
How to cook large gooseberry jam. Thick gooseberry jam without sterilization

Or raspberry. It is easy to prepare and the recipes can be very different. Excellent taste obtained from the royal (emerald) gooseberry jam.

In general, gooseberry bushes occupy an honorable place in many gardens and orchards. This plant is moisture-loving, but does not require special care. From one adult bush you can collect up to 20 kg of berries. According to the content of sugars, vitamins, organic acids and beneficial trace elements gooseberries are in the first lines of country plants.

Gooseberries are a great antioxidant that keeps us young and healthy. Some simple recipes, which I picked up for you, will help prepare this berry for winter tea parties.

You love ? Then cook it according to one of my recipes.

Royal gooseberry jam (emerald) - a classic recipe

One of the popular classic recipes gooseberry jam is called royal or emerald. Cherry leaf helps to keep beneficial features berries, give the dessert an excellent flavor and rich green color. For which, by the way, it received such a name.


  • gooseberries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • cherry leaves - 300-400 gr;
  • water - 3 cups.


Soak in a bowl cherry leaves in cold water. Then we send them to the fire, and after boiling we let them sweat for 5-10 minutes.

Before throwing the berries into a hot broth, they must be pricked with a toothpick so that they do not burst from the temperature. Some people remove the black seeds with a pin before boiling!

Pour the gooseberries into the hot cherry infusion, scroll the basin around its axis several times (we don’t use a skimmer!), cover the workpiece with leaves and leave for 6-12 hours.

The more cherry leaves, the more emerald the berry will turn out!

In the morning, we extract the berries with a slotted spoon and add 1 kg of sugar to the remaining infusion. Bring the syrup to a boil and pour green gooseberries into it.

Berries should be simmered and not bubbling! Syrup bubbles can damage the skin!

Next, the housewives use 2 cooking methods. First - boil the jam for 20 minutes over low heat and pour hot into jars. The second - we simmer on a minimum heat 3 times for 5 minutes, and between the boils we stand for 5-6 hours.

Pour the jam cooked by the first method into sterilized jars directly with a cherry leaf. The delicacy will turn out to be viscous-honey and very useful, transparent berries will absorb spicy taste and a summery fruity scent!

A simple recipe for gooseberry jam for the winter - five minutes

Hurry housewives use a simpler recipe for cooking gooseberry jam for the winter, it is called "five minutes". The berry is preserved with minimal heat treatment and preserves useful vitamins in a delicious amber treat.


  • gooseberries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • water - 1 glass.


Let's prepare the berry for jam. Cut off all the tails and wash under running water.

Some housewives leave short twigs and ponytails. IN ready jam they look nice!

Pour the gooseberries with a glass of cold water, bring to a boil and boil the berries for 2-3 minutes.

The next step is to add granulated sugar, mix gently, trying not to damage the berries. Boil over low heat for another 5 minutes and pour the hot jam into sterilized jars.

It is better to store “quick” jams in the refrigerator or in a cool cellar!

Recipe for gooseberry jam with oranges without cooking

One housewife once suggested new recipe gooseberry and orange jam. And he settled down. In the hot season, preparing such a dessert is a pleasure. It does not require cooking and tastes like a real meal!

Let's prepare the ingredients:

  • gooseberries - 1 kg;
  • oranges - 2 pcs;
  • sugar -1 kg.


Pass the washed and peeled berries through a meat grinder.

It is advisable to pour gooseberries hot water to sterilize the berries.

We also carefully wash the oranges with a brush, they are used in jam along with the skin. We cut them into slices, remove the families and pass through a meat grinder.

If desired, oranges can be skipped 2 times, then the consistency of the jam will be much more tender.

Pour in the granulated sugar in batches and mix thoroughly. It must completely dissolve. Let's give the yummy a good brew!

We prepare sterilized jars and pour the finished dessert over them.

Store jam prepared without cooking should only be stored in a refrigerator or a cold basement!

A simple recipe for gooseberry jam with walnuts

Gooseberry jam with walnuts can be attributed to royal delicacies. A simple cooking recipe will allow you to stock up on a delicious dessert for winter family tea parties without any special financial costs.

Let's prepare the necessary ingredients:

  • gooseberries green or pink - 1 kg;
  • walnuts - ½ cup;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • water - 0.5 l;
  • star anise - 1 star.

