
Apple marshmallow is cooler than any candy! How to cook apple marshmallow at home and dishes with it. Apple marshmallow recipes: simple and very simple

Baby puree in jars can serve as the basis for making an excellent dessert - marshmallows. At the same time, you do not need to spend time preparing its base, since baby food manufacturers have already done everything for you. In this article, you will learn about the most popular recipes for making marshmallows from baby puree.

In the recipes for making ordinary marshmallows from berries and fruits, puree is prepared by grinding fresh food with a blender or meat grinder, and to get rid of the peel and seeds, the mass is filtered. Making marshmallow from ready-made puree, you are freed from unnecessary worries, since the product in the jar is already completely ready and has a homogenized appearance.

A wide range of purees presented by different manufacturers allows you to prepare a low-calorie dessert with different tastes. For marshmallow, applesauce, apricot, banana, pear, and even with milk and cream in the composition are suitable.


  • puree - 2 jars of 200 grams;
  • sugar - 1 tablespoon;
  • powdered sugar for sprinkling.


The fruit mass is laid out in a saucepan and sugar is added to it. If the puree is liquid, then it is boiled over low heat until thickened, with constant stirring. If the mass is initially quite thick, then it is only boiled for 3 minutes, and the sugar crystals are completely dissolved.

The finished fruit mass is laid out in a thin layer in a drying container. This can be a baking sheet or an electric dryer rack lined with baking paper or cling film. To prevent the puree from sticking, the paper is smeared with a thin layer of vegetable oil. It is convenient to do this with a cotton swab. The oil layer turns out to be very thin, and in the future it is not felt on the finished product.

In the oven, marshmallow is dried at a temperature of 80 - 90 for 3 - 4 hours. The baking sheet is placed on the top shelf of the oven, and the door is kept ajar during the entire drying procedure.

If drying takes place in an electric dryer, then the heating temperature is set to a maximum value of 70 degrees. In order for the marshmallow to dry evenly, the grates are rearranged every hour.

You can also dry marshmallow in a natural way, for example, on a windowsill or on a balcony. The main thing here is to protect the product from insect attack. The time for such drying will take 4 - 5 days.

The readiness of the pastille is determined by touch. The layer should not stick to the hands, but at the same time, it should be elastic. Dried marshmallow is hard and brittle.

The finished product is twisted into a tight tube or cut into squares. If desired, sprinkle the top with powdered sugar.

Crushed walnuts, almonds, sesame seeds, cinnamon or vanillin are used as additional additives to marshmallow, and sugar is replaced with liquid honey.

Pastila from baby puree with egg whites and gelatin

Pastila can not only be dried, but cooked using cold. For example, pastille with gelatin.


  • puree - 1 jar (200 grams);
  • sugar - 1 tablespoon;
  • chicken proteins - 2 pieces;
  • gelatin - 2 tablespoons;
  • powdered sugar for sprinkling.


Put baby fruit puree in a bowl and add gelatin to it. This mass should swell within 30 minutes.

Egg whites are beaten with sugar until a dense foam is formed. This is best done with a mixer, not by hand.

After the gelatin is saturated with moisture, whipped proteins are added to the puree. The mass is gently mixed and laid out in a mold, greased with a small amount of odorless vegetable oil.

The container is placed in the refrigerator for 10 - 12 hours. After the mass hardens, it is cut into portions and sprinkled with powdered sugar on top.

Vanillin or cinnamon can be added to such a marshmallow for flavor. If you add a little food coloring to the egg-fruit mass, then the marshmallow will acquire an unusual color.

Watch the video from the SweetFit channel on how to make dietary marshmallow from baby puree

Marshmallow storage

Store homemade marshmallows in glass jars or plastic containers in the refrigerator. The shelf life of the dried product reaches six months, but it is better to eat gelatin marshmallow immediately.

At the time of picking apples, the question often arises of what to do with those fruits that are not suitable for the usual purposes. In this case, the pastille recipe will come in handy. Homemade apple marshmallow is good for tea or just like that, it is readily eaten by both small and adult sweet tooth and even those who do not like sweets very much.
If you cook apple marshmallow with us, you will understand that apple marshmallow at home is not only a very tasty delicacy, but also a profitable way to process a rich harvest. In this recipe, you can use fruits that are not stored for a long time or those that are already starting to deteriorate (of course, problem areas are cut out). In the process, we will use an electric fruit dryer, but it is possible to use an oven. In this case, the temperature should be set to the minimum, and the time should be adjusted independently according to the degree of readiness.

