
Easy recipes for cottage cheese Easter. Lazy Easter for busy housewives

If you are looking for easy recipe cottage cheese easter, which can be prepared quickly and simply, then this is a raw cottage cheese Easter.

It doesn't need to be baked or boiled on the stove, so it's best not to use raw eggs in these recipes.

Or it is necessary to process their shell very well, which also does not give a 100% guarantee.

We propose to make the lightest Easter desserts based on cottage cheese and please your family with them.

This is an easy Easter recipe from cottage cheese without eggs, very tasty. And even a novice hostess will cope with it.

The number of products can be proportionally reduced by half.


  • 800 g cottage cheese
  • 200 g butter
  • 1/4 cup powdered sugar
  • 1/2 cup sour cream
  • 1/2 cup raisins

A simple recipe for curd Easter with butter:

1. Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve.

2. Rub it thoroughly with softened butter.

3. Pour powdered sugar into the resulting mass, add sour cream.

4. Raisins must first be washed, steamed for 10 minutes with boiling water, rinsed again and only then put on Easter.

5. Mix everything, transfer to a pasochnik, lined with gauze from the inside, put under oppression for a day.

If there is no form, you can use a colander.

A quick Easter recipe from cottage cheese with condensed milk


  • 1.25 kg cottage cheese
  • 300 g butter
  • 250 g sour cream
  • 400 g condensed milk
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1 cup raisins or candied fruit
  • a pinch of vanillin

How to cook Easter from cottage cheese:

1. Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve, add the butter rubbed through a sieve, granulated sugar and vanillin.

2. Thoroughly grind everything, add sour cream, condensed milk, soaked in water and dried raisins or candied fruits.

3. Mix the mass well, put it in a pasochnik lined with gauze, put pressure on top and put it in the refrigerator overnight.

How to make chocolate easter


  • cottage cheese - 500 g
  • butter - 50 g
  • sour cream - 0.5 cups
  • powdered sugar- 50 g
  • chocolate - 50 g


1. Grate the chocolate fine grater and mix with powdered sugar.

2. Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve or pass through a meat grinder.

3. Remove the butter from the refrigerator in advance and leave at room temperature to become soft.

4. Add sour cream to the grated cottage cheese and mix well.

5. Then add oil and mix again.

6. Add grated chocolate with powdered sugar to the curd mass and mix again until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

7. Cover a pasochnik or colander moistened with water with gauze and lay out the curd mass.

8. Cover with gauze or a napkin from above, press down with a load and leave under oppression for 12-24 hours (the bead box itself must be placed on a plate, since the separating whey will drain into the plate).

9. Carefully remove the finished Easter from the mold, remove the gauze, put on a dish and decorate with candied fruit or marmalade.

Greetings, friends, and we continue to prepare for the bright day of Easter. This holiday has been loved for many centuries by all peoples, and in fact it is revered not only by Christians. Today I want to touch on the topic of the festive table, because after Lent, a lot of goodies were always put up on it, because people really wanted to quickly break their fast. And, of course, not only were present at it, but Easter cakes and Easter became the main kings of the table.

If you are surprised that I share these two concepts, then I will explain that Easter cakes are flour pastry, and Easter is made from curd mass.

In my childhood, no one made such desserts, but I already gave birth to a child when I tried this delicacy! So I was incredibly curious about how difficult this treat is to prepare, so I plunged headlong into this topic.

Now let's tell you what kind of curd Easter are. They are divided into raw, boiled and baked. according to the preparation method.

Raw is stored very little, so it is better to do it before a bright day at night, and you need to eat it within 3 days. Boiled preserves freshness for seven days, it is also called custard. But baked or “red” has the least demand, but I will give you recipes anyway.

So, since ancient times, every Easter was awaited with impatience and reverence, because with the advent of spring, milk, butter and sour cream began to appear among the peasants. Prior to this, the cows stood on a spree and waited for the calves. Now we are used to the fact that the stores are full of any dairy products, but before they were anxiously waiting for it. Most milk was given to royal table therefore, for the peasants, such a delicacy was a delicacy.

The recipe that I will now tell you is traditional with brewing a curd mixture. Today in the article I will talk about two options for brewing. The most common is this one, when the finished curd mass warms up. But, in order not to get ahead of ourselves, let's start cooking.


  • 1 pack of cottage cheese (250 g)
  • 2 eggs
  • 50 g sugar (2 tablespoons with a slide)
  • 75 g butter
  • 2 tbsp thick sour cream
  • lemon zest

1. Separate the proteins from the yolks, combine the yolks with sugar and grind.

2. Now mix the cottage cheese with butter and sour cream.

3. Rub the zest on a grater. Then we combine all the ingredients and beat well with a whisk or mixer to make the mass more airy.

4. Now the cottage cheese needs to be cooked. To do this, put the container with the mixture in a pot of water on the stove and begin to stir so that the mass is completely warmed up.

The first ten minutes the mixture only melts, do not stop stirring it. Brewing goes on for another 20 minutes, at which time the base will thicken a little. Yes, this process is quite lengthy.

Once the mixture turns yellowish, the mixture is ready.

5. You need to put it in the cold for a couple of hours or put it in a saucepan with cold water, mixing to prevent separation of the mass.

6. We put the base in a mold on wet gauze and put oppression.

So it was left to infuse for two days, but now it lasts from 12 to 48 hours. Usually, the night is enough for all the excess moisture to come out, and the mass to become denser.

Now I’ll tell you about the form itself, or it is also called a sandbox. Since ancient times, these were wooden planks in the shape of a truncated cone, so they symbolized the Holy Sepulcher. On the sides, symbols were carved in the form of the letters ХВ, which means “Christ is Risen”, as well as a cross, an egg, birds or sprouted grains. which symbolizes new life.

Now on sale such molds are rarely seen from wood, they are hard food plastic, and there are soft silicone ones.

But, if you can lay out the symbolism, for example, with confectionery dressing, then it is difficult to give a truncated shape without a shape. Therefore, I advise you to look for it or make it yourself.

Royal (custard) Easter from cottage cheese with raisins

This delicacy was nicknamed royal not only because in most cases it was present only on the tables of the rich nobility, but also because very expensive ingredients were used in the filling - raisins, dried apricots or dried berries, such as cranberries. And also spices were brought from overseas countries, which were so expensive that they were available only to the king, I'm talking about cinnamon and vanilla. Of course, for a simple peasant this was a luxury, but there is nothing to say about serfs.

