
How to make kvass from yeast from hops. A simple and quick recipe for drunken kvass

Even in the old days in Rus', the ability to cook various kvass was very much appreciated. Kvass enjoyed extraordinary popularity. You could meet this drink in any house, any family, regardless of financial wealth. Kvass is still popular today. This delicious drink with a sweet-sour and pungent taste perfectly quenches thirst, refreshes well in hot weather.

Apart from good taste, properly prepared kvass has healing effect and is very beneficial for the human body. Its sour taste is associated with the presence of beneficial bacteria that carry out the fermentation process in kvass. These microorganisms have a positive and healing effect on gastrointestinal tract, promote digestion and cleansing the intestines from toxins.

Medicinal kvass can be prepared at home. Moreover, you can make kvass on the basis of various useful products. Healing homemade kvass made from berries, fruits and medicinal herbs. If you still do not know how to cook kvass at home, then you will find all the necessary information further in the article.

Do you want to know how to make kvass from medicinal herbs? Then I would like to offer you some popular recipes healing homemade kvass that will help you not only remove thirst on a hot summer day, but also improve your health, increase immunity and defensive forces the whole organism. To begin with, let me tell you how to cook traditional russian kvass based rye bread. So, how to cook rye kvass ...

Cut Borodino rye bread into small slices (take 500-700 g of bread for 6 liters of water). Place sliced ​​bread on a baking sheet and toast in the oven. To brown. Put breadcrumbs in enamel pan and fill with boiling water. Close the pan with a lid and leave for 4-5 hours.

After the time has elapsed, strain the resulting infusion, put in it diluted in warm water 15 g of yeast, an incomplete glass of sugar, a teaspoon of dry mint and a couple of tablespoons of raisins. Raisins do not need to be washed. Cover the pot with the infusion with a napkin and place in a warm place. Leave kvass for fermentation for 12 hours.

Then kvass needs to be filtered and poured into bottles. Add 5 raisins to each bottle and close the lids tightly. Let stand for a few hours room temperature, then place in the refrigerator or cellar. Kvass will be completely ready in 3 days. The use of traditional kvass helps to normalize digestion and has a cleansing effect on the stomach and intestines.

Mint kvass.

I will dwell on how to cook kvass with mint. cook traditional kvass as described earlier. Only when you add sugar, yeast and raisins to the finished wort, put a gauze bag with fresh mint in the same place - 40 g of mint per 6 liters of water. Add 4 tablespoons of honey to kvass as well. Then do everything as in the preparation of traditional kvass. Kvass with mint has a calming effect. It is good to drink it nervous diseases, after illnesses stress and depression. Mint kvass will calm you down and give you a sound and healthy sleep.

Medicinal kvass with infusion of calamus.

in cooked traditional way kvass, add an aqueous infusion of calamus roots in the proportion: for 3 liters of kvass, one glass of infusion. This kvass strengthens the gums, sharpens eyesight, soothes nervous system and lowers blood pressure.

How to cook kvass from celandine.

Kvass bacteria from celandine are able to renew body tissues and purify it. Taking kvass for 7-14 days allows you to restore the epithelial surfaces of the intestines and stomach. To prepare it, you will need 1 glass of sugar and chopped celandine grass, 3 liters. serum goat milk. Pour granulated sugar into a jar of milk whey, put the celandine grass in a gauze bag along with a weight. Add 1 tsp to the jar. sour cream. Put it in a dark, warm place, cover with a couple of layers of gauze. Kvass from celandine will be ready in 14 days. After drinking kvass from a jar, add 1 dess. l. sugar per 200 ml of water. And in the morning kvass is ready again.

Drink kvass twice a day, 50 ml, half an hour before meals. Adults are advised to conduct preventive cleansing courses in spring and autumn for 7-14 days.

Vitamin kvass with lemon.

And now I'll tell you how to cook lemon kvass. So, cut half a loaf of rye bread into small pieces, dry in the oven and pour boiling water (take 4 liters of boiling water for half a loaf). Leave for 3 hours. Strain, add a glass of sugar, half a teaspoon of dry yeast dissolved in warm water and juice of one lemon to the infusion.

Leave kvass for a day, then strain and pour into bottles, add 5 raisins to each bottle. Place the kvass bottles in the dark, cool place for 3 days. This kvass is a wonderful tool for improving metabolism. It is also useful for rheumatism, obesity, lowers cholesterol.

Kvass on hop cones.