Taste Info Berries and fruits / How to dry…


  • apples (we have the White Filling variety) - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • water - 100 ml.

How to make apple marshmallow at home

Let's prepare the food first. Apples can be of any degree of maturity (except for very green ones, they should not be used). We will wash them, cut out the core, remove problem areas. It is better to use bottled water for marshmallows.
Cut the apples into slices arbitrarily (in our recipe, cutting is not important). We put it in a metal ladle and fill it with the right portion of water.

Next, put the ladle on the stove, set the average temperature of the fire. Cook the prepared mixture over medium heat until the chopped slices become soft. This should take 15-20 minutes.

Then put the mixture into the blender container. By starting the device, we get a homogeneous applesauce.

Then put the apple mass back into the ladle and, stirring, boil down to 1/3 of the original volume. This should take from 1 to 2 hours (depending on the intensity of the fire and the amount of liquid). During this cooking period, the puree boils strongly, splashes in different directions, make the fire weak and stir the mass often.

Then put the norm of sugar into the ladle with mashed potatoes, and cook the contents for another 15 minutes, stirring constantly. Then turn off the fire.

Now our mass needs to be dried until cooked. This is best done in an electric dryer. Its container is covered over the entire area inside with high-quality food parchment. It is very important to lubricate it with vegetable oil so that there are no problems with removing the finished marshmallow. Lay out the slightly cooled apple mass from the ladle on the parchment in a thick layer (12–15 mm). Turn on the dryer. After about five hours, our apple marshmallow will reach its optimum level of readiness. The first sign of this: the apple layer easily separates from the paper and holds its shape.
Apple marshmallow in the dryer turns out to be quite dry, but not overdried, holds its shape well and curls easily.

Cut the marshmallow into strips 5-7 cm wide and roll into tubes. You can start tasting.

Grandma's recipe:

As a child, I really loved to eat marshmallow with my grandmother, it turned out incredible yummy, which replaced marmalade and other sweets for us, I often use its old recipe today.

Grandmother took 2 kg of overripe and unsuitable for other purposes sweet varieties of apples and sorted them out. Then she cut and cleaned them, putting the pieces in a pan with a thick bottom, adding 50 grams of warm water.
Close the lid tightly and simmer for 20 minutes on a gas stove over medium heat. During this time, the apples become soft.

Then she crushed the apple mass right in the saucepan with an ordinary wooden pusher (it turned out to be a heterogeneous puree). I added crushed walnuts to it (I “blew” them well beforehand so that there was no husk). Then she stewed without a lid and on very low heat, until the mass turned into thick and brown, like jam. This usually took more than 2 hours and the longer the puree was cooked, the more often it was stirred. Then the gas turned off and the oven turned on.

The apple mass was laid out on a baking sheet in a thick layer (about 2.5 cm) on parchment, which was well greased with refined sunflower oil. Then it was dried in a warm (but not hot) oven. It was taken out when the marshmallow easily lagged behind the parchment. It usually took about 5 hours.

Then the grandmother cut the finished marshmallow into rectangular small strips, sprinkled it with powdered sugar and put it in glass jars. This delicacy was stored in a cool and dark pantry. And the pastila was especially delicious for Christmas.

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Cooking Tips:

  • IN There should be a minimum amount of water in apples, the more liquid, the longer it will take to evaporate.
  • So that the boiling mass does not splash much, you need to stir it quickly and often. The fire doesn't have to be big. Care is needed here so as not to get burned from boiling splashes.
  • Parchment can stick to marshmallow in two cases: if the mass is too dry or if it is poorly oiled. It will be easy to tear off the marshmallow if you moisten the paper with water. This should be done carefully so that water does not get on the marshmallow, if after wetting the marshmallow does not come off, moisten the parchment again, but not much. Repeat this several times until the paper is wet.
  • If during cutting you find that the delicacy is still soft, sticky, then just dry the already cut strips.
  • Apple marshmallow at home is stored for a long time (until spring), but it requires some effort. The cut strips should be sprinkled with powdered sugar, put in a glass or tin jar and buried tightly. The storage temperature should be constant, just below +20.
  • It is not necessary to store in cellophane in the refrigerator, this will make the tasty treat sticky. It is better to put the strips in a glass container, close tightly and leave at room temperature (up to + 25) in a dark cabinet. So, it can be stored for 1-1.5 months.

