
Thin bacon in onion skins. Boiled lard in onion skins

Using this recipe, you can cook delicious lard cooked in onion skins. It is very easy to make such a simple and tasty snack.

Cut it into pieces whose weight should not exceed 300-350 grams. Sprinkle them liberally with salt, put them in a saucepan or box and let them stand in a cool place for two days.

How to cook lard in onion skins.

After 48 hours, dip the fat into boiled water, to which add two or three handfuls of dry onion peel. Fat, at the same time, do not shake off the salt adhering to it.

In a saucepan with lard, also put a few pieces of bay leaves, a teaspoon of black pepper, red ground - two spoons. If you like lard with garlic, then add its two heads, but chopped.

Wait until the water in the pan boils and cook the lard from this moment for 8 minutes. When the time is up, turn off the stove, but do not get the bacon out of the pan - let it cool in the fragrant brine.

After cooling, remove the fat, remove the onion peel from it and blot with a napkin.

Store cooked lard in the freezer. This will give you the opportunity to cut it into the thinnest transparent pieces when serving. With such delicious boiled bacon, it is good to make snack sandwiches and serve them with homemade vodka.

See video: Salted lard in onion skins.

Hello dear hostesses!

Welcome to the article in which we will cook delicious lard in onion skins together with you.

Awesome, tasty and fragrant, which can be served with borscht or just eat with bread.

Such lard is prepared quite quickly, it has an unusual taste, try it yourself!


  • Salo - 1.5 kg
  • Coarse salt - 170 gr
  • Water - 1.5 liters.
  • Onion peel - a lot, a three-liter jar
  • Mixture of ground peppers (black, red, white)
  • Bay leaf - 3-4 pieces
  • Garlic - 2 heads


For our husk recipe, you need a lot. Personally, I never throw away the husk, but collect it slowly. Just I have accumulated a full, fairly tightly packed 3-liter jar.

In this recipe, the more husks you managed to collect, the better, the color will be more saturated and bright.

Wash onion skins in warm water. It is convenient to do this in such a basin, but just a roomy saucepan will do.

Dial, pobble, drain the water and repeat the procedure. So it will be clean and ready for further use.

We spread half of the entire volume of the husk on the bottom of the multicooker bowl or in the pan in which you will cook the lard. There is no fundamental difference where to cook.

On top of it, like on a pillow, spread the fat. Choose lard, in which there are a lot of meat layers, it will be tastier. This is my brisket, but it also works very well in this recipe for undercuts (sometimes sold under the name brisket).

On top of the fat, we put bay leaves, peppercorns, a teaspoon of ground pepper mixture and pour salt.

All this is covered with the remaining husk.

Pour water into a saucepan and press the husk with a spoon so that it gets wet. I had one and a half liters to completely cover the pieces.

If your pot is large enough that this amount of water isn't enough, just add more water.

We put on fire. If you have a slow cooker, then select the Soup or Cooking mode.

After boiling, we boil the fat for 20 minutes. This is the time for both a conventional stove and a multicooker.

After the cooking time has elapsed, we do not open the lid and do not pull out the fat.

Let it stay covered until it cools down. We send it to the refrigerator overnight. Salo should be infused in onion brine for a whole day.

So, the day has passed, you can take it out!

Take off the onion skins. We wipe the fat itself with a paper towel, or put it on a paper towel or a dish to dry it.

The color of the meat is already breathtaking! It is very pretty and smells amazing.

Now we will rub it with spices and garlic. To do this, peel the garlic, disassemble it into cloves and pass these cloves through a crusher.

I took ground black pepper, a ground mixture of peppers to accompany him, broke a few bay leaves and added all this to the crushed garlic. Then I mixed it all well - a delicious aroma floated through the kitchen!

With this mixture we rub each piece of fat, very carefully, without skipping. See what a beauty!

Then we wrap the meat in baking paper, put the bundle in a plastic bag and send this yummy to the freezer overnight. So I do with each piece separately, each of them has an individual wrapper and bag.

When I cook such fat, my husband, like a hungry cat, cuts circles around the refrigerator, waiting for it to be ready, and there is so much impatience in his eyes. And laughter and sin! 😄

It's good that you don't have to wait long. The night lay down and you can try!

We take out the fat, let it thaw a little and cut it into beautiful thin slices.

It will be lighter inside than outside. The aroma from this fat is extraordinary!

Let's try and enjoy the taste!

Such an appetizer is good for dinner and is not ashamed to put on the festive table. Delicious!

Cook, try, I think that after that you will cook all the time. You just need to remember to collect the onion peel. 😉

Hostess.online was with you, see you in new delicious articles!

