
5 best salads for the new year. Festive salad for the New Year "Cornucopia"

Salads: cold, warm, even warmer!

Definitely, in our country since the time of Soviet cuisine, the main New Year's salads are Olivier and herring under a fur coat. But the art of the festive feast has long gone far ahead. Therefore, let your holiday menu be new this New Year!

Initially, a salad is a cold dish of vegetables and herbs, seasoned with oil and spices. In a modern interpretation, a salad can be warm and even hot, sweet, meat, fruit, cheese, fish. Salad can replace dessert and main course. It's easy to come up with your own salad by combining any of your favorite ingredients in any proportion. And even make a festive menu exclusively from salads alone.

Don't forget the sauce! You can start with the simplest - olive oil with spices, and finish with an exquisite poivre sauce.

Salad with grapefruit figs

150 g lettuce
4 figs
2 grapefruits
1/2 cup mango juice
2 lemons
1 red pepper
1 st. a spoonful of grated ginger
ground black pepper, salt
5 st. spoons of olive oil

How to make grapefruit and fig salad:

  • Peel the grapefruit from the skin, veins and seeds. Divide into large pieces. Peel the figs, cut into slices. Arrange lettuce, grapefruit and figs in a salad bowl.
  • For the sauce, mix mango juice, ginger, lemon juice, a pinch of pepper and salt, olive oil. Drizzle dressing over salad.
  • Salad with grapefruit and figs is ready.

Bon appetit!

Salad with rice, mussels and olives

What do you need:
60 g long grain rice
200 g canned mussels
50 g pitted olives
50 g pitted olives
2 onions
80 g sour cream
bunch of dill

How to cook a salad with rice, mussels and olives:

  • Boil rice until tender. Rinse in warm water, cool.
  • Cut olives and olives into rings, onions into small cubes. Mix mussels with rice. Add olives, olives and onions. Season with sour cream mixed with finely chopped herbs.
  • Salad with rice, mussels and olives is ready.

Bon appetit!

Salad with chicken and ginger fruit

30 g chicken
1 apple
1 orange
1/2 medium pineapple
1 lemon
10 g cashews
A pinch of ginger powder and nutmeg

How to make Chicken and Ginger Fruit Salad:

  • Boil chicken fillet until tender. Cut the fillet into cubes. Peel apple, pineapple, orange and cut into slices.
  • To prepare the sauce, grind the cashews in a blender. Rub a quarter of all fruits with ground nuts and spices.
  • Place the chicken in a large salad glass, alternating with the fruit slices. Top with prepared sauce. Decorate with lemon slices.
  • Salad with chicken and ginger fruit is ready.

Bon appetit!

Layered salad with beef and pomegranate seeds

450 g boiled beef
3 carrots
5 eggs
70 g walnut kernels
100 g pomegranate seeds

How to cook puff salad with beef and pomegranate seeds:

  • Boil beef and cool; finely chop. Boil eggs, peel, cut into cubes. Boil carrots, cool, peel and grate. Grind walnut kernels in a blender.
  • Place the prepared products in a salad bowl in layers: beef, carrots, mayonnaise, eggs, beef, mayonnaise, carrots, walnuts, mayonnaise, pomegranate seeds.
  • Layered salad with beef and pomegranate seeds is ready.

Bon appetit!

Italian salad with pasta, mozzarella, ham and cherry tomatoes

What do you need:
350 g penne - short tube-shaped pasta
125 g mozzarella balls
125 g Parma ham
300 g cherry tomatoes
120 g fresh basil
5 st. spoons of olive oil
100 g grated parmesan
2 tbsp. tablespoons ground walnuts
Mix of dried Italian herbs
Salt, black pepper

How to cook an Italian salad with pasta, mozzarella, ham and cherry tomatoes:

  • Cut the cherry tomatoes in half, place on a baking sheet, cut side up, drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle with Italian herbs. Bake for 30 minutes in an oven preheated to 180 C.
  • Boil penne (you can substitute any other pasta) until tender in plenty of salted water. Discard the finished penne in a colander, rinse.
  • Prepare the pesto sauce. Rinse the basil leaves, pat dry and roughly chop. Grind basil in a blender, add 4 tbsp. spoons of olive oil, 60 g of grated parmesan, walnuts and? h. spoons of salt.
  • Cut the ham into thin slices. Cut mozzarella balls in half. Separate the washed and dried basil leaves. Mix foam, ham, mozzarella. Salt, pepper. Add roasted tomatoes and basil leaves. Drizzle with pesto.
  • Italian salad with pasta, mozzarella, ham and cherry tomatoes is ready.

