
Easter cottage cheese custard without eggs. Cottage cheese Easter Recipe for a delicious cottage cheese Easter without eggs

I have been looking for a good Easter cottage cheese recipe for a very long time without using yolks / raw eggs (well, I can’t eat them calmly, let alone give them to children!) And finally I found it in one of the women's magazines. There are still eggs in this recipe, but here they are heat-treated and I don’t have to worry about the presence of dangerous bacteria. The pasochka turns out to be very tasty, we ate it literally in one go and I didn’t even have time to take photos for memory. The recipe is simple to execute, but you will have to cook this dish at least in the evening on the eve of the great bright holiday (otherwise the curd Easter simply will not have time to settle, it needs at least 12 hours).

So, from the products we will need: 450 g (or a standard large store pack-bath) of cottage cheese, 100 ml of cream of any fat content, 100 g of soft butter, 2 eggs, 4 large tablespoons of sugar, a little bit of vanilla, raisins, dried apricots and other dried fruits to taste (you need to take at least 50 g of dried fruits, but I took more, they definitely won’t hurt yat).

From the "non-products" we will need three simple devices: a large sieve, cheesecloth and a special form for cottage cheese pasta. To be honest, I did it without a form, I just don’t have it and didn’t have time to buy it, instead I took an empty glass of sour cream and pierced a hole there to drain the liquid.

Now for the step by step preparation:

1. Unpack the cottage cheese, wrap it in gauze and squeeze out all the excess liquid well. I was surprised that at least half a stack of liquid leaked out of the dry curd. We don’t need whey, you can use it for other culinary purposes, and squeezed cottage cheese must be rubbed through a sieve twice, so its structure will be more uniform.

3. Now let's take care of the eggs - break them into a small saucepan, pour in the cream, put on a small fire and, with constant stirring, boil until thickened (I got a kind of yellow soufflé). Watch that the eggs don't burn.

4. And now the final stage: pour eggs into the curd mass, mix in our pre-washed and soaked dried fruits, put them in marlechka, put them in a mold, put a press on top (I had a jar of water) and send it to infuse in the refrigerator. Please note that excess liquid must drain, so the presence of a hole in the mold is required.

5. After the prescribed 12 hours, we take out our beautiful Easter from the refrigerator, carefully transfer it to a plate and decorate it to your liking. You can lay it out with candied fruits or raisins, sprinkle with grated chocolate or coconut flakes, pour over chocolate, make inscriptions, in general, as your heart desires!

Try to cook such a cottage cheese Easter, I'm sure that your whole family will definitely like it!

1. We prepare the necessary products for our Easter.

2. You need to take care of the butter in advance, get it out of the refrigerator so that it has time to melt. We transfer the raisins to a plate, pour boiling water for 15 minutes, turn over in a colander, let the water drain, remove excess moisture with a towel. We turn to candied fruits, if they are large, then cut into small cubes.

2. Mix high-fat sour cream with granulated sugar, add vanilla. Stir well, leave for 5 minutes, then mix again, as a result, the sugar grains should completely dissolve.

Culinary advice

I advise you to take homemade sour cream, in which the spoon stands, it will definitely not allow Easter to spread. If there is none, 20% fat will do, but no less.

3. We wipe the granular cottage cheese through a fine strainer, the process is laborious, but it's worth it. Of course, you can use a blender and kill everything in a minute, but not every home has this wonderful device. I do not recommend scrolling through a meat grinder, because the grains will only become smaller, and we need to achieve a uniform consistency.

4. Add butter to the cottage cheese. If you didn’t have time or forgot to get it out of the refrigerator in advance, then use the microwave, it will leak a little, but it’s okay, it will still freeze in a cold place.

5. Add the sour cream-sugar mixture to the curd mass.

6. Mix everything well, you can use the blender again.

7. Add raisins and candied fruit.

8. Mix the curd mass again for Easter.

Culinary advice

In addition to raisins and candied fruits, nuts and orange zest can be added to the dough, after chopping them.

9. In a shallow plate, put the bean bag upside down and cover with gauze.

10. We fill a special form with curd dough, tamping tightly.

11. We fold the edges of the gauze inward, closing the curd mass.

12. In order for raw Easter to release excess moisture, it is necessary to put a load on it. I used dumbbells, but a jar filled with liquid will also work. We place the structure in the refrigerator for 11 hours. From time to time, the resulting whey is drained.

13. After the specified time, we get rid of the load, but we don’t get the curd Easter. Let it still stand in the refrigerator at least overnight.

