
How to cut a watermelon. How to cut a watermelon into cubes: interesting ideas, recommendations and reviews

The end of summer and the beginning of autumn are a wonderful time, rich in an abundance of delicious fruits and vegetables. Take, for example, such a wonderful berry as watermelon: all children and adults love it, this is the most popular dessert on any table in the fall. However, not everyone is aware that there are rules with recommendations for cutting this fruit, which help to elegantly decorate a banquet, complement the festive feast with the original design of the dessert. Therefore, many will be interested to get acquainted with the special methods that are used even by chefs around the world to cut watermelon.

Special knife and accessories for beautiful cutting of watermelon

In order for the process of cleaning the giant berry to go smoothly, without delay, it is important to use special tools, various innovative knives designed to facilitate the processing of products. If you want to professionally engage in cutting various shapes from watermelon and other fruits, you should buy such devices. They will help you not only quickly cope with the fetus, but also perfectly decorate any banquet. Check out some special tools to help you properly cut this giant berry:

  • A special stand that allows you to maintain the original shape of the cut fruit so that the berry does not fall apart.
  • Watermelon pulp separator in the form of a round cut with a handle.
  • The innovative Angurello Watermelon Slicer that quickly and conveniently slices the giant berry into rectangular pieces. To do this, the fruit must be cut in half.
  • A camomile-shaped knife that cuts a whole melon berry into slices with one movement.
  • A round spoon used for scooping ice cream.
  • Special knives for carving - figured cutting of fruits and vegetables, as a result of which real works of art are obtained (animals, flowers, baskets, etc.).

Methods for the original cutting of watermelon on a festive table with a photo

For any housewife, a holiday at her home is a whole event, the preparation for which is carefully prepared: it is important to foresee all the details, cook all the dishes deliciously, and decorate them beautifully. Watermelon sometimes becomes almost the main dessert on the festive table, capable of attracting admiring glances from guests thanks to unique cutting methods. These original methods are not the most difficult task, it is just important to know a few simple secrets. Take the opportunity to familiarize yourself with them in the recommendations with photos below.

Into equal slices

It will be possible to cut a huge gourd into equal slices in several ways, it will be equally beautiful, look neat when served to the table. Guests will be happy not only to eat a wonderful summer dessert, but also to admire the exquisite serving of the dish to the table. You, as the hostess of the banquet, will receive a lot of pleasant compliments about your culinary skills. Check out the methods for cutting a giant berry into equal slices further:

  • In the traditional way, which does not involve miniature pieces:
  1. Cut the fruit into equal halves, making sure that the line along which you will cut clearly coincides with the direction of the stripes on the watermelon and passes through the tail.
  2. Take one half, cut into large chunks. Make sure that you cut evenly, according to the lines from the drawing on the berry.
  3. Stock up on a huge dish while eating a giant berry cut into such huge chunks. This is necessary so as not to stain yourself and the entire table.
  • In the classic way, thanks to which neat little slices are obtained:
  1. Cut the melon in half.
  2. Cut each of the halves of the giant berry again into halves along the way the drawing goes.
  3. Take each part and cut so that you get pieces in the shape of isosceles triangles.
  4. Arrange beautifully in tiers on a large neat platter the pieces that you immediately want to put in your mouth.

  • Using the “watermelon under the lid” method, which looks original and is served on the table in the form of pieces assembled into a whole fruit:
  1. Cut off the top of the berry with a tail (which you use as a lid at the end).
  2. Take a long knife and make half of the fruit about six equal vertical cuts.
  3. Next, cut the resulting pieces horizontally to make miniature sticks.
  4. Cover the ready-to-eat dessert with a hat that was cut from the fruit earlier, serve. If the giant berry could not be eaten completely at one time, then with the help of such an impromptu lid it will be convenient for you to store the fruit in the refrigerator so that the pulp does not become weathered.

