
Salo in brine step by step recipe. How to pickle lard at home - recipes for lard in brine, with garlic, in onion peel, etc.

Salo is a traditional and popular product among the people. Salting of fat is still carried out in many homes today. The taste of properly prepared salted lard is soft, tender and melts in your mouth. Salo is also very useful product nutrition, especially necessary human body V cold period of the year.

Natural fat - fat can be useful

Every human body needs fats to function properly. The composition of natural fat contains irreplaceable fatty acid involved in cell formation and metabolic processes. Salo prevents inflammation and colds, good for skin, nerves, joints and bones. Eating it regularly is necessary for the mind, vision and beauty.

Compound lard- useful material:

  • arachidonic acid is a participant in the formation of hormones in the body;
  • useful cholesterol, which increases the elasticity and flexibility of blood vessels;
  • saturated and unsaturated fatty acids necessary for proper metabolism;
  • vitamins - A, E, PP, D and group B;
  • minerals - calcium, potassium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, selenium, sodium, copper and others.

Like any medicine, lard is useful in small quantities- allowed to consume no more than 2-3 pieces of bread per day.

Salo is 100% animal fat, high in calories and difficult to digest, so it should be consumed in moderation and periodically. Eating a lot of fat is bad for the figure and hard for the liver.

The choice of fat for salting

Before salting lard at home, you must choose this product in the market or in the store.

secrets right choice lard for salting:

  • fresh fat is cut smoothly and easily;
  • on the cut, it should be uniform white or pale pink shade, dark color is usually in an old and stale product;
  • the pork skin should be thin, a thick layer of the skin indicates insufficient feeding of the animal;
  • lard is a product that is subject to mandatory inspection by sanitary inspection bodies; a quality and safety mark is put on the checked product.

Salt choice is a matter of personal taste. Someone chooses pieces with wide meat layers, someone likes a uniform white layer. Some are delighted with fat pork belly, others prefer lean ribs with a dainty layer of bacon.

Salted fat in brine

Salting fat at home can be done in different ways, hot way considered simple and popular. For this recipe, thick and wide fat is suitable.

Salting fat in brine in a hot way:

Lard for serving is cut better if you put it in the freezer for a while. The bacon will freeze slightly, it will be convenient to cut it with a knife into thin and beautiful plates.

Salting lard in brine in a cold way allows you to get a dish excellent taste, which does not turn yellow and does not age over time, be stored for a long time without losing its benefits and taste.

Fast salting of fat - four express methods

A quick recipe for salting lard is always an impact on it high temperatures. For this purpose, it is used hot pickle, cooking in the oven, slow cooker or microwave oven. At the same time, the taste of the dish only wins - the spices give off all their aroma, the fat becomes as soft and tender as possible.

1 way - salted lard in 3 hours

How to pickle lard in a jar - the fastest and easiest recipe. IN glass jar pieces of medium thickness are tightly packed - from 3 to 6 cm, garlic is added there and salt is poured to taste. Boiling water is poured into a jar with bacon, salt and garlic. This recipe only takes a few hours to prepare. Finished salted lard stored in the refrigerator, it should be eaten within a week.

2 way - bacon in the oven

To make delicious baked lard, you need to use different seasonings, garlic, herbs and herbs. They give the product all its taste and aroma, resulting in a truly festive dish.

For the recipe in oven suitable a thick and long piece of lard with a good layer of meat. It needs to be rubbed generously. Adyghe salt with herbs and garlic, then add spices, you can use a special composition for pork with dry mustard, turmeric and spices. From above, cuts should be made in which garlic is placed, lard is rubbed with adjika. The prepared product is wrapped in a bag and put in the refrigerator for an hour. The dish is cooked in the oven at a temperature of about 200 ° for 1.5-2 hours, depending on the size of the piece. The finished dish can be served immediately.

3 way - cooking lard in a slow cooker

The slow cooker has become a friend and helper in the kitchen for many housewives. It will allow you to quickly and tasty cook lard. It is better to take a not too thick piece that fits on the multicooker grate, with beautiful alternating layers of fat and meat. The selected product is generously rubbed with salt, grated garlic, seasonings and spices. Then it should be put in a baking sleeve and left to marinate for half an hour at room temperature. Pour a glass of water into the multicooker bowl and install the grate. The dish is cooked for an hour in steam cooking mode.