In this recipe, we’ll take a non-standard approach to brewing, but the result will also be excellent.


  • Milk - 2 liters
  • 4 eggs
  • Sour cream - 400 g
  • Butter - 200 g
  • Sugar - 250 g
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 pack (8g)
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp
  • Raisins - 100 g
  • Dried apricots or candied fruits - 100 g

1. We find a container with a thick bottom, into which we pour all the milk and put it on the stove to boil.

2. While the milk is coming, beat in the eggs, sour cream, lemon juice and mix until smooth.

3. As soon as the milk boils, pour our egg mixture thin stream.

4. Bring this mixture to a boil, stirring constantly. You will separate the whey and grains. Let the container cool for one hour.

5. In the meantime, let's deal with dried fruits, we have raisins today, pour it warm water.

6. Now let's discard the curd and get rid of the unnecessary whey.

Cover the sieve with gauze folded three times. Let's lay out our base. If you do not have the opportunity to hang the cottage cheese, then put a small press on it, so more whey will drain.

7. After an hour, we take out the cottage cheese and add simple and vanilla sugar and very soft butter to it.

8. Now we begin to grind this mass until smooth. You can do this with a spoon, crusher or blender.

See that the sugar is completely dissolved. If you wait for this process for a long time, then take powdered sugar.

9. Mix with dried fruits and candied fruits. You can add nuts, chocolate, cookies or orange peel who loves what.

10. Now we begin to form Easter itself. Someone will take a special form, but what if you don't have one?
Then take a flat plate, cheesecloth, a sieve and two sticks for sushi or barbecue.

We put the sticks on a plate parallel to each other, a sieve is placed on them. In a sieve we lay gauze in two layers, so that it is more convenient to get it.

It is better to boil gauze so that it does not smell like a pharmacy.

11. Then we lay out the curd base in this form. We tie the edges of the gauze, put a flat plate and oppress at least 1 liter. So there will be more excess serum, and the form will turn out to be more dense.

After an hour, you can get a treat. To do this, remove the oppression, turn the mass onto a plate. And carefully remove the gauze. It remains only to decorate this beauty.

This dessert tastes a bit like ice cream.

Delicious caramel recipe with boiled condensed milk

Oh, and now the variations on the theme of Easter will go, because modern housewives a lot of stocked all sorts of additives and available spices. For example, let's take boiled condensed milk, it will add a caramel flavor to the cottage cheese, and also give a pleasant beige color.

Not only dried apricots, which we will use in the recipe, but also prunes go well with condensed milk.

All products for the preparation of this delicacy must be room temperature.


  • Butter - 100 g;
  • Cottage cheese - 300 g;
  • Sour cream - 100 g;
  • Boiled condensed milk - 200 g;
  • Dried apricots - 40 g;
  • Walnut - 40 g.

1. Put sour cream, condensed milk, cottage cheese and butter in one container. Beat this mixture well with a whisk or blender.

2. Dried apricots need to be poured with boiling water so that it becomes soft.

3. Finely chop the dried apricots and chop the nuts. And we put them in the base.

4. Mix everything and start preparing the form.

5. Put the gauze into the sandbox in two layers so that there are no folds, otherwise they will all be imprinted on the sides.
We put the form in a bowl so that the bottom of the form does not touch the bottom of the bowl and the mixture again does not absorb the whey that will stand out. Install oppression from above. We put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours, periodically looking inside and draining the whey.

6. Then you need to carefully turn the mass over.

7. Remove the form and get rid of the gauze.

Such beauty can not even be decorated.

How to cook dessert in the oven?

Now it's the turn to give you the recipe for baked Easter. It is not so common, but also very tasty. In the process of processing with hot temperatures, the curd acquires a brownish tint, for which this method is popularly called "red".

I really liked this recipe, it seems that the delicacy turns out to be some kind of air.

A simple recipe for a regular Easter with gelatin for home

IN conventional recipes when cooking raw or custard easter we are always forced to put the form in a container, because the curd continues to give off whey, if it is not removed, then the dessert will not keep its shape and will become too liquid. But this process takes time, usually from 12 hours. For those who count every second, I suggest adding gelatin to the mass.

With a gelatin mixture, you do not need to put any gauze and drain the whey, because it simply will not form. Therefore, you can use absolutely any form, both a symbolic sandbox and silicone baking options.


  • Curd 600 g
  • Sour cream 125 g
  • Butter 50 g
  • Powdered sugar 1 cup
  • Vanilla
  • Cream 30 grams
  • Candied fruit to taste
  • gelatin 20 g

1. First of all, fill the gelatin with warm water so that it swells.

2. We begin to grind the curd grains, it is better to do this with a spoon through a sieve, then the consistency will be more tender and airy, but if you do not have time for this, then beat it with a blender.

3. Put sour cream, powder, butter and sour cream into the grated mass, beat this mixture well.

4. Now back to gelatin again. We melt it in a water bath so that all the grains melt. But do not boil, otherwise it will lose all its properties.

5. Pour the gelatin into the mass and beat again.

6. We take any form and lay out the base in it, if you have Silicone molds, then you don’t need to put gauze, but if it’s ordinary, then you need it so that later you can easily pull out the mass.

Gelatin hardens after two hours, so leave it to stand in the refrigerator for this time.

How to make a base without eggs?

Raw pasochki are mainly prepared without the use of eggs, someone simply cannot stand them, and someone is afraid to eat raw high temperatures food. Therefore, there is a recipe curd treats with sour cream and butter. Of course, we will add candied fruits and raisins, because our children love such desserts so much, and when they are also elegant, they simply sweep off the plates.


  • 600 g cottage cheese
  • 200 g sugar
  • 2 packets of vanilla sugar
  • 150 g sour cream (20%)
  • 120 g butter
  • 60 g raisins
  • 60 g walnuts
  • 60 g candied fruit

1. Put vanilla sugar and sour cream into sugar. Stir well so that the sugar is completely dissolved.

2. We wash and soak the raisins.

3. Now we start to mix with a blender sour cream with cottage cheese. Add softened butter to it and mix again.

The tastier your oil is, the tastier the end result will be.

4. Add raisins to this homogeneous mixture, from which all the liquid, candied fruits and chopped nuts were previously drained.

5. Then we take a deep bowl, put a form in it, which we cover with two layers of gauze.

In order not to spoil appearance and the letters XB, then try to put the folds of gauze into the corners of the form.

6. Fill the form with curd mass. We wrap the edges of the gauze and put a press of at least 1 liter.

And for a couple of hours, drain the whey from the bowl. It remains only to remove the form and decorate the treat itself.