Beautiful cubes for decorating a buffet table

If you are planning a modern European-style feast that looks like a buffet table, it is best to cut the gourd into small cubes without a peel, so that it is convenient for guests to eat such yummy with skewers. It will look aesthetically pleasing, neat and will not require additional space for waste. You will see that making cubes from this berry is absolutely not difficult, and for this, read the step-by-step description of this method of slicing watermelon below.

  1. Cut the berry into four equal parts.
  2. Separate each quarter from the rind with a long, sharp knife.
  3. Do not take out the pulp, but cut right on the peel in parallel lines along and across, so you get a lot of pieces.
  4. When you spread the dessert on a large dish, cut each sliced ​​​​piece into 2-3 more parts.
  5. Try to stick colorful skewers into each cube so that it looks not only beautiful, but also practical for guests when they take a berry to eat.

Festive cut into triangles without peel

The upper shell of the fruit is an undesirable part of the melon served at the festive table. It is better to get rid of the skin immediately during the preparation of the giant berry for serving, so that guests can culturally eat dessert without piling up the eaten leftovers on the plates. Next, you will learn how to properly cut a watermelon with beautiful triangles, the slices of which can be aesthetically laid out in the peel itself, without laying out dessert on a common dish.

  1. Cut the berry in the direction of the picture into equal halves.
  2. Repeat the same action with each half of the fruit to get four equal parts.
  3. Take one such part, with a long knife, cut the flesh of the watermelon from the peel, without removing the insides.
  4. Cut equal thickness slices directly into the peel.
  5. To get a beautiful result, push the slices through one in different directions.
  6. If you need the sliced ​​dessert to stand steadily on the table, cut off the bottom from the outside of the skin.
  7. Serve on the table.


There are many other great methods on how to cut a watermelon without the use of special tools, but all of them are aimed at decorating any table with such a dessert as much as possible. Eating this berry should not be associated with the fact that you will dirty yourself. Carefully cut the fruit into beautiful slices so that your guests will truly enjoy the aesthetically designed food. Watch two videos below on how to easily cut a watermelon in 30 seconds and cook and cut a huge berry before serving in Uzbekistan.

How to quickly cut a watermelon in 30 seconds

How professionals cut watermelon

Watermelon is not only a juicy and tasty fruit, it is a wonderful decoration for both a festive and everyday table. Watermelon can be on a barbecue, alcoholic and even a hookah. Interesting ways and tips are described in this article.

Watermelon lends itself to cutting and carving many beautiful shapes from it. This feature allows you to serve the most beautiful dishes of fruits, cheeses, sweets and other snacks. It is often served instead of tea to guests at the festive table.

Interestingly, watermelon is a berry, although in its biological qualities it is similar to a vegetable, and the sweetness and taste of watermelon appear as a fruit and are served for dessert.

You can simply cut a watermelon with a knife, or you can cut it into balls, hearts and stars using a special curly tool. Such figurines are not only tasty, but also pleasant to eat at events and just at home for a change and aesthetic pleasure.

Watermelon is a very juicy and sweet berry.

In the modern world, there is also such an art as "carving". Carving is the ability to beautifully and originally make curly cuts on fruits and vegetables, including watermelon.

carved watermelon

An unusual cut of watermelon can surprise guests at the festive table. Each family necessarily has its own individual way of serving watermelon, but in any case, it should be taken into account that it is eaten without peel and seeds.

The easiest way to serve watermelon conveniently and beautifully is de-seed, peel and cut into cubes. Such a watermelon is usually served on a wide dish, and everyone takes it with a fork.

simple traditional watermelon serving

the usual serving of watermelon on the table in the form of cubes

On the other hand, you can make sure that your watermelon serving is original and beautiful. To do this, you can purchase a special knife or just have cookie cutters.

The most simple will do heart shapes, stars, droplets and others. Such molds are superimposed on the pulp of a cut watermelon stalk.

