
How to cook condensed milk in the microwave. How to cook condensed milk in the microwave yourself: homemade recipes and reviews about them

There are many options for how to cook condensed milk in the microwave, but not all of them are correct. Many housewives, using a microwave oven for cooking boiled condensed milk, complain that when cooking, the delicacy begins to “run away” over the edge, lumps are formed that spoil the whole look. And yet, condensed milk thickens so much and becomes hard, which is why the product has to be thrown away, and along with the dishes, since it is almost impossible to wash it. So how do you make a dumpling so that it turns out for sure? Let's find out!

General rules

To prepare boiled condensed milk in the microwave, you need to take into account all the nuances. It is also worth considering the features of each specific microwave.

Rule 1

Condensed milk for cooking should have a fat content of 8.5-8.8% and a natural composition. Ideally, this is milk and sugar, but the addition of cream, dry dairy products, ascorbic acid and stabilizers is allowed. But vegetable fats should not be in the composition, otherwise it simply will not work to get boiled condensed milk.

Rule 2

Plastic containers should not be used for cooking, as condensed milk in the microwave will react with plastic and it will not be possible to separate it from the walls of the vessel. You need to choose a glass container or ceramic. To prevent milk from running over the edges when boiling, take a larger cup.

Rule 3

You should never cook all the condensed milk at once. Take half a jar first or even less.

Rule 4

Do not put the microwave at maximum power when cooking, because the composition of condensed milk is, in fact, water. And foods with a high water content are cooked in the microwave very quickly. If the power is too high, the moisture will instantly evaporate, and instead of a delicious “dumpling”, you will get a hard toffee, which, moreover, will be problematic to pull out of the cup where the product was prepared. However, it should be remembered that everyone’s microwave is different: there is with a grill, there is with convection, and there are also very simple ones, so there is no the same rule for power, but it’s worth starting from the very minimum and constantly making sure that our milk does not run away.


This cooking recipe is the most optimal, and boiled condensed milk is always obtained according to it. It is better to eat this delicacy right away.
So, we take a glass cup (or ceramic), pour half a can of condensed milk. You can take store or condensed milk. We cover the cup with a treat with cling film and make a small hole in it so that excess steam comes out. Thus, we will prevent strong evaporation of moisture from the product.

We set the power of the microwave oven to 180 watts and cook for about 20 minutes. It is important to take out the cup every 1-2 minutes, and, having slightly opened the edge of the film, mix the dessert. Then we return the film to its place and put it in the microwave again. It makes a delicious dessert.
But remember that boiled condensed milk in the microwave is not suitable as a cake cream, it hardens very quickly. If you need a boiled cream for cream, it is better to cook it in the traditional way in a jar or buy it ready-made in a store.
Now you know how to make boiled condensed milk in the microwave. Bon appetit!

Condensed milk, which may or may not be sweetened, is cow's milk from which 60 percent of the water has been evaporated during the heating process and to which sugar is added (or not added). It is viscous, slightly yellowish in color, unlike fresh milk.

Condensed milk can be stored closed for up to one year, so you can safely stock up in case of a suddenly awakened hunger for sweets - boiled condensed milk in the microwave will definitely save you. But you don't know how to cook condensed milk in the microwave? Then carefully, so as not to make mistakes, read and follow.

We cook condensed milk in the microwave

For a sweet tooth who cooks condensed milk on the stove, it seems like an eternity until the moment the desired jar is opened. Whether it's a matter of cooking it in a microwave oven - in less than 20 minutes (7-8 minutes to cook and time to cool) you can already enjoy it by licking another spoonful.

Instruction. Take a 420 gram can of sweetened condensed milk. Open and pour into a 1.5 liter glass bowl. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and poke a hole in it to let the steam out.

Place a bowl of condensed milk in the microwave, set the medium power and two minutes of time. At the end, remove the bowl, open the film, mix with a whisk.

Again put in the MVP for two minutes at medium power. Stir again when finished.

Continue cooking in 2.5 minute increments on medium power for 5-8 minutes, stirring between each interval. After the first two stirrings, you will notice that the milk bubbles and foams - this is the moisture leaving. Then, with each stirring, you will hear that the milk becomes more and more dense and takes on a caramel color.

If after 8 minutes you like the color and texture, stop! If you want a thicker one, then continue to cook in 1-minute intervals for another 2-3 minutes.

Remove from microwave and let cool. Transfer to a glass jar or use immediately.

If you did everything according to the instructions, and the milk did not thicken and did not acquire a characteristic color, then you may not have cooked enough or the product is of poor quality - look at what is written on the package, what are the ingredients (real condensed milk has only whole milk and sugar) and what is the fat content ( should be 8-8.5%).

How is boiled condensed milk made? In the old-fashioned way, a tin can with condensed milk is placed in a pot of water and boiled, boiled .... Two hours. We get a brown thick sweetness, similar to caramel.

The problem is that during digestion, heavy metal salts penetrate the product, that is, such condensed milk is harmful to our body. But it turns out that you can cook your favorite "varenka" quickly and easily. And in the end, we will expect a tasty, healthy product.

To cook boiled condensed milk in the microwave, we need "raw" condensed milk.