14. Easter without eggs is ready. It remains only to remove the form and gauze.

15. We store Easter cottage cheese in the refrigerator. Before serving, don't forget to garnish with grated chocolate or fresh mint.

To make the festive table look more elegant, I suggest you bake

Cottage cheese Easter is a sweet dish that, according to a long tradition, accompanies the celebration of the Great Day and is one of the main dishes on the festive table. The basis of the product is cottage cheese, which is supplemented with components that improve the taste and texture of sweets.

How to cook cottage cheese Easter?

So that at the head of the Easter table there is an ideal cottage cheese Easter in all respects, tips on how to cook it correctly and improve its taste will help you get the desired result.

  1. Cottage cheese should be natural, of high quality, ideally homemade.
  2. There are two types of products: raw, where thermally processed cottage cheese is used, and boiled or baked.
  3. Easter from cottage cheese is prepared in a special form, lined inside with a piece of cotton or gauze.
  4. Additional ingredients that are often added to cottage cheese: sour cream, cream, butter, condensed milk, eggs or yolks.
  5. Dried fruits, candied fruits, nuts, vanilla, less often chocolate, and other additives are traditionally considered flavor fillers of delicacies.

Cottage cheese Easter without baking

It is extremely simple to fulfill the classic Easter cottage cheese recipe. The main thing is to observe the proportions of the ingredients and approach their choice with all responsibility, giving preference only to high quality products. Cottage cheese before use should be rubbed twice through a sieve or punched until smooth with a blender.


  • cottage cheese - 1 kg;
  • yolks - 6 pcs.;
  • thick cream or sour cream - 2 cups;
  • melted butter - 2 cups;
  • sugar - 2 cups;
  • vanilla sugar - 2 packets;
  • dried fruits, nuts.


  1. Prepare curd.
  2. Add butter, whipped cream or sour cream with sugar, vanilla and egg yolks.
  3. Dried fruits and nuts are mixed into the base.
  4. The mass is transferred to a mold with gauze, pressed on top with a load and left in the cold.
  5. In a day, raw curd Easter will be ready.

Curd Easter in the oven

Cottage cheese cake for Easter - a recipe that is performed by preparing dough based on cottage cheese, followed by baking portions of the base in the oven. Products are incredibly tasty, with moist juicy pulp. Once having appreciated the advantage of such baking, it will forever become the highest priority.


  • milk - 500 ml;
  • cottage cheese - 400 g;
  • eggs - 6 pcs.;
  • yolks - 5 pcs.;
  • sour cream - 200 g;
  • margarine - 250 g;
  • sugar - 700 g;
  • vegetable oil and butter - 50 g each;
  • fresh yeast - 50 g;
  • flour - 1-1.5 kg;
  • vanillin - 0.5 packs;
  • pear essence - 0.5 bottles;
  • raisins - 250 g.


  1. Yeast is diluted in 50 ml of water by adding 1 teaspoon of sugar.
  2. Pour the mixture into warm milk, add a glass of sugar, leave until the foam cap.
  3. Beat separately the yolks with sugar, vanilla and whites with a pinch of salt.
  4. Soft margarine, butter, yolks, sour cream and cottage cheese are introduced into the dough.
  5. Mix vegetable oil, essence, floured raisins and flour into the base.
  6. The dough is kept warm and left to rise three times.
  7. The base is laid out in forms, filling them by a third, allowed to rise by two thirds.
  8. Cottage cheese is baked in an oven preheated to 180 degrees.

Cottage cheese Easter with candied fruits

The recipe for cottage cheese Easter with candied fruits will allow you to get a bright and tasty holiday dessert. The additive should be pre-soaked in hot water and left for at least 30 minutes, then allowed to drain. Dried fruits are also prepared in a similar manner, if they are used as a filling.


  • cottage cheese - 1 kg;
  • yolks - 4 pcs.;
  • sour cream - 200 g;
  • butter - 200 g;
  • sugar - 250 g;
  • vanilla sugar - 2 packets;
  • candied fruits - 200 g;
  • dried fruits and nuts (optional)


  1. The yolks, sour cream, butter and sugar are combined in a saucepan and heated with stirring until the first signs of boiling and thickening.
  2. Vanilla sugar is mixed in, cooled, grated cottage cheese and candied fruits with dried fruits and nuts are added.
  3. The mass is transferred to the form under the load.
  4. After 12 hours or a day, Easter cottage cheese will be ready.

Cottage cheese Easter without eggs

Curd without eggs is prepared using a simple and affordable technology with a minimum set of additional ingredients. Filling components are determined according to taste: traditional dried fruits with candied fruits and all kinds of nuts are suitable, which should be pre-dried and lightly browned.