Kvass with hops is used as remedy with gastritis (not in the acute stage!), in diet food and as a therapeutic cosmetic mask to strengthen hair. And now about how to cook kvass from hops. Prepare 3 liters of traditional kvass in the usual way, add 50 g of hop cones to the drink and infuse in a dark place for 6 hours. Next, pour the kvass into bottles and store as usual.

How to cook kvass on a radish.

Peel the radish, grate on coarse grater, add traditional kvass, chopped steep egg, boiled diced potatoes, finely chopped green onion. Then put salt, sour cream, dill or parsley. For a glass of kvass - 30 grams of potatoes, 1 egg, 1 tbsp. l. sour cream, 1 small radish, salt, dill or parsley, a few green onion feathers.

How to cook coniferous kvass.

Pour a glass of any needles in a gauze bag with cool water in a 3 liter jar. Add a glass of sugar, 1 tbsp. l. sour cream. Kvass from needles is ready in 4 days. Then keep it in the refrigerator.

How to cook oatmeal kvass.

Prepare 100 g of oatmeal flakes, 20 g of hops, 20 g of oatmeal, 60 g of raisins, 50 g of bread, 100 g of sugar, 2 liters of water. Grind oatmeal in a blender, add chopped hops, oatmeal and mix everything. Then pour the mixture warm water to bring to the consistency of porridge. Put kvass in the oven for 2 hours at 150 degrees. Remove the crust that forms on top. Add water to the mixture and strain through a sieve. Fill with water for half an hour raisins. Put the finished kvass for a day in a non-hot place, adding raisins and slices of bread to it. Somewhere in 24 hours kvass is ready.

How to cook kvass from cranberries.

Prepare 10 grams of yeast, 4 liters of water, 2 cups of sugar, 1 kg of cranberries for 5 liters of kvass. Put the cranberries in a saucepan, mash them with a wooden spoon, cover with water and cook for 10 minutes. Next, remove from heat, add sugar and cool, add diluted yeast, mix, bottle, cork and keep in a cool dark place for about 3 days.

How to cook kvass with horseradish.

Prepare 25 g yeast, 100 g honey, 500 g granulated sugar, 800 g rye crackers, 4 liters of water, 100 grams grated horseradish. Pour the crackers with boiling water, soak for 2 hours, filter. Add sugar and yeast. Leave kvass to ferment for 6 hours, then add horseradish with honey. Mix everything, bottle and keep in a cool place.

Well, when you know how to cook healing kvass, in order for this delicious, healing drink beneficial to the body, it is necessary to follow certain rules.

* The pan in which kvass is infused should be enameled.

You should also know that kvass should not be abused! Drink kvass with caution hyperacidity stomach, chronic ulcer, gastritis, colitis, gout and liver disease. Remember, everything is good in moderation!

Everyone is familiar with such a traditional Russian drink as kvass. Today it is a product of lactic acid and alcoholic fermentation containing no more than 1.2% alcohol. This indicator is not suitable for everyone. And for those who prefer more strong alcohol, a recipe has been developed where the alcohol content can be adjusted as desired without changing classic taste. Prepare alcoholic kvass easy enough at home.

Preparation of ingredients

To prepare hop kvass, you will need the following ingredients:

  • fresh yeast (5 g dry or 30 g pressed);
  • water - 5 l;
  • crackers - 300 g or black bread - 500 g;
  • sugar - 0.5-1.5 kg;
  • lemon acid.

Components are best laid in an enameled or glassware. You can also use food grade plastic. It is not recommended to mix the ingredients in a metal container so that oxidative processes do not occur during fermentation. Instead of bread and crackers, they often take fruits (apples, pears) or fruit juice. For better fermentation You will also need a handful of raisins.

A simple and quick recipe for drunken kvass

Hoppy kvass at home can be prepared in this way:

  1. Bread, cut into pieces about 2-4 cm in size, is placed in an oven heated to + 180 ° C and fried until golden brown owing to what kvass is given a special aroma. Moreover, the stronger the roast, the more pleasant bitterness is felt in the finished product.
  2. Crackers are placed in a saucepan, poured with boiling water in an amount of 3 liters and insisted under the lid for 3 hours.
  3. The liquid is filtered through gauze and poured into a fermentation container. For this you can use glass jar. Soaked crackers are squeezed out, poured again with 2 liters of boiling water and after 1 hour they are also filtered, squeezing out the crumb, which is thrown away.
  4. In infusions mixed with each other put citric acid, yeast and 300 g of sugar. During fermentation, sweetness and strength will be regulated by its content. To get 12-13% alcohol, you should put 1.5 kg of sand.
  5. The contents are mixed and placed in a warm dark place for 10 hours. If foam appears in the container, a hiss is heard, which means that the liquid has fermented.
  6. You can try kvass to assess the strength and taste. If the drink is unsweetened and the strength is small, then add 200 g of sugar and leave for another 5 hours. This is repeated until the alcohol content is desired. Most strong kvass can be no more than 13 °.
  7. A can of drink is placed in the refrigerator and left for 6 hours. The temperature in this case should vary from +1 to +14 ° С. Fermentation at a low temperature stops, and sugar is not processed into alcohol. store finished product in a cool place no more than 10 days.