Bon appetit!

Dessert salad "Grapefruit" with fruit filling

1 grapefruit
1 apple
handful of raisins
1 st. lime juice spoon
2 tbsp. spoons of sugar
2 teaspoons of any liquor

How to cook grapefruit dessert salad with fruit filling:

  • Soak raisins in hot water in a ratio of 1:2. Wait until it softens, drain the water. Add liquor to raisins. Cut the apple into cubes. Cut off the top of the grapefruit, gently scoop out the pulp with a spoon and cut it into small cubes.
  • Add slices of apples, grapefruit, lime juice and sugar to the raisins. To stir thoroughly. Fill the grapefruit peel with the prepared stuffing. Decorate with cinnamon sticks.
  • Dessert salad "Grapefruit" with fruit filling is ready.

Bon appetit!

Meat salad with tarragon

400 g carbonate
400 g servelat
400 g smoked ham
4 pears
2 fresh cucumbers
2 pickled cucumbers
tarragon sprig
Juice of one lemon

How to cook meat salad with tarragon:

  • Wash the tarragon, dry and chop. Mix mayonnaise, lemon juice and tarragon. Carbonate, servelat and ham cut into thin strips. Peel fresh and pickled cucumbers. Cut into thin strips. Pears, cut into four parts, chop the same straw.
  • Mix the ingredients, season the salad with mayonnaise, lemon juice and tarragon dressing. Mix thoroughly and let it brew for 1-1.5 hours.
  • Meat salad with tarragon is ready.

Bon appetit!

Spanish salad with oranges

5 oranges
1 green apple
1 red onion
1 st. a spoonful of pistachios
1 st. a spoonful of raisins
2 sprigs of mint
2 sprigs of cilantro
1 sprig of celery
2 teaspoons lemon juice
Salt, black pepper

Salads with shrimp look good on the festive table. It's fast, simple, tasty, beautiful and very useful. We have prepared salads for the New Year, which must be prepared. For a salad, it is better to choose raw, unpeeled shrimp, then the taste of the finished dish will be much richer. When buying, remember that about a third of the weight is shell or ice if they are glazed.

Salad for the New Year - mango and shrimp

A salad with mango and shrimp is a very unusual and tasty combination that is worth trying for the New Year.


For salad:

  1. cucumbers 3 pcs.
  2. mango 1 pc.
  3. chopped dill 2 tbsp
  4. lettuce leaves 10 pcs.
  5. shrimp 400 g

For refueling:

  1. white wine vinegar 2 tbsp
  2. sugar 2 tbsp
  3. grainy mustard 3 tbsp
  4. mayonnaise 5 tbsp
  5. salt, pepper to taste

In a small bowl, combine vinegar and sugar, mix until completely dissolved. Add mustard and mayonnaise.

Wash cucumbers and mangoes, cut into small cubes. Boil and cool the shrimp.

In a salad bowl, mix vegetables with shrimps and chopped dill. Add dressing, salt and pepper, mix well.

Serve on lettuce leaves. You will need two sheets per serving.

Salad for the New Year - Caesar with shrimps

The classic ingredients of Caesar salad are juicy green lettuce leaves, thick aromatic dressing and crunchy garlic croutons. Adding shrimp will help to do without grated parmesan.


  1. Romano lettuce 1 bunch
  2. cherry tomatoes 1 handful
  3. grated parmesan 2 tbsp
  4. Tiger chrimp 10-12 pcs.
  5. baguette 1/2 pc.
  6. garlic 1 clove
  7. salt, ground pepper taste

For refueling:

  1. egg yolk 1 pc.
  2. lemon juice 1/4 pc.
  3. olive oil 50 ml
  4. garlic 1 clove
  5. anchovy fillets 3-4 pcs.
  6. salt, ground pepper taste

Grate a clove of garlic on a fine grater and divide into two equal parts. Peel the shrimp, mix a spoonful of olive oil with half the garlic, salt and pepper, pour the shrimp with this mixture. Cut the baguette into cubes, and dry in the oven for 10 minutes at 180 degrees. Heat a little olive oil in a frying pan, heat the second half of the garlic in it, and fry the croutons in this garlic oil. Season them with salt and pepper and remove the pan from the heat.

Now let's prepare the dressing.

Crush or grate again a clove of garlic, and grind (with a fork or mortar) anchovy fillets into a smooth paste. Beat the yolk with lemon juice, season with salt and pepper, and, gradually adding olive oil and continuing to beat, prepare a mayonnaise-like sauce. At the end, add garlic and anchovies to the sauce: the finished dressing should turn out to be slightly sour and spicy.