Curd dessert in a slow cooker

So, I invite you to watch the video, which describes in detail which program you need to choose in order to brew the curd base.

It's great that there are so many available now. household appliances which frees us up a lot of time without affecting the taste of the dishes at all.

Raw striped curd easter of cream with candied fruit

I also liked unusual presentation raw easter with chocolate. In the recipe, you need to take exactly two tiles, but they can be replaced with cocoa. And for those who do not respect products from cocoa beans, just take syrups and jams. It will also turn out very nice.


  • 500 ml. cream 33-40%
  • 600 g curd
  • 2 dark chocolate bars 100 g
  • butter 120 g.
  • powdered sugar 200 g
  • 1 cup mixed candied fruits, dried fruits, raisins

1. Pour 125 g of cream into a separate bowl, into which we break both chocolate bars. We put this mass on the stove for water bath until the chocolate melts.

2. We take two containers, into each of which we will grind equal amount cottage cheese.

3. Finely chop candied fruits and dried fruits.

4. 120 g soft butter divide in half and put half in each container with cottage cheese, we also divide candied fruits.

5. Now whip the remaining cream to strong peaks. Cream must be chilled.

6. Put three tablespoons of powdered sugar in each bowl.

7. Now pour melted chocolate and a third of whipped cream into one part. Put the remaining cream in a bowl without chocolate.

8. Beat each mass well until smooth and begin to lay in a mold.

We take a sieve so that excess whey drains, put wet gauze into it. Now we fill the sieve curd bases in turn. At first white layer, then chocolate, etc.

9. We put the press and put it in the refrigerator for the night.

10. In the morning we take out Easter, turn it over onto a sieve plate and carefully remove the gauze. It remains only to decorate it.

To ensure that your actions always lead to the expected result, let's look at a few nuances. Their observance will allow you to avoid unpleasant disappointments and always give tasty treat on this bright day.

  1. So, we always take only fresh products.
  2. Curd must be dry. If you buy this product, then it does not need additional settling, and if you do it yourself, then it is better to hang it for 4 hours above the saucepan so that the excess whey is glass.
  3. To create a delicate and airy dessert texture, the base must be rubbed through a sieve. This will break up the lumps that could be felt in the delicacy.
  4. You need to take thick sour cream so that the spoon stands, then the consistency of the mass will please you, usually 20% of the product is used for this.
  5. You can cook cottage cheese from any fermented milk product and also from milk. By the way, it was previously valued from milk above the rest, because it turns out to be softer and less grainy.
  6. To give different shades, take home dyes: turmeric, beet juice, greens.
  7. For those who cannot eat sweet food, I can suggest making it with herbs and garlic. To do this, take any of the above recipes and remove sweet fillers with spices and granulated sugar. Instead, add salt, chopped herbs and garlic juice.
  8. In order for the dessert to get out of the mold well, before laying the mass in it, you need to lay gauze or a dense fabric.

What should you do if Easter turned out to be very liquid?

So, we made this wonderful dessert, and then I hear that someone turned out a cottage cheese Easter too liquid, even after brewing. Have you had such cases? This could be due to the fact that they took homemade cottage cheese too “raw” or shifted butter and sour cream. But this problem is definitely solvable, it will only take a little more time, don't worry, we won't throw anything away.

Here are some tips on how to remove excess liquid from the curd mass:

  1. Add a spoonful of melted gelatin, put the mixture into molds and put it in the cold until the gelatin is completely solidified, and it will take in excess moisture. It can be replaced with agar agar.
  2. You can put the base in double gauze, tie the ends and hang over the container for half a day so that the excess whey is glass.
  3. Or place the already prepared mass in a mold under oppression until the morning. Periodically checking it and draining the unnecessary released liquid.

That's exactly how it should work.

For those who are preparing for this bright day, I suggest doing it with the children and using their example to explain why this holiday is so revered and joyful for people.

The traditional dish on Bright Sunday is cottage cheese Easter. Such a dish is even called ritual. When a cottage cheese Easter is placed in the center of the festive table, then it must certainly be tasted first in order to go through the rite of breaking the fast. Easter can be prepared from both cottage cheese and curd mass. The recipe with photos will tell you how.
To prepare Easter from cottage cheese, you will need less products. Firstly, it is already sweet, so we will not use so much sugar. Secondly, the curd mass is very fragrant and it already contains vanillin, so we do not take it additionally. Thirdly, there are already candied fruits in the curd mass - these can be raisins or dried apricots. Fourthly, the curd mass is always very tender and does not need to be rubbed through a sieve, as is the case with cottage cheese, which is always made in grains. IN general mass pluses in the curd mass, so feel free to buy it and cook a delicious Easter from it.

Required products:
- 500 grams of curd mass,
- 100 grams of granulated sugar,
- 3 tables. l. sour cream
- 50 grams of butter.

How to cook with a photo step by step

We shift the entire curd mass into a deep bowl, add granulated sugar there, slightly sweeten the curd.

Take out the butter in advance so that it melts and becomes at room temperature. Add the butter to the curd mass and knead well so that it is evenly distributed in the bowl. I have a curd mass with raisins, and you can buy any: even without candied fruits, even with dried apricots. If there are few candied fruits, then add any colored candied fruits of your choice: they come from apples, pineapples, bananas, or even figs.

Add sour cream, but not much. We take sour cream not very liquid, it is about 20% fat content and above. Mix the curd mass until a single consistency.

We take a special detachable form, line the inner surface with wet gauze and tamp the curd mass to the very top. We put it in the refrigerator for the night under oppression, so the whey and liquid will drain, and Easter will take the correct shape and harden well.

We serve ready-made cottage cheese Easter to festive table. Happy Easter!
And this is how I recommend baking

Easter cottage cheese - cooking recipes.

Cottage cheese Easter is traditionally made in the form of a four-sided pyramid, which personifies Golgotha. Therefore, in pre-revolutionary times, every family had a beekeeper - a collapsible wooden form of four planks. Now you can hardly find those old beekeepers, but they began to be released again due to growing demand. Please note that the letters “ХВ” (Christ is risen) were carved on the inside, as well as traditional images: a cross, a spear, a cane, sprouted grains, sprouts and flowers - symbols of the suffering and resurrection of Christ. All this is imprinted on Easter and gives it a solemn, festive look.