Be sure to place it in a glass or ceramic heat-resistant dish. We put a plate with condensed milk in the microwave for 2 minutes (at a power of 650-700 W).

BUT! If your microwave oven has a transparent door, then I recommend "peeping" - condensed milk can easily escape from the bowl. After 2 minutes, take it out of the oven and stir.

Then we send the condensed milk back to the microwave. But now for 1 minute, and we control the process with all our might. As soon as we see that the milk is ready to run away, open the door and mix the milk. We cook condensed milk in this way to the consistency and color you need. This usually takes 10-14 minutes.

Microwaved boiled condensed milk is ready.

We serve treats with tea, cookies. Boiled condensed milk is a great addition to dessert. Happy tea!

This is such a delicious treat!

Not everyone today trusts industrially produced treats, especially when it comes to canned foods. Therefore, today our article is devoted to how to make boiled condensed milk in the microwave, because it will turn out even tastier than purchased and certainly more useful.

There will definitely not be anything superfluous and harmful in the home product, and its preparation in the microwave will take much less time than on the stove.

Indeed, it sounds incredible, but you can make homemade condensed milk in the microwave much faster. Just some 15 minutes and we have a fragrant thick delicacy that can be smeared on bread, added to cake cream or stuffed.

The right products for a recipe for condensed milk in the microwave

So, what do we need to prepare this simple dish.

Condensed milk

We buy raw condensed milk, but we make sure that there are no impurities in the composition - vegetable fats, etc. Real condensed milk is made only from sugar and milk.

It is better not to check how foreign ingredients behave when heated in the microwave.


Since it will not work to heat condensed milk in a metal bowl, we will stock up in advance with a glass bowl or a medium-sized jar to pour milk into it. It is better not to cook in plastic.

That, in fact, is all that is required in order to make boiled condensed milk in the microwave. Shall we try cooking?

Homemade condensed milk in the microwave

Step 1

Open a jar of condensed milk and pour it into a 1 liter glass bowl.

Such a supply of containers is useful in case of bubbles. With high sides, milk will definitely not run away.

Step 2

We set the microwave to 600-700W and 2 minutes. Over time, mix the condensed milk with a fork or whisk.

Again we set for 2-2.5 minutes at the same power. In total, we keep the condensed milk for 8 minutes, stopping the process every 2 and mixing it well.

The advantage is that we ourselves can control the consistency, color and degree of milk cooking. If you want to make it thinner, we stop after 6 minutes, if you need the milk to turn out to be very dense and rich in warm shade, increase the time to 10 minutes.

The main thing is not to set the power more so that the condensed milk does not start to burn.

Step 3

We shift the boiled condensed milk into a jar with a lid while it is hot - so its consistency will still be more liquid and easier to pour.

Let cool and refrigerate or serve immediately!

Now you know how to make boiled condensed milk in the microwave. As you can see, there is nothing complicated in this, on the contrary, nothing could be simpler, so it’s worth trying and cooking!

Happy drinking, friends!

Greetings, my dear cooks! Recently, on the Internet, I came across an interesting option on how to cook condensed milk in the microwave. I confess I was intrigued. I immediately had the opinion that a jar of condensed milk is put in a microwave oven and cooked. But not everything is so simple. There are some nuances here. Let's look at them together.

I found this option online. Condensed milk is poured into a container that is allowed for a microwave oven. Then set the power to 700W and cook. Moreover, every 2 minutes the container is taken out and the product is mixed. Cooking condensed milk according to this recipe takes 20 minutes.

It seems like there is nothing complicated. But many housewives, having tried this option, complain that:

  • milk immediately begins to run over the edge;
  • lumps are formed;
  • when cooking, condensed milk hardens so much that it is easier to throw away the dishes than to wash them

By the way, here are some testimonials:

Lina: Why just go for the speed? I ruined everything ... I had to mix not every 2 minutes, but after 15-20 seconds. Can you imagine what it was? I opened it, shuffled it, closed it again and again ... I thought I was going crazy. As a result, the milk took grains.

Lily: This is a failed attempt that I will remember for the rest of my life. I didn't really know how to cook. She poured condensed milk into a plastic container. And that it is necessary to stir the milk was not written. In general, I turned on the microwave and went ... I came to my senses when the apartment was filled with a pungent smell of synthetics. But it was too late - the product was spoiled, the container was destroyed, and the microwave was stained.

Svetik: I cooked from condensed milk on medium power. stir after 1-1.5 minutes. But it still ran away. And the condensed milk did not become darker - it remained as light as it was at the beginning of cooking. It tastes like boiled condensed milk, but still not the same. It tastes better on the stovetop. But that is not all. When my work cooled down, it became wooden. You can’t pick it off with a spoon ... and the taste has changed - now it looks more like caramel.

Why doesn't everyone succeed

What were the hostesses doing wrong? Maybe the milk was chosen incorrectly or the power was too high.

The composition of this condensed milk includes components: cow's whole milk / cream + sugar + drinking water + ascorbic acid + stabilizer

There should not be any additional components (for example, vegetable fats). According to GOST, the fat content of condensed milk should be from 8.5% to 8.8%. So read the packaging carefully.