Gooseberries can be different color, the main thing is that they are dense and solid!


1. Peel the nuts and fry in a dry frying pan.

They must be stirred all the time so that not a single barrel burns!

2. Cut off the gooseberry tails and cuttings, rinse thoroughly under running water. We recline the berries in a colander so that the water is completely glass. Now begins the longest and most laborious process! But delicious jam worth the effort!

On one side of the gooseberry, we make a small incision and pick out the black seeds with a pin or hairpin. So we process each berry, then we fill it with a piece walnut and transfer to another bowl.

3. Cooking syrup. Mix water and sugar. Bring the liquid to a boil and completely dissolve the latter. Carefully pour the berries into the syrup, mix and leave the jam in the refrigerator for a day! Berries must be infused!

4. After 24 hours, put the gooseberries on a small fire, throw an asterisk of dry star anise and boil for 10 minutes, stirring constantly.

5. We sterilize the jars in advance and pour hot jam over them. We also roll up with sterile lids and put on the “head” until it cools completely.

You can store it in any convenient place, and get it on holidays and special occasions.

Happy tea drinking!

I welcome you, dear readers, to the pages of my blog. In today's article, I wanted to talk to you about the wonderful gooseberry. In my childhood, my grandmother called it agrus, I think you know its name as well. Gooseberry jam favorite treat my children and I will share with you 10 recipes for this unforgettable yummy.

We will cook not only jam, but also jam, confiture. And what are the names: simple, royal, with oranges, royal, emerald. And this is only a small part of what we can cook with you.


To make jam, you first need to deal with the berry. A plucked or purchased agrus must be cleaned of the stalk and remnants of flowers. Then the berry should be washed under running water and dried. To dry it is necessary to spread the berries on the fabric in an even layer and wait until all the moisture is gone. Then you can proceed to the preparation of jam.

How to sterilize jars in the oven

It is very convenient to store jam in half-liter jars. But you can choose the size you like. Everyone has their own recipe for sterilizing jars. My grandmother taught me how to sterilize jars in the oven. It is very comfortable.

Wash the jars under running water, let them dry, after there is no water left in the jar, place them in cold oven. Turn on the oven to 180 degrees and wait for it to warm up completely. How long to sterilize jars in the oven, you ask? Ten minutes is enough.

After that, turn off the oven and wait for the cans to cool completely. If you take the jars out hot or if you get a drop of water on them, they will burst. So don't disturb them, let them cool down.

Gooseberry jam recipes

Classic gooseberry jam recipe

For cooking classic jam from gooseberries you will need:

Agrus - 1 kg

Sugar - 1 kg

Water - 2 glasses

First you need to mix sugar and water and prepare a syrup. To do this, sugar is poured into boiling water and stirred until the mixture dissolves. Then agrus is poured into the resulting boiling syrup and wait until the mixture boils.

You can not mix the syrup with berries, you can only gently shake it. After that, the resulting mixture is removed from the stove and allowed to cool completely. The next step is the separation of the berries from the syrup. To do this, they are filtered through a colander.

Then the procedure is repeated. The syrup boils, agrus is added to it, again they wait until it boils. Strain again and repeat again. This is done 2-3 times.

The readiness of the jam is checked by a drop of the resulting syrup. It should stick like honey, not spread on flat surface.

Then everything is poured into jars and closed with lids.

If you want the berries to remain whole during cooking, for this, each berry must first be pierced with a toothpick and sprinkled a small amount vodka. Then you need to place the gooseberry in freezer for 20 minutes. And then use the berry according to your recipe.

Royal gooseberry jam

This jam is also called emerald for its wonderful color. However, its preparation is a rather laborious process. Get ready, it's not going to be easy. But the result is worth it. To prepare a wonderful royal gooseberry jam, you will need:

Unripe agrus fruits - 1kg

Sugar sand -1 kg 500 grams

Water - 2 glasses

Cherry leaves - 10 pieces

For this recipe, you will need unripe fruits. That is, those that are already ripe will not suit you at all. Cut each berry and remove the seeds. Pour agrus without seeds cold water Leave it like this for 5-6 hours. After that, drain the water from the berries.