Easters are raw, boiled and custard. Although they are similar in composition and taste, they are made in different ways. Raw Easters are easier to prepare, but boiled and custards are stored longer (in the refrigerator for a week), in addition, raisins can be added to them, from which raw Easter will quickly turn sour.

It is very important to choose cottage cheese for Easter - it must be fresh, dry and uniform. In order for the curd mass to be airy, the curd must be held under oppression so that the glass has excess moisture, and then rubbed through a sieve (preferably twice). Do not pass cottage cheese through a meat grinder - it turns out to be crushed and viscous.

Spices - cardamom and star anise - will give a special aroma to Easter. In addition to candied fruits and walnuts, you can also use raisins and almonds.

Church curd Easter.

There are many recipes for preparing Easter, but do you know how a real church Easter is prepared? We offer you a recipe from the church cookbook, according to which you can cook a real Easter, juicy and rich, in compliance with all traditions.

A real church Easter is prepared from the following ingredients:

2 kg cottage cheese
10 eggs
400 g butter
700 g sugar
400 g sour cream
100 g almonds
100 g seedless raisins
vanillin - to taste.

Easter is prepared as follows:

1. Rub cottage cheese with butter through a sieve, add eggs, sour cream and mix thoroughly in a large bowl.
2. Place the Easter bowl on medium fire and bring the mass to a boil, stirring constantly with a wooden spatula so as not to burn.
3. As soon as the mass reaches a boil, immediately remove it from the heat and cool it as quickly as possible, continuing to stir continuously.
4. Add sugar, vanillin, raisins and almonds to the cooled mass, mix properly, put in a pastry box, tamping the mass tightly, put a saucer with a load on top and refrigerate for a day.

Bon appetit and Happy Easter!
Author Olga Ryvkina

Recipe for Easter cottage cheese custard.

Curd Easter - a traditional dish on the table on the day of celebration Great Easter. A real delicacy that both children and adults love is not difficult to prepare.

To prepare Easter cottage cheese custard, you will need:

Fat cottage cheese, 1kg
- butter, 200 gr
- eggs, 5 pcs
- sugar, 200 gr
- vanilla sugar, teaspoon
- cream 10-20%, 400 ml
- nuts, candied fruits, raisins, 100 gr each

From the products above, you can make 2 Easters of medium size (about 12 cm in diameter).

How to cook Easter cottage cheese custard:

Cottage cheese must be passed through a meat grinder or through a fine sieve so that it becomes homogeneous.

Heat the butter a little until soft (do not drown!), Add to the cottage cheese.

Beat separately with sugar vanilla sugar eggs, add cream, stir everything until smooth, put on a gentle fire. Bring the mixture to a boil, stirring constantly - the mass should thicken slightly.

The egg mixture remains to cool, at this time we mix the curd-butter part with candied fruits, raisins and nuts. Of course, all dried fruits must first be washed and dried, finely chopped if necessary.

Then all the ingredients are mixed, Easter is laid out in a special form for Easter, in which there are holes for excess liquid to flow out, previously lined with gauze (you can use a colander). Gauze should be folded in several layers, the edges must certainly hang from the edges of the dishes. When Easter is laid, the edges of the gauze are wrapped, the form is placed in a certain container, large in size - a load must be placed on top, and whey will drain from Easter.

The form in the bowl, together with the load, is sent to the cold for 12 hours. After this time, the gauze unfolds, the form is turned over, the Easter is removed from it onto a plate. You can decorate the dish with candied fruits and nuts.
Author Tamara Chumakova

Custard Easter " Delicate cottage cheese”.

Custard Easter “Gentle cottage cheese” is prepared from the following ingredients:

Market cottage cheese - 500 g
egg yolks - 2 pcs.
sugar - 0.5 tbsp.
milk - 2.5 tbsp.
butter - 100 g
vanilla sugar - 1 tsp
colorful candied fruits - 100 g
chopped walnuts- 2 tbsp.

How to cook a tender custard Easter:

1. Squeeze the curd through two layers of gauze, then wipe through a sieve.
2. Rub the yolks with sugar, pour in the milk. Put the mixture in a water bath and heat, stirring, until thick (do not boil).
3. Pour hot mix in a large bowl, add butter, stir. Add vanilla sugar, candied fruits and walnuts. Stir again.
4. Small portions Add cottage cheese to the mixture, mixing thoroughly each time.
5. Fold the mass into a gauze bag and hang for 10-12 hours.
6. After that, transfer the curd mass to the pastry box, give it the desired shape and decorate.

Recipe for raw Easter in the old fashioned way.

For all Christians, Easter is a great holiday, but it is especially loved and revered by the Orthodox. The onset of Easter marks the end of Lent, so it is customary to cook for the Easter table a large number of a wide variety of dishes.

However, Easter also has the main attribute - this is a cottage cheese Easter or Easter cake and colored eggs. In former times it was difficult to imagine a festive Easter table in an Orthodox family without cottage cheese Easter, sometimes even several types. The main component of this dish is pureed cottage cheese, which is mixed with butter, sour cream or cream, eggs and sugar, and vanillin (vanilla sugar) is added for flavor.

The old-fashioned raw Easter recipe calls for products High Quality: cottage cheese - only fresh, not sour, it must be kept under pressure so that excess whey is glassed; butter should be unsalted, soft and plastic; sour cream and cream are taken with a 30% fat content, and granulated sugar is fine and white.

The old recipe for raw Passover also calls for the curd to be carefully rubbed through a sieve to avoid grains in the Passover. Butter should soften at room temperature, for which it must be taken out of the refrigerator 1.5-2 hours before cooking Easter. In no case should you dissolve the oil when heated.

Raisins, candied fruits and dried apricots, which are usually added to Easter cottage cheese, must be thoroughly washed and dried. Sometimes cardamom and star anise are also added for flavor, which must be ground very finely.

To prepare raw easter the old fashioned way, you will need:

Curd - 800 g
egg yolks- 4 things.
heavy cream - 1.5 tbsp.
sugar - 150-200 g
butter - 200 g
salt - a quarter of a teaspoon
raisins, chopped candied fruits and dried apricots - 1 tbsp.

Raw Easter in the old way is prepared like this:

1. Carefully wipe the cottage cheese through a sieve.
2. Whip the cream with half the sugar.
3. Beat the softened butter with the remaining sugar, egg yolks, vanilla and salt.
4. Very thoroughly mix the cottage cheese with the butter mixture, adding raisins, candied fruits and dried apricots (optional).
5. When the consistency of the mass becomes homogeneous, add the cream and mix again.
6. Line the Easter mold (pasochnik) with slightly damp gauze, lay out the curd mass, covering it on top with the edges of the fabric, put a load on top and refrigerate for 6-8 hours.
7. Release the finished Easter from the mold and decorate as desired.