I tried to cook boiled lard in onion peel with garlic for the first time, and then only because I received a letter from a reader asking me: “Do you have such a recipe on your blog?”. As it turned out, he somehow escaped my attention during all the years that I have been blogging, so I decided to urgently fill this gap in my culinary biography.

To prepare today's dish, we need the following products: lard, water, salt, onion peel, pepper, bay leaf and garlic. I can say with confidence that lard cooked in onion skins is a culinary masterpiece made from the most affordable ingredients that fits perfectly into the list of Easter recipes! The main moment in its preparation comes at the stage when you walk around the market in search of this yummy. I do not recommend buying lard in a store, but the market, where you will be happy to be offered to taste the lard before buying it, will be the best place where you can find a fresh, high-quality and fragrant product. This simple wisdom was taught to me by my dad, and I always try to stick to it.

Now it is worth mentioning the onion peel. It is used in the recipe to give the finished bacon an appetizing smoked look. The taste qualities of the finished dish will not leave indifferent any "salo-eater".

Boiled lard in onion peel can be served at the table the next day after cooking, but the cooking time itself needs no more than for similar meat dishes. The result that you will eventually get will please not only your household, but also your acquaintances and friends who have come to visit!


  • 800 g fat
  • 1 liter of water
  • 1 glass of salt
  • Onion peel 6 onions
  • 10 black peppercorns
  • Allspice, coriander (to taste)
  • 4 bay leaves
  • 5 cloves of garlic for marinade
  • 4 cloves of garlic for the bacon itself

Cooking step by step with photos:

Bon appetit!

Salo boiled in onion skins will be able to be prepared by anyone, regardless of the culinary experience that he has. The whole process of preparing this bacon snack is extremely simple, and every hostess and owner will cope with this task. Finally, I want to give a few tips so that your boiled bacon turns out delicious and will appeal to all tasters:
  • For cooking bacon, we need 1 cup of salt, and this is not a typo. Prepare the dish based on the number of products that are indicated in the list of ingredients;
  • Responsibly approach the choice of fat, as the final result of all your cooking will depend on this;
  • Try to use onion skins from fresh onions for cooking;
  • Before serving, be sure to let the finished bacon soak in the refrigerator before cutting it into portioned pieces.

This method is characterized by a minimum set of ingredients and ease of preparation. Such lard is much healthier and tastier than what is made in a frying pan. It contains all the beneficial trace elements that our body needs.

The cooking time for lard in onion skins at home depends on the size of the piece itself.

Products for cooking:

  • 1 kg undercut;
  • a liter of clean water;
  • 3 dessert spoons of fine salt;
  • 3 bay leaves;
  • a glass of onion peel;
  • a teaspoon of allspice (peas);
  • (whole head).

The preparation of boiled lard in onion peel should begin with the preparation of the main ingredient. The undercuts must be washed and dried with a paper towel. If the piece is large, then it can be cut into pieces.

Wash the husk under running water and put in a colander. Leave for 17 minutes to drain excess water. At the end of this time, move it to a saucepan and pour boiling water over it. Put the pan on the fire and cook for 18-20 minutes. Then put bacon in the husk, add salt, parsley, pepper.

How much to cook lard in onion peel according to this recipe depends on the size of the main component.
If the thickness of the undercut is about 3 cm, 25 minutes will be enough. Pieces that are larger will need to be kept on a gas stove for about 45 minutes.

Before you cook lard in onion peel according to this recipe, you must remember that it should not boil too much. This will keep the original amount of liquid until the end of cooking.

At the end of the time, the gas should be turned off, but the fat should not be pulled out of the pan. It should cool completely while in brine. Only after that it needs to be removed from the liquid and left in a colander, in order for a little glass of water.

The next step is to prepare the dressing. To do this, combine chopped garlic, pepper and a little salt. Mix all components. Grate the pieces thoroughly with the resulting mixture and put them in a cold place so that they are saturated with seasonings.

Salo is ready, you can start tasting.

An unusual recipe for salted bacon in onion peel

This method is slightly different from the previous one. It takes more time to prepare this dish, but it's worth it. Salted lard in onion peel will turn out soft, fragrant and beautiful.

Products for cooking:

  • about 1 kilogram undercut;
  • three dessert spoons of sea salt;
  • fresh ground allspice;
  • a little paprika;
  • crushed;
  • garlic - 5 cloves;
  • one liter of water;
  • 400g husks.

In the process of cooking, you should carefully ensure that all the pieces are completely covered with marinade.

The preparation of this recipe for lard in onion peel should begin with cleaning the undercut. Pay special attention to the skin. If there are ink stamps on it, then they must be removed.