Treat your baby? I suggest everyone to cook a wonderful apple marshmallow at home, which, in addition to being very tasty, also contains many useful substances. It will appeal not only to little peanuts, but also to their parents and neither one nor the other will not leave indifferent.

As you know, apples are rich not only in vitamins, but also in fruit fiber, which favorably affects digestion and the removal of toxins from the body. A minimum of sugar and special cooking conditions make it possible to preserve all the most valuable things in marshmallow.

Such a delicious dessert will charge you with energy and vivacity for the whole day, which is especially necessary for a child's body. After all, all kids are so restless.

For making apple pies we will need:

  • apples - 1kg
  • granulated sugar - 300 gr.
  • lemon ½ pc.

Homemade apple marshmallow - recipe with photo:

When buying apples for marshmallow, try to select the freshest, undamaged ripe apples. Next, you need to wash them well and dry them. Peel the apples, cut in half and remove the core.

Pour about 1 cm of water into the saucepan to the bottom and cut the apples into large slices.

Boil the apples until they are soft enough, do not forget to stir so as not to burn.

Grind the apples into a soft puree through a fine or medium sieve.

This is the consistency of the puree we get.

Sprinkle applesauce with sugar.

Squeeze the juice of half a lemon and add to the apple mass.

We send the saucepan with mashed potatoes to the stove, bring to a boil, boil for 10-15 minutes over low heat to dissolve the sugar.

We cover the baking sheet with parchment paper. So that the paper does not curl, moisten a baking sheet with cold water a little. Grease the top of the baking paper with a little vegetable oil. But only a little so that the pastille is not saturated with the smell of oil.

We spread the apple mass on a baking sheet and try to evenly distribute it with a metal spatula (not a wooden one, because the mass will stick to it) throughout the baking sheet. The layer should be 0.5 cm thick.

The next step is drying the apple marshmallow in the oven at a temperature of 50-70 degrees. It should take about 4-5 hours in the oven. To check if the marshmallow is ready, it is enough to touch its surface with your finger, if the finger does not stick, then it is ready.

Then you can roll the resulting layer into a roll and cut into curls, or fold in half and cut into small squares.

Dip the finished homemade apple marshmallow in sugar or powdered sugar.

Homemade apple marshmallow is ready. Happy tea.

A store-bought dessert with the same name is a miserable illusion of homemade apple marshmallows. This is not at all the delicacy that Pushkin, Chekhov, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky loved, mentioning in their works. It is not known when the original Russian dessert began to be prepared in the villages. But in the 18th century pastille factories were already opened in Russia. Today we get acquainted with the easiest recipes for making for the winter.

Before the revolution, there were three centers in the country that were proud of their unique recipes for making marshmallows - Kolomna, Rzhev and Belev, in the Tula province. Pastila glorified Russia. In many European capitals, in London, Paris, Vienna, Russian shops selling dessert were popular. Based on the recipe for marshmallows, the French came up with marshmallows.

How to make apple marshmallow at home

It is not difficult to prepare homemade marshmallow, you just need to know some nuances so as not to spoil the workpiece. Taste, color, lightness depend on the quality of apples.

  • The most delicious dessert dried in the sun. But it is long and quite troublesome. In the sun, the delicacy will dry out in 2-3 days. But you have to take it out in the morning, and hide it at night.
  • Many cooks use modern drying aids. These are gas ovens, electric dryers, convection ovens. Drying of products is much faster.
  • For the preparation of marshmallows, it is important that apples contain a lot of natural gelling agent - pectin. Acid varieties meet this requirement.
  • Sweeter varieties of fruits after baking, grind into puree, and boil a little, making it as thick as possible.
  • Apple mass can be artificially thickened. For this purpose put gelatin, agar-agar. The industry now produces special crystals for cooking jelly "Confiturka", "Zhelfix", containing natural pectin.
  • If making from baked apples, bake the whole fruit. The core is removed after, as many apples darken on the cut. In particular, Antonovka is an ideal variety for harvesting marshmallows. You can bake in halves, then lay the apples cut down.