Cottage cheese Easter with semolina.

It is difficult to imagine the Easter holiday without the traditional Easter cake on the table. Over the years, many recipes have appeared that have turned it from plain bread with raisins in a very delicious cupcake or a casserole. Cottage cheese Easter with semolina is prepared very simply and quickly, but even the most capricious gourmets will appreciate its taste. The cottage cheese contained in it makes it not only very tasty, but also healthy.

Cottage cheese Easter with semolina is prepared from the following products:

Soft cottage cheese - 600 g
semolina - 10 tablespoons
eggs - 4 pcs.
butter - 100-150g
lemon - ½ pc.
vanillin or vanilla sugar - to taste
sugar - ½ tbsp., but more is possible
salt - to taste
soda - ½ tsp or a little less

Cottage cheese Easter with semolina is prepared as follows:

1. Rub the cottage cheese.
2. Separate the proteins from the yolks. Beat egg whites separately with a pinch of salt.
3. Beat the yolks, cottage cheese, sugar and vanilla sugar or vanillin, slowly add the melted butter, whisking the mixture. Then add egg whites while continuing to beat. If the dough is too liquid, then add semolina if too thick - milk.
4. Ready dough pour into prepared molds. They can be lubricated with oil, but it is better to use parchment paper- it will be easier to pull out, and the calorie content of the dish will not increase.
5. In a preheated oven, bake at a temperature of 180-200 degrees for about 50 minutes. 10 minutes before the end of baking, reduce the temperature in the oven to 160 degrees.

Cottage cheese Easter with semolina turns out to be quite soft and crumbly. It can be served as a traditional Easter cake, covering with fudge from beaten eggs with powdered sugar. Fondant can be different, its choice depends on the desired result. We offer you several simple recipes, which will help to make the Easter cake beautiful and festive.

If you want the fondant to be soft and not harden or break when you cut the Easter, beat the whole egg with sugar until the sugar is completely dissolved.

congealing white fudge can be prepared from egg whites(1 pc.), Powdered sugar (50 g) and lemon juice (1 tablespoon). First you need to beat the whites, and then gradually add the powdered sugar and lemon juice. In order for the fondant to lie evenly and quickly harden, it must be applied on a still warm Easter.

You can replace fudge with white icing, for the preparation of which you will need 100 ml of milk, 100 g of sugar, 1 tsp. cognac (liquor). All ingredients are dismounted and simmered until the mixture begins to resemble syrup. After being applied to the Easter cake, the syrup hardens, turning into a glaze.

We hope that our recipe will decorate your table and give pleasure to you and your loved ones. In addition, cottage cheese Easter will not harm the figure at all, since its calorie content is only 177 kcal per 100 g.

Royal cottage cheese Easter.

Almost every housewife has her favorite Easter recipe. There are many varieties of them: royal, pink, chocolate, nut, Easter with raisins and so on. All the variety and not list. main ingredient real Easter - cottage cheese. Sometimes Easter cakes are called Easter, but this is not true.

It is better to cook cottage cheese yourself, then Easter will turn out tastier. Homemade cottage cheese can be made with store-bought milk. You can cook cottage cheese different ways, but the main thing is that it should not turn out very sour, dry, and at the same time be without grains. In addition to cottage cheese, sour cream, eggs, butter and sugar are put on Easter. Products must be the freshest, sour cream - thick and oily. Additional Ingredients may be raisins, candied fruits, nuts, dried apricots, prunes, lemon peel, cardamom, vanilla, cocoa, cinnamon.

To cook the royal cottage cheese Easter, you will need:

Curd - 1 kg
eggs - 7 pcs.
sour cream - 400 g
sugar - 250 g
vanillin - 1 package
butter - 200 g
raisins - 150 g
almonds - 100 g
dried apricots - 100 g
hazelnuts - 100 g

How to cook Easter royal curd:

1. We take soft cottage cheese, without lumps, wipe it through a sieve twice.
2. Add sour cream, softened butter, sugar and vanillin to the cottage cheese. We mix everything.
3. We put the pan with the curd on the fire and constantly stir until it becomes homogeneous and starts to puff.
4. Then add eggs to the curd mass - one at a time, mixing the mass well each time.
5. Wash dried apricots and raisins and pour boiling water for 15-20 minutes. Then we discuss. Add to curd mixture, stir.
6. Hazelnuts and almonds are lightly fried and chopped. Add to curd mixture, stir.
7. We take a sieve (or a pasochnik or other form for Easter), cover it with gauze in two layers and pour out our curd mass. We wrap the edges of the gauze crosswise and put it under oppression, then in the cold for a day, at least.

Royal cottage cheese Easter.

To prepare the royal cottage cheese Easter, you will need:

Curd - 500 g
chicken eggs- 2-3 pcs.
sour cream - 200-250 g
powdered sugar - 70-100 g
butter - 100 g
candied fruit - to taste
almonds - to taste
raisins - to taste

How to cook royal curd Easter:

1. So, we start by rubbing the cottage cheese through a sieve, or passing it through a meat grinder twice. Then we put on slow fire thick-walled saucepan and melt the butter in it. As soon as it becomes soft, add cottage cheese to the saucepan and vigorously stir the mass until it becomes more liquid. Then add sour cream to the curd mass and mix everything thoroughly again.
Once again, we draw your attention to the fact that the fire should be minimal.
2. Lastly, we begin to gradually add (one at a time) chicken eggs. Again, stir well to form uniform consistency.
We continue to “cook” the curd mass over low heat, without leaving the stove and constantly stirring the mass so that it does not burn.
3. As soon as the mass begins to boil, remove the pan from the heat and put it on ice or in very cold water. Stir the mixture until it has completely cooled down. After that, add powdered sugar to it, as well as vanilla sugar. Thoroughly mix everything again and let stand for about 10 minutes.
4. At this time, we are preparing the form for Easter: we moisten it plain water, and then we cover it with a cotton napkin or gauze (in this case, the edges of the gauze must be folded). We spread the prepared curd mass in the form and cover it with gauze. We put Easter in a cold place under oppression for at least 12 hours (therefore, it is best to do all these preparations in the evening in order to leave the pasochka for the night). At the same time, do not forget to substitute a plate for Easter so that whey flows into it.
5. Carefully remove the finished easter from the mold, bend the edges of the gauze and lay out the easter on a beautiful big dish. From above, carefully decorate the cottage cheese Easter with candied fruits, marmalade and raisins. You can also use whole nut kernels (almonds, walnuts, etc.).