Mix sugar, water and cherry leaves and put on fire. We let the sugar boil and dissolve, then we take out the leaves, and instead add the agrus. Bring the mixture to a boil and remove from heat, let cool for several hours. Then boil again and cool, and so on three times.

All is ready. We pour it into jars and in the winter we enjoy the most delicious emerald gooseberry jam.

Simple gooseberry jam

For this recipe you need to take:

Agrus - 1 kg

Water -2 glasses

Sugar - 1 kg

Everything here is just outrageous. Dissolve sugar in water, bring to a boil and add fruits. Wait until the mixture boils, cook in this state for 1 minute, and then reduce the heat and cook for another 15 minutes. The fire should be very small, so that boiling is practically not visible.

Everything, the jam is ready. You can lay it out in sterilized jars.

Gooseberry jam with oranges

Enough unusual combination, but the result will please you very much. The taste is simply unforgettable. So, to prepare delicious gooseberry jam with oranges, you need only three ingredients:

Agrus - 1 kg

Oranges - 1 kg

Sugar - 0.5 kg

copper basin

Cut the oranges with the peel into pieces, while removing the seeds. Then we pass gooseberries and oranges through a meat grinder. Pour the resulting mixture with sugar and let stand for half an hour, so that the juice starts up. Then pour the resulting mixture into copper basin and put on fire. On a very slow fire, wait until it boils. Then we cool everything for several hours and repeat the procedure again. And so three times.

Now the jam is ready and you can eat it or pour it into jars.

Red gooseberry jam

Usually, jam is made from white fruits. But red gooseberries are also perfect for making jam. Let's start, we need:

Red agrus - 1 kg

Sugar - 1kg

Water - 1 glass

Gooseberry leaves - 10 pieces

Red agrus and its leaves are poured with cold water for 2 hours. Then the water is drained and the leaves are removed. Syrup is preliminarily prepared: pour sugar into a glass of water and bring to a boil, wait until the sugar dissolves and only then add red agrus.

Bring to a boil and remove from heat. Waiting for complete cooling. This is repeated several times until a drop of jam spreads on a flat surface. That's all. Help yourself.

Gooseberry jam five minutes

Yes, jam can be cooked quickly. In this case, the final taste result will not suffer, the only pleasant jelly-like state will not be achieved. Indeed, in order for gooseberry jam to be like jelly, it must be boiled for a long time. So, to make five-minute gooseberry jam, you will need:

Agrus - 1 kg

Sugar - 1 kg

Apple or cherry juice - 200 ml

Mix sugar with juice in a saucepan and add pre-peeled agrus. Stir the mixture and burn slow fire. Cover everything with a lid. The mixture should not boil, but languish, as if you were cooking jelly. After boiling, simmer the jam for 15 minutes and turn it off. Pour hot into pre-prepared jars and roll up.

Gooseberry jam in the microwave

This is a quick recipe. To prepare, you need only two ingredients:

Peeled berry - 0.5 kg

Sugar - 200 grams

Pour the agrus with sugar into a special container for the microwave, put it in the microwave oven (microwave) and turn it on at maximum power for 20 minutes. Stir the mixture three times during cooking. And everything is ready. Directly hot, you can pour into sterilized dishes or eat.

Gooseberry jam in a slow cooker

To prepare delicious gooseberry jam in a slow cooker, we need to use:

Agrus - 1 kg

Sugar - 1 kg 200 grams

Pour agrus into the slow cooker, and sugar on top. We turn on the multicooker on the extinguishing mode. Time 1 hour 30 minutes. Stir several times during simmering. silicone spatula. And everything is ready. Simple and tasteful.

gooseberry jam

Do you know the difference between jam and jam. So, in the jam there are pieces or whole parts of the fruit. But jam is an almost homogeneous thick mixture of fruit and sugar. So, to prepare this yummy you will need:

Peeled berries - 1 kg

Sugar - 1 kg

Water - 80 ml

Lemon juice - 1 tablespoon

To make jam, take the fruits and grind them in a meat grinder. Pour sugar, water and chopped berries into a saucepan with a thick bottom. Bring the mixture to a boil over low heat and cook for 30 minutes, stirring constantly. Five minutes before the end of cooking, pour in the lemon juice. That's all. Waiting ready. Pour into containers.