With a slight pressure of the hand, the curly pulp of the watermelon is separated from the rest of the pulp. Such beautiful watermelon figurines can be served with other fruits, cheese and sweets.

beautiful curly serving of watermelon in the shape of an asterisk with blueberries

original serving of watermelon cubes on a pillow of arugula with goat cheese

beautiful serving of watermelon in the feed of figured cutting with hearts

Finely diced and shaped watermelon can be easily served in:

  • cocktails
  • fruit salads
  • in the form of a canapé
  • on desserts
  • on fruit cakes
  • in salads

The original serving of watermelon, how to serve a watermelon beautifully?

In addition to standard simple cuts, there are a number of ways to present a watermelon for guests on the table in an original and beautiful way. For this, both special knives and spoons and ingenuity are useful.

Watermelon is a great platform for the creativity of a culinary specialist, providing an opportunity to make the serving of the berry unusual and original.

Watermelon is often served not in its pure form, but with many additives:

  • berries
  • fruits
  • jam
  • nuts
  • powdered sugar
  • liquid chocolate
  • sweet sauces
  • yogurt

Some winning and unusual ways to serve watermelon to the festive table:

Watermelon ice cream - this is the symbolic name for serving the berry. To do this, cut vertically or horizontally a fairly thick watermelon stalk. After that, a large skibochka should be divided into several small beautiful triangular shapes.

In such a piece, in the crust (it is not cut off), a wooden ice cream stick is inserted. Such skibochki can simply be served on a wide dish.

It is convenient to take them by the piece to each guest by the piece and eat. You can also dip such a piece in advance in chocolate and let it harden in the refrigerator.

Plombir - the original serving of watermelon

Another unusual way to serve a watermelon is to serve it in the form watermelon barbecue. To do this, watermelon can be combined with some compatible products:

  • cherry tomato
  • ham (do not be surprised, but rather try it)
  • fruits (banana, grapes, peach)
  • strawberry

For this barbecue, you will need special wooden skewers. A watermelon cube is combined with other ingredients in turn: watermelon, another ingredient, watermelon again, and so on. Unusual and pleasant will be the sweet taste of watermelon in combination with smoked meats, such as ham or jamon.

unusual serving of watermelon in the form of a barbecue

Another non-standard way - Watermelon Rubik's Cube. To do this, you will have to do a lot of work to cut the same and uniform cubes from watermelon and the pulp of other elastic fruits:

  • apple
  • pear
  • banana
  • peach
  • mango

All fruits are formed into a beautiful cube consisting of cells and served with powdered sugar and fresh mint sprigs. You can also prepare a special honey sauce for fruits and pour it beautifully on a plate.

watermelon-fruit cut "Rubik's cube"

What is the knife for cutting watermelon?

Watermelon is a popular berry in many countries and is often served on the festive and everyday table. Inventive cooks have long used special tools in the kitchen for slicing and cutting watermelon.

knife for easy cutting of watermelon

round knife for cutting watermelon into skewers and core

spoon for curly slicing watermelon into balls

Beautiful and unusual cutting of watermelon, watermelon hedgehog

An unusual cut called "Hedgehog" is distinguished not only by its original appearance, which children will definitely like, but also by its convenience. It is not a shame to present such a cut in the form of a round prickly hedgehog to guests at a children's birthday party and even at a wedding celebration.

Such a “prickly” name was given to cutting because it owes its external resemblance to an animal. From improvised materials: fruits and berries, it is easy to form a muzzle of a hedgehog: nose, eyes and paws.

The abundance of wooden toothpicks inserted into the peel will look like needles and at the same time will serve as a cutlery. The “needle” protrudes from the peel and a piece of watermelon is pricked with it to be eaten.

You can cut the watermelon into portions using a special watermelon spoon. Watermelon balls always look advantageous and attractive. In the absence of such a spoon, you can cut the pulp into cubes and sprinkle them with powdered sugar.

traditional watermelon hedgehog for the festive table

How beautiful to cut roses from watermelon?

If you master the art of carving professionally enough, then it is quite possible to get an excellent result. You can cut beautiful roses, voluminous and edible, from juicy watermelon pulp with your own hands.