How to understand that the pastille is ready

It is advisable not to miss the time when the workpiece is completely ready. If you do not finish drying the marshmallow, it will become like a viscous toffee. Overdried also will not give pleasure, it will crumble, resembling chips.

The finished apple delicacy is easily separated from the parchment. The plates are soft, elastic, easy to bend and twist.

Pastila from apples in the oven with sugar

Find the wild one, it's sour. Or choose sour orchard apples for marshmallows. Harvesting at home is made from oven-baked fruits.

You will need:

  • Fruit - 2 kg.
  • Sugar is a glass.

How to cook:

  1. Pour some water into the bottom of the pan. Lay out the whole apples.
  2. Preheat the oven section to 170 ° C. Bake the fruit for 40 minutes. For large fruits, slightly increase the time.
  3. Cool slightly, wipe with a sieve. Discard the cake, send the puree to the pan. Drain excess juice.
  4. Juicy apples require boiling, Antonovka can be left without cooking. Cook over low heat, stirring occasionally.
  5. When a third of the initial volume remains from the mass, turn off the burner. The puree should be golden and thick.
  6. Punch the mass with a blender or mixer. She brightens up.
  7. While continuing to beat, add the sugar. When the sand is completely bloomed, proceed to the next stage of preparation - drying.

Drying marshmallows in the oven

  1. Preheat the oven to 40-50 ° C. Pull parchment paper or foil onto a baking sheet, grease with vegetable oil.
  2. Lay out the apple mass in a centimeter layer.
  3. Dry with the oven door slightly ajar. The total drying time is about 6 hours.
  4. I usually dry for 2 hours. Then I turn off the oven. Without taking out the baking sheet and without closing the door, I keep it for half an hour. I check the pasta for readiness. If necessary, turn on the stove again and continue drying. Once you get the hang of it, you can tell by eye how much time you need to add.
  5. After drying the top layer, turn the marshmallow over. Continue the process until the other side is dry.
  6. Cut into curly pieces, sprinkle with powder, send to be stored in a jar or cardboard box.

Apple marshmallow without sugar - homemade recipe

It will appeal to all counting calories, monitoring the state of health, diabetics. The recipe is classic, since in the villages they used to prepare a dessert without sugar, it was too expensive.

How to make:

  1. Wash the fruits, divide into parts, removing the seed part. Cut off the skin or leave it on, it's up to you.
  2. Pour water into the pot so that the bottom closes by about a centimeter.
  3. Fold the apple pieces. On a fire of minimum power, begin to boil the mass, under a closed lid.
  4. Slowly bring to a boil. Simmer until the pieces are soft. It is impossible to specify the exact time, it depends on the variety of fruits and the degree of maturity.
  5. If the apples are juicy, a lot of juice will come out. Drain it, wipe the apples through a sieve. Drink apple juice, it contains a lot of vitamins. Instead of a sieve, you can work with a blender, this will speed up the process.
  6. How to dry. Line a baking sheet or a wide cutting board (I sometimes use it for cutting dough) with parchment or cling film.
  7. Lubricate with sunflower oil so that the finished pastille easily separates.
  8. Spread a thin layer of puree. To make the pastille dry quickly, make a layer no more than a centimeter.
  9. When the top layer dries, turn the workpiece over and dry it. In good weather, the delicacy will be ready after 2-3 days.
  10. Divide the layers of dessert into parts. Many are immediately cut into pieces of arbitrary shape - squares, stripes. Be sure to sprinkle with powdered sugar. Store marshmallows in glass jars.

Attention! According to any of the proposed recipes at home, you can make an appetizing marshmallow roll. To do this, sprinkle dried elastic layers with powdered sugar, roll up. Cut into pieces, hide in a jar.