Gooseberry confiture

Confiture, unlike jam and jam, has a denser and thick consistency. In order to obtain confiture, gelling agents are added. We will need:

Peeled berries - 500 grams

Sugar - 500 grams

Gelatin - 10 grams

Water - 5 tablespoons

Agrus is smashed in a blender until uniform consistency, add sugar and cook over low heat until boiling. Boil the resulting mixture for 5 minutes over very low heat. Let cool to 40 degrees. Then add gelatin, which was previously dissolved in water. Mix quickly and can be poured into jars. Confiture is ready.

That's it! I am satisfied with myself. Now you can just eat all these delicacies, bake pies and cakes. The main thing is that you have recipes. Create.

Among the preparations for the winter, I always have gooseberry jam. It is amazingly tasty and fragrant, not to mention the benefits.

There are many ways to make gooseberry jam, but I have for you both a simple gooseberry jam recipe and a more complex (time-consuming) one.

We will need:

1 kg gooseberries

1 kg sugar

Gooseberry jam - a simple recipe for cooking:

1). The method is very simple and fast. To begin with, we sort out the berries, remove all the tails and stalks. I usually use scissors for this.

The variety of gooseberries does not matter, we take the one that you have. Gooseberries for jam should be taken solid (unripe).

2). Gooseberry rinse with water and grind the berries in a blender (this is very quick and easy), if there is no blender, then use a meat grinder.

3). Then we fall asleep crushed gooseberries with granulated sugar in layers. A layer of gooseberries is a layer of sugar, and so on in several layers. Leave it like this all night cool place or when room temperature. The sugar will melt during this time.

4). If You decide to roll up gooseberry jam for the winter, then put a pan or any other enameled dish with gooseberries on the fire, bring to a boil, reduce the heat and already on small fire cook for 45 minutes. Cooking time depends on the degree of ripeness of the berries.

If you are not going to store the jam for a long time, boil for a very short time, about 20 minutes. During this time, you need to remove the foam and constantly stir the gooseberry mass.

Canned jam in liter cans. We wash banks detergent and rinse well. I don't usually sterilize jars. Pour the finished jam hot and twist with ordinary lids or polyethylene. I got 3 out of 3 kilograms of gooseberries liter jars cooking.

Here is such a simple recipe for delicious gooseberry jam. And how delicious it turns out is just a fairy tale. I highly recommend making it. Real jam!

Jam with whole berries gooseberry recipe № 2

This recipe is for those who want to make gooseberry jam so that the berries remain intact.


Gooseberries - 1 kg.

Sugar - 1.5 kg.

Water - half a liter


My washed and sorted gooseberries are washed and discarded in a colander so that all the water is glass. With a toothpick or a needle, we prick each berry in several places so that the peel does not crack during cooking, and the berries in the jam remain intact.

Next, put the gooseberries in a saucepan, pour sugar into the same place and set aside for 8 hours. After the specified time, pour water into the pan and mix the mass. We send the pan to the stove and cook the syrup over low heat until all the sugar has dissolved. Then remove from the stove and insist, gooseberries in sugar syrup 20 minutes.

Next, again send the mass to the fire and let it boil. As soon as bubbles appear on the surface, immediately remove and lay out the jam in jars. We close with twisting lids and when we put the jars in the cellar or any other cool place.

The gooseberry bursts on the tongue and gives a boost of energy and Have a good mood. It is a pity that the period of gooseberry snacks lasts only a little over a month. There are usually a lot of gooseberries on the bushes, you can’t eat everything, and the question arises of how not to let the summer berry go to waste. This must be taken care of in advance, and not when the gooseberries are already fully ripe and have begun to crumble or wander on the bush.

Cooking gooseberry jam for the winter step by step

Which gooseberry is best for jam?

If you want whole berries in the jam, then it is better to collect gooseberries for harvesting, without waiting for full ripening, in about a week. You can also make jam from ripe berries, but when boiled, they are likely to spread, and the jam will resemble jam or jam. Due to the fact that there are many varieties of gooseberries, jam from this berry can have dozens of flavors.