  • Take a juicy and ripe watermelon
  • Wash it thoroughly to remove dirt.
  • Cut off the base of the watermelon so that it sits flat and stable on the platter.
  • The green rough skin of the watermelon should be carefully cut off with a sharp knife blade, leaving the white part
  • In the upper part of the watermelon, a hole is made two centimeters deep with a special or ordinary spoon
  • This hole will be the main depression of the rosebud.
  • Your next work is to sequentially cut out all the rose petals in a circular motion.
  • Such a flower can be made of any size, you should not narrow the bud
  • It is better to make a cut of flower leaves at the base (for more details, see the video)

You can diversify such a clipping by creating not one flower, but a whole bunch of blooming times. Such a cut looks most impressive on the table.

Video: "How to cut a rose from a watermelon?"

How to make a watermelon basket The original serving of watermelon on the festive table

In addition to the Hedgehog, there are several interesting and original ways to serve watermelon slices. A basket of watermelon involves the complete cleansing of the berries from the pulp. The basket itself is a peeled green peel, into which pieces of watermelon, berries, and other fruits are added.

Options for serving watermelon baskets:

figured watermelon basket filled with apples, orange, grapes and watermelon

simple watermelon basket filled with watermelon balls sprinkled with goat cheese and fresh mint

watermelon basket filled with watermelon and grapes

watermelon basket with handle filled with watermelon pulp, grapes and fruits

turtle-shaped watermelon basket filled with berries and watermelon balls

watermelon basket "swan" filled with fruit

How to decorate a watermelon with your own hands?

In some cases, you can decorate a watermelon basket or any other cut with your own hands. To do this, you need to show imagination.

Most often, the decoration is created, focusing on the theme of the holiday: Birthday, wedding, Halloween and so on. You can decorate a watermelon with any improvised means, fruits and berries, toothpicks, skewers and herbs.

Options for decorating watermelon slices:

decoration of watermelon slices in the form of a shark

decoration of a watermelon basket in the form of a well

watermelon decoration in the form of an owl

decoration of a watermelon basket "pig"

watermelon decoration "barrel"

decoration of a watermelon for a wedding and for the celebration of the birth of the first-born in the family - “carriage”

Alcoholic watermelon. How to pump watermelon with vodka?

Some holidays involve the presence of adult snacks on the table. An alcoholic watermelon can serve as an original treat. The secret of this snack is that this berry is filled in advance with strong alcohol - vodka. You can use any other type of alcoholic drink, but vodka works best.

Alcoholic watermelon will be a delicious change for someone who is already fed up with regular alcoholic drinks. The sweetness of juicy pulp goes well with the tart taste of vodka. The strength of the drink is not felt at all in such a treat, and therefore it should always be used with caution so as not to quickly get drunk.

You will need:

  • One watermelon sweet and ripe
  • Half a liter - a liter of vodka (depending on the size of the watermelon and its desired strength)
  • Metal spoke
  • Large syringe with needle

The needle is too thin to pierce the thick skin of a watermelon, so it is best to pierce it with a thin metal needle. After a hole is made, a needle of a syringe filled with vodka is inserted into this hole and all its contents are injected into the pulp. So you should do "injections" throughout the berry from all sides.

Video: "Watermelon with vodka"

How to make a hookah on a watermelon?

  • Place the watermelon on a plate with the tail up, cut off part of the base for the stability of the fruit
  • Cut off the tail and gently scoop out the pulp with a spoon as much as possible.
  • The pulp should be crushed with a blender and squeeze out the water
  • The watermelon juice is coming back. The hookah shaft is placed on top in the cut out hole
  • Try to do all the cuts as carefully as possible so as not to cut off the excess and not damage the fruit or cut a very large hole.
  • You can choose absolutely any flavor of tobacco for smoking such a “natural” hookah, but it is best to give preference to watermelon
  • If you are not experienced enough in cutting such a hookah, electrical tape or adhesive tape will come to your aid, which will slightly help correct the situation.
  • When you grind the pulp to fill the watermelon, add some ice to the blender - a useful secret for a delicious hookah

a hookah made from real watermelon is a delicious and luxurious treat for hookah lovers

Video: " How to cut a watermelon - 4 ways

Ripe, juicy watermelon is always in place as a dessert. And if it is beautifully, neatly cut and decorated, it also becomes an ornament to any table. Some masters create amazing figures from this berry. But you can cut a watermelon beautifully at home, without special skills or special kitchen appliances. A master class on slicing and several options for serving watermelon.