Cooking apple cider

You can make drunken kvass not only from fried bread crusts but also from fruits. Apple kvass- not only invigorating and tasty, but also quite healthy drink that strengthens the body and increases efficiency. For its preparation, you will need apples, the type and variety of which does not really matter. You can recommend White filling or antonovka, since the fruits of this tree are the most fragrant and sour.

Yeast is not needed in this recipe, because fermentation will be carried out due to granulated sugar and acid found in fruits.

This drink is delicious and easy to make.

Instead of fruits, you can take Apple juice. This recipe is the fastest. It takes only 12 hours to prepare the drink, and the product is tasty and fragrant.

You will need the following components:

  • 1 liter of apple juice;
  • 8 g of granulated coffee;
  • 3 l cooled boiled water;
  • 5 g dry yeast;
  • 220 g sugar.

Coffee granules, sugar and yeast are dissolved in warm water, then apple juice is added there, everything is mixed, covered with a lid, but loosely, leaving for 12 hours for fermentation. The foamy drink is filtered through a thick cotton cloth and put in the refrigerator for 2 hours. Similarly, you can make kvass from pears, cranberries, dried apples and other products.

cranberry kvass recipe

Many are interested in how to make kvass from cranberries. Delicious soft drink it is not difficult to cook from this berry at home, the alcohol recipe is simple and accessible to everyone:

  1. Cranberries need to be sorted out and washed thoroughly.
  2. Ceiling with a wooden spoon, rub the cranberries through a colander and drain the juice strained through cheesecloth into a separate bowl.
  3. Pour the rest of the berries with water and bring to a boil. Boil until the water turns red.
  4. The liquid is cooled and filtered, adding to the first portion.
  5. The yeast is diluted in a small amount of warm broth, added to the pan, sugar is poured there, everything is mixed and left for 2 days for fermentation.
  6. The finished drink is bottled. Store kvass in the refrigerator for up to 5 days.

Dishes for fermentation of kvass from cranberries should be glass, ceramic or enameled. For 1 kg of berries you will need 5 cups of sugar, 50 g of dry yeast and 4 liters of water. This primordially Russian cranberry drink, useful for health, contains many essential microelements and vitamins. It destroys harmful microflora, strengthens blood vessels, improves appetite and promotes good digestion. Therefore, everyone will be able to appreciate the intoxicating cranberry kvass at its true worth.

Due to the special composition, homemade kvass perfectly quenches thirst, increases efficiency and gives the body energy. The drink improves the digestion process and increases appetite. The drink helps to better digest meat and fatty meals, and also restore the balance of salts and fluids in the body.

Homemade kvass contains many vitamins and beneficial trace elements. Most of all, the drink contains vitamins of group B. During the fermentation process, organic acids are formed, so the drink has a particularly favorable effect on the body of patients with gastritis with reduced gastric secretion. Kvass is also rich in vitamin C. In Rus', the drink was famous as an excellent cure for scurvy and depletion of the body.

The fermentation process contributes to the production of lactic acid and a number of other equally important acids. Once in the intestines, kvass acts like kefir or curdled milk, neutralizing the harmful microflora and supporting the beneficial one. It turns out that kvass - lovely way get rid of dysbacteriosis and intestinal disorders.

Some ancient sources claim that homemade kvass has a beneficial effect on male potency. For this, it was used special recipe kvass. Such a drink was given to men on their wedding day in order to have healthy offspring. Unfortunately, the recipe for the drink has not survived to this day, but any home-made kvass (provided that it is properly prepared) already provides the body with vitamins, minerals, trace elements and additional energy.

Latest Research scientists proved that kvass contains high content calcium, which means that the drink is able to strengthen bones and tooth enamel. The yeast included in the composition improves hair growth and helps to eliminate acne and boils. Kvass also helps in the treatment of atherosclerosis and purulent bronchitis.

Ingredients (serves 20)

Rye bread - 1 kg
Sugar - 200 g
Yeast - 50 g
Raisins - 50 g
Water - 7 l

Cooking method

Rye bread cut and dry in the oven, but so that the crackers do not burn.