4 way - salting fat in a bag

How delicious to pickle lard at home? Quickly get beautiful and spicy homemade lard You can use a regular plastic bag. For 2 kg, you need 150 grams of salt, a pinch of black and red ground pepper, a few cloves of garlic. Lard is cut into small sticks, no more than 4 cm wide, on which cuts should be made across, for high-quality and quick salting. Pieces should be wiped with salt, sprinkled with a mixture of peppers, insert garlic into the cuts. The prepared product is placed in a bag and put in the refrigerator. After three days, you can try the readiness of fat.

Salted lard - original recipes for lovers

Salting fat in brine at home is a set interesting ways and original cooking methods. Each hostess can modify the recipe in accordance with personal taste preferences and family preferences.

Recipe number 1 Salted lard in brine

Strong saline solution or brine for salting lard allows you to significantly increase the shelf life of the product, without compromising its taste and benefits. For 2 kg of fat, you will need 2 cups of water, a glass of salt, a few bay leaves, peppercorns and garlic. Bring water to a boil, dissolve salt in it and then boil for another 15 minutes. Let the liquid cool down, and at this time fill three liter jar small pieces of bacon, mixed with spices and garlic. Fill the jar with brine to the brim and keep it in a dark place for a week. cool place. finished product pack in cling film and put in the refrigerator.

Recipe number 2 Spicy lard with garlic and spices

Dry salting of bacon with garlic allows you to salt layers of any size - large or medium. For spiciness, it is best to take a mixture of special spices for bacon, sold by weight. Garlic for this recipe should be passed through a garlic press or finely chopped with a knife. The bottom of the salting jar is covered with a layer of salt, then pieces are placed, sprinkled with seasoning and rubbed with garlic.

A little more salt is added under the lid. The minimum dry curing time is one week. Before freezing, the product is removed from the jar, the excess salt and spices are removed, wrapped in cellophane, foil or parchment, and stored.

Salo is a product high fat, which is friendly with salt and seasonings. You can not be afraid to salt or pepper the lard, it will take in itself how much salt, pungency and flavor you need.

Recipe number 3 Salting lard for smoking

Many gourmets are interested in how to pickle lard for smoking, because it is fragrant and original dish indispensable as a snack on a festive and everyday table. For this recipe clean pork fat one array in the volume of one and a half kilograms. The lard is washed and dried, grated, broken bay leaves, crushed black peppercorns are mixed separately, mustard powder and delicious Adyghe salt.

A piece of bacon must be pierced with a knife, and the prepared spices must be driven into it with force. A few tablespoons of salt are poured onto the bottom of a pan of a suitable volume, apple or cherry chips are laid out on top, on top of which a piece of lard is placed. The saucepan is filled to the brim boiling water. The dishes are covered with a lid and sent to the refrigerator for 1 week. Immediately before smoking, the workpiece is removed from the pan, washed from the remnants of salt and spices. Such smoked lard it turns out delicate in taste, fragrant and appetizing.

Recipe number 4 Garlic lard with herbs

Salo with herbs and garlic is delicious savory dish with which you can surprise your friends and please your family. For this recipe, you need to prepare small pieces, carefully cleaning the skin or cutting it off completely. The garlic is cut into thin slices, with which pieces are generously stuffed. Salt, spices and herbs are mixed in a separate bowl. Each piece is carefully processed with this mixture. A suitable jar is well stuffed with lard, a couple more tablespoons of salt should be added on top. The jar is closed with a lid and shaken so that the salt and seasonings are evenly distributed. Fat is prepared in the refrigerator for 5-7 days.

How delicious to pickle lard? Spices and lard are inseparable, seasonings emphasize unique taste bacon, giving the product a rich and rich flavor. Traditionally, lard is salted in combination with garlic, bay leaf and black ground pepper. Other seasonings for salting are selected individually, depending on the taste and preferences of each person.

Ideal spices for meat and fat:

  • paprika gives sharpness and bright colors;
  • coriander enriches the product sweet taste and spicy aroma;
  • ground black pepper is a traditional taste and deep aroma;
  • black peppercorns - used for hot pickles and marinades;
  • red pepper is sharp notes and the peppery smell of meat dishes;
  • mustard - ready, powder or seeds, for those who especially love it;
  • spicy ingredient for benefit and taste;
  • basil - lard with it will be appetizing, tasty and fragrant;
  • saffron carries a rich aroma with unique oriental notes;
  • cloves - added to marinades and brines for home salting fat.