  • sharp long knife - 1 pc;
  • watermelon - 1 pc;
  • sprigs of mint, fresh berries, coconut (optional, for additional decoration).
The cutting will look more effective if you take an oblong watermelon. Before slicing, wash the watermelon well and dry it with a napkin or paper towel.
Lay the watermelon on its side so that you can easily cut it. Take a knife and evenly cut off the “lids” on both sides.

Then cut in half lengthwise. Do the same with the resulting halves.

Separate the pulp from the crusts of each resulting quarter. To do this, carefully run a knife in the place where the flesh begins to lighten, along the entire crust.

Turn the watermelon slices with the long side facing you and cut the flesh across into wedges. Choose the size of the slices according to your desire.

Spread the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bsections on the rind of the watermelon in a checkerboard pattern so that each one slightly moves to the side.

Then follow your imagination. Decorate with fresh berries, fruits, you can sprinkle with coconut. Sprigs of mint are very good as a decoration for serving.

If you have a special round recess for vegetables and fruits, then you can arrange serving in portions, in vases or glasses.

To do this, cut the watermelon across and carefully remove the pulp from each half in the form of balls.

An empty watermelon half is fine to serve as long as it's intact. Cut the edges in the form of beautiful teeth or come up with a pattern yourself.

Even drinks in watermelon look original. Great idea for a party.

Watermelon is a summer sweet treat that is loved by adults and children alike. The main thing is that the watermelon is ripe and sweet. Let's talk about how to choose it and cut it correctly.

Time to buy watermelons

When determining the time of purchase of watermelons, one should take into account where they were brought from. Usually this sweet product is delivered:

  • Winter and spring– from Southeast Asia
  • Spring and early summer– from Israel, Greece and Turkey
  • July August– from China and Central Asia
  • End of August - beginning of September- watermelons from the Astrakhan and Volgograd regions, the Krasnodar Territory

The most delicious watermelons in winter are those brought from Thailand. It is considered safe to buy ripe watermelon from Israel and Turkey, there are no means for the growth and ripening of these fruits. Later than all, Astrakhan watermelons, beloved by many, appear on sale. Watermelons ripened in the Astrakhan steppes will be available for sale only in late August - early September. In the Astrakhan region, trial harvesting of watermelons takes place in early August, selective harvesting of these fruits - in the middle of the month, and selling - from about August 25th. Yes, exactly in early September the buyer has every chance to buy a real delicacy from the Astrakhan region.

If at an earlier date you are assured that there are real ripe Astrakhan watermelons on the counter, then either they are deceiving about the place where the watermelon is grown, or, much worse, the watermelon is stuffed with drugs to accelerate ripening. This product is harmful to health.

Rules for choosing watermelons

How to choose a watermelon? Of course, it must be safe for health and have excellent taste.

Place of sale of watermelon- a supermarket or a specially designated place for sale (market, market place). It is strictly forbidden to buy watermelons along the roads, poisoning with toxic substances is possible. The product must have a certificate indicating the place where the watermelon is grown.

watermelon weight. It is believed that the best weight of a watermelon is five to seven kilograms. This is evidence that nitrate fertilizers were not used when growing watermelon. However, the weight of a watermelon is determined by its variety and place of growth. The best Astrakhan watermelons, which are sold at the appropriate time for their ripening, are watermelons weighing 7-11 kg.

Appearance of a watermelon. How to choose the right ripe and sweet watermelon? Make sure the watermelon is not damaged. Through the damaged crust, numerous harmful microorganisms can enter it. In no case should you buy watermelon in pieces! Sliced ​​watermelon spoils very quickly, especially if stored outside the refrigerator. Watermelon should have a glossy surface. For the choice of Astrakhan watermelons, the contrast of light and dark stripes is important.