Preheat the pan, and quickly fry the shrimp in the same oil in which they marinated. Mix lettuce leaves, cherry tomatoes and croutons in a bowl, season with sauce, mix well and transfer to plates. Put the fried shrimp on top, and, if desired, sprinkle the salad with grated parmesan.

Salad for the New Year of mussels with shrimps

An interesting recipe for a salad of seafood and vegetables with an unusual dressing.


  1. shrimp in shell 500 g
  2. peeled mussels 200 g
  3. cherry tomatoes 1 sprig
  4. red bell pepper 1 PC.
  5. yellow sweet pepper 1 PC.
  6. lemon 1/2 pc.
  7. honey 1.5 tbsp
  8. soy sauce 50 ml
  9. garlic 2-3 cloves
  10. olives 1 jar

Heat up some olive oil in a frying pan. Finely chop the garlic and fry for a few seconds. Put shrimp to it, fry for about a minute and add soy sauce, honey and lemon juice, let it boil, add mussels and turn off the heat.

Take out the seafood, peel the shrimp, strain the sauce. This will be the salad dressing. Cut the tomatoes and peppers and mix everything. Add parsley and olives.

Shrimp Salad with Cucumbers for the New Year

Salads with seafood look good on the festive table. It's fast, simple, tasty, beautiful and very useful.


  1. fresh cucumbers 2-3 pcs.
  2. shrimp 200 g
  3. salad mix 100 g
  4. olive oil 2 tbsp
  5. lemon juice 1 tsp
  6. white wine 1 tsp
  7. honey 1 tsp
  8. salt, ground pepper taste

Wash cucumbers and cut into thin circles. Wash lettuce leaves and tear with your hands. Boil shrimp.

Mix olive oil, lemon juice, wine, honey, salt and pepper.

Combine all salad ingredients and drizzle with dressing.

New Year's shrimp salad with cucumbers is ready!

Shrimp Salad with Avocado

Recipe for a festive, New Year's salad of shrimp, avocado and bacon with olive oil dressing.


  1. shrimp 400 g
  2. avocado 1 pc.
  3. chopped bacon 50 g
  4. lemon 1 pc.
  5. green onion 1 sprig
  6. olive oil 4 tbsp
  7. salt and pepper to taste

Cook shrimp for 1 minute in boiling salted water.

Preparing salad dressing:

Mix 4 tablespoons of olive oil, juice of 1/2 lemon, 1 pinch of salt, 1 pinch of pepper and a sprig of green onions, finely chopped.

Fry small pieces of bacon in a hot pan. Peel the avocado, cut into small cubes, pour over a small amount of lemon juice.

Put the avocado, shrimp in a bowl, pour over the dressing, put the bacon slices on top.

Top 5 shrimp salads for the New Year you should like it. They will perfectly decorate your festive New Year's table and will delight your family and friends!

The New Year will bring together all relatives and friends under one roof, so it is so important to spend New Year's Eve in an atmosphere of celebration and delicious dishes.

New Year's salads are an obligatory part of the festive feast. On such a day, it is important not only to prepare tasty snacks, but to work on their appearance. Beautiful decoration and serving salads - the key to a spectacular New Year's table!

You no longer have to rack your brains about what to cook in the pre-holiday fuss! This article contains the top 10 most delicious salads for the New Year. Easy to prepare and satisfying at the same time: fish and other original snacks will scatter on plates in an instant!

Salad watermelon slice with chicken and mushrooms

A very effective appetizer for the New Year's table. Its unusual presentation and bright appearance attract the eyes of guests. The watermelon rind causes a special delight among the children.

The exact origin story is unknown. Probably, an ordinary girl decided to show her imagination and diversify the festive table. It turned out to be an appetizing dish that in the winter cold excites memories of the warm days of summer and the taste of ripe watermelons.

The calorie content of the salad is only 137 calories per 100 g of the dish. You can safely eat it for the New Year and not be afraid for the figure.

On a note! You can hide any products under the original top of the salad. Experiment with unusual combinations of ingredients!

Puff salad is distinguished by a combination of delicate taste with a slight spiciness, this gives the dish a piquancy. The appetizer does not leave heaviness in the stomach, and its components, with the exception of mayonnaise, saturate the body with useful micro and macro nutrients.

The dish includes inexpensive and readily available ingredients. It is not at all difficult to prepare it, the estimated time takes no more than an hour. Alternatively, it can be prepared in portions in the form of separate slices for each guest. In any case, the design of the dish will not leave anyone indifferent!