Easter cottage cheese baked.

To prepare baked cottage cheese Easter, we need:

Curd - 600 g
starch - 40 g
eggs - 6 pcs.
sugar - 7 tbsp.
chocolate - 100 g
raisins - 25 g
candied fruits - 25 g
almonds - 10 g
vegetable oil - 1 tsp
breadcrumbs - 1 tbsp.

How to cook baked cottage cheese Easter:

1. Prepare the cottage cheese. For cooking, you need to take fresh, fatty, crumbly cottage cheese. We put it in cheesecloth, tie it up, put it in a colander and put a load on top. Substitute a plate under the bottom, where the liquid will drain. Let's leave it in this state for 12 hours, then excess liquid will leave the curd.
2. Soak the raisins in a glass of warm water.
3. Wipe the prepared cottage cheese through a sieve, resulting in an air mass.
4. Drain the water from the raisins and mix with starch.
5. Add raisins with starch to cottage cheese, mix everything thoroughly.
6. Separate the yolks from the proteins, add 4 tablespoons to the yolks. sugar and mix with a whisk.
7. Add the resulting yolk mass to the curd, mix.
8. Mix the proteins and the remaining sugar. We will beat the mixture until a stable foam, I beat for about 10 minutes.
9. Gently add the proteins to the curd.
10. Lubricate vegetable oil baking dish. Sprinkle it with breadcrumbs.
11. Heat up the oven to 180 °C.
12. We spread the curd mass in a mold and bake for 1 hour at a temperature of 180 ° C.
13. We take out the finished Easter, cover it with a towel, let it cool.
14. Carefully remove Easter from the mold.
15. Let's prepare our decoration: melt the chocolate in a water bath, add a spoonful of water there.
16. Pour over Easter with melted chocolate, lay out almond leaves and candied fruits.

Our baked cottage cheese Easter is ready.

Tip: You can add candied fruits directly to Easter, and leave only chocolate and almond leaves for decoration.
Author Julia Golubko

Raw cottage cheese Easter recipe.

This delicious recipe raw cottage cheese Easter is different in that you don’t need to cook anything special - with minimal time you will get an excellent holiday dish.

To prepare Easter cottage cheese raw, you will need:

Cottage cheese, 500 grams
- butter, 200 grams
- granulated sugar, 200 grams
- cream, 100 ml
- egg yolks, 2-3 pcs
- almonds, raisins, candied fruits, 1 tbsp. spoon
- cardamom, vanillin, to taste

How to cook Easter cottage cheese raw:

1) Butter should be softened (do not melt!), Rub it thoroughly with sugar.

2) Gradually, one by one, add the yolks to the mass. Rub the mixture until all the sugar grains disappear.

3) Add cardamom, vanillin, favorite spices - to taste.

4) We wipe the cottage cheese a couple of times through a sieve so that it becomes even, without lumps, mix with the egg-butter part.

5) Gently mixing, add candied fruits, nuts, raisins.

6) Whip the cream, carefully add it to the rest of the mixture, after which we put the raw curd Easter into a mold, put oppression on top, and send it to the cold for the night.

This recipe for making raw cottage cheese Easter is simple, however, the dish turns out to be delicious - it's a classic.

Curd Easter with chocolate.

Thanks to chocolate, this recipe will surely please your children, especially those with a sweet tooth.

To make Chocolate Easter Cake, you will need:

Sour cream - 800 g
chocolate - 200 g
eggs - 6 pcs
sugar - 350 g
cream - 100 ml
butter - 400 g
cottage cheese - 200 g
vanilla sugar - 5 g
almonds - 70 g
lemon juice - 1 tbsp.
powdered sugar - 300 g

This number of products is designed for 16-18 servings, if you plan to make fewer servings, then reduce the number of products while maintaining all proportions.

Cottage cheese Easter with chocolate is prepared as follows:

1. We spread the sour cream on cheesecloth, twist it and hang it for several hours - this is necessary in order for excess liquid to drain from the glass. While the whey is draining, separate the eggs into yolks and whites.
2. Three shah fine grater chocolate, beat the yolks with sugar, vanilla and chocolate, add the cream. We put the resulting mixture in a water bath, stirring, let it boil, and then cool.
3. Cut the butter into small pieces and let stand at room temperature for 10-15 minutes to make it soft. After that, mix it with settled sour cream, egg-cream mixture and beat.
4. Finely chop the almonds (can be chopped in a blender), wipe the cottage cheese until smooth, mix all the ingredients, beat with a mixer.
5. Prepare forms for Easter, line them with gauze in several layers. Put the resulting mass into the molds, cover with the ends of gauze, put a load on top and refrigerate. Easter will be ready in 24 hours.
6. Prepare the icing: beat the whites with powdered sugar and lemon juice to make it thick white foam. We cover Easter with this glaze, sprinkle with grated chocolate, let it harden. Easter is ready!

Easter prepared in this way looks very beautiful and elegant, but you can turn on the fantasy and make it even brighter. For decoration, you can use fruits or dried fruits, caramel and lemon zest, in a word - everything that your heart tells you. Put your soul into the cottage cheese Easter with chocolate, then it will bring a lot of joy to you and your loved ones.

Easter cottage cheese with condensed milk.

To cook Easter cottage cheese with condensed milk, we need:

Curd - 800 g
sour cream (42%) - 200 g
raisins - 150 g
condensed milk - 380 g
vanilla sugar - 1 tsp

How to cook Easter cottage cheese with condensed milk:

1. Soak the raisins in a glass of warm water, leave for half an hour.
2. Wipe the cottage cheese through a sieve (twice), you can also use a meat grinder. The curd will become fluffy and airy.
3. Add sour cream to the curd and mix everything thoroughly with a blender.
4. Add condensed milk and vanilla sugar. I added 1 g of vanillin instead of vanilla sugar, since it was not found at home.
5. Beat the resulting mixture until smooth. Let's try, maybe you like it sweeter, then add a little more sugar and mix.
6. Drain the water from the raisins, dry it a little.
7. Add to cottage cheese mixture raisins and mix.
8. Put the paster on a plate so that the whey from the curd flows there.
9. Lay out the bean bag with wet gauze folded in several layers.
10. Transfer the curd mixture to the paster, level it and press it lightly, then carefully fold the edges of the gauze.
11. Put a load on top, I put a small closed jar with water.
12. Put everything in the refrigerator for 12 hours.
13. We take out, remove the gauze from above and carefully turn it over onto a dry plate, remove the gauze from Easter.