In addition, the variety determines the color and consistency of the workpiece. This was reflected even in the names of the recipes: "Emerald", "Malachite", "Ruby", "Amber". For ruby ​​sweet and sour jam, it is better to take red gooseberries of such varieties as Grushenka, Senator, Russian, Change, Lefora Seedling. For emerald jam varieties such as Malachite, Rodnik are suitable. For yellow jam it is better to choose berries of the following varieties - Jubilee, Amber, Russian yellow. You can make a completely dark dessert - from varieties such as Chernomor, Prunes. The berries of these two varieties have a very thin skin, so they are well suited for quick jam.

How to prepare gooseberries for cooking?

Preparing jam is best in a wide saucepan from of stainless steel or in an enameled container without chips. When you start to collect information on how to cook gooseberry jam, you understand that it is easy to do, but the collection and preparation of berries takes a lot of time. However, the amazing taste of the result justifies all the efforts.

Each berry has to be cleaned of the stalk and tail (the rest of the flower), then all the fruits must be pricked with a toothpick on one side, this procedure can be simplified using special device cork and a few needles. It is necessary to pierce the berries so that they do not burst during heat treatment and retain their shape. According to some recipes, the berries are cut on one side and the bones are carefully removed, this is especially true for large fruits.

How to cook gooseberry jam for the winter?

All housewives make jam a little differently, but one thing remains common - it is best to make a preparation with whole fruits using the method of repeated boiling. So the berries, although they can crack, but will not disperse completely. Thus, to the question: “How long to cook gooseberry jam?” you can give an answer - in total, 15-20 minutes, but this process can stretch for 3-4 days.

Many cooks prefer to first make sugar syrup and pour it over berries, others fill the berries with sand and let them brew or immediately start cooking. According to some recipes, the berries are boiled together with the syrup 3-4 times for 3-5 minutes, and in between the jam cools down for 6-8 hours. According to another technology, the berries are infused in syrup, then the liquid is drained and boiled without fruits. Whatever method the hostess chooses, you will get delicious gooseberry jam, the recipe with a photo will tell you step by step how to do everything right.

Gooseberries have a fairly thick skin, so quick jam recipes often suggest grinding the berries. If you still have a desire to make a five-minute with whole fruits, it is better to take ripe gooseberries with a not very thick skin and do not forget to chop each berry.

How to store gooseberry jam?

Jam is laid out in clean sterilized jars. First you need to carefully wash the jars and lids with soda, and then proceed to sterilization - in the microwave, electric oven or over the ferry. If you have to seal traditional jam(after repeated cooking), then there will be time for all these procedures, and if on the stove quick five minutes(which is prepared at a time), then it is necessary to act promptly and clearly calculate the process, because jam is poured hot into warm jars.

Ordinary gooseberry jam, with a normal amount of sugar (0.8 - 1.5 kg per 1 kg of berries) and after a long or repeated heat treatment, is poured into cold jars and closed with parchment or screw caps. Such a delicacy is normally stored without a refrigerator in a dark, moderately cool, dry place for 2-3 years. It is not necessary to pour the jam right up to the neck in order to see what is happening on its surface and “fix” it in time at the first sign of fermentation.

Quick jam with a small amount of sugar is poured hot to the very neck and immediately rolled up sterilized metal lids. You can also close the screw caps, when cooled, they are drawn inward, hermetically closing the jar. It is possible to close the five-minute with plastic lids, but then it should only be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 years. If a jar of gooseberry jam has been opened, then it can be stored for no more than a month in the refrigerator.

Why is gooseberry jam called royal?

There is a beautiful legend that somehow the Empress Catherine the Second did a favor to a poor old woman, and she, as a thank you, cooked for the queen a delicious gooseberry jam, in which each berry shone like a precious stone. Ekaterina liked the delicacy, and she gave the old woman a ring with an emerald resembling a gooseberry.

However, the matter is not only in the royal addictions to the green berry, the secret is in the process of preparing the “Royal Gooseberry Jam”, it is so time-consuming that the gooseberry dessert is worthy of becoming one of the treats at the court. Many undertake to make such gooseberry jam (the recipes describe everything), but not everyone completes the process to the end. From each green berry it is necessary to pull out all the bones with a small spoon or in another way, put pieces of walnut into the gooseberry "shells". The pulp should be rubbed through a sieve to get rid of the seeds. The best help for novice housewives who want to cook "Royal" gooseberry jam - a recipe with a photo - everything can be done perfectly at home, following the recommendations of experienced chefs.