Pour crackers with 3-4 liters of hot water, and let it brew for 8 hours.

Drain the infusion of water and put it in a cool place.

The remaining crackers also refill hot water. Mix well several times, let stand.

Drain the infusion, strain it and add to the first infusion.

Separately dissolve sugar and yeast in 1 liter of warm water. Add them to the infusion. You can add raisins. But, if you are making kvass for okroshka, it is better to do without it.

Leave the prepared kvass for 1-2 days in a warm place, covered with gauze.

Strain the kvass through several layers of gauze, bottle, cork and keep in the refrigerator.

Sourdough for kvass

A good sourdough is a guarantee of the success of a delicious homemade kvass. Without pre-training this basis, the preparation of a drink is impossible. IN given recipes sourdough yeast, sugar, water and bread are used.

Required Ingredients:

Black bread - half a liter jar;
60-70 g of sugar;
15-20 g dry baker's yeast;

Cooking method:

We cut the black bread into cubes and dry it on a baking sheet in the oven (or in a pan). We boil water in a kettle. Put the dried crackers in liter jar and fill with boiling water. Crackers will swell during the infusion process, so you need to calculate the amount of water in such a way that you get a creamy slurry. It is better to pour less water first, so that you can add more later. If there is too much water, you can pour more crackers. Add sugar and mix thoroughly until it is completely dissolved. Cover the jar with clean cheesecloth and leave to cool.

When the water reaches a temperature of about 35 degrees, yeast can be added. Yeast spread only in warm water. We mix everything properly and leave the sourdough to ferment. We cover the jar with a napkin, and not with a plastic lid, since during the fermentation process, carbon dioxide. The finished sourdough is enough for 10 liters of homemade kvass from black bread.

Sourdough for kvass from hops

It is very easy to prepare hoppy sourdough for homemade kvass. Hop cones can be bought at any pharmacy.

Required Ingredients:

Hops - 3 tbsp. l.;
Water - 0.5 l;
Sugar or honey - 1 tbsp. l.;
Flour - according to the consistency.

Cooking method:

Pour 3 tablespoons of hops with half a liter of boiling water. Put the pot on slow fire and boil for about 15 minutes. After that, we filter the hop broth and cool it to 38-40 degrees. Add a tablespoon of sugar or honey, mix thoroughly. Then add the flour so that you get a creamy mass. We cover the container with a napkin and remove for 1-1.5 days. Ready sourdough can be stored in the refrigerator.

I would like to write a little about the properties of hops. I give an excerpt from the book Bread - the head of everything author: V. Zakrevsky, an Orthodox doctor.
"For the first time, hops as a product are mentioned in 768, when French monks began to breed them near monasteries. Since then, the cultivation of hops has gradually expanded not only in Europe, but throughout the world. Once it was one of the most important stocks in the peasant economy and was intended for the preparation of bread, kvass, beer.
From the life of St. Ambrose of Optina, it is known that his first obedience in Optina Hermitage was the preparation of hops - a hop ferment for baking prosphora and bread.

In female plants, flowers are collected in the form of cones, which contain the bitter-astringent substance lupulin, which acts as a natural preservative. It is able to inhibit the development of bacteria and fungi that cause putrefactive processes in flour, such as potato rot sticks.

From the middle of the 19th century, they began to use alcohol yeast is a by-product of alcohol production. Unlike hop sourdough, these yeasts and their subsequent varieties (thermophilic) do not have preservative properties; therefore, various methods have been used to suppress pathogenic bacteria and fungi. chemical substances up to antibiotics. However, the expiration date modern bread rarely exceeds 48-72 hours. After this time, the roll becomes moldy, stale and begins to exude a stench. Bread baked on hop starter, can remain "edible" without becoming stale or moldy, and even after 7-10 days it can be cut with a knife.

One more important feature hop sourdough is that it not only mechanically loosens the dough, but also enriches it with enzymes and promotes better assimilation bread by the body. Thermophilic yeast, on the other hand, mechanically loosens bread at a high speed, which can significantly increase the amount of baked goods. bakery products without caring about their usefulness. In addition, these yeasts are grown on beet molasses(waste sugar production) with the addition of fertilizers - diammonium phosphate, ammonium sulfate, ammonia water in an amount of about 100 kg per ton of yeast (Production of baker's yeast. - M., 1978). All this enters our intestines, causing dysbacteriosis.

Old Slavic drink kvass is still very popular.