Easter cottage cheese with condensed milk is ready. You can decorate it as you wish, I used the usual sugar sprinkle which is sold in all stores.

Tip: Instead of regular condensed milk, you can take boiled condensed milk, you will also get beautiful easter but with a slightly different taste!

Cottage cheese Easter without eggs.

Cottage cheese Easter without eggs is an unusually tasty and refined type of Easter. It is light, quick and easy to prepare, the only catch is that you need to prepare such an Easter in advance, because it must definitely stand under the yoke for at least a day. Both children and adults will like this dessert, besides, it is very healthy.

A few tips for making delicious cottage cheese Easter:

Cottage cheese should be taken dry for Easter, it is best to put it in gauze at night and hang it so that excess liquid is glassed, then Easter will turn out to be dense and grab better;
cottage cheese must be rubbed through a sieve during the preparation of Easter at least twice;
it is better to use not granulated sugar, but powdered sugar for cooking Easter, then Easter will turn out more tender;
it is better to take fat sour cream for cooking Easter;
if you do not have a special bead box, you can take another plastic form or a plastic bucket and make holes in the bottom with a regular awl to drain the liquid;
you can put it on easter additional components- dried fruits (dried apricots, raisins, prunes, candied fruits), nuts. They will make Easter not only delicious, but even more useful;
Easter must be allowed to stand in the cold under oppression for at least 12 hours so that it becomes dense and keeps its shape well.

To make cottage cheese Easter without eggs, you will need:

Curd - 650 g
powdered sugar - 250 g
sour cream - 200 g
butter - 250 g
raisins - 80 g
dried apricots - 80 g
prunes - 80 g

How to cook cottage cheese Easter without eggs:

1. We scroll the cottage cheese through a meat grinder, but it is better to rub it through a sieve (2 times), because after a meat grinder it can become crumpled, crushed and viscous. And the cottage cheese rubbed through a sieve will be lush, airy and saturated with air. Then add softened butter and mix.
2. Wash dried apricots, raisins and prunes and pour boiling water for about 15-20 minutes. Then cut dried apricots and prunes into pieces.
3. Mix vanillin with powdered sugar and add to the curd mass.
4. Add sour cream and mix in a blender.
5. Add dried apricots, prunes and raisins, mix again.
6. We prepare the pasochnik (if it is not there, you can use a sieve, colander). We cover the form for Easter with gauze in 2 layers and put it in a container (it is possible in a plastic bowl).
7. We spread the curd mass in the pastry box, press it well. We wrap the ends of the gauze on top crosswise and put the load. If you are using a different form, place a deep plate underneath to drain the liquid. We put Easter in the refrigerator for 10-15 hours.
8. Easter is ready!

Easter cottage cheese puff.

Suggest cooking for Easter original easter cottage cheese from three layers, consisting of curd mass and additives - raisins are mixed into the first layer, cocoa powder into the second, and nuts into the third. It turns out very beautiful, and most importantly - delicious!

To make Easter puff pastry, you will need:

Homemade cottage cheese - 1 kg
eggs - 3 pcs.
butter - 200 g
gelatin - 40 g
milk - 2 tbsp.
sugar - 1.5 tbsp.
cocoa powder - 3 tbsp
nuts - 3-4 tbsp.
raisins - 3-4 tbsp.
vanillin - to taste

How to cook Easter puff pastry:

1. Soak gelatin in ½ cup cold water, leave for 30-40 minutes to swell.
2. We heat the milk and dilute the gelatin in it.
3. Beat the eggs with a small amount Sahara.
4. We take homemade cottage cheese, choose more oily and fatter. We rub through a sieve, rub with sugar and softened (not on fire!) Butter. We add eggs. Mix well and beat with a mixer.
5. We continue to beat the cottage cheese and at the same time pour in the milk and gelatin. Whip until you get a homogeneous fluffy mass.
6. Pour boiling water over raisins.
7. Grind the nuts.
8. We divide the whipped curd mass into 3 parts. Add steamed raisins to one part, chopped nuts to the second, cocoa powder to the third.
9. Lubricate the Easter mold with butter. We spread the curd mass in layers: first - the curd mass with raisins. We place the form in the refrigerator to solidify, for 40-50 minutes. Then - a mass of cocoa, again placed in the refrigerator to solidify. AND upper layer- mass with nuts. Place in the refrigerator to chill for about 2-3 hours.
10. We take out the frozen curd Easter from the mold by dipping the mold into hot water and quickly turn it over onto a plate.
11. Decorate Easter with candied fruits, raisins and nuts.

Preparation time: 30-40 minutes
Cooking time: 40-50 minutes
Curing time: 2-3 hours
Servings: 6-8

Cottage cheese Easter with pieces of chocolate.

To prepare cottage cheese Easter with chocolate chips, we need:

Curd - 400 g
eggs - 2 pcs.
butter - 180 g
sugar - 100 g
bitter chocolate - 50 g
cream (30%) - 100 ml
cinnamon - 1 tsp
cocoa - 2 tsp

How to cook cottage cheese Easter with chocolate pieces:

1. Let's boil the eggs. Separate the whites from the yolks. We only need yolks for cottage cheese Easter.
2. Mix the yolks, melted butter and sugar in a separate bowl. Let's cut it carefully.
3. Add cottage cheese and cinnamon to the resulting mixture. Mix with a blender.
4. Cut the chocolate into small pieces.
5. Put the chocolate into the curd mass and mix gently.
6. Line the bean bag with wet gauze or muslin.
7. Put the curd mass in the form, cover it with gauze.
8. Place a small weight on top and refrigerate for at least 4 hours (I left Easter in the refrigerator overnight). Don't forget to place a large, deep plate under the bottom of the mold so that the liquid drains there. It is desirable that the resulting whey does not come into contact with the cottage cheese Easter. It is better to periodically check and drain the whey.
9. We take out the finished Easter from the pasochnik, carefully remove the gauze.
10. Sprinkle Easter with cocoa powder using a sieve.

It turned out to be a cottage cheese Easter with pieces of chocolate and chocolate sprinkles. very bright and unusual taste which will appeal to both children and adults.

Recipe Easter cottage cheese with boiled yolks.