The subtleties of making gooseberry jam and the difficulties that the hostess may face

Gooseberry jam has several secrets, if you do not take them into account, then the dessert may turn out to be the wrong color, texture, taste, or not survive until winter. The owner must know:

Why is gooseberry jam liquid?

If the cooking process is already coming to an end, and the gooseberry jam still resembles compote, and a drop of syrup on a chilled plate does not hold its shape, this means that too much water has been added to the jam. Traditionally, no more than 100 g of water is poured into 1 kg of berries to slightly cover the bottom and save the berries from burning at the beginning of cooking. You can even not add liquid at all - just leave the fruits mixed with sugar for 12 hours, and the gooseberries will give enough juice.

If the trouble still happened, then the jam will have to be boiled longer in time. When the workpiece is made by the method of repeated boiling, the number of short boils can be increased. If all else fails, you can try to carefully drain some of the syrup, helping yourself with a slotted spoon, or add a little thickener at the final stage. You also need to remember that after cooling, the jam will become thicker, because. Gooseberries are rich in pectin.

However, there are such juicy varieties of gooseberries, the jam from which, with any tricks, will not be very thick. In the case when to liquid dessert the soul does not lie at all, so as not to take risks, you can immediately try to do " dry jam from gooseberries Kiev style. According to this method, fruits and berries are boiled in sugar syrup, put in a colander and dried in the oven. Then sprinkle with sugar and put in dry jars. If there is a desire to make such gooseberry jam for the winter, recipes with photos will help to shrink fruits correctly.

Why did gooseberry jam turn dark?

To prevent gooseberry jam from turning brown, it must be cooled immediately after cooking is completed, the pan with the workpiece can be placed in a bowl of cold water. There is another trick, thanks to which the jam shines like malachite. Jam from green fruits cooked on a decoction of cherry leaves, due to this, the workpiece acquires a rich green hue.

Why does gooseberry jam taste sour?

Gooseberry jam is made from slightly unripe gooseberries, its beauty lies in the fact that it is sour. The fact is that the gooseberry has a fairly dense peel, so sugar does not get into the fruits well - to cope with this problem, the berries are pricked with a toothpick before cooking. If you want to achieve exactly sweetness, then you can add more granulated sugar(1.5 kg per 1 kg of berries) or take ripe sweet berries for jam. If the jam is already cooked, and it seems too sour, then it can be boiled again with the addition of sugar.

Is it possible not to cook gooseberry jam?

From gooseberries you can make a wonderful "live" jam without cooking. Most popular recipes with orange or lemon, the peel is not removed from citrus fruits, only the bones are removed. Grind fruits and berries in a blender and gradually mix in sugar (0.7 - 1 kg per 1 kg of berries, if desired). Close the jam with ordinary plastic lids and store in the refrigerator. Dessert is amazing exotic taste, and if it is made from green gooseberries, then it seems that it is kiwi jam.

Some hostesses add more sugar and manage to store "live" jam under parchment without a refrigerator, in a cool dark place. There are recipes according to which the amount of sugar is reduced to 200-300 g per 1 kg, the jam is poured into molds and put in the freezer, and in winter they take out delicious emerald crystals.

What to do if gooseberry jam fermented?

Unfortunately, gooseberry jam is prone to fermentation, especially if it was made from very ripe fruits. dark gooseberry with a thin skin can become "wine" even on a bush. If the jam is slightly acidified, then you can try to digest it with the addition of sugar (100-200 g per 1 kg), put it in the refrigerator and use it in the near future - for example, for baking. If it started active fermentation with bubbles and a sharp wine smell, it is possible to transform into a real winemaker and make delicious gooseberry wine in one of original recipes, for example, with raisins.

Gooseberry jam: benefits and harms

Gooseberry jam has every chance to retain almost all the beneficial properties of fresh berries. Traditionally, gooseberry dessert is prepared by the method of repeated boiling, and according to some recipes, the berries are boiled only in the final, before that, simply insisting in syrup. In addition, there are many ways to quick jam from gooseberries or cook it without cooking at all.