Fat easily absorbs odors, so you need to keep an eye on its neighbors on the shelf. freezer and refrigerator. The storage of this product must be separate - in cling film, plastic bag or sealed container.

Ambassador is a reliable method long-term preservation meat and fish products, proven by prescription and generations. Salting lard in brine according to a recipe in a jar is a simple and affordable way for everyone. As a result, the table will be fragrant and tasty dish, which is guaranteed to be to the taste of guests and household members.

Video recipes for salting lard

To make this picture come true, you need to buy the right fat or pickle it at home. There are many ways, it is difficult to find your own, which you will like immediately and unconditionally. Try it and you will definitely get it.

The easiest way is, let's say, "grandmother's". According to the "grandmother's recommendations", for salting 15 kg of bacon, you need 1 kg of salt (that's how much salt was used before!). Just remember that it is suitable for lard without layers of meat.

The easiest recipe for salting lard at home

Cut the bacon with the skin into long sticks. Make transverse cuts every 8-10 cm. Rub the salmon on all sides with salt. Lay tightly so that there are no voids, in enamelware. Sprinkle again with salt. Place a wooden circle on top, and a weight on it.

Such an amount of fat requires periodically shifting the bottom row up, and the top one, respectively, down. You need to do this every 5 days.

After 20 days, the fat is ready. You can store it wrapped in a clean cloth and hanging in a cool place (cellar) for up to two months. For more long-term storage, spread out in bags, - in the freezer.

How to pickle lard with spices at home

Having slightly improved the “grandmother's recipe”, namely, by adding spices, we get the most delicate and delicious bacon to the table. This method is good for lard with a layer.

Salt Salt Ingredients:

  • fat - 2 kg
  • salt - 150 grams
  • black and red pepper - to your taste
  • garlic - 1 head

Preparing salty homemade lard

Cut the meat into strips 4-5 cm wide.

Make cross cuts on it.

Mix black and red peppers in a bowl.

Pour all the salt into the container.

Putting the fat in this container, rub it well with salt on all sides. Sprinkle the top with the pepper mixture.

Sprinkle the top with the pepper mixture.

Place slices of peeled garlic into the slits.

Transfer the fat to plastic bag, pour the rest of the salt here.

Put the package in the refrigerator. The fat will be salted in 3-4 days. After that, it can be removed from the refrigerator to make the last necessary manipulation:

to store lard, scrape off or rinse off excess salt, wrap in a cloth, then in a bag and freezer.


The main thing in the salting process is to choose the right fat. It should be soft soft sandpaper(it is desirable that it be tarred with straw, which, of course, is rare these days). Do not take thin fat, good - from 6 and above centimeters.

Although ... both the method of salting and the choice of fat, or rather the part of the carcass from where it is cut, each has its own. Someone likes clean, without meat, someone thinner, someone fat and without meat.

The salting process is simple, and most importantly, do not spoil the fat with salt. It will take what it takes. And this “necessary” is just right for our taste.

Spices. Here, too, everyone has their favorite and most used: from just salt to finely chopped greens. Garlic is also used to taste, not everyone likes it.

In general, all salting methods can be divided into dry and in brine. Above was the recipe for dry salting.

How to pickle lard at home in brine

One of the recipes when lard (and the skin) turns out to be very soft and fragrant. By varying the amount of spices and their composition, you can get a different taste.

Ingredients for lard in brine:

  • fat - 2 kg
  • salt - 1 cup
  • water - 1 liter
  • garlic - 4-6 cloves
  • Bay leaf- 10-20 pieces
  • ground black pepper - to your taste

How to cook homemade lard in brine

Cut the salo into small (about 5x10) pieces. Puree the garlic in a mortar or press.

Dissolve the salt in room temperature water in a saucepan. Put in a bay leaf. Bring the water to a boil. Cool the brine.

Pepper pieces of bacon to taste. Coat with garlic. Put them in a container and fill with brine. Put a lid (plate) and oppression on top.

Put the fat in the refrigerator for six hours.