The presence of a dry and yellow tail in a watermelon. This is a sign of his maturity. The green tail indicates the immaturity of this berry. You should not buy a watermelon where the tail is cut off, this may be an indication that the qualities of the watermelon are hidden from the buyer.

The presence of a yellow or orange spot on the side of the watermelon, in the place where the watermelon was in contact with the ground, also indicates that the watermelon is ripe. An immature spot will be white.

Watermelon shape. According to it, watermelons are divided into the so-called "boys" - they are elongated, and "girls" - these are flattened and round. Experts believe that “girls” watermelons are sweeter.

Sound when tapping and pressing on a watermelon. This sound should be loud and distinct. And if you press on a juicy and ripe (not overripe) watermelon, you can hear a crunch.

How to quickly cut a watermelon

Types of cutting watermelon:


  • Slicing across. Just cut the watermelon crosswise and eat its flesh with a spoon.
  • The usual (classic) way. Cut the watermelon lengthwise. After cutting off the tops, cut it into slices of 1-2 cm.
  • Cake method. The tops of the watermelon are cut off, it is cut in half. The halves are cut like slices of a cake.
  • To serve guests. As usual, the tops are cut off, the watermelon is cut into 4 pieces along. With the help of a long flexible knife, the pulp is separated from the crust, while it is not removed from the slices, but cut and served on the crust as on a plate.
  • For salad. Watermelon in this case is cut into cubes. The watermelon is cut in half, the peel is removed from half of the watermelon, put it with the pulp down. Holding the knife parallel, circles are cut, they are then cut into sticks, which, by cutting across, are turned into cubes.

Types of cutting and decoration of watermelon for the festive table

Watermelon is the perfect product to show off your design skills. You can offer various options for cutting for the holiday.

Ball cutting. The notch of the watermelon pulp in the form of balls can be done with an ordinary spoon with sharp edges, but it is more convenient to do this with a noisette spoon. Balls can simply be placed in a vase. And you can use half the peel of the same watermelon in the form of a basket-vase for them. You can also make a vase-ship out of the crust, if you stick skewers with “sails” pricked on them from the same crust.

Figure cutting. It's easy to make with a variety of cookie cutters. To do this, you need to cut the watermelon into pieces and cut out figures from them. These sweet and juicy figurines can be served with cream or dessert sauces.

Ice cream triangles. To do this, the watermelon is cut into triangular pieces, into which ice cream sticks are stuck. It turns out a bright calorie-free "ice cream". You can pour over such “ice cream” with chocolate icing, sprinkle with nuts, etc.

You can give watermelon cubes and bars the look of original cakes or sushi by decorating them with other fruits, herbs and cream.

Special skills and tools (at least the presence of Thai and carving knives) will require carving(artistic cutting) watermelon. With this method, you can get beautiful and elegant watermelon bouquets.

Time and methods of storing watermelon

A whole good watermelon in a cool ventilated area can be stored for a very long time (2-3 months). How long does a sliced ​​watermelon keep in the fridge? Shelf life is very short no more than a day and only at a temperature of 2-5 degrees C and an air humidity of 85-87%. Watermelons should not be stored near other fruits and vegetables, it is strongly recommended not to store them near melons, tomatoes and bananas.

How to cut a watermelon - video

Cut watermelon into chunks

Slicing watermelon into triangles

Watermelon is a berry, in the pulp of which there are such useful substances as glucose, sucrose and a little fructose. Watermelon is grown in ninety-eight countries around the world. Usually it is eaten only fresh and during the hot season, as this berry quenches thirst well.

serving watermelon

Many of us wondered how to properly cut a watermelon? We will try to answer this question briefly in this article. There are many ways to serve and cut watermelon, it all depends on the event at which this berry will be used.