At the bottom of a 3-liter jar, put bay leaves and garlic, which are pre-crushed with a knife. Put the prepared blanks and seasoning on top.

Then you can start cooking the onion peel. Rinse the peel from vegetables well and put in a saucepan. Simmer on a gas stove for 5 minutes. Pour the lard with the cooled brine, and close the jar with a lid. After a day, move the container to the refrigerator.

You can start tasting such fat after 5 days. This time will be enough for each piece to acquire a beautiful shade and unusual taste.
It is recommended to serve the dish in thin slices. You can store undercuts both in the freezer and in a jar of onion brine.

A simple recipe for lard in onion skins in a slow cooker

In order to make underline according to this recipe, it will take a minimum of time. And with the help of a multicooker, the cooking period will fly by unnoticed. In just a few minutes you can please yourself and all your household with a delicious dish.

Ingredients to use:

  • 1.5 kg of fat with a meat layer;
  • 2 cups of salt;
  • one and a half liters of cold water;
  • 200 g dry husks;
  • bay leaf optional.

Wash well and peel the skin with a sharp knife. Cut the main ingredient into pieces of such a size that they fit into the multicooker bowl.

At the bottom of the container put onion peel and bay leaves. Then place the underline pieces.

Combine water with salt and mix thoroughly. It is important that the granules are completely dissolved in the liquid. Pour the lard with the resulting brine.

Place the bowl in the multicooker and close the lid. Cook the dish for 60 minutes in the "stewing" mode.
At the end of this time, turn off the multicooker, but do not open the lid. In this state, hold the dish for another 8 hours.

Salo should be served cold. Grate each piece with adjika or a mixture of garlic and pepper.

Salo in onion skins in the oven

This cooking method is widely used among housewives. Such fat gained its popularity due to the fact that it is very similar to smoked undercuts, which are sold in the store. But, in relation to the purchased, such fat is harmless, since it does not contain chemical additives in its composition.

Products for cooking lard in onion peel according to this recipe:

  • middle piece of underline;
  • a handful of onion peels;
  • bay leaf;
  • black pepper (peas);
  • carrot;
  • a few cloves of garlic;
  • dessert spoon of classic mustard;
  • salt (fine).

The first thing to do is to prepare a decoction of onion peel. Put a little salt, pepper and bay leaf into the liquid. The amount of spices should be chosen according to your taste.

Cut the undercuts into arbitrary pieces and put them in a deep bowl or pan. Pour the bacon with the prepared liquid. It should be marinated in a cold place for a day. In winter, the container can be taken out to the glazed balcony. After 24 hours, remove the pieces from the brine and dry.

Peel carrots, rinse well. Cut the vegetable into thin slices of any shape.

Peel the garlic and cut in half.

Stuff each piece of bacon with carrots and garlic. In order for them to be well saturated with the aromas of vegetables, you should not only rub the undercuts on all sides, but also put the seasoning in the previously made cuts.

Grease the top of the workpiece liberally with mustard.
Wrap each of them in foil for baking and place on a baking sheet.
Keep in the oven for about 25 minutes. To make the bacon brown, unfold the foil 10 minutes before it is ready.

This recipe can also be prepared in the form of a roll, but for this you will need to buy a large layer of fat, which can be easily wrapped and secured with kitchen twine.

All the recipes for lard in onion skins with the photos presented above are the most delicious and light. If everything is done correctly, then such an appetizer will become the hallmark of your table.

Video recipe for lard in onion skins

The recipe for bacon in the husk is considered one of the best ways to salt at home. Everyone who has tried the appetizer at least once, without exaggeration, remains completely delighted! Salo turns out fragrant, very tasty, appetizing golden color. Thanks to the onion peel, it looks like it is smoked, with a smoky flavor. It tastes like boiled pork, especially if you take a piece of undercut, soft, fresh, with a lot of meat layers.

Cooking boiled lard in onion peel is very simple. You need to boil it for 15 minutes, rub it with a mixture of garlic, pepper and bay leaf, and then send it to the freezer. After 12 hours, the delicious lard is ready! It can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 months. The appetizer goes well with brown bread, pickles and mustard.


  • lard with layers 1 kg
  • peel from 2 kg of onion
  • salt 1 tbsp.
  • water 2 l
  • bay leaf 1-2 pcs.
  • black peppercorns 6 pcs.

How to cook boiled lard in onion skins

On a note:

Boiled lard in onion peel can be served as a separate snack or used to prepare other dishes. For example, add it to scrambled eggs instead of bacon, fry it, etc.