After this time, the fat is ready for use. Store it in the freezer, after putting it in a bag.

About the benefits of fat and gorilka

Salting lard is one of the old methods of preserving its excess. But this goal was relevant once, in the days of natural peasant farms. Today, lard is salted not so much to save, but to get delicious product. Which, oddly enough, is also useful.

Of course, lard is almost 100% fat, which means it’s all “bad” cholesterol, what good can it be ... But.

But if your heart and blood vessels are healthy, and if you have an intelligent habit of eating goodies in moderate amounts, you will get a lot of benefits from salted lard.

1 Homemade lard makes useful arachidonic acid(Omega-6-unsaturated fatty), which is needed for cholesterol metabolism (thanks to it, cholesterol does not accumulate on the walls of blood vessels in large quantities), hormonal and cellular activity.

2 high energy value . Calorie content of salty homemade fat 770 Kcal. This is the so-called "good", "long" caloric content, valuable for nutrition, for example, tourists, athletes, people engaged in physical labor. A couple of bacon sandwiches are a great energy snack if you can't have a full meal.

Especially well fat saturates if you use it. with a glass of vodka. Alcohol breaks down fats into water and "clean" energy, that is, carbohydrates, turning pork fat into a super-nutritious food that satisfies the need for food for a long time.

And this is far from all the benefits that can be extracted from fat.

As for the taste of homemade salted bacon, they don’t talk about it. They try it.

Salted bacon with garlic, and a crust of black bread ... mmm ... The best appetizer under a stack of cold vodka can not be found ...

There are many recipes for salting lard. Each of them is good in its own way. But the main secret of delicious salty lard lies in the lard itself. Yes, yes, it is important for salting to choose the right fat with a soft and thin skin, without foreign smell. The layers from the back or sides of the piglet are best suited. The thickness of the fat should be approximately 3-5 cm (up to 10 cm for amateurs). Thin streaks with meat are allowed. Today we will salt lard in brine. The recipe is simple and in my opinion one of the most successful.

Pork fat - 2 kg;
garlic - 1 head;
salt - 1 cup;
water - 5 glasses;
bay leaf - 4-5 pieces;
peppercorns - to taste.

Let's prepare the brine first. Pour five cups of water into a saucepan, add one cup of salt and bring to a boil. Proportions are time-tested, so don't hesitate. You can also make bacon preparations for the future, then we increase the amount of brine in proportion to the amount of lard. Cool the prepared brine for lard to room temperature.

While the brine is cooling, prepare the lard. Cut into pieces the width of a matchbox. Such pieces are easy to put in a 3-liter jar, and then get them out of there.

Grind the garlic with a knife and generously rub pieces of lard on all sides.

We put the fat in the jar not very tightly so that it does not fade. Between the pieces, do not forget to add bay leaf and peppercorns. Pour the salo with cold brine.

We cover the jar with a towel and leave the lard to salt at room temperature for at least 4 days, for a maximum of 6 days. It depends on the thickness of the fat.

After the required time, we take out the fat from the brine. We put it in bags and put it in the freezer. In this form, lard can be stored for as long as you like. But I think such a delicious salty lard longer than a month unlikely to last...

Salting bacon in brine is a great way to make delicious and fragrant snack For holiday table And daily diet. Ready-made salted pieces literally melt in your mouth, and with a piece of black bread they turn into real delicacy. Despite all their amazing taste qualities, preparing salted lard is not difficult at all. When using some recipes, you will have to wait for the dish to be ready for several days, but the cook will not need to participate during this period.

Salting bacon in brine begins with the preparation of the bacon itself. Usually, for such purposes, they choose bacon with a small layer of meat, but you can take it without it, or even choose bacon. It is rubbed with spices, stuffed with garlic or pepper. After that, you can shift the fat into a special brine. To do this, dissolve salt in water. The resulting liquid is boiled if we are talking about the hot salting method, or immediately used for its intended purpose.

You can add any spices to your taste in the brine: sugar, black and allspice peas, bay leaves, ground red pepper, cumin coriander, as well as honey, onion peel, etc. The fat itself is placed in foil, a jar or bag, and then stored in the refrigerator. Can be done with it delicious salads, sandwiches and other snacks, add it first and second courses. At the same time, even in splendid isolation, lard will become one of the most sought-after dishes on the table.