  • cottage cheese - 1 kg;
  • sour cream - 100 g;
  • butter - 150 g;
  • sugar - 250 g;
  • vanillin, candied fruits, dried fruits and nuts (optional).


  1. Melt butter with sugar.
  2. Add sour cream, grated cottage cheese, vanilla, cook in a water bath with stirring for 15 minutes.
  3. Dried fruits and candied fruits with nuts are mixed into the base, transferred to a mold with gauze under the press.
  4. After 12-24 hours of being in the cold, the cottage cheese Easter will be ready.

Curd Chocolate Easter

Chocolate lovers will love the curd chocolate Easter, which is easy to prepare. Instead of melted chocolate, grated cocoa beans can be added to the base. Steamed dried prunes will harmoniously complement the taste palette, which should be cut into cubes before adding to the base.


  • cottage cheese - 0.5 kg;
  • cream - 500 g;
  • sour cream - 200 g;
  • butter and dark chocolate - 100 g each;
  • sugar - 150 g;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 package;
  • raisins, prunes and nuts - 100 g each.


  1. Grated cottage cheese is mixed with soft butter.
  2. Chocolate is melted by adding 100 g of cream, mixed with cottage cheese with dried fruits and nuts.
  3. Cream is whipped with regular and vanilla sugar, added to the base, which is transferred to a mold under the press.
  4. After 12 hours in the cold, Easter cottage cheese with chocolate will be ready.

Cottage cheese Easter with gelatin

Cooked cottage cheese Easter with gelatin without baking has a delicate taste and airy texture. Cream cheese can be replaced with a portion of soft cottage cheese or heavy homemade cream and adjust the amount of sugar used. In addition to dried fruits and nuts, the composition is supplemented with pieces of canned fruit.


  • cottage cheese - 600 g;
  • cream cheese - 200 g;
  • milk - 100 ml;
  • gelatin - 50 g;
  • sugar - 150 g;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 package;
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • dried fruits, nuts - to taste.


  1. Mix cottage cheese, cream cheese, regular and vanilla sugar, lemon juice, pierce everything with a blender.
  2. Gelatin dissolved in milk, dried fruits, nuts are mixed in, the mass is transferred to a mold with gauze, placed under a press for 12-24 hours in the cold.

Cottage cheese Easter with condensed milk

Will win the hearts of everyone who has time to try the dessert. The most delicate taste with a slight hint of caramel and a pleasant aftertaste will not leave anyone indifferent. Chocolate added as a filling to the base or used for decoration will complement the palette especially harmoniously.


  • cottage cheese - 500 g;
  • boiled condensed milk - 200 g;
  • sour cream - 150 g;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • vanilla sugar - 2 packets;
  • dried fruits, chocolate.


  1. Combine cottage cheese, sour cream, butter and vanilla sugar, pierce with a blender.
  2. Stir in condensed milk and dried fruits.
  3. The mass is transferred to a form with gauze, a load is placed on top, placed in the cold for a day.

Cottage cheese Easter with custard

Cottage cheese Easter is a recipe that can be performed with vanilla custard. The result will taste like the most tender bird's milk. Of the fillers, candied fruits and raisins are the most expected in this dessert. When adding roasted nuts, they should be chopped as finely as possible with a blender.


  • cottage cheese - 600 g;
  • sugar - 200 g;
  • eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • milk - 300 ml;
  • flour - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • vanilla sugar - 2 packets;
  • candied fruits, raisins - to taste.


  1. Eggs are beaten with flour, sugar and milk, heated in a water bath until thickened.
  2. Add vanilla, butter.
  3. After cooling, the mass is mixed with cottage cheese and pierced with a blender.
  4. Add candied fruits, raisins, shift the base into a mold with gauze under the press for a day.

Cottage cheese Easter in a slow cooker

From cottage cheese it can be realized using a multicooker. The result will be an unusually tasty product: something between a traditional Easter cake and cottage cheese Easter. The delicacy can be decorated on top by adding sugar or chocolate icing and decorating with confectionery sprinkles.

Calories: 1025

Last year, I cooked a lot of types of cottage cheese Easter, since it is she who is most loved by all members of my family. You know, of all the types, we liked Easter curd custard without eggs the most. Friends who came to visit us also noted its amazing taste. The recipe with step by step photos I have described in detail for you.
Most of all I like the process of preparing this kind of Easter. There is no need to bake, knead and prepare a bunch of products. If you have children in your family, then I would strongly recommend that you cook Easter cottage cheese for them. Believe me, you will not notice how it will be eaten, so I recommend making a large curd Easter, increasing the proportions of the ingredients by 2-3 times, or wishing for a few paska.
As fillers, you can add raisins, colored and fragrant candied fruits and even pieces of chocolate to the curd Easter. In general, as you can see, the filler can be anything. Even nuts will be appropriate and Easter will taste original with them. I guess you'll like this one too.