To prepare Easter cottage cheese with boiled yolks, you will need:

Fresh cottage cheese, 600 grams
- butter, 200 grams
- icing sugar, half a glass
- cream, 400 ml
- boiled yolks, 7 pieces
- vanillin or other spices, to taste

How to cook Easter cottage cheese with boiled yolks

Cottage cheese, as in many other Easter recipes, should be rubbed through a sieve so that it becomes even, without lumps. Mix cottage cheese with butter and yolks.

Whip the cream with powdered sugar, add them to the curd mass. We mix everything thoroughly, put our Easter cottage cheese with boiled yolks in a mold, put oppression, send it to the cold for 12 hours.

Easter cottage cheese and sour cream with boiled condensed milk

To cook Easter cottage cheese and sour cream with boiled condensed milk, you will need:

Curd - 500 g
sour cream 20% - 500 g
condensed milk - 400 g
butter - 150 g
lemon - ½ pc.
dried fruits and candied fruits - 1 tbsp.
sugar - 7 tsp

How to cook Easter cottage cheese and sour cream with boiled condensed milk:

1. We need dairy products (cottage cheese, sour cream and butter) at room temperature, so if they are in the refrigerator, take them out in advance.
2. Put softened butter in a blender bowl, add sour cream and beat. Then add cottage cheese and beat again.
3. Condensed milk we need 1 jar (400 grams), boiled.
4. We rub the zest of half a lemon, we need 1 tablespoon of zest and 2 tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice.
5. Add condensed milk, zest and lemon juice to the blender bowl. Beat until the mass is evenly colored. We taste the resulting mass. If you don't think it's too sweet, add sugar to your liking.
6. For the recipe, we take such dried fruits: dried apricots, prunes and dates. We wash them, if large enough come across - cut into the size of a raisin. Add dried fruits and candied fruits to the curd mass and gently stir with a spoon.
7. We cover the pasochnik with a dense cloth. If you don't have a pasta bowl, then use a colander by placing it on a bowl or pan. We cover the colander with a dense cloth so that large hanging edges remain.
8. Pour the curd mass into the pasochnik (or colander), cover it with the edges of the fabric. From above we cover with a saucer that is suitable in size, and put a load on it (you can three-liter jar with liquid).
9. Put in the refrigerator for a day.
10. We unfold the frozen Easter and turn it over onto a dish. We take matter.
11. Decorate Easter to your taste.
12. Cut Easter preferably with a warm knife, for this we dip the knife in warm water and wipe with a napkin. Then we make a cut. We warm up the knife before each next cut.
13. Serve our cottage cheese and sour cream on the table chilled.

Cottage cheese Easter with candied fruits.

To prepare Easter cottage cheese with candied fruits, you will need:

Cottage cheese - 1 kg (immediately before cooking, it is necessary to evaluate the dryness of the cottage cheese used)
eggs - 3 pcs.
sugar (powdered sugar) - 200 g
candied fruits - 300 g
vanilla sugar - 2 sachets
cream - 100 ml
candied fruits and marmalade for decoration - to taste

How to cook cottage cheese Easter with candied fruits (for 6 servings):

1. If the curd is wet, it must be transferred to any thin cloth (or gauze folded in two layers), the gauze or cloth must be tied in a knot and the curd should be hung over a plate in order to drain the whey from it. Then it is necessary to wipe the cottage cheese through a sieve, preferably twice. The result should be an airy and crumbly curd mass.
2. Then we separate the proteins from the yolks and then rub the yolks with sugar in a water bath until a pale cream color. It is necessary to make sure that the yolks do not stick to the bottom of the dishes.
3. Cottage cheese is mixed with vanilla sugar and candied fruits. And again, everything is well mixed.
4. After mixing, add 1 tablespoon of cream, 1 tablespoon of softened butter and 1 tablespoon of egg yolks. Again, everything is thoroughly mixed until the curd mass becomes completely homogeneous.
5. A special form for cottage cheese Easter (we mentioned it above) is placed upside down on a plate and laid with a double layer of gauze, part of which should remain outside the edges of the form.
6. Then the curd mass is transferred to this form. The ends of the gauze are placed on top of the cottage cheese, a plate or saucer is placed on them, and a small load (about 500-800 g) is placed on top. Excess whey will flow out through a special hole in the top of the form.
7. After that, the form is removed overnight (or about 12 hours) in the refrigerator.
8. Already ready easter garnished with candied fruit or marmalade.

Bon appetit and Happy Holiday Easter!
Author Elena Pevnaya

Curd Cheese Easter with boiled yolks.

Easter turns out to be very tender, "melting" in the mouth, and the texture is dense, the taste and smell are wonderful
Recipe from the book by S. Sakharova " home cook, or Kalinka's notes for beginner cooks. "There it is called "Cheese Easter",


Cottage cheese (preferably homemade) 800 gr
yolks from boiled eggs- 8 pieces
butter 200 gr
granulated sugar - 1 glass + 1 table. spoon
nuts or almonds - 100 gr
raisins - 2-3 table. spoons
candied oranges - 2-3 tablespoons
very thick homemade cream - 1 cup


cottage cheese and boiled yolks pass through a sieve. 1 cup of sugar, rubbed with butter, add to the cottage cheese and yolks, rub until a paste. You can also use a mixer. Washed, steamed and dried raisins, finely chopped nuts with a knife (do not crush or chop the walnuts with a mixer to avoid separation nut butter), finely chopped candied fruits from orange peel mix into curd mixture.

Line the inner surfaces of the assembled pastry box with clean boiled gauze and fill the pastry box tightly with the curd mass. Gauze must be clean, must be boiled. If you simply rinse the new gauze, it will remain bad smell and the cottage cheese will absorb this smell, and Easter will have a strange aftertaste.

Boil a glass of very thick, preferably homemade, cream with 1 tablespoon of sugar, let it cool slightly and pour the curd mass on top. Since there is a problem with homemade cream (they practically don’t sell it), I often cook without cream. It happens that there is little space left in the bowl after filling with the mass and not all the cream fits. Another time, I’ll add a little warm cream to the curd mass until it’s filled. But according to the book - it spills from above after filling into the bean box. If you add to the mass that is still in the bowl, then mix. If there is already a mass in the pasochnik, then I simply spill it from above (carefully pour it in a thin stream over the entire surface) and do not mix.
Put a plate on top (mine is made of plywood) and tipping the beaker with a narrow end into a saucepan (should not reach the bottom), place in the refrigerator. Put the load.
Take the pastry dish apart before serving. Cover the rest with damp cheesecloth and leave in the refrigerator.