The ancient Slavic drink kvass is still very popular today. In the summer, queues line up behind him. The history of its appearance is unknown, but it has long been considered the drink of heroes. People who constantly used it were less tired from daily work and were much less likely to get sick. Currently, there is everything you need to make kvass at home.

How to make kvass at home

Kvass, of course, is very pleasant in taste and healthy drink. However, it is necessary to remember about its calorie content, because it contains yeast and sugar. Therefore, do not replace them with ordinary water.

Before you put kvass at home, you need to prepare the sourdough. To do this, you need rye bread, and Borodinsky is best. It must be borne in mind that the darker the bread, the more saturated will be the shade of the drink made from it. To prepare the sourdough, the bread must be cut and dried in the oven. You can buy ready-made crackers, but then the drink will not have such rich taste and aroma. Next, the bread must be placed on the bottom of the jar and add the rest of the ingredients, which are determined depending on the type of kvass. In any case, they must be poured with boiled water and insisted in a warm place. Bubbles on its surface testify to the maturation of the drink.

Kvass from crackers at home

Classic kvass from breadcrumbs at home is made from rye bread. To prepare it, you will need a loaf of bread, which must be cut into small pieces. Then they should be dried in the oven until a dark crust forms. Even if the bread burns a little, it's okay. Next, you need to take a liter jar, fill it halfway with breadcrumbs and add two large spoons of sugar. Then you need to pour boiling water into the jar. The water should completely cover the crackers. It must be borne in mind that dry bread will definitely absorb moisture, so after a while you will need to add boiling water. In any case, the liquid should reach up to half the capacity.

If everything is done correctly, then liquid bread porridge is formed in the jar. After it cools down a bit, dry yeast should be added to it. If the water is too hot, the yeast will simply boil and the drink will be spoiled. To prepare kvass, you need a third of a small spoonful of yeast. After adding them, the porridge should be mixed well and put for three days in a dark and warm place to prepare the sourdough. If it is cool in it, then the fermentation process will begin much later.

After the sourdough is ready, you need to take a three-liter jar and place three handfuls of rye crackers left over from the bread loaf into it. Next, you need to add four large spoons of sugar and gradually fill it with boiling water by two-thirds. After the liquid has cooled down a bit, you can add half of the existing sourdough to it. If done too soon, the yeast may boil. Then three-liter jar placed in a warm place for two days.

During this time, she will begin to wander. If this process takes place too rapidly (the liquid will splash out of the jar), then it needs to be stirred from time to time with a spoon. It must be borne in mind that the longer the liquid ferments, the more acidic the kvass will be in the end. Therefore, the time of its fermentation must be correlated with your taste preferences.

After the mixture is infused, it must be filtered through cheesecloth. The remaining bread grounds can be used to prepare the next portion of kvass. And in already ready drink you can add a small spoonful of raisins and a small amount of sugar dissolved in warm water. Then kvass is infused for another day. The result is a drink of rich dark color with excellent taste.

Kvass from malt at home

For the preparation of kvass, it is recommended to use fermented malt, which can be purchased already in ready-made in the shop. The process of preparing it yourself is quite laborious and not always successful for beginners. First you need to prepare the sourdough. For this, a glass of dry rye malt must be brewed with a liter boiling water. The resulting liquid should be left for several hours. Then four large spoons of sugar and two small spoons of dry yeast should be added to it. The sourdough must be mixed well.

Then, in three liters of cold boiled water, you need to add a glass of sourdough, five large spoons sugar and a small spoonful of raisins. The container is placed for a day in a cool place. After this time, the finished drink must be filtered through gauze. If the cooking technology is sustained, then in the end it will turn out fragrant kvass from malt at home with a hint of honey. And the remaining thick does not need to be thrown away, you can add half a glass of fresh sourdough to it and use it in the second round to prepare the next portion of kvass.

This drink can be made both low-alcohol and quite strong. To prepare it, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 4 liters of boiled water;
  • 400 g of stale bread;
  • a tablespoon of hops;
  • 12 g dry yeast;
  • 400 g of granulated sugar.

To prepare hop kvass at home, you need to mix hot water with one hundred grams of sugar and pour the resulting liquid into sliced ​​\u200b\u200bbread. Then the container must be covered with gauze and placed for fermentation in a warm place for several days. After the specified time, the liquid must be filtered, add hops to it and cook for half an hour over low heat. After that, you need to re-strain the drink and add the remaining sugar to it. After the liquid has cooled slightly, it must be mixed with yeast and placed in a warm place for 36 hours. After the specified time, the drink must again be filtered and once again placed for a day in heat. You can add sugar to it if you wish. Ready kvass used chilled.