For the gastrointestinal tract

The gooseberry blank contains a lot of pectin, which is a powerful antioxidant, and fiber, due to which cholesterol is removed and intestinal function is normalized. Gooseberries can be used as a natural laxative, diuretic and choleretic agent. Due to the laxative effect, it is better not to mix gooseberry jam with plum preparations or fermented milk products, because this can lead to gastrointestinal problems.

For immunity

Jam with minimal heat treatment will also please interesting combination vitamins, macro and microelements. A spoonful of jam will support immune system V winter period, because gooseberries are rich in vitamin C. In addition, there will be no a large number of vitamin B) folic acid), which activates the process of creation and development of new cells, which is especially important for children and pregnant women.

For the nervous system

Gooseberries and preparations from it are a natural cure for depression and stress. Such a healing effect of berries on nervous system due to the fact that it contains manganese, an element that is involved in the production of a substance responsible for the transmission of impulses between neurons. In addition, gooseberries contain an amino acid (tryptophan), which ensures the creation of serotonin, the hormone of happiness. It turns out that a spoonful of gooseberry jam in the morning will cheer you up, and in the evening it will set you up for a relaxing holiday, not only due to its taste properties but also at the chemical level. In addition, melatonin is produced at night based on serotonin, a substance that provides a sound and healthy sleep.

For men's and women's health

Gooseberry harvesting will be useful for both men and women, because. 100 g of berries provides approximately 15 percent of daily allowance molybdenum and copper, the first mineral stimulates male power, because participates in the synthesis of testosterone, and the second mineral is important for the production of female sex hormones. Molybdenum also improves the absorption of iron, which is why gooseberries are useful for anemia.


Gooseberry jam will not be harmful if consumed in moderation, and if a person does not have such chronic diseases as diabetes, gastritis, stomach ulcers, pancreatitis in the anamnesis.

The effect of gooseberry jam on the body of a sick person

With a number of diseases, gooseberry jam must be introduced into the menu according to certain rules or refrain from using it. If a person or his relatives suffer from chronic diseases, you should familiarize yourself with the following information:

Is it possible to gooseberry jam with gastritis and stomach ulcers?

Diseases of the stomach require a sparing diet, therefore sweet dessert can be introduced into the diet only during remission. You need to start with a spoonful of gooseberry jam, and then you can slightly increase the dose. Even when the symptoms of the disease have not bothered for a long time, it is better to use gooseberry dessert in limited quantities, because, unlike marmalade, jam or confiture, gooseberry jam is prepared with whole skins, and often with seeds, which can irritate the gastric mucosa .

For a person with a sick stomach, it is better to make jam from gooseberry varieties with a thin skin and remove the seeds from large berries. With gastritis with hyperacidity jam from ripe berries of sweet varieties is recommended, and with reduced - more benefit will bring a dessert with sourness. If stomach problems are complicated by diarrhea or enterocolitis, then it is better to completely abandon gooseberry jam for a while because of its laxative effect.

Is it possible to gooseberry jam with pancreatitis?

With pancreatitis, maximum unloading of the pancreas is necessary, therefore, during the period of inflammation, glucose-rich foods, including gooseberry jam, should not be consumed. In addition, gooseberries have a pronounced laxative effect, and such an action is detrimental in the acute stage.

If the disease has not reminded of itself for a long time, and there are no signs diabetes, then you can afford 2-3 tablespoons of a sweet dessert a day, at first it is better to stir the jam in some drink. Preference should be given to jam from sweet berries. For the patient, it is necessary to make a preparation from fruits with a thin peel, if you want jam with whole berries, and not jam or confiture, although this is not the most the best option, with pancreatitis, it is better to stop at a blank with mashed or ground berries.

Is it possible to gooseberry jam with diabetes?

The gooseberry belongs to dietary products, in 100 g of fresh berries there are only 43 kcal and 12 g of carbohydrates. This summer berry contains chromium, an element that helps the pancreas produce insulin, i.e. gooseberry in moderate amounts useful for diabetics. However, in gooseberry jam with sugar 205 kcal, such a product is not suitable for diabetes. There is a way out: people suffering from this disease can cook jam with xylitol, sorbitol or fruit sugar. You should not eat more than three tablespoons of jam with a sweetener per day, because. daily dose xylitol - 40g.

In addition to this option, there are many recipes gooseberry jam sugarless. Instead of sugar, in this case, other berries and fruits are added, for example, currants, kiwi or orange.