Recipe for airy apple soufflé with protein

It is said that the French invented marshmallows. It is known for certain that they took the Russian recipe for apple marshmallow as a basis. They improved it a bit by adding protein, resulting in a delicious treat.

I offer our version of marshmallow - in the form of a soufflé. A variety of dessert is, with the recipes of which I have already introduced. Here is a light version.

  • Ready applesauce - 0.5 kg.
  • Egg white.
  • Sugar-sand - 150-200 gr.

Pasta step by step:

  1. Bake the fruit in the oven as described in the first recipe.
  2. If the consistency of the puree does not suit you, it is watery, reduce it a little to the correct density.
  3. Beat the mass, adding sugar in portions.
  4. Separately beat the protein.
  5. Connect, continue to work with a mixer. You will see stable peaks, the workpiece is ready.
  6. How to dry, also read in the first recipe.

Honey apple marshmallow - a simple recipe

Having learned how to make simple marshmallows at home, you can move on to more complex recipes.

Honey dessert is best done in small curly molds.


  • Fruit - 2 cups.
  • Honey is a glass.


  1. Bake fruit until soft. Make a puree. Rub in a sieve, removing the middle and skin. Measure, so many glasses turned out. Beat with a mixer.
  2. Whisk honey in a separate bowl. If the product is candied, dissolve it in a water bath.
  3. Connect the components, again work well with the mixer.
  4. Spread on molds with a layer of 2-3 centimeters.
  5. Dry in the oven, placing on a baking sheet. Temperature - 40-50 o C.
  6. Glue the finished blanks in pairs, smearing with honey.

Video with a step-by-step story of making homemade apple marshmallow. Good luck with your preparations!

I often make this simple apple dessert to replace all sorts of high-calorie cakes and pastries. This is a very good option for a sweet treat when you want to arrange fasting days and take a break from too high-calorie pastries. And if you have your own garden-garden, and apple trees grow in it, then you will definitely have to make marshmallows from apples. You can store it in the refrigerator, wrapped tightly with cling film. But, I want to tell you that it is eaten very quickly, and absolutely everyone likes it, so by wrapping the pieces of apple marshmallow in rolls and packing it beautifully, you can give it as a sweet gift. Such a natural and low-calorie sweetness is suitable for those who are on a diet, and for a change in fasting.

To prepare apple marshmallows at home (in the oven), you will need a minimum of ingredients - in fact, the apples themselves, and preferably green, they have more pectin. Usually I make marshmallow from Semerenko apples, add quite a bit of sugar and water. If you take apples that taste sweeter, then sugar can not even be added.

First, wash the apples and cut them into slices, removing the cores.

Now put the apple slices in a saucepan or saucepan.

We add water.

Cover with a lid and put on a small fire. Apples should soften, this will take 20-30 minutes. When outwardly they look like in the photo, remove the pan from the heat, let the apples cool a little so as not to burn yourself, and carefully drain the resulting juice. You can just drink it, because it is very tasty and resembles not even juice, but jelly.

Now the apple slices must be freed from the peel. You can do this through a sieve, grinding the whole mass in parts or removing the peel from each slice separately with a spoon.

Pour sugar into the resulting apple puree and again put on a slow fire and boil the puree for 15 minutes. After turning it with an immersion blender into a homogeneous mass.

We cover the baking sheet with parchment and grease with a small amount of vegetable oil. This will make it easier to remove the finished marshmallow from the parchment. Spread applesauce in an even layer on parchment paper.

We put the baking sheet in the oven and dry the marshmallow at 130 degrees for an hour and a half, we open the door a little during drying. To do this, I simply put a spoon between the door and the oven itself.

The finished apple marshmallow looks like this. While it is hot, it will be a little soft, just let it sit at room temperature, it will cool and harden. To make it easier to remove it from the parchment, cut the parchment together with the marshmallow with scissors.

And now, prying on one side, remove the marshmallow from parchment paper and turn each piece into a roll.

These are the rolls of apple marshmallows we got.

And if you want to give such a delicacy to your loved ones, then wrap each roll with pieces of parchment, tie it with a string or a bright ribbon and put it in a beautiful box. Sweet gift is ready!

A piece of such a sweet dessert will not harm you even if you eat it in the evening. Bon appetit!