The appetizer gives the festive table an exquisite and truly royal look. The noble taste and beautiful presentation of the dish will demonstrate the generosity and well-being of the owners to the guests.

Salmon can be safely attributed to the royal fish, because in ancient times it was on the tables only for majestic faces.

Calorie content is 142 calories per 100 g of the dish. You can treat yourself to such a delicacy in the New Year, because the whole night is ahead.

This amazingly beautiful puff appetizer is a delight for lovers of everything fishy. Juicy lettuce melts on the tongue, leaving behind a divine aftertaste.

On a note! Speaking of salmon, one cannot fail to mention Omega-3 acids, which are indispensable and important for the body, which are found in large quantities in this fish.

Fish salad consists of simple ingredients, with the exception of salmon. But the New Year is an occasion to put the best dishes on the table! It takes only 20 minutes to prepare a snack. And the minimum time spent on cooking a dish is a huge plus in the festive fuss.

Layered salad with duck and vegetables

A beautiful and elegant treat will add zest to the New Year's table. It will perfectly replace bored chicken dishes, and the original serving of puff salad will please the eyes of guests.

The Slavic peoples have always been distinguished by their hunting skills, so dishes from wild and domestic poultry were in abundance at the feasts. The tradition of putting a duck on the festive table has remained to this day.

The calorie content of the salad is 196 calories per 100 g. Duck meat is fatty, so the salad dressing is light so as not to overload the stomach.

Duck meat has a specific taste. But the juiciness and tenderness of the dish will surprise even a strict gourmet. The duck is rightfully considered the queen of the New Year's table!

The total cooking time is 45 minutes. All products can be easily found in the store.

Herring under a Fur Coat

What is the New Year without beautiful and bright salads? A fur coat with salted fish is a classic of the festive table. There are many cooking options, let's try this one.

The history of lettuce began in the distant 1918. The owner of a network of popular taverns, Anastas Bogomilov, is tired of constant fights in his establishments. He decided to pave the way to the heart of drunken guests through the stomach. I came up with a salad that I laid out in beautiful layers, in which each ingredient had its own meaning. Visited began to have a snack before drinking, so they got less drunk. And since Anastas presented the salad for the New Year, the herring has become one of the main New Year's dishes.

This cooking option turned out to be very easy 111 calories per 100 g Without a twinge of conscience, you can use it even on a strict diet.

Attention! Very salty herring can be soaked in milk or tea.

Juicy, salty taste of fish, a good combination of vegetables and cheese, which gives the dish a final zest. All components of the salad are available in the store and do not hit the budget. Prepare and try! Fish salad is a versatile dish, it perfectly diversifies a regular dinner.

Olivier with sausage and pickled cucumbers

It is very difficult to imagine a New Year's feast without popular and traditional treats. No matter how many culinary masterpieces are on the festive table, the native salad will always be held in high esteem.

The name of the dish comes from the name of its French creator Lucien Olivier. In the 19th century he was a chef in a French restaurant in Moscow. Lucien decided to diversify the insipid and monotonous at that time Russian cuisine. As a result of culinary manipulations, the chef developed his own recipe for a great salad. According to rumors, it is very different from the modern version, but this does not make it less beloved.

The calorie content of the dish is 121 calories per 100 g - this is a light classic version of the salad. The components of the standard Olivier are accessible and quite simple, but in combination with each other they make the dish nutritious and tasty.

The second name of the salad is "Winter", because all the ingredients can be easily found in the winter in the store. Cooking time with food preparation takes 1 hour.

On a note! To make the dish look spectacular in a New Year's way, lay out a salad in the form of a Christmas tree, a Santa Claus hat or a New Year's ball.

Salad "Prince" with chicken fillet and walnuts

The original, refined and juicy salad will pleasantly diversify the New Year's table. The name itself suggests that the dish is royal and it is ideal for a festive feast!

The origin story is shrouded in mystery. Perhaps this is a random combination of products, but very successful!

The calorie content of the dish is 137 calories per 100 g, the nutritional value of the salad will satisfy the taste of every guest.

On a note! Salad can be supplemented with a layer of grated cheese. The taste of snacks will be even better!

There are very few ingredients in the composition of the dish, but you can’t tear yourself away from it. "Prince" is easy to prepare, does not require special culinary skills, and the result is a royal salad.

Salad of crab sticks

Another frequent guest at the New Year's feast is an economical and tasty snack option. To diversify the festive table, we will serve a salad in the form of bright pink and green balls.