Does gooseberry jam cause allergies?

Gooseberries can cause allergies, especially if eaten without measure. Most often, allergies occur in children, usually due to the fact that in children's body some enzymes are missing, or with the fact that the shell gastrointestinal tract still too soft and permeable. Very often the child outgrows this allergy.

An allergy to berries can have very vivid symptoms from all body systems: burning in the mouth, sneezing, rash, stomach cramps, nausea, up to anaphylactic shock. Jam is less likely to cause allergies, because. heat treatment removes almost all allergens. However, if a person has allergic manifestations to fresh berries, gooseberry dessert should be introduced into the menu gradually in small doses.

Gooseberry jam for pregnant women, nursing mothers and children

In the nutrition of a pregnant woman, a nursing mother and a small child, everything matters. Gooseberry jam can cheer you up, but is it really healthy to eat

Is it possible to gooseberry jam during pregnancy?

Expectant mothers eat a spoonful of sweet and sour gooseberry jam or suck on a fresh berry if the first trimester falls in the summer, because. gooseberries can replace lemon with toxicosis. The fact that a pregnant woman allows herself such a berry treat is more good than harm.

Gooseberries have a diuretic effect, so they help fight edema, which expectant mothers often suffer from. Tea with gooseberry jam before going to bed will put in order the delicate nervous system of a pregnant woman, because. berries contain an amino acid that is involved in the creation of serotonin, the hormone of happiness. In addition, gooseberries and preparations with it help fight anemia, a frequent companion of pregnancy, because. The berry contains a certain amount of iron.

Almost all medicines are contraindicated for a pregnant woman, so you need to use all the healing possibilities that nature gives. For example, if there are signs of a cold and a sore throat, then you can eat a spoonful of gooseberry jam or fresh berries. Gooseberries contain a lot of vitamin C to maintain immunity. It also has a local mild antibacterial effect.

However, there are reasons why a pregnant woman should not overdo it with “northern grape” jam (as gooseberries are sometimes called). Firstly, due to the laxative effect, the combination of gooseberry dessert with plum or fermented milk products can cause severe diarrhea and flatulence, which are undesirable during pregnancy. On the contrary, if the expectant mother has constipation, a little gooseberry jam will come in handy. Secondly, gooseberry jam has high calorie content, A expectant mother you need to watch your weight. It is better to eat no more than 2-3 tablespoons per day or choose a recipe with a low percentage of sugar.

Is it possible to make gooseberry jam with GV?

Homemade jam is better for a nursing woman than shop sweets. Gooseberry dessert can bring tangible benefits to the body of mother and baby. Gooseberry has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, normalizes metabolism, helps to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and saves from constipation.

However, you need to introduce gooseberry jam into the diet gradually and with caution: you should start with one spoon and watch how New Product affect the baby's body - Special attention draw on the skin and the digestive tract. The fact is that gooseberries sometimes cause allergies. And if the baby has a tendency not to constipation, but to a relaxed stool, then it is better for mom to give up gooseberry dessert for a while.

Is gooseberry jam good for children?

If 2-3 fresh berries gooseberries can be offered for testing to a child as early as 9-10 months, then with jam it is better to wait another half a year.

For children aged 1-3 years daily rate glucose - about 40 g, so it is allowed to give a spoonful of gooseberry jam per day. At the first acquaintance with gooseberry sweetness, other new products should not be introduced, because. you need to find out if the child will have a reaction from the gastrointestinal tract or allergies. Although if the child's body normally tolerated fresh berries, then there will be no problems with jam either. Need to remember about laxative effect"Northern grapes": if the child has a relaxed stool or flatulence, it is better to refrain from gooseberry jam.

At 3-4 years old, you can already drink tea with jam on a piece of bun or pancake with a child. Jam should be eaten in moderation, because. homemade treat not so harmless for the child, thanks to the “short” carbohydrates, the child’s mood quickly improves, but they are quickly absorbed, and the baby either spoils his mood or is drawn to sleep. It is better for a child to enjoy jam in a drink, because. if the body is dehydrated, glucose disrupts metabolism by taking water from the tissues. It is better to cook jam for the child with a small amount of sugar and put it in the refrigerator for storage.
