 3 minutes, stirring them a couple of times during this time. Transfer the fried blue ones to a bowl. Pour some more vegetable oil into the pan. In a mortar, grind the coriander and black pepper with peas (or take already ground).

Put these spices into the heated oil, also add red hot pepper to them. Spices always reveal their aroma in oil, but you don’t need to fry them for a long time, a few seconds will be enough. Add the onion to the spices and sauté for 1 minute until slightly soft. Now put the carrots in the pan, mix everything together and fry for another half a minute.

No need to fry vegetables and make them too soft. small heat treatment will make onions and carrots a little softer, plus they will be saturated with the aroma of spices. In a salad, vegetables should crunch.

5. Transfer vegetables to a bowl with eggplants.

6. It remains to add the remaining ingredients to the fried vegetables: colorful peppers, garlic, vinegar, soy sauce, herbs, honey and sesame. Sesame seeds can be lightly toasted in a dry frying pan to give them a nutty flavor.

Mix all salad ingredients and taste. Add vinegar, soy sauce or salt to taste if needed. Cover the salad or cling film and refrigerate for at least 3 hours. And it is better to leave it for the night, and in the morning it is already there.

This is how bright it turns out fragrant salad. Bon appetit!

Eggplant rolls with cheese and nuts - a classic combination

Eggplants are very good for making rolls. You can wrap anything in them. Most often they make rolls with tomatoes, cucumbers, cheese, cottage cheese, carrots, nuts. In general, eggplant goes very well with walnuts, as well as with cottage cheese. It turns out very hearty snack rich in protein. I recommend making these rolls.


  • eggplant - 2 pcs. major
  • walnuts - a handful
  • soft cheese or cottage cheese (you can take processed cheese) - 150-200 gr.
  • garlic - 1 clove
  • basil - 2 sprigs (greens to taste)
  • olive oil- 1 tbsp.
  • salt, pepper - to taste

Cooking rolls with cottage cheese.

1. Wash the eggplants and cut lengthwise into thin plates, about 5 mm thick. Place the chopped slices in a large bowl and season with salt. Cover the eggplant and leave for 20 minutes to let the bitterness go away along with the allocated juice.

2. Walnuts fry a little in a dry frying pan, stirring constantly. Chop the nuts into small pieces with a knife.

3. Finely chop the greens, do the same with garlic. It's time to prepare the filling. Put cottage cheese (it can be chopped with a blender) or soft cheese in a bowl. Add greens, garlic, nuts, olive oil (can be replaced with sour cream), ground black pepper to taste. If the cheese is not salty, then salt it to taste, but if it is salty, do not add salt. Stir the filling and refrigerate.

4. When the eggplants have released some juice, rinse them well with water and pat dry paper towels. Roast the eggplant in a skillet a small amount vegetable oil on both sides. You can bake eggplant in the oven. To do this, grease a baking sheet with oil, lay out the eggplants, cover with foil and bake for 15-20 minutes.

After frying, place the eggplant on paper towels to remove excess fat.

5. When the eggplants are completely cool, you can start forming rolls. To do this, put the filling on the edge of the plate and roll up the roll. Serve to the table, where such rolls will be appreciated.

Oven baked eggplants with cheese and tomatoes

This eggplant dish looks elegant and appetizing. Try this dish in season fresh vegetables- you will definitely like it. Take the amount of ingredients to your liking.


  • eggplant
  • tomatoes
  • hard cheese
  • salt, pepper, coriander - to taste
  • olive oil

Cooking eggplant accordion.

1. Wash the eggplants and cut lengthwise into slices, about 5 mm thick. Do not cut to the end so that the accordion does not fall apart. Then you will need to put tomatoes and cheese in these slots.

2. Wash the tomatoes and cut into thin slices.

3. Cut the cheese into thin slices.

4. Salt the eggplants a little in the cuts. If the cheese is too salty, then you can do without salt.

5. Stuff the eggplant. Place a slice of tomato and a slice of cheese into the slits. Sprinkle the finished "accordions" with ground black pepper and coriander on top. You can add some fresh if you like. fragrant greens. Drizzle eggplant with olive oil.

6. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Cover the eggplant dish with foil and bake for 40 minutes. After that, remove the foil and cook for another 10 minutes. Eggplant and cheese will brown. With a wide spatula, transfer the eggplants to a serving plate and serve with fresh herbs.

Eggplants like mushrooms - an original appetizer

If you cook eggplant in this way, then they turn out to be very similar in taste to pickled mushrooms. Preparing such an appetizer is easy and fast, you just need to give it time to brew. So get ready better evening, leave for the night, and in the morning you can already eat.


  • eggplant - 1 - 1.5 kg
  • dill - large bunch
  • garlic - 1 head


  • water - 2 l
  • salt - 2 tbsp. with a slide
  • sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • vinegar 9% - 150 ml
  • vegetable oil - 100 ml

Appetizer recipe "eggplant like mushrooms".

1. Wash the eggplants and cut into cubes of about 1.5 cm. If desired, you can peel them.

2. Boil water in a saucepan, put salt and sugar in it and let them dissolve. Next, pour the vinegar and immediately put the chopped eggplant. Boil the eggplant until tender, but don't overcook it or it will turn into mush. Stir eggplant while cooking. Simmer for about 5-6 minutes, until soft.

3. Ready eggplant Drain in a colander and let them drain for 15-20 minutes.

4. Meanwhile, finely chop the garlic and dill.

5. When the eggplants get rid of excess marinade, transfer them to a bowl. Add garlic and herbs to them, as well as vegetable oil. Mix thoroughly, cover with a plate and leave at room temperature until completely cooled. Then refrigerate for 12 hours.

Before serving, try an appetizer. If necessary, add sugar, salt, vinegar, black pepper to your taste.

Cook according to these proven recipes and eggplant will only delight with its taste and aroma. Write in the comments how you like to cook eggplant.