The roots of the origin of treats go back to the beginning of the 20th century. Restaurants on the Pacific coast served Louis salad, aka crab salad. He gained popularity thanks to the singer Caruso, the Italian was very fond of this dish.

Attention! So that crab sticks do not lose their taste, defrost them in the refrigerator!

Calorie content is 143 calories per 100 g.

The appetizer is very tender, melts in your mouth. The main ingredient of crab salad goes well with corn, rice and cheese, and garlic gives the necessary spice to the dish.

All components of the salad are available in the store. The process of making crab salad will take time, but the end result is worth it! Guests will be impressed by the unusual look of their favorite dish!

Mimosa salad"

When you start thinking about what to put on the festive table, you can’t forget about. Extremely simple, but no less tasty fish salad, which will successfully dilute meat and poultry dishes.

It appeared in the 60s of the last century. The flowery name comes from the egg yolks on the surface of the lettuce, which when crushed resemble mimosa flowers.

Calorie fish salad 287 calories, this is a very juicy and nutritious dish! The alternation of layers successfully reveals the entire flavor range of the salad, and the cheese gives it tenderness and piquancy.

Note! By the time of laying the Mimosa layers, all ingredients must be at the same temperature. The dish will be airy and tender.

Fish salad does not provide for the addition of various exotic seasonings and products. All ingredients are commercially available and do not hit the wallet. The cooking time takes no more than 45 minutes, even a novice cook can handle the process.

Simple beef tongue salad "Pagan"

Do you want to treat your loved ones to something tasty for the New Year? A delicacy dish will decorate the festive table and replenish the piggy bank of New Year's recipes.

The meat snack is very satisfying and nutritious, contains 219 calories per 100 g of product.

Will be able to satisfy the taste of even the most spoiled gourmet. Delicate, refined dish has a moderately tart and spicy taste.

It is very easy to prepare, it only takes time to boil the tongue. But this is the main ingredient, so there is no need to rush. The treat is tasty and healthy, and the calories can be used up during an active holiday night!

Meat salad Lady's fingers

The original appetizer will perfectly fit into the surroundings of the New Year's table. Its bright yellow color will not only lift your appetite, but also your mood! Despite the female name, the taste with pineapple will appeal to the strong half of humanity.

The combination of seemingly incongruous ingredients gives the treat an unusual taste. The origin of the recipe is unknown, but it is no more than 150 years old, since pineapples began to be preserved only in the 19th century.

The calorie content of the dish is 190 calories per 100 g of the product. It contains a lot of protein, which means it guarantees a burst of energy for the whole New Year's Eve! The salad is easy to make and the ingredients are affordable.

By preparing this dish, you will surprise your guests with your culinary skills and exquisite taste!

How do you prepare for new year? For example, we are already writing gift lists with might and main, looking for interesting ideas for decorating the house and, of course, planning a festive menu!

Fact: no holiday table is complete without a salad. The prescription requirements are strict. The dish should be proven, spectacular, tasty and not too complicated, so as not to kill the whole eve of the holiday on it. If you are looking for just such a recipe, meet our latest selection. New Year's salads!

New Year's salads

Salad "Beloved Husband"
That's what you need to pave the way to the heart of a man! This salad with chicken, tomatoes and mushrooms will appeal not only to the beloved, but to all guests without exception.

Salad "Bunito"
A spicy salad with Korean carrots seems to be made for a festive feast. Beautiful, nutritious, satisfying - a dream!

Salad "Sushi"
If you love Japanese cuisine, then you have probably tried to cook sushi more than once, or at least were going to do it. Japanese-style salad will captivate lovers of fish dishes.

Salad "French"
With this salad of carrots and apples, you will make a curtsy towards adherents of a healthy diet. Just use low-fat sour cream or thick yogurt for salad dressing. Harmony of taste and benefit!

Salad "Negresco"
Salad with simple ingredients but delicious taste. Prunes and walnuts add interesting notes to it.

Salad "Africa"
Spicy carrots, tender chicken and bright fruits will swirl you in a round dance of explosive taste. This elegant salad will be one of the brightest dishes on your holiday table!

Salad "Bride"
Light, airy salad with an interesting presentation. In appearance - one in one dress of the bride!

Salad "Korel"
A nutritious salad with beef will especially appeal to men. And the light sourness of the apple successfully sets off the taste of meat.

Salad "Prince"

Another salad with meat, but this time with a completely different sound. Pickled cucumbers, nuts and garlic do their job - the dish is scattered in an instant.

Salad "Pomegranate Bracelet"
Salad with ruby ​​pomegranate seeds - an appetizer that is impossible to resist. Add some color to your Christmas table!