The secrets of preparing the perfect salting of lard in brine

Salting fat in brine - very desired recipe for those who love to be pampered savory snacks. This product perfectly absorbs the tastes and aromas of spices, so you can easily give it more and more new shades. Figure out, how to cook salo in brine, not at all difficult, especially if you stock up interesting recommendations from experienced professionals:

Secret number 1. Salted lard in brine is stored in the refrigerator in jars or other sealed container. The shelf life of this product is long enough, so you can cook bacon with a margin.

Secret number 2. The beauty of salting lard is that this product is simply impossible to oversalt. No matter how much salt you put in the water, the fat will still take exactly as much as it needs.

Secret number 3. If the recipe says to store lard in foil, then plain paper can also be used instead.

Secret number 4. Fresh lard is usually white or pinkish in color, with pleasant smell, with soft and clean skin.

Secret number 5. Salo can be salted in brine in a jar. So it will be possible to do without oppression and search suitable container. To do this, you need to make a brine immediately in a jar and put lard in it. The time of such salting is approximately 1 week, and the finished fat is then stored in foil.

With the addition of sugar, the taste of lard changes dramatically, but such an experiment will definitely appeal to those who have already tried other salting methods. The rest of the brine is used standard. You may need a little more or less water. It is necessary that she completely covers the pieces of fat. It will take a long time to wait for the final preparation, but then the fat can be stored in the refrigerator for an almost unlimited amount of time.


  • 5 kg of fat;
  • 5 st. l. Sahara;
  • 5 st. l. salt;
  • 4 tsp black ground pepper;
  • 1 st. l. thyme;
  • 5 bay leaves;
  • 20 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 liters of water.

Cooking method:

  1. Dissolve salt and sugar in water.
  2. Add thyme, bay leaves and black pepper to the brine, stir.
  3. In the fat, make cuts at a distance of about 5 cm from each other.
  4. Insert a whole clove of garlic into each slit.
  5. Place the fat in a bowl with brine and place a load on top.
  6. Keep the fat under pressure for 2 weeks, then store in a cool place.

Interesting from the network

Who really knows a lot about cooking bacon, so it's the Ukrainians. In fact, there are several recipes with such an appetizing name, but they all lead to a very tasty and appetizing treat. At the same time, garlic is always an obligatory ingredient, which makes the fat very tasty and fragrant. The rest of the spices can be chosen to your taste, not deviating much from the recipe. Instead of sea ​​salt you can take the usual one, but experienced chefs do not recommend the use of salt with small grains.


  • 1.5 kg of fat;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 6 cloves of garlic;
  • 5 bay leaves;
  • 2 tbsp. l. sea ​​salt;
  • 1 st. l. allspice (ground);
  • 6 black peppercorns.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the piece of fat thoroughly, scrape the skin with a knife.
  2. Cut the fat into long sticks.
  3. In a saucepan, mix water and salt, add black and allspice.
  4. Break the bay leaves into small pieces, finely chop the garlic.
  5. Add garlic and parsley to the saucepan with brine and stir everything.
  6. Put the fat in the brine, cover with a plate on top and put oppression.
  7. Keep fat in a cool place under oppression for 3 days.
  8. Dry the finished pieces of bacon with napkins and serve.
  9. You can also wrap the lard in foil and store in the freezer.

Many salt lard using onion skins. This simple and, in fact, free ingredient does wonders for lard. First, he is provided spicy aroma similar to smoked meats. Secondly, the husk will change the color of the dish to golden, which will look very appetizing. Experts recommend using old onion husks, as it gives off its color more easily. For this recipe, it is recommended to choose lard with a meat layer.


  • 1.5 kg of fat;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 8 onions (husk);
  • 1 glass of salt;
  • 4 peas of allspice;
  • 3 bay leaves.