Required products:

- half a kilogram of cottage cheese,
- 50 grams of butter with the lowest percentage of fat,
- 1-2 tablespoons of non-fat sour cream,
- 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar.

How to cook at home

Immediately, I note that the cottage cheese should be laid out in a fairly deep bowl.
Put sour cream on it.

Then add the indicated amount of granulated sugar and lay out the butter.

By the way, the last ingredient can not be added to Easter at all, it will come out quite tasty without it.
Plug in your immersion blender and blend all ingredients well.

Transfer the curd sweet mass to a saucepan and put it in a water bath or the most ordinary slow fire.
With constant stirring, boil the mass until it becomes evenly smooth in appearance. You can't boil.

Turn the plastic mold upside down, lay out the cheesecloth, which you soak in water. Then lay out the entire curd mass.

Tuck the edges of the gauze for the next Easter and place a load on top.
In a day, Easter cottage cheese will be ready! I still like this one too

Cottage cheese Easter, along with, is an essential attribute of the Easter holiday table. If you have never cooked Easter from cottage cheese, I recommend trying it, it is very tasty and simple!

I offer you a recipe for raw cottage cheese Easter. It turns out a real delicacy that flies away in an instant!

To prepare it, you will need a special mold, a pastry box, in the form of a truncated pyramid, which, I think, will not be difficult to find on sale before Easter. They are plastic and wooden. However, instead of it, you can use an ordinary flower pot or a colander, that is, any container with a hole in the bottom through which the whey will drain.


Glass - 250 ml

  • 500 gr cottage cheese (preferably homemade, without grains)
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1 sachet of vanilla sugar
  • 1/2 cup sour cream (20-25%)
  • 100 gr butter
  • 1/2 cup raisins
  • 1/2 cup nuts (walnuts or other)
  • 1/2-3/4 cup candied fruits

Easter video recipe from cottage cheese:

How to cook cottage cheese Easter - recipe with photo:

  1. Prepare food for Passover. Leave the butter at room temperature to soften. Chop the nuts not very finely. If the candied fruits are large, then cut them into pieces. The products indicated in the composition are enough just for the form, as in the photo, with a volume of 1 liter.

    Necessary products for cottage cheese Easter without eggs

  2. Sort the raisins and pour boiling water for 10 minutes.

    soaked raisins

  3. Drain the water, squeeze the raisins and leave to dry.

    Prepared raisins for curd Easter

  4. Rub the cottage cheese through a fine sieve so that it becomes airy and homogeneous. It's very simple - pour some of the cottage cheese into a sieve and spread it with a spoon :-). It is best, of course, to use homemade cottage cheese of medium fat content, without grains. But if you have store-bought cottage cheese, then it is advisable to wipe it a couple of times. If there is no sieve, then you can scroll the cottage cheese in a meat grinder or chop with a blender.

    We wipe the cottage cheese

  5. Mix sour cream with vanilla and regular sugar and stir to dissolve.

  6. Add the resulting sweet sour cream to the curd.

    Cottage cheese with sour cream

  7. Add softened butter to it. Mix well, you can use a mixer.

  8. Pour nuts, raisins and candied fruits into the curd mass. (You can also add orange or lemon zest if you like.)

  9. Mix.

    Easter cottage cheese preparation

  10. Put the form for cottage cheese Easter on a plate and put gauze inside.

    Pasochnik covered with gauze

  11. Fill with curd.

    Form filled with curd mass

  12. Fold the edges of the gauze on top, as shown in the photo.

  13. Press down with a load, for example, a three-liter jar of water with a closed lid. Leave in a cool place for 10-12 hours. (My Easter under the load was 10 hours in the kitchen at room temperature.) Periodically drain the whey from the plate.

  14. Remove the load and put the Easter in the refrigerator for several hours or overnight.
  15. Remove the finished cottage cheese Easter from the mold by removing one side of the pastry box (or turning it over onto a plate if the mold is one-piece).

    Getting Easter out of the mold

  16. Remove gauze.

  17. Decorate as you wish with colorful sprinkles, candied fruit, etc.

That's all! Beautiful and delicious cottage cheese Easter is ready! It is best to cook it on Saturday morning, on the eve of Easter Sunday, in parallel with either, if you keep it, on Thursday or Friday.

If you liked the recipe