How watermelon is cut in different countries

How to cut a watermelon? Let's find out how they do it in Moldova. Before using this berry, be sure to wash it. In the future, everything is simple: cut the watermelon in half into two equal halves. Next, take one half of our berries and divide it into slices. The watermelon is cut, and you can start eating. And this is where the problem arises. The fact is that the slices turn out to be too large, and when biting, the whole face gets dirty with juice, which will have to be wiped with napkins or simply washed off with water.

How to properly cut a watermelon is well known in Ukraine. This method is even easier than the first one. We cut off the round layers of the watermelon, followed by cutting these circles into sectors. One circle is usually cut into four sectors. Each sector fits easily into the oral cavity.

How to cut a watermelon "in a Caucasian way"? It is divided into four quarters. We take each quarter of the watermelon separately. With a knife, we separate the pulp from the crust and cut it into even slices right in the watermelon crust. This method of cutting is also convenient because if you take such a watermelon with you to nature, you do not need any additional utensils to decorate it. The flesh will hold up well in its own skin.

How to serve watermelon? We will suggest one of the methods used by the bartenders of the leading restaurants in our country. This method is used at parties and wedding events. In this case, we need a very sharp knife. We cut off the tops of the watermelon - the so-called covers. Next, put the fruit upright and peel it from the peel. We divide the peeled berry into two equivalent parts and cut each half into equal slices.

Chef's secret

How to cut a beautiful watermelon, probably, absolutely every person would like to know, not only in our country, but throughout the world. Many people know how to do this with an ordinary sharp knife. Chefs also use the Carving master class set (a set of knives for carving figures from vegetables and fruits). With this set, you can make anything - from swans to castles. There are many ways to serve watermelon. Let's consider the most common.

How to cut a watermelon beautifully? Photos and small descriptions for them will help you deal with this easily.

The first way - "Basket"

For this option, you will need an ice cream scoop and a sharp knife. Cut the watermelon from the center into two equal halves. With the help of an ice cream spoon, we make beautiful even balls from the pulp of our berries. You will need all the pulp of the watermelon. From the remaining crust we make something like a basket. After you and I cut out a basket from the peel, you fill it with the previously cut balls. Everything is easy and quite simple. In addition to balls, these baskets can be filled with triangles or cubes of pulp - as you like.

You can also make a hedgehog from a watermelon, the technology is the same as that of the basket, only you turn the crust over and cut the pulp into cubes. They need to be pricked on toothpicks or skewers, and as a result you get a prickly, but harmless hedgehog. On thorns, you can prick not only the pulp of watermelon, but also other berries and fruits.

The second way - "Watermelon ice cream"

The recipe is very simple. Watermelon is peeled from a green dense peel and cut into uniform triangles. Next, our slices are pierced with ice cream sticks and served, usually to children. Most often, "watermelon ice cream" is poured over with melted chocolate and sprinkled with nuts, then put in the freezer for fifteen to twenty minutes.

The third way - "Hot Red Guard"

The secret of the name lies not only in an interesting method of preparation, but also in the color of the berry itself. Watermelon has a green rind combined with red flesh, which is similar in color to a soldier's uniform. And the "hot Red Guard" is preparing as follows. Watermelon is cut into equal slices, preferably triangular, sprinkled with spices and coated with honey. Then the slices are grilled for several minutes, after which the slices are removed from the heat and put in the refrigerator until completely cooled.

Watermelon in Carving master class technique

This method should be given special attention, since the carving of fruits and vegetables is an ancient tradition, but it has come down to us quite recently and has taken a fairly firm position. But in fact, those masterpieces that are obtained in the hands of the master deserve deep respect. Sculptures carved from watermelon and other fruits can decorate any celebration. They invariably attract the attention of people, and their silhouettes are kept in memory for a long time, making the celebration truly unforgettable. You can cut sculptures from watermelon endlessly. Its peel is easily cut, and the master can create intricate patterns without any extra effort. The fruit combines colors such as red, white and green, which ultimately adds contrast to the sculpture. This activity will appeal not only to you, but also to your children, as it brings together and perfectly develops the imagination.