Cooking method:

  1. Salt dissolved in water, put a saucepan with brine on the fire and boil.
  2. Rinse the onion peel thoroughly and add to the saucepan, cook for another 5 minutes.
  3. Rinse and scrape the fat, put it in a boiling brine.
  4. With a slight boil, cook the lard for 10 minutes, then remove the saucepan from the heat.
  5. Leave the fat in the brine for another 15 minutes.
  6. Transfer the fat to a plate, wait until the remaining brine drains.
  7. Break the bay leaf into small pieces, mince the garlic.
  8. Crush the peppercorns with a knife.
  9. Mix together all the spices.
  10. When the fat has cooled completely, make shallow cuts in it over the entire surface.
  11. Grate the lard with spices, wrap in foil and place in the refrigerator.
  12. Once the lard is well frozen, you can cut it into portioned pieces and serve to the table.

The hot salting method implies that the lard will be boiled in brine with various spices. This will allow him to be well saturated with all the flavors and aromas. In this case, the fat will become even more tender. Recipe for lovers hot snacks. Ready lard is recommended to be served with black bread and fresh vegetables. If desired, onion skins can be added to the brine to give ready meal beautiful brown shade.


  • 700 g of fat;
  • 1 glass of salt;
  • 7 glasses of water;
  • 5 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 tsp red ground pepper.

Cooking method:

  1. In a saucepan, mix water and salt, bring the brine to a boil.
  2. Cut the lard into pieces convenient for salting and put in a saucepan with brine.
  3. Boil the fat for 10 minutes, then remove the brine from the heat and leave the fat in a saucepan for another 1 day.
  4. Remove the finished fat from the brine, let it dry.
  5. Pass the garlic through a press and mix with red ground pepper.
  6. Grate lard with garlic and pepper, wrap it in foil and leave for a day in the freezer.

This recipe requires a minimum amount of ingredients, because, in fact, it is quite simple to salt the fat plain water and salt. All other seasonings are added at the discretion of the cook. You can take black and allspice, hot spices, coriander, thyme, etc. This fat is perfect for further smoking, although you can serve it to the table in this form as a delicious snack.


  • 1 kg of fat;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • Salt, spices.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the salo, pat dry, and pat dry with paper towels.
  2. Pour enough water into the bowl to completely cover the fat.
  3. Add salt to the water and wait for it to completely dissolve.
  4. Chop the garlic and also put it in a bowl with water and salt.
  5. Cut the fat into small pieces and put them in the brine.
  6. Put a load on the fat and leave it at room temperature for 3 days.
  7. Remove the fat from the brine and dry well, use as directed.

Now you know how to cook salted lard in brine according to the recipe with a photo. Bon appetit!

Salo has long been considered one of the most popular Slavic dishes. Perhaps, it is impossible to imagine a Russian, Ukrainian or Belarusian who would not treat this product with special trepidation and would not know a lot of recipes for its preparation. Salo can be cooked in any form: fried, boiled, smoked, salted.

Sometimes lard is salted, as they say, "once", and sometimes large-scale preparations are made for the winter. This is where we advise salting lard in a jar. Most delicious recipe this product we offer you today. It is simple, fast, but gives an amazingly tasty and fragrant “result”.

Salo in a jar can be boiled, salted or in brine. Let's look at all these three options, and everyone will choose the one that will suit their taste.

How to choose lard for salting

Before you start cooking any dish, you should select suitable, high-quality and the right ingredients. It's the same with lard. How to choose it correctly? Firstly, the pieces must be tender Pink colour with thin skin. If the piece has a grayish tint, then it is already stale, stale fat. It is not recommended to take it for salting, and indeed for eating.

It sometimes seems to many that yellow fat is also stale or old. But in fact, homemade lard with big amount the fat layer sometimes has a yellowish tint, and this is perfectly acceptable. Such a product, as a rule, is from boars, it is sinewy and rather hard. It can be used for frying, but this option is not suitable for salting.

Secondly, the correct thickness is important if you are going to salt the lard in a jar. The most delicious recipe for everyone, of course, will be their own. Someone likes pure fat with the minimum amount meat, and for someone, on the contrary, a small layer of fat on a large, solid and appetizing meat piece. However, experts say that no matter which piece you choose, the optimal thickness for salting is three to five centimeters.

Classic dry pickling

So you chose suitable pieces and decided to salt the fat in a jar. The most delicious recipe, according to many housewives, is salted lard without adding liquid. This method is called dry own juice". It is recommended to take very fresh fat for this recipe.

What do you need

Cooking process

The selected pieces for salting must be washed and dried. Pour salt into a separate bowl. This salting of fat in jars occurs in stages. Roll a few pieces in salt and lay them on the bottom. Then comes the next couple of pieces, also carefully sprinkled with salt. Between the layers, you can add a couple of bay leaves, chopped garlic and peppercorns. Try not to fill the jar completely. Salt two-thirds of the jar, leaving a cushion of air. This method allows the fat to “ventilate”, and after opening the jar it will not be sour and with an unpleasant odor.

If you salt the product for the future, then use iron lids and a seaming machine. But you can do it "once" tasty fat in the bank. The recipe will differ only in the lid - it will be ordinary plastic. After salting, the fat must be cleaned in a cool dark room. As a rule, this is a cellar or a refrigerator (if the number of cans is small).

Salting method in brine

Many housewives say that the most fragrant and delicious lard in brine in a jar is obtained. Let's take a look at this method.

For cooking we need:

  • Small pieces of lard (about 500 grams).
  • Four cloves of garlic.
  • Two liters of cold water.
  • Peppercorns.
  • One pack of table salt.


A big one is taken three-liter jar and pre-washed and dried pieces of lard are placed in it. We put a pot of water on the stove, into which we add chopped garlic, bay leaf, salt. For this recipe, peppercorns are recommended to be crushed so that it gives off the most flavor and aroma. When the water boils, remove the pan from the stove and wait for it to cool down. Pour cooled pieces salt brine and roll up the lid. Since you are pouring the product already cold water you can store it in the fridge right away.

This option is not suitable for harvesting fat for future use. But a large number of housewives make just such pickled lard in a jar. The most delicious recipe requires only a couple of days of salting in the refrigerator and the fat is ready to eat. After these days, we take out the lard from the brine, blot it with a paper towel in order to remove excess moisture. We make a sprinkling: ground black, red allspice, paprika. Roll each piece of bacon in this pepper "breading".

Boiled lard in a jar

We have already marinated the salo in brine and simply salted it in our own juice. It remains to be cooked. To boiled lard it turned out delicious and fragrant, again we add to it the ingredients already known to us - garlic, pepper and bay leaf.

To make boiled lard, you need to choose the right pieces. They should be a little thinner than those that we took for pickling and salting. It is recommended to make boiled lard from pieces that do not contain a large number meat. As you know, fat never takes the salt that he does not need. But its meat part will easily absorb everything that you offer. It may turn out that the fat will be perfectly salted, but meat part, as they say, "you can't take it in your mouth." We always remember to take this moment into account.

Boiled lard can be obtained in several ways. Someone simply fills the product with hot brine, rolls up the lid and gets boiled lard in a jar. The most delicious recipe, according to most housewives, is lard, which was cooked in a saucepan, and then packed and rolled up in jars for storage.

About the pickle - everything is clear. Let's take a closer look at the second method. In order to cook delicious bacon, we need: directly main product, salt, black peppercorns, bay leaf, water and onion peel. Also in the course will go a large deep pan. If you salt the usual small pieces, then you can put them in a container just like that. If you take a long ribbon of fat (from the sternum or from the back), then you also need a strong twine. With it, you can tie the rolled fat into a roll and cook it in this form.

So, first we prepare the water for cooking. How much salt to add? For one liter of liquid, we need to add one hundred grams of it. We look at how many liters of water will be poured into the pan and calculate the amount of salt. Everything is simple. What was the onion peel for? In order for the lard to turn out to be a pleasant reddish color and to be even more fragrant, many housewives use onion husks. When you have already put the salt, put the husks and put the pan on the fire. As soon as she gives up the color, she can be taken out. And you can cook lard right in it.

There is another secret. Do not immediately remove the fat from the water if the prescribed cooking time has passed. Turn off the heat and let the product sit in this brine for a while. Taking the fat out of the pan, blot it a little with a napkin, getting rid of unnecessary liquid, and sprinkle each piece with ground pepper.

Now you can clean the fat for storage. We put the pieces in a jar and sprinkle with chopped garlic. With this method, the skin will turn out soft in taste. If you like the skin to be tougher and stronger, then it is recommended to store the fat not in a jar, but in foil or parchment paper.

We have shared with you three different ways and told how to cook lard in a jar. Choose the most delicious recipe for yourself, but it’s better to try everything at once and only then decide which one is more suitable for your family. Bon appetit!
